WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-Q

[ x ]    Quarterly Report Under Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
         Exchange Act of 1934

         For Quarter Ended June 30, 2000


[   ]    Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
        Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                          Commission File Number 1-6227

                          Lee Enterprises, Incorporated

A Delaware Corporation                                          I.D. #42-0823980
215 N. Main Street, Davenport, Iowa  52801
Phone:  (319) 383-2100

Indicate  by a check  mark  whether  the  registrant  (1) has filed all  reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of
1934  during  the  preceding  12 months  (or for such  shorter  period  that the
registrant was required to file such reports),  and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [ x ] No [ ]

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practical date.

             Class                                  Outstanding at June 30, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Common stock, $2.00 par value                                33,049,610
Class "B" Common Stock, $2.00 par value                      10,820,584

                          PART I. FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item. 1.

                          LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED


                      (In Thousands Except Per Share Data)

                                                           Three Months Ended              Nine Months Ended
                                                                 June 30,                       June 30,
                                                         ---------------------------   ----------------------------
                                                              2000          1999            2000          1999
Operating revenue:
   Advertising                                           $      71,478 $      67,641   $     203,651 $     196,828
   Circulation                                                  19,681        20,715          59,865        62,341
   Other                                                        16,375        14,631          49,430        42,901
   Equity in net income of associated companies                  2,391         2,176           6,639         6,154
                                                               109,925       105,163         319,585       308,224
Operating expenses:
   Compensation costs                                           39,870        38,185         117,879       112,372
   Newsprint and ink                                            10,118         8,802          28,128        28,737
   Depreciation                                                  3,589         3,330          10,642        10,042
   Amortization of intangibles                                   3,402         3,453          10,872        10,342
   Other                                                        25,102        25,029          76,833        75,067
                                                                82,081        78,799         244,354       236,560

          Operating income                                      27,844        26,364          75,231        71,664
Nonoperating (income) expenses, net
   Financial (income)                                            (577)         (700)         (2,240)       (2,151)
   Financial expense                                             2,870         3,266           9,013        10,518
   Other, primarily (gain) on sale of properties                   195                      (17,836)
                                                                 2,488         2,566        (11,063)         8,367
                                                                 2,488         2,566        (11,063)         8,367
          Income from continuing operations

          before taxes on income                                25,356        23,798          86,294        63,297
Income taxes                                                     9,401         7,362          32,206        22,032
          Income from continuing operations                     15,955        16,436          54,088        41,265
Discontinued operations:
   Income from discontinued operations,
      net of income tax effect                                                 3,008           4,738         9,786
   Gain on disposal of operations, net of
      income tax effect                                          4,218                         5,492
                                                                 4,218         3,008          10,230         9,786
          Net income                                     $      20,173 $      19,444   $      64,318 $      51,051

Average outstanding shares:
   Basic                                                        44,010        44,303          44,091        44,272
   Diluted                                                      44,275        44,926          44,443        44,876

Earnings per share:
      Income from continuing operations                  $        0.36 $        0.37   $        1.23 $        0.93
      Income from discontinued operations                         0.10          0.07            0.23          0.22
        Net income                                       $        0.46 $        0.44   $        1.46 $        1.15

      Income from continuing operations                  $        0.36 $        0.36   $        1.22 $        0.92
      Income from discontinued operations                         0.10          0.07            0.23          0.22
        Net income                                       $        0.46 $        0.43   $        1.45 $        1.14

Dividends per share                                      $        0.16 $        0.15   $        0.48 $        0.45


(In Thousands)
                                                         June 30,  September 30,
ASSETS                                                    2000        1999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cash and cash equivalents .........................     $ 25,982   $  10,536
Accounts receivable, net ..........................       39,783      68,560
Newsprint inventory ...............................        3,580       3,625
Other .............................................        8,850      19,822
Net assets of discontinued operations .............      174,551         - -
          Total current assets ....................      252,746     102,543

