Washington, D.C. 20549

                                 Form 11-K

                               ANNUAL REPORT

                      PURSUANT TO SECTION 15(d) OF THE
                      SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                    For the year ended December 31, 1994

                          HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY
                                SAVINGS PLAN
                            (Full Title of Plan)

                          HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY
              (Issuer of Securities Held Pursuant to the Plan)

                           650 California Street
                      San Francisco, California 94108
                  (Address of principal executive offices)


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Trustees (or other persons who administer the Plan) have duly caused this
annual report to be signed by the undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                         HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY 
                                SAVINGS PLAN

                   By    /s/ T. H. Wong
                        T. H. WONG
                         Assistant Treasurer and
                         Assistant Secretary

         June 29, 1995

         Item 1.  Financial Statements and Exhibits

                  a. Financial Statements for the years ended December 31,
                     1994 and 1993 and Supplemental Schedules as of and
                     for the year ended December 31, 1994 and Independent
                     Auditors' Report.

                  b. Exhibit No. 24

                     Independent Auditors' Consent


                            FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

               for the years ended December 31, 1994 and 1993




Financial Statements:

  Report of Independent Accountants                                       2

  Statements of Net Assets Available for Benefits
      as of December 31, 1994 and 1993                                    3

  Statement of Changes in Net Assets Available for 
      Benefits for the Year Ended December 31, 1994                       4

  Notes to Financial Statements                                        5-16

Supplemental Schedules:

  Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment
      Purposes as of December 31, 1994                                   17

  Item 27d - Schedule of Reportable Transactions                         18
      for the Year Ended December 31, 1994



The Savings Plan Committee
Homestake Mining Company 
San Francisco, California

We have audited  the accompanying  statements of net  assets available  for
benefits of  the Homestake  Mining Company  Savings Plan (the  Plan) as  of
December 31, 1994 and  1993, and  the related statement  of changes in  net
assets available for benefits for the  year ended December 31, 1994.  These
financial  statements are the responsibility of the Plan's management.  Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based
on our audits.  

We  conducted our  audits in  accordance  with generally  accepted auditing
standards.   Those standards require that we  plan and perform an  audit to
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
of material misstatement.   An audit includes  examining, on a test  basis,
evidence   supporting  the  amounts   and  disclosures   in  the  financial
statements.   An  audit also  includes assessing the  accounting principles
used  and significant  estimates  made  by  Plan  management,  as  well  as
evaluating the overall financial  statement presentation.  We  believe that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In  our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly,
in all material respects, the net assets available for benefits of the Plan
as of December 31, 1994 and  1993, and the changes in net  assets available
for  benefits  for the  year ended  December 31,  1994, in  conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles.

Our audits  were performed  for the purpose  of forming  an opinion on  the
basic financial statements taken as a whole.  The supplemental schedules of
assets  held  for  investment  purposes  and  reportable  transactions  are
presented for the  purpose of additional  analysis and are  not a  required
part of  the basic financial  statements but are  supplementary information
required by the Department  of Labor's Rules and Regulations  for Reporting
and Disclosure under the  Employee Retirement Income Security Act  of 1974.
The supplemental schedules have  been subjected to the auditing  procedures
applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion,
are  fairly  stated  in all  material  respects in  relation  to  the basic
financial statements taken as a whole.

/s/ Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.
- ----------------------------
Coopers & Lybrand L.L.P.

Oakland, California
June 26, 1995


                         December 31, 1994 and 1993

               ASSETS                        1994           1993
              --------                      -----          -----
Cash and cash equivalents                $   518,255    $ 6,925,801
                                         -----------    -----------
Investments, at fair value:
  Mellon Bank Investment Fund                   -         5,477,911
  Wells Fargo Asset Allocation Fund        7,107,229           -   
  Wells Fargo Equity Index Fund                 -         1,520,314
  Wells Fargo S&P 500 Stock Fund           4,169,095           -   
  Wells Fargo Lifepath Funds               4,214,761           -   
  Homestake Mining Company Stock Fund     10,164,877     12,939,608
  Participant loans receivable             2,051,147      1,903,128
                                         -----------    -----------
                                          27,707,109     21,840,961
                                         -----------    -----------
Investments, at contract value:
  Fixed Income Fund                       21,235,803     27,924,594
  Frozen Confederation Life 
      Guaranteed Investment 
         Contracts                         3,090,586           -   
                                         -----------    -----------
                                          24,326,389     27,924,594
                                         -----------    -----------
  Company contributions                          430         69,460
  Participants' contributions                  2,131        191,143
  Other - loans                                 -            59,018
                                         -----------    -----------
                                               2,561        319,621
                                         -----------    -----------
  Homestake common stock receivable             -           962,618
  Other assets                                   354         15,444
                                         -----------    -----------
                                                 354        978,062
                                         -----------    -----------
        Total assets                      52,554,668     57,989,039


Accrued payables                             143,500          6,448
                                         -----------    -----------

          Net assets available for
              benefits                   $52,411,168    $57,982,591
                                         ===========    ===========

                   The accompanying notes are an integral
                    part of these financial statements.


                    for the year ended December 31, 1994

Additions to net assets attributed to:
  Interest and dividends                                $ 1,759,579
  Interest on participants' loans                           160,358

    Company, in cash                                      1,216,129
    Participants, in cash                                 2,367,245
    Transfers in from other plans                            27,068
        Total additions                                   5,530,379
Deductions from net assets 
    attributed to:
  Net depreciation in the fair value 
      of investments                                        359,297
  Net depreciation in the fair value 
      of investment in Homestake 
      common stock                                        2,158,288
  Benefits paid to participants                           8,247,008
  Transfers out to other plans                              337,209
        Total deductions                                 11,101,802
          Net decrease                                   (5,571,423)

Net assets available for benefits:
  Beginning of year                                      57,982,591
  End of year                                           $52,411,168

                   The accompanying notes are an integral
                    part of these financial statements.


