QUARTER CLAIM DEEMED
                              PRODUCTION AGREEMENT

                            HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY

         AMENDMENT made this 4th day of July,  1995  ("Effective  Date") between
Homestake Canada Inc.,  successor in interest to International  Corona Resources
Ltd.   ("Homestake"),   Teck  Corporation   ("Teck")  (Homestake  and  Teck  are
collectively  referred to herein as "T/H") and Hemlo Gold Mines Inc.,  successor
in interest to Noranda  Exploration  Company Limited (N.P.L.)  ("Hemlo") to that
certain  Agreement  between Teck  Corporation ,  International  Corona Resources
Ltd., and Noranda  Exploration  Company Limited  (N.P.L.) made as of January 25,
1983 and amended December 1, 1983 (the "Agreement").

         WHEREAS, the Agreement contained an option in favor of Hemlo to acquire
certain mineral  property  defined  therein as the Optioned  Property and Hemlo,
pursuant to exercise of the option,  became the owner of the  Optioned  Property
(hereinafter referred to as the "Quarter Claim") on terms and conditions set out
in the  Agreement,  including but not limited to the  obligation to pay to T/H a
50% Net  Profits  Royalty and the  obligation  to provide  hoisting  and milling
capacity to T/H through facilities of Hemlo; and,

         WHEREAS,  for the  term  hereof T/H and Hemlo  desire to (i) modify the
manner in which the 50% Net  Profits  Royalty is  calculated  and paid such that
Hemlo will pay and T/H will  receive  monthly  payments  based on  estimates  of
reserves,  grades, production rates and costs provided by Hemlo on the Effective
Date without  respect to Hemlo's actual rate of production and sale of gold from
the Quarter Claim and (ii) make other amendments contained herein;

         THEREFORE,  for  and in  consideration  of  the  mutual  covenants  and
agreements contained herein, the parties do agree as follows:

     1. Definitions. For the purposes of this Amendment, including the Schedules
attached  hereto,  the following words and expressions  shall have the following
meanings with respect to the Quarter Claim. All capitalized  words and terms not
defined  herein  shall have the same  meanings  as are  ascribed  to them in the

                 (a)  "Deemed  Gold  Production"  shall  mean the number of troy
ounces of gold for which the Royalty  shall be  calculated  and paid pursuant to
this  Amendment.  For each month while this Amendment is in effect,  such number
shall be the  product  of (i) the  Deemed  Production  Rate,  (ii) the number of
calendar days in the same month and (iii) the Production Factor.

                 (b)  "Deemed Production Rate" shall mean 453.59 metric tonnes 
of ore per day.

                 (c)  "Deemed Production Costs" shall mean the product of Deemed
Unit Production Costs and the Deemed Production Rate.

                 (d)  "Deemed  Unit  Production  Costs"  shall mean  C$57.40 per
metric  tonne as shown in the last line of the  Column on  Schedule  B  entitled
"Total Cost per Tonne to Recover

Gold ($C/T)" as that amount may be adjusted for Escalation.  Hemlo  acknowledges
that such Costs include a component for all costs, charges, and fees included in
the Agreement as Operating Costs.

                 (e)  "Deemed  Revenue"  shall  mean that sum of money  equal to
Deemed Gold  Production for the month for which the Royalty is being  calculated
multiplied by the average of the London final daily  quotation per ounce of gold
for each  trading day in the same month and  converted  from U. S.  dollars into
Canadian dollars at a rate of exchange equal to the average of the daily Bank of
Canada  noon rates of  exchange  between  U. S. and  Canadian  dollars  for each
business day in such month.  No  adjustment  shall be made to Deemed  Revenue on
account of silver.

                 (f) "Deemed Third Party Royalty" means for the period for which
it is being  calculated  the amount  that would be payable  for the same  period
pursuant to the Third Party Royalty if such Third Party Royalty were  calculated
on the basis of Deemed Gold Production,  Deemed Revenue,  and Deemed  Production
Costs for the same period.

                 (g)  "Escalation"  shall mean the amount by which  Deemed  Unit
Production  Costs may be  increased  or decreased  annually in  accordance  with
Schedule A and commencing as of January 1, 1996.

                 (h) "Estimated  Production"  shall mean the 304,976 troy ounces
of gold  estimated by Hemlo to be recovered from the Quarter Claim after January
1,  1995 as  shown  in the  last  line of the  column  on  Schedule  B  entitled
"Estimated Ounces Recovered".

