Exhibit 10(z)

                       [GRAPHIC OMITTED][GRAPHIC OMITTED]

(For Non-Qualified Stock Option)

To:                                                               Number:
         (Name of Optionee)
                                                                  Date of Grant:
         (Social Security Number)

There hereby is granted to you, as an outside Director of Invacare Corporation (
"Invacare" ), an option to purchase _____ Invacare Common Shares,  no par value,
at an option price of $____ per Share. This option is granted to you pursuant to
the Invacare  Corporation  1994  Performance Plan (the "Plan") and is subject to
the terms and conditions set forth below.  This option is not an incentive stock
option as defined in Section  422 of the  Internal  Revenue  Code (the  "Code").
Please acknowledge your acceptance of the terms of this option by signing on the
reverse side.

/s/ A. Malachi Mixon, III
A. Malachi Mixon, III
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


    You shall be entitled to exercise this option with respect to the percentage
of shares indicated on or after the date shown opposite such percentage, rounded
to the nearest whole share:

 Cumulative Maximum
 Percentage of Optioned
 Shares which may be
 purchased by exercise              Date beginning on which
 of the Option                      Option may be exercised

To the extent that the option becomes exercisable with respect to any shares, as
shown above,  the option may  thereafter be exercised by you either with respect
to all or any  number of such  shares at any time or from time to time  prior to
the expiration of the option.  However,  no fractional  shares may be purchased.
Except as provided  herein,  the option may not be  exercised  unless you are an
employee at the time of exercise.

     The term of the option  shall be for a period of ten (10) years  commencing
on the Date of Grant as set forth above. The option shall expire at the close of
regular  business  hours at Invacare's  principal  office on the last day of the
term of the option, or, if earlier,  on the applicable  expiration date provided
in this Agreement.

If you cease to be a Director for any reason other than death,  you may exercise
your option only to the extent of such purchase  rights as may exist pursuant to
Paragraph  I as of the date you cease to be a  Director  and which have not been
exercised.  Upon your ceasing to be a Director such purchase rights shall in any
event  terminate  upon the  earlier of (a) three (3) months [one (1) year if you
ceased to be a  Director,  because of a  disability  (as such term is defined in
Section  72(m) (7) of the Code)] after the date you ceased to be a Director,  or
(b) the last day of the term of the option.

     (b) If you die while you are a Director, or within three (3) months of your
having  ceased to be a Director,  a personal  representative  may  exercise  the
option to the extent of your purchase  rights as may exist pursuant to Paragraph
I at the  date of your  death  and  which  have not  been  exercised;  provided,
however, that such purchase rights shall in any event terminate upon the earlier
of: (i) one (1) year after you cease to be a  Director,  or (ii) the last day of
the term of the option.

     (c)  If  the  Committee  finds  that  you  intentionally  committed  an act
materially  inimical  to  the  interests  of  Invacare  or  a  subsidiary,  your
unexercised  purchase  rights will  terminate as of the time you committed  such
act, as determined by the Committee.


     The  Committee  may  cancel  your  option  at any  time  if you  are not in
compliance  with all  applicable  provisions of this Agreement or the Plan or if
you,  without the prior written  consent of the Committee,  engage in any of the
following activities: (i) you render services for an organization,  or engage in
a business,  that is, in the  judgment of the  Committee,  in  competition  with
Invacare;  or (ii) you disclose to anyone  outside of  Invacare,  or use for any
purpose other than Invacare's business, any confidential information or material
relating to Invacare,  whether  acquired by you during or after  employment with
Invacare,  in a fashion or with a result that is or may be injurious to the best
interests of Invacare, as determined by the Committee.

The Committee  may, in its discretion and as a condition to the exercise of your
option,  require you to represent in writing that you are in compliance with all
applicable provisions of this Agreement and the Plan and have not engaged in any
activities referred to in clauses (i) and (ii) above.