                       NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

1.  Description of Plan:
    The following description of the  Homestake Mining Company Savings Plan
    (the  Plan) provides  only  general information.   Participants  should
    refer to  the Plan agreement  for a  more complete  description of  the
    Plan's provisions.

       The  Plan is a  defined contribution profit  sharing plan (qualified
       under Internal Revenue Code Sections 401(a) and 401(k)) covering all
       full-time  salaried employees  of Homestake  Mining Company  and its
       subsidiaries  (the  Company)  who  have completed  three  months  of
       service, and all  temporary employees who have completed one year of
       service.   Hourly employees of  the Company who  are not covered  by
       collective bargaining agreements and  have completed three months of
       service  are also eligible to participate in  the Plan.  The Plan is
       subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security
       Act of 1974 (ERISA), as amended.

       The Plan is  administered by the Savings Plan Committee appointed by
       the Board of Directors of the  Company (the Plan Committee).  Mellon
       Bank  was  the Plan's  trustee  through December 31,  1993,  and was
       replaced by Wells Fargo Bank effective January 1, 1994.

       Participation  is  voluntary.    Participating  employees  may  make
       contributions   between  1%  and  6% of  their  monthly  salary. The
       Company  contributes  a  percentage,  not  less  than  25%,  of  the
       employee's regular contribution.  From January 1, 1994, the  Company
       matching rate was increased to 75% from 50%. 

       Participants  may also  contribute  to the  Plan amounts  previously
       contributed  to another  qualified plan  and additional  amounts not
       exceeding 10% of their monthly salary.  These contributions  are not
       matched by Company contributions.  

       Each participating  employee may  designate  the  percentage  of its
       total contribution, including the  Company's matching portion, to be
       invested in the Homestake Mining Company Stock Fund or in any of the
       funds in which the Plan invests.



                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

1.  Description of Plan, continued:

       Participants' Accounts:
       Separate  accounts  are  maintained  for  each  participant.    Each
       participant's  account is directly  credited with  the participant's
       contribution  and  the  Company's  matching  contribution.    Unless
       otherwise  specified, discretionary additional Company contributions
       are allocated to  each participant's account based on the ratio that
       each participant's  compensation bears to the  total compensation of
       all  participants.   Net  earnings  from  investments in  investment
       funds, which includes appreciation (depreciation) in fair value, are
       allocated to each participant's account based on the ratio which the
       investment fund portion of  that participant's account balance bears
       to the  total of the  investment fund  portion of all  participants'
       account balances.  

       The  Plan  offers  full  and   immediate  vesting  of  the  employee
       contribution   portion  of  each  participant's  account.    Company
       contributions are vested 60% after three years of service, 80% after
       four years  of service,  and 100%  after five  years of  service, on
       attainment of age 65, or on the occurrence of death or disability.

       Payment of Benefits:

       Participants  may withdraw any  portion of their accounts related to
       their own after-tax contributions and the vested portion of the pre-
       1994 match, in accordance with the provisions of the Plan.

       Once  the  after-tax  and  pre-1994 match  accounts  are  exhausted,
       participants may  withdraw from  the vested  portion of  their other
       accounts under any of the following circumstances: 

       -  Hardship  (approved by the Plan administrator or the Savings Plan

       -  Attainment of age 59 1/2

       -  Retirement

       -  Termination of employment

       -  Death   (vested  account   balance  is   paid  to   a  designated



                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

1.  Description of Plan, continued:

       Payment of Benefits, continued:
       Distribution of  benefits can  be in the  form of a  single lump-sum
       cash payment, a portion  paid in a lump-sum  and the remainder  paid
       later, or  by  periodic installments.    Participants may  elect  to
       receive their units  in the Homestake  Mining Company Stock Fund  in
       either whole  shares of stock  or a cash  payment equal to the then-
       current   fair  value  of   the  stock.     Participants   or  their
       beneficiaries  may elect  to maintain their  accounts with  the Plan
       even though such amounts may otherwise be withdrawn.

       Participant Loans Receivable:
       Participants may borrow from $1,000 to  $50,000 from their accounts,
       including  Company matching  contributions,  limited to  50% of  the
       vested value  of such accounts.  Borrowing  cannot exceed five years
       unless the  loan is for  the purchase  of a principal  residence, in
       which case,  it cannot exceed ten years.   These loans bear interest
       at  bank prime  rate  plus  1%.   Loans  are collateralized  by  the
       borrower's note  and vested interest in the  plan and repayments are
       made on at least a monthly basis through payroll deductions.

       Forfeitures of  unvested Company  contributions are allocated  as of
       the end of  each Plan year among remaining  participants entitled to
       matching Company contributions.

