WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

						FORM N-CSR


			Investment Company Act file number 811-4066

					Cash Assets Trust
			(Exact name of Registrant as specified in charter)

					   380 Madison Avenue
					New York, New York 10017
			(Address of principal executive offices)  (Zip code)

					  Joseph P. DiMaggio
					  380 Madison Avenue
					New York, New York 10017
				(Name and address of agent for service)

		Registrant's telephone number, including area code:	(212) 697-6666

				Date of fiscal year end:	3/31

				Date of reporting period:	3/31/05

						FORM N-CSR



                                 March 31, 2005

                            The Pacific Capital Funds
                                Cash Assets Trust

                        Pacific Capital Cash Assets Trust

                            Pacific Capital Tax-Free
                                Cash Assets Trust

                         Pacific Capital U.S. Government
                          Securities Cash Assets Trust

[Logo of The Pacific Capital Funds of Cash Assets Trust: a lion standing on a
twisted rope]

                                A cash management

[Logo of The Pacific Capital Funds of Cash Assets Trust: a lion standing on a
twisted rope]

                            THE PACIFIC CAPITAL FUNDS
                                CASH ASSETS TRUST

                                                                       May, 2005

Dear Investor:

      It gives us  considerable  pleasure to provide you with the Annual  Report
for The Pacific  Capital  Funds of Cash  Assets  Trust for the fiscal year ended
March 31, 2005.

      The enclosed  Annual Report includes the three series of Cash Assets Trust
(the "Trust"):  Pacific Capital Cash Assets Trust, Pacific Capital Tax-Free Cash
Assets Trust and Pacific  Capital U.S.  Government  Securities Cash Assets Trust
and its two classes of shares: Original Shares and Service Shares. The Trust was
specifically created to meet the short-term investment needs of Hawaii Investors
and others.


      Unlike  the  downturn  in  short-term  rates that was  inaugurated  by the
Federal  Reserve and  experienced by your Trust during the previous fiscal year,
this year's report  reflects the upward trend in rates  indicated by the Federal
Reserve in terms of direction of Federal Funds rate. As we pointed out to you in
our last fiscal year-end letter,  the Federal Reserve  aggressively  pursued the
course of lowering  short-term  rates to the lowest  level in four  decades.  At
March 31,  2004,  short-term  rates  were at the level of 1.00%.  This low level
reflected the concern of the Federal Reserve in terms of a possible slow down of
a major nature in the U.S. economy.

      Fortunately,  this slow down did not occur. And, indeed,  the consensus is
that the economy did well. Consequently, the Federal Reserve reversed its policy
and started to increase  short-term  rates on a measured  basis during this past
fiscal  year ended  March 31,  2005.  Concerns  now  appear to be  focused  upon
avoiding inflationary bias to our economy.  Accordingly, the Federal Reserve has
stepped up its activity in raising short-term rates again to a more normal level
through a series of gradual increases in rates. As at March 31, 2005, short-term
rates had recovered to the level of 2.75%.

      Looking forward,  our current thinking is that rates will continue to move
to a  higher  level.  The  economy  appears  to be  moving  ahead  at a level of
approximately  3% for  Gross  Domestic  Product - the  measure  of all goods and
services produced in the U.S.

      We are optimistic that the Pacific Capital Funds of Cash Assets Trust will
provide investors with much more attractive yields during the fiscal year ahead.
In managing the portfolios of the Trust,  we will continue to be alert to market
opportunities  in terms of seeking to produce a higher return  competitive  with
other short-term alternatives.

                         NOT A PART OF THE ANNUAL REPORT

      You can be assured that in our desire to strive to achieve  higher returns
for investors, the Asset Management Group of the Bank of Hawaii will continually
seek to manage  investments in a cautious,  but aggressive,  manner.  We believe
that there is absolutely no substitute  for strict  adherence to high quality of
securities  which  possess  minimum  credit risk.  Safety of your cash  reserves
remains  of utmost  concern  to us.  You can rest  assured  that the  Investment
Adviser will continue to examine,  with great diligence,  the  marketability and
creditworthiness of all securities in each of the Trust's portfolios.

      We  appreciate  your  continued  use of the Pacific  Capital Funds of Cash
Assets Trust.  Every effort will be expended by all associated with the Trust to
merit your constant confidence.


/s/ Diana P. Herrmann                 /s/ Lacy B. Herrmann
- ----------------------                --------------------
Diana P. Herrmann                     Lacy B. Herrmann
President                             Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[Logo of KPMG: four solid rectangles with the letters KPMG in front]


To the Board of Trustees and Shareholders of
The Pacific Capital Funds of Cash Assets Trust:

      We have audited the  accompanying  statements of assets and liabilities of
The Pacific  Capital  Funds of Cash Assets  Trust (the  "Trust")  (comprised  of
Pacific Capital Cash Assets Trust,  Pacific Capital  Tax-Free Cash Assets Trust,
and Pacific Capital U.S. Government Securities Cash Assets Trust) (the "Funds"),
including the schedules of  investments,  as of March 31, 2005,  and the related
statements of operations  for the year then ended,  the statements of changes in
net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial
highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended.  These financial
statements  and  financial  highlights  are the  responsibility  of the  Trust's
management.  Our  responsibility  is to express  an  opinion on these  financial
statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

      We conducted  our audits in  accordance  with the  standards of the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance about whether the
financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement.
An audit includes  examining,  on a test basis,  evidence supporting the amounts
and  disclosures  in the  financial  statements  and financial  highlights.  Our
procedures  included  confirmation of securities  owned as of March 31, 2005, by
correspondence  with  the  custodian.  An  audit  also  includes  assessing  the
accounting  principles  used, and significant  estimates made by management,  as
well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that
our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

      In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred
to above present fairly,  in all material  respects,  the financial  position of
each of the Funds  comprising  the Trust as of March 31,  2005,  the  results of
their  operations  for the year then ended,  the changes in their net assets for
each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for
each of the five  years in the  period  then  ended,  in  conformity  with  U.S.
generally accepted accounting principles.

                                                                       KPMG LLTP

New York, New York
May 23, 2005

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 PACIFIC CAPITAL
                                CASH ASSETS TRUST
                             SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 2005

   AMOUNT       COMMERCIAL PAPER  (30.7%)                                                       VALUE
- -------------   --------------------------------------------------------------------       --------------
                AUTOMOTIVE  (3.8%)
$  20,000,000   Toyota Motor Credit Corp., 2.66%, 4/25/05 ..........................       $   19,964,533
                BANKS (3.7%)
   20,000,000   Societe Generale N.A., Inc., 2.74%, 6/01/05 ........................           19,907,144
                BROKERAGE (11.2%)
   20,000,000   ABN- Amro North America 2.86%, 5/23/05 .............................           19,917,378
   20,000,000   Bear Steans & Co. 2.92%, 6/02/05 ...................................           19,899,422
   20,000,000   Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, 2.78%, 4/19/05 .........................           19,972,200
                CONGLOMERATE (4.5%)
   24,000,000   General Electric Capital Corp., 2.76%, 6/13/05 .....................           23,865,680
                FINANCE (7.5%)
   20,000,000   Abbey National North America Corp.2.88%, 7/18/05 ...................           19,827,200
   20,000,000   AIG Funding, 2.58%, 4/04/05 ........................................           19,995,700
                Total Commercial Paper .............................................          163,349,257

                CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT (7.5%)

                BANK (7.5%)
   20,000,000   Bank of America 3.01%, 7/13/05 .....................................           20,000,000
   20,000,000   Wells Fargo 2.65%, 4/29/05 .........................................           20,000,000

                CORPORATE NOTE (2.8%)

                INSURANCE (2.8%)
   15,000,000   Peoples Benefit Life Insurance, Variable Rate Note, 2.84%,
                   4/01/05, (b) ....................................................           15,000,000
                U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (50.5%)

                FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK (22.3%)
   49,460,000   2.44%, 4/06/05 .....................................................           49,443,239
   12,000,000   2.07%, 4/13/05 .....................................................           11,991,720
   28,000,000   3.07%, 8/24/05 .....................................................           27,654,336
   30,000,000   3.14%, 9/16/05 .....................................................           29,560,400
                         ...........................................................          118,649,695

                FEDERAL HOME LOAN MORTGAGE CORP. (3.8%)
  20,000,000    2.63%, 5/10/05 .....................................................           19,943,125

$  40,000,000   2.58%, 4/11/05 .....................................................       $   39,971,333
   20,000,000   2.62%, 5/04/05 .....................................................           19,951,967
   20,000,000   2.64%, 5/11/05 .....................................................           19,941,445
   50,000,000   2.84%, 5/25/05 .....................................................           49,787,000
                   Total U.S. Government Agencies ..................................          268,244,565

                REPURCHASE AGREEMENT (8.5%)
   45,000,000   Bank of America 2.77%, 4/01/05 .....................................           45,000,000
                   (Proceeds of $45,003,463 to be received at maturity, Collateral:
                   $46,330,000 FNMA Discount Note, due 7/20/05; Collateral
                   Fair Value $45,913,030)


    1,096,926   JP Morgan U.S. Government Money Market Fund,
                   Capital Shares ..................................................            1,096,926

                Total Investments (Amortized Cost $532,690,748) (a) ...    100.2%             532,690,748
                Other assets less liabilities .........................     (0.2)                (970,074)
                                                                           -----           --------------
                NET ASSETS ............................................    100.0%          $  531,720,674
                                                                           =====           ==============

(a)   Cost for Federal income tax and financial reporting purposes is identical.

(b)   Illiquid security. Considered illiquid because it may not be sold, and may
      be redeemed only upon at least ninety days' notice to the issuer.  As this
      security is a variable rate note,  the rate shown  represents  the rate in
      effect at March 31,  2005,  and the maturity  date  reflects the next rate
      change date. Represents 2.8% of net assets.

