WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

[ X ]           Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                       For Quarter Ended December 31, 1999


[   ]        Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                          Commission File Number 1-6227

                          Lee Enterprises, Incorporated

A Delaware Corporation                                         I.D.  #42-0823980
215 N. Main Street
Davenport, Iowa  52801
Phone:  (319) 383-2100

Indicate  by a check  mark  whether  the  registrant  (1) has filed all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [ X ] No [ ]

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practical date.

            Class                               Outstanding At December 31, 1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common Stock, $2.00 par value                                33,256,790
Class "B" Common Stock, $2.00 par value                      10,938,182

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.


Consolidated Statements of Income
(In Thousands, Except Per Share Data)

                                                                1999        1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Three Months Ended December 31: ..................         (Unaudited)
   Operating revenue:
        Advertising ..............................       $ 70,133    $ 69,375
        Circulation ..............................         20,212      20,965
        Other ....................................         16,052      13,955
      Broadcasting ...............................         33,998      35,590
      Equity in net income of associated companies          2,261       2,242
                                                          142,656     142,127

   Operating expenses:
      Compensation costs .........................         52,855      51,303
      Newsprint and ink ..........................          9,013      10,828
      Depreciation ...............................          5,467       5,085
      Amortization of intangibles ................          4,724       4,403
      Other ......................................         37,169      35,708
                                                          109,228     107,327

              Operating income ...................         33,428      34,800

   Nonoperating (income) expense, net
      Financial (income) .........................         (1,054)     (1,216)
      Financial expense ..........................          3,385       4,266
      Gain on sale of properties .................        (18,249)        - -
                                                          (15,918)      3,050

              Income before taxes on income ......         49,346      31,750
   Income taxes ..................................         18,802      12,111
              Net income .........................       $ 30,544    $ 19,639

   Average outstanding shares:
      Basic ......................................         44,165      44,268
      Diluted ....................................         44,630      44,843

   Earnings per share:
      Basic ......................................       $   0.69    $   0.44
      Diluted ....................................       $   0.68    $   0.44

   Dividends per share ...........................       $   0.16    $   0.15


Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
(In Thousands)
                                                     December 31,  September 30,
ASSETS                                                   1999           1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash and cash equivalents ........................     $  34,139    $  10,536
Accounts receivable, net .........................        72,733       68,560
Newsprint inventory ..............................         3,488        3,625
Program rights and other .........................        15,059       19,822
              Total current assets ...............       125,419      102,543

Investments ......................................        32,848       32,145
Property and equipment, net ......................       143,696      139,203
Intangibles and other assets .....................       408,738      405,622
                                                       $ 710,701    $ 679,513
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current liabilities ..............................     $  87,577    $  79,448
Long-term debt, less current maturities ..........       186,154      187,005
Deferred items ...................................        62,596       58,731
Stockholders' equity .............................       374,374      354,329
                                                       $ 710,701    $ 679,513


Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(In Thousands)

Three Months Ended December 31:                             1999         1998
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cash Provided by Operations:
   Net income .....................................     $ 30,544     $ 19,639
   Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash
      provided by operations:
      Depreciation and amortization ...............       10,191        9,488
      Gain on sale of properties ..................      (18,249)         - -
      Distributions in excess of current earnings
        of associated companies ...................        1,786        1,758
      Other balance sheet changes .................       12,750        2,975
              Net cash provided by operations .....       37,022       33,860

Cash (Required for) Investing Activities:
   Purchase of property and equipment .............       (8,981)      (8,870)
   Acquisitions ...................................       (3,329)         - -
   Proceeds from sale of assets ...................        8,585          - -
   Other ..........................................          (33)         (42)
              Net cash (required for) investing
                      activities ..................       (3,758)      (8,912)
Cash (Required for) Financing Activities:
   Purchase of Lee Common Stock ...................       (3,922)      (2,126)
   Payments on short-term notes payable, net ......       (6,000)         - -
   Other ..........................................          261          125
              Net cash (required for) financing
                      activities ..................       (9,661)      (2,001)
              Net increase in cash and cash
                      equivalents .................       23,603       22,947

Cash and cash equivalents:
   Beginning .......................................      10,536       16,941
   Ending ..........................................    $ 34,139     $ 39,888


