82 MAIN STREET
                               BAR HARBOR, MAINE 04609

                                                  August 29, 1995

          Dear Stockholder:

          The 1995 Annual Meeting of Bar Harbor Bankshares will be held
          at  11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 3, 1995 in the Atlantic Oakes    
          Conference Center located next to the Canadian National Ferry       
          terminal on Route 3 in Bar Harbor, Maine. The  Directors and         
          Officers join me in inviting you to attend the meeting and the       
          reception which will follow.  

          Enclosed are the Clerk's official Notice of Annual Meeting, a
          Proxy  Statement and the Form of Proxy.  Please sign the Form
          of  Proxy and return it in the envelope provided so that your
          shares  will be voted at the Annual Meeting if you are unable
          to  attend.   Please also complete the reception postcard and
          mail  it  separately  from  the  Form of Proxy if you will be
          attending the reception.

          We look forward to seeing you on October 3rd.  Please join us
          for  the  reception  even  if  you  are  unable to attend the
          business meeting.

                                       Very truly yours,
                                       Sheldon F. Goldthwait, Jr.\s\

                                       Sheldon F. Goldthwait, Jr.



                 Each  stockholder  is  urged  to fill in,
                 date  and sign the enclosed form of proxy
                 a n d   mail  it  in  the  self-addressed
                 envelope  provided.    If  you attend the
                 meeting,  you  may,  if  you wish, revoke
                 your   proxy  and  vote  your  shares  in
                                 BAR HARBOR BANKSHARES

                               TO BE HELD OCTOBER 3, 1995

              Notice  is  hereby  given  that  the  Annual Meeting of the
              Stockholders  of  Bar Harbor Bankshares will be held at the
              Atlantic Oakes Conference Center on Route 3, Bar Harbor, Maine  
              on October 3, 1995 at 11:00 a.m. to consider and act upon the    
      following proposals:

              1.     To  set the number of directors for the ensuing year
                     at 17.

              2.     To  elect  four  persons to serve as directors for a
                     term of three years.

              3.     To  elect  one  person  to serve as a director for a
                     term of one year.

              4.     To  ratify  the  Board  of  Directors'  selection of
                     Berry, Dunn, McNeil & Parker as independent auditors
                     of the Company and of the Bank.

              5.     To transact such other business as may properly come
                     before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

              Stockholders  of  record  as  of  the  close of business on
              August 16, 1995 will be entitled to a notice of and to vote
              at the meeting.

                                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                                 Marsha C. Sawyer \s\

                                        Marsha C. Sawyer, Clerk

                                 BAR HARBOR BANKSHARES
                                     82 MAIN STREET
                                BAR HARBOR, MAINE 04609

                             ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                          TO BE HELD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1995

                                    PROXY STATEMENT

                This Proxy Statement is furnished to the stockholders of Bar
           H a r b or  Bankshares  (the  Company)  in  connection  with  the
           solicitation  of  proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors for
           use  at  the  Annual  Meeting of Stockholders (the Meeting).  The
           Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 3, 1995 at 11:00 a.m. at
           the Atlantic Oakes Conference Center, Route 3, Bar Harbor,  Maine.  
           The  official  Notice of the Annual Meeting of Stockholders         
           accompanies this Statement.  A Form of Proxy for use at  the        
           Meeting and a return envelope for the proxy are enclosed.
           A  stockholder  who  executes  the  proxy  may, prior to its use,
           revoke it by written instrument, by a subsequently executed proxy
           or, if attending the Meeting, by notifying the Clerk or by giving
           notice  at  the  Meeting.   This Proxy Statement and the enclosed
           Form  of  Proxy will be mailed to the stockholders of the Company
           on or about August 29, 1995.

                Proxies  are  being solicited by the Board of Directors (the
           Board) of the Company principally through the mail.  The Board of
           Directors  and Management of the Company may also solicit proxies
           personally  or by telephone.  The entire expense of solicitation,
           including  costs  of  preparing, assembling and mailing the proxy
           material  will  be  borne by the Company.  These expenses are not
           expected  to  exceed  the  amount normally expended for an annual
           meeting at which directors will be elected. 


