An Iowa Corporation


                                 April 17, 2000

        The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of Hills Bancorporation,  an Iowa
corporation (the "Company"),  will be held at the Hills Community Center, Hills,
Iowa, on Monday,  the 17th day of April, 2000, at 4:00 o'clock p.m., local time,
for the following purposes:

        1.      To elect five members of the Board of Directors.
        2.      To approve the Hills Bancorporation 2000 Stock Option and
                Incentive Plan.
        3.      To transact such other business as may properly be brought
                before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.

        The Board of  Directors  has fixed  the close of  business  on March 14,
2000, as the record date for the  determination of the shareholders  entitled to
notice of, and to vote at, the meeting. Accordingly, only shareholders of record
at the close of business  on that date will be entitled to vote at the  meeting,
or any adjournments thereof.


Date: March 27, 2000                      By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          /s/ Dwight O. Seegmiller
Hills Bancorporation                      Dwight O. Seegmiller, President
131 Main Street
Hills, Iowa 52235

                              HILLS BANCORPORATION
                                131 Main Street
                               Hills, Iowa 52235


                          To Be Held on April 17, 2000

        This  Proxy   Statement   is   furnished   to   shareholders   of  Hills
Bancorporation (the "Company") in connection with the solicitation of proxies by
the Board of Directors of the Company for the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders to
be held April 17, 2000, and any adjournments  thereof.  This Proxy Statement and
form of Proxy  enclosed  herewith  are  first  sent to the  shareholders  of the
Company entitled thereto on or about March 20, 2000.

        If the  accompanying  Proxy is properly  signed and  returned and is not
withdrawn or revoked, the shares represented thereby will be voted in accordance
with the  specifications  thereon.  If the manner of voting  such  shares is not
indicated  on the  Proxy,  the  shares  will be voted  FOR the  election  of the
nominees for directors named herein and FOR approval of the Hills Bancorporation
2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan.  Election of any nominee as a director and
approval  of the Hills  Bancorporation  2000  Stock  Option and  Incentive  Plan
requires  a  majority  of the votes  cast by the  shares  entitled  to vote at a
meeting at which a quorum is present.

        Only  shareholders of record at the close of business on March 14, 2000,
are  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the  meeting.  There  were  1,495,941
shares of Common  Stock of the Company  outstanding  at the close of business on
that date, all of which will be entitled to vote. The presence,  in person or by
proxy, of the holders of a majority of such  outstanding  shares is necessary to
constitute a quorum for the  transaction of business at the meeting.  Holders of
the shares of Common Stock are entitled to one vote per share  standing in their
names on the record date on all  matters.  Shareholders  do not have  cumulative
voting rights. If the holder of shares abstains from voting on any matter, or if
shares  are  held  by a  broker  which  has  indicated  that it  does  not  have
discretionary  authority  to vote on a particular  matter,  those shares will be
counted for quorum purposes,  but will not be counted as votes cast with respect
to any matter to come  before the meeting and will not affect the outcome of any

        The Company will bear the cost of solicitation  of proxies.  In addition
to the use of the mails,  proxies may be solicited by  officers,  directors  and
regular  employees of the Company,  without  extra  compensation,  by telephone,
facsimile or personal  contact.  It will greatly  assist the Company in limiting
expense in  connection  with the  meeting if  shareholders  who do not expect to
attend in person will return signed proxies  promptly  whether they own a few or
many shares.

        A  shareholder  may  revoke  his or her  Proxy at any time  prior to the
voting  thereof by filing with the  Secretary  of the  Company at the  Company's
principal office at 131 Main Street,  Hills, Iowa 52235, a written revocation or
a duly executed Proxy bearing a later date. A shareholder  may also withdraw the
Proxy at the meeting at any time before it is exercised.


        The Company has ten directors with staggered terms of office.  Effective
on April 17, 2000, Earl M. Yoder will have reached the mandatory  retirement age
of 72 established by the Board of Directors and will not serve beyond the Annual
Meeting.  One director is to be elected to fill the newly created vacancy by the
retirement of Mr. Yoder and serve the remaining  year of his unexpired  term. In
addition,  four  directors  are to be  elected  at the 2000  Annual  Meeting  of
shareholders  to serve for a  three-year  term.  The Board of  Directors  has no
reason to believe  that any nominee  will be unable to serve as a  director,  if
elected.  However,  in case any nominee should become  unavailable for election,
the proxy will be voted for such  substitute,  if any, as the Board of Directors
may designate.

        Each  director of the  Company  also serves as a director of each of the
Company's  wholly-owned  subsidiaries  which are  three  commercial  banks.  The
commercial banks are Hills Bank and Trust Company  ("Hills"),  Hills Bank, which
has offices in Cedar Rapids,  Lisbon and Mount Vernon ("Hills Bank"),  and Hills
Bank Kalona ("Kalona").  The Company anticipates that, following the election of
the  nominees  set forth below,  all  directors of the Company will  continue to
serve as directors of the Banks,  being elected to such positions by the vote of
the Company as the sole shareholder of the Banks.

        Set forth below are the names of the five persons nominated by the Board
of Directors  for election as  directors at the 2000 Annual  Meeting  along with
certain other information concerning such persons.

Name and Year                      Positions &       Principal Occupation or
First Became                       Offices Held      Employment During
a Director               Age       With Company      the Past Five Years
- -------------           -----      ------------      ---------------------------
Nominee for Director to Serve Until the 2001 Annual Meeting

Michael D. Hodge (1)     46        Nominee for       President and shareholder
                                   Director          of Hodge Construction

(1) Michael D. Hodge is a nominee for  director  to fill the  unexpired  term of
Earl M. Yoder. Mr Hodge is the owner of approximately  fifty-five  percent (55%)
of Hodge Construction  Company.  In 1999, the Company entered into two cost-plus
contracts with Hodge Construction  Company for construction  management services
for  construction  projects  slated to start in the  second  quarter  of 2000 in
Hills, Iowa and Coralville,  Iowa. During 1999, the Company made no payments for
construction management services performed for the Company under these cost-plus
contracts.  Although  these  contracts  were not  entered  into as a  result  of
competitive  bidding,  the contracts were entered into in the ordinary course of
business of the Company  and,  in the opinion of  management,  the amounts to be
paid  under  such  contracts  for the  services  performed  will be at  least as
favorable to the Company as prices  generally  charged by similar  businesses in
the area for such  services.  If Mr.  Hodge  becomes a director of the  Company,
management  anticipates that any future contracts  between the Company and Hodge
Construction Company will be entered into as a result of competitive bidding.

Directors Serving Until the 2003 Annual Meeting

Willis M. Bywater          61      Director &        Executive officer and
1984-Company                       Vice President    shareholder of Economy
1979-Bank                                            Advertising Company
                                                     (commercial printing
                                                     and sales of advertising

Thomas J. Gill, D.D.S.     53      Director          Dentist - Private Practice

Donald H. Gringer          65      Director          Executive officer and
1988-Company                                         shareholder of Gringer Feed
1988-Bank                                            and Grain (grain elevator)

Dwight O. Seegmiller       47      Director &        President of the Company
1986-Company                       President         and the Bank


        The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  with  respect to
directors  of the Company  who will  continue  to serve  subsequent  to the 2000
Annual Meeting and who are not nominees for election at the 2000 Annual Meeting.

Name and Year                      Positions &       Principal Occupation or
First Became                       Offices Held      Employment During
a Director                Age      With Company      the Past Five Years
- -------------            -----     ------------      ---------------------------
Directors Serving Until the 2001 Annual Meeting

Richard W. Oberman         64      Director          President,
1984-Company                                         Oberman Farms, Inc.

Sheldon E. Yoder, D.V.M.   47      Director          President
1997-Company                                         and shareholder of
1997-Bank                                            Kalona Veterinary Clinic

Directors Serving Until the 2002 Annual Meeting

Theodore H. Pacha          51      Director          President and owner of THEO
1990-Company                                         Resources (Business
1990-Bank                                            Investment and Consulting),
                                                     May, 1999 to present;
                                                     previously executive
                                                     officer and owner of
                                                     Hawkeye Medical Supply,
                                                     Inc. (medical supplies)

Ann Marie Rhodes           46      Director          Vice President for
1993-Company                                         University Relations - The
1993-Bank                                            University of Iowa

Ronald E. Stutsman         60      Director          Executive officer and
1984-Company                                         shareholder of Eldon C.
1981-Bank                                            Stutsman, Inc. (fertilizer

None of the nominees or directors  serves as a director of another company whose
securities are registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or a company
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.


Board of Directors of Company

        The Board of  Directors  of the Company  meets on a regularly  scheduled
basis. During 1999, the Board of Directors of the Company held an annual meeting
and  thirteen  regular  meetings.  The Board of  Directors  of the  Company  has
established  a committee  consisting  of the nine  non-employee  directors  (all
directors but Mr.  Seegmiller)  to  administer  and grant awards under the Hills
Bancorporation  1993 Incentive Stock Plan (the "Incentive  Stock Plan").  During
1999, the Incentive Stock Committee held one meeting.  The Board of Directors of
the Company has not established  any standing  executive,  audit,  nominating or
compensation committees or committees performing similar functions. During 1999,
all directors of the Company attended at least seventy-five percent of the total
number of meetings of the Board and the Incentive Stock Committee. Directors are
compensated  for attending  meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company at
the rate of $100 per meeting.  The Directors are not compensated for meetings of
the Incentive Stock Committee.