Investments .......................................       32,470      32,145
Property and equipment, net .......................      119,281     139,203
Intangibles and other assets ......................      338,618     405,622
                                                        $743,115    $679,513

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Current liabilities ...............................     $111,318    $ 79,448
Long-term debt, less current maturities ...........      185,000     187,005
Deferred items ....................................       61,027      58,731
Stockholders' equity ..............................      385,770     354,329
                                                        $743,115    $679,513


(In Thousands)

                                                                       2000      1999
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nine Months Ended June 30:
   Cash Provided by Operating Activities:
      Net income ..................................................  $ 64,318   $ 51,051
      Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided
        by operations:
        Depreciation and amortization .............................    30,615     29,101
        Gain on sale of properties ................................   (18,439)       - -
        Distributions in excess of earnings of associated companies       302        885
        Other balance sheet changes ...............................    17,606        317
          Net cash provided by operating activities ...............    94,402     81,354

   Cash (Required for) Investing Activities:
      Purchase of property and equipment ..........................   (24,835)   (23,548)
      Acquisitions ................................................   (66,837)    (5,499)
      Proceeds from sale of assets ................................     8,775        - -
      Other .......................................................      (854)      (593)
          Net cash (required for) investing activities ............   (83,751)   (29,640)

   Cash Provided by (Required for) Financing Activities:
      Purchase of common stock ....................................   (15,360)    (6,172)
      Cash dividends paid .........................................   (14,155)   (13,302)
      Principal payments on long-term debt ........................       - -    (25,000)
      Borrowings on short-term notes payable, net .................    31,480        - -
      Other .......................................................     2,830      3,728
          Net cash provided by (required for) financing activities      4,795    (40,746)

          Net increase in cash and cash equivalents ...............    15,446     10,968

   Cash and cash equivalents:
      Beginning ...................................................    10,536     16,941
      Ending ......................................................  $ 25,982   $ 27,909



Note 1.  Basis of Presentation

The  information  furnished  reflects  all  adjustments,  consisting  of  normal
recurring accruals, which are, in the opinion of management, necessary to a fair
presentation  of the  financial  position as of June 30, 2000 and the results of
operations  for the three- and  nine-month  periods ended June 30, 2000 and 1999
and cash flows for the nine-month periods ended June 30, 2000 and 1999.

Note 2.  Investment in Associated Companies

Condensed  operating results of Madison  Newspapers,  Inc. (50% owned) and other
unconsolidated associated companies are as follows (dollars in thousands):

                                                Three Months      Nine Months
                                               Ended June 30,    Ended June 30,
                                              ----------------  ----------------
                                                2000    1999      2000     1999

Revenues ...................................  $22,625  $22,747  $70,722  $67,997
Operating expenses, except
   depreciation and amortization ...........   14,310   14,975   47,813   46,089
Income before depreciation and amortization,
   interest, and taxes .....................    8,315    7,772   22,909   21,908
Depreciation and amortization ..............      476      767    1,917    2,316
Operating income ...........................    7,839    7,005   20,992   19,592
Financial income ...........................      157      287    1,192      973
Income before income taxes .................    7,996    7,292   22,184   20,565
Income taxes ...............................    3,215    2,939    8,907    8,256
Net income .................................  $ 4,781  $ 4,353 $ 13,277 $ 12,309

Note 3. Cash Flows  Information

The components of other balance sheet changes =are:

                                                           Nine Months Ended
                                                                June 30,
                                                             2000     1999
                                                            (In Thousands)

Decrease (increase) in receivables ...................     $   675   $(4,821)
(Increase)  in inventories and other .................         (22)     (848)
Increase in accounts payable, accrued expenses and
   unearned income ...................................       4,568     5,452
Increase (decrease) in income taxes payable ..........       4,467      (837)
Other ................................................       7,918     1,371
                                                           $17,606   $   317

Note 4.  Earnings Per Share

The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted earnings per
share (in thousands except per share amounts):