                As of August 16, 1995, the Company had outstanding 1,713,605
           shares  of  its common stock (the Common Stock), par value $2 per
           share,  each  of  which  is entitled to one vote upon each matter
           presented  at  the  Meeting.   Only stockholders of record at the
           close  of business on August 16, 1995 are entitled to vote at the
           Meeting.    The  presence  at the Meeting, either in person or by
           proxy,  of the holders of one-third of the shares of Common Stock
           will  constitute  a quorum.  Assuming a quorum is present, action
           may  be  taken  on  any  matter  considered  by  the holders of a
           majority  of  the  shares  present  and  voting.  Abstentions and
           shares  otherwise  not  voting  will  not  be  deemed present and
           voting.  Stockholders who are present will have an opportunity to
           vote on each matter brought before the meeting.  


                     As of August 16, 1995, to the knowledge of the Company,
           no person was the beneficial owner of 5% or more of the Company's
           common stock.

                The following table lists, as of August 16, 1995, the number
           of  shares of Common Stock and the percentage of the Common Stock
           represented  thereby,  beneficially owned by each director and by
           all principal officers and directors of the Company as a group.
                Director or Nominee      Amount and Nature of   Percent
                                         Beneficial             of
                                         Ownership [1]          Class
            Robert H. Avery                 Direct          24,435  1.71%
                                            Indirect         4,725
            Frederick F. Brown              Direct          11,230    *
                                            Indirect           360

            Thomas A. Colwell               Direct           2,475    *

            Bernard K. Cough                Direct          61,630  4.71%
                                            Indirect        19,070

            Peter Dodge                     Direct           1,630    *
                                            Indirect           300

            Lawrence L. Dorr                Direct           7,650    *
                                            Indirect           600

            Dwight L. Eaton                 Direct           3,830    *
            Ruth S. Foster                  Direct           1,500    *
            Robert L. Gilfillan             Direct          26,050  2.30%
                                            Indirect        13,315
            Sheldon F. Goldthwait, Jr.      Direct           8,160    *
                                            Indirect         1,590

            James MacLeod                   Direct          18,000  1.19%
                                            Indirect         2,300

            John P. McCurdy                 Direct           3,250    *
                                            Indirect            50


            Jarvis W. Newman                Direct         10,450      *
                                            Indirect        3,300
            Robert M. Phillips              Direct            500      *
                                            Indirect           25

            John P. Reeves                  Direct          6,940      *
                                            Indirect        5,585

            Abner L. Sargent                Direct          1,500
                                            Indirect        2,000

            Lynda Z. Tyson                  Direct            525      *
                                            Indirect           75
            Total ownership of all
            directors and executive         
            officers of Company as a
            group (19 persons)...                          245,265   14.31%

            * less than 1%
           [1]    For  purposes of the foregoing table, beneficial ownership
           has  been  determined  in  accordance with the provisions of Rule
           13d-3  promulgated  under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as
           amended,  under  which,  in general, a person is deemed to be the
           beneficial  owner  of  a  security if he or she has or shares the
           power  to  vote or to direct the voting of the security, or if he
           or  she  had  the  right  to  acquire beneficial ownership of the
           security  within 60 days.  Beneficial ownership does not include,
           in the case of each director, 48,680 shares (2.84%) of the Common
           Stock  held  by  two  trusts  which,  for purposes of voting, are
           allocated equally among the directors of the Bank under the terms
           of  the  respective trust instruments.  No director has any other
           beneficial  interest  in  such  shares.    Ownership  figures for
           directors and nominees include directors' qualifying shares owned
           by each person named.

                Management is not aware of any arrangement which could, at a
           subsequent date, result in a change in control of the Company.

                Directors,  Officers and owners of 10% or more of the Common
           Stock  of  the Company are required to file periodic reports with
           the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission  with respect to their
           beneficial ownership of the Common Stock.  Based upon a review of
           appropriate  forms  furnished to and retained by the Company, the
           Company  is not aware of any officer, director or owner of 10% or
           more of the Common Stock who has failed to file any such report. 