            Commercial Paper.......................................      30.7%
            Certificates of Deposit................................       7.5
            Corporate Note.........................................       2.8
            U.S. Government Agencies...............................      50.4
            Investment Company.....................................       0.2
            Repurchase Agreement...................................       8.4

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                 PACIFIC CAPITAL
                           TAX-FREE CASH ASSETS TRUST
                             SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 2005

      FACE                                                                   MOODY'S/
     AMOUNT       MUNICIPAL BONDS (99.9%)                                      S&P              VALUE
- ---------------   -------------------------------------------------------   ----------     --------------
                  COLORADO (3.7%)
                  Colorado Housing & Financial Authority Revenue
                     Bonds, Class I, Series A-1, Weekly Reset VRDO*,
                     SPA: FHLB
$    7,600,000    2.27%, 10/01/30........................................   VMIG1/A-1+     $    7,600,000

                  HAWAII (22.3%)
                  City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii (Mandatory
                     Put 12/01/05)
     5,000,000    2.28%, 12/01/20........................................   VMIG1/A-1+          5,000,000
                  City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii Prerefunded
                     11/01/05 @ 101
     1,010,000    5.00%, 11/01/12........................................     Aaa/AAA           1,033,487
                  City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii Commercial
                     Paper, LOC Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale
     4,000,000    1.87%, 06/09/05........................................     P1/A-1+           4,000,000
                  City and County of Honolulu, Hawaii Commercial
                     Paper, LOC Hessen-Thuringen Girozentrale
    10,000,000    2.00%, 06/02/05........................................     P1/A-1+          10,000,000
                  Department of Budget and Finance of the State of
                     Hawaii Special Purpose Revenue Bonds (The
                     Queen's Health System), Series A, Weekly Reset
                     VRDO*, SPA: Bank of Nova Scotia
    22,575,000    2.28%, 07/01/26........................................    VMIG1/A-1         22,575,000
                  Department of Budget and Finance of the State
                     Special Purpose Revenue Bonds (The Queen's
                     Health System) Series A, Weekly VRDO*, SPA:
                     Bank of Nova Scotia
     1,900,000    2.19%, 07/01/29........................................   VMIG1/A-1+          1,900,000

                  HAWAII (CONTINUED)
                  State of Hawaii Hawaii State Reveune Refunding
                     Series DC
$    1,500,000    3.00%, 09/01/05........................................     Aa3/AA-      $    1,506,243
                  IDAHO  (3.9%)
                  Idaho Health Facilities Authority Revenue Bonds
                     (St. Lukes Regional Medical Center Project), Daily
                     Reset VRDO*, LOC: Harris Trust & Savings Bank
     7,950,000    2.29%, 05/01/22........................................    VMIG1/NR           7,950,000
                  ILLINOIS (9.8%)
                  Chicago, IL General Obligation Bonds, Series B,
                     Weekly Reset VRDO*, FGIC Insured
     3,000,000    2.29%, 01/01/37........................................   VMIG1/A-1+          3,000,000
                  Chicago, IL Metropolitan Water Reclamation District-
                     Greater Chicago  General Obligation Bonds, Series A,
                     Weekly Reset VRDO*, SPA: Bank of America
     9,500,000    2.29%, 12/01/31........................................   VMIG1/A-1+          9,500,000
                  Illinois Development Finance Authority Revenue
                     Bonds (YMCA of Metro Chicago Project), Daily
                     Reset VRDO*, LOC: Harris Trust & Savings Bank
     7,600,000    2.30%, 06/01/29........................................     NR/A-1+           7,600,000
                  INDIANA (0.8%)
                  Indianapolis, IN Economic Development Revenue
                     Bonds (Jewish Federation Campus), Weekly Reset
                     VRDO*, LOC: Fifth Third Bank
     1,680,000    2.30%, 04/01/05........................................    VMIG1/NR           1,680,000

                  MICHIGAN (4.1%)
                  Eastern Michigan University, MI University Revenue
                     Bonds, Daily Reset VRDO*, FGIC Insured
$    7,035,000    2.29%, 06/01/27........................................     NR/A-1+      $    7,035,000
                  Northern Michigan University Revenue Bonds, Daily
                     Reset VRDO*, FGIC Insured
     1,400,000    2.29%, 06/01/31........................................   VMIG1/A-1+          1,400,000
                  MINNESOTA (2.4%)
                  Cohasset, MN Revenue Bonds (Minnesota Power &
                     Light Co. Project), Series A, Daily Reset VRDO*,
                     LOC: ABN Amro Bank N.V.
     3,875,000    2.29%, 06/01/20........................................     NR/A-1+           3,875,000
                  Cohasset, MN Revenue Bonds (Minnesota Power &
                     Light Co. Project), Series B, Daily Reset VRDO*,
                     LOC: ABN Amro Bank N.V.
       200,000    2.29%, 06/01/13........................................     NR/A-1+             200,000
                  Cohasset, MN Revenue Bonds (Minnesota Power &
                     Light Co. Project), Series C, Daily Reset VRDO*,
                     LOC: ABN Amro Bank N.V.
       800,000    2.29%, 06/01/13........................................     NR/A-1+             800,000
                  MISSOURI (14.7%)
                  Kansas City, MO Industrial Development Authority
                     Revenue Bonds, (Ewing Marion Kaufman
                     Foundation), Daily Reset VRDO*
     7,110,000    2.29%, 04/01/27........................................     NR/A-1+           7,110,000

                  MISSOURI (CONTINUED)
                  Kansas City, MO Industrial Development Authority
                     Revenue Bonds, (Ewing Marion Kauffman
                     Foundation), Daily Reset VRDO*
$    2,000,000    2.29%, 04/01/27........................................ ..      NR/A-1+      $   2,000,000
                  Missouri State, Health & Educational Facilities Authority
                     Revenue Bonds (St. Louis University), Series A,
                     Daily Reset VRDO*, SPA: Bank of America N.A.
     1,485,000    2.34%, 10/01/09...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+         1,485,000
                  Missouri State, Health & Educational Facilities Authority
                     Revenue Bonds (St. Louis University), Series B,
                     Daily Reset VRDO*, SPA: Bank of America N.A.
     5,155,000    2.34%, 10/01/24...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+         5,155,000
                  Missouri State, Health & Educational Facilities Authority
                     Revenue Bonds (Washington University), Series C,
                     Daily Reset VRDO*, SPA: JP Morgan Chase Bank
     2,800,000    2.29%, 09/01/30...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+         2,800,000
                  Missouri State, Health & Educational Facilities Authority
                     Revenue Bonds (Washington University), Series C,
                     Daily Reset VRDO*, SPA: JP Morgan Chase Bank
     1,000,000    2.29%, 03/01/40...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+         1,000,000
                  Missouri State, Health & Educational Facilities Authority
                     Revenue Bonds (Washington University), Series D,
                     Daily Reset VRDO*, SPA: JP Morgan Chase Bank
     2,100,000    2.29%, 09/01/30...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+         2,100,000
                  University of Missouri, Curators of the University of
                     Missouri System Facilities Revenue Bonds,
                     Series A, Daily Reset VRDO*
     8,500,000    2.30%, 11/01/32...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+         8,500,000

                  MONTANA (3.7%)
                  Montana State, Health Facilities Authority Revenue
                     Bonds, Series A, Weekly Reset VRDO*, FGIC
                     Insured SPA: Wells Fargo
$    7,655,000    2.30%, 12/01/15...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+     $   7,655,000

                  NEVADA (4.1%)
                  Clark County, NV Airport Revenue Bonds, Series C,
                     Weekly Reset VRDO*, FGIC Insured, SPA:
                     Landesbank Baden-Wurttm
     8,500,000    2.28%, 07/01/29...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+         8,500,000

                  NEW YORK (5.6%)
                  Long Island, NY Power Authority Revenue Bonds,
                     Series 1A, Weekly Reset VRDO*, LOC:
                     Bayerische Landesbank
     7,500,000    2.28%, 05/01/33...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+         7,500,000
                  New York, NY City Transitional Finance Authority
                     Revenue Bonds, Series 3, Daily Reset VRDO*,
                     SPA: Bank of New York
     4,100,000    2.28%, 11/01/22...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+         4,100,000
                  NORTH CAROLINA (10.6%)
                  Charlotte, NC VRDO*
     8,965,000    2.28%, 07/01/16...........................................    VMIG1/A-1+         8,965,000
                  Concord, NC Utility Systems Revenue Bonds,
                     Series B, Weekly Reset VRDO*, FSA Insured, SPA:
                     Wachovia Bank
     6,065,000    2.28%, 12/01/22...........................................     VMIG1/NR          6,065,000
                  Durham, NC Public Improvement General
                     Obligation Bonds VRDO*
     2,975,000    2.31%, 02/01/11...........................................    VMIG1/A-1**        2,975,000

                  NORTH CAROLINA (CONTINUED)
                  Durham, NC General Obligation Bonds (Public
                     Improvement Project), Weekly Reset VRDO*, SPA:
                     Wachovia Bank of North Carolina
$    1,150,000    2.31%, 02/01/09........................................       VMIG1/A-1**    $   1,150,000
     1,270,000    2.31%, 02/01/12........................................       VMIG1/A-1**        1,270,000
     1,475,000    2.31%, 02/01/13........................................       VMIG1/A-1**        1,475,000
                  OHIO (1.6%)
                  Ohio Housing Finance Agency Mortgage Revenue
                     Bonds (Residential Mortgage), Series E-AMT,
                     Weekly Reset VRDO*, SPA: FHLB
     3,245,000    2.31%, 09/01/34........................................        VMIG1/NR          3,245,000

                  TEXAS (4.1%)
                  Texas State, TX Turnpike Authority Central System
                     Revenue Bonds, Series B, Weekly Reset VRDO*,
                     AMBAC Insured, SPA: Bank of Nova Scotia
     8,500,000    2.28%, 08/15/42........................................         Aaa/A-1          8,500,000

                  UTAH (1.5%)
                  University of Utah, Auxiliary & Campus Facilities
                     Revenue Bonds, Series A, Weekly Reset VRDO*,
                     SPA: Bank of Nova Scotia
     3,150,000    2.27%, 04/01/27........................................        VMIG1/A-1         3,150,000

                  VIRGINIA (2.9%)
                  University of Virginia Revenue Bonds, Series A,
                     Weekly Reset VRDO*
     6,000,000    2.22%, 06/01/34........................................       VMIG1/A-1+         6,000,000

                  WASHINGTON (4.1%)
                  Seattle, WA Water System Revenue Bonds, Series A,
                     Weekly Reset VRDO*, LOC: Bayerische Landesbank
$    8,500,000    2.28%, 03/01/32........................................       VMIG1/A-1+     $   8,500,000

                     Total Investments (Amortized Cost
                       $205,854,730) (a).................................          99.9%         205,854,730
                     Other assets less liabilities.......................           0.1              225,665
                                                                                  -----        -------------
                     NET ASSETS..........................................         100.0%       $ 206,080,395
                                                                                  =====        =============

*     Variable rate demand obligations (VRDOs) are payable upon demand within
      the same day for securities with daily liquidity or seven days for
      securities with weekly liquidity.

