                                                                  Todd A. Gipple
                                                        Executive Vice President
                                                         Chief Financial Officer
                                                           (309) 736-3580 - Work
                                                           (319) 381-3731 - Home

February 12, 2001

                            Quad City Holdings, Inc.
                        Announces Second Quarter Earnings

         Quad City  Holdings,  Inc.  (Nasdaq  SmallCap:  QCHI)  today  announced
earnings for the second fiscal  quarter  ended  December 31, 2000 of $344,000 or
basic and diluted  earnings  per share of $.15 and $.15,  respectively.  For the
December 31, 1999 quarter,  the Company  reported  earnings of $743,000 or basic
and diluted earnings per share of $.32 and $.31, respectively.  Earnings for the
six months  ended  December  31,  2000 were $1.0  million,  or basic and diluted
earnings per share of $.44 and $.43,  respectively,  as compared to $1.4 million
or basic and diluted earnings per share of $.60 and $.58, respectively,  for the
same period one year ago.

         The  Company  anticipated  that a number  of issues  would  result in a
reduction in December 31, 2000 quarterly earnings as compared to the same period
one year ago. The reduced  earnings were due to increased  overhead and one-time
costs  associated with the opening of its subsidiary  bank's fourth full service
banking facility, higher employee compensation costs resulting from the addition
of four senior  officer  positions  during  calendar  2000,  and a reduction  in
earnings of its merchant  credit card  processing  subsidiary as a result of the
planned termination of its contract with a major independent sales organization.

         While the addition of the new banking  facility and the senior  officer
positions  negatively  impacted  earnings  for the  three and six  months  ended
December 31, 2000,  management is confident  that these  additions  will provide
significant long-term benefits to the Company.

         The Company's bank subsidiary  enjoyed  improved core earnings for both
the three and six months ended December 31, 2000.  Also impacting  earnings were
legal  costs  at  the  Company's  merchant  credit  card  processing  subsidiary
associated with their current  litigation with PMT Services,  Inc., an increased
loan loss provision due to growth in the loan  portfolio and increased  reserves
for a few  specific  commercial  loans,  and a  higher  cost  of  funds  due  to
competitive local market conditions.

         The Company's total assets increased 7% to $394.5 million from June 30,
2000 to December 31, 2000. During the same period,  gross loans increased 10% to
$265.6 million and total deposits increased 7% to $307.4 million.  Stockholders'
equity was $21.8  million at December 31, 2000 as compared with $20.1 million at
June 30, 2000.

         Net  interest  income for the three months and for the six months ended
December  31, 2000 was $2.9 million and $5.8 million as compared to $2.6 million
and $5.3  million for the same  periods one year ago.  Net  interest  margin was
3.36% for both the three and six month  periods  ended  December  31,  2000,  as
compared with 3.32% and 3.48%, respectively, for the same periods in 1999.

         As mentioned  above,  on October 30, 2000 the Company opened its fourth
full service banking facility located at 5515 Utica Ridge Road, Davenport, Iowa.
The facility will allow the Company to better serve its Northeast  Davenport and
Bettendorf customers while aggressively pursuing new relationships.

         Quad City Holdings,  Inc., headquartered in Moline, Illinois, is a bank
holding company which serves the Quad City area via its wholly owned subsidiary,
Quad City Bank and Trust Company, based in Bettendorf,  Iowa. Quad City Bank and
Trust  Company,  which  commenced  operations  in  1994,  provides  full-service
commercial and consumer banking,  and trust and asset management  services.  The
company also engages in merchant credit card processing through its wholly owned
subsidiary, Quad City Bancard, Inc., based in Moline, Illinois.

         This release may contain  forward-looking  statements.  Forward looking
statements are identifiable by the inclusion of such  qualifications as expects,
intends,  believes,  may,  likely  or  other  indications  that  the  particular
statements  are not based  upon facts but are  rather  based upon the  Company's
beliefs as of the date of this  release.  Actual  events and  results may differ
significantly  from those described in such forward looking  statements,  due to
changes  in the  economy,  interest  rates  or  other  factors.  For  additional
information  about these factors,  please review our filings with the Securities
and Exchange Commission.

                            QUAD CITY HOLDINGS, INC.