                                MANAGEMENT OF THE COMPANY

                Management recommends that the number of directors for the 
           coming  year be set at 17.  The Bylaws of the Company provide for
           not  fewer  than  9  not  more  than  27 directors with directors
           serving "staggered terms" of three years.  The Board of Directors
           has  nominated for re-election  four incumbent directors  whose  
           terms  expire  in  1995, Robert H. Avery, Frederick F. Brown, 
           Sheldon F. Goldthwait, Jr., and Robert M. Phillips have been  
           nominated for re-election to three year terms. Lawrence L. Dorr 
           has been nominated for re-election for a term of one year. Each of
           these persons has consented to be named as a nominee and to serve 
           if elected. 
                The  following table sets forth the names, occupations, ages
           and terms of service of all directors. 
              Term expires                                           Year
              in 1995:          Principal Occupation      Age as     First
                                Now and for               of         Elected
                  Name          Past 5 Years              08/16/95   Director
             Robert H.       R e t I r e d;    formerly     67       1984
             Avery           President     and    Chief
                             Executive  Officer  of the
                             Company and the Bank
             Frederick F.    Proprietor and owner of F.     69       1984
             Brown           T. Brown Company (hardware
                             stores),  Bar  Harbor  and
                             Mt. Desert, Maine

             Lawrence L.     R e t I r e d;    formerly     74       1984
             Dorr            Administrator   of   Ocean
                             View  Nursing Home, Lubec,

             Sheldon  F.     President    and    Chief      57       1988
             Goldthwait,     Executive  Officer  of the
             Jr.             Company and the Bank since
                             January    1,    1995.
                             Formerly  Executive  Vice  
                             President of   the   Company
                             and the Bank since December,
             Robert M.       Vice  President  and Chief     53       1993
             Phillips        Operating    Officer    of
                             Jasper   Wyman   and   Son
                             (blueberry     processors)
                             Milbridge, Maine
              Term expires                                           Year
              in 1996:        Principal Occupation      Age as       First
                              Now and for               of           Elected
                  Name        Past 5 Years              08/16/95     Director
             Peter  Dodge    President  and  Insurance      51       1987
                             Agent    with   Merle   B.
                             Grindle  Agency (Insurance
                             and   real  estate),  Blue
                             Hill, Maine
             Dwight L.       Senior  Vice President and     60       1988
             Eaton           Trust Officer of the Bank;
                             V i ce  President  of  the
                             Company since 1987
             Ruth S. Foster  Former  State  Senator and     66       1986
                             owner   of  Ruth  Foster's
                             ( r e t a il    clothing),
                             Ellsworth, Maine
             Jarvis W.       S e l f -employed    yacht     60       1984
             Newman          broker;  formerly owner of
                             Jarvis  Newman, Inc. (boat
                             builders)    and    Newman
                             Marine   (yacht  brokers),
                             Southwest Harbor, Maine
             John P. Reeves  R e t i r e d;    formerly     61       1984
                             President     and    Chief
                             Executive  Officer  of the
                             Company and the Bank
             Abner L.        V i ce    President    and     70       1984
             Sargent         Treasurer    of    Sargent
                             Mobile   Homes,  and  real
                             estate  broker, Ellsworth,
             Lynda  Z. Tyson Chief  Operating  Officer      40       1993
                             and  Marketing Director of
                             T y s on    &    Partners,
                             Marketing  Consultants Bar
                             Harbor,  Maine.   Formerly
                             Chief Executive Officer of
                             B a r  Harbor  Chamber  of


              Term expires                                          Year
              in 1997:          Principal Occupation    Age as      First
                                Now and for             of          Elected
                  Name          Past 5 Years            08/16/95    Director
              Thomas A.       President    of    Colwell     51       1991
              Colwell         Bros.,   Inc.   (lobsters)
                              Stonington, Maine