                 (i)  "Production  Factor" shall mean 0.27377 and was derived by
dividing  the total  number of  ounces  shown in the last line of the  Column on
Schedule B entitled  "Estimated  Ounces Recovered" by the total number of tonnes
shown in the last line of the Column on  Schedule B  entitled  "Estimated  Mined

                 (j) "Royalty"  means the 50% Net Profits Royalty payable to T/H
as provided in the  Agreement  and  modified in this  Amendment.  The Royalty is
calculated and paid as provided in Section 3 of this Amendment.

                 (k)  "Third  Party  Royalty"  shall  mean  that 3% net  smelter
royalty  referred  to in  the  Agreement  determined  in  accordance  with  that
agreement made the 30th day of September,  1980 between 435198 Ontario Corp. and
International Corona Resources Ltd., as amended.

                 (l) "Third Party Royalty  Agreement"  shall mean that agreement
referred to in Section 1(k).

     2.  Representations.


                  (a) Hemlo  represents to T/H that Schedule B contains  Hemlo's
good faith estimates as of January 1, 1995 of reserves, grade, contained ounces,
minable tonnes, ounces to be recovered,  and costs with respect to the remaining
mine  life of the  Quarter  Claim  at the  time  of  Hemlo's  execution  of this
Amendment.  T/H  acknowledges  that T/H has reviewed those estimates and entered
into this Amendment after making  independent  analysis based on such estimates.
Hemlo  acknowledges  that T/H relies  upon the  underlying  factual  information
contained in such estimates in entering into this Amendment.

                  (b) Hemlo  represents  to T/H that T/H, and T/H  represents to
Hemlo that Hemlo,  is not in breach of the  Agreement  and that the Agreement is
valid and enforceable pursuant to its terms.

     3.  Net Profits Royalty Calculation and Payment.

                  (a)  Commencing  as of January 1,  1995,  Hemlo  shall pay the
Royalty to T/H until  Hemlo has paid the  Royalty  with  respect  to  cumulative
Deemed Gold Production equal to 95% of Estimated  Production (which number,  for
greater clarity, is equal to 289,727 troy ounces of gold).

                  (b)  The  Royalty  shall  be  calculated   for  any  month  by
subtracting from Deemed Revenue the sum of (i) Deemed  Production Costs for such
month,  (ii) Hemlo's  estimate of Ontario  Mining Taxes  payable with respect to
such month,  (iii) Deemed Third Party Royalty,  and (iv) an amount equivalent to
deductions  that  would  have  been  appropriate  under the  Agreement  for Post
Production Capital Expenditures,  Interest Charges, and Reserve Charges, if any,
and  multiplying  the  remainder by .50.  With respect to the calendar  month in
which cumulative Deemed Gold Production equals 95% of Estimated Production,  the
Royalty shall be adjusted as is  appropriate  to reflect the number of ounces of
Deemed Gold Production in that month required to reach such 95%.

                  (c)  Payment of the  Royalty  for each month shall be made not
later than the 20th day of the following month.

                  (d) Hemlo shall provide T/H with each Royalty  payment details
of its calculation  showing monthly and cumulative  Deemed Gold Production,  the
applicable  gold price and exchange  rates,  the monthly and  cumulative  Deemed
Third Party Royalty, and any estimated Ontario Mining Taxes deducted.

                  (e) T/H shall have no  obligation  or liability of any kind to
Hemlo, including but not limited to the refund or payment of any Royalty, in the
event that the actual number of troy ounces of gold  actually  produced from the
Quarter  Claim on and after  January 1, 1995 is for any reason  less than 95% of
Estimated Production.

     4.  Actual Rates of Production; Suspension of Certain Obligations.  Hemlo's


to (i)  provide  hoisting  and milling  capacity  for the benefit of the Quarter
Claim and (ii) mine and process ore from the Quarter  Claim,  as provided in the
Agreement,  shall be  suspended  from  January  1,  1995  until  this  Amendment
terminates.  Until this Amendment  terminates Hemlo shall have the right to mine
and mill ore from the Quarter  Claim,  and recover and sell gold  therefrom,  at
rates determined by Hemlo in its sole discretion;  provided, however, that Hemlo
shall at all times carry out all mining, milling, and other operations in a good
and minerlike fashion and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and
shall make all Third Party Royalty payments when due and shall defend, indemnify
and hold T/H harmless against any cost, loss,  damage or liability  arising from
Hemlo's  failure  to comply  with the terms and  provisions  of the Third  Party
Royalty Agreement.

