This is a conforming paper copy pursuant to Rule # 901(d) of Regulation S-T.

                              WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

            ENDED     MARCH 31, 1998      

            FROM                      TO                      

Commission file number        0-12820         

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         VIRGINIA                                       54-1284688        
(State or other jurisdiction of                      (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                       Identification No.)

         628 Main Street                                                   
         Danville, Virginia                                 24541          
(Address of principal executive offices)                  (Zip Code)

                               (804) 792-5111                              
                (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing
requirements for the past 90 days.
Yes  X   No      .

The number of shares outstanding of the issuer's common stock as of May 8, 1998
was 3,051,733.



Part I.    Financial Information                                       Page No.
  Item 1.  Financial Statements (Unaudited)

    Consolidated Balance Sheets as of March 31, 1998
      and December 31, 1997...................................................3

    Consolidated Statements of Income for the three months
      ended March 31, 1998 and 1997...........................................4

    Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the three months
      ended March 31, 1998 and 1997...........................................5

    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements..............................6-8

  Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of the Financial Condition
             and Results of Operations.....................................9-13

Part II.   Other Information.................................................14

SIGNATURES ..................................................................14

EXHIBITS - Financial Data Schedule...........................................15

                                            Consolidated Balance Sheets
                                 American National Bankshares Inc. and Subsidiary
                                                  (In Thousands)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                March 31    December 31
                                                                                  1998          1997
                                                                               ---------    -----------
Cash and due from banks........................................................$ 13,979      $ 13,386
Interest-bearing deposits in other banks.......................................      20           366

Investment securities:                                                            
  Securities available for sale (at market value)..............................  86,311        82,466
  Securities held to maturity (market value of $62,227 at                         
    March 31, 1998 and $61,367 at December 31, 1997)...........................  61,311        60,611
                                                                               ---------     ---------
        Total investment securities............................................ 147,622       143,077
                                                                               ---------     ---------
Loans ......................................................................... 258,779       254,793
    Unearned income............................................................    (293)         (343)
    Reserve for loan losses....................................................  (3,465)       (3,277)
                                                                               ---------     ---------
        Net loans.............................................................. 255,021       251,173
                                                                               ---------     ---------
Bank premises and equipment, at cost, less accumulated                            
  depreciation of $6,598 in 1998 and $6,350 in 1997............................   6,400         6,514
Accrued interest receivable and other assets...................................   9,191         9,124
                                                                               ---------     ---------
        Total assets...........................................................$432,233      $423,640
                                                                               =========     =========
LIABILITIES and SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                              
  Demand deposits -- non-interest bearing......................................$ 40,576      $ 41,755
  Demand deposits -- interest bearing..........................................  51,890        52,029
  Money market deposits........................................................  18,029        17,151
  Savings deposits.............................................................  67,526        69,551
  Time deposits................................................................ 175,882       171,117
                                                                               ---------     ---------
        Total deposits......................................................... 353,903       351,603
                                                                               ---------     ---------
  Federal funds purchased......................................................       -         1,500
  Repurchase agreements........................................................  24,244        18,039
  Accrued interest payable and other liabilities...............................   3,034         2,495
                                                                               ---------     ---------
        Total liabilities...................................................... 381,181       373,637
                                                                               ---------     ---------
Shareholders' equity:                                                              
  Preferred stock, $5 par, 200,000 shares authorized,                             
    none outstanding...........................................................       -             -
  Common stock, $1 par, 10,000,000 shares authorized,                              
    3,051,733 shares outstanding at March 31, 1998 and
    December 31, 1997..........................................................   3,052         3,052
  Capital in excess of par value...............................................   9,892         9,892
  Retained earnings............................................................  37,458        36,438
  Accumulated other comprehensive income -
    net unrealized gains on securities available for sale......................     650           621
                                                                               ---------     ---------
        Total shareholders' equity.............................................  51,052        50,003
                                                                               ---------     ---------
        Total liabilities and shareholders' equity.............................$432,233      $423,640
                                                                               =========     =========

The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these balance sheets.

