John Hancock Funds

Approval of Audit, Audit-Related, Tax and Other Services
Provided by the Independent Auditor

Policy Statement

December 2003

Table of Contents

Approval of Audit, Audit-Related, Tax and Other Services
Provided by the Independent Auditor

Section I -Policy Purpose and Applicability

Section II -Policy Summary

Section III - Policy Detail

John Hancock Funds
Approval of Audit, Audit-Related, Tax and Other Services
Provided by the Independent Auditor

Section I - Policy Purpose and Applicability

John Hancock Funds recognizes the importance of maintaining the independence of
our outside auditors. We believe that maintaining independence is a shared
responsibility involving management, the audit committee and the independent

The Funds recognize that the independent audit firm: 1) possesses knowledge of
the Funds, 2) is able to incorporate certain services into the scope of its
audit, thereby avoiding redundant work, cost and disruption of Fund personnel
and processes, and 3) has expertise that has value to the Funds. As a result,
there are situations where it is desirable to utilize the audit firm for
services in addition to the annual audit. Consequently, this policy, which is
intended to comply with Rule 210.2-01(C)(7), sets forth guidelines and
procedures to be followed by the Funds when retaining the independent audit firm
to perform audit, audit-related tax and other services under those
circumstances, while also maintaining independence.

Approval of a service in accordance with these policies for a Fund shall also
constitute approval for any other Fund whose pre-approval is required pursuant
to Rule 210.2-01(c)(7)(ii).

In addition to the procedures set forth in this policy, any non-audit services
that may be provided consistently with Rule 210.2-01 may be approved by the
Audit Committee itself and any pre-approval that may be waived in accordance
with Rule 210.2-01(c)(7)(i)(C) is hereby waived.

John Hancock Funds
Approval of Audit, Audit-Related, Tax and Other Services
Provided by the Independent Auditor

Section II - Policy Summary

Four categories of services have been defined by the Funds within the policy to
provide a consistent, efficient and practical framework for assessment,
decision-making, approval and reporting. Following is a summary of the key
provisions of the policy (see Section III for the Policy Detail):

I. Audit  Services -  specified  services  directly  related to  performing  the
independent audit of the Funds. * Consistent with current  practice,  management
will submit to the Audit Committee for pre-approval the scope and estimated fees
associated with the current year audit at the appropriate  Audit  CommitteeBoard

II.  Audit-Related  Services - specified services that are related extensions of
audit services and are logically  performed by the auditors.  * Pre-approval for
iIndividual project/services included on the pre-approved list (see Section III)
are  pre-approved  in an amount per year/per  Fund (up to $50,000.) for services
included on the pre-approved list. * Additional services exceeding the specified
pre-approved  limits, or adding service types to the pre-approved  list, require
specific Audit Committee approval.

III. Tax Services - specified services related to tax matters. Using PwC & D&T
for these matters creates efficiencies, minimizes disruption, or preserves
confidentiality. * IPre-approval for individual project/service included on the
pre-approved list are pre-approved in an amount per year/per Fund (up to $50,000
for individual projects. * Additional services exceeding the specified
pre-approved limits, or adding service types to the pre-approved list, requires
specific Audit Committee approval.

IV. Other Services - (a) "Synergistic": specified services for which utilizing
PwC and D&T creates efficiencies, minimizes disruption, or preserves
confidentiality, or (b) "Unique Qualifications": specified services for which
management has determined that PwC and D&T possesses unique or superior
qualifications to provide these services. * Individual project/service included
on the pre-approved list) are pre-approved in an amount per year/per Fund up to
$10,000 for individual projectsPre-approval (up to $10,000 for individual
projects ) for services included on the pre-approval list. * Additional services
exceeding the specified pre-approved limits, or adding service types to the
pre-approved list, requires specific Audit Committee approval.

"Restricted" Non-Audit Services - includes nine specific restricted services
identified in Rule 210.2-01(c)(4)outlined in the SEC's final rule on auditor
independence issued January 28, 2003.
* These services may not be performed by PwC and D&T, with the exception of the
certain services (see prohibited services on page 7) that may be permitted if
they would not be subject to audit at the Fund's level by the firm providing the

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John Hancock Funds
Approval of Audit, Audit-Related, Tax and Other Services
Provided by the Independent Auditor

Section III - Policy Detail

Service Category
Service Category Description
Specific Pre-Approved Service Subcategories
Audit Committee Approval Policy
Audit Committee
Reporting Policy
I.  Audit Services
Services that are directly related to performing the independent audit of the
Funds * Accounting research assistance (e.g. new products, securities, and
investment strategies) * SEC consultation, registration statements, and
reporting * Tax accrual related matters (e.g. review of tax qualifications and
distributions) * Implementation of new accounting standards * Compliance letters
(e.g. rating agency letters) * Regulatory reviews and assistance regarding
financial matters * Semi-annual reviews (if requested) * Comfort letters for
closed end offerings

* "One-time"  pre-approval  for the audit period for all  pre-approved  specific
service subcategories

* A summary of all such services and related fees (including comparison to
specified dollar limits) reported