An Iowa Corporation


                                 April 15, 1996

         The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of Hills Bancorporation, an Iowa
corporation (the "Company"),  will be held at the Hills Community Center, Hills,
Iowa, on Monday,  the 15th day of April, 1996, at 4:00 o'clock p.m., local time,
for the following purposes:

  1. To adopt a proposed  amendment  to the Restated  Articles of  Incorporation
     increasing  the  authorized  capital stock of the Company from 2,000,000 to
     10,000,000  shares of common  stock  without  par value.  Adoption  of this
     amendment  will enable the Company to effect the 3 for 1 stock split of the
     Company's  outstanding  shares  which has been  authorized  by the Board of
     Directors (subject to shareholders approval of this amendment).

  2. To elect four members of the Board of Directors.

  3. To  transact  such other  business as may  properly  be brought  before the
     meeting or any adjournments thereof.

         The Board of  Directors  has fixed the close of  business  on March 25,
1996, as the record date for the  determination of the shareholders  entitled to
notice of, and to vote at, the meeting. Accordingly, only shareholders of record
at the close of business  on that date will be entitled to vote at the  meeting,
or any adjournments thereof.


Date:    March 25, 1996                       By Order of the Board of Directors

                                              /s/ Dwight O. Seegmiller
Hills Bancorporation                          Dwight O. Seegmiller, President
131 Main Street
Hills, Iowa 52235

                              HILLS BANCORPORATION
                                131 Main Street
                               Hills, Iowa 52235


                          To Be Held on April 15, 1996

         This  Proxy   Statement   is  furnished   to   shareholders   of  Hills
Bancorporation (the "Company") in connection with the solicitation of proxies by
the Board of Directors of the Company for the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders to
be held April 15, 1996, and any adjournments  thereof.  This Proxy Statement and
form of Proxy  enclosed  herewith  are  first  sent to the  shareholders  of the
Company entitled thereto on or about March 25, 1996.

         If the  accompanying  Proxy is properly  signed and returned and is not
withdrawn or revoked, the shares represented thereby will be voted in accordance
with the  specifications  thereon.  If the manner of voting  such  shares is not
indicated  on the Proxy,  the shares will be voted FOR  adoption of the proposed
amendment to the Restated  Articles of Incorporation and FOR the election of the
nominees for directors named herein.  Approval of the proposed  amendment to the
Restated Articles of Incorporation  requires that the votes cast in favor of the
proposed amendment exceed the votes cast in opposition.  Election of any nominee
as a director  requires a majority  of the votes cast by the shares  entitled to
vote at a meeting at which a quorum is present.

         Only shareholders of record at the close of business on March 25, 1996,
are entitled to notice of and to vote at the meeting.  There were 487,868 shares
of Common  Stock of the  Company  outstanding  at the close of  business on that
date,  all of which will be  entitled  to vote.  The  presence,  in person or by
proxy, of the holders of a majority of such outstanding  shares is necessary to
constitute a quorum for the  transaction of business at the meeting.  Holders of
the shares of Common Stock are entitled to one vote per share  standing in their
names on the record date on all  matters.  Shareholders  do not have  cumulative
voting rights. If the holder of shares abstains from voting on any matter, or if
shares  are  held  by a  broker  which  has  indicated  that it  does  not  have
discretionary  authority  to vote on a particular  matter,  those shares will be
counted for quorum purposes,  but will not be counted as votes cast with respect
to any matter to come  before the meeting and will not affect the outcome of any

         The Company will bear the cost of solicitation of proxies.  In addition
to the use of the mails,  proxies may be solicited by  officers,  directors  and
regular  employees of the Company,  without  extra  compensation,  by telephone,
facsimile or personal  contact.  It will greatly  assist the Company in limiting
expense in  connection  with the  meeting if  shareholders  who do not expect to
attend in person will return signed proxies  promptly  whether they own a few or
many shares.

         A  shareholder  may  revoke  his or her Proxy at any time  prior to the
voting  thereof by filing with the  Secretary  of the  Company at the  Company's
principal office at 131 Main Street,  Hills, Iowa 52235, a written revocation or
a duly executed Proxy bearing a later date. A shareholder  may also withdraw the
Proxy at the meeting at any time before it is exercised.


         The Board of Directors of the Company has adopted a resolution  setting
forth the following proposed amendment to the Restated Articles of Incorporation
of the Company and directing that the proposed  amendment be submitted to a vote
of shareholders of the Company at the 1996 Annual Meeting of  Shareholders.  The
affirmative vote of the majority of the outstanding shares of the Company (which
can be  represented  at the Annual Meeting either in person or by proxy) will be
required  to  approve  the  proposed  amendment  to  the  Restated  Articles  of
Incorporation of the Company.

                               PROPOSED AMENDMENT

         "RESOLVED,  that  Article III,  Section 1 of the  Restated  Articles of
Incorporation  of the  Company be amended by deleting  present  Section 1 in its
entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

         Section  1.  The  aggregate   number  of  shares  of  stock  which  the
corporation  is  authorized  to issue is Ten  Million  (10,000,000),  all common


         The Board of Directors has  authorized a 3 for 1 stock split subject to
approval by the  shareholders of the proposed  amendment to Section 1 of Article
III  of  the  Company's  Restated  Articles  of  Incorporation   increasing  the
authorized  number of shares from  2,000,000 to  10,000,000.  The Iowa  Business
Corporation  Act permits the Board of  Directors  to  authorize a stock split or
distribution without subsequent shareholder approval. By voting on this Proposed
Amendment,  the  shareholders  are voting solely on the question of amending the
Restated  Articles of Incorporation to increase the Company's  authorized number
of shares.  The  amendment  is necessary in order to insure that there will be a
sufficient  number of shares to  effectuate  the 3 for 1 stock split while still
providing for a sufficient  number of authorized  but unissued  shares of common
stock as may be necessary to facilitate such general  corporate  purposes as may
arise from time to time.