                                      Consolidated Statements of Income
                               American National Bankshares Inc. and Subsidiary
                                               (In Thousands)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                  Three Months Ended
                                                                                       March 31
                                                                                  1998        1997
                                                                                --------    --------
Interest Income:
  Interest and fees on loans....................................................$ 5,743     $ 5,352
  Interest on federal funds sold and other......................................     43          24
  Income on investment securities:
    U S Government..............................................................    750       1,256
    Federal agencies............................................................  1,022         850
    State and municipal.........................................................    288         292
    Other investments...........................................................    125         102
                                                                                -------     -------
      Total interest income.....................................................  7,971       7,876
                                                                                -------     -------
Interest Expense:
  Interest on deposits:
    Demand......................................................................    323         339
    Money market................................................................    127         146
    Savings.....................................................................    499         528
    Time........................................................................  2,314       2,462
  Interest on short-term borrowed funds.........................................    269         202
                                                                                -------     -------
      Total interest expense....................................................  3,532       3,677
                                                                                -------     -------
Net Interest Income.............................................................  4,439       4,199
Provision for Loan Losses.......................................................    252         243
                                                                                -------     -------
Net Interest Income After Provision
  For Loan Losses...............................................................  4,187       3,956
                                                                                -------     -------
Non-Interest Income:
  Trust and investment services.................................................    519         427
  Service charges on deposit accounts...........................................    187         185
  Non-deposit fees and insurance commissions...................................      58          27
  Mortgage income...............................................................    104          26
  Other income..................................................................     28          73
                                                                                -------     -------
      Total non-interest income.................................................    896         738
                                                                                -------     -------
Non-Interest Expense:
  Salaries......................................................................  1,206       1,178
  Pension and other employee benefits...........................................    287         271
  Occupancy and equipment.......................................................    437         347
  Postage and printing..........................................................    133         112
  Core deposit intangible amortization .........................................    112         113
  Other.........................................................................    498         494
                                                                                -------     -------
      Total non-interest expense................................................  2,673       2,515
                                                                                -------     -------
Income Before Income Tax Provision..............................................  2,410       2,179
Income Tax Provision............................................................    749         642
                                                                                -------     -------
Net Income......................................................................$ 1,661     $ 1,537
                                                                                =======     =======

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Net Income Per Common Share
Basic...........................................................................$   .54     $   .47
Diluted.........................................................................$   .54     $   .47
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Average Common Shares Outstanding
Basic.........................................................................3,051,733   3,279,798
Diluted.......................................................................3,053,073   3,279,798
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements are an integral part of these statements.