        Upon approval of the Incentive Stock Plan by the Company's  shareholders
at the 1993 Annual  Meeting,  options to purchase up to 2,055  shares of Company
Common  Stock  were  granted  in  accordance  with the terms of the plan to each
non-employee  director of the Company (all  directors but Mr.  Seegmiller).  The
options were immediately  exerciseable upon grant at an exercise price of $25.34
per share.  The  options  were  granted  in tandem  with  dividend  equivalents,
entitling the holder of the option to receive,  upon  exercise of the option,  a
cash payment  equal to the dividends  paid with respect to the shares  purchased
from the date the option was granted  through the date the option is  exercised.
The options  will expire on the earlier of April 19, 2003 or two years after the
director's term of service on the Board of Directors of the Company ends.

Boards of Directors of Banks

        The business and affairs of the Banks are managed  directly by the Board
of Directors of the Banks,  the  membership of which is identical to that of the
Board of Directors  of the Company.  The Board of Directors of each of the Banks
holds regular  monthly  meetings.  In 1999,  the Board of Directors of Hills had
twelve regular meetings and one special meeting. The Board of Directors of Hills
has  established  the Trust  Committee,  Audit  Committee,  Loan  Committee  and
Employee Stock Ownership Plan ("ESOP")  Committee as standing  committees of the
Board of Directors.  Directors  Gringer and Pacha serve on the Trust  Committee;
Directors  Bywater,  Gill and Rhodes on the Audit Committee;  Directors Bywater,
Oberman,  Pacha,  Stutsman,  Sheldon Yoder and Earl Yoder on the Loan Committee;
and  Director  Rhodes  serves on the ESOP  Committee.  The three  directors  not
appointed to the Loan Committee are invited to attend meetings of that committee
and are  compensated  at the normal rate for each  meeting  attended.  Hills has
established no standing executive,  nominating or compensation committees of the
Board of Directors or committees performing similar functions.

        The Trust Committee is responsible for overseeing and annually reviewing
the  status of all  trusts  for  which the  Hills'  Trust  Department  acts in a
fiduciary capacity.  The Trust Committee met twelve times during 1999. The Audit
Committee held six meetings during 1999 and is responsible for  coordinating the
audit  service  with  McGladrey  & Pullen,  LLP and  addressing  internal  audit
functions.   The  Loan  Committee  held  eleven  meetings  during  1999  and  is
responsible for review and oversight of the loan  activities of Hills.  The ESOP
Committee, which is responsible for overseeing the ESOP in connection with which
Hills' Trust Department serves as trustee,  had two meetings during 1999. During
1999, all of the directors of Hills attended at least 75% of the total number of
meetings of the Board of Directors and the committees to which each director was

        Directors of Hills who are not employees of Hills (all directors but Mr.
Seegmiller)  receive a retainer of $5,000 per year and $250 for each  meeting of
the Board of Directors attended. Willis M. Bywater, the Chairman of the Board of
Hills,  receives an additional  $1,500 per year as a retainer fee.  Directors of
Hills who are not employees of Hills are  compensated for serving on the various
Hills committees at the rate of $150 per meeting attended.

        The membership of the Board of Directors of Hills Bank,  formerly Lisbon
Bank and Trust  Company and Kalona is identical to the  membership of the Boards
of  Directors of the Company and Hills.  The  directors of Hills Bank and Kalona
are  compensated at the rate of $50.00 for each meeting  attended.  During 1999,
there were no committees of the Board of Directors of Hills Bank or the Board of
Directors of Kalona.  The Board of  Directors of Hills Bank held twelve  regular
meetings  during  1999.  The Board of  Directors  of Kalona held twelve  regular
meetings  during 1999.  All  directors of the Hills Bank and Kalona  attended at
least 75% of the meetings held.

                             OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

        Set forth in the following  table is certain  information on each person
who is known to the Board of  Directors to be the  beneficial  owner as of March
10, 2000 of more than 5% of the Company's Common Stock,  which is the only class
of equity securities which the Company has outstanding.

                   Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership

                         Total Shares   Sole Voting    Shared Voting
Name and Address of      Beneficially  and Investment  and Investment Percent of
Beneficial Owner            Owned          Power           Power        Class
- ---------------------    ------------  --------------  -------------- ----------
Hills Bank and Trust       154,474           0           154,474 (1)    10.33%
  Company, as trustee
  of the Hills Bank
  and Trust Company
  Employee Stock
  Ownership Plan
  131 Main Street
  Hills, Iowa 52235


(1)  Consists of shares of Company  Common  Stock  allocated  to the accounts of
employees  of the Banks  eligible  to  participate  in the Hills  Bank and Trust
Company  Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan.  Employees are entitled to direct the
trustee how to vote shares allocated to their accounts.

        The following table sets forth certain  information as of March 10, 2000
as to the number of shares of the Company's Common Stock  beneficially  owned by
each  director,  nominee for  director,  executive  officer and by the executive
officers and directors as a group.

                   Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership

                        Total Shares   Sole Voting    Shared Voting
                        Beneficially  and Investment  and Investment  Percent of
   Name                    Owned           Power           Power       Class (3)
- ---------------------   ------------  --------------  --------------  ----------


Willis M. Bywater        26,715 (1)        15,355          11,360        1.78%
Thomas J. Gill, D.D.S.    2,055 (1)         2,055               0         .14%
Donald H. Gringer         2,679 (1)         2,679               0         .18%
Richard W. Oberman       15,255 (1)         4,275          10,980        1.02%
Theodore H. Pacha         2,655             2,655               0         .18%
Ann Marie Rhodes          2,055 (1)         2,055               0         .14%
Dwight O. Seegmiller     40,815 (2)        39,615           1,200        2.73%
Ronald E. Stutsman       14,958 (1)        14,769             189        1.00%
Earl M. Yoder            16,164            16,164               0        1.08%
Sheldon E. Yoder          2,364 (1)         2,364               0         .16%

Nominee for Director

Michael D. Hodge            900                 0             900         .06%

Non-Director Executive Officers

Thomas J. Cilek          21,249 (2)        16,629           4,620        1.42%
James G. Pratt           23,339 (2)        18,419           4,920        1.56%
All Directors and       171,203 (3)       137,034          34,169       11.29%
  Executive Officers
  as a group
  (13 persons)


(1) This figure  includes  2,055 shares subject to currently  exercisable  stock
options granted in 1993 for six of the directors of the Company and 2,055 shares
subject to currently  exercisable  stock options granted in 1997 to one director
pursuant to the Hills Bancorporation 1993 Incentive Stock Plan.

(2) This  figure  includes  shares  held by the  Hills  Bank and  Trust  Company
Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan  which  have been  allocated  to the  executive
officers for voting purposes. The following number of shares have been allocated
under the ESOP to the executive  officers for voting purposes:  Mr. Seegmiller -
13,689; Mr. Cilek - 8,946; Mr. Pratt - 11,024; all executive officers as a group
- - 33,659.  Also includes  6,077 shares  subject to currently  exercisable  stock
options granted in 1993 to two executive officers of the Company.  The amount of
stock options for each  executive  officer:  Mr. Cilek - 3,683;  and Mr. Pratt -

(3) Includes,  for each such person,  shares that are deemed to be  beneficially
owned by such  person (a) because  such shares are subject to options  currently
exercisable by such person or (b) because such shares are held by the Hills Bank
and Trust Company  Employee Stock Ownership Plan and have been allocated to such
person with shared voting power, as noted in Notes 1 and 2.


Summary Compensation Table

        The following  table provides  certain  summary  information  concerning
compensation  paid or  accrued  by the  Company  and the Bank for the last three
fiscal years with respect to Mr. Seegmiller, as President of the Company, and to
the other two executive officers of the Company:

                                  Annual Compensation      Long Term Compensation
                                  -------------------      ----------------------
    Name and                                                    Securities
    Principal                                                   Underlying        All Other
    Position                  Year    Salary($)  Bonus($)(1)     Options      Compensation($)(2)
- --------------------          ----    ---------  -----------    ----------    ------------------
Dwight O. Seegmiller .........1999     206,428     43,143           0              47,407
  President of                1998     206,428     33,743           0              42,644
  Company and                 1997     206,428     28,043           0              29,663

Thomas J. Cilek ..............1999     159,512     18,650           0              21,116
  Secretary of                1998     159,512     12,550           0              20,813
  Company; Senior             1997     159,512     10,150           0              17,168
  Vice President
  of Bank

James G. Pratt ...............1999     159,512     28,550           0              22,295
  Treasurer of                1998     159,512     20,250           0              21,795
  Company;                    1997     159,512     10,150           0              17,520
  Senior Vice
  President of Bank


(1) Consists of a $35,000 cash bonus for Mr. Seegmiller, a $17,000 cash bonus to
Mr. Cilek and a $26,000 cash bonus to Mr. Pratt and additional compensation that
represents  the   contributions,   which  were  limited  due  to  statutory  and
administrative  rules,  for the Hills  Bank and  Trust  Company  Employee  Stock
Ownership Plan and Profit Sharing Plan.

(2) For  each  of the  named  executive  officers,  the  figures  shown  consist
partially  of  contributions  in the  following  amounts made by the Bank to the
Hills Bank and Trust Company  Employee  Stock  Ownership Plan and Profit Sharing
Plan for the specified  year and partially of  above-market  returns on deferred
compensation  accrued  during the specified  year.  The  difference  between the
figures shown and the contributions to the Hills Bank and Trust Company Employee
Stock  Ownership  Plan  and  Profit  Sharing  Plan in the  table  below  are the
above-market returns:

                Year    Contribution Amounts
                ----    --------------------
                1999          $14,400
                1998           14,400
                1997           13,500

        For 1999 and 1998 the  above-market  returns were based on the change in
the value of the Company's common stock. For 1997 such returns were based on the
change in the value of the Standard & Poor's 500 index.

Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Fiscal Year-end Option

                                                       Number of Securities Underlying      Value of Unexercised
                         Shares                            Unexercised Options at          In-the Money Options at
                       Acquired on        Value                   FY-End(#)                       FY-End ($)
     Name              Exercise(#)    Realized($)(1)   Exercisable/Unexercisable(2)(3)   Exercisable/Unexercisable(4)
    ------             -----------    --------------   -------------------------------   ----------------------------
Dwight O. Seegmiller ....8,886           $390,984                   -0-/-0-                        $ -0-/-0-
Thomas J. Cilek .........4,000           $177,747                 3,683/-0-                     $161,426/-0-
James G. Pratt ..........5,001           $220,027                 2,394/-0-                     $104,929/-0-

(1) Value realized is the difference  between the fair market value of the stock
when the options were  exercised  and the option price of $26.17.  Added to this
value is the dividend  equivalents paid on the option shares exercised which was
$6.17 per share.  Each  participant  paid  ordinary  income taxes rates on these
non-qualified  stock options for the value realized and the company  received an
income tax deduction.

(2)  Options  were  granted  in  tandem  with  dividend  equivalents.   Dividend
equivalents  entitle the holder of the option to receive,  upon  exercise of the
option,  a cash payment equal to the  dividends  paid with respect to the shares
purchased  from the date the option was granted  through the date the option was

(3) All options granted were subject to a five-year vesting  requirement and are
now fully vested.

(4) These dollar values were  calculated by determining  the difference  between
the fair  market value of the securities underlying the options and the exercise
or base  price of the  options  at fiscal  year-end.  Options were granted at an
exercise price equal to the then fair market value of the underlying stock which
was determined by the Incentive Stock  Committee of the Board of Directors to be
equal to the then book value per share  ($26.17) of the stock.   The fair market
value of stock as of December 31, 1999 is $70.00 per share. Since no established
trading  market  exists for the Company's  common stock the price of  $70.00  is
based on the last known  selling price in  December,  1999.   The book value per
share of the stock as of December 31, 1999 is $47.61 computed on the same method
as the $26.17  book value used at the date the  options  were granted.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

        Hills  sponsors a  tax-qualified  income plan for the employees of Hills
Bank and Trust Company, Hills Bank and Hills Bank Kalona known as the Hills Bank
and Trust  Company  Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan (the  "ESOP").  The ESOP is
described in and operated in accordance  with the provisions of the written plan
document.  Hills is the  trustee  of the  ESOP  assets.  The  ESOP is a  defined
contribution plan designed  primarily to reward eligible  employees for long and
loyal service by providing them with retirement  benefits.  The ESOP is designed
and  intended to invest  primarily in Common Stock issued by the Company and, in
so doing, to provide for employee  participation  in the equity ownership of the
Company. The ESOP may also provide benefits in the event of death, disability or
other termination of employment prior to retirement.  Any benefits payable under
the ESOP will be based solely upon the amounts  contributed for the benefit of a
participant and any changes in the value of those  contributions  while they are
held in the ESOP. The total number of  participants in the ESOP as of January 1,
2000, was 226.

        Participating  employees  are entitled to direct the trustee of the ESOP
how to vote the Common Stock of the Company held for their benefit and allocated
to their  accounts  under the ESOP.  The  trustee  of the ESOP will have  voting
discretion  with regard to all other  Common  Stock of the Company  owned by the
ESOP,  if any.  All  common  stock  owned  by the ESOP  has  been  allocated  to
participating employees.

        Each calendar year Hills, as plan sponsor,  contributes to the ESOP such
amount  as may be  determined  by the Board of  Directors  of Hills or as may be
required to make any payments of principal  and interest due on any loan made to
the  trustee of the ESOP.  The ESOP does not require or allow  contributions  by
participating  employees.  Distributions  of  benefits  from  the  ESOP  to plan
participants  or their  beneficiaries  can be made  either  in cash or in Common
Stock of the Company.  In recent years,  distributions  have been made partly in
cash and partly in Common Stock of the Company.  Subject to certain  exceptions,
contributions to the ESOP are fully vested after seven (7) years of service with
Hills, Hills Bank or Kalona.

        The following  table  indicates the amount accrued  pursuant to the ESOP
for each named executive officer or group during 1999:

Name of Individual                      Capacities in                   Amounts
or Number in Group                      Which Served                    Accrued
- ------------------                      -------------                   -------
Dwight O. Seegmiller             Director and President of the          $ 1,600
                                 Company; Director and President
                                 of the Bank

Thomas J. Cilek                  Secretary of the Company;              $ 1,600
                                 Senior Vice President of the Bank

James G. Pratt                   Treasurer of the Company;              $ 1,600
                                 Senior Vice President of the Bank

All Executive Officers
as a group (3 persons)                                                  $ 4,800

All Other Participating
Employees (223 persons)                                                 $58,838

Profit Sharing Plan

        Hills began  sponsoring a new profit  sharing  plan in  December,  1994.
Hills is the trustee of the Hills Bank and Trust  Company  Profit  Sharing  Plan
(the "Profit Sharing  Plan").  The Profit Sharing Plan is operated in accordance
with the  provisions of the written plan  document.  Employees of Hills Bank and
Trust  Company,  Hills Bank and Hills Bank Kalona are eligible to participate in
the Profit  Sharing Plan.  The Profit  Sharing Plan,  like the ESOP, is designed
primarily to reward  eligible  employees for long and loyal service by providing
them with retirement benefits. The Profit Sharing Plan is a defined contribution
plan and is invested in assets other than equity securities of the Company.  Any
benefits  payable  under the Profit  Sharing  Plan will be based solely upon the
amounts  contributed  for the  benefit of a  participant  and any changes in the
value of those contributions while they are held in the Profit Sharing Plan. The
Profit  Sharing Plan does not require or allow  contributions  by  participating
employees.  Subject to certain  exceptions,  contributions to the Profit Sharing
Plan are fully vested after seven (7) years of service with the Banks.

        The following table indicates the amount accrued  pursuant to the Profit
Sharing Plan for each named executive officer or group during 1999:

Name of Individual                      Capacities in                 Amounts
or Number in Group                      Which Served                  Accrued
- -------------------           --------------------------------       --------
Dwight O. Seegmiller          Director and President of the
                              Company; Director and President
                              of the Bank                             $12,800
Thomas J. Cilek               Secretary of the Company;
                              Senior Vice President of the Bank       $12,800
James G. Pratt                Treasurer of the Company;
                              Senior Vice President of the Bank       $12,800
All Executive Officers
as a Group (3 persons)                                                $38,400
All Other Participating
Employees (223 persons)                                              $470,700

Performance Graph

        The graphical presentation omitted herein provides information regarding
cumulative,  five year shareholder  returns on an indexed basis of the Company's
Common Stock as compared  with NASDAQ  Market  Index and the  Regional-Southwest
Banks Index prepared by Media General Financial Services of Richmond,  Virginia.
The latter index  reflects  the  performance  of forty  bank  holding  companies
operating  principally in the  Midwest as selected by  Media  General  Financial
Services.  The indexes  assume the  investment  of $100 on December 31,  1994 in
Company Common Stock,  the NASDAQ Index and the Regional-Southwest Banks  Index,
with all dividends reinvested.

The following are the data points utilized in the omitted graph:

                         1994      1995      1996      1997      1998      1999
                      --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
Hills Bancorporation  $ 100.00  $ 109.36  $ 134.93  $ 166.14  $ 205.75  $ 253.83

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

        Except as otherwise noted below,  all compensation  decisions  affecting
the  executive  officers  of the  Company and the Banks are made by the Board of
Directors of the Banks,  as the  executive  officers are employees of the Banks.
The  Board  of  Directors  of the  Banks  has  not  established  a  compensation
committee.  Mr.  Seegmiller,  President  of the  Banks,  serves  on the Board of
Directors of the Banks,  but does not participate in  deliberations or voting on
decisions concerning compensation of executive officers. Although Mr. Seegmiller
does make a recommendation to the Board of Directors  regarding the compensation
of Mr.  Cilek  and Mr.  Pratt,  no  recommendation  is  made  by Mr.  Seegmiller
regarding  his  own  compensation.   After  making  such  recommendations,   Mr.
Seegmiller  is excused from the meeting and the Board of  Directors  deliberates
and  votes  upon  the  compensation  to be paid to each of the  three  executive
officers.  Decisions regarding the award of stock options to the three executive
officers pursuant to the Company's Incentive Stock Plan are made by an Incentive
Stock Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company  consisting of the nine
non-employee directors (all directors but Mr. Seegmiller).