             Bernard  K.     Treasurer   of   Atlantic      68       1985
             Cough           Oakes,    Inc.,   Atlantic
                             Eyrie  and  several  other
                             resort motels, Bar Harbor,

             Robert  L.      Owner  and  President  of      68       1984
             Gilfillan       W e st  End  Drug  Company
                             (retail   pharmacy),   Bar
                             Harbor, Maine

             James S.        Retired;   formerly   Vice     71       1984
             MacLeod         President  of the Bank and
                             the Company

             John  P.        Retired;  formerly  owner      64       1984
             McCurdy         and  operator  of  McCurdy
                             F i sh    Company    (fish
                             processor), Lubec, Maine
                Nominees  for election to the Board are selected by the full
           Board.    The  Company  does not have a nominating committee. The
           Board  will  consider  nominees  recommended  by  stockholders if
           submitted  in  writing  to  Marsha  C.  Sawyer, Clerk, Bar Harbor
           Bankshares,  82  Main  Street, Bar Harbor, Maine  04609, not less
           than three months in advance of the date of the Annual Meeting.

                The Board of Directors of the Company held seven meetings in
           1994.   The Bylaws of the Company provide for quarterly meetings.
           Each  director, with the exception of Messrs. Avery, Phillips and
           Sargent,  attended  at  least 75% of the total number of meetings
           held by the Board of Directors in 1994.

                       The Board of Directors of the Bank met monthly during
           1994.    Each  director,  with the exception of Messrs. Avery and
           Sargent,  attended  at  least  75%  of  the  total number of Bank
           directors' meetings and committee meetings of which he or she was
           a member.


           Executive Officers

                Each  executive  officer of the Company is identified in the
           following  table which also sets forth the respective office, age
           and period served in that office of each person listed.
                                 Principal Occupation      Age as     First
                                 Now and for               of         Elected
             Name                Past 5 Years              08/16/95   OFFICER
             R o bert    L.  Chairman  of  the  Board of     68       1984
             Gilfillan       the  Bank  and  the Company
                             since February 1994.

             Sheldon F.      P r esident    and    Chief     57       1984
             Goldthwait,     Executive  Officer  of  the
             Jr.             Company  and the Bank since
                             January 1, 1995. Formerly 
                             Executive Vice   President  
                             of   the Company and the Bank
                             since   December, 1989.    

            D w ight    L.   Senior  Vice  President and     60       1987
             Eaton           Trust Officer of Bank; Vice
                             President  of  the  Company
                             since  1987;  formerly Vice
                             President and Trust Officer
                             of the Bank

             Virginia M.     T r easurer    and    Chief     45       1990
             Vendrell        Financial   Officer   since
                             December,   1992;  formerly
                             Treasurer of the Bank since
                             D e c ember,    1989    and
                             Treasurer  of  the  Company
                             since     October,    1990;
                             previously  Controller  and
                             Assistant  Treasurer of the
             M a rsha    C.  Clerk  of the Company since     42       1986
             Sawyer          July  1986;  Clerk and Vice
                             President of the Bank since
                             1986;   formerly  Assistant
                             Vice President of the Bank.
                 The  Bylaws  of  the  Company  provide  that  the  executive 
           officers  be  elected annually by the Board of Directors and that
           the  President,  Chairman of the Board, Treasurer and Clerk shall
           serve  at  the  pleasure  of the Board and until their successors
           have been chosen and qualified.   All other officers serve at the
           pleasure of the Chief Executive Officer.

                The  Bylaws  of  the  Company provide that after each Annual
           Meeting  of Directors, the Board designates from among its number
           an  Executive  Committee  which has the authority to exercise all
           the  powers  of  the  Board  of  Directors  in regard to ordinary
           operations  of  the business of the Company when the Board is not
           in  session,  subject  to  any  specific  vote of the Board.  The
           present   Executive  Committee  includes  Messrs.  Avery,  Brown,
           Gilfillan,   Goldthwait,  Newman,  and  Reeves.    The  Executive
           Committee met once in 1994.