                                       Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
                                 American National Bankshares Inc. and Subsidiary
                                                  (In Thousands)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                   Three Months Ended
                                                                                        March 31
                                                                                   1998          1997
                                                                                ----------    ----------
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
  Net income....................................................................$  1,661      $  1,537
    Adjustments to reconcile net income to net                                 
      cash provided by operating activities:                                   
      Provision for loan losses.................................................     252           243
      Depreciation..............................................................     248           163
      Core deposit intangible amortization......................................     112           113
      Amortization (accretion) of premiums and discounts                     
        on investment securities................................................     (26)          (12)
      Gain on sale of securities................................................       -           (23)
      Deferred income taxes benefit.............................................     (49)          (59)
      (Increase) decrease in interest receivable................................    (159)          128
      Decrease in other assets..................................................      13           172
      Decrease in interest payable..............................................     (64)         (123)
      Increase in other liabilities.............................................     603         1,053
                                                                                ---------     ---------
      Net cash provided by operating activities.................................   2,591         3,192
                                                                                ---------     ---------
Cash Flows from Investing Activities:                                        
  Proceeds from maturities, calls, and sales of securities .....................   8,198        19,899
  Purchases of securities available for sale....................................  (8,994)            -
  Purchases of securities held to maturity......................................  (3,678)            -
  Net increase in loans.........................................................  (4,100)      (10,488)
  Purchases of property and equipment...........................................    (134)         (235)
                                                                                ---------     ---------
  Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities..........................   (8,708)        9,176
                                                                                ---------     ---------
Cash Flows from Financing Activities:                                        
  Net decrease in demand, money market,
    and savings deposits........................................................  (2,465)         (418)
  Net increase (decrease) in time deposits......................................   4,765        (2,299)
  Net increase (decrease) in federal funds purchased                        
    and repurchase agreements...................................................   4,705        (7,957)
  Cash dividends paid...........................................................    (641)         (590)
                                                                                ---------     ---------
  Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities...........................   6,364       (11,264)
                                                                                ---------     ---------
Net (Decrease) Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents............................     247         1,104
Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period................................  13,752        14,822
                                                                                ---------     ---------
Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of Period......................................$ 13,999      $ 15,926
                                                                                =========     =========
Supplemental Schedule of Cash and Cash Equivalents:                          
    Cash and due from banks.....................................................$ 13,979      $ 10,471
    Interest-bearing deposits in other banks....................................      20           105
    Federal funds sold..........................................................       -         5,350
                                                                                ---------     ---------

                                                                                $ 13,999      $ 15,926
                                                                                =========     =========
Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:                            
  Interest paid.................................................................$  3,596      $  3,800
  Income taxes paid.............................................................$      -      $      -


1.  Basis of Presentation

     In the  opinion of  management,  the  accompanying  unaudited  consolidated
financial  statements  contain all adjustments  (consisting of normal  recurring
accruals)  necessary to present fairly American National  Bankshares'  financial
position as of March 31, 1998,  the results of its operations and its cash flows
for the three  months then ended.  Operating  results for the three month period
ended March 31, 1998 are not  necessarily  indicative of the results that may be
expected for the year ended  December  31, 1998. A summary of the  Corporation's
significant  accounting  policies  is set  forth  in Note 1 to the  Consolidated
Financial  Statements in the  Corporation's  Annual Report to  Shareholders  for

2.  Investment Securities

     The Bank classifies investment securities in one of three categories:  held
to maturity, available for sale and trading.
     Debt  securities  acquired  with both the intent and  ability to be held to
maturity are classified as held to maturity and reported at amortized cost.
     Securities  which  may  be  used  to  meet  liquidity  needs  arising  from
unanticipated  deposit and loan fluctuations,  changes in regulatory capital and
investment requirements,  or unforeseen changes in market conditions,  including
interest rates,  market values or inflation  rates,  are classified as available
for sale.  Securities  available for sale are reported at estimated  fair value,
with  unrealized   gains  and  losses  reported  as  a  separate   component  of
stockholders'  equity,  net of tax.  Gains or losses  realized  from the sale of
securities available for sale are determined by specific  identification and are
included in non-interest income.
     Trading account  securities,  of which none were held on March 31, 1998 and
December 31, 1997, are reported at fair value. Market  adjustments,  fees, gains
or losses and income  earned on  trading  account  securities  are  included  in
non-interest  income.  Gains  or  losses  realized  from  the  sale  of  trading
securities  are  determined  by  specific  identification  and are  included  in
non-interest  income.  The Bank's investment policy currently  prohibits trading
account securities.
     Management  determines the appropriate  classification of securities at the
time of  purchase.  Securities  classified  as held  for  investment  are  those
securities  that  management  intends to hold to maturity,  subject to continued
credit-worthiness  of the issuer, and that the Bank has the ability to hold on a
long-term basis. Accordingly,  these securities are stated at cost, adjusted for
amortization  of premium and  accretion  of discount on the level yield  method.
Securities  designated  as  available  for  sale  have  been  adjusted  to their
respective  market values and a corresponding  adjustment made to  shareholders'
investment at March 31, 1998 and December 31, 1997.