         If the  Proposed  Amendment  is  approved  and the 3 for 1 stock  split
effectuated, the number of outstanding shares of the Company's common stock will
be  increased  from  487,868 to  1,463,604.  Management  is hopeful that such an
increase in the outstanding shares will contribute to a continual  broadening of
public  ownership of the Company's  shares and improved  marketability  for such
shares.  At the present time,  management  does not believe that an  established
trading  market exists for the Company's  shares.  If the Proposed  Amendment is
approved by the  shareholders  and the proposed 3 for 1 stock split  approved by
the Board of Directors  effectuated,  each  shareholder of record on the date on
which the Proposed  Amendment  becomes effective (the date of filing Articles of
Amendment  with the Secretary of State of the State of Iowa) will be entitled to
receive the  distribution  of shares  resulting  from such 3 for 1 split.  It is
expected that Articles of Amendment (concerning the proposed amendment, assuming
their  approval by the  shareholders)  will be filed with the Iowa  Secretary of
State  and  become  effective  on or about  April  16,  1996.  Each  outstanding
certificate  representing  shares of common  stock on the  effective  date shall
thereafter  continue to  represent  the same  number of shares of common  stock.

         The Company has been  advised by its tax advisor  that the receipt by a
shareholder  of the  additional  shares  pursuant to the stock split will not be
subject to federal income tax under existing laws. However, the stock split will
result in an  adjustment  of the cost or other basis of your  shareholdings  for
federal income tax purposes, in that the cost or other basis for each share held
by a shareholder as of the effective date will be apportioned  one-third to such
share and one-third to each of the additional two shares  received in connection
with such stock split.  Shareholders  should consult their personal tax advisors
concerning any questions that they may have with respect to changes in the basis
of their shareholdings as a result of the stock split.




         The Company has eleven  directors with staggered terms of office.  Four
directors  are to be elected at the 1996 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders  for a
three  year  term.  The Board of  Directors  has no reason to  believe  that any
nominee will be unable to serve as a director, if elected.  However, in case any
nominee should become unavailable for election, the proxy will be voted for such
substitute, if any, as the Board of Directors may designate.  Effective on April
14, 1997, one of the nominees,  William H. Olin,  D.D.S.  will retire because he
will have reached the mandatory retirement age of 72 established by the Board of
Directors.  The Board of Directors  has made no  determination  concerning  what
steps,  if any,  will be taken to fill the vacancy which will exist by reason of
Dr. Olin's retirement.

         Each director of the Company also serves as a director of the Company's
wholly-owned subsidiary,  Hills Bank and Trust Company (the "Bank"). The Company
anticipates  that all nominees and directors will continue to serve as directors
of the Bank,  being elected to such  positions by the vote of the Company as the
sole shareholder of the Bank.

         Set  forth  below are the names of the four  persons  nominated  by the
Board of Directors  for election as directors at the 1996 Annual  Meeting  along
with certain other information concerning such persons.

Name and Year                    Positions &       Principal Occupation or
First Became                     Offices Held         Employment During
a Director                Age    With Company        the Past Five Years
- -------------             ---    ------------      -----------------------

Nominees for Director for a 3 Year Term Expiring at the 1999 Annual Meeting

William H. Olin, D.D.S     72    Director &      Dentist-The University 
1984-Company                     Vice-President  of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Theodore H. Pacha          47    Director        Executive Officer and owner of
1990-Company                                     Hawkeye Medical Supply, Inc.
1990-Bank                                        (medical supplies)
Ann Marie Rhodes           42    Director        Vice President for
1993-Company                                     University Relations -
1993-Bank                                        The University of Iowa,
                                                 January, 1991 to present;
                                                 previously Assistant
                                                 Vice President for
                                                 Finance and University
                                                 Services - The University
                                                 of Iowa

Ronald E. Stutsman         56    Director        Executive officer and
1984-Company                                     shareholder of Eldon C.
1981-Bank                                        Stutsman, Inc.
                                                 (fertilizer plant)


         The  following  table sets forth  certain  information  with respect to
directors  of the Company  who will  continue  to serve  subsequent  to the 1996
Annual Meeting and who are not nominees for election at the 1996 Annual Meeting.

Name and Year                    Positions &       Principal Occupation or
First Became                     Offices Held         Employment During
a Director                Age    With Company        the Past Five Years
- -------------             ---    ------------      -----------------------

Directors Serving Until the 1997 Annual Meeting

Willis M. Bywater         57     Director          Executive officer and
1984-Company                                       shareholder of Economy
1979-Bank                                          Advertising Company
                                                   (commercial printing and 
                                                   sales of advertising 

Thomas J. Gill, D.D.S.    49     Director          Dentist - Private Practice

Donald H. Gringer         61     Director           Executive officer and
1988-Company                                        shareholder of Gringer
1988-Bank                                           Feed and Grain (grain

Dwight O. Seegmiller      43     Director &         President of the
1986-Company                     President          Company and the Bank

Directors Serving Until the 1998 Annual Meeting

Richard W. Oberman        60     Director           Farmer

Earlis Rohret             71     Director &         Farmer
1984-Company                     Vice President

Earl M. Yoder             68     Director           Executive officer and
1984-Company                                        owner of Earl Yoder
1984-Bank                                           Construction Co.