                                                            Three Months      Nine Months
                                                           Ended June 30,    Ended June 30,
                                                          ----------------  -----------------
                                                            2000     1999     2000     1999
   Income applicable to common shares:

     Income from continuing operations ................   $15,955  $16,436  $54,088   $41,265
     Income from discontinued operations ..............     4,218    3,008   10,230     9,786
                                                          $20,173  $19,444  $64,318   $51,051

   Basic-weighted average common shares
     outstanding ......................................    44,010   44,303   44,091    44,272
   Dilutive effect of employee stock options ..........       265      623      352       604
       Diluted outstanding shares .....................    44,275   44,926   44,443    44,876

Basic earnings per share:
   Income from continuing operations ..................   $  0.36  $  0.37  $  1.23   $  0.93
   Income from discontinued operations ................      0.10     0.07     0.23      0.22
       Net income .....................................   $  0.46  $  0.44  $  1.46   $  1.15

Diluted earnings per share:
   Income from continuing operations ..................   $  0.36  $  0.36  $  1.22   $  0.92
   Income from discontinued operations ................      0.10     0.07     0.23      0.22
       Net income .....................................   $  0.46  $  0.43  $  1.45   $  1.14

 Note 5.  Sale of Assets

On October 1, 1999 the Company  sold  substantially  all the assets used in, and
liabilities  related to, the  publication,  marketing,  and  distribution of two
daily  newspapers  and the related  specialty  and  classified  publications  in
Kewanee,  Geneseo,  and  Aledo,  Illinois  and  Ottumwa,  Iowa in  exchange  for
$9,300,000 of cash and a daily newspaper and specialty publications in Beatrice,

NOte 6.  Reclassification

Certain items on the  statements of income for the quarter ended and  nine-month
periods ended June 30, 1999 have been  reclassified with no effect on net income
or earnings per share, to be consistent with the classifications adopted for the
quarter and nine-month periods ended June 30, 2000.

Note 7.  Discontinued operations

On March 1, 2000,  the Company  decided to  discontinue  the  operations  of the
Broadcast division. On May 7, 2000 the Company entered into an agreement to sell
certain of its broadcasting  properties,  consisting of eight network-affiliated
and seven satellite  television stations,  to Emmis Communications  Corporation.
The purchase price is approximately $562,500,000. The sale is subject to various
conditions,  including approval by the Federal  Communications  Commission,  and
other  contingencies  customary  for a transaction  of this nature.  The sale is
anticipated to be completed later this year.

The income from discontinued operations consists of the following:

                                                Three Months      Nine Months
                                                   Ended             Ended
                                                           June 30,
                                                2000     1999     2000    1999
                                              ----------------  ----------------
Income from discontinued operations
   through March 1, 2000 ...................  $   - -  $ 5,201  $ 8,218  $16,854
Income from measurement date to
   June 30, 2000 ...........................    7,186      - -    9,364      - -
                                                7,186    5,201   17,582   16,854
Income taxes ...............................    2,968    2,193    7,352    7,068
                                              $ 4,218  $ 3,008  $10,230  $ 9,786

At June 30, 2000, the assets and liabilities of the Broadcast division consisted
of the following:

   Accounts receivable, net .................................           $ 26,236
   Program rights and other .................................              3,087
   Property and equipment, net ..............................             30,436
   Intangibles and other assets .............................            125,119
   Current liabilities ......................................              7,475
   Deferred items and other .................................              2,852
Net assets of discontinued operations .......................           $174,551

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition
         and Results of Operations

Selected operations information is as follows (dollars in thousands,  except per
share data):

                                     Three Months Ended                Nine Months Ended
                                           June 30,                         June 30,
                                     -------------------  Percent     -------------------   Percent
                                        2000       1999   Increase      2000       1999     Increase
Income from continuing

   operations before depreciation
   and amortization, interest
   taxes (EBITDA): *
   Publishing locations ...........   $ 38,133  $ 36,580    4.2%      $107,112   $102,774      4.2%
   Corporate ......................     (3,298)   (3,433)   4.1        (10,367)   (10,726)     3.5
                                      ----------------------------    ------------------------------
                                      $ 34,835  $ 33,147    5.1%      $ 96,745   $ 92,048      5.1%
                                      ============================    ==============================