2.  Significant Accounting Policies:
       Investment Valuation and Income Recognition:
       Shares and units  in investment  funds are valued  at quoted  market
       prices, which represent  the net asset value of  the shares or units
       held  by the Plan at  year end.  The Company  stock is valued at its
       quoted  market price.   Guaranteed Investment  Contracts  (held with 
       bank and insurance companies and in the Wells Fargo Income Accumula-
       tion Fund) are stated at contract value (cost plus accrued interest).  
       Participant notes receivable are valued at cost which approximates 
       fair value.



                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

2.  Significant Accounting Policies, continued:

       Investment Valuation and Income Recognition, continued:
       Purchases  and  sales of  securities  are recorded  on  a trade-date
       basis, utilizing the average cost method in determining the basis of
       stock  sold.   Interest  income is  recorded  on the  accrual basis.
       Dividends are recorded on the ex-dividend date.

       Withdrawals of  securities from the Homestake  Mining Company Common
       Stock Fund are reported at  market valuations and are made  in cash,
       common  stock, or  both.   Withdrawals from  the Fixed  Income Fund,
       Wells Fargo  Asset Allocation Fund, Wells Fargo  S&P 500 Stock Fund,
       and Wells Fargo Lifepath Funds are made in cash.

       Net Appreciation (Depreciation) in Fair Value of Investments:
       The  Plan  presents  in  the  statement of  changes  in  net  assets
       available for  benefits the  net appreciation (depreciation)  in the
       fair  value of  its investments,  which consists  of realized  gains
       (losses)  and  the unrealized  appreciation (depreciation)  on those

3.  Plan Termination:
    Although the Company has not  expressed any intent to do so, it has the
    right under the  Plan to discontinue its contributions at  any time and
    to  terminate the Plan  subject to ERISA  provisions.  In  the event of
    Plan termination, all  accumulated plan benefits  will be fully  vested
    and  will be  distributed  to participants  based  on their  respective
    account balances.

4.  Reclassifications:
    Certain reclassifications  were made to  1993 balances to  conform with
    the  1994 presentation, with no effect on  the net assets available for
    benefits  or  net  change  in  net assets  available  for  benefits  as
    previously reported.



                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

5.  Tax Status:
    The Plan obtained its latest determination letter in May 1988, in which
    the  Internal Revenue Service  stated that the  Plan, as then designed,
    was in  compliance  with Sections  401(a) and  401(k)  of the  Internal
    Revenue  Code.    The  Plan  has  been   amended  since  receiving  the
    determination letter;  however, the  Plan administrator and  the Plan's
    tax counsel  believe  that the  Plan is  currently  designed and  being
    operated in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Internal
    Revenue Code.    Therefore, no  provision  for  income taxes  has  been
    included in the Plan's financial statements.

    Participants are not  subject to federal income taxes on  their pre-tax
    contributions, Company matching  contributions, or investment  earnings
    allocated to their accounts until withdrawals are made.  

6.  Related Party Transactions:
    Certain Plan investments are units in investment funds managed by Wells
    Fargo Bank.   Wells Fargo  Bank is  the Plan's trustee.   For the  year
    ended December  31,  1993, the  Plan  held  units in  investment  funds
    managed by Mellon Bank, the Plan's previous trustee.  Transactions with
    both Wells Fargo Bank and Mellon Bank qualify as party-in-interest.



                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

7.  Investments:
    Investments  at  December  31,  1994  and  1993  are comprised  of  the

                                        Number     Value
                                          of       Per       Reported
                                         Units     Unit        Value 
                                       -------   -------     ---------

    Wells Fargo Bank Investment 
        Funds, at fair value: 
      Wells Fargo Asset 
          Allocation Fund              477,636     $14.88   $ 7,107,229
      Wells Fargo S&P 500 
          Stock Fund                   253,440      16.45     4,169,095
      Wells Fargo Lifepath Funds       430,268       9.80     4,214,761
    Homestake Mining Company Stock
        Fund, at fair value          1,354,445       7.50    10,164,877

    Participant loans receivable,
        at book value, which 
        approximates fair value      2,051,147       1.00     2,051,147
    Fixed Income Fund, Guaranteed 
          Investment Contracts
          at contract value:
        Allstate Life Insurance 
          Company                    2,015,205       1.00     2,015,205
        Massachusetts Mutual Life
          Insurance Company          2,107,174       1.00     2,107,174
        Bankers Trust Company        3,230,702       1.00     3,230,702
        Canada Life Assurance 
          Company                    2,055,325       1.00     2,055,325
        Crown Life Insurance 
          Company                    1,168,226       1.00     1,168,226
        John Hancock Mutual Life
            Insurance Company        2,865,294       1.00     2,865,294
        New York Life 
            Insurance Company        5,541,050       1.00     5,541,050
        Wells Fargo Income 
            Accumulation Fund          193,434      11.65     2,252,827
        Confederation Life Guaranteed 
            Investment Contracts, 
            at contract value
            (see Note 12)            3,090,586       1.00     3,090,586
                Total investments                           $52,033,498



                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

7.  Investments, continued:

                                         Number       Value
                                           of         Per     Reported
                                          Units       Unit      Value 
                                        -------      ------    -------

    Mellon Bank Investment Funds, 
        at fair value: 
      Equity Fund                         38,215  $115.064  $ 4,397,183
      Fixed Income Fund                   19,896    54.318    1,080,728
    Wells Fargo Equity Index Fund, 
        at fair value                     93,443    16.270    1,520,314