**    On April 14, 2005, the S&P rating changed to A-1+. (a) Cost for Federal
      income tax and financial reporting purposes is identical.

      Colorado        3.7%            Nevada               4.1%
      Hawaii         22.4             New York             5.6
      Idaho           3.9             North Carolina      10.6
      Illinois        9.8             Ohio                 1.6
      Indiana         0.8             Texas                4.1
      Michigan        4.1             Utah                 1.5
      Minnesota       2.4             Virginia             2.9
      Missouri       14.7             Washington           4.1
      Montana         3.7                                -----

                           PORTFOLIO ABBREVIATIONS:
                     AMBAC - American Municipal Bond Assurance Corp.
                     AMT - Alternative Minimum Tax
                     FGIC - Financial Guaranty Insurance Corporation
                     FHLB - Federal Home Loan Bank
                     FSA - Financial Security Assurance
                     LOC - Letter of Credit
                     SPA - Standby Bond Purchase Agreement
                     VRDO - Variable Rate Demand Obligation

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                 PACIFIC CAPITAL
                             SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 2005

    AMOUNT        U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES (100.0%)                                   VALUE
- ---------------   ---------------------------------------------------------        --------------
                  FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK (19.0%)
$   127,000,000   2.55%, 4/01/05 ..........................................        $  127,000,000
     50,000,000   2.65%, 4/11/05 ..........................................            49,963,195
                  FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK (81.0%)
     65,000,000   2.58%, 4/01/05 ..........................................            65,000,000
     40,000,000   2.44%, 4/06/05 ..........................................            39,986,444
     65,000,000   2.07%, 4/08/05 ..........................................            64,973,838
     50,000,000   2.62%, 4/13/05 ..........................................            49,956,407
     70,000,000   2.70%, 4/15/05 ..........................................            69,926,500
     50,000,000   2.55%, 4/20/05 ..........................................            49,932,708
     40,000,000   2.56%, 4/22/05 ..........................................            39,940,267
     75,000,000   2.71%, 4/27/05 ..........................................            74,853,208
     59,253,000   2.61%, 4/29/05 ..........................................            59,132,716
     59,000,000   2.59%, 5/04/05 ..........................................            58,859,924
     50,000,000   2.80%, 5/27/05 ..........................................            49,781,833
     25,000,000   2.98%, 7/15/05 ..........................................            24,782,708
     60,000,000   3.07%, 8/24/05 ..........................................            59,259,292
     49,900,000   3.14%, 9/16/05 ..........................................            49,168,799
                     Total U.S. Government Agencies .......................           932,517,839

      SHARES         INVESTMENT COMPANY (0.2%)
      1,678,605   JP Morgan Government Money Market Fund,
                     Capital Shares........................................             1,678,605
                       Total Investments
                           (Amortized Cost $934,196,444) (a)........  100.2%          934,196,444
                       Other assets less liabilities ...............   (0.2)           (1,874,945)
                                                                      -----         -------------
                       NET ASSETS...................................  100.0%        $ 932,321,499
                                                                      =====         =============

(a)   Cost for Federal income tax purposes and financial reporting is identical.

                  U.S. Government Agencies.........................    99.8%
                  Investment Company...............................     0.2
                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                            THE PACIFIC CAPITAL FUNDS
                              OF CASH ASSETS TRUST
                                 MARCH 31, 2005

                                                                                  CASH             TAX-FREE             GOVERNMENT
                                                                                  FUND               FUND                  FUND
                                                                             -------------       -------------        -------------
   Investments at value and amortized cost (note 2) ..................       $ 487,690,748       $ 205,854,730        $ 934,196,444
   Repurchase agreement (note 2) .....................................          45,000,000                  --                   --
   Cash ..............................................................                  --              21,917                   --
   Interest receivable ...............................................             121,852             563,509                8,881
   Other assets ......................................................              12,764               4,790               32,490
                                                                             -------------       -------------        -------------
      Total Assets ...................................................         532,825,364         206,444,946          934,237,815
                                                                             -------------       -------------        -------------
   Dividends payable .................................................             829,318             255,993            1,453,431
   Adviser and Administrator fees payable ............................             207,542              54,636              306,698
   Distribution fees payable .........................................              31,273              16,605              115,893
   Accrued expenses ..................................................              36,557              37,317               40,294
                                                                             -------------       -------------        -------------
      Total Liabilities ..............................................           1,104,690             364,551            1,916,316
                                                                             -------------       -------------        -------------
   NET ASSETS ........................................................       $ 531,720,674       $ 206,080,395        $ 932,321,499
                                                                             -------------       -------------        -------------
   Capital Stock - Authorized an unlimited number of shares,
      par value $.01 per share .......................................       $   5,317,075       $   2,060,782        $   9,322,538
   Additional paid-in capital ........................................         526,390,161         204,127,490          922,931,441
   Undistributed (distributions in excess of) net
      investment income ..............................................              13,438            (107,877)              68,263
   Accumulated net realized loss on investments ......................                  --                  --                 (743)
                                                                             -------------       -------------        -------------
                                                                             $ 531,720,674       $ 206,080,395        $ 932,321,499
                                                                             =============       =============        =============
   Original Shares Class:
      Net Assets .....................................................       $ 365,722,878       $ 133,928,646        $ 354,285,665
                                                                             =============       =============        =============
      Shares outstanding .............................................         365,941,670         133,927,188          354,256,635
                                                                             =============       =============        =============
      Net asset value per share ......................................       $        1.00       $        1.00        $        1.00
                                                                             =============       =============        =============
   Service Shares Class:
      Net Assets .....................................................       $ 165,997,796       $  72,151,749        $ 578,035,834
                                                                             =============       =============        =============
      Shares outstanding .............................................         165,765,794          72,151,025          577,997,206
                                                                             =============       =============        =============
      Net asset value per share ......................................       $        1.00       $        1.00        $        1.00
                                                                             =============       =============        =============

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                            THE PACIFIC CAPITAL FUNDS
                              OF CASH ASSETS TRUST
                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS
                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2005

                                                                               CASH           TAX-FREE         GOVERNMENT
                                                                               FUND              FUND             FUND
                                                                           ------------      ------------     ------------

   Interest income ...............................................         $  7,871,402      $  2,697,654     $ 14,261,585
                                                                           ------------      ------------     ------------

   Investment Adviser fees (note 3) ..............................            1,611,275           553,218        2,755,992
   Administrator fees (note 3) ...................................              640,201           186,437          628,238
   Distribution fees (note 3) ....................................              308,691           149,014        1,246,209
   Trustees' fees and expenses ...................................               86,081            45,789          130,204
   Insurance .....................................................               42,911            16,291           84,684
   Legal fees (note 3) ...........................................               42,580            27,551           90,999
   Registration fees and dues ....................................               40,389             3,417            9,368
   Shareholders' reports .........................................               20,594             9,702           28,271
   Fund accounting fees ..........................................               20,567            21,278           20,434
   Auditing and tax fees .........................................               19,039            20,732           18,894
   Transfer and shareholder servicing agent fees .................               10,415            12,163           10,095
   Custodian fees ................................................                6,456            11,725            5,173
   Chief Compliance Officer (note 3) .............................                2,266             2,266            2,266
   Miscellaneous .................................................                5,126             6,688           31,581
                                                                           ------------      ------------     ------------
   Total expenses ................................................            2,856,591         1,066,271        5,062,408
   Advisory fees contractual reduction (note 3) ..................             (640,692)         (291,119)      (1,227,819)
   Administrative fees contractual reduction (note 3) ............             (256,008)          (98,109)        (280,009)
   Expenses paid indirectly (note 5) .............................               (4,112)           (2,768)          (2,826)
                                                                           ------------      ------------     ------------
   Net expenses ..................................................            1,955,779           674,275        3,551,754
                                                                           ------------      ------------     ------------
Net investment income ............................................            5,915,623         2,023,379       10,709,831
Net realized gain (loss) from securities transactions ............                   --                --             (743)
                                                                           ------------      ------------     ------------

Net change in net assets resulting from operations ...............         $  5,915,623      $  2,023,379     $ 10,709,088
                                                                           ============      ============     ============

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                            THE PACIFIC CAPITAL FUNDS
                              OF CASH ASSETS TRUST

                                                        CASH FUND                              TAX-FREE FUND
                                            -----------------------------------     -----------------------------------
                                              YEAR ENDED            YEAR ENDED         YEAR ENDED          YEAR ENDED
                                            MARCH 31, 2005       MARCH 31, 2004      MARCH 31, 2005     MARCH 31, 2004
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
 Net investment income .................    $     5,915,623     $     3,803,973     $     2,023,379     $     1,201,018
 Net realized gain (loss)
   from securities transactions ........                 --               1,319                  --                  38
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
 Net change in net assets
   resulting from operations ...........          5,915,623           3,805,292           2,023,379           1,201,056
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------