Notes to Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Financial Information

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Note 1.  Basis of Presentation

The  information  furnished  reflects  all  adjustments,  consisting  of  normal
recurring accruals, which are, in the opinion of management, necessary to a fair
presentation  of the financial  position as of December 31, 1999 and the results
of  operations  and cash flows for the three months ended  December 31, 1999 and

Note 2.  Investment in Associated Companies

Condensed operating results of Madison Newspapers,  Inc. (50% owned) and other
unconsolidated  associated companies are as follows:

                                                           Three Months Ended
                                                              December 31,
                                                           1999         1998
                                                                  (In Thousands)

Revenues .........................................      $ 24,428     $ 23,591
Operating expenses, except depreciation and
          amortization ...........................        16,502       15,627
Income before depreciation and amortization,
          interest, and taxes ....................         7,926        7,964
Depreciation and amortization ....................           722          793
Operating income .................................         7,204        7,171
Financial income .................................           397          323
Income before income taxes .......................         7,601        7,494
Income taxes .....................................         3,080        3,032
Net income .......................................         4,521        4,462

Note 3.  Cash Flows Information

The components of other balance sheet changes are:

                                                           Three Months Ended
                                                              December 31,
                                                           1999         1998
                                                                  (In Thousands)

(Increase) in receivables .........................     $ (6,211)    $ (7,960)
Decrease in inventories, film rights and other ....        1,907        1,746
(Decrease) in accounts payable, accrued expenses
     and unearned income ..........................       (3,043)      (1,798)
Increase in income taxes payable ..................       13,552       10,800
Other .............................................        6,545          187
                                                        $ 12,750     $  2,975

Note 4.  Earnings Per Share

The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted earnings per
share (in thousands except per share amounts):

                                                           Three Months Ended
                                                              December 31,
                                                            1999         1998
                                                            (In Thousands)
Numerator, income applicable to common
   shares, net income ............................      $ 30,544     $ 19,639

   Basic, weighted average common shares
      outstanding ................................        44,165       44,268
   Dilutive effect of employee stock options .....           465          575
              Diluted outstanding shares .........        44,630       44,843

Earnings per share:
   Basic .........................................      $   0.69     $   0.44
   Diluted .......................................          0.68         0.44

Note 5.  Sale of Assets

On October 1, 1999 the Company  sold  substantially  all the assets used in, and
liabilities  related to, the  publication,  marketing,  and  distribution of two
daily  newspapers  and the related  specialty  and  classified  publications  in
Kewanee,  Geneseo,  and  Aledo,  Illinois  and  Ottumwa,  Iowa in  exchange  for
$9,300,000 of cash and a daily newspaper and specialty publications in Beatrice,

Note 6.  Reclassification

Certain  expenses on the statement of income for the quarter ended  December 31,
1998 have been  reclassified with no effect on net income or earnings per share,
to be consistent with the classifications adopted for the quarter ended December
31, 1999.

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
         of Operations

Operations by line of business are as follows:

                                    Three Months Ended December 31,   Percent
                                    -------------------------------   Increase
                                          1999         1998          (Decrease)
                                        (Dollars In Thousands)
   Publishing ................        $ 108,687     $ 106,537            2.0%
   Broadcasting ..............           33,969        35,590           (4.6)
                                      $ 142,656     $ 142,127            0.4%

Income before depreciation and
  amortization, interest,
  and taxes (EBITDA): *
   Publishing ................        $  37,536     $  35,720            5.1%
   Broadcasting ..............           10,050        12,528          (19.8)
   Corporate .................           (3,967)      (3,960)           (0.2)
                                      $  43,619     $  44,288           (1.5)%

Operating income:
   Publishing ................        $  30,633     $  29,277            4.6%
   Broadcasting ..............            7,071         9,807          (27.9)
   Corporate and other .......           (4,276)       (4,284)           1.9
                                      $  33,428     $  34,800           (3.9)%

Capital expenditures:
   Publishing ................        $   7,325     $   5,593
   Broadcasting ..............            1,187         2,895
   Corporate .................              469           382
                                      $   8,981     $   8,870