    Homestake Mining Company
        Stock Fund, at fair value        588,164    22.000   12,939,608
    Participant loans receivable,
        at book value, which 
        approximates fair value        1,903,128     1.000    1,903,128
    Fixed Income Fund, Guaranteed 
        Investment Contracts,
        at contract value:
      Allstate Life Insurance 
        Company                        2,013,445     1.000    2,013,445
      Bankers Trust Company            3,069,545     1.000    3,069,545
      Canada Life Assurance Company    2,055,325     1.000    2,055,325
      Confederation Life Insurance 
        Company                        3,192,845     1.000    3,192,845
      Crown Life Insurance Company     1,216,121     1.000    1,216,121
      IBM Credit Corporation           1,425,433     1.000    1,425,433
      John Hancock Mutual Life
        Insurance Company              2,724,699     1.000    2,724,699
      Life Insurance Company of 
        Virginia                       2,370,816     1.000    2,370,816
      Massachusetts Mutual Life 
        Insurance Company              2,962,684     1.000    2,962,684
      New York Life Insurance 
        Company                        5,600,145     1.000    5,600,145
      United of Omaha Mutual Life
        Insurance Company              1,293,536     1.000    1,293,536

    All earnings  on the investment funds are reinvested in and credited to
    each  fund daily.    These earnings  include  interest, dividends,  and
    appreciation (depreciation) in fair value.  



                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

7.  Investments, continued:
    On  January  1,  1994,  all participant  balances  of  the  Mellon Bank
    Investment Fund and Wells Fargo  Equity Index Fund were transferred  to
    the Wells  Fargo Asset Allocation  Fund and Wells  Fargo S&P  500 Stock
    Fund, respectively.   The Asset Allocation Fund and  S&P 500 Stock Fund
    replaced  the Investment Fund  and Equity Index  Fund from the transfer

    The Asset Allocation Fund invests  in a changing mix of stocks,  bonds,
    and  money market securities and aims for  a high level of total return
    over  the long  term, consistent  with reasonable  risk.   The Lifepath
    Funds invest in a changing mix  of US and international stocks,  bonds,
    and  money market securities  and aim  for greater growth  potential in
    early years and then gradually reduce  risk to exposure over time.  The
    S&P 500 Fund invests in substantially the  same stocks in substantially
    the same percentages as the Standard & Poor's 500 Composite Stock Price
    Index and  seeks to approximate as  closely as practicable  the rate of
    return of that index.

    The Homestake Mining Company Stock Fund invests  in shares of Homestake
    Mining Company.

    The  Fixed  Income Fund  consists  of  guaranteed investment  contracts
    previously purchased by the Plan from bank  and insurance companies and
    shares in  the  Wells Fargo  Income  Accumulation  Fund.     Guaranteed
    investment contracts of Confederation  Life Insurance Company have been
    separated from the  Fixed Income Fund into a  separate fund as detailed
    in note 12.

8.  Administrative Expenses:
    All costs associated with administering  the Plan are paid directly  by
    the Company.

9.  Amount Due to Plan Participants:
    Net  assets  available  for  benefits  include  amounts   due  to  Plan
    participants who have withdrawn on or before the Plan's year end.  Such
    amounts  were   $0  and  $344,766   at  December 31,  1994   and  1993,



                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

10.     Net Assets Available for Benefits by Investment Type:

        At  December 31, 1994  and 1993, net  assets available for benefits
        were held in the following participant-designated investment types:

                                     Wells Fargo     Wells Fargo
                                         Asset         S&P 500      Wells Fargo
                                       Allocation       Stock        Lifepath
                                          Fund          Fund           Funds
                                      ----------     ----------    -----------
 Year Ended December 31, 1994:


 Cash and cash equivalents                 -              -              -    
                                        ----------     ----------    -----------
 Investments, at fair value:
      Fund investments held by          $7,107,229     $4,169,095    $4,214,761
      Common stock of the Company          -              -              -    
      Participant loans receivable         -              -              -    
                                        ----------     ----------    -----------

                                         7,107,229      4,169,095     4,214,761
                                        ----------     ----------    -----------
 Investments, at contract value:
      Fund investments held by        
         trustee                           -              -              -    
                                        ----------     ----------    -----------
      Company contributions                     97             12           321
      Participants' contributions              185            829         1,117
                                        ----------     ----------    -----------
                                               282            841         1,438
                                        ----------     ----------    -----------
      Other assets                         -              -              -    
                                        ----------     ----------    -----------
      Total assets                       7,107,511      4,169,936     4,216,199


 Accrued payables                          -              -              -    
                                        ----------     ----------    -----------
      Net assets available for  
         benefits                       $7,107,511     $4,169,936    $4,216,199 
                                        ==========     ==========    ===========


                                           Mining      Participant       Fixed
                                          Company         Loan          Income
                                        Common Stock      Fund           Fund
                                        ------------   -----------   -----------
 Year Ended December 31, 1994:


 Cash and cash equivalents                $413,336      -              -    
                                       ------------    -----------  -----------

 Investments, at fair value:
      Fund investments held by           -              -              -    
      Common stock of the Company       10,164,877      -              -    
      Participant loans receivable       -             $2,051,147      -    
                                       ------------    -----------  -----------
                                        10,164,877      2,051,147      -    
                                       ------------    -----------  -----------
 Investments, at contract value:
      Fund investments held by
         trustee                         -              -           $21,235,803
                                       ------------    -----------  -----------