   Original Shares .....................         (4,534,518)         (3,014,705)           (549,754)           (891,803)
   Service Shares ......................         (1,381,105)           (789,268)         (1,473,625)           (309,215)
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
   Total dividends to shareholders
   from net investment income ..........         (5,915,623)         (3,803,973)         (2,023,379)         (1,201,018)
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------

 (at $1.00 per share):
   Proceeds from shares sold:
   Original Shares .....................        897,374,600         710,757,056         313,771,101         127,920,769
   Service Shares ......................        473,009,866         356,252,712          93,903,240          63,986,710
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
                                              1,370,384,466       1,067,009,768         407,674,341         191,907,479
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------

   Reinvested dividends:
   Original Shares .....................             99,479              61,263              65,741              69,733
   Service Shares ......................          1,230,616             802,624             493,472             320,397
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
                                                  1,330,095             863,887             559,213             390,130
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------

   Cost of shares redeemed:
   Original Shares .....................       (818,780,462)       (784,672,808)       (278,691,955)       (159,333,530)
   Service Shares ......................       (427,424,705)       (361,048,456)        (71,906,960)        (70,987,619)
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
                                             (1,246,205,167)     (1,145,721,264)       (350,598,915)       (230,321,149)
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
Change in net assets
   from capital share transactions .....        125,509,394         (77,847,609)         57,634,639         (38,023,540)
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
  Total change in net assets ...........        125,509,394         (77,846,290)         57,634,639         (38,023,502)

   Beginning of period .................        406,211,280         484,057,570         148,445,756         186,469,258
                                            ---------------     ---------------     ---------------     ---------------
   End of period* ......................    $   531,720,674     $   406,211,280     $   206,080,395     $   148,445,756
                                            ===============     ===============     ===============     ===============

*Includes undistributed (distributions
 in excess of) net investment income of:    $        13,438     $        13,438     $      (107,877)    $       (87,360)
                                            ===============     ===============     ===============     ===============

                                                         GOVERNMENT FUND
                                                   YEAR ENDED          YEAR ENDED
                                                 MARCH 31, 2005      MARCH 31, 2004
                                                ---------------     ---------------
 Net investment income .................        $    10,709,831     $     6,140,224
 Net realized gain (loss)
   from securities transactions ........                   (743)                421
                                                ---------------     ---------------
 Net change in net assets
   resulting from operations ...........             10,709,088           6,140,645
                                                ---------------     ---------------

   Original Shares .....................             (5,785,972)         (2,775,205)
   Service Shares ......................             (4,923,859)         (3,365,022)
                                                ---------------     ---------------
   Total dividends to shareholders
   from net investment income ..........            (10,709,831)         (6,140,227)
                                                ---------------     ---------------

 (at $1.00 per share):
   Proceeds from shares sold:
   Original Shares .....................            819,559,720       1,035,054,356
   Service Shares ......................          2,125,769,411       1,762,487,853
                                                ---------------     ---------------
                                                  2,945,329,131       2,797,542,209
                                                ---------------     ---------------

   Reinvested dividends:
   Original Shares .....................                 42,138              46,240
   Service Shares ......................              5,231,536           3,380,896
                                                ---------------     ---------------
                                                      5,273,674           3,427,136
                                                ---------------     ---------------

   Cost of shares redeemed:
   Original Shares .....................           (728,780,568)     (1,041,701,880)
   Service Shares ......................         (2,128,042,587)     (1,638,518,517)
                                                ---------------     ---------------
                                                 (2,856,823,155)     (2,680,220,397)
                                                ---------------     ---------------
Change in net assets
   from capital share transactions .....             93,779,650         120,748,948
                                                ---------------     ---------------
  Total change in net assets ...........             93,778,907         120,749,366

   Beginning of period .................            838,542,592         717,793,226
                                                ---------------     ---------------
   End of period* ......................        $   932,321,499     $   838,542,592
                                                ===============     ===============

*Includes undistributed (distributions
 in excess of) net investment income of:        $        68,263     $        68,263
                                                ===============     ===============

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                            THE PACIFIC CAPITAL FUNDS
                              OF CASH ASSETS TRUST
                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                                 MARCH 31, 2005


      Cash  Assets  Trust  (the  "Trust")  was  organized  on May 7,  1984  as a
Massachusetts  business trust and is registered under the Investment Company Act
of 1940 (the "1940 Act") as an open-end investment company.

      The Trust consists of the following three investment  portfolios (referred
to  individually as a "Fund" and  collectively as the "Funds"):  Pacific Capital
Cash  Assets  Trust  ("Cash  Fund") (a  diversified  portfolio  which  commenced
operations  on December 5, 1984),  Pacific  Capital  Tax-Free  Cash Assets Trust
("Tax-Free  Fund") (a  non-diversified  portfolio which commenced  operations on
April 4, 1989), and Pacific Capital U.S. Government Securities Cash Assets Trust
("Goverment Fund") (a diversified  portfolio which commenced operations on April
4, 1989).  The Trust is authorized to issue for each Fund an unlimited number of
shares of $0.01 par value in two classes of shares;  the  Original  Shares Class
and the Service Shares Class.  The Original  Shares Class includes all currently
outstanding  shares of each Fund that were issued prior to January 20, 1995, the
date on which the Capital  structure  was changed to include two classes  rather
than one.  The two classes of shares are  substantially  identical,  except that
Service  Shares  bear the fees that are payable  under the Trust's  Distribution


      The following is a summary of significant  accounting policies followed by
the Funds in the preparation of their financial statements.  The policies are in
conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

a)    PORTFOLIO  VALUATION:  Each Fund's portfolio  securities are valued by the
      amortized  cost method  permitted in  accordance  with Rule 2a-7 under the
      1940 Act, which, after considering accrued interest thereon,  approximates
      market. Under this method, a portfolio security is valued at cost adjusted
      for  amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts.  Amortization of
      premiums and accretion of discounts are included in interest income.

      transactions  are  recorded on the trade date.  Realized  gains and losses
      from  securities  transactions  are reported on the identified cost basis.
      Interest income is recorded daily on the accrual basis and is adjusted for
      amortization  of premiums  and  accretion of discounts as discussed in the
      preceding paragraph.

c)    Determination  of net asset value and  calculation  of  expenses:  The net
      asset value per share for each class of the Funds' shares is determined as
      of 4:00 p.m.  New York time on each day that the New York  Stock  Exchange
      and the custodian are open by dividing the value of the assets of the Fund
      allocable to that class less Fund  liabilities  allocable to the class and
      any liabilities  charged directly to the class,  exclusive of surplus,  by
      the total number of shares of the class outstanding.

d)    MULTIPLE CLASS  ALLOCATIONS:  Investment  income,  realized and unrealized
      gains and losses, if any, and expenses other than class specific expenses,
      are allocated  daily to each class of shares based upon the  proportion of
      net  assets  of each  class.  Class  specific  expenses  are  borne by the

      class.  Service  fee  payments  under Rule  12b-1 are borne  solely by and
      charged to the Service Shares based on net assets of that class.

e)    FEDERAL INCOME TAXES: It is the policy of each Fund to continue to qualify
      as a regulated  investment company by complying with the provisions of the
      Internal  Revenue Code applicable to certain  investment  companies.  Each
      Fund  intends  to make  distributions  of income  and  securities  profits
      sufficient to relieve it from all, or  substantially  all,  Federal income
      and excise taxes.

f)    REPURCHASE  AGREEMENTS:  It is each Fund's  policy to monitor  closely the
      creditworthiness  of all  firms  with  which  it  enters  into  repurchase
      agreements,  and to take possession of, or otherwise  perfect its security
      interest  in,  securities   purchased  under  agreements  to  resell.  The
      securities purchased under agreements to resell are marked to market every
      business day in order to compare the value of the collateral to the amount
      of the "loan" (repurchase  agreements being defined as "loans" in the 1940
      Act),  including the accrued interest earned thereon.  If the value of the
      collateral  is less  than  102% of the  loan  plus  the  accrued  interest
      thereon, additional collateral is required from the borrower.

g)    USE OF ESTIMATES:  The  preparation of financial  statements in conformity
      with U.S. generally accepted accounting  principles requires management to
      make estimates and assumptions  that affect the reported amounts of assets
      and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the
      date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of increases and
      decreases  in net assets  from  operations  during the  reporting  period.
      Actual results could differ from those estimates.



      The Asset Management  Group of Bank of Hawaii (the  "Adviser"),  serves as
Investment  Adviser  to the  Funds.  In this  role,  under  Investment  Advisory
Agreements,  the Adviser  supervises the Funds' investments and provides various
services. Aquila Investment Management LLC the ("Administrator"), a wholly-owned
subsidiary of Aquila  Management  Corporation,  the Trust's founder and sponsor,
serves as the Administrator for the Trust under an Administration Agreement with
the Trust. The Administrator  provides all administrative  services to the Funds
other than those relating to the investment  portfolios.  Specific details as to
the  nature  and  extent  of the  services  provided  by  the  Adviser  and  the
Administrator  are  more  fully  defined  in the  Prospectus  and  Statement  of
Additional  Information of the Funds.  For their  services,  the Adviser and the
Administrator each receive a fee which is payable monthly and computed as of the
close of  business  each day on the net  assets  of each  Fund at the  following
annual rates:

      Cash  Fund - On net  assets  up to  $325  million,  the fee is paid to the
      Adviser  and the  Administrator  at the  annual  rate of 0.33% and  0.17%,
      respectively,  and on net assets  above that  amount at the annual rate of
      0.43% and 0.07%, respectively.

      Tax-Free  Fund - On net assets up to $95  million,  the fee is paid to the
      Adviser  and the  Administrator  at the  annual  rate of 0.27% and  0.13%,
      respectively,  and on net assets  above that  amount at the annual rate of
      0.33% and 0.07%, respectively.

      Government Fund - On net assets up to $60 million,  the fee is paid to the
      Adviser  and the  Administrator  at the  annual  rate of 0.27% and  0.13%,
      respectively,  and on net assets  above that  amount at the annual rate of
      0.33% and 0.07%, respectively.