3.  Commitments and Contingencies

     The  Bank  has  an  established  credit   availability  in  the  amount  of
$29,000,000 with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta. As of March 31, 1998 and
December 31, 1997, there were no borrowings outstanding under this availability.
     Commitments to extend credit, which amount to $70,242,000 at March 31, 1998
and $64,774,000 at December 31, 1997,  represent  legally binding  agreements to
lend to a customer with fixed  expiration  dates or other  termination  clauses.
Since many of the commitments  are expected to expire without being funded,  the

total  commitment   amounts  do  not  necessarily   represent  future  liquidity
     Standby  letters of credit are conditional  commitments  issued by the Bank
guaranteeing  the performance of a customer to a third party.  Those  guarantees
are primarily issued to support public and private  borrowing  arrangements.  At
March 31, 1998 and December  31, 1997 the Bank had  $1,323,000  and  $1,500,000,
respectively, in outstanding standby letters of credit.

4.  Merger and Acquisitions

     On March 14, 1996,  the  Corporation  completed the  acquisition  of Mutual
Savings  Bank,  F.S.B.  (Mutual) upon the approval of the  shareholders  of each
company.  The Corporation  exchanged 879,805 common shares, at an exchange ratio
of .705 of a share of the  Corporation's  common stock,  for Mutual's  1,248,100
common shares.
     The transaction was accounted for as a pooling of interests.  The financial
position and results of operations of the  Corporation  and Mutual were combined
and the fiscal year of Mutual was conformed to the Corporation's fiscal year.
     In October 1996, the  Corporation  acquired the branch office of FirstSouth
Bank  located  in  Yanceyville,  North  Carolina.  In  addition  to  the  branch
facilities  and  an  ATM  located  in  Yanceyville,   the  Corporation  acquired
$4,775,000 in loans and assumed  deposits of $21,405,000.  This  transaction was
accounted for as a purchase. In conjunction with the Yanceyville  purchase,  the
Corporation  recorded a core deposit intangible of $1,516,000,  approximately 7%
of the deposits assumed.

5.   New Accounting Pronouncements

     The Corporation  adopted  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No.
130, "Reporting Comprehensive  Income"("SFAS No. 130"), during the first quarter
of 1998.  This  statement  establishes  standards for reporting a measure of all
changes in equity of an enterprise  that result from  transactions  and economic
events of the period other than transactions  with owners  ("economic  income").
SFAS No. 130 requires an enterprise to report  comprehensive income in the notes
to the financial  statements on an interim  basis.  The following is a detail of
comprehensive income for the quarter ended March 31, 1998:

  Net Income                                               $1,660,568
  Unrealized holding gains arising during period
    (net of tax expense of $15,182)                            29,472
  Total comprehensive income                               $1,690,040

     The Financial  Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") also issued Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  No.  131,  "Disclosures  about  Segments of an
Enterprise  and  Related  Information",  in June  1997,  which  establishes  new
standards  for  reporting  information  about  operating  segments in annual and
interim  financial   statements.   This  statement  also  requires   descriptive
information  about the way operating  segments are determined,  the products and
services  provided  by the  segments  and  the  nature  of  differences  between
reportable segment measurements and those used for the consolidated entity. This
Statement is effective for years beginning after December 15, 1997.  Adoption in
interim  financial  statements is not required until the year following  initial
adoption.  Once  adopted,  however,  comparative  prior  period  information  is
required.  The  Corporation  is  evaluating  the Statement and plans to adopt as
required  in 1998.  Adoption is not  expected  to have a material  impact on the

     In February,  1998, FASB issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards
No.  132,  "Employers'   Disclosures  about  Pension  and  Other  Postretirement
Benefits"("SFAS  No. 132"), an amendment of FASB Statements No. 87, 88, and 106.
This   Statement   revises  employers' disclosures   about   pension  and  other
postretirement  benefit plans. It does not change the measurement or recognition
of those plans. It  standardizes  the disclosure  requirements  for pensions and
other  postretirement  benefits to the extent  practicable,  requires additional
information on changes in the benefit obligations and fair values of plan assets
that will facilitate  financial  analysis,  and eliminates  certain  disclosures
previously required.
     FASB No. 132 is effective  for fiscal years  beginning  after  December 15,
1997.  The  Corporation  plans to adopt  SFAS No.  132,  as  required,  in 1998.
Adoption is not expected to have a material impact on the Corporation.