     The  option  may  be  exercised  by  delivering  to  the  Invacare  Finance
Department,  at Invacare's  principal  office, a completed Notice of Exercise of
Option  (obtainable  from the Finance  Department)  setting  forth the number of
shares with respect to which your option is being  exercised.  Such Notice shall
be accompanied  by either payment in full for the shares,  or the execution of a
cashless  exercise  in  accordance  with  the  procedures   established  by  the

     Upon a change in control (as such term is defined in the Plan),  unless and
to the extent  otherwise  determined by Invacare's  Board of Directors,  you may
exercise your option with respect to all shares covered therein.

     This  Agreement  shall be  binding  upon and  inure to the  benefit  of any
successor of Invacare and your heirs, estate and personal  representative.  Your
option shall not be  transferable  other than by Will or the laws of descent and
distribution,  and your option may be exercised during your lifetime only by you
provided  that a  guardian  or other  legal  representative,  who has been  duly
appointed may, except as otherwise provided in the Plan,  exercise the option on
your behalf. Your personal  representative  shall act in your place with respect
to exercising the option or taking any other action pursuant to the Agreement.

     In  the  event  that,  subsequent  to  the  date  of  this  Agreement,  the
outstanding  common shares of Invacare are, as a result of a stock split,  stock
dividend,  combination  or  exchange of shares,  exchange  of other  securities,
reclassification,    reorganization,   redesignation,   merger,   consolidation,
recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution, sale of assets or other such change,
including,  without limitation,  any transaction  described in Section 424(a) of
the Code, increased, decreased, changed into or exchanged for a different number
or kind of shares of stock or other  securities of Invacare or another entity or
converted into cash, then,  except as otherwise  provided below, (i) there shall
automatically  be  substituted  for each  Invacare  common  share  subject to an
unexercised  option,  the  amount of cash or other  securities  into  which each
outstanding  Invacare  common share shall be converted or exchanged and (ii) the
option  price per  common  share or unit of  securities  shall be  increased  or
decreased proportionally so that the aggregate purchase price for any securities
subject to the option shall remain the same as immediately  prior to such event.
Notwithstanding the preceding provisions of this Article VII, the Committee may,
in its sole discretion,  make other  adjustments or amendments to the securities
subject to options and/or amend the provisions of the Plan and/or this Agreement
(including,  without  limitation,  accelerating  the date on  which  unexercised
options shall expire or terminate), to the extent appropriate,  equitable and in
compliance  with the  provisions  of  Section  424(a) of the Code to the  extent
applicable  and any such  adjustment  or amendment  shall be final,  binding and
conclusive.  Any such  adjustment or amendment shall provide for the elimination
of fractional shares.

     This Agreement is subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of
the Plan (all of which are incorporated  herein by reference) and to such rules,
regulations,  and  interpretations  related to the Plan as may be adopted by the
Committee  and as may be in effect  from  time to time.  In the event and to the
extent  that  this  Agreement  conflicts  or is  inconsistent  with  the  terms,
conditions,  and  provisions  of the  Plan,  the Plan  shall  control,  and this
Agreement  shall  be  deemed  to be  modified  accordingly.  The  Committee  has
authority to interpret  and construe  any  provision of this  Agreement  and its
interpretation and construction shall be binding and conclusive.

     The  liability of Invacare  under this  Agreement and any  distribution  of
shares  made  hereunder  is limited to the  obligations  set forth  herein  with
respect to such distribution and no term or provision of this Agreement shall be
construed to impose any liability on Invacare,  its  officers,  employees or any
subsidiary  with  respect to any loss,  cost or  expense  which you may incur in
connection  with or  arising  out of any  transaction  in  connection  with this

     You agree that,  as a condition to your  exercise of this Option,  Invacare
may  make  appropriate  provision  for  tax  withholding  with  respect  to  the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.


The undersigned  hereby accepts the terms of the stock option granted herein and
acknowledges  receipt of a copy of the  Invacare  Corporation  1994  Performance

- -------------------------        -------------------
(Signature of Optionee)            (Date)