None of the nominees or directors  serves as a director of another company whose
securities are registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or a company
registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940.


Board of Directors of Company

         The Board of  Directors of the Company  meets on a regularly  scheduled
basis. During 1995, the Board of Directors of the Company held an annual meeting
and  thirteen  regular  meetings.  The Board of  Directors  of the  Company  has
established  a  committee  consisting  of the ten  non-employee  directors  (all
directors but Mr.  Seegmiller)  to  administer  and grant awards under the Hills
Bancorporation  1993 Incentive Stock Plan (the "Incentive  Stock Plan").  During
1995, the Incentive Stock Committee held one meeting.  The Board of Directors of
the Company has not established  any standing  executive,  audit,  nominating or
compensation committees or committees performing similar functions. During 1995,
all directors of the Company attended at least seventy-five percent of the total
number of meetings of the Board and the  Incentive  Stock  Committee.  Except as
noted below,  directors are not compensated for attending  meetings of the Board
of Directors of the Company or the Incentive Stock Committee.

         Upon approval of the Incentive Stock Plan by the Company's shareholders
at the 1993  Annual  Meeting,  options to  purchase  up to 685 shares of Company
Common  Stock  were  granted  in  accordance  with the terms of the plan to each
non-employee  director of the Company (all  directors but Mr.  Seegmiller).  The
options were  immediately  exercisable upon grant at an exercise price of $76.00
per share.  The  options  were  granted  in tandem  with  dividend  equivalents,
enti-tling the holder of the option to receive,  upon exercise of the option,  a
cash payment  equal to the dividends  paid with respect to the shares  purchased
from the date the option was granted  through the date the option is  exercised.
The options  will expire on the earlier of April 19, 2003 or two years after the
director's term of service on the Board of Directors of the Company ends.

Board of Directors of Bank

         The business and affairs of the Bank are managed  directly by the Board
of Directors of the Bank,  the  membership  of which is identical to that of the
Board of  Directors  of the  Company.  The Board of  Directors of the Bank holds
regular monthly meetings. In 1995, the Board had twelve regular meetings and one
special  meeting.  The Board of Directors of the Bank has  established the Trust
Committee,  Audit  Committee,  Loan Committee and Employee Stock  Ownership Plan
("ESOP") Committee as standing committees of the Board of Directors.  Rhodes and
Rohret  serve on the  Trust  Committee;  Gill,  Pacha,  and  Rhodes on the Audit
Committee;  Bywater,  Gill,  Gringer,  Rohret,  Stutsman,  and Yoder on the Loan
Committee;  and Mr. Olin serves on the ESOP  Committee.  The five  directors not
appointed to the Loan Committee are invited to attend meetings of that committee
and are  compensated  at normal  rate for each  meeting  attended.  The Bank has
established no standing executive,  nominating or compensation committees of the
Board of Directors or committees performing similar functions.

         The  Trust   Committee  is  responsible  for  overseeing  and  annually
reviewing  the  status of all  trusts  for  which  the Bank acts in a  fiduciary
capacity.  The Trust Committee met twelve times during 1995. The Audit Committee
held four meet-ings  during 1995 and is responsible for  coordinating  the audit
service with McGladrey & Pullen and addressing  internal  audit  functions.  The
Loan Committee held twelve  meetings  during 1995 and is responsible  for review
and oversight of the loan activities of the Bank. The ESOP  Committee,  which is
responsible  for overseeing the ESOP in connection with which the Bank serves as
trustee,  had two meetings during 1995. During 1995, all of the directors of the
Bank  attended  at least 75% of the total  number  of  meetings  of the Board of
Directors and the committees to which each director was appointed.

         Directors of the Bank who are not employees of the Bank (all  directors
but Mr.  Seegmiller)  receive a  retainer  of $3,500  per year and $250 for each
meeting of the Board of Directors attended. William H. Olin, the Chairman of the
Board of the Bank,  receives an  additional  $1,200 per year as a retainer  fee.
Directors  of the Bank who are not  employees  of the Bank are  compensated  for
serving on the various Bank committees at the rate of $150 per meeting attended.

                             OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

         Set forth in the following table is certain  information on each person
who is known to the Board of Directors to be the beneficial owner as of February
29, 1996 of more than 5% of the Company's Common Stock,  which is the only class
of equity securities which the Company has outstanding.

Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership

                         Total Shares    Sole Voting      Shared Voting
Name & Address of        Beneficially   and Investment   and Investment  Percent
Beneficital Owner           Owned           Power             Power       Class
- -----------------        ------------   --------------   --------------  -------

Hills Bank and Trust           52,711        0              52,7111      10.64%
Company, as trustee
of the Hills Bank and
Trust Company
Employee Stock
Ownership Plan
131 Main Street
Hills, Iowa  522235


  1  Consists of shares of Company  Common  Stock  allocated  to the accounts of
     employees of the Bank eligible to  participate  in the Hills Bank and Trust
     Company Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Employees are entitled to direct the
     trustee how to vote shares allocated to their accounts.