     The  Corporation's net income for the first quarter of 1998 was $1,661,000,
an  increase of 8.1% over the  $1,537,0000  earned  during the first  quarter of
1997.  On a basic and diluted per share basis,  net income  totaled $.54 for the
quarter,  up 14.9% from $.47 in 1997. On an annualized basis,  return on average
total assets was 1.56% for the first  quarter of 1998  compared to 1.43% for the
first quarter of 1997. Return on average common  shareholders'  equity increased
12.6% to 13.18% in the first quarter of 1998 from 11.7% for the first quarter of
     The Corporation decreased shareholders' equity during the second quarter of
1997 with the repurchase of 228,065 shares of common stock for  $6,278,000.  The
7% reduction in  outstanding  shares of common stock during second  quarter 1997
enhanced net income per share and return on equity for the first quarter of 1998
compared to the first quarter of 1997.
     The Corporation's growth in earnings resulted from three principal factors.
First, net interest income improved $240,000, or 5.7% from a higher net interest
spread in first quarter 1998  compared to first quarter 1997 (see  discussion on
NET INTEREST INCOME). Second, the 21.4% growth in noninterest income in the 1998
quarter  over 1997  demonstrates  the  continued  success  of the  Corporation's
expanded trust and investment services and the increase in fees from originating
and selling fixed rate mortgage  loans.  Third,  the  Corporation has controlled
noninterest expenses which have grown at a slower 6.3% pace in the first quarter
of 1998 over the first  quarter of 1997 as compared  to growth in  combined  net
interest income and noninterest income of 8.1%.


     During the first quarter of 1998, net loans  increased  $3,848,000 or 1.5%.
The increase is the result of moderate loan demand and indicates the continuance
of a healthy local economy.  The increase in loans was funded by higher deposits
and increased  repurchase  agreements.  Total  investment  securities  increased
during the first quarter of 1998 by $4,545,000 or 3.2%.
     Total deposits increased $2,300,000 or .7% during the first quarter of 1998
and repurchase  agreements increased $6,205,000 or 34.4% during the same period.
Historically,  deposits have been flat or down in the first quarter of the year.
The increase in repurchase  agreements reflects the trend by commercial accounts
to earn higher rates on cash balances.
     During the first quarter of 1998, the Corporation declared a quarterly cash
dividend  of $.21  per  share.  This  dividend  was paid on  March  27,  1998 to
shareholders of record on March 13, 1998.
     On March 26, 1997 the Federal  Reserve Board  increased short term interest
rates by 1/4% and the major  money  center  banks  followed by raising the prime
rate by 1/4%.  U.S.  Treasury yields have declined almost 1% since March 1997 in
response to the Asian financial crisis and due to low inflation.
     At  the  annual  meeting  of   shareholders,   held  April  22,  1997,  the
shareholders approved a Stock Option Plan permitting the Corporation to issue up
to a total of  150,000  shares of common  stock,  upon the  exercise  of options
granted under the plan,  prior to December 31, 2006. The Plan is administered by
the Stock Option  Committee of the Board of Directors which consists only of the
Company's independent non-employee Directors.