Operating income:
   Publishing locations ...........   $ 31,478  $ 30,120    4.5%      $ 86,573   $ 83,422      3.8%
   Corporate ......................     (3,634)   (3,756)   3.4        (11,342)   (11,758)     3.7
                                      ----------------------------    ------------------------------
                                      $ 27,844  $ 26,364    5.6%      $ 75,231   $ 71,664      5.0%
                                      ============================    ==============================

Capital expenditures:
   Publishing locations ...........   $  2,435  $  5,265              $ 18,035   $ 16,424
   Broadcasting ...................      3,928     1,369                 5,899      6,511
   Corporate ......................        113       613                   901        613
                                      ------------------              -------------------
                                      $  6,476  $  7,247              $ 24,835   $ 23,548
                                      ==================              ===================
*  EBITDA is not a financial  performance  measurement under generally  accepted
   accounting principles (GAAP), and should not be considered in isolation or as
   a substitute for GAAP performance measurements.  EBITDA is also not reflected
   in  our  consolidated  statement  of  cash  flows,  but  it is a  common  and
   meaningful  alternative  performance  measurement  for  comparison  to  other
   companies in our industry.



Exclusive of  acquisitions  and  dispositions,  publishing  advertising  revenue
increased $3,466,000,  5.3%.  Advertising revenue from local merchants increased
$1,847,000,  5.3%,  as a result of a late Easter and strong  retail  advertising
performance in June.  Local  "run-of-press"  advertising  increased  $1,301,000,
5.1%. Local preprint revenue increased $546,000,  6.0%.  Classified  advertising
revenue increased  $1,357,000,  5.5%, primarily in the employment and automotive
categories.  Circulation revenue decreased $(669,000), (3.4) %, primarily due to
a reduction in units and promotional pricing to maintain high penetration rates.

Other revenue consists of revenue from commercial  printing,  products delivered
outside the newspaper  (which include  activities  such as target  marketing and
special  event   production)  and  editorial   service  contracts  with  Madison
Newspapers, Inc.

Other revenue by category is as follows:

                                                                Three Months
                                                               Ended June 30,
                                                               2000     1999
                                                               (In Thousands)

Commercial printing .....................................     $ 5,689  $ 5,687
New revenue* ............................................       6,710    6,442
Editorial service contracts .............................       2,231    2,244
Acquisitions and dispositions since September 30, 1998 ..       1,745      258
                                                              $16,375  $14,631

* Includes  internet/online,  niche  publications,  books,  and other events and

The following table sets forth the percentage of revenue of certain items in the
publishing locations.

                                                                  Months Ended
                                                                    June 30,
                                                                  2000     1999

Revenue ......................................................   100.0%   100.0%

Compensation costs ...........................................    34.6     34.4
Newsprint and ink ............................................     9.2      8.4
Other operating expenses .....................................    21.5     22.4
                                                                  65.3     65.2

Income before depreciation, amortization, interest and taxes .    34.7     34.8
Depreciation and amortization ................................     6.1      6.1
Operating margin wholly-owned properties .....................    28.6%    28.7%


PUBLISHING (Continued)

Exclusive  of the effects of  acquisitions  and  dispositions,  costs other than
depreciation and amortization increased $2,436,000,  3.7%.  Compensation expense
increased $1,384,000, 4.0%, due primarily to an increase in average compensation
rates. Newsprint and ink costs increased $796,000, 9.2%, due primarily to higher
prices paid for newsprint.  Other operating costs, exclusive of depreciation and
amortization, increased $256,000, 1.2%.