      Company contributions              -              -              -    
      Participants' contributions        -              -              -    
                                       ------------    -----------  ------------
                                         -              -              -    
                                       ------------    -----------  ------------
       Other assets                      -              -                   354
                                       ------------    -----------  ------------
       Total assets                     10,578,213      2,051,147    21,236,157


 Accrued payables                        -              -               143,500
                                       ------------    -----------  ------------
      Net assets available for
         benefits                      $10,578,213     $2,051,147   $21,092,657 
                                       ============    ===========  ============


                                       Guaranteed      Short-Term
                                       Investment      Investment        Total
                                        Contracts        Account
                                      -------------    ----------   -----------
 Year Ended December 31, 1994:


 Cash and cash equivalents
                                         -               $104,919   $   518,255
                                      --------------   -----------  ------------
 Investments, at fair value:
      Fund investments held by
        trustee                          -              -            15,491,085
      Common stock of the Company        -              -            10,164,877
      Participant loans receivable       -              -             2,051,147
                                      --------------   -----------  ------------
                                         -              -            27,707,109
                                      --------------   -----------  ------------
 Investments, at contract value:    
      Fund investments held by
         trustee                        $3,090,586      -            24,326,389
                                      --------------   -----------  ------------
      Company contributions              -              -                   430
      Participants' contributions        -              -                 2,131
                                      --------------   -----------  ------------
                                         -              -                 2,561
                                      --------------   -----------  ------------
 Other assets                            -              -                   354
                                      --------------   -----------  ------------
      Total assets                       3,090,586        104,919    52,554,668


 Accrued payables                        -              -               143,500
                                      --------------   -----------  ------------
      Net assets available for
         benefits                       $3,090,586       $104,919   $52,411,168 
                                      ==============   ===========  ============




                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

10.     Net Assets Available for Benefits by Investment Type, continued:

                                                    Wells      Homestake
                                   Mellon           Fargo        Mining
                                    Bank           Equity       Company
                                 Investment         Index        Stock
                                    Fund            Fund          Fund  
                                 ----------        -------     ---------
December 31, 1993:
- -----------------


Cash and cash equivalents        $  220,758    $   169,120   $   34,907
                                 ----------    -----------   ----------
Investments, at fair 
   Fund investments held by 
     trustee                      5,477,911      1,520,314         -   
   Common stock of the 
     Company                           -              -      12,939,608   
   Participant loans
     receivable                        -              -            -         
                                 ----------    -----------   ----------
                                  5,477,911      1,520,314   12,939,608
                                 ----------    -----------   ----------
   Investments, at contract
     Fund investments held
          by trustee                   -              -            -   
                                 ----------    -----------   ----------
     Company contributions           12,239          5,845       13,904
     Participants' contributions     37,759         21,134       33,857
     Other - loans                    4,641          1,867        6,396
                                 ----------    -----------   ----------
                                     54,639         28,846       54,157
                                 ----------    -----------   ----------
   Homestake common 
     stock receivable                    -            -         962,618
   Other assets                      13,467              2         -   
                                 ----------    -----------   ----------
                                     13,467              2      962,618
                                 ----------    -----------   ----------
             Total assets         5,766,775      1,718,282   13,991,290


Accrued payables                       -              -           6,143
                                 ----------    -----------   ----------
        Net assets available
          for benefits           $5,766,775     $1,718,282  $13,985,147
                                 ==========    ===========   ==========


                                Participant          Fixed
                                   Loan             Income
                                    Fund             Fund         Total
                                -----------      ---------      -------
December 31, 1993:
- -----------------


Cash and cash equivalents       $        36   $  6,500,980  $ 6,925,801
                                -----------     ----------  -----------
Investments, at fair 
   Fund investments held by 
     trustee                           -              -       6,998,225
   Common stock of the 
     Company                           -              -      12,939,608
   Participant loans
     receivable                   1,903,128           -       1,903,128
                                -----------     ----------  -----------
                                  1,903,128           -      21,840,961
                                -----------     ----------  -----------
Investments, at contract
   Fund investments held
     by trustee                            
                                        -       27,924,594   27,924,594
                                -----------     ----------  -----------
   Company contributions               -            37,472       69,460
   Participants' contributions         -            98,393      191,143
   Other - loans                       -            46,114       59,018
                                -----------     ----------  -----------
                                       -           181,979      319,621
                                -----------     ----------  -----------
   Homestake common 
        stock receivable               -              -         962,618
   Other assets                        -             1,975       15,444
                                -----------     ----------  -----------
                                        -            1,975      978,062
                                -----------     ----------  -----------
             Total assets         1,903,164     34,609,528   57,989,039


Accrued payables                        240             65        6,448
                                -----------     ----------  -----------
          Net assets 
             available for
             benefits            $1,902,924    $34,609,463  $57,982,591
                                ===========     ==========  ===========



                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

11.     Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits by Investment Type:

        During  the year  ended December  31, 1994,  changes in  net assets
        available  for benefits by  participant-designated investment types
        were as follows:

                                                   Wells         Wells
                                      Mellon       Fargo         Fargo
                                       Bank        Asset         Equity
                                    Investment   Allocation      Index
                                       Fund         Fund          Fund 
                                    ----------   ----------      ------
Year Ended December 31, 1994:
- ----------------------------
Additions to net assets 
    attributed to:
  Interest and dividends               -               -           - 
  Interest on participants' loans      -               -           - 