     The Corporation is aware of the issues associated with the programming code
in existing  computer systems as the millennium  ("year 2000")  approaches.  The
year 2000 problem is pervasive and complex as virtually every computer operation
and many  equipment  systems will be affected in some way by the rollover of the
two digit year value to 00. The issue is whether  computer systems will properly
recognize date sensitive information when the year changes to 2000. Systems that
do not properly  recognize such  information  could  generate  erroneous data or
cause a system to fail.
     The  Corporation  is utilizing  both  internal  and  external  resources to
identify, correct or reprogram, and test systems for year 2000 compliance. It is
anticipated  that  all  reprogramming  and most  testing  will be  completed  by
December 31,1998,  allowing additional time for testing on reprogrammed systems.
To  date,  confirmations  have  been  received  from the  Corporation's  primary
processing  vendors  that plans are being  developed  to address  processing  of
transaction  in the year 2000. An  educational  process is planned to assist and
assure that major customers are year 2000 compliant.
     Based  on  a  preliminary   study,   the   Corporation   expects  to  spend
approximately  $125,000  in 1998 and 1999 to  modify  its  computer  information
systems enabling proper processing of transactions relating to the year 2000 and
beyond. The amount expensed in first quarter 1998 was immaterial.

     Net  interest  income  on a fully  taxable  equivalent  ("FTE")  basis  was
$4,564,000  for the first quarter of 1998  compared to $4,322,000  for the first
quarter of 1997,  an increase of 5.6%.  The  interest  rate spread  increased to
3.86%  from 3.52% and the net yield on earning  assets  increased  to 4.55% from
4.26% in the  first  quarter  of 1998  compared  to the first  quarter  of 1997,
respectively. These increases were due to higher yields on loans and investments
and lower yields on  interest-bearing  liabilities  and because higher  yielding
loan  balances  rose while lower  yielding  investment  balances  declined.  The
percentage  increase in the interest rate spread was higher than the  percentage
increase  in net  interest  income and the net yield on earning  assets  because
average  interest  earning assets  declined  $4,740,000  while  interest-bearing
liabilities  only declined  $1,658,000.  Average  shareholders'  equity was down
$2,169,000 in first quarter of 1998 compared to first quarter of 1997 due to the
stock repurchase in second quarter 1997.

     The  following  is  an  analysis  of  net  interest  income,  on a  taxable
equivalent basis.  Nonaccrual loans are included in average  balances.  Interest
income on  nonaccrual  loans if  recognized  is recorded  on a cash  basis.  (In
thousands, except rates):

                                            Average Balance              Income/Expense             Yield/Rate
                                       ------------------------     ------------------------     ----------------

                                          1998          1997           1998          1997         1998      1997
                                       ----------    ----------     ----------    ----------     ------    ------
  Commercial                            $ 69,975      $ 62,848       $  1,575      $  1,434       9.00%     9.13%
  Mortgage                               134,646       126,490          2,934         2,697       8.72      8.53
  Consumer                                51,720        51,656          1,243         1,231       9.61      9.53
                                        --------      --------       --------      --------
    Total loans                          256,341       240,994          5,752         5,362       8.98      8.90
                                        --------      --------       --------      --------

Investment securities:
  U. S. Government                        49,542        83,665            750         1,256       6.06      6.00
  Federal agencies                        63,210        52,343          1,022           850       6.47      6.50
  State and municipal                     21,914        21,784            404           405       7.37      7.44
  Other investments                        7,457         5,900            125           102       6.71      6.92
                                        --------      --------       --------      --------
    Total investment securities          142,123       163,692          2,301         2,613       6.48      6.39
                                        --------      --------       --------      --------

Federal funds sold and other               2,974         1,492             43            24       5.78      6.43
                                        --------      --------       --------      --------

   Total interest-earning assets         401,438       406,178          8,096         7,999       8.07      7.88
                                                                     --------      --------      ------    ------

Other non-earning assets                  24,650        24,255
                                        --------      --------