      The Adviser and the Administrator each agrees that the above fees shall be
reduced,  but not below  zero,  by an amount  equal to its  proportionate  share
(determined on the basis of the respective fees computed as described  above) of
the amount,  if any, by which the total  expenses of a Fund in any fiscal  year,
exclusive of taxes,  interest and brokerage fees, shall exceed the lesser of (i)
2.5% of the first $30  million of average  annual net assets of the Fund plus 2%
of the next $70 million of such assets and 1.5% of its average annual net assets
in excess of $100  million,  or (ii) 25% of the Fund's total  annual  investment
income. The payment of the above fees at the end of any month will be reduced or
postponed  so that at no time will there be any  accrued  but  unpaid  liability
under this  expense  limitation.  Advisory  and  administrative  fees in a given
fiscal year may be recouped prior to the end of such year if interest rates were
to increase.  Contractual  reduction of fees,  if any, is calculated on a fiscal
year basis.

      For the  period  April 1,  2002  through  March  31,  2005,  advisory  and
administrative  fees have been  contractually  reduced (see ii above) due to the
low interest rate environment. For the year ended March 31, 2005:

      Cash Fund incurred  advisory and  administration  fees of  $1,611,275  and
      $640,201;  due to the  expense  limitation,  such  fees  were  reduced  by
      $640,692 and $256,008, respectively.

      Tax-Free Fund incurred  advisory and  administration  fees of $553,218 and
      $186,437;  due to the  expense  limitation,  such  fees  were  reduced  by
      $291,119 and $98,109, respectively.

      Government Fund incurred  advisory and  administration  fees of $2,755,992
      and  $628,238;  due to the expense  limitation,  such fees were reduced by
      $1,227,819 and $280,009, respectively.

      Under the October 1, 2004,  Compliance  Agreement with the  Administrator,
the  Administrator is compensated for Chief Compliance  Officer related services
provided to enable the Trust to comply with Rule 38a-1 of the Investment Company
Act of 1940.


      Each Fund has adopted a  Distribution  Plan (the "Plan")  pursuant to Rule
12b-1  under the 1940 Act.  A part of the Plan  authorizes  payment  of  certain
distribution or service fees by the Service Shares Class of the respective Fund.
Such payments are made to "Designated Payees" - broker-dealers,  other financial
institutions and service providers who have entered into appropriate  agreements
with the  Distributor  and which have rendered  assistance  in the

distribution  and/or retention of the respective Fund's Service Shares or in the
servicing of Service Share  accounts.  The total  payments  under this part of a
Fund's Plan may not exceed 0.25% of its average  annual  assets  represented  by
Service  Shares.  No such  payments  will be made by the  Original  Share Class.
Specific  details about each Plan are more fully defined in the  Prospectus  and
Statement of Additional Information of the Trust.

      Under  a   Distribution   Agreement,   Aquila   Distributors,   Inc.  (the
"Distributor")  serves as the exclusive  distributor  of the Funds'  shares.  No
compensation or fees are paid to the Distributor for such share distribution.


      For the year ended March 31, 2005, the following  amounts were accrued for
legal fees: Cash Fund $42,580;  Tax-Free Fund $27,551;  Government Fund $90,999.
Of these amounts,  $37,473, $25,722 and $82,928 respectively,  were allocable to
Hollyer Brady Barrett & Hines LLP,  counsel to the Trust,  for legal services in
conjunction with the respective Fund's ongoing operations.  The Secretary of the
Trust is a Partner of Hollyer Brady Barrett & Hines LLP.


      Various banks and other  institutions have issued  irrevocable  letters of
credit or guarantees for the benefit of the holders of certain commercial paper.
Payment at maturity of principal and interest of certain  commercial  paper held
by the Funds is supported by such letters of credit or guarantees.


      The Funds  have  negotiated  an  expense  offset  arrangement  with  their
custodian,  wherein they receive  credit toward the reduction of custodian  fees
and other expenses  whenever there are uninvested cash balances.  The Statements
of Operations reflect the total expenses before any offset, the amount of offset
and the net expenses. It is the general intention of the Funds to invest, to the
extent  practicable,  some or all of cash  balances in  income-producing  assets
rather than leave cash on deposit.


      Since the Tax-Free Fund has a significant  portion of its  investments  in
obligations of issuers within Hawaii, it is subject to possible risks associated
with  economic,  political,  or legal  developments  or  industrial  or regional
matters  specifically  affecting Hawaii and whatever effects these may have upon
Hawaii issuers' ability to meet their obligations.


      The Funds  declare  dividends  daily from net  investment  income and make
payments monthly in additional shares at the net asset value per share, in cash,
or a combination of both, at the shareholder's option.

      The tax character of distributions during 2005 and 2004 were as follows:

                                                   CASH FUND                   TAX-FREE FUND                   GOVERNMENT FUND
                                         ---------------------------     ---------------------------     ---------------------------
                                             2005            2004            2005            2004             2005            2004
                                         -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Net tax-exempt income ..............     $        --     $        --     $ 2,023,379     $ 1,184,399     $        --     $        --
Ordinary income ....................       5,915,623       3,803,973              --          16,619      10,709,831       6,140,227
Capital gain .......................              --              --              --              --              --              --
                                         -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------     -----------
Total ..............................     $ 5,915,623     $ 3,803,973     $ 2,023,379     $ 1,201,018     $10,709,831     $ 6,140,227
                                         ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========     ===========

      As of March 31, 2005,  the  components of  distributable  earning on a tax
basis were as follows:

                                                                 TAX-FREE           GOVERNMENT
                                                                 CASH FUND             FUND                FUND
                                                               ------------        ------------        ------------
Undistributed ordinary income .........................        $     13,438        $         --        $     68,263
Accumulated net realized loss
    on investments ....................................                  --                  --                (743)
                                                               ------------        ------------        ------------
                                                               $     13,438        $         --        $     67,520
                                                               ------------        ------------        ------------


      On the  statements  of assets  and  liabilities,  as a result  of  certain
differences in the computation of net investment income and net realized capital
gains under  federal  income tax rules and  regulations  versus  U.S.  generally
accepted  accounting  principles,  a reclassification  has been made to increase
(decrease)  undistributed net investment income  (distributions in excess of net
investment  income),  accumulated  net realized gain (loss) on  investments  and
additional paid-in capital for the Funds as follows:

                                                                                     TAX-FREE           GOVERNMENT
                                                                 CASH FUND              FUND                FUND
                                                               ------------        ------------        ------------
Additional Paid-in Capital ............................        $         --        $     20,517         $         --
Undistributed net investment income ...................                  --             (20,517)                  --

      These  reclassifications  are  primarily due to taxable  distributions  in
excess of net  investment  income  for the  Tax-Free  Fund.  Net  assets are not
affected by these changes.

                                 PACIFIC CAPITAL
                                CASH ASSETS TRUST
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS


                                                                       ORIGINAL SHARES
                                                                     YEAR ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                  2005        2004        2003        2002        2001
                                                 ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Net asset value, beginning of period ........    $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                                 ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Income from investment operations:
   Net investment income ....................      0.01        0.01        0.01        0.03        0.06
                                                 ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Less distributions:
   Dividends from net investment income .....     (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.03)      (0.06)
                                                 ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Net asset value, end of period ..............    $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                                 ======      ======      ======      ======      ======

Total return ................................      1.36%       0.90%       1.35%       2.52%       5.90%

Ratios/supplemental data
   Net assets, end of period (in millions) ..    $  366      $  287      $  361      $  353      $  364
   Ratio of expenses to average net assets ..      0.37%       0.21%       0.36%       0.58%       0.57%
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets .....................      1.39%       0.90%       1.34%       2.51%       5.77%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the Adviser's and Administrator's
contractual cap on fees were (note 3):

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets ..      0.57%       0.57%       0.58%         --          --
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets .....................      1.19%       0.54%       1.12%         --          --

The expense ratios after giving effect to the expense offset for uninvested cash balances were:

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets ..      0.37%       0.21%       0.36%       0.57%       0.57%

                                                                           SERVICE SHARES
                                                                        YEAR ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                       2005        2004        2003        2002         2001
                                                      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Net asset value, beginning of period ........         $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                                      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Income from investment operations:
   Net investment income ....................           0.01        0.01        0.01        0.02        0.05
                                                      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Less distributions:
   Dividends from net investment income .....          (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.02)      (0.05)
                                                      ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Net asset value, end of period ..............         $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                                      ======      ======      ======      ======      ======

Total return ................................           1.11%       0.65%       1.09%       2.27%       5.63%

Ratios/supplemental data
   Net assets, end of period (in millions) ..         $  166      $  119      $  123      $  146      $  221
   Ratio of expenses to average net assets ..           0.61%       0.46%       0.61%       0.83%       0.82%
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets .....................           1.12%       0.65%       1.10%       2.36%       5.49%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the Adviser's and Administrator's
contractual cap on fees were (note 3):

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets ..           0.81%       0.82%       0.83%         --          --
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets .....................           0.91%       0.29%       0.88%         --          --

The expense ratios after giving effect to the expense offset for uninvested cash balances were:

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets ..           0.61%       0.46%       0.61%       0.82%       0.82%

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                 PACIFIC CAPITAL
                           TAX-FREE CASH ASSETS TRUST
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS


                                                                   ORIGINAL SHARES
                                                                 YEAR ENDED MARCH 31,
                                               2005        2004        2003        2002        2001
                                              ------      ------        ----      ------      ------
Net asset value, beginning of period .....    $ 1.00      $ 1.00        1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                              ------      ------        ----      ------      ------

Income from investment operations:
   Net investment income .................      0.01        0.01        0.01        0.02        0.04
                                              ------      ------        ----      ------      ------

Less distributions:
   Dividends from net investment income ..     (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.02)      (0.04)
                                              ------      ------        ----      ------      ------

Net asset value, end of period ...........    $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                              ======      ======      ======      ======      ======

Total return .............................      1.16%       0.84%       1.15%       2.00%       3.58%