  Company, in cash                     -      $  277,302           - 
  Participants, in cash                -         527,884           - 
  Transfers in from other 
    plans                              -           6,454           - 
                               ----------     ----------  -----------
       Total additions                 -         811,640           - 
                               ----------     ----------  -----------

Deductions from net assets 
       attributed to:
  Net depreciation in the fair
    value of investments               -         279,230           - 
  Net depreciation in the fair 
    value of investment in
    Homestake common stock             -               -           -      

  Benefits paid to 
    participants                       -         464,295
  Transfers out to other 
    plans                              -          49,221           - 
                              -----------     ----------  -----------
       Total deductions                -         792,746           - 
                              -----------     ----------  -----------

Interfund transfers           $(5,766,775)     7,262,255  $(1,718,282)
                              -----------     ----------  -----------
       Net increase (decrease) (5,766,775)     7,281,149   (1,718,282)

Net assets available for 
  Beginning of year             5,766,775           -       1,718,282
                              -----------     ----------  -----------
  End of year                           -     $7,281,149            -
                              ===========     ==========  ===========


                                           Fargo           Wells
                                         S&P 500           Fargo
                                           Stock        Lifepath
                                           Fund           Funds 
                                        --------        --------
Year Ended December 31, 1994:
- ----------------------------
Additions to net assets 
     attributed to:
   Interest and dividends                   -               -   
   Interest on participants' loans          -               -   
   Company, in cash                   $  213,599      $  182,327
   Participants, in cash                 433,433         365,669
   Transfers in from other plans          15,353            -   
                                      ----------      ----------
       Total additions                   662,385         547,996
                                      ----------      ----------
Deductions from net assets 
     attributed to:
   Net depreciation in the fair
     value of investments                  4,468          75,599
   Net depreciation in the fair 
     value of investment in
     Homestake common stock                 -               -   
   Benefits paid to participants          67,141          84,552
   Transfers out to other plans             -               -   
                                      ----------      ----------
       Total deductions                   71,609         160,151
                                      ----------      ----------
Interfund transfers                    3,680,171       3,828,357
                                      ----------      ----------
       Net increase (decrease)         4,270,947       4,216,202

Net assets available for 
   Beginning of year                        -               -   
                                     -----------      ----------
   End of year                        $4,270,947      $4,216,202
                                     ===========      ==========

                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

11.  Changes in Net Assets Available for Benefits by Investment Type, 

                                    Mining       Parti-  
                                    Company      cipant          Fixed   
                                     Stock        Loan           Income
                                     Fund         Fund            Fund 
                                   ---------  -----------      --------
Year Ended December 31, 1994,
- -----------------------------

Additions to net assets 
    attributed to:
 Investment and dividends           $90,743          -       $1,668,836
 Interest on participants'
    loans                               -      $  160,358          -   

 Company, in cash                    171,207         -          649,817
 Participants, in cash               318,015         -          722,244
 Transfers in from
      other plans                      1,684         -            3,577
                                 -----------   ----------    ----------
      Total additions                581,649      160,358     3,044,474
                                 -----------   ----------    ----------

Deductions from net 
    assets attributed to:
 Net depreciation in
    the fair value
    of investments                      -            -             -   
 Net depreciation in the
    fair value of investment
    in Homestake common stock      2,158,288         -             -      
 Benefits paid to
    participants                   1,538,015      333,632     5,758,889
 Transfers out to
    other plans                       57,655         -          215,341
                                ------------   ----------   -----------
      Total deductions             3,753,958      333,632     5,974,230
                                ------------   ----------   -----------
Interfund transfers               (1,206,150)     263,497    (9,916,155)
                                ------------   ----------   -----------
      Net increase (decrease)     (4,378,459)      90,223   (12,845,911)

 Net assets available
      for benefits:
    Beginning of year             13,985,147    1,902,924    34,609,463
                                ------------   ----------    ----------

    End of year                  $ 9,606,688   $1,993,147   $21,763,552
                                ============   ==========   ===========


                                  tion Life 
                                  Guaranteed   Short-Term
                                  Investment   Investment
                                  Contracts      Account          Total
                                 -----------   ----------       -------
Year Ended December 31, 1994,
- ----------------------------

Additions to net assets 
    attributed to:
 Investment and dividends               -            -      $ 1,759,579
 Interest on participants'
    loans                               -            -          160,358
 Company, in cash                       -       $(278,123)    1,216,129
 Participants, in cash                  -            -        2,367,245
 Transfers in from
    other plans                         -            -           27,068
                                  ----------   ----------   -----------
      Total additions                   -        (278,123)    5,530,379

Deductions from net 
    assets attributed to:
 Net depreciation in
    the fair value of investments       -            -          359,297
 Net depreciation in
    the fair value of investment
    in Homestake common stock           -            -        2,158,288
 Benefits paid to
    participants                        -             484     8,247,008
 Transfers out to
    other plans                         -          14,992       337,209
                                 -----------    ---------   -----------
      Total deductions                  -          15,476    11,101,802
                                 -----------    ---------   -----------
Interfund transfers               $3,090,586      482,496          -   
                                 -----------    ---------   -----------
      Net increase (decrease)      3,090,586      188,897    (5,571,423)

Net assets available
    for benefits:
 Beginning of year                      -            -       57,982,591
                                 -----------    ---------   -----------
 End of year                      $3,090,586    $ 188,897   $52,411,168
                                 ===========    =========   ===========


                  NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, Continued

12. Confederation Life Guaranteed Investment Contracts:
    Confederation  Life Insurance  Company (CLIC)  was seized  by insurance
    regulators on August 12, 1994, to protect the financial interest of all
    policyholders.  The Plan's investment contracts  with CLIC will be paid
    out as part of  a rehabilitation plan, the timing and value of which is
    uncertain at this time.