   Total assets                         $426,088      $430,433
                                        ========      ========
Interest-bearing deposits:
  Demand                                $ 51,580      $ 47,620            323           339       2.50      2.85
  Money market                            17,724        20,219            127           146       2.87      2.89
  Savings                                 68,062        70,380            499           528       2.93      3.00
  Time                                   174,663       181,290          2,314         2,462       5.30      5.43
                                        --------      --------       --------      --------

   Total  interest-bearing deposits      312,029       319,509          3,263         3,475       4.18      4.35

Federal funds purchased                      182         1,538              2            21       4.40      5.46
Repurchase agreements                     23,280        16,102            267           181       4.59      4.50
                                        --------      --------       --------      --------
   Total interest-bearing
     liabilities                         335,491       337,149          3,532         3,677       4.21      4.36
                                                                     --------      --------      ------    ------

Demand deposits                           37,861        38,162
Other liabilities                          2,336         2,553
Shareholders' equity                      50,400        52,569
                                        --------      --------
   Total liabilities and
     shareholders' equity               $426,088      $430,433
                                        ========      ========

Interest rate spread                                                                              3.86%     3.52%
                                                                                                 ======    ======

Net interest income                                                     4,564         4,322
                                                                     ========      ========

Taxable equivalent adjustment                                             125           123
                                                                     ========      ========

Net yield on earning assets                                                                       4.55%     4.26%
                                                                                                 ======    ======


     Nonperforming  assets include loans on which interest is no longer accrued,
loans  classified as troubled debt  restructurings  and  foreclosed  properties.
Nonperforming  assets declined from $778,000 at December 31, 1997 to $492,000 at
March 31, 1998.
     Foreclosed  properties  of $385,000 at March  31,1998 and December 31, 1997
include two commercial real estate properties.
     Loans in a nonaccrual  status at March 31, 1998 were $107,000 compared with
$393,000 at December 31, 1997.  Loans on accrual  status and past due 90 or more
at March 31, 1998 were $205,000 compared with $181,000 at December 31, 1997.
     Total  nonperforming  loans  and  loans  past  due 90  days  or  more  as a
percentage of net loans were .1% at March 31, 1998 and .2% at December 31, 1997.
Total  nonperforming  loans and loans  past due 90 days or more,  on an  accrual
status,  are  considered  low by industry  standards.  Net  charge-offs  for the
quarter as a percentage of average  loans  declined to .02% in 1998 from .04% in
the 1997 quarter. These charge-off ratios are low by industry standards.
     During the first  quarter of 1998 the gross amount of interest  income that
would have been recorded on nonaccrual loans and restructured loans at March 31,
1998, if all such loans had been accruing  interest at the original  contractual
rate, was $3,000. No interest payments were recorded during the reporting period
as interest income for all such nonperforming loans.


     The  provision  for loan losses was $252,000 for the first  quarter of 1998
and $243,000 for the first quarter of 1997.  The reserve for loan losses totaled
$3,465,000 at March 31, 1998 an increase of 5.7% over the $3,277,000 recorded at
December 31, 1997. The ratio of reserves to loans, less unearned  discount,  was
1.34% at March 31, 1998 and 1.29% at December 31, 1997. In Management's opinion,
the current reserve for loan losses is adequate.


     Non-interest income for the first quarter of 1998 was $896,000, an increase
of 21.4% from the  $738,000  reported  in the first  quarter of 1997.  The major
reasons for the 1998 first quarter  growth in  non-interest  income were a 21.5%
increase in trust and  investment  services to $519,000 due to growth in managed
investment  accounts and an increase in mortgage  income of 300% to $104,000 due
to increased  origination  and sale of fixed rate  residential  mortgage  loans.
Service  charges on deposit fees were $187,000 for the first quarter of 1998, up
1.1%  over the  first  quarter  of 1997  while  non-deposit  fees and  insurance
commissions were up 114.8% to $58,000 due to increased non-customer ATM fees.