         The following  table sets forth certain  information as of February 29,
1996 as to the number of shares of the Company's Common Stock beneficially owned
by each director,  nominee for director,  executive officer and by the executive
officers and directors as a group.

                                                Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership
                                        Total Shares   Sole Voting    Shared Voting
                                        Beneficially  and Investment  and Investment  Percent of
Name                                        Owned         Power           Power          Class
- ----                                    ------------  --------------  --------------  ----------
Willis M. Bywater ......................  8,855(1)       5,135            3,720          1.79%
Thomas J. Gill, D.D.S ..................    685(1)         685                0           .14%
Donald H. Gringer ......................    893(1)         893                0           .18%
Richard W. Oberman .....................  5,085(1)       1,425            3,660          1.03%
William H. Olin, D.D.S .................  3,637(1)       1,370            2,267           .73%
Theodore H. Pacha ......................    885(1)         885                0           .18%
Ann Marie Rhodes .......................    685(1)         685                0           .14%
Earlis Rohret ..........................  6,685(1)       3,685            3,000          1.35%
Dwight O. Seegmiller ................... 10,411(2)      10,011              400          2.10%
Ronald E. Stutsman .....................  4,962(1)       4,899               63          1.00%
Earl M. Yoder ..........................  5,388(1)       5,388                0          1.09%
Non-Director Executive Officers
Thomas J. Cilek ........................  4,277(2)       2,737            1,540           .86%
James G. Pratt .........................  5,062(2)       3,422            1,640          1.02%
All Directors and Executive              57,510(3)      41,220           16,290         11.59%
Officers as a group (13 persons)

  1  This figure  includes  685 shares  subject to currently  exercisable  stock
     options  granted in 1993 to the  director  of the  Company  pursuant to the
     Hills Bancorporation 1993 Incentive Stock Plan.

  2  This  figure  includes  shares  held by the Hills  Bank and  Trust  Company
     Employee Stock  Ownership Plan which have been  allocated to the executive
     officer  for voting  purposes.  The  following  number of shares  have been
     allocated  under the ESOP to the executive  officers for voting  purposes:
     Mr. Seegmiller - 4,331; Mr. Cilek - 2,737; Mr. Pratt - 3,422; all executive
     officers as a group -10,490.

  3  Includes shares subject to currently exercisable options and shares held by
     the Hills Bank and Trust Company  Employee Stock Ownership Plan as noted in
     Notes 1 and 2.


Summary Compensation Table

         The following  table provides  certain summary  information  concerning
compensation  paid or  accrued  by the  Company  and the Bank for the last three
fiscal years with respect to Mr. Seegmiller, as President of the Company, and to
the other two executive officers of the Company:

                                                                                               Long Term
                                                            Annual Compensation               Compensation
                                                   ------------------------------------    ------------------
Name and                                                                                         Awards
Name and                                                                                   ------------------
Principal                                                                                      Securities            All Other
Position                                           Year    Salary ($)       Bonus ($)(1)   Underlying Options   Compensation ($)(2)
- ---------                                          ----    ----------       ------------   ------------------   -------------------

Dwight O. Seegmiller ........................      1995     180,500            13,986                 0               19,500
President of Company ........................      1994     167,550             5,000                 0               22,500
and Bank ....................................      1993     157,550             5,000             2,962               24,382

Thomas J. Cilek .............................      1995     151,500             6,390                 0               19,500
Secretary of Company ........................      1994     142,550             5,000                 0               22,133
Senior Vice President .......................      1993     135,550             5,000             2,561               21,082
of Bank

James G. Pratt ..............................      1995     151,500             5,726                 0               19,500
Treasurer of Company; .......................      1994     137,550             5,000                 0               21,383
Senior Vice President .......................      1993     130,550             5,000             2,465               20,332
Controller of Bank

  1  Consists of a $5,000 cash bonus and additional compensation that represents
     the  contributions,  which were limited due to statutory and administrative
     rules,  for the Hills Bank and Trust Company  Employee Stock Ownership Plan
     and Profit Sharing Plan.

  2  Consists  solely of  contributions  made by the Bank to the Hills  Bank and
     Trust Company Employee Stock Ownership Plan and Profit Sharing Plan for the
     named executive officer for the specified year.

Unexercised Stock Options

         The following table contains information  concerning  unexercised stock
options which were granted prior to the last fiscal year to the named  executive
officers under the Company's 1993 Incentive Stock Plan:

                                  Number of
                             Securities Underlying        Value of Unexercised
                             Unexercisable Options        In-the-Money Options 
                                 at FY-End (#)                at FY-End($)
                                  Exercisable/                Exercisable/
                              Unexercisable(1)(2)           Unexercisable(3)
                             ---------------------        --------------------

Dwight O. Seegmiller              -0-/2,962                   $-0-/$63,683
Thomas J. Cilek                   -0-/2,561                   $-0-/$55,062
James G. Pratt                    -0-/2,465                   $-0-/$52,998


  1  Options  were  granted  in  tandem  with  dividend  equivalents.   Dividend
     equivalents  entitle the holder of the option to receive,  upon exercise of
     the option,  a cash payment equal to the dividends paid with respect to the
     shares  purchased from the date the option was granted through the date the
     option was exercised.