*  EBITDA is not a financial  performance  measurement under generally  accepted
   accounting  principles (GAAP), and should not be considered in isolation or a
   substitute for GAAP performance measurements. EBITDA is also not reflected in
   our  consolidated  statement of cash flows; but it is a common and meaningful
   alternative  performance measurement for comparison to other companies in our


Exclusive of  acquisitions  and  dispositions,  publishing  advertising  revenue
increased  $617,000,  .9%.  Advertising  revenue from local merchants  decreased
$(816,000),  (2.0%). Local "run-of-press"  advertising  decreased  $(1,136,000),
(3.8)%, as a result of decreased spending and a shift to preprint advertising by
large retailers.  Local preprint revenue increased  $320,000,  2.9%.  Classified
advertising revenue increased  $1,021,000,  4.7%, as a result of a 9.6% increase
in advertising inches primarily in employment and automotive categories,  offset
by lower average rates.  Circulation revenue decreased  $(400,000),  (2.0%) as a
result of a decrease in units.

Other revenue consists of revenue from commercial  printing,  products delivered
outside the newspaper  (which include  activities  such as target  marketing and
special  event   production)  and  editorial   service  contracts  with  Madison
Newspapers, Inc.

Other revenue by category is as follows:
                                                           Three Months Ended
                                                              December 31,
                                                            1999         1998
                                                                  (In Thousands)

Commercial printing ..............................       $ 5,657      $ 6,215
New revenue * ....................................         7,140        5,187
Editorial service contracts ......................         2,296        2,197
Acquisitions and dispositions since October 1, 1998          959          356
                                                         $16,052      $13,955

* Includes internet/online, niche publications, books and other events and

The following table sets forth the percentage of revenue of certain items in the
publishing segment.

                                                           Three Months Ended
                                                              December 31,
                                                            1999         1998

Revenue ..........................................         100.0%       100.0%

Compensation costs ...............................          34.4         33.9
Newsprint and ink ................................           8.3         10.2
Other operating expenses .........................          22.8         22.4
                                                            65.5         66.5

Income before depreciation, amortization, interest
     and taxes ...................................          34.5         33.5
Depreciation and amortization ....................           6.4          6.0
Operating margin wholly-owned properties .........          28.1%        27.5%

Exclusive  of the effects of  acquisitions  and  dispositions,  costs other than
depreciation and amortization  increased  $209,000,  .3%.  Compensation  expense
increased  $1,038,000,  3.0%,  due  primarily  to an  increase  in  the  average
compensation  rate and unfavorable  medical plan  experience.  Newsprint and ink
costs  decreased  $(2,059,000),   (19.4)%,  due  to  lower  prices  and  reduced
consumption.  Other operating costs exclusive of depreciation  and  amortization
increased $1,230,000, 5.4% due to higher technology and promotion costs.


Revenue for the quarter  includes a $1,700,000  local marketing  agreement (LMA)
contract  termination  payment.  Exclusive of that disposition,  revenue for the
quarter  decreased  $(2,887,000),  (8.3)%,  as political  advertising  decreased
$(4,886,000),  while local/regional/national  increased $2,269,000 due to better
inventory  management  and pricing.  Production  revenue and revenues from other
services were essentially flat. Network compensation decreased by $(511,000).

The following table sets forth the percentage of revenue of certain items in the
broadcasting segment.

                                                           Three Months Ended
                                                              December 31,
                                                            1999         1998

Revenue ..........................................         100.0%       100.0%

Compensation costs ...............................          38.8         37.1
Programming costs ................................           9.7          6.7
Other operating expenses .........................          21.9         21.0
                                                            70.4         64.8

Income before depreciation, amortization, interest
     and taxes ...................................          29.6         35.2
Depreciation and amortization ....................           8.8          7.6
Operating margin wholly-owned properties .........          20.8%        27.6%

Exclusive  of  the  disposition,  compensation  costs  increased  $46,000,  .4%.
Programming  costs for the quarter increased  $426,000,  19.5%, due to increased
costs of programming.  Other operating  expenses,  exclusive of depreciation and
amortization, increased $138,000, 1.9% primarily due to an increase in bad debts
and outside  services  offset by a  reduction  in sales and  audience  promotion


Interest on deferred compensation agreements for executives and others is offset
by financial income earned on the invested funds held in trust. Financial income
and  interest  expense  increased  by  $572,000  and  $707,000 in 1999 and 1998,
respectively, as a result of these arrangements. Exclusive of the effects of the
deferred compensation agreements, financial expense decreased by $746,000 due to
reduced debt levels.