        Willis M.  Bywater and  Theodore H. Pacha,  both members of the Board of
Directors  of the Banks  and the  Incentive  Stock  Committee,  participated  in
deliberations concerning executive compensation matters during 1998. Under rules
of the  Securities and Exchange  Commission,  the Banks are required to disclose
that  it has  had  certain  business  relationships  during  1999  with  Economy
Advertising  Company, a commercial  printing and specialty  advertising firm and
Hawkeye  Medical  Supply,  a medical and office supply store.  Mr. Bywater is an
executive officer and principal  shareholder of Economy  Advertising Company and
Mr. Pacha was an  executive  officer and owner of Hawkeye  Medical  Supply until
May,  1999 when he sold his  interest in the  company and ended his  employment.
During 1999, the Banks paid the sum of $194,464 to Economy  Advertising  Company
for  commercial  printing  services and for the purchase of calendars  and other
specialty  advertising  items and $24,035 to Hawkeye  Medical  Supply for office
equipment and supplies.  The Banks  contemplates that it will purchase a similar
amount of goods and services from Economy  Advertising Company during 2000. Such
business relationships have been entered into in the ordinary course of business
of the Banks and, in the opinion of management, the prices charged for the goods
and services provided by Economy  Advertising Company and Hawkeye Medical Supply
Company are at least as  favorable to the Banks as prices  generally  charged by
similar  businesses  in the area for  such  goods  and  services.  The  Board of
Directors of the Banks does not believe that the  participation  by Mr.  Bywater
and  Mr.  Pacha  in the  deliberations  concerning  executive  compensation  has
provided the executive  officers of the Banks with more  favorable  compensation
arrangements than would have been the case absent their participation.


        Under rules established by the Securities and Exchange  Commission,  the
Company is required to provide  certain  data and  information  in regard to the
compensation  and benefits  provided to Dwight  Seegmiller,  as President of the
Company and the Banks,  and the other two executive  officers of the Company and
the  Banks.  The  disclosure  requirements  for  these  three  individuals  (the
"executive  officers")  include  information  set forth in various  compensation
tables  contained in this Proxy Statement and a report  explaining the rationale
and matters considered in making fundamental  executive  compensation  decisions
affecting those  individuals.  Decisions  regarding  executive officer salaries,
bonuses and contributions to the ESOP and, beginning in 1994, the Profit Sharing
Plan are made by the  Board  of  Directors  of the  Banks,  with Mr.  Seegmiller
abstaining from  deliberations and voting on such matters.  Decisions  regarding
the grant of awards to executive  officers  pursuant to the Incentive Stock Plan
are made by the  Incentive  Stock  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  of the
Company,  consisting of the nine  non-employee  directors (all directors but Mr.
Seegmiller).  In  fulfillment  of the  disclosure  requirements,  the  Board  of
Directors  of the Banks and the  Incentive  Stock  Committee of the Company have
prepared the following report.

Compensation Policy

        This report describes the current compensation policy as endorsed by the
Board of  Directors  of the  Banks and the  Incentive  Stock  Committee  and the
resulting  actions  taken in  arriving at 1999  compensation  as reported in the
various compensation tables. The executive compensation program of the Banks has
been designed to:

*       provide a pay for performance  policy that  differentiates  compensation
        amounts based upon corporate and individual performance;

*       provide compensation opportunities which are comparable to those offered
        by other Iowa-based financial  institutions,  thus allowing the Banks to
        compete for and retain  talented  executives  who  are  essential to the
        long-term success of the Company and the Banks; and

*       align the interest of the executive officers with the long-term interest
        of the Company's  shareholders  through the ownership of  Company Common

        The executive compensation program is comprised of salary, opportunities
for  annual  cash  bonuses,  participation  in the  ESOP and  opportunities  for
long-term  incentives  pursuant to awards granted under the Incentive Stock Plan
and,  beginning in 1994,  participation in the Profit Sharing Plan. An executive
officer's  salary  is  based  on a  number  of  factors,  including  the  Banks'
performance  as compared to internally  established  goals for the most recently
ended  fiscal  year  and  to  the  performance  of  other  Iowa-based  financial
institutions,  the individual officer's level of responsibility within the Banks
and comparisons to salaries paid to officers holding similar  positions in other
Iowa-based financial institutions.  The award of an annual cash bonus is made in
the  discretion of the Board of Directors and not pursuant to any formal plan or
formula.  A bonus,  if granted,  is based on the  individual  performance of the
executive  officer and the  achievement  of financial  performance  goals of the
Banks,  as established in the Banks' annual budget and business plan. The Banks,
as plan  sponsor  of the  ESOP,  makes  an  annual  ESOP  contribution  which is
allocated  among  all  participating  employees  of  the  Banks,  including  the
executive  officers,  based on their annual  salaries.  In 1999,  the Banks,  as
sponsor of the Profit  Sharing  Plan,  made a Profit  Sharing Plan  contribution
which was allocated among all  participating  employees of the Banks,  including
the executive officers,  based on their annual salaries.  The amount of the ESOP
contribution  and  the  amount  of the  Profit  Sharing  Plan  contribution  are
determined  in the  discretion  of the Board of  Directors  and are based on the
achievement  of financial  performance  goals of the Banks as established in the
Banks' annual budget and business plan. The Incentive  Stock  Committee uses the
award of stock options to executive officers (as well as the award of restricted
stock to other  Banks  employees)  to align  their  interests  with those of the
shareholders;  however,  significant  vesting periods are also used to encourage
retention as employees. The amount of options granted is determined by reviewing
the practices of other financial  institutions based on information  provided by
an outside consultant to the Board of Directors.

        In 1993,  Section  162(m) of the  Internal  Revenue  Code was amended to
place limits on the  deductibility  of compensation in excess of $1 million paid
to executive officers of publicly held companies.  The Board of Directors of the
Banks does not believe,  however,  that the  amendment  has had or will have any
impact on the compensation policies followed by the Board.

President's Compensation

        Mr. Seegmiller's base salary was unchanged at $206,428 for 1999 from the
prior year. The base salary reflected  consideration of (i) an assessment of the
Banks'  performance  during 1998 as  compared to goals set in the Banks'  annual
budget and business plan for 1998,  (ii) a comparison of the Banks'  performance
as compared  with that of other  Iowa-based  financial  institutions,  and (iii)
compensation  data  provided  by  comparative   industry  surveys.   Each  year,
management of the Banks prepares, and the Board of Directors approves, an annual
budget  and  business  plan  containing  financial  performance  goals  measured
primarily in terms of earnings per share,  asset  quality,  return on assets and
return on stockholders' equity. In setting Mr. Seegmiller's salary for 1999, the
Board reviewed the goals established for 1998 and determined that such goals had
been achieved by the Banks.  The Board also reviewed the Banks'  performance  as
compared to that of other  Iowa-based  financial  institutions  of similar asset
size.  Compensation data for other Iowa-based financial  institutions of similar
asset size is also provided through surveys  independently  prepared by the Iowa
Bankers  Association.  The survey  reviewed by the Board in setting  1999 salary
contained  information  on  salaries  paid  during  1998 to the chief  executive
officers of 11 Iowa-based  banks with deposits in excess of $225 million.  While
the  foregoing  factors are not  specifically  weighted  in the  decision-making
process,  primary  emphasis  is  placed on the  Banks'  performance  during  the
previous  year  as  compared  to the  internally-established  goals.  Review  of
comparable  compensation  data is used  primarily  as a check to ensure that the
salary established is within the range of salaries paid to other chief executive
officers of Iowa-based  financial  institutions.  Although the Board  reviewed a
number of  objective  factors as  described  above in setting  Mr.  Seegmiller's
salary  for 1999,  the  amount was based on a  subjective  determination  by the

        Mr. Seegmiller was awarded a cash bonus in 1999 in the amount of $35,000
based  on a  determination  by  the  Board  of  Directors  that  the  Banks  had
accomplished  certain goals as  established  in the budget and business plan for
1998. Those goals were measured  primarily in terms of earnings per share, asset
quality,  return on assets and return on stockholders' equity. The amount of the
bonus was based on a subjective  determination  by the Board. In addition to the
cash bonus, Mr. Seegmiller received additional  compensation that represents the
contributions, which were limited due to statutory and administrative rules, for
the Hills  Bank and Trust  Company  Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan and  Profit
Sharing Plan.

        A contribution of $14,400 was made to Mr.  Seegmiller's  ESOP and profit
sharing  accounts during 1999. The size of the  contribution was determined as a
function of Mr.  Seegmiller's  1999 salary (not including bonus) and the size of
the  contribution  made by the Banks,  as plan sponsors,  to the ESOP and profit
sharing  plan  for  the  benefit  of all  employees  of the  Banks  eligible  to
participate  in the ESOP and profit sharing plans limited to a maximum of 15% of
$160,000 or $24,000  established by the Internal Revenue Service.  For 1999, the
ESOP and profit sharing plan  contributions  made by the Banks amounted to 9% of
the aggregate  salaries paid to all Banks  employees  eligible to participate in
the plans. The size of the ESOP and profit sharing  contributions are determined
by the Board of Directors in its  discretion  based on its assessment of whether
the Banks achieved the goals  established in the annual budget and business plan
for  1999.  Once  the size of the ESOP and  profit  sharing  contributions  were
determined,  such contributions were allocated among the ESOP and profit sharing
accounts of all eligible employees of the Banks, including Mr. Seegmiller, based
on their annual salaries for 1999.

Compensation for Other Executive Officers

        Effective January 1, 1999, the Board of Directors made no changes in the
salaries paid to the two other  executive  officers of Hills as reflected in the
compensation table appearing herein. The Board of Directors awarded a cash bonus
of $17,000 and $26,000  respectively to each of the other two executive officers
in 1999,  and bonuses as  discussed  for Mr.  Seegmiller  and  appearing  on the
compensation  table. The bonus awards were based on the same  considerations  as
the  compensation  decisions  for  the  President  of the  Banks.  Additionally,
contributions  were  made to the  ESOP  accounts  and the  Profit  Sharing  Plan
accounts of the other two executive officers,  the size of which were determined
in accordance with the same procedure as used for all employees of the Banks.