  2  All options granted are subject to a five-year  vesting  requirement and no
     options  may be  exercised  before  July  13,  1998.  All  options  will be
     forfeited  if the  holder  ceases  to be  employed  by the  Bank  prior  to
     satisfying  the  five-year  vesting  requirement.  The options  may, in the
     discretion of the Board of Directors, vest immediately upon a change in the
     control of the Company.

  3  These dollar values were calculated by determining  the difference  between
     the fair  market  value of the  securities  underlying  the options and the
     exercise  or base price of the  options at fiscal  year-end.  Options  were
     granted at an exercise  price  equal to the then fair  market  value of the
     underlying  stock which was determined by the Incentive  Stock Committee of
     the  Board  of  Directors  to be equal to the then  book  value  per  share
     ($78.50) of the stock.  The fair market  value of stock as of December  31,
     1995 is $100.00 per share.  Since no established  trading market exists for
     the Company's  common stock the price of $100.00 is based on the last known
     selling price in December,  1995.  The book value per share of the stock as
     of December  31,1995 is $98.90  com-puted  on the same method as the $78.50
     book value used at the date the options were granted.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

         The Bank sponsors a  tax-qualified  income plan for its employees known
as the Hills Bank and Trust Company  Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the "ESOP").
The ESOP is described in and operated in accordance  with the  provisions of the
written plan document. The Bank is the trustee of the ESOP assets. The ESOP is a
defined  contribution plan designed  primarily to reward eligible  employees for
long and loyal service by providing them with retirement  benefits.  The ESOP is
designed and intended to invest  primarily in Common Stock issued by the Company
and, in so doing, to provide for employee  participation in the equity ownership
of the  Company.  The ESOP may also  provide  benefits  in the  event of  death,
disability or other termination of employment prior to retirement.  Any benefits
payable under the ESOP will be based solely upon the amounts contributed for the
benefit of a  participant  and any  changes in the value of those  contributions
while they are held in the ESOP. The total number of participants in the ESOP as
of January 1, 1996, was 147.

         Participating  employees are entitled to direct the trustee of the ESOP
how to vote the Common Stock of the Company held for their benefit and allocated
to their  accounts  under the ESOP.  The  trustee  of the ESOP will have  voting
discretion  with regard to all other  Common  Stock of the Company  owned by the
ESOP,  if any.  All  common  stock  owned  by the ESOP  has  been  allocated  to
participating employees.

         Each calendar year the Bank, as plan sponsor,  contributes  to the ESOP
such amount as may be determined by the Board of Directors of the Bank or as may
be required to make any payments of principal  and interest due on any loan made
to the Trustee of the ESOP. The ESOP does not require or allow  contributions by
participating  employees.  Distributions  of  benefits  from  the  ESOP  to plan
participants  or their  beneficiaries  can be made  either  in cash or in Common
Stock of the Company.  In recent years,  distributions  have been made partly in
cash and partly in Common Stock of the Company.  Subject to certain  exceptions,
contributions to the ESOP are fully vested after seven (7) years of service with
the Bank.

         The following table  indicates the amount accrued  pursuant to the ESOP
for each named executive officer or group during 1995:

Name of Individual                    Capacities in                      Amounts
or Number in Group                    Which Served                       Accrued
- ------------------                    -------------                      -------

Dwight O.  Seegmiller        Director and President of the               $3,000
                             Company; Director and President
                             of the Bank

Thomas J.  Cilek             Secretary of the Company;                   $3,000
                             Senior Vice President of the Bank

James G.  Pratt              Treasurer of the Company;                   $3,000
                             Senior Vice President and
                             Controller of the Bank

All Executive Officers 
  as a Group (3 person)                                                  $9,000
All Other Participating 
  Employees (144 persons)                                               $67,233

Profit Sharing Plan

         The Bank began sponsoring a new profit sharing plan in December,  1994.
The Bank is the trustee of the Hills Bank and Trust Company  Profit Sharing Plan
(the  "Profit  Sharing  Plan").  The Profit  Sharing  Plan will be  operated  in
accordance with the provisions of the written plan document.  The Profit Sharing
Plan, like the ESOP, is designed primarily to reward eligible employees for long
and loyal service by providing them with retirement benefits. The Profit Sharing
Plan is a defined  contribution  plan and will be invested in assets  other than
equity securities of the Company.  Any benefits payable under the Profit Sharing
Plan will be based  solely  upon the  amounts  contributed  for the benefit of a
participant and any changes in the value of those  contributions  while they are
held in the Profit  Sharing  Plan.  The Profit  Sharing Plan does not require or
allow contributions by participating  employees.  Subject to certain exceptions,
contributions  to the Profit Sharing Plan are fully vested after seven (7) years
of service with the Bank.

         The following table indicates the amount accrued pursuant to the Profit
Sharing Plan for each named executive officer or group during 1995:

Name of Individual                   Capacities in                      Amounts
or Number in Group                    Which Served                      Accrued
- ------------------                   -------------                      --------

Dwight O.  Seegmiller         Director and President of the
                              Company; Director and President
                              of the Bank                               $ 16,500

Thomas J.  Cilek              Secretary of the Company;
                              Senior Vice President of the Bank         $ 16,500

James G.  Pratt               Treasurer of the Company;
                              Senior Vice President and
                              Controller of the Bank                    $ 16,500

All Executive Officers 
  as a Group (3 persons)                                                $ 49,500

All Other Participating 
  Employees (144 persons)                                               $369,779

Performance Graph

         The  graphical   presentation   omitted  herein  provides   information
regarding  cumulative,  five year shareholder returns on an indexed basis of the
Company's  Common Stock as compared  with NASDAQ Market Index and the West North
Central Bank Index  prepared by Media  General  Financial  Services of Richmond,
Virginia. The latter index reflects the performance of thirty-eight bank holding
companies  operating  principally  in the upper  Midwest  as  selected  by Media
General  Financial  Services.  The  indexes  assume  the  investment  of $100 on
December 31, 1990 in Company  Common Stock,  the NASDAQ Index and the West North
Central Bank Index, with all dividends reinvested.