On October 1, 1999 the Company  exchanged  four  properties in Iowa and Illinois
for a property in Nebraska and  $9,300,000  in cash  resulting in a  $18,249,000
gain. Exclusive of this gain, diluted earnings per share were $.44.

Income taxes were 38.1% of pre-tax  income for the quarters  ended  December 31,
1999 and 1998.


Cash provided by operations, which is the Company's primary source of liquidity,
was  $37,022,000  for the  quarter.  Available  cash  balances,  cash  flow from
operations  and bank  lines of  credit  provide  adequate  liquidity.  Covenants
related to the Company's  credit  agreements are not  considered  restrictive to
operations and anticipated stockholder dividends.

YEAR 2000

The Year 2000 issue  concerns  the  inability  of  information  technology  (IT)
systems  and  equipment  utilizing  microprocessors  to  recognize  and  process
date-sensitive information after 1999 due to the use of only the last two digits
to refer to a year.  This  problem  could  affect  both  computer  software  and
hardware and other equipment that relies on microprocessors. The Company has not
experienced any significant  Year 2000 issues to date. The company believes that
February 29, 2000 is the remaining  potentially  significant  date on which Year
2000 issues could arise due to the way the leap year occurs.

The Company  will  continue to monitor  material  vendors  and  suppliers  whose
uninterrupted  delivery of product or service is material to the  production  or
distribution of our print and broadcast products. Material vendors and suppliers
include  electric  utilities,  telecommunications,  news and content  providers,
television networks,  other television  programming  suppliers,  the U.S. Postal
Service, and financial institutions.

The Company  could be faced with severe  consequences  if Year 2000 issues arise
and are not  resolved  in a timely  manner by the  Company  and  material  third
parties. A worst-case  scenario would result in the short-term  inability of the
Company to produce/distribute newspapers or broadcast television programming due
to unresolved Year 2000 issues. This would result in lost revenues; however, the
amount  would be  dependent  on the length and nature of the  disruption,  which
cannot be predicted or  estimated.  In light of the possible  consequences,  the
Company is prepared to devote the resources needed to address any remaining Year
2000 issues in a timely manner. While management expects a successful resolution
of these issues, there can be no guarantee that material third parties, on which
the Company relies,  will address all Year 2000 issues on a timely basis or that
their  failure to  successfully  address  all  issues  would not have an adverse
effect on the Company.

The Company has contingency plans in case business interruptions do occur.


The Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 provides a "Safe Harbor"
for forward-looking  statements.  This report contains certain information which
may be deemed  forward-looking  that is based largely on the  Company's  current
expectations and is subject to certain risks,  trends,  and  uncertainties  that
could cause actual results to differ  materially from those  anticipated.  Among
such  risks,  trends,  and  uncertainties  are  changes in  advertising  demand,
newsprint prices,  interest rates,  regulatory rulings,  availability of quality
broadcast programming at competitive prices, changes in the terms and conditions
of network affiliation  agreements,  quality and ratings of network over-the-air
broadcast programs,  legislative or regulatory initiatives affecting the cost of
delivery of  over-the-air  broadcast  programs to the Company's  customers,  and
other  economic  conditions  and the effect of  acquisitions,  investments,  and
dispositions on the Company's results of operations or financial condition.  The
words  "believe,"  "expect,"   "anticipate,"   "intends,"  "plans,"  "projects,"
"considers,"  and  similar   expressions   generally  identify   forward-looking
statements.   Readers  are  cautioned  not  to  place  undue  reliance  on  such
forward-looking  statements,  which are as of the date of this  report.  Further
information  concerning the Company and its businesses,  including  factors that
potentially could materially affect the Company's financial results, is included
in the Company's  annual report on Form 10-K.  The company does not undertake to
publically update or revise its forward-looking statements.

                          LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED

                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

            (a)  Exhibits:  None

            (b)  Report on Form 8-K:  None


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.


/s/ G.C. Wahlig                            Date  February 1, 2000
- -------------------------------------          -------------------
G.C. Wahlig, Chief Accounting Officer