Ratios/supplemental data
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $  134      $   99      $  130      $  100      $  101
   Ratio of expenses to average net assets      0.29%       0.17%       0.28%       0.51%       0.53%
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets ..................      1.17%       0.84%       1.13%       1.94%       3.50%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the Adviser's and Administrator's
contractual cap on fees were (note 3):

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets      0.49%       0.52%       0.50%         --          --
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets ..................      0.96%       0.50%       0.90%         --          --

The expense ratios after giving effect to the expense offset for uninvested cash balances were:

Ratio of expenses to average net assets ..      0.28%       0.17%       0.27%       0.51%       0.53%

                                                                       SERVICE SHARES
                                                                     YEAR ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                    2005        2004        2003        2002        2001
                                                   ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Net asset value, beginning of period .....         $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                                   ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Income from investment operations:
   Net investment income .................           0.01        0.01        0.01        0.02        0.03
                                                   ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Less distributions:
   Dividends from net investment income ..          (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.02)      (0.03)
                                                   ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Net asset value, end of period ...........         $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                                   ======      ======      ======      ======      ======

Total return .............................           0.90%       0.59%       0.90%       1.75%       3.32%

Ratios/supplemental data
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)         $   72      $   50      $   56      $   52      $   54
   Ratio of expenses to average net assets           0.53%       0.42%       0.53%       0.77%       0.78%
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets ..................           0.92%       0.59%       0.89%       1.77%       3.26%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the Adviser's and Administrator's
contractual cap on fees were (note 3):

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets           0.75%       0.77%       0.76%         --          --
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets ..................           0.71%       0.25%       0.66%         --          --

The expense ratios after giving effect to the expense offset for uninvested cash balances were:

Ratio of expenses to average net assets ..           0.53%       0.42%       0.52%       0.77%       0.78%

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                                 PACIFIC CAPITAL
                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS


                                                                 ORIGINAL SHARES
                                                               YEAR ENDED MARCH 31,
                                               2005        2004        2003        2002        2001
                                              ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Net asset value, beginning of period .....    $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                              ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Income from investment operations:
   Net investment income .................      0.01        0.01        0.01        0.03        0.06
                                              ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Less distributions:
   Dividends from net investment income ..     (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.03)      (0.06)
                                              ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Net asset value, end of period ...........    $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                              ======      ======      ======      ======      ======

Total return .............................      1.41%       0.96%       1.34%       2.73%       5.88%

Ratios/supplemental data
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)    $  354      $  263      $  270      $  306      $  151
   Ratio of expenses to average net assets      0.27%       0.11%       0.25%       0.45%       0.47%
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets ..................      1.42%       0.96%       1.34%       2.47%       5.73%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the Adviser's and Administrator's
contractual cap on fees were (note 3):

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets      0.45%       0.46%       0.46%         --          --
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets ..................      1.24%       0.62%       1.12%         --          --

The expense ratios after giving effect to the expense offset for uninvested cash balances were:

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets      0.27%       0.11%       0.24%       0.45%       0.47%

                                                                      SERVICE SHARES
                                                                   YEAR ENDED MARCH 31,
                                                   2005        2004        2003        2002        2001
                                                  ------      ------      ------      ------      ------
Net asset value, beginning of period .....        $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                                  ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Income from investment operations:
   Net investment income .................          0.01        0.01        0.01        0.02        0.05
                                                  ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Less distributions:
   Dividends from net investment income ..         (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.01)      (0.02)      (0.05)
                                                  ------      ------      ------      ------      ------

Net asset value, end of period ...........        $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00      $ 1.00
                                                  ======      ======      ======      ======      ======

Total return .............................          1.16%       0.71%       1.09%       2.48%       5.62%

Ratios/supplemental data
   Net assets, end of period (in millions)        $  578      $  575      $  448      $  457      $  332
   Ratio of expenses to average net assets          0.52%       0.36%       0.49%       0.70%       0.72%
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets ..................          1.16%       0.71%       1.08%       2.39%       5.47%

The expense and net investment income ratios without the effect of the Adviser's and Administrator's
contractual cap on fees were (note 3):

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets          0.70%       0.71%       0.71%         --          --
   Ratio of net investment income to
     average net assets ..................          0.98%       0.36%       0.86%         --          --

The expense ratios after giving effect to the expense offset for uninvested cash balances were:

   Ratio of expenses to average net assets          0.52%       0.36%       0.49%       0.70%       0.72%

                 See accompanying notes to financial statements.



                                                                                            NUMBER OF
                          POSITIONS                                                         PORTFOLIOS        OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS
                          HELD WITH                                                         IN FUND           HELD BY TRUSTEE
NAME,                     TRUST AND          PRINCIPAL                                      COMPLEX(5)        (THE POSITION HELD IS
ADDRESS(3)                LENGTH OF          OCCUPATION(S)                                  OVERSEEN          A DIRECTORSHIP UNLESS
AND DATE OF BIRTH         SERVICE(6)         DURING PAST 5 YEARS                            BY TRUSTEE        INDICATED OTHERWISE.)
- -----------------         ----------         -------------------                            ----------        ---------------------

Diana P. Herrmann         Trustee since      Vice Chair and Chief Executive Officer of      10                None
New York, NY              2004, President    Aquila Management Corporation, Founder of
(02/25/58)                since 1998 and     the Aquila(sm) Group of Funds(7) and parent
                          Vice Chair         of Aquila Investment Management LLC,
                          since 2003         Administrator, since 2004, President and
                                             Chief Operating Officer since 1997, a
                                             Director since 1984, Secretary since 1986
                                             and previously its Executive Vice
                                             President, Senior Vice President or Vice
                                             President, 1986-1997; Chief Executive
                                             Officer and Vice Chair since 2004 and
                                             President, Chief Operating Officer and
                                             Manager of the Administrator since 2003;
                                             Vice Chair, President, Executive Vice
                                             President or Senior Vice President of funds
                                             in the Aquila(sm) Group of Funds since 1986;
                                             Director of the Distributor since 1997;
                                             trustee, Reserve Money-Market Funds,
                                             1999-2000 and Reserve Private Equity
                                             Series, 1998-2000; Governor, Investment
                                             Company Institute (2004) and head of its
                                             Small Funds Committee since 2004; active in
                                             charitable and volunteer organizations.

Theodore T. Mason         Chair of the       Executive Director, East Wind Power            10                Trustee, Pimco
New York, NY              Board of           Partners LTD since 1994 and Louisiana Power                      Advisors VIT.
(11/24/35)                Trustees since     Partners, 1999-2003; Treasurer, Alumni
                          2004 and           Association of SUNY Maritime College since
                          Trustee            2004 (President, 2002-2003, First Vice
                          since 1984         President, 2000-2001, Second Vice
                                             President, 1998-2000) and director of the
                                             same organization since 1997; Director,
                                             STCM Management Company, Inc., 1973-2004;
                                             twice national officer of Naval Reserve
                                             Association, commanding officer of four
                                             naval reserve units and Captain, USNR
                                             (Ret); director, The Navy League of the
                                             United States New York Council since 2002;
                                             trustee, The Maritime Industry Museum at
                                             Fort Schuyler, 2000-2004; and the Maritime
                                             College at Fort Schuyler Foundation, Inc.
                                             since 2000.

Thomas W. Courtney        Trustee            President, Courtney Associates, Inc., a        5                 Chairman of the Board
Sewickley, PA             since 1984         venture capital firm, since 1988.                                of Oppenheimer Quest
(08/17/33)                                                                                                    Value Funds Group,
                                                                                                              Oppenheimer Small Cap
                                                                                                              Value Fund,
                                                                                                              Oppenheimer Midcap
                                                                                                              Fund, and Oppenheimer
                                                                                                              Rochester Group of
                                                                                                              Funds; Chairman of the
                                                                                                              Board of Pimco
                                                                                                              Advisors VIT.

Stanley W. Hong           Trustee            President, Waste Management of Hawaii, Inc.    4                 Trustee, Pacific
Honolulu, HI              since 1993         since 2002; Corporate Vice President,                            Capital Funds, which
(04/05/36)                                   Hawaii Area, Waste Management, Inc. since                        includes 11 bond and
                                             2002; Trustee, The King William Charles                          stock funds; director,
                                             Lunalilo Trust Estate since 2001; President                      First Insurance Co. of
                                             and Chief Executive Officer, The Chamber of                      Hawaii, Ltd., Lanihau
                                             Commerce of Hawaii, 1996-2001; director,                         Properties, Ltd.
                                             Hawaii Public Television Foundation since
                                             1998; Regent, Chaminade University of
                                             Honolulu; Chair - trustees, Heald College;
                                             trustee, the Nature Conservancy of Hawaii;
                                             and director of other corporate and
                                             community organizations.

Russell K. Okata          Trustee            Executive Director, Hawaii Government          4                 Trustee, Pacific
Honolulu, HI              since 1993         Employees Association AFSCME Local 152,                          Capital Funds, which
(03/22/44)                                   AFL-CIO since 1981; International Vice                           includes 11 bond and
                                             President, American Federation of State,                         stock funds; Chairman,
                                             County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO                          Royal State Group.
                                             since 1981; director of various civic and
                                             charitable organizations.

Douglas Philpotts         Trustee            Retired; formerly director, Chairman of the    4                 Trustee, Pacific
Honolulu, HI              since 1992         Board and President of Hawaiian Trust                            Capital Funds, which
(11/21/31)                                   Company, Limited; present or former                              includes 11 bond and
                                             director of various Hawaii-based civic and                       stock funds.
                                             charitable organizations.

Oswald K. Stender         Trustee            Director, Hawaiian Electric Industries,        4                 Trustee, Pacific
Honolulu, HI              since 1993         Inc., a public utility holding company,                          Capital Funds, which
(10/08/31)                                   1993-2004; trustee, the Bernice Pauahi                           includes 11 bond and
                                             Bishop Estate 1990-1999; trustee, Office of                      stock funds; director,
                                             Hawaiian Affairs and a member or trustee of                      Grace Pacific
                                             several community organizations.                                 Corporation, an
                                                                                                              asphalt paving
                                                                                                              company, and ACE
                                                                                                              Trucking Inc., a
                                                                                                              trucking company.