Exclusive  of  the  effects  of  a  local  marketing  agreement  (LMA)  contract
termination,  net revenue increased  $1,864,000,  6.2%, as political advertising
increased  $1,428,000  to  $1,475,000  and  local/regional/national  advertising
increased $1,175,000,  4.5%. Production revenue and revenues from other services
increased $160,000, 7.5%. Network compensation decreased by $(685,000).

Exclusive of the disposition,  compensation  costs decreased  $(41,000),  (.3)%.
Programming  costs for the quarter  increased  $425,000,  20%,  primarily due to
higher  costs  of  new  programming.  Other  operating  expenses,  exclusive  of
depreciation and amortization,  decreased $(517,000), (7.9)%, due to a reduction
in professional and consulting fees and sales and promotion expense.


Interest on deferred  compensation  arrangements  for  executives  and others is
offset by financial income earned on the invested funds held in trust. Financial
income and  interest  expense  decreased  by  $142,000  as  compared to the same
quarter in fiscal 1999 from these arrangements.

Income taxes were 37.1% and 30.9% of pretax  income from  continuing  operations
for the quarters ended June 30, 2000 and 1999, respectively.  Income tax expense
was reduced by $1,500,000 in June 1999 due to the  settlement of a  contingency.
Exclusive  of the  settlement  income  taxes  were 37.2% of pretax  income  from
continuing operations in 1999.



Exclusive of  acquisitions  and  dispositions,  publishing  advertising  revenue
increased $6,083,000,  3.1%.  Advertising revenue from local merchants increased
$1,147,000, 1.1%. Local "run-of-press" advertising increased $90,000, .1%. Local
preprint revenue increased  $1,057,000,  3.8 %. Classified  advertising  revenue
increased  $3,869,000,  5.7%, as a result of an increase in  advertising  inches
primarily in  employment  and  automotive  categories,  offset by lower  average
rates.  Circulation  revenue  decreased  $(1,382,000),  (2.3)%  as a result of a
reduction in units and promotional pricing to maintain high penetration rates.


PUBLISHING (Continued)

Other revenue consists of revenue from commercial  printing,  products delivered
outside the newspaper  (which include  activities  such as target  marketing and
special  event   production)  and  editorial   service  contracts  with  Madison
Newspapers, Inc.

Other revenue by category and by property is as follows:

                                                             Nine Months Ended
                                                               Ended June 30,
                                                               2000     1999
                                                               (In Thousands)

Commercial printing ........................................  $16,976  $17,592
New revenue* ...............................................   21,210   17,542
Editorial service contracts ................................    7,099    6,837
Acquisitions and dispositions since September 30, 1998 .....    4,145      930
                                                              $49,430  $42,901

* Includes  internet/online,  niche  publications,  books,  and other events and

The following table sets forth the percentage of revenue of certain items in the
publishing operations.

                                                                    Nine Months
                                                                     June 30,
                                                                  2000     1999

Revenue ......................................................   100.0%   100.0%

Compensation costs ...........................................    35.0     34.7
Newsprint and ink ............................................     8.8      9.3
Other operating expenses .....................................    22.7     22.6
                                                                  66.5     66.6

Income before depreciation, amortization, interest and taxes .    33.5     33.4
Depreciation and amortization ................................     6.4      6.3
Operating margin wholly-owned properties .....................    27.1%    27.1%

Exclusive  of the effects of  acquisitions,  costs other than  depreciation  and
amortization   increased  $5,924,000,   3.0%.   Compensation  expense  increased
$4,119,000,  4.0%, due primarily to an increase in average  compensation  rates.
Newsprint and ink costs decreased  $(1,664,000),  (5.9)%, due primarily to lower
prices  paid for  newsprint  in the first six  months.  Other  operating  costs,
exclusive of depreciation and amortization,  increased $3,469,000,  5.3%, due to
higher  technology  and  promotion  expenses.  Approximately  one-third  of  the
increase  resulted from  insurance  cost savings in 1999 that did not reoccur in

Nine Months ENDED June 30, 2000


Exclusive  of the effects of the LMA  contract  termination,  revenue  decreased
$(88,000),  (.1)%, as political advertising decreased $(2,900,000),  (51.6)% and
local/regional/national   advertising  increased  $4,374,000,  5.8%.  Production
revenue and revenues  from other  services  increased  $275,000,  4.6%.  Network
compensation decreased by $(1,837,000), (37.4)%.