The following data points were utilized in preparation of the omitted graph.

                                 1990    1991    1992    1993    1994    1995
                                ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----

Hills Bancorporation ........   100.00  113.98  129.50  147.39  170.46  186.36
West North Central Bank Index   100.00  171.08  216.40  241.23  248.24  364.81
NASDAQ Market Index .........   100.00  128.38  129.64  155.50  163.26  211.77

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation

         Except as otherwise noted below, all compensation  decisions  affecting
the  executive  officers  of the  Company  and the Bank are made by the Board of
Directors of the Bank, as the executive  officers are employees of the Bank. The
Board of Directors of the Bank has not established a compensation committee. Mr.
Seegmiller, President of the Bank, serves on the Board of Directors of the Bank,
but doesn't  participate  in  deliberations  or voting on  decisions  concerning
compensation  of  executive  officers.  Although  Mr.  Seegmiller  does  make  a
recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding the compensation of Mr. Cilek
and Mr. Pratt, no  recommendation  is made by Mr.  Seegmiller  regarding his own
compensation. After making such recommendations,  Mr. Seegmiller is excused from
the  meeting  and  the  Board  of  Directors  deliberates  and  votes  upon  the
compensation  to be  paid to each of the  three  executive  officers.  Decisions
regarding the award of stock options to the three executive officers pursuant to
the  Company's  Incentive  Stock  Plan are made by a  committee  of the Board of
Directors  of the Company  consisting  of the ten  non-employee  directors  (all
directors but Mr. Seegmiller).

         Willis M. Bywater and  Theodore H. Pacha,  both members of the Board of
Directors  of the  Bank  and the  Incentive  Stock  Committee,  participated  in
deliberations concerning executive compensation matters during 1995. Under rules
of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Bank is required to disclose that
it has had certain business  relationships  during 1995 with Economy Advertising
Company,  a  commercial  printing  and  specialty  advertising  firm and Hawkeye
Medical Supply,  a medical and office supply store.  Mr. Bywater is an executive
officer and principal  shareholder of Economy  Advertising Company and Mr. Pacha
is an executive  officer and owner of Hawkeye Medical  Supply.  During 1995, the
Bank paid the sum of $172,046  to Economy  Advertising  Company  for  commercial
printing  services  and  for the  purchase  of  calendars  and  other  specialty
advertising items and $60,070 to Hawkeye Medical Supply for office equipment and
supplies.  The Bank contemplates that it will purchase a similar amount of goods
and services from Economy  Advertising Company and Hawkeye Medical Supply during
1996. Such business  relationships have been entered into in the ordinary course
of business of the Bank and, in the opinion of  management,  the prices  charged
for the goods and services provided by Economy  Advertising  Company and Hawkeye
Medical Supply Company are at least as favorable to the Bank as prices generally
charged by similar businesses in the area for such goods and services. The Board
of Directors of the Bank does not believe that the  participation by Mr. Bywater
and  Mr.  Pacha  in the  deliberations  concerning  executive  compensation  has
provided the  executive  officers of the Bank with more  favorable  compensation
arrangements than would have been the case absent their participation.


         Under rules established by the Securities and Exchange Commission,  the
Company is required to provide  certain  data and  information  in regard to the
compensation  and benefits  provided to Dwight  Seegmiller,  as President of the
Company and the Bank,  and the other two  executive  officers of the Company and
the  Bank.  The  disclosure   requirements  for  these  three  individuals  (the
"executive  officers")  include  information  set forth in various  compensation
tables  contained in this Proxy Statement and a report  explaining the rationale
and matters considered in making fundamental  executive  compensation  decisions
affecting   those   individuals.    Decisions    regarding   executive   officer
salaries,bonuses  and  contributions  to the ESOP and,  beginning  in 1994,  the
Profit  Sharing Plan are made by the Board of  Directors  of the Bank,  with Mr.
Seegmiller  abstaining from deliberations and voting on such matters.  Decisions
regarding  the grant of awards to executive  officers  pursuant to the Incentive
Stock Plan are made by the Incentive  Stock  Committee of the Board of Directors
of the Company,  consisting of the ten non-employee directors (all directors but
Mr.  Seegmiller).  In fulfillment of the disclosure  requirements,  the Board of
Directors  of the Bank and the  Incentive  Stock  Committee  of the Company have
prepared the following report.

Compensation Policy

         This report  describes the current  compensation  policy as endorsed by
the Board of Directors of the Bank and the  Incentive  Stock  Committee  and the
resulting  actions  taken in  arriving at 1995  compensation  as reported in the
various compensation tables. The executive  compensation program of the Bank has
been designed to:

  o  provide  a pay for  performance  policy  that  differentiates  compensation
     amounts based upon corporate and individual performance;

  o  provide compensation opportunities which are comparable to those offered by
     other Iowa-based financial institutions, thus allowing the Bank to compete
     for and retain  talented  executives  who are  essential  to the  long-term
     success of the Company and the Bank; and

  o  align the interest of the executive officers with the long-term interest of
     the Company's shareholders through the ownership of Company Common Stock.