                                    BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                    HILLS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY

                                    INCENTIVE STOCK COMMITTEE
                                    HILLS BANCORPORATION

                                    Willis M. Bywater        Ann Marie Rhodes
                                    Thomas J. Gill, D.D.S.   Ronald E. Stutsman
                                    Donald H. Gringer        Earl M. Yoder
                                    Richard W. Oberman       Sheldon E. Yoder
                                    Theodore H. Pacha


        Certain of the officers and directors of the Company,  their  associates
or members of their families, were customers of, and have had transactions with,
the Banks from time to time in the ordinary  course of business,  and additional
transactions may be expected to take place in the ordinary course of business in
the future.  All loans and commitments  included in such  transactions have been
made on substantially the same terms,  including  interest rates and collateral,
as those prevailing at the time for comparable  transactions with other persons.
In the opinion of management of the Banks, such loan transactions do not involve
more  than the  normal  risk of  collectibility  or  present  other  unfavorable

        During the past year, the Banks and the Company have maintained business
relationships  with certain companies  partially owned or operated by members of
the Board of Directors of the Company through the purchase of varying amounts of
goods and services from such  companies.  All such business  relationships  have
been  entered  into in the  ordinary  course  of  business  of the Banks and the
Company and, in the opinion of management, the prices charged for such goods and
services  have been at least as favorable to the Banks and the Company as prices
generally charged by similar businesses in the area for such goods and services.
Management  of the  Company  anticipates  that the  Banks and the  Company  will
continue to  maintain  such  business  relationships  on a similar  basis to the
extent that such goods and services are required by the Banks and the Company in
the future.

        Michael D. Hodge is a nominee for director to fill the unexpired term of
Earl M. Yoder. Mr Hodge is the owner of approximately  fifty-five  percent (55%)
of Hodge Construction  Company.  In 1999, the Company entered into two cost-plus
contracts with Hodge Construction  Company for construction  management services
for  construction  projects  slated to start in the  second  quarter  of 2000 in
Hills, Iowa and Coralville,  Iowa. During 1999, the Company made no payments for
construction management services performed for the Company under these cost-plus
contracts.  Although  these  contracts  were not  entered  into as a  result  of
competitive  bidding,  the contracts were entered into in the ordinary course of
business of the Company  and,  in the opinion of  management,  the amounts to be
paid  under  such  contracts  for the  services  performed  will be at  least as
favorable to the Company as prices  generally  charged by similar  businesses in
the area for such  services.  If Mr.  Hodge  becomes a director of the  Company,
management  anticipates that any future contracts  between the Company and Hodge
Construction Company will be entered into as a result of competitive bidding.

                   Approval of the Hills Bancorporation 2000
                        Stock Option and Incentive Plan

Summary of the Proposal

        The  Board  of   Directors   of  the   Company  has  adopted  the  Hills
Bancorporation  2000 Stock Option and Incentive Plan in the form attached hereto
as an  Exhibit  A (for  purposes  of the  Section  of the proxy  statement,  the
"Plan"), subject to approval of the Plan by the stockholders of the Company. The
description  that  follows is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Plan
as set forth in such  exhibit.  Subject  to  stockholder  approval,  the Plan is
intended to succeed the Hills  Bancorporation  1993 Stock  Incentive  Plan which
expired in 1999 (the "1993 Plan"). In general,  the proposed Plan authorizes the
Company to award to select  key  employees  and  non-directors,  stock  options,
shares of the  Company's  common stock or an amount based on the value  thereof.
The number of shares of common  stock  reserved for all awards under the plan is

        Stockholder  approval of the Plan  requires  the  affirmative  vote of a
majority  of the  shares  present or  represented  and  entitled  to vote at the

The Board of Directors recommends a vote for the Hills Bancorporation 2000 Stock
option and incentive plan.

Description of the Plan

        Purpose.  The Board believes that, like the 1993 Plan, the proposed Plan
will successfully  advance the Company's long-term financial success by enabling
it to attract and retain outstanding talent and motivate superior performance by
encouraging  and  providing  a means for  participating  employees  to obtain an
ownership interest in the Company.

        Administration.  The Plan will be  administered  by a  committee  of the
Board (the "Committee") which shall consist of two or more members of the Board.
The Company  presently  intends for each of these directors to be a "nonemployee
director" within the meaning of Rule 16b-3 under the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934 (the "Exchange  Act").  The Committee is responsible for  interpreting  and
administering  the  Plan,  including  making  all  determinations  necessary  or
advisable for such administration.

        Eligibility and Participation.  The Committee is authorized from time to
time to grant  awards  under  the  Plan to such  salaried  employees  (including
executive   officers)  and  non-employee   directors  of  the  Company  and  its
subsidiaries as the Committee, in its discretion,  selects. Since its inception,
approximately  81  participants  received  grants  under the 1993 Plan  covering
approximately 65,000 shares. These awards are not necessarily  indicative of the
number of  participants  or the number of awards  which  might be made under the
proposed  Plan.  The Company  cannot at this time  identify  the persons to whom
awards  will be  granted,  or would  have been  granted  if the Plan had been in
effect  during  1999;  nor can the  Company  state the form or value of any such

        Share  Limits.  The aggregate  number of shares of the Company's  common
stock issuable under all awards under the Plan is approximately  66,000.  Shares
awarded  under the Plan will be made  available  from  authorized  but  unissued
common stock or from common stock held in the treasury.

        Options. The Plan authorizes the Committee to grant to employees options
to purchase  the  Company's  common  stock which may be in the form of statutory
stock options,  including  "incentive stock options"  ("ISOs") or in the form of
non-statutory  options.  The Plan authorizes the Committee to grant only options
other than ISOs to non-employee directors. The exercise price of options granted
under the Plan  (subject to  amendment  as  discussed  herein  under the caption
"Amendment and  Adjustment")  may not be less than the fair market value of such
stock  at the  time the  option  is  granted  and  once  established  may not be
modified. Fair market value on any given date for this and other purposes of the
Plan will be the mean between the highest and the lowest sale prices reported on
such date or if there were no sales on such  date,  then the fair  market  value
will be the mean  between the bid and asked price on such date,  or, if there is
no bid and asked  price on such  date,  then on the next prior  business  day on
which  there  was a bid and  asked  price.  If no such  bid and  asked  price is
available,  then the fair market value will be as determined by the Committee in
its sole and absolute discretion.

        The Plan permits optionees, with certain exceptions, to pay the exercise
price of options in cash, common stock of the Company (valued at its fair market
value on the date of exercise and  including  stock  received  upon  exercise of
options under any Company  option plan) or a combination  thereof.  Accordingly,
any optionee who owns any Company common stock may generally,  by using stock in
payment of the exercise  price of an option,  receive,  in one  transaction or a
series of essentially simultaneous transactions, without any cash payment of the
purchase  price,  (i) Company common stock  equivalent in value to the excess of
the fair market value of the shares subject to exercised  option rights over the
exercise price of the option, plus (ii) a number of shares equal to that used to
pay the exercise price.

        Options will become  exercisable  six months or longer after the date of
grant  and the term  shall not  extend  later  than ten years  after the date of
grant. Unless the Committee  establishes  otherwise at the time of the award, in
the event of  termination of employment  because of death,  stock options may be
exercised by the participant's  beneficiary within two years after death without
regard to any holding period.  Unless the Committee establishes otherwise at the
time of the  award,  in the  event  of  termination  of  employment  because  of
disability,  options  generally may be exercised by the  participant  within one
year after the  termination  of employment  upon the same terms as if the holder
remained an employee of the Company. In the event of termination for just cause,
a participant's  options  immediately  expire. In the event of any other kind of
termination,  a participant  may exercise the options within three (3) months of
such termination.

        Stockholder  Rights.  Each  participant  shall have the right to receive
dividends upon and to vote shares of common stock awarded during any restriction
period.  Optionees  however,  will not have  rights  as a  stockholder  prior to
exercise.  With  limited  exceptions,  participants  may not  transfer,  assign,
pledge,  or  encumber  awards  under the Plan.  Awards  under the Plan  shall be
evidenced by written agreements.

        Change in Control.  In the event of a change in control of the  Company,
as defined in the Plan, the restrictions and vesting requirements of awards will
lapse for a period of 60 days beginning on the date of the change in control and
the value of awards may be paid to participants in cash.

        The lapse of limitations  and payments of the value of incentive  shares
in cash in the event of a change in control  may have the  incidental  effect of
increasing the net cost of such change in control and thus  theoretically  could
render more  difficult  or  discourage  such a change in  control,  even if such
change in control would be beneficial to stockholders generally.

        Amendment  and  Adjustment.  The  Committee may suspend or terminate the
Plan or any portion thereof at any time. No amendment, suspension or termination
of the Plan may materially and adversely affect  outstanding  awards without the
consent of the participant.

        The Plan provides that in the event of a stock  dividend or stock split,
or a combination  or other  increase or reduction in the number of issued shares
of the Company's  common stock, the Board of Directors or the Committee may make
adjustments in the number and type of shares  authorized by the Plan and covered
by outstanding awards under the Plan.

        Duration of the Plan.  The  effective  date of the Plan is the date upon
which the Plan was adopted by the Board of Directors  of the  Company.  The Plan
terminates  upon the expiration of ten years following the effective date of the
Plan, unless sooner terminated by the Committee.