      Because of his importance to the shareholders and to enable the Board of Trustees to continue to have the benefit of his
counsel, Mr. Lacy B Herrmann has agreed to continue to be Chairman Emeritus. The Chairman Emeritus may attend Board meetings but has
no voting power.

Lacy B. Herrmann          Founder,           Founder and Chairman of the Board, Aquila      N/A               N/A
New York, NY              Chairman           Management Corporation, the sponsoring
(05/12/29)                Emeritus since     organization and parent of the Manager or
                          2004, Trustee,     Administrator and/or Adviser or Sub-Adviser
                          1984-2004,         to each fund of the Aquila(sm) Group of
                          and Chairman       Funds; Chairman of the Manager or
                          of the Board       Administrator and/or Adviser or Sub-Adviser
                          of Trustees,       to each since 2004; Founder, Chairman
                          1984-2003          Emeritus and Trustee of Aquila Rocky
                                             Mountain Equity Fund, Tax-Free Fund For
                                             Utah, Narragansett Insured Tax-Free Income
                                             Fund and Tax-Free Trust of Arizona; Founder
                                             and Chairman Emeritus of Hawaiian Tax-Free
                                             Trust, Pacific Capital Cash Assets Trust,
                                             Pacific Capital Tax-Free Cash Assets Trust,
                                             Pacific Capital U.S. Government Securities
                                             Cash Assets Trust, Tax-Free Fund of
                                             Colorado, Churchill Tax-Free Fund of
                                             Kentucky and Tax-Free Trust of Oregon;
                                             previously Chairman and a Trustee of each
                                             fund in the Aquila(sm) Group of Funds since
                                             its establishment until 2004 or 2005;
                                             Director of the Distributor since 1981 and
                                             formerly Vice President or Secretary,
                                             1981-1998; Trustee Emeritus, Brown
                                             University and the Hopkins School; active
                                             in university, school and charitable


Charles E. Childs, III    Executive Vice     Executive Vice President of all funds in            N/A               N/A
New York, NY              President          the Aquila(sm) Group of Funds and the
(04/01/57)                since 2003         Administrator and Adminisrator's parent
                                             since 2003; formerly Senior Vice President,
                                             corporate development, Vice President,
                                             Assistant Vice President and Associate of
                                             the Administrator's parent since 1987;
                                             Senior Vice President, Vice President or
                                             Assistant Vice President of the Aquila
                                             Money-Market Funds, 1988-2003.

Sherri Foster             Vice President     Senior Vice President, Hawaiian Tax-Free            N/A               N/A
Lahaina, HI               since 1997         Trust since 1993 and formerly Vice
(07/27/50)                                   President or Assistant Vice President; Vice
                                             President or Assistant Vice President of
                                             three Aquila Money-Market Funds; Registered
                                             Representative of the Distributor since 1985.

John M. Herndon           Vice President     Assistant Secretary of the Aquila(sm) Group         N/A               N/A
New York, NY              since 1990 and     of Funds since 1995 and Vice President of
(12/17/39)                Assistant          the three Aquila Money-Market Funds since
                          Secretary          1990; Vice President of the Administrator
                          since 1995         or its predecessor and current parent since 1990.

Robert W. Anderson        Chief Compliance   Chief Compliance Officer of the Trust, the          N/A               N/A
New York, NY              Officer since      Administrator and the Distributor since
(08/23/40)                2004 and           2004, Compliance Officer of the
                          Assistant          Administrator or its predecessor and
                          Secretary          current parent since 1998 and Assistant
                          since 2000         Secretary of the Aquila(sm) Group of Funds
                                             since 2000; Consultant, The Wadsworth
                                             Group, 1995-1998.


Joseph P. DiMaggio        Chief Financial    Chief Financial Officer of the Aquila(sm)      N/A               N/A
(11/06/56)                2003 and           Group of Funds since 2003 and Treasurer
                          Treasurer          since 2000; Controller, Van Eck Global
                          since 2000         Funds, 1993-2000.

Edward M. W. Hines        Secretary          Partner, Hollyer Brady Barrett & Hines LLP,    N/A               N/A
New York, NY              since 1984         legal counsel to the Trust, since 1989;
(12/16/39)                                   Secretary of the Aquila(sm) Group of Funds.

Lori A. Vindigni          Assistant          Assistant Treasurer of the Aquila(sm) Group    N/A               N/A
New York, NY              Treasurer          of Funds since 2000; Assistant Vice
(11/02/66)                since 2000         President of the Administrator or its
                                             predecessor and current parent since 1998;
                                             Fund Accountant for the Aquila(sm) Group of
                                             Funds, 1995-1998.

- -----------
(1) The Trust's Statement of Additional Information includes additional
information about the Trustees and is available, without charge, upon request by
calling 800-437-1020 (toll free).

(2) From time to time Bank of Hawaii may enter into normal investment
management, commercial banking and lending arrangements with one or more of the
Trustees of the Trust and their affiliates. The Asset Management Group of Bank
of Hawaii is the Trust's investment adviser.

(3) The mailing address of each Trustee and officer is c/o Pacific Capital Funds
of Cash Assets Trust, 380 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017.

(4) Because the Trust does not hold annual meetings, each Trustee holds office
for an indeterminate term. The term of office of each officer is one year.

(5) Includes certain Aquila-sponsored funds that are dormant and have no public

(6) Ms. Herrmann is an interested person of the Trust as an officer of the
Trust, as a director, officer and shareholder of the Administrator's corporate
parent, as an officer and Manager of the Administrator, and as a shareholder and
director of the Distributor.

(7) In this material Pacific Capital Cash Assets Trust, Pacific Capital U.S.
Government Securities Cash Assets Trust and Pacific Capital Tax-Free Cash Assets
Trust, each of which is a money-market fund, are called the "Aquila Money-Market
Funds"; Hawaiian Tax-Free Trust, Tax-Free Trust of Arizona, Tax-Free Trust of
Oregon, Tax-Free Fund of Colorado, Churchill Tax-Free Fund of Kentucky,
Narragansett Insured Tax-Free Income Fund and Tax-Free Fund For Utah, each of
which is a tax-free municipal bond fund, are called the "Aquila Bond Funds";
Aquila Rocky Mountain Equity Fund is an equity fund; considered together, these
11 funds, which do not include the dormant funds described in footnote 5, are
called the "Aquila(sm) Group of Funds."

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      As a  shareholder  of the Trust,  you may incur ongoing  costs,  including
management fees; distribution (12b-1) fees; and other Trust expenses. The tables
below are intended to help you  understand  your  ongoing  costs (in dollars) of
investing  in the Trust and to compare  these  costs with the  ongoing  costs of
investing in other mutual funds.

      The tables below are based on an investment of $1,000  invested on October
1, 2004 and held for the six months ended March 31, 2005.


      This table  provides  information  about actual  account values and actual
expenses.  You may use the information provided in this table, together with the
amount you invested,  to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period. To
estimate the expenses you paid on your account, divide your ending account value
by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 ending account value divided by $1,000 = 8.6),
then multiply the result by the number under the heading entitled "Expenses Paid
During the Period".


                                       BEGINNING       ENDING        EXPENSES
                        ACTUAL          ACCOUNT        ACCOUNT      PAID DURING
                    TOTAL RETURN(1)      VALUE          VALUE      THE PERIOD(2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Original Shares         0.85%          $1,000.00      $1,008.50         $2.40
Service Shares          0.73%          $1,000.00      $1,007.30         $3.65
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Original Shares         0.69%          $1,000.00      $1,006.90         $1.80
Service Shares          0.57%          $1,000.00      $1,005.70         $3.05
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Original Shares         0.88%          $1,000.00      $1,008.80         $1.95
Service Chares          0.75%          $1,000.00      $1,007.50         $3.20
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      AND 0.39% AND 0.64%, RESPECTIVELY, FOR GOVERNMENT Fund Original Shares and
      Service Shares, respectively, multiplied by the average account value over
      the period, multiplied by 182/365 (to reflect the one-half year period).

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



      The table below provides information about hypothetical account values and
hypothetical  expenses  based on the actual expense ratio and an assumed rate of
return  of 5.00%  per year  before  expenses,  which is not the  Trust's  actual
return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate
the actual ending account  balance or expenses you paid for the period.  You may
use the  information  provided  in this table to compare  the  ongoing  costs of
investing  in the Trust and other  mutual  funds.  To do so,  compare this 5.00%
hypothetical example relating to the Trust with the 5.00% hypothetical  examples
that appear in the shareholder reports of other mutual funds.


                       ANNUALIZED       BEGINNING        ENDING       EXPENSES
                          TOTAL          ACCOUNT        ACCOUNT      PAID DURING
                         RETURN           VALUE          VALUE       THE PERIOD
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Original Shares          5.00%          $1,000.00      $1,022.54         $2.42
Service Shares           5.00%          $1,000.00      $1,021.29         $3.68
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Original Shares          5.00%          $1,000.00      $1,023.14         $1.82
Service Shares           5.00%          $1,000.00      $1,021.89         $3.07
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Original Shares          5.00%          $1,000.00      $1,022.99         $1.97
Service Chares           5.00%          $1,000.00      $1,021.74         $3.23
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      This information is presented in order to comply with a requirement of the
Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended.  NO CURRENT  ACTION ON THE PART OF

      For the fiscal year ended March 31, 2005,  $2,023,379 of dividends paid by
the  Tax-Free  Fund were  exempt-interest  dividends.  For the Cash Fund and the
Government Fund all of the dividends paid were ordinary dividend income.