     Non-interest  expense for the first quarter of 1998 was $2,673,000,  a 6.3%
increase from the  $2,515,000  reported for the same period last year.  Salaries
increased  2.4% from the same  period  last  year to  $1,206,000  in 1998  while
pension and other employee  benefits  increased 5.9% to $287,000.  Occupancy and
equipment  expense  increased 25.9% due to new equipment,  primarily  related to
technology.  Core deposit  intangible  amortization of $112,000 and $113,000 for
first quarter 1998 and 1997,  respectively,  represents the  amortization of the
premium paid for deposits  acquired at Gretna in August 1995 and  Yanceyville in
1996. Other non-interest  expense increased .8% to $498,000 in the first quarter
of 1998.


     The income tax provision  for the first  quarter of 1998 was  $749,000,  an
increase of $107,000 from the $642,000  reported a year  earlier.  The effective
tax rate for the first quarter of 1998 was 31.1% compared to 29.5% for the first
quarter of 1997.


     Federal regulatory  risk-based capital ratio guidelines require percentages
to be applied to various assets including  off-balance-sheet  assets in relation
to their perceived risk. Tier I capital includes  shareholders'  equity and Tier
II capital  includes  certain  components of  nonpermanent  preferred  stock and
subordinated  debt.  The  Corporation  has no  nonpermanent  preferred  stock or
subordinated  debt. Banks and bank holding  companies must have a Tier I capital
ratio of at least 4% and a total ratio, including Tier I and Tier II capital, of
at least 8%. As of March 31, 1998 the  Corporation had a ratio of 17.0% for Tier
I and a ratio of 18.2% for total  capital.  At December  31, 1997 and 1996 these
ratios were 17.1% and 18.4%, respectively.
     A cash  dividend of $.21 per share was paid on  3,051,733  shares of common
stock  outstanding on March 27, 1998 to  shareholders  of record March 13, 1998.
This dividend totaled $641,000.


     The  effective  management  of market risk is essential  to  achieving  the
Corporation's  objectives.  As a financial  institution,  interest rate risk and
it's impact on net  interest  income is the primary  market risk  exposure.  The
Asset/Liability  Investment  Committee  ("ALCO") is  primarily  responsible  for
establishing  asset and liability  strategies and for monitoring and controlling
liquidity and interest  rate risk.  ALCO uses  computer  simulation  analysis to
measure the  sensitivity  of earnings  and market  value of equity to changes in
interest rates.
     The projected  changes in net interest income and market value of portfolio
equity ("MVE") to changes in interest rates are calculated and monitored by ALCO
as  indicators  of interest  rate risk.  The  projected  changes in net interest
income and MVE to changes in interest rates at March 31,1998 were not materially
different from December 31, 1997.
     The  Corporation's  net liquid assets to net liabilities ratio was 26.9% at
March  31,  1998 and  27.2% at  December  31,  1997.  Both of these  ratios  are
considered to reflect adequate liquidity for the respective periods.
     Management  constantly  monitors  and  plans  the  Corporation's  liquidity
position for future periods. Liquidity is provided from cash and due from banks,
federal funds sold,  interest-bearing  deposits in other banks,  repayments from
loans,  seasonal  increases in deposits,  lines of credit from two correspondent
banks and two federal agency banks and a planned structured  continuous maturity
of investments.  Management  believes that these factors provide  sufficient and
timely liquidity for the foreseeable future.

                                     PART II
                                OTHER INFORMATION


  1.  Legal Proceedings

  2.  Changes in securities

  3.  Defaults upon senior securities

  4.  Results of votes of security holders

  5.  Other information

  6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
        (a) Exhibits - Financial Data Schedule EX-27

        (b) Reports on Form 8-K - None


     Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                       AMERICAN NATIONAL BANKSHARES INC.

                                       /s/ Charles H. Majors
                                       Charles H. Majors
Date - May 11, 1998                    President and Chief Executive Officer

                                       /s/ T. Allen Liles
                                       T. Allen Liles
                                       Senior Vice-President and
Date - May 11, 1998                    (Chief Financial Officer)