        Federal Income Tax Consequences of Stock Options and Stock  Appreciation
Rights.  The following briefly summarizes the federal income tax consequences of
the  issuance  and  exercise  of stock  options  under the Plan.  The  following
discussion  does not  purport to be  complete  and does not cover,  among  other
things,  the state,  local, and foreign tax treatment  associated with the grant
and exercise of options.

        Nonstatutory Options. With respect to nonstatutory options granted under
the Plan, the Company  understands  that under existing  federal income tax law:
(i) no income will be recognized to the optionee at the time of grant; (ii) upon
exercise of an option, the optionee will be required to treat as ordinary income
the  difference  between  the option  price and fair  market  value of the stock
purchased  on the  date of  exercise,  and the  Company  will be  entitled  to a
deduction  equal to such amount;  and (iii)  assuming the shares  received  upon
exercise of such option  constitute  capital assets in the optionee's hands, any
gain or loss upon  disposition of the shares  (measured by reference to the fair
market value of the shares on the date of  exercise)  will be treated as capital
gain or loss,  which will be  long-term if the shares have been held longer than
one year.  Any costs incurred in disposing of the shares will reduce the gain or
increase the loss upon disposition of the shares.

        Incentive Stock Options.  ISOs under the Plan are intended to constitute
"incentive stock options" under Section 422 of the Code. The Company understands
that, if shares purchased  pursuant to the exercise of an incentive stock option
for cash are not disposed of by the  optionee  within two years from the date of
grant of the option or within one year after the  transfer of the shares to him,
then for federal  income tax  purposes:  (i) no income will be recognized to the
optionee  upon either the grant or the exercise of the option;  (ii) any gain or
loss will be recognized to the optionee  only upon ultimate  disposition  of the
shares,  and assuming the shares  constitute  capital  assets in the  optionee's
hands,  will be treated as long-term capital gain or loss; and (iii) the Company
will not be entitled to a federal  income tax deduction in  connection  with the
grant or the exercise of the option. The difference between the option price and
the fair market value of the shares  acquired upon exercise of such an option is
considered an item of  adjustment  for purposes of the  Alternative  Minimum Tax
under the Code.

        The Company further  understands  that, if the optionee  disposes of the
shares  acquired by exercise of an incentive  stock option before the expiration
of the required  holding  period,  the optionee must treat as ordinary income in
the year of such  disposition  an amount  equal to the  difference  between  the
option  price and the lesser of the fair market  value of the shares on the date
of exercise or the selling  price.  The balance of the  optionee's  gain on such
disposition, if any, will be taxed as capital gain. The Company will be entitled
to a deduction  in the year of the  disposition  equal to the amount of ordinary
income recognized to the optionee.

        Exercise by Delivery of Previously Acquired Shares.  Generally,  no gain
or loss will be  recognized  by an optionee  upon the transfer to the Company of
previously  acquired shares of common stock (the "Old Shares") in payment of all
or a portion of the exercise  price of shares of common stock (the "New Shares")
acquired  through the exercise of an option.  The  optionee's  basis and holding
period in the Old  Shares are  transferred  to that  number of New  Shares  that
equals the  number of Old Shares  tendered  in  payment of the  exercise  price.
Additional  New  Shares  have a basis  equal  to any  income  recognized  by the
optionee  on  exercise  plus any cash paid in  payment  of the  exercise  price.
However,  if Old Shares are used to exercise and  incentive  stock  option,  the
disposition of the Old Shares will be taxable  generally in accordance  with the
rules discussed  above if the Old Shares were acquired  pursuant to the exercise
of an incentive  stock option and have not been held for the  requisite  holding

        Tax  Withholding.  Under the Code,  tax  withholding  by the  Company is
required with respect to the amount of compensation  realized by optionees under
the Plan.  Under the Plan,  the  Company  may  permit the  optionee  to have the
Company  withhold  all or a  portion  of the  shares  of the  Company  which the
optionee  acquires upon the exercise of an option to satisfy estimated or actual
federal,  state or local income taxes.  The Company may also permit the optionee
to deliver other previously acquires shares for the purpose of tax withholding.


        McGladrey  &  Pullen,  LLP,  Certified  Public   Accountants,   provided
accounting  services  to the  Company  during the  Company's  fiscal  year ended
December 31, 1999. The Board of Directors of the Company has selected  McGladrey
& Pullen, LLP to provide accounting  services to the Company for the fiscal year
ending  December  31,  2000.  A  representative  of  McGladrey & Pullen,  LLP is
expected  to be present at the Annual  Meeting  with the  opportunity  to make a
statement  if he desires to do so and he is also  expected  to be  available  to
respond to appropriate questions.

                           PROPOSALS BY SHAREHOLDERS

        Shareholder  proposals intended to be presented at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders  to be held in 2001 must be  received  by the Company no later than
December 8, 2000 for  inclusion in the  Company's  proxy  statement  and form of
proxy relating to that meeting.  Proposals should be submitted to the Company at
its principal executive offices at 131 Main Street, Hills, Iowa 52235.

                        AVAILABILITY OF FORM 10-K REPORT

        Copies of the  Company's  Annual Report to the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission (Form 10-K) including the financial  statements and schedules thereto
for the fiscal year of the Company ended December 31, 1999,  will be mailed when
available  without  charge  (except for  exhibits)  to a holder of shares of the
Common Stock of the Company upon written  request to James G. Pratt,  Treasurer,
Hills Bancorporation, 131 Main Street, Hills, Iowa 52235.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

        Management  of the  Company  knows of no  other  matters  which  will be
presented for  consideration  at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  other than
those  stated  in the  Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  which is part of this  Proxy
Statement,  and  management  does not intend  itself to  present  any such other
business.  If any other  matters do  properly  come  before the  meeting,  it is
intended that the persons named in the  accompanying  proxy will vote thereon in
accordance with their  judgment.  The proxy will also have the power to vote for
the adjournment of the meeting from time to time.

        A copy of the Annual  Report of the Company for the year ended  December
31, 1999, is mailed to  shareholders  together with this Proxy  Statement.  Such
report is not incorporated in this Proxy Statement and is not to be considered a
part of the proxy soliciting material.

                                              By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ Dwight O. Seegmiller
                                              Dwight O. Seegmiller

March 27, 2000
Hills, Iowa

                                   Exhibit A

                              HILLS BANCORPORATION
                      2000 STOCK OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN

1.      Purpose of the Plan.
        The purpose of this Hills Bancorporation 2000 Stock Option and Incentive
Plan (the "Plan") is to advance the interests of the Company  through  providing
select key Employees and  Directors of the Company and its  Affiliates  with the
opportunity to acquire Shares. By encouraging such stock ownership,  the Company
seeks to attract, retain and motivate the best available personnel for positions
of substantial  responsibility and to provide additional  incentive to Directors
and key  Employees of the Company or any Affiliate to promote the success of the

2. Definitions.
      As used herein, the following definitions shall apply.
        (a)    "Affiliate"  shall mean any  "parent corporation"  or "subsidiary
corporation"  of the Company,  as such terms are defined in  Section  424(e) and
(f), respectively, of the Code.
        (b)    "Agreement"  shall  mean  a  written  agreement  entered  into in
accordance with Paragraph 5(c).
        (c)    "Awards" shall mean Options, including ISO and Non-ISO Options as
the context indicates.
        (d)    "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.
        (e)    "Change in Control"  shall mean any one of the following  events:
(i) the acquisition  (A) of ownership, holding or power to vote more than 50% of
the  Company's voting stock,  (B) of the ability to control the  election of the
a majority of the Company's  directors,  or (C) of a controlling  influence over
management or  policies of the  Company by any person  or by persons acting as a
group (within the meaning of  Section 13(d)  of the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934),  or (ii) during any period of two consecutive  years,  individuals who at
the  beginning of such period  constitute  the Board of Directors of the Company
(the  Continuing  Directors)  cease  for  any  reason  to  constitute  at  least
two-thirds  thereof,  provided that any individual  whose election or nomination
for  election  as a  member  of the  Board  was  approved  by a vote of at least
two-thirds  of the  Continuing  Directors  then in office shall be  considered a
Continuing  Director.  For purposes of this subparagraph only, the term "person"
refers to an individual or a corporation, partnership, trust, association, joint
venture, pool, syndicate,  sole proprietorship,  unincorporated  organization or
any other form of entity not  specifically  listed  herein.  The decision of the
Committee as to whether a change in control has occurred shall be conclusive and
        (f)    "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
        (g)    "Committee"  shall mean the Stock Option Committee  appointed by
the Board in accordance with Paragraph 5(a) hereof.
        (h)    "Common Stock"  shall mean any class of the common stock,  no par
value per share, of the Company.
        (i)    "Company" shall mean Hills Bancorporation.
        (j)    "Continuous Service"  shall mean the absence of any  interruption
or termination  of service  as an  Employee  or  Director  of the  Company or an
Affiliate.   Continuous Service shall not be considered  interrupted in the case
of sick leave,  military leave  or any other  leave of  absence  approved by the
Company or in the case of transfers  between payroll locations of the Company or
between the Company, an Affiliate or a successor.
        (k)    "Director"  shall mean any member of the Board, and any member of
the board of directors of any Affiliate.
        (l)    "Disinterested Person"  shall mean any non-employee member of the
Board of  Directors of the  Company.  For purposes of this Plan, a  non-employee
member  of the  Board of  Directors  shall  have the  same  meaning  as the term
"Non-Employee Director" defined in Rule 16b-3.
        (m)    "Effective Date"  shall mean the date  specified in  Paragraph 13
        (n)    "Employee"  shall mean any person  employed  by the Company or an
        (o)    "Exercise Price" shall mean the price per Optioned Share at which
an Option may be exercised.
        (p)    "ISO"  means an option to purchase Common  Stock  which meets the
requirements  set  forth  in  the  Plan,  and  which  is  intended  to be and is
identified as an "incentive  stock option"  within the meaning of Section 422 of
the Code.
        (q)    "Market Value"  shall mean  the fair  market value of the  Common
Stock, as determined under Paragraph 7(b) hereof.
        (r)    "Non-ISO"  means an option to purchase  Common Stock  which meets
the requirements  set forth in the  Plan but which is not  intended to be and is
not identified as an ISO.
        (s)    "Option" means an ISO and/or a Non-ISO.
        (t)    "Optioned Shares"  shall mean Shares subject to an  Award granted
pursuant to this Plan.
        (u)    "Participant"  shall  mean  any  person  who  receives  an  Award
pursuant to the Plan.
        (v)    "Plan" shall mean this Hills Bancorporation 2000 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan.
        (w)    "Rule  16b-3"  shall mean Rule  16b-3 of the  General  Rules  and
Regulations under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
        (x)    "Share" shall mean one share of Common Stock.