      Prior to January 31,  2005,  shareholders  were  mailed IRS Form  1099-DIV
which  contained  information on the status of  distributions  paid for the 2004

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


      Much of the  information  that the  funds in the  Aquilasm  Group of Funds
produce is automatically sent to you and all other  shareholders.  Specifically,
you are  routinely  sent the entire list of portfolio  securities  of your Trust
twice a year in the semi-annual and annual reports you receive. Additionally, we
prepare,  and have  available  portfolio  listings  at the end of each  quarter.
Whenever you may be  interested  in seeing a listing of your  Trust's  portfolio
other   than  in  your   shareholder   reports,   please   check   our   website
(www.aquilafunds.com) or call us at 1-800-437-1020.

      The Trust additionally files a complete list of its portfolio holding with
the SEC for the first and third  quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. Forms
N-Q are available free of charge on the SEC website at www.sec.gov. You may also
review  or,  for a fee,  copy the forms at the SEC's  Public  Reference  Room in
Washington, DC or by calling 800-SEC-0330.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The three  portfolios  Trust do not  invest in equity  securities.  Accordingly,
there  were no  matters  relating  to a  portfolio  security  considered  at any
shareholder  meeting  held during the 12 months ended June 30, 2004 with respect
to  which  the  three  portfolios  Trust  were  entitled  to  vote.   Applicable
regulations require us to inform you that the foregoing proxy voting information
is available on the SEC website at http://www.sec.gov.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



OUR PRIVACY POLICY. In providing services to you as an individual who owns or is
considering  investing  in  shares  of the Trust we  collect  certain  nonpublic
personal  information about you. Our policy is to keep this information strictly
safeguarded  and  confidential,  and to use or disclose it only as  necessary to
provide  services to you or as otherwise  permitted  by law. Our privacy  policy
applies equally to former shareholders and persons who inquire about a fund.

INFORMATION  WE  COLLECT.   "Nonpublic   personal   information"  is  personally
identifiable  financial  information  about you as an individual or your family.
The kinds of nonpublic  personal  information  we have about you may include the
information  you provide us on your share  purchase  application or in telephone
calls or  correspondence  with us, and information  about your fund transactions
and  holdings,  how you voted your shares and the account  where your shares are

INFORMATION WE DISCLOSE. We disclose nonpublic personal information about you to
companies that provide  necessary  services to us, such as the Trust's  transfer
agent, distributor,  investment adviser or sub-adviser, as permitted or required
by law, or as authorized by you. Any other use is strictly prohibited. We do not
sell information about you or any of our fund shareholders to anyone.

HOW WE SAFEGUARD  YOUR  INFORMATION.  We restrict  access to nonpublic  personal
information  about you to only those persons who need it to provide  services to
you or who are permitted by law to receive it. We maintain physical,  electronic
and  procedural  safeguards  to protect  the  confidentiality  of all  nonpublic
personal information we have about you.

If you have any questions  regarding our Privacy  Policy,  please  contact us at

                            AQUILA DISTRIBUTORS, INC.

This  Privacy  Policy also has been  adopted by Aquila  Distributors,  Inc.  and
Aquila Investment  Management LLC and applies to all nonpublic information about
you that each of these companies may obtain in connection with services provided
to the Trust or to you as a shareholder of the Trust.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                               INVESTMENT ADVISER
                    Asset Management Group of Bank of Hawaii
                     P.O. Box 3170 o Honolulu, Hawaii 96802

                        Aquila Investment Management LLC
            380 Madison Avenue, Suite 2300 o New York, New York 10017

                                BOARD OF TRUSTEES
                            Theodore T. Mason, Chair
                               Thomas W. Courtney
                                Diana P. Herrmann
                                 Stanley W. Hong
                                Russell K. Okata
                                Douglas Philpotts

                                Oswald K. Stender

                          CHAIRMAN EMERITUS AND FOUNDER
                                Lacy B. Herrmann

                   Diana P. Herrmann, Vice Chair and President
                Charles E. Childs, III, Executive Vice President
                          Sherri Foster, Vice President
                  Robert W. Anderson, Chief Compliance Officer
            Joseph P. DiMaggio, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
                          Edward M.W. Hines, Secretary

                            Aquila Distributors, Inc.
            380 Madison Avenue, Suite 2300 o New York, New York 10017

                                    PFPC Inc.
              760 Moore Road o King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406

                          Bank One Trust Company, N.A.
                   1111 Polaris Parkway o Columbus, Ohio 43240

                                    KPMG LLP
                   345 Park Avenue o New York, New York 10154

               Further information is contained in the Prospectus
                  which must precede or accompany this report.


(a) As of March 31, 2005 (the end of the reporting period) the
Trust has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the Trust's
principal executive officer(s)and principal financial officer(s)
and persons performing similar functions ("Covered Officers") as
defined in the Aquila Group of Funds Code of Ethics for Principal
Executive and Senior Financial Officers under Section 406 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002;

(f)(1) Pursuant to Item 10(a)(1), a copy of the Trust's Code of
 Ethics that applies to the Trust's principal executive officer(s)
 and principal financial officer(s) and persons performing similar
functions is included as an exhibit to its annual report on this
Form N-CSR;

(f)(2)  The text of the Trust's Code of Ethics that applies to the
Trust's principal executive officer(s) and principal financial
officer(s) and persons performing similar functions has been
posted on its Internet website which can be found at the Trust's
Internet address at aquilafunds.com.


(a)(1)(ii) The Board of Trustees of the Fund has determined that
it does not have at least one audit committee financial expert
serving on its audit committee.  The Fund does not have such a
 person serving on the audit committee because none of the persons
 currently serving as Trustees happens to have the technical
accounting and auditing expertise included in the definition of
"audit committee financial expert" recently adopted by the Securities
and Exchange Commission in connection with this Form N-CSR, and the
Board has not heretofore deemed it necessary to seek such a person
for election to the Board.

The primary mission of the Board, which is that of oversight over
the operations and affairs of the Fund, confronts the Trustees with
 a wide and expanding range of issues and responsibilities. The
 Trustees believe that, accordingly, it is essential that the Board's
membership consist of persons with as extensive experience as possible
in fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of mutual fund directors
and audit committee members and, ideally, with extensive experience
 and background relating to the economic and financial sectors and
securities in which the Fund invests, including exposure to the
financial and accounting matters commonly encountered with respect
to those sectors and securities.  The Board believes that its current
 membership satisfies those criteria.  It recognizes that it would
also be helpful to have a member with the relatively focused accounting
and auditing expertise reflected in the applicable definition of
"audit committee financial expert," just as additional members with
 similarly focused technical expertise in other areas relevant to
the Fund's operations and affairs would also contribute added value.
However, the Board believes that the Fund is better served, and its
assets better employed, by a policy of hiring experts in various
areas, including the specialized area of technical accounting and
auditing matters, if and as the Board identifies the need, rather
than by seeking to expand its numbers by adding technical experts
in the areas constituting its domain of responsibility.  The Fund's
Audit Committee Charter explicitly authorizes the Committee to
retain such experts as it deems necessary in fulfilling its duties
under the Charter.


a) Audit Fees - The aggregate fees billed for professional services
rendered by the principal accountant for the audit of the Registrant's
annual financial statements were 5 in 2004 and $ in 2004.

b) Audit Related Fees - There were no amounts billed for audit-related
fees over the past two years.

c)  Tax Fees - The Registrant was billed by the principal accountant
$ and $ in 2005 and 2004, respectively, for return preparation.

d)  All Other Fees - There were no additional fees plaid for audit and
non-audit services other than those disclosed in a) thorough c) above.

e)(1)  Currently, the audit committee of the Registrant pre-approves audit
services and fees on an engagement-by-engagement basis

e)(2)  None of the services described in b) through d) above were approved
by the audit committee pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of
Regulation S-X, all were pre-approved on an engagement-by-engagement basis.

f)  No applicable.

g) There were no non-audit services fees billed by the Registrant's accountant
  to the Registrant's investment adviser or distributor over the past two years

h)  Not applicable.

		Not applicable.



		Not applicable.



(a)  Based on their evaluation of the registrant's disclosure
controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-2(c) under the
Investment Company Act of 1940) as of a date within 90 days of
the fling of this report, the registrant's chief financial and
executive officers have concluded that the disclosure controls
and procedures of the registrant are appropriately designed to
ensure tat information required to be disclosed in the
registrant's reports that are filed under the Securities Exchange
Act of 1934 are accumulated and communicated t registrant's
management, including its principal executive officer(s) and
principal financial officer(s), to allow timely decisions regarding
required disclosure and is recorded, processed, summarized and
reported, within the time periods specified in the rules and forms
adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

(b)  There have been no significant changes in registrant's internal
controls or in other factors that could significantly affect
registrant's internal controls subsequent to the date of the most
recent evaluation, including no significant deficiencies or material
weaknesses that required corrective action.


(a)(1) Aquila Group of Funds Code of Ethics for Principal Executive and
Senior Financial Officers under Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

(a)(2) Certifications of principal executive officer and principal
financial officer as required by Rule 30a-2(a) under the Investment
Company Act of 1940.

(b) Certifications of principal executive officer and principal
financial officer as required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the Investment
Company Act of 1940.


	Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has
duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned
thereunto duly authorized.


By:  /s/  Diana P. Herrmann
- - ---------------------------------
Vice Chair, Trustee and President
June 6, 2005

By:  /s/  Joseph P. DiMaggio
- - -----------------------------------
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
June 6, 2005

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed
below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in
the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By:  /s/  Diana P. Herrmann
- - ---------------------------------
Diana P. Herrmann
Vice Chair, Trustee and President
June 6, 2005

By:  /s/  Joseph P. DiMaggio
- - -----------------------------------
Joseph P. DiMaggio
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
June 6, 2005



(a)(1) Aquila Group of Funds Code of Ethics for Principal Executive
and Senior Financial Officers under Section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley
Act of 2002.

(a) (2) Certifications of principal executive officer
and principal financial officer as required by Rule 30a-2(a)
under the Investment Company Act of 1940.

(b) Certification of chief executive officer and chief financial
officer as required by Rule 30a-2(b) of the Investment Company Act
of 1940.