                                                        As of
                                      December 31,     June 30,     December 31,
                                         2000            2000          1999
(dollars in thousands, except
   share data)

Total assets ......................    $  394,482     $  367,622     $  343,284
Securities ........................        57,401         56,129         58,644
Total loans .......................       265,618        241,853        211,376
Allowance for loan losses .........         3,972          3,617          3,341
Total deposits ....................       307,422        288,067        271,767
Total stockholders' equity ........        21,817         20,071         19,644
Common shares outstanding .........     2,265,420      2,283,920      2,322,331
Book value per common share .......    $     9.63     $     8.79     $     8.46
Full time equivalent employees ....           163            157            146

Tier 1 leverage ...................          7.61%          8.06%          8.06%
Tier 1 risk-based capital .........          9.80%         10.39%         11.30%
Total risk-based capital ..........         12.64%         13.47%         14.68%

                            QUAD CITY HOLDINGS, INC.


                                                          For the
                                             December 31, June 30,  December 31,
                                                 2000       2000       1999
(dollars in thousands)

Net charge-offs ............................   $    149   $     80   $     42

                                                           As of
                                             December 31, June 30,  December 31,
                                                 2000       2000       1999

Nonaccrual loans ...........................   $    655   $    383   $  1,178
Accruing loans past due 90 days or more ....      1,197        353        200
Total nonperforming assets .................      1,852        736      1,378

Loan mix:
Commercial .................................    187,017    167,683    142,236
Real estate ................................     41,132     39,765     35,205
Installment and other consumer .............     37,469     34,405     33,935
Total loans ................................    265,618    241,853    211,376

                            QUAD CITY HOLDINGS, INC.


                                              For the Quarter Ended  For the Six Months Ended
                                                    December 31,           December 31,
                                                 2000        1999        2000        1999
(dollars in thousands, except per share data)

Interest income ............................   $  7,265    $  5,935    $ 14,243    $ 11,736
Interest expense ...........................      4,323       3,329       8,442       6,432
Net interest income ........................      2,942       2,606       5,801       5,304
Provision for loan losses ..................        344         297         520         572
Noninterest income .........................      1,415       1,624       2,787       2,996
Noninterest expense ........................      3,466       2,728       6,544       5,501
Income tax expense .........................        203         462         520         851
Net income .................................        344         743       1,004       1,376

Earnings per common share (basic) ..........   $   0.15    $   0.32    $   0.44    $   0.60
Earnings per common share (diluted) ........   $   0.15    $   0.31    $   0.43    $   0.58

Assets .....................................   $383,659    $337,229    $376,954    $331,935
Deposits ...................................    299,110     265,141     294,348     259,417
Loans ......................................    261,683     211,160     254,308     206,766
Earnings assets ............................    351,066     313,545     345,835     308,571
Stockholders' equity .......................     21,338      19,279      20,911      19,021

Return on average assets (annualized) ......       0.36%       0.88%       0.53%       0.83%
Return on average common equity (annualized)       6.45%      15.42%       9.60%      14.47%
Net interest margin ........................       3.36%       3.32%       3.36%       3.48%
Efficiency ratio ...........................      79.46%      64.49%      75.97%      66.28%

                            QUAD CITY HOLDINGS, INC.


                                                     For the Quarter Ended    For the Six Months Ended
                                                          December 31,              December 31,
                                                        2000        1999         2000          1999
(dollars in thousands, except share data)

Merchant credit card fees, net of processing costs   $      428   $      646   $      801   $    1,183
Trust department fees ............................          512          463        1,017          863
Deposit service fees .............................          169          151          347          307
Gain on sales of loans, net ......................          171          127          298          229
Other ............................................          135          237          325          414
   Total noninterest income ......................        1,415        1,624        2,788        2,996

Salaries and employee benefits ...................   $    1,954   $    1,585   $    3,736   $    3,213
Professional and data processing fees ............          328          204          592          425
Advertising and marketing ........................          153          104          280          187
Occupancy and equipment expense ..................          498          407          918          801
Stationery and supplies ..........................           98           79          171          161
Postage and telephone ............................          100          100          194          182
Other ............................................          335          249          653          532
   Total noninterest expenses ....................        3,466        2,728        6,544        5,501

Common shares outstanding (a) ....................    2,267,659    2,310,643    2,271,460    2,305,037
Incremental shares from assumed conversion:
    Options ......................................       39,207       78,050       48,157       79,871

Adjusted weighted average shares (b) .............    2,306,866    2,388,693    2,319,617    2,384,908
(a)  Denominator for Basic Earnings Per Share.
(b)  Denominator for Diluted Earnings Per Share.