                The  Bylaws provide that the Board may elect or appoint such
           other  committees  as  it may deem necessary or convenient to the
           operations  of  the  Company.    The  Company itself has no other
           committees  although  the  Bank  Board  has  appointed  an  Audit
           Committee as well as a Compensation Committee.

                   The Audit Committee has responsibility for overseeing the
           auditing program.  The current members of the Audit Committee are
           Messrs.  Colwell,  Dorr, Phillips, Dodge, Gilfillan, and Sargent.
           The Audit Committee met four times during 1994.
                   The Compensation Committee has responsibility for setting
           c o m pensation  for  all  Bank  employees,  including  executive
           officers.   The current members of the Compensation Committee are
           Messrs. Avery, Gilfillan, McCurdy, Dodge, Goldthwait, and Reeves.
           The Compensation Committee met three times during 1994.

           Family Relationships and Other Arrangements

                There  are  no  family  relationships  among  any  director,
           executive officer, or person nominated by the Company to become a
           director  or  executive officer.   There are also no arrangements
           o r   understandings between  any  nominee,  director,  executive
           officer,  or  associate  of  any  of  the foregoing and any other
           person pursuant to which the nominee was or is to be elected as a
           director  or  an  executive  officer.  No person or entity listed
           above  as  the employer of an officer or director, other than the
           Bank, is an affiliate of the Company.


                The  following  table  sets  forth  all  annual compensation
           received  during each of the Company's last three fiscal years by
           John P. Reeves, Sheldon F. Goldthwait, Jr. and Dwight L. Eaton who
           are the only executive officers for whom compensation exceeded 
           $100,000 in any year.  Mr.  Reeves retired as Chief Executive 
           Officer of both the Bank  and the Company on December 31, 1994.  
           Compensation for all officers is paid by the Bank.

 POSITION         YEAR       ($)       (S)     COMPENSATION

 John P. Reeves   1992    121,500   8,348                  0
 Retired          1993    127,500  14,385                  0
 President and    1994    135,000  17,629                  0
 Chief Executive

 Sheldon F.       1992    N/A      N/A                   N/A
 Goldthwait, Jr.  1993    N/A      N/A                   N/A
 Executive Vice   1994     92,000  12,084                  0
 Dwight L. Eaton  1992    N/A      N/A                   N/A
 Senior Vice      1993    N/A      N/A                   N/A
 President and    1994             12,084                  0
 Trust Officer            $92,000

                                            LTIP   ALL OTHER
                          RESTRI-  OPTIONS  PAY-   COMPEN-
 LONG TERM                CTED     SARs     OUTS   SATION
 COMPENSATION     YEAR    STOCK     (#)      ($)      ($)

 John P. Reeves   1992          0        0      0     $ 1,887
                  1993          0        0      0       3,152
                  1994          0        0      0       4,984

 Sheldon F.       1992        N/A     N/A     N/A         N/A
 Goldthwait, Jr.  1993        N/A     N/A     N/A         N/A
                  1994          0        0      0       2,384
 Dwight L. Eaton  1992        N/A      N/A    N/A         N/A
                  1993        N/A      N/A    N/A         N/A
                  1994          0     0         0       2,937

Compensation Committee

       The Bank Board has appointed a six member Compensation
 C o mmittee  which  includes  both  directors  and  a  member 
 of management.  The Compensation Committee meets in the fall
 of each year  and makes compensation recommendations for the
 ensuing year to the Board of Directors.

     The recommendations of the Committee are then considered
 and  voted  upon  by the Full Board.  During 1994, Mr. Reeves
 and  Mr.  Goldthwait  were  members  of the Compensation
Committee  and also directors.  They abstained from
participating in  discussion, recommendations, or voting
regarding their own  compensation. Mr.Avery, who serves on the
Compensation  Committee, is a former President of the Company
and the  Board.