     5.  Termination of Amendment; Subsequent Reduction of Net Profits Royalty.

                  This Amendment  shall terminate on the day that the cumulative
number of troy ounces of gold  actually  recovered  from the Quarter Claim after
January  1, 1995 is equal to 95% of  Estimated  Production  (which  number,  for
greater clarity,  is equal to 289,727 troy ounces of gold).  Upon termination of
this  Amendment  the rights  and  duties of the  parties  shall  continue  to be
governed by the Agreement, including but not limited to its provisions regarding
payment of the Royalty and the  obligations  to provide  T/H with  hoisting  and
milling  capacities,  without regard to the provisions of this Amendment  except
that the Royalty  payable to T/H shall be reduced in perpetuity from 50% to 40%.
For greater clarity,  in the event that the actual production of precious metals
(including gold and silver) from the Quarter Claim  continues after  termination
of this  Amendment,  the  rights  and duties of T/H and Hemlo to each other with
respect to the royalty  payable to T/H on such  production  shall be governed by
the  Agreement  and not by this  Amendment  except  that the Royalty on all such
production shall be 40%.

     6.  Escalation.

                (a)  Not  later  than  March  31st  of  each  year  Deemed  Unit
Production  costs shall be increased or decreased  annually in  accordance  with
Schedule A. Each such increase or decrease shall be  retroactively  effective as
of January 1 of the same year.

                (b) If either party believes that extraordinary events affecting
costs or material  changes in  accounting  practices at the Golden Giant Mine or
the Williams Mine render the annual Escalation calculated pursuant to Schedule A
materially  inappropriate for the purpose intended,  such party shall notify the
other in writing.  Within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of such notice by the
other party,  both parties shall meet to try to agree on appropriate  Escalation
for the relevant time period.  If the parties do not so agree within thirty (30)
days following such meeting,  the parties shall arbitrate such Escalation before
a single  arbitrator  experienced  in the  matter of mining and  milling  costs,
appointed by the President of the Canadian  Institute of Mining and  Metallurgy,
whose  decision  shall be final and binding upon the  parties.  Each party shall
submit a written  proposal for such  Escalation to the arbitrator  within twenty
(20) days of the arbitrator's  appointment along with a justification  therefor,
including within such submittal all relevant costs


for from the Golden  Giant or Williams  Mine as the case may be. The  arbitrator
shall select  either the Hemlo or the T/H  proposal,  whichever he deems to more
reasonably  reflect  changes in costs that do or should apply to production from
the Quarter Claim.

     7. Records.  Hemlo shall keep and maintain (i) records of actual production
from the Quarter Claim,  including records of the quantities of tonnes mined and
milled  and the  number  of  ounces of gold  recovered  therefrom  and (ii) such
accounting and financial records as are necessary to calculate Escalation. Hemlo
shall  report  such  records of  production  to T/H on a regular  basis not less
frequently than annually and make all such production,  accounting and financial
records available for inspection and copying by T/H from time to time as T/H may

     8. Governing Law. This Amendment  shall be governed in accordance  with the
laws of the Province of Ontario.

     9. Effect.  This Amendment shall not be construed by implication to deprive
any party of any right to which it is expressly  entitled  under the  Agreement.
The parties  acknowledge that the Agreement is a valid and subsisting  agreement
and, agree that, except as expressly amended herein,  the Agreement shall remain
in full force and effect.

     10. Successors.  This Amendment shall extend to and bind the parties hereto
and their respective successors and permitted assigns.

     11.  Notices.  Notices given and payments  made pursuant to this  Amendment
shall be given and made by personal  delivery,  mail,  or (except  for  payment)
facsimile transmission as follows:


         Teck Corporation:                           Hemlo Gold Mines Inc.:
         200 Burrard Street                 Suite 2902
         Vancouver, B.C. VC6 1G8            1 Adelaide Street East
                                                     Toronto, Ontario M5C 2Z9
         Attn:    Senior Vice-President     Attn:    John Keyes
         FAX:     604-687-6100              FAX:     807-238-1013

         Homestake Canada Inc.
         1000-700 West Pender Street
         Vancouver, B.C V6C 1G8
         Attn:    President
         FAX:  604-684-9831


         Royalty   payments  shall  be  made  in  accordance   with   reasonable
instructions  to Hemlo from Teck and  Homestake.  Until further  notice  Royalty
payments shall be make to Teck for the benefit of Homestake and Teck.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this Amendment as of
the date first written above.

For Homestake Canada Inc.               For Hemlo Gold Mines Inc.

By:  _______________________            By:  _______________________
Its:                                    Its:

For Teck Corporation

By:  _______________________