    On  August 18, 1994,  the Plan  suspended withdrawals  and transfers by
    participants of amounts in the Plan held by CLIC and froze the value of
    its CLIC  guaranteed investment  contracts at  their then-current  book
    values (cost plus accrued interest through August 15, 1994).  The  Plan
    has not accrued any interest on these contracts since they were frozen.

    These frozen contracts have been  separated from the Fixed  Income Fund
    into a separate frozen fund.

    Until a  Rehabilitation  Plan  is  finalized  and  approved,  or  other
    additional relevant information  becomes available, the ultimate effect
    on  the  Plan's  CLIC  investments and  the  participants'  ability  to
    withdraw  funds  from  CLIC  cannot  be   determined.    Based  on  the
    information  received from  the  Rehabilitator and the  Plan's advisors  
    available as  of  June 26,  1995,  Plan  management  believes
    that such  effect would not result  in a material impact  on the Plan's
    financial  statements.   Consequently, adjustments,  if any,  which may
    arise as  a result of the  ultimate outcome of  the rehabilitation have
    not been reflected in the accompanying financial statements.

13. Subsequent Events:
    Amendment  No. 1  to  the  Plan was  executed on  May  9,  1995 and  is
    effective from July 1, 1995.  This  amendment changed the definition of
    compensation for the purposes of  the Plan to include  profit incentive
    payments.  In addition, the Company-matched contribution increased from
    75% to 100% of the first 6% of each employee's compensation contributed
    for pay periods beginning on or after January 1, 1995.

    Two new funds were added to the investment options of the Plan on April
    1, 1995.  Templeton Foreign Fund invests in stocks and debt obligations
    of companies and governments  outside the United  States.  Neuberger  &
    Berman Guardian  Trust  invests in  established high-quality  companies
    considered  to  be  undervalued in  comparison  to  stocks  of  similar
    companies. In addition, the Wells Fargo S&P 500 Stock Fund was replaced  
    with the Stagecoach S&P 500 Stock Fund on April 1, 1995.



                          as of December 31, 1994

                        (c) Description of
                       Investment including
    (b) Identity of    Maturity Date, Rate
   Issuer, Borrower,       of Interest,
       Lessor, or         Collateral, Par                    (e) Current
(a)  Similar Party      or Maturity Value        (d) Cost      Value   
- ---  --------------   ---------------------    ------------ -----------
    Allstate Life    GIC (maturing 11/12/98,
      Insurance        5.46%)                $ 2,015,205    $ 2,015,205

    Bankers Trust    GIC (maturing 09/30/00, 
      Company        4.84%)                    3,230,702      3,230,702

    Canada Life      GIC (maturing 09/10/95,   2,055,325      2,055,325
      Assurance        9.30%)

    Crown Life 
      Insurance      GIC (maturing 03/03/98,
      Company           4.02%)                 1,168,226      1,168,226

    John Hancock     GIC (maturing 06/30/98, 
      Mutual Life      5.16%)                  2,865,294      2,865,294

    Massachusetts    GIC (maturing 07/05/02,
      Mutual Life     6.73%)                   1,531,410      1,531,410
      Insurance      GIC (maturing 12/01/95,
      Company         9.00%)                     575,764        575,764

    New York Life 
      Insurance      GIC (maturing 08/01/96, 
      Company          8.45%)                  2,084,837      2,084,837
                     GIC (maturing 10/28/96, 
                       7.60%)                  2,026,681      2,026,681
                     GIC (maturing 03/02/98, 
                       6.05%)                  1,429,532      1,429,532

 *  Wells Fargo      Wells Fargo Income 
      Bank             Accumulation Fund 
                       (193,434 units)         2,252,827      2,252,827

    Confederation    GIC (frozen 08/15/95, 
      Life Insu-       originally maturing
      rance Company    01/02/95, 8.70%)        1,051,807      1,051,807
                     GIC (frozen 08/15/95, 
                       originally maturing
                       07/24/95, 9.14%)        1,004,323      1,004,323
                     GIC (frozen 08/15/95, 
                       originally maturing
                       03/15/96, 8.54%)        1,034,456      1,034,456

 *  Wells Fargo      Wells Fargo Asset 
      Bank             Allocation Fund
                       (477,636 units)         7,275,906      7,107,229
                     Wells Fargo S&P 500 
                       Stock Fund
                       (253,440 units)         4,136,157      4,169,095
                     Wells Fargo 
                       Lifepath 2000 Fund
                       (157,029 units)         1,560,847      1,535,742
                     Wells Fargo 
                       Lifepath 2010 Fund
                       (115,034 units)         1,147,108      1,126,181
                     Wells Fargo 
                       Lifepath 2020 Fund
                       (91,009 units)            906,620        892,802
                     Wells Fargo 
                       Lifepath 2030 Fund
                       (37,748 units)            373,756        368,795
                     Wells Fargo 
                       Lifepath 2040 Fund
                       (29,448 units)            291,994        291,241