         The   executive   compensation   program   is   comprised   of  salary,
opportunities   for  annual  cash  bonuses,   participation   in  the  ESOP  and
opportunities  for  long-term  incentives  pursuant to awards  granted under the
Incentive Stock Plan and, beginning in 1994, participation in the Profit Sharing
Plan. An executive  officer's salary is based on a number of factors,  including
the Bank's performance as compared to internally  established goals for the most
recently ended fiscal year and to the performance of other Iowa-based  financial
institutions,  the individual officer's level of responsibility  within the Bank
and comparisons to salaries paid to officers holding similar  positions in other
Iowa-based financial institutions.  The award of an annual cash bonus is made in
the  discretion of the Board of Directors and not pursuant to any formal plan or
formula.  A bonus,  if granted,  is based on the  individual  performance of the
executive  officer and the  achievement  of financial  performance  goals of the
Bank, as established in the Bank's annual budget and business plan. The Bank, as
plan sponsor of the ESOP, makes an annual ESOP  contribution  which is allocated
among all participating employees of the Bank, including the executive officers,
based on their  annual  salaries.  In 1995,  the Bank,  as sponsor of the Profit
Sharing Plan, made a Profit Sharing Plan contribution  which was allocated among
all participating employees of the Bank, including the executive officers, based
on their annual salaries.  The amount of the ESOP contribution and the amount of
the Profit  Sharing Plan  contribution  are  determined in the discretion of the
Board of Directors  and are based on the  achievement  of financial  performance
goals of the Bank as  established in the Bank's annual budget and business plan.
The  Incentive  Stock  Committee  uses the award of stock  options to  executive
officers (as well as the award of restricted  stock to other Bank  employees) to
align  their  interests  with those of the  shareholders;  however,  significant
vesting periods are also used to encourage retention as employees. The amount of
options  granted is determined  by reviewing  the  practices of other  financial
institutions based on information provided by an outside consultant to the Board
of Directors.

         In 1993,  Section  162(m) of the  Internal  Revenue Code was amended to
place limits on the  deductibility  of compensation in excess of $1 million paid
to executive officers of publicly held companies.  The Board of Directors of the
Bank does not  believe,  however,  that the  amendment  has had or will have any
impact on the compensation policies followed by the Board.

President's Compensation

         Mr.  Seegmiller's  base salary was increased  from $167,550 to $180,500
effective  January 1, 1995.  This  increase  reflected  consideration  of (i) an
assessment of the Bank's performance during 1994 as compared to goals set in the
Bank's annual budget and business plan for 1994, (ii) a comparison of the Bank's
performance as compared with that of other  Iowa-based  financial  institutions,
and (iii) compensation data provided by comparative industry surveys. Each year,
management of the Bank prepares,  and the Board of Directors approves, an annual
budget and  business  plan  con-taining  financial  performance  goals  measured
primarily in terms of earnings per share,  asset  quality,  return on assets and
return on stockholder's equity. In setting Mr. Seegmiller's salary for 1995, the
Board reviewed the goals established for 1994 and determined that such goals had
been  achieved by the Bank.  The Board also reviewed the Bank's  performance  as
compared to that of other  Iowa-based  financial  institutions  of similar asset
size.  Compensation data for other Iowa- based financial institutions of similar
asset size is also provided through surveys  independently  prepared by the Iowa
Bankers  Association.  The survey  reviewed by the Board in setting  1995 salary
contained  information  on  salaries  paid  during  1994 to the chief  executive
officers  of all of the 19  Iowa-based  banks  with  deposits  in excess of $225
million.  While the  foregoing  factors  are not  specifically  weighted  in the
decision-making  process,  primary emphasis is placed on the Bank's  performance
during the previous year as compared to the internally-established goals. Review
of comparable  compensation data is used primarily as a check to ensure that the
salary established is within the range of salaries paid to other chief executive
officers of Iowa-based  financial  institutions.  Although the Board  reviewed a
number of  objective  factors as  described  above in setting  Mr.  Seegmiller's
salary  for  1995,  the  amount  of the  increase  was  based  on a  subjec-tive
determination by the Board.

         Mr. Seegmiller was awarded a cash bonus in 1995 in the amount of $5,000
based  on  a  determination  by  the  Board  of  Directors  that  the  Bank  had
accomplished  certain goals as  established  in the budget and business plan for
1994. Those goals were measured  primarily in terms of earnings per share, asset
quality,  return on assets and return on stockholders' equity. The amount of the
bonus was based on a subjective  determination  by the Board. In addition to the
cash bonus, Mr. Seegmiller received additional  compensation that represents the
contributions, which were limited due to statutory and administrative rules, for
the Hills  Bank and Trust  Company  Employee  Stock  Ownership  Plan and  Profit
Sharing Plan.