             Report of the Compensation Committee on
                    Executive Compensation 

       T h e   Board  of  Directors  of  the  Bank  has  no 
 formal compensation  policy  applicable  to  compensation
 decisions with respect  to its executive officers.  While
 there are no objective criteria  which  specifically  relate 
 corporate  performance  to compensation  determinations,  in 
 formulating its recommendation with  respect  to compensation
 of Messrs. Reeves, Goldthwait, and Eaton  during  the  last 
 fiscal  year,  the  Board  of Directors considered,  among 
 other  factors,  years  of service and salary surveys   of  
 executive   officers   at   comparable   financial
 institutions   in  Maine  and  New  England.    In  reaching 
 its determination  as  to compensation of Messrs. Reeves,
 Goldthwait, and  Eaton,  the  Board  of  Directors  did not
 use any objective measure of the Bank's performance but
 considered, in general, the performance  of  the  Bank  in 
 relationship  to  that  of  other  similarly situated banks
 in Maine. 

        The  foregoing report to stockholders regarding
 compensation of  the  Chief  Executive  Officer  has  been 
 submitted  by  the Compensation   Committee,  including 
 Messrs.  Gilfillan,  Avery, Dodge, McCurdy, Goldthwait and



                Each  of  the  directors of the Company is a
 director of the Bank  and  as such receives a fee of $250 for
 each meeting of the Bank  attended.  Directors  receive  $500 
 for  attendance at the Annual Meeting of the Bank. The
 Chairman of the Board receives an annual  retainer of $3,000
 in addition to meeting fees.  Meetings of  the  Board  of 
 Directors  of  the Bank are held monthly.  No directors' 
 fees  are  paid to directors of the Company as such. 

           Those  directors of the Bank who are also officers
 do not receive directors' fees.


                         BENEFIT PLANS

  The  Bank  offers  a  401(k)  plan to all employees who have
  completed  one  year  of service and who have attained the
 age of 21.    Employees  may  elect  to  defer  from  1% to
 15% of their salaries  subject  to  a  maximum  amount
 determined by a formula annually,  which  amount  was  $9,240
 in 1994.  In 1994, the bank matched  employee  contributions
 to the 401(k) plan to the extent of  25%  of the first 6% of
 salary for a total of contribution by the  bank  of  $42,590. 
 On  December  31,  1994,  the  Company contributed  to 
 each  participating employee an additional 3% of the 
 employees  salary, which represented a non-contributing plan
 replacing  the  Bank's contribution to the former defined
 benefit plan.  The 1995 bank match and contribution were voted
at the same level as 1994.  Contributions by the bank are
determined annually by the vote of the Board of Directors.

   In  1994  and  1993,  the  Bank  provided a restricted
 stock purchase  plan  through  which  each  employee having
 one year of service  may  purchase  up  to 20 shares of Bar
 Harbor Bankshares stock at the current fair market price as
 of a date determined by the  Board of Directors. 

   The  Bank  provides  certain of its officers with
 individual memberships   in  local  civic  organizations  and 
 clubs.    The aggregate  value of these benefits with respect
 to any individual officer were well below the $5,000 threshold
during the Bank's last fiscal year. 

   The  Bank  has  entered into agreements with Messrs. Avery,
 Reeves,  Goldthwait, and Eaton whereby those individuals or
 their beneficiaries  will  receive  upon  death or retirement
 an annual supplemental  pension  benefit  over  a period of
 10 years in the amount  of $15,000 (in the case of Messrs. 
 Avery and Reeves) and in  the  amount of $10,000 (in the case
 of Messrs. Goldthwait and Eaton).    This plan is unfunded
 and benefits will be paid out of Bank  earnings.    As of
 January 1, 1987, Mr. Avery began drawing his  annual 
 installment  of  $15,000  pursuant  to this deferred
 compensation  arrangement.    Mr.  Reeves began drawing
 his annual  installment  of  $5,300.04 (reduced for early
 retirement) beginning January 1, 1995.