3.      Term of the Plan and Awards.

        (a)    Term of the Plan. The Plan shall continue in effect for a term of
ten  years  from the  Effective  Date,  unless  sooner  terminated  pursuant  to
Paragraph  15 hereof.  No Award shall be granted  under the Plan after ten years
from the Effective Date.

        (b)    Term of Awards. The term of each Award granted under the
Plan shall be established by the Committee, but shall not exceed 10 years;
provided, however, that in the case of an Employee who owns Shares
representing more than 10% of the outstanding Common Stock at the time an
ISO is granted, the term of such ISO shall not exceed five years.

4.      Shares Subject to the Plan.

        Except as otherwise  required by the  provisions of Paragraph 10 hereof,
the aggregate number of Shares  deliverable  pursuant to Awards shall not exceed
66,000 Shares, which equals 4.35% of the Shares currently issued and outstanding
on a fully diluted basis. If any Awards should expire, become unexercisable,  or
be forfeited for any reason  without  having been  exercised or become vested in
full, the Optioned Shares shall, unless the Plan shall have been terminated,  be
available for the grant of additional Awards under the Plan.

5.      Administration of the Plan.

        (a) Composition of the Committee.  The Plan shall be administered by the
Committee, which shall consist of not less than two (2) members of the Board who
are Disinterested Persons.  Members of the Committee shall serve at the pleasure
of the Board. In the absence at any time of a duly appointed Committee, the Plan
shall be administered by the members of the Board who are Disinterested Persons.

        (b) Powers of the Committee. Except as limited by the express provisions
of the Plan or by  resolutions  adopted by the Board,  the Committee  shall have
sole and complete authority and discretion to: (i) select Participants and grant
Awards,  (ii)  determine the form and content of Awards to be issued in the form
of Agreements  under the Plan,  (iii) interpret the Plan, (iv) prescribe,  amend
and  rescind  rules and  regulations  relating  to the Plan,  and (v) make other
determinations  necessary or advisable for the  administration  of the Plan. The
Committee  shall have and may exercise  such other power and authority as may be
delegated  to it by the  Board  from  time to time.  A  majority  of the  entire
Committee shall  constitute a quorum and the action of a majority of the members
present at any meeting at which a quorum is present, or acts approved in writing
by a majority of the Committee without a meeting,  shall be deemed the action of
the Committee.

        (c)  Agreement.  Each Award shall be  evidenced  by a written  agreement
containing  such  provisions  as may be  approved  by the  Committee.  Each such
Agreement  shall  constitute  a binding  contract  between  the  Company and the
Participant, and every Participant,  upon acceptance of such Agreement, shall be
bound by the terms and restrictions of the Plan and of such Agreement. The terms
of each such Agreement  shall be in accordance with the Plan, but each Agreement
may include such additional provisions and restrictions by the Committee, in its
discretion,  provided that such additional  provisions and  restrictions are not
inconsistent with the terms of the Plan. In particular,  the Committee shall set
forth in each Agreement: (i) the Exercise Price of an Option, (ii) the number of
Shares subject to, and the expiration date of, the Award, (iii) the manner, time
and rate  (cumulative  or otherwise)  of exercise or vesting of such Award,  and
(iv) the restrictions, if any, to be placed upon such Award or upon Shares which
may be issued upon exercise of such Award.

        The Chairman of the Committee  and such other  Directors and officers as
shall be designated by the Committee are hereby authorized to execute Agreements
on behalf of the Company and to cause them to be delivered to the  recipients of

        (d) Effect of the Committee's Decisions.  All decisions,  determinations
and  interpretations  of the  Committee  shall be  final  and  conclusive on all
persons affected thereby.

        (e) Indemnification. In addition to such other rights of indemnification
as they may have,  the  members  of the  Committee  shall be  identified  by the
Company in connection with any claim, action, suit or proceeding relating to any
action taken or failure to act under or in connection with the Plan or any Award
granted hereunder to the full extent provided for under the Company's  governing
instruments with respect to the indemnification of Directors.

6.      Grant of Options.

        (a)  General  Rule.   Only  Employees   shall  be  eligible  to  receive
discretionary grants of ISO Options pursuant to the Plan. The Committee may make
discretionary  grants of Non-ISO  Options to those  Employees  and  Non-Employee
Directors of the Company or its Affiliates who, in the opinion of the Committee,
have the capacity for contributing to the successful  performance of the Company
or its  Affiliates.  Committee  members  may make  grants of Non-ISO  Options to
themselves  provided  that such  grants are  approved  by the vote of the entire
Board of  Directors.  All  grants of  Non-ISO  Options  shall be  subject  to an
Agreement  with the  Participants  whereby one or more of the exemptions to Rule
16b-3 is met, which may include a requirement  that the  Participant not sell or
otherwise  dispose of such Option or Optioned  Shares within six months from the
date of grant of the Option to the Participant.

        (b)  Special Rules for ISOs. The aggregate  Market Value, as of the date
the Option is granted,  of the Shares with respect to which ISOs are exercisable
for the first time by an Employee during any calendar year (under all  incentive
stock option plans, as defined in Section 422 of the Code, of the Company or any
present  or future  Parent  or  Subsidiary  of the  Company)  shall  not  exceed
$100,000.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  Committee may grant Options in
excess of the  foregoing  limitations,  in which  case such  Options  granted in
excess of such limitation shall be Options which are Non-ISOs.

7.      Exercise Price for Options.

        (a)  Limits  on  Committee  Discretion.  The  Exercise  Price  as to any
particular  Non-ISO  shall  not be less  than  100% of the  Market  Value of the
Optioned  Shares on the date of grant.  The Exercise  Price as to any particular
ISO shall not be less than Market  Value of the  Optioned  Shares on the date of
grant. In the case of an Employee who owns Shares  representing more than 10% of
the Company's  outstanding Shares of Common Stock at the time an ISO is granted,
the  Exercise  Price  shall  not be less than  110% of the  Market  Value of the
Optioned Shares at the time the ISO is granted.

        (b)  If the  Common  Stock is listed on a  national  securities exchange
(including the NASDAQ National Market System) on the date in question,  then the
Market  Value per Share shall be the  average of the highest and lowest  selling
price on such  exchange  on such  date,  or if there were no sales on such date,
then the  Exercise  Price  shall be the Mean  between the bid and asked price on
such  date.  If the  Common  Stock:  is  traded  otherwise  than  on a  national
securities  exchange on the date in  question,  then the Market  Value per Share
shall be the mean between the bid and asked price on such date,  or, if there is
no bid and asked  price on such  date,  then on the next prior  business  day on
which  there  was a bid and  asked  price.  If no such  bid and  asked  price is
available,  then the Market  Value per Share shall be its fair  market  value as
determined by the Committee in its sole and absolute discretion.

8.      Exercise of Options.

        (a) Generally. Any Option granted hereunder shall be exercisable at such
times and under such  conditions as shall be permissible  under the terms of the
Plan  and of the  Agreement  granted  to a  Participant.  An  Option  may not be
exercised for a fractional Share.

        (b) Procedure for Exercise. A Participant may exercise Options,  subject
to provisions relative to its termination and limitations on its exercise,  only
by (1)  written  notice of intent to  exercise  the  Option  with  respect  to a
specified  number of Shares,  and (2) payment to the Company  (contemporaneously
with delivery of such notice) in cash, in Common Stock, or a combination of cash
and Common Stock,  of the amount of the Exercise  Price for the number of Shares
with respect to which the Option is then being exercised.  Each such notice (and
payment where required) shall be delivered,  or mailed by prepaid  registered or
certified  mail,  addressed  to the  Treasurer  of the Company at the  Company's
executive  offices.  Common  Stock  utilized  in full or partial  payment of the
Exercise  Price for Options  shall be valued at its Market  Value at the date of

        (c) Period of Exercisability. Except to the extent otherwise provided in
the terms of an Agreement,  an ISO may be exercised by a Participant  only while
he or she is an Employee and has maintained  Continuous Service from the date of
the grant of the  Option,  or within  three  months  after  termination  of such
Continuous  Service  (but not  later  than the date on which  the  Option  would
otherwise  expire),  except if the Employee's  Continuous  Service terminates by
reason of:

               (1) "Just Cause" which for purposes hereof shall have the meaning
        set forth in any unexpired  employment  or severance  agreement  between
        the Participant  and  the  Company  (and, in  the  absence of  any  such
        agreement,  shall mean termination because of the  Employee's  personal
        dishonesty, incompetence, willful  misconduct,  breach of fiduciary duty
        involving personal profit, intentional failure to perform stated duties,
        willful  vilolation of any law, rule or regulation (other  than  traffic
        violations or similar offenses) or final cease-and-desist  order),  then
        the  Participant's  rights to exercise such  Option shall  expire on the
        date of such termination;

               (2) death,  then to the extent  that the  Participant  would have
        been  entitled  to exercise the Option  immediately  prior to his death,
        such  Option of the  deceased  Participant  may be exercised  within two
        years from the date of his death  (but not later than the date  on which
        the Option would otherwise expire)  by the personal  representatives  of
        his estate or person or persons to whom  his  rights  under such  Option
        shall have  passed  by will or by laws of descent and distribution;

               (3) Permanent and Total  Disability  (as such term is  defined in
        Section 422(e)(3) of the Code),  then to the extent that the Participant
        would have been entitled to exercise the Option immediately prior to his
        Permanent and Total Disability,  such Option may be exercised within one
        year from the date of such Permanent and Total Disability, but not later
        than the date on which the Option would otherwise expire.

        Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of any Option  which  provides for its
exercise in  installments  as  designated  by the  Committee,  such Option shall
become  immediately  exercisable upon the  Participant's  death or Permanent and
Total Disability.

        (d) Effect of the Committee's Decisions.  The Committee's  determination
whether a Participant's  Continuous  Service has ceased,  and the effective date
thereof shall be final and conclusive on all persons affected thereby.

9.      Change in Control.

        (a) General  Rule.  Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of any Award which
provides  for its exercise or vesting in  installments,  for a period of 60 days
beginning on the date of a Change in Control,  all Options shall be  immediately
exercisable and fully vested.  The  Participant  shall, at the discretion of the
Committee,  be entitled to receive  cash in an amount equal to the excess of the
Market Value of the Common Stock subject to such Option over the Exercise  Price
of such  Shares,  in  exchange  for the  cancellation  of  such  Options  by the

        (b)     Exception to General Rule. Notwithstanding subparagraph (a)
of this Paragraph, in no event may an Option be canceled in exchange for
cash within the six-month period following the date of its grant.

10.     Effect of Changes in Common Stock Subject to the Plan.

        (a) Recapitalizations;  Stock Splits, Etc. The number and kind of Shares
reserved for issuance under the Plan, and the Exercise Price, number and kind of
Shares subject to outstanding Awards shall be  proportionately  adjusted for any
increase,  decrease, change or exchange of Shares for a different number or kind
of  shares or other  securities  of the  Company  which  results  from a merger,
consolidation,   recapitalization,   reorganization,   reclassification,   stock
dividend, split-up,  combination of shares, or similar event in which the number
or kind of shares is changed without the receipt or payment of  consideration by
the Company.

        (b)  Transactions in which the Company is Not the Surviving  Entity.  In
the event of (i) the liquidation or dissolution of the Company, (ii) a merger or
consolidation  in which the Company is not the  surviving  entity,  or (iii) the
sale or disposition of all or substantially  all of the Company's assets (any of
the  foregoing  to be referred to herein as a  "Transaction"),  all  outstanding
Awards  shall be  surrendered.  With respect to each Award so  surrendered,  the
Committee shall in its sole and absolute discretion determine whether the holder
of the surrendered Award shall receive:

               (1) for  each  Share  then  subject to an  outstanding  Award the
        number and kind of shares into which each outstanding Share  (other than
        Shares  held  by  dissenting  stockholders)  is  changed  or  exchanged,
        together with  appropriate adjustments to the Exercise Price in the case
        of Options; or
               (2) a  cash   payment   ( from  the   Company  or  the  successor
        corporation),  in an amount  equal to the Market  Value of the  Shares
        subject to the Award on the date of the  Transaction,  less the Exercise
        Price of the Award in the case of Options.

        (c) Special Rule for ISOs. Any adjustment made pursuant to subparagraphs
(a) or  (b)(1)  hereof  shall be made in such a manner as not to  constitute,  a
modification,  within the meaning, of Section 424(h) of the Code, of outstanding

        (d) Conditions and Restrictions on New, Additional,  or Different Shares
or Securities.  If, by reason of any adjustment made pursuant to this Paragraph,
a Participant becomes entitled to new, additional,  or different shares of stock
or securities,  such new, additional, or different shares of stock or securities
shall thereupon be subject to all of the conditions and restrictions  which were
applicable to the Shares pursuant to the Award before the adjustment was made.

        (e) Other Issuances. Except as expressly provided in this Paragraph, the
issuance by the Company or an Affiliate  of shares of stock of any class,  or of
securities  convertible  into  Shares  or stock of  another  class,  for cash or
property or for labor or services  either upon direct sale or upon the  exercise
of  rights  or  warrants  to  subscribe  therefore,  shall  not  affect,  and no
adjustment  shall be made with respect to, the number,  class, or Exercise Price
of Shares then subject to Awards or reserved for issuance under the Plan.

11.     Non-Transferability of Awards.

        Awards may not be sold, pledged, assigned, hypothecated,  transferred or
disposed  of in any  manner  other  than by will or by the laws of  descent  and
distribution,  or pursuant to the terms of a qualified domestic relations orders
(within  the  meaning  of  Section  414(p) of the Code and the  regulations  and
rulings thereunder).

12.     Time of Granting Awards.

        The date of grant of an Award shall,  for all purposes,  be the later of
the date on which the Committee makes the  determination of granting such Award,
and the  Effective  Date.  Notice  of the  determination  shall be given to each
Participant  to whom an Award is so granted  within a reasonable  time after the
date of such grant.

13.     Effective Date.

        The Plan  shall become  effective upon the  adoption of the  Plan by the
Board  provided that the Plan is  ratified by the  Shareholders  of the  Company
within twelve months following the Board's adoption of the Plan.

14.     Modification of Awards.

        At any  time,  and from  time to  time,  the  Board  may  authorize  the
Committee to direct execution of an instrument providing for the modification of
any outstanding Award,  provided no such modification shall confer on the holder
of said Award any right or benefit  which could not be  conferred  on him by the
grant of a new Award at such time,  or impair the Award,  without the consent of
the holder of the Award.

15. Amendment and Termination of the Plan.

        The Board may from  time to time  amend the terms of the Plan and,  with
respect to any Shares at the time not  subject to Awards,  suspend or  terminate
the Plan.

        No amendment,  suspension or termination of the Plan shall,  without the
consent  of any  affected  holders  of an Award,  alter or impair  any rights or
obligations under any Award theretofore granted.

16.     Conditions Upon Issuance of Shares.

        (a) Compliance with Securities Laws. Shares of Common Stock shall not be
issued with respect to any Award unless the issuance and delivery of such Shares
shall comply with any relevant provisions of law, including, without limitation,
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  the rules and  regulations  promulgated
thereunder,  any applicable  state  securities law, and the  requirements of any
stock exchange upon which the Shares may then be listed. The Plan is intended to
comply  with Rule  16b-3,  and any  provision  of the Plan  which the  Committee
determines in its sole and absolute discretion to be inconsistent with said Rule
shall,  to the extent of such  inconsistency,  be inoperative and null and void,
and shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Plan.

        (b)  Special  Circumstances.  The  inability  of the  Company  to obtain
approval from any regulatory body or authority  deemed by the Company's  counsel
to be necessary to the lawful  issuance and sale of any Shares  hereund er shall
relieve the Company of any liability in respect of the  non-issuance  or sale of
such  Shares.  As a  condition  to the  exercise  of an Option,  the Company may
require  the  person  exercising  the  Option to make such  representations  and
warranties as may be necessary to assure the  availability  of an exemption from
the registration requirements of federal or state securities law.

        (c) Committee  Discretion.  The Committee  shall have the  discretionary
authority to impose in  Agreements  such  restrictions  on Shares as it may deem
appropriate or desirable, including but not limited to the authority to impose a
right  of first  refusal  or to  establish  repurchase  rights  or both of these

17.     Reservation of Shares.

        The  Company,  during  the  term of the  Plan,  will  reserve  and  keep
available a number of Shares sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the Plan.

18.     Withholding Tax.

        The  Company's  obligation  to deliver  Shares upon  exercise of Options
shall be subject to the  Participant's  satisfaction of all applicable  federal,
state  and  local  income  and  employment  tax  withholding  obligations.   The
Committee,  in its  discretion,  may  permit  the  Participant  to  satisfy  the
obligation,  in whole or in part,  by  irrevocably  electing to have the Company
withhold  Shares,  or to  deliver to the  Company  Shares  that the  Participant
already owns,  having a value equal to the amount  required to be withheld.  The
value of Shares to be withheld,  or delivered to the Company,  shall be based on
the Market  Value of the Shares on the date the amount of tax to be  withheld is
to be determined.  As as  alternative,  the Company may retain,  or sell without
notice,  a number of such Shares  sufficient to cover the amount  required to be

19.     No Employment or Other Rights.

        In no event shall an Employee's or Director's eligibility to participate
or  participation  in the Plan  create  or be  deemed  to  create  any  legal or
equitable  right of the  Employee,  Director,  or any  other  party to  continue
service with the Company or any Affiliate.  No Employee or Director shall have a
right to be granted an Award or, having received an Award, the right to again be
granted an Award. However, an Employee or Director who has been granted an Award
may, if otherwise eligible, be granted an additional Award or Awards.

20.     Governing Law.

        The Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with the laws
of the State of Iowa and applicable federal law.