Stephen A. Orr
Vice President, Investor Relations

                      1998 THIRD QUARTER OPERATING RESULTS

San  Francisco,  CA,  October  2, 1998 --  Homestake  Mining  Company  (NYSE:HM)
announced today that it plans to take several  nonrecurring charges against 1998
third  quarter  results.  Based on a review of the  carrying  values of  certain
assets in the persistent low gold price  environment  and the impact of specific
operational issues during the third quarter,  the Company estimates that it will
record  noncash  charges  totaling  approximately  $167 million  after tax ($188
million  pretax).  These  write-downs  will  have no  impact  on cash  flow from

         The most significant carrying value adjustment relates to the Homestake
mine in South  Dakota.  This  operation  is  continuing  to  implement a revised
operating  plan that is  expected  to reduce cash costs to $280 per ounce by the
end of 1999. However,  due to continuing low gold prices, the Company will use a
gold price of $325 per ounce for  determining  its gold  reserves  at the end of
1998.  On that  basis,  the  Company  does not expect to recover  its  remaining
investment in property,  plant and  equipment at this mine.  The total amount of
the write-down will be  approximately  $76 million before tax, which will reduce
the carrying  value of the mine to zero. In addition,  the Company will record a
provision  for  estimated  environmental  and related  reclamation  costs of $35
million pretax.  These adjustments will have no impact on current efforts at the
Homestake mine to reduce production costs to the target level of $280 per ounce.

         As previously  reported on September 15, 1998,  Homestake and its joint
venture partner, Normandy Mining Limited,  announced a revised operating plan at
their  jointly  owned  Mt  Charlotte  mine in  Western  Australia.  The mine has
experienced  a downturn  in economic  performance  and an  accelerated  level of
ground  movement.  The new plan  provides  for a  restricted  level of mining in
low-risk areas of the mine. Homestake will record a pretax charge of $38 million
for  severance,  unrecovered  capital and other costs related to the  operation.
This will reduce Homestake's carrying value for the Mt Charlotte mine to zero.

         Homestake also plans to reduce the carrying  values of its  investments
in certain  mining  properties and marketable  securities by  approximately  $28
million before tax,  including  approximately $20 million related to Homestake's
81%  owned  Lachlan  Resources,  which  was  acquired  as part  of the  Plutonic
Resources transaction in April 1998.

         Other  miscellaneous  charges and adjustments will total  approximately
$11 million before tax.

         In addition to the  foregoing  nonrecurring  charges,  during the third
quarter  Homestake  will  report  approximately  $17  million  pretax in losses,
primarily noncash mark-to-market adjustments, on its foreign currency protection
program  due to the  continued  decline  in the  values  of the  Australian  and
Canadian dollars in relation to the United States dollar.

         Jack  Thompson,  Chairman,  President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of
Homestake said,  "These are difficult times in the gold industry.  The good news
is that operations are experiencing  excellent  performance with cash costs thus
far in 1998 at $205 per ounce and production  ahead of last year's record level.
In addition,  our exploration team is finding success at a number of properties,
primarily in  Australia.  Finally,  we continue to generate good cash flow which
adds to our healthy bank balance."

         Homestake Mining Company is an  international  gold mining company with
substantial  gold  operations and  exploration in the United States,  Australia,
Canada and Chile. The Company also has active gold exploration programs in Latin
America and in Eastern Europe,  and development  and/or  evaluation  projects in
Chile and in Bulgaria.  Homestake  currently produces  approximately 2.5 million
ounces of gold annually  from 16 mines.  Common shares of the Company are listed
on the New York Stock  Exchange,  the  Australian  Stock Exchange and the Basel,
Geneva and  Zurich  stock  exchanges  in  Switzerland.  Homestake  has  received
numerous   industry   environmental   and  safety  awards  for  its  responsible
environmental, health and safety stewardships.

         Certain  statements  contained  in  this  press  release  that  are not
statements  of  historical  facts are "forward  looking  statements"  within the
meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements
are  based  on  beliefs  of  management,  as  well  as  assumptions  made by and
information  currently  available  to  management.  Forward  looking  statements
include those preceded by the words "believe,"  "estimate,"  "expect," "intend,"
"will," and similar  expressions,  and include  estimates of future  production,
costs per ounce, dates of construction completion, costs of capital projects and
commencement  of  operations.  Forward-looking  statements are subject to risks,
uncertainties  and other  factors  that  could  cause  actual  results to differ
materially from expected  results.  Some important  factors and assumptions that
could  cause  actual  results to differ  materially  from  expected  results are
discussed below. Those listed are not exclusive.


                  Estimates of future  production for particular  properties and
for the  Company as a whole are  derived  from  annual mine plans that have been
developed based on mining experience,  reserve estimates,  assumptions regarding
ground  conditions  and  physical  characteristics  of ore (such as hardness and
metallurgical  characteristics),  and  expected  rates and costs of  production.
Actual  production  may vary  for a  variety  of  reasons,  such as the  factors
described above, ore mined varying from estimates of grade and metallurgical and
other characteristics, mining dilution, actions by labor, and government imposed
restrictions.  Cash costs may vary due to changes  from  reserve and  production
estimates,  unexpected  mining  conditions,  and changes in  estimated  costs of
equipment,  supplies,  utilities,  labor costs and exchange rates.  Noncash cost
estimates,  based on total capital costs and reserve estimates,  change based on
actual amount of unamortized  capital and changes in reserves.  Reclamation  and
remediation   cost   estimates   are  based  on  existing  and  expected   legal
requirements,  past  experience,  cost estimates by the Company and others,  and
expectations  regarding  government  action and time for government  agencies to
act,  all of which  change  over time and  require  periodic  reevaluation.  Tax
estimates reflect expectations regarding geographic sources of income. Locations
of expenditures and expected tax rates in each, and change as the mix of income,
expenditures and tax rates change.
