AMENDED AND RESTATED

                          SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT PLAN

                            HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY

                            Effective January 1, 1990

                   (Including November 29, 1990 Modification)

                            HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                          SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT PLAN

                  This Amended and  Restated  Supplemental  Retirement  Plan for
designated employees of Homestake Mining Company is adopted by the Company to be
effective as of January 1, 1990.

                                    SECTION I

1.01 "Affiliate"  means any  corporation,  partnership  or other entity which is
     controlled by the Company.

1.02 "Basic Plan" means the Retirement Plan for Salaried  Employees of Homestake
     Mining Company, as amended and restated from time to time.

1.03 "Beneficiary"  means any person designated in writing by the Participant to
     receive benefits under the terms of the Basic Plan.

1.04 "Board of  Directors"  means the Board of  Directors  of  Homestake  Mining

1.05 "Committee"  means the  Compensation  Committee  appointed  by the Board of
     Directors of the Company,  and given authority by the Board of Directors to
     administer this Plan.

1.06 "Company" means Homestake Mining Company.

1.07 "Participant"  means any  employee of the Company or its  Subsidiaries  and
     Affiliates  whose  benefits  under the Basic Plan are reduced on account of
     the  restrictions  of Sections  401(a)(17) and 415 of the Internal  Revenue
     Code of 1954 or the  Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended:  provided
     that no employee  shall  become or remain a  Participant  if the  Committee
     determines  that  such  employee  is not a  member  of "a  select  group of
     management or highly compensated  employees" within the meaning of sections
     201(2),  301(a)(3) and 401(a)(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security
     Act of 1974, as amended.

1.08 "Plan" means this Supplemental Retirement Plan of Homestake Mining Company.
1.09 "Subsidiary" means any corporation in which the Company holds,  directly or
     indirectly, more than 50% of the voting power.


1.10 The masculine gender, where appearing in the Plan will be deemed to include
     the feminine  gender,  and the singular may include the plural,  unless the
     context clearly indicates the contrary.

                                   SECTION II

2.01 Eligibility

     Each  Participant is eligible to receive a benefit under this Plan if he is
     eligible to receive a benefit under the terms of the Basic Plan.

2.02 Amount of Benefit

     The retirement or death benefit  payable under the Plan to a Participant or
     Beneficiary will equal the amounts, if any, that would have been payable to
     the Participant or Beneficiary under the terms of the Basic Plan except for
     the  restrictions  of Sections  401(a)(17) and 415 of the Internal  Revenue
     Code of 1954 or the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended,  minus the
     amounts  payable to the  Participant or Beneficiary  under the terms of the
     Basic Plan.

2.03 Forms and Times of Benefit Payments
     Any benefit to which a  Participant  or  Beneficiary  is  determined  to be
     entitled under this Plan will be payable in the same form, at the same time
     and subject to the same actuarial  reductions,  if any, as benefits payable
     under the terms of the Basic Plan.  If periodic  payments are nominal,  the
     Committee  may  convert  benefit  values to a lump sum payment on a present
     value basis, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion.

                                   SECTION III

3.01 Amendment and Plan Termination

     The Company may, in its sole discretion,  terminate,  suspend or amend this
     Plan at any time or from time to time,  in whole or in part. In that event,
     Participants will vest in their benefits,  if any, hereunder  calculated in
     accordance  with Section  2.02 to the date of  termination,  suspension  or
     amendment  of the Plan.  Plan  suspension  or  termination  will not affect
     benefits being paid or benefits  which have vested.

     In the event of a Plan termination, the Board of Directors may, at its sole
     discretion,  elect any one or more of the following alternatives to satisfy


     Company's  obligations  to  Participants  or  Beneficiaries   receiving  or
     entitled to benefits:

     (a)  Provide  benefit  payments in accordance  with Section 2.03.  

     (b)  Make lump sum  payments  equal to the  present  value of the  benefits
          payable under the Plan.

3.02 Not An Employment Agreement

     Nothing  contained  herein will confer upon any Participant the right to be
     retained  in the service of the  Company,  nor will it  interfere  with the
     right of the  Company to  discharge  or  otherwise  deal with  Participants
     without regard to the existence of this Plan.

3.03 No Advance Funding

     This Plan is  unfunded,  and the Company  will make Plan  benefit  payments
     solely on a current  disbursement  basis.  Nothing in the  establishment of
     this Plan is to be construed as  requiring  or  authorizing  the Company to
     create or maintain any separate fund, account or reserve to provide for the
     payment of the Company's liability to a Participant under the Plan.

     All payments hereunder shall be made from the general assets of the Company
     and no Participant  shall have any right hereunder to any specific asset of
     the Company.

3.04 Assignment of Benefits

     A  Participant  may  not,  either  voluntarily  or  involuntarily,  assign,
     anticipate, alienate, commute, pledge, discount, borrow against or encumber
     any benefits to which he is or may become  entitled to under the Plan,  nor
     may the same be subject to attachment or  garnishment  by any creditor of a

3.05 Interpretation

     This Plan is intended to qualify for exemption from Parts II, III and IV of
     the Employee  Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, as a plan
     maintained primarily for the purpose of providing deferred compensation for
     a select group of management or highly compensated employees under Sections
     201(2),  301(a)(3) and 401(a)(1) of such Act, and shall be so  interpreted.
     Subject to that  restriction,  the Committee shall have the sole discretion
     to  interpret  this  Plan and to adopt  rules  and  interpretation  for the
     application   and   implementation   of  this  Plan.   The   decisions  and
     interpretations  by  the  Committee  shall  be  final  and  binding  on all


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  Homestake Mining Company has adopted this
Plan, effective January 1, 1990.

                                             HOMESTAKE MINING COMPANY

______________________                 By: _________________________________
   Date of Execution                       Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

______________________                 By: _________________________________
   Date of Execution                                 Vice President
                                                    Human Resources