 *  Wells Fargo      Homestake Mining 
      Bank             Company Stock Fund
                       (1,354,445 units)      11,959,393     10,164,877

 *  Participant notes  Repayable over a term 
                       of up to five years at 
                       an interest rate set
                       at the time of issue 
                       of the loan. Rate 
                       during 1994 ranged 
                       from 7% to 9.5%         2,051,147      2,051,147

*  Represents party-in-interest to Plan

Note:           GIC  has been used above as  an abbreviation for Guaranteed
                Investment Contract.


                    for the year ended December 31, 1994

                      (b) Description of Asset
(a) Identity of       (Include Interest Rate and    (c) Purchase    (d)Selling
Party Involved        Maturity in Case of a Loan)       Price            Price
- ---------------       ---------------------------   --------------   ----------
Combined transactions:

   Wells Fargo Bank   Homestake Mining Company     $20,049,430           -
                              Stock Fund
   Wells Fargo Bank   Homestake Mining Company           -          $7,403,672
                              Stock Fund
   Mellon Bank        Investment Fund                    -           5,477,911
   Wells Fargo Bank   Equity Index Fund                  -           1,520,314
   Wells Fargo Bank   Fixed Income Fund             41,091,195           -
   Wells Fargo Bank   Fixed Income Fund                  -          21,659,692
   Wells Fargo Bank   S&P 500 Stock Fund             4,543,943            -
   Wells Fargo Bank   S&P 500 Stock Fund                 -           1,899,695
   Wells Fargo Bank   Asset Allocation Fund         10,075,396            -
   Wells Fargo Bank   Asset Allocation Fund              -           2,688,937
   Wells Fargo Bank   All Lifepath Funds             4,900,386            -
   Wells Fargo Bank   All Lifepath Funds                 -             610,026


                      (b) Description of Asset                  (f) Expenses
(a) Identity of       (Include Interest Rate and    (e) Lease   Incurred With
Party Involved        Maturity in Case of a Loan)     Rental      Transaction
- ---------------       ---------------------------   ----------   ------------
Combined transactions:

   Wells Fargo Bank   Homestake Mining Company           -                -
                             Stock Fund
   Wells Fargo Bank   Homestake Mining Company           -                -
                              Stock Fund
   Mellon Bank        Investment Fund                    -                -
   Wells Fargo Bank   Equity Index Fund                  -                -
   Wells Fargo Bank   Fixed Income Fund                  -                -
   Wells Fargo Bank   Fixed Income Fund                  -                -
   Wells Fargo Bank   S&P 500 Stock Fund                 -                -
   Wells Fargo Bank   S&P 500 Stock Fund                 -                -
   Wells Fargo Bank   Asset Allocation Fund              -                -
   Wells Fargo Bank   Asset Allocation Fund              -     
   Wells Fargo Bank   All Lifepath Funds                 -                -
   Wells Fargo Bank   All Lifepath Funds                 -                -


                                                                  (h) Current
                                                                    Value of 
                      (b) Description of Asset                      Asset on  
(a) Identity of       (Include Interest Rate and    (g) Cost of     Transaction
Party Involved          Maturity in Case of a Loan)    Assets on       Date
- --------------         ---------------------------   ------------  ------------
Combined transactions:

   Wells Fargo Bank     Homestake Mining Company         -                -
                                Stock Fund
   Wells Fargo Bank     Homestake Mining Company      $7,676,702    $7,403,672
                                Stock Fund
   Mellon Bank          Investment Fund                4,510,228     5,477,911
   Wells Fargo Bank     Equity Index Fund              1,390,955     1,520,314
   Wells Fargo Bank     Fixed Income Fund                -                 -
   Wells Fargo Bank     Fixed Income Fund             21,659,692    21,659,692
   Wells Fargo Bank     S&P 500 Stock Fund               -                 -
   Wells Fargo Bank     S&P 500 Stock Fund             1,927,101     1,889,695
   Wells Fargo Bank     Asset Allocation Fund            -                 -
   Wells Fargo Bank     Asset Allocation Fund          2,799,490     2,688,937
   Wells Fargo Bank     All Lifepath Funds               -                 -
   Wells Fargo Bank     All Lifepath Funds               620,060       610,026


                                 (b) Description of Asset
   (a) Identity of               (Include Interest Rate and       (i) Net Gain
   Party Involved                Maturity in Case of a Loan)          or (Loss)
   ---------------               ---------------------------      --------------
   Combined transactions:

      Wells Fargo Bank           Homestake Mining Company              -   
                                      Stock Fund
      Wells Fargo Bank           Homestake Mining Company        $(273,030)
                                      Stock Fund
      Mellon Bank                Investment Fund                   967,683
      Wells Fargo Bank           Equity Index Fund                 129,359
      Wells Fargo Bank           Fixed Income Fund                      -
      Wells Fargo Bank           Fixed Income Fund                      -
      Wells Fargo Bank           S&P 500 Stock Fund                     -
      Wells Fargo Bank           S&P 500 Stock Fund                (37,406)
      Wells Fargo Bank           Asset Allocation Fund                  -
      Wells Fargo Bank           Asset Allocation Fund            (110,553)
      Wells Fargo Bank           All Lifepath Funds                     -
      Wells Fargo Bank           All Lifepath Funds                (10,034)   