         A contribution of $19,500 was made to Mr.  Seegmiller's ESOP and profit
sharing  accounts during 1995. The size of the  contribution was determined as a
function of Mr.  Seegmiller's  1994 salary (not including bonus) and the size of
the  contribution  made by the Bank,  as plan  sponsors,  to the ESOP and profit
sharing  plan  for  the  benefit  of all  employees  of  the  Bank  eligible  to
participate  in the ESOP and profit sharing plans limited to a maximum of 15% of
$150,000 or $22,500  established by the Internal Revenue Service.  For 1994, the
ESOP and profit sharing plan  contributions  made by the Bank amounted to 13% of
the aggregate salaries paid to all Bank employees eligible to participate in the
plans. The size of the ESOP and profit sharing  contributions  are determined by
the Board of Directors in its discretion  based on its assessment of whether the
Bank achieved the goals  established  in the annual budget and business plan for
1995.  Once  the  size  of  the  ESOP  and  profit  sharing  contributions  were
determined,  such contributions were allocated among the ESOP and profit sharing
accounts of all eligible employees of the Bank, including Mr. Seegmiller,  based
on their annual salaries for 1995.

Compensation for Other Executive Officers

         Effective  January  1,  1995,  the  Board of  Directors  increased  the
salaries  paid to the two other  executive  officers of the Bank as reflected in
the compensation  table appearing herein.  The Board of Directors also awarded a
cash  bonus of $5,000 to each of the other two  executive  officers  in 1995 and
bonuses as discussed for Mr. Seegmiller and appearing on the compensation table.
The salary increases and bonus awards were based on the same  considerations  as
the  compensation  decisions  for  the  President  of  the  Bank.  Additionally,
contributions  were  made to the  ESOP  accounts  and the  Profit  Sharing  Plan
accounts of the other two executive officers,  the size of which were determined
in accordance with the same procedure as used for all employees of the Bank.

                          BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                          HILLS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY

                          INCENTIVE STOCK COMMITTEE
                          HILLS BANCORPORATION

                          Willis M. Bywater         Theodore H. Pacha
                          Thomas J. Gill, D.D.S.    Earlis Rohret
                          Donald H. Gringer         Ann Marie Rhodes
                          Richard W. Oberman        Ronald E. Stutsman
                          William H. Olin, D.D.S.   Earl M. Yoder


         Certain of the officers and directors of the Company,  their associates
or members of their families, were customers of, and have had transactions with,
the Bank from time to time in the ordinary  course of business,  and  additional
transactions may be expected to take place in the ordinary course of business in
the future.  All loans and commitments  included in such  transactions have been
made on substantially the same terms,  including  interest rates and collateral,
as those prevailing at the time for comparable  transactions with other persons.
In the opinion of management of the Bank, such loan  transactions do not involve
more  than the  normal  risk of  collectibility  or  present  other  unfavorable

         During the past year, the Bank and the Company have maintained business
relationships  with certain companies  partially owned or operated by members of
the Board of Directors of the Company through the purchase of varying amounts of
goods and services from such  companies.  All such business  relationships  have
been entered into in the ordinary course of business of the Bank and the Company
and,  in the  opinion  of  management,  the  prices  charged  for such goods and
services  have been at least as  favorable to the Bank and the Company as prices
generally charged by similar businesses in the area for such goods and services.
Management  of the  Company  anticipates  that  the Bank  and the  Company  will
continue to  maintain  such  business  relationships  on a similar  basis to the
extent that such goods and  services are required by the Bank and the Company in
the future.


         McGladrey  &  Pullen,  LLP,  Certified  Public  Accountants,   provided
accounting  services  to the  Company  during the  Company's  fiscal  year ended
December 31, 1995. The Board of Directors of the Company has selected  McGladrey
& Pullen, LLP to provide accounting  services to the Company for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 1996. A representative  of McGladrey & Pullen is expected to
be present at the Annual Meeting with the  opportunity to make a statement if he
desires  to do so  and  he is  also  expected  to be  available  to  respond  to
appropriate questions.

                           PROPOSALS BY SHAREHOLDERS

         Shareholder proposals intended to be presented at the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders  to be held in 1997 must be  received  by the Company no later than
December 2, 1996 for  inclusion in the  Company's  proxy  statement  and form of
proxy relating to that meeting.  Proposals should be submitted to the Company at
its principal executive offices at 131 Main Street, Hills, Iowa 52235.

                        AVAILABILITY OF FORM 10-K REPORT

         Copies of the Company's  Annual Report to the  Securities  and Exchange
Commission (Form 10-K) including the financial  statements and schedules thereto
for the fiscal year of the Company ended December 31, 1995,  will be mailed when
available  without charge  (except  for  exhibits)  to a holder of shares of the
Common Stock of the Company upon written  request to James G. Pratt,  Treasurer,
Hills Bancorporation, 131 Main Street, Hills, Iowa 52235.

                                 OTHER MATTERS

         Management  of the  Company  knows of no other  matters  which  will be
presented for  consideration  at the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  other than
those  stated  in the  Notice  of  Annual  Meeting  which is part of this  Proxy
Statement,  and  management  does not intend  itself to  present  any such other
business.  If any other  matters do  properly  come  before the  meeting,  it is
intended that the persons named in the  accompanying  proxy will vote thereon in
accordance with their  judgment.  The proxy will also have the power to vote for
the adjournment of the meeting from time to time.

         A copy of the Annual Report of the Company for the year ended  December
31, 1995, is mailed to  shareholders  together with this Proxy  Statement.  Such
report is not incorporated in this Proxy Statement and is not to be considered a
part of the proxy soliciting material.

                                        By Order of the Board of Directors

                                        /s/ Dwight O. Seegmiller
                                        Dwight O. Seegmiller

March 25, 1996
Hills, Iowa