   In   1993,   the   Company   established   a  
 non-qualified s u p plemental  retirement  plan  for  certain 
 officers.    The agreements  provide  supplemental 
 retirement benefits payable in installments  over  twenty 
 years  upon  retirement  or  death to compensate  for 
 benefits  lost as a result of termination of the D e fined 
 Benefit  Plan.    The  Company  recognizes  the  costs
 associated  with  the  agreements  over  the service lives of

 the participating  officers.    Accordingly, the Company has
 recognized cost relative to the supplemental plan of $181,415
 and $368,898 for 1993 and 1994, respectively. The  agreements 
 are  with Messrs. Reeves, Eaton, Goldthwait, and MacDonald 
 in the amounts of $49,020, $22,600, $37,400 and $7,700,
 respectively. Mr.  Reeves began  drawing  his      
 annual installment of $49,020 beginning January 1, 1995.

  Officers  of the Bank are entitled to participate in certain
 group  insurance  benefits.   In accordance with Bank policy,
 all such benefits are available generally to employees of the


  The Bank retains the firm of Tyson & Partners to assist with
 its  marketing program.  Lynda Z. Tyson, who serves as a
 director of the Company, serves as that firm's Chief
 Operations Officer as well as Director of Marketing.

  The Bank has had, and expects to have in the future, banking 
 transactions in the ordinary course of its business with
 other  directors,  officers,  principal  stockholders,  and
 their associates.   All such transactions have been and will
 be made on substantially  the  same  terms,  including 
 interest  rates  and collateral,  as  those  prevailing  at 
 the  time  for comparable transactions  with  others.    No
 such transactions have involved more  than  normal  risk  of 
 collectability  or  presented other unfavorable  features, 
 and  no  loans  outstanding to directors, officers, 
 principal  stockholders,  or  their  associates  in an
 amount  in  excess of $60,000 are non-accruing or past due or
 are otherwise considered to be potential problem loans.


                                   PERFORMANCE GRAPH

  Federal regulations require that a graph be included in this
  proxy  statement  providing  a  comparison  of  total
 shareholder return on the common stock of the Company with
 that of comparable issuers.    The  following graph
 illustrates the estimated yearly percentage  change  in the
 Company's cumulative total shareholder return on its common
 stock for each of the last five years.   For purposes  of 
 comparison,  the  graph also illustrates comparable     
 shareholder  return of NASDAQ banks as a group as measured by
 the NASDAQ  Banks  Stock  Index and of Union Bankshares,
 which is, in the  opinion  of  management, the only other
 bank holding company w i t h  respect  to  which  a 
 meaningful  comparison  of  total shareholder  return  can 
 be  made.    The  graph  assumes a $100 investment  on 
 December  31, 1989 in the common stock of each of the   
 Company,  Union Bankshares and the NASDAQ banks as a group
 and  measures  the  amount  by  which  the  market value of
 each, ssuming  reinvestment of dividends, has increased as of
 December 31  of  each  calendar  year  since the base
 measurement point of December 31, 1989.

  Neither  the  common  stock of the company nor that of Union
 Bankshares  is  actively  traded on any market and,
 therefore, no market  index  is  available  for  the purpose
 of determining the market price of such common stock as of
 any particular date.  The following  graph  is  based  upon 
 a  good faith determination of approximate  market  value 
 for  each  year  indicated  based  on  information  obtained 
 from  Union Bankshares, in the case of its common  stock, 
 and  from  anecdotal information available to the Company  as 
 to the value at which its common stock has traded in isolated
 transactions from time to time.  Therefore, although the
 graph  represents  a good faith estimate of shareholder
 return as reflected  by  market  value,  the  valuations 
 utilized  are, of necessity,  estimates  and  may not
 accurately reflect the actual value at which common stock has
 traded in particular transactions as of any of the dates


((          (The  following  information  is presented in a
The following information is presented in a
 line graph in the paper proxy.

 BANK           1990     1991     1992    1993     1994

 Bar Harbor Banking
   and Trust 
    Company    $102.69  $105.62  $112.28 $132.55  $149.47

 Union Trust 
     Company  $102.50  $105.06  $107.69 $141.79  $150.02

 NASDAQ Banks $ 73.23  $120.16  $174.91  $199.45  $199.87      



  Stockholder  approval  of  the  selection of auditors is not
 required,  but  the  Board  is  of the view that an
 expression of opinion  by  the  stockholders  as to the
 appropriateness of this selection  is desirable.  The Board
 recommends that its selection of  Berry,  Dunn,  McNeil  & 
 Parker  be  ratified.  If the Board selection  is not
 ratified, the Board will take action to appoint  a  different
 auditor for the Company and for the Bank.  It is not     
 anticipated that a representative of Berry, Dunn, McNeil &
 Parker will  be  present  at  the  Meeting  to  respond  to 
 appropriate questions or to make a statement.

                                     OTHER MATTERS

   Management  knows  of  no  other matters to be presented
 for action at the Meeting.  If any other matters properly
 come before the  Meeting, the shares represented by the
 proxies will be voted with  respect  thereto  in  accordance 
 with  the judgment of the person(s) voting the proxies.



  Any request for a copy of either the Form 10-K or the Annual
 Disclosure  Statement  must  contain  a  representation  that
 the person  making the request was a beneficial owner of
 Common Stock on  August  16,  1995,  which  is  the record
 date for this proxy solicitation. Requests should be
 addressed to:  Marsha C. Sawyer, Clerk, Bar Harbor
 Bankshares, 82 Main Street, Bar Harbor, Maine. 
  Financial   statements  of  the  Company  contained  in  the
 Company's  annual report to stockholders for the fiscal year
 1994 are not to be considered a part of this soliciting


                      STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS
 Stockholders  may  submit proposals for consideration at the
 1996  Annual Meeting, which is presently scheduled for
 October 1, 1996.    In order to be included in the Company's
 Proxy Statement and  Form  of Proxy relating to that meeting,
 such proposals must be  received  by  the Company no later
 than May 2, 1996, which is 120  days  in  advance  of  the
 proposed mailing date of the 1996 proxy  materials.   
 Proposals  should  be addressed to Marsha C. Sawyer, Clerk,
 Bar Harbor Bankshares, 82 Main Street, Bar Harbor, Maine

           Bar Harbor, Maine                                   
                By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        Marsha C. Sawyer \s\

                                      Marsha C. Sawyer, Clerk





 82 Main Street
 Bar Harbor, Maine 04609

 The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  John  P.  McCurdy,  Peter
 Dodge,  and  Ruth  S.  Foster  as Proxies, each with power to
 appoint  a substitute and hereby authorizes them to represent
 and  to  vote,  as designated below, all the shares of Common
 Stock  of the Company held of record by the undersigned as of
 the  close  of  business  on  August  16, 1995, at the Annual
 Meeting  of  Stockholders to be held on October 3, 1995 or at
 any adjournment thereof.

                 (To be Signed on Reverse Side)

   X    Please mark your votes as in this example.
                                              For  Against   
 1.   To set the number of Directors at 17    ____

 2.   Election of Directors                        Nominees:
                                              Three Year Term:
      ____  FOR the nominee listed at right   Robert H. Avery
                                              Frederick F.
      ____ WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote    Sheldon F. Goldthwait,
           For nominee listed at right        Robert M.

      ____ For all nominees excepted as       One Year Term:
           indicated:                         Lawrence L. Dorr


 3.   To ratify the Board of Director s selection  For  
 Against   Abstain
      of Berry Dunn, McNeil & Parker as independent
      auditors of the Company and the Bank for the
      ensuing year.                                ____     
 ____    _____

 4.   To transact such other business as may properly 
      come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.

 This  proxy,  when properly executed, will be voted on behalf
 of the undersigned stockholder in the manner directed herein.
 If  no  direction is given, this proxy will be voted in favor
 of  Items  1  and 3, for the nominees listed in item 2 and in
 the  discretion  of  management  with  respect  to  any other
 matters which may come before the Meeting.


 SIGNATURE: _____________________ DATE:______________________

 SIGNATURE: _____________________ DATE:______________________

NOTE:  Please  sign  exactly  as  name appears above. Only one
joint  tenant  need  sign. When signing as attorney, executor,
administrator,  trustee,  or guardian or in any representative
capacity, please give full title.
