Restated Certificate of Incorporation-Page
                        AMENDMENT TO THE
                        Arnox Corporation
    Arnox  Corporation.  (the  "Corporation"),  pursuant  to  the
requirements  of  the General Corporation Law  of  the  State  of
Delaware, as amended ("GCLD"), hereby certifies:
1.  The  Amendment to the Certificate of Incorporation set  forth
herein  was  duly  adopted in a resolution of  the  Corporation's
Board  of  Directors, submitted to the Corporation's stockholders
for  their  approval,  and approved by a  majority  vote  of  the
Corporation's stockholders at a meeting called, noticed and  held
on the 7th day of July 1997.
2. The  number  of shares of the Corporation outstanding  at  the
   time of such adoption and the number of shares entitled to vote
   HUNDRED  FORTY-SEVEN (3,439,247) shares of common  stock  (the
   "Common Stock"). The holders of ONE MILLION, NINE HUNDRED FORTY-
   NINE  THOUSAND EIGHTY-THREE (1,949,083 shares) of Common Stock
   were present at the meeting in person or by proxy and each of the
   amendments set forth herein was approved by the holders  of  a
   majority of the Corporations' issued and outstanding shares of
   Common Stock.
3. The  effective date and time of the Certificate  of  Amendment
   shall be 5 p.m. EST on March 31, 1999.
4.  The  provisions of the original Certificate of  Incorporation
and  all  subsequent amendments thereto are hereby superseded  by
the following amendments:
                            ARTICLE I
   The name of the Corporation shall be Telemetrix Inc.
                           ARTICLE IV
                       AUTHORIZED CAPITAL
    The  Corporation  shall be authorized to  issue  a  total  of
Thirty  Million (30,000,000) shares of capital stock which  shall
be subdivided into classes as follows:
(a)Twenty-five  Million (25,000,000) shares of the  Corporation's
   capital  stock  shall be denominated as Common Stock,  have  a
   par  value of $.001 per share, and have the rights, powers and
   preferences  set  forth  in  this paragraph.  The  Holders  of
   Common  Stock shall share ratably, with all other  classes  of
   common  equity, in any dividends that may, from time to  time,
   be  declared  by the Board of Directors. No dividends  may  be
   paid  with  respect  to Corporation's Common  Stock,  however,
   until  dividend  distributions to  the  holders  of  Preferred
   Stock,  if  any,  have  been  paid  in  accordance  with   the
   certificate  or certificates of designation relating  to  such
   Preferred  Stock.  The  holders of Common  Stock  shall  share
   ratably,  with  all  other classes of common  equity,  in  any
   assets  of the Corporation that are available for distribution
   to  the holders of common equity securities of the Corporation
   upon  the  dissolution or liquidation of the Corporation.  The
   holders  of  Common Stock shall be entitled to cast  one  vote
   per  share on all matters that are submitted for a vote of the
   stockholders.  Effective at 5:00 p.m. EST on March  31,  1999,
   and  without  any  further action by the  holders  the  Common
   Stock  of  the  Corporation, the THREE MILLION,  FOUR  HUNDRED
   issued  and  outstanding  shares of the  Corporation's  Common
   Stock shall consolidated or "reverse split" in the ratio of  1
   new   share  for  every  11.5  shares  currently  held  by   a
   stockholder  so that the total issued and outstanding  capital
   stock  of  the  Corporation shall consist  of   THREE  HUNDRED
   TWENTY  THOUSAND (320,000) shares, more or less. No fractional
   shares  shall  be issued in connection with the reverse  split
   and  all calculations that would result in the issuance  of  a
   fractional  share  shall be rounded up to  the  nearest  whole
   number.  In  addition, no stockholder who was  the  beneficial
   owner  of  at  least 100 shares on the date of this  Amendment
   shall  receive  fewer than 100 shares of the $.001  par  value
   Common  Stock  of  the  Corporation  in  connection  with  the
   implementation of the reverse split and all calculations  that
   would  result  in  the issuance of fewer than  100  shares  of
   Common Stock to such a stockholder shall be rounded up to  100
(b)Five   Million   (5,000,000)  shares  of   the   Corporation's
   authorized  capital  stock shall be denominated  as  Preferred
   Stock,  par  value  of  $.001 per share. Shares  of  Preferred
   Stock  may  be issued from time to time in one or more  series
   as  the Board of Directors, by resolution or resolutions,  may
   from  time  to  time  determine, each of  said  series  to  be
   distinctively  designated. The voting powers, preferences  and
   relative,  participating, optional and other  special  rights,
   and  the  qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof,
   if  any,  of  each such series of Preferred Stock  may  differ
   from  those of any and all other series of Preferred Stock  at
   any  time  outstanding, and the Board of Directors  is  hereby
   expressly granted authority to fix or alter, by resolution  or
   resolutions,   the   designation,   number,   voting   powers,
   preferences  and relative, participating, optional  and  other
   special  rights,  and  the  qualifications,  limitations   and
   restrictions thereof, of each such series of Preferred Stock.
Dated March 22, 1999.                   ARNOX CORPORATION

                                        Sally      A.     Fonner,
                                        President    and     Sole