Exclusive  of the  disposition,  compensation  costs  increased  $194,000,  .5%.
Programming costs increased $1,276,000,  19.7%, primarily due to higher costs of
new  programming.  Other  operating  expenses,  exclusive  of  depreciation  and
amortization,  decreased  $(1,799,000),  (8.6)%,  due to  reduction  in  travel,
outside services, sales and audience promotion, repairs and maintenance expenses
and professional and consultant fees.


Interest  expense  decreased due to payments on long-term  debt.  Changes in the
deferred  compensation  arrangements as previously discussed increased financial
income and interest expense by $690,000 as compared to the previous year.

Income taxes were 37.3% and 34.8% of pretax  income from  continuing  operations
for the nine  months  ended  June 30,  2000 and 1999,  respectively.  Income tax
expense  was  reduced  by  $1,500,000  in June 1999 due to the  settlement  of a
contingency.  Exclusive  of the  settlement,  income  taxes were 37.2% of pretax
income from continuing operations in 1999.


Cash provided by operations, which is the Company's primary source of liquidity,
generated  $94,402,000 for the nine month period ended June 30, 2000.  Available
cash  balances,  cash flow from  operations,  and bank  lines of credit  provide
adequate liquidity.  Covenants related to the Company's credit agreement are not
considered restrictive to operations and anticipated stockholder dividends.

The Company has a deposit of  $58,762,000  included in other  assets on the June
30, 2000 balance sheet for the  acquisition of properties.  The  transaction was
completed on July 1, 2000.


The Private  Securities  Litigation  Reform Act of 1995 provides a "Safe Harbor"
for forward-looking  statements.  This report contains certain information which
may be deemed  forward-looking  that is based largely on the  Company's  current
expectations and is subject to certain risks,  trends,  and  uncertainties  that
could cause actual results to differ  materially from those  anticipated.  Among
such  risks,  trends,  and  uncertainties  are  changes in  advertising  demand,
newsprint prices,  interest rates,  regulatory rulings,  availability of quality
broadcast programming at competitive prices, changes in the terms and conditions
of network affiliation  agreements,  quality and ratings of network over-the-air
broadcast programs,  legislative or regulatory initiatives affecting the cost of
delivery of  over-the-air  broadcast  programs to the Company's  customers,  and
other  economic  conditions  and the effect of  acquisitions,  investments,  and
dispositions on the Company's results of operations or financial condition.  The
words  "believe,"  "expect,"   "anticipate,"   "intends,"  "plans,"  "projects,"
"considers,"  and  similar   expressions   generally  identify   forward-looking
statements.   Readers  are  cautioned  not  to  place  undue  reliance  on  such
forward-looking  statements,  which are as of the date of this  report.  Further
information  concerning the Company and its businesses,  including  factors that
potentially could materially affect the Company's financial results, is included
in the Company's  annual report on Form 10-K.  The Company does not undertake to
publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements.

                          LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED

                           PART II. OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

         (a)  Exhibits:

              (10)  Emmis Communications Corporation Purchase and Sale Agreement
              (27)  Financial Data Schedule

         (b)  The following report on Form 8-k was filed during the three months
              ended June 30, 2000.

              Date of report:  May 8, 2000

              Item 5:  The Company announced entering into an agreement with
                       Emmis Communication Corporation for the sale of certain
                       of its broadcasting properties.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                      LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED

DATE   August 11, 2000                /s/ G. C. Wahlig, Chief Accounting Officer
       -----------------------        ------------------------------------------
                                      G. C. Wahlig, Chief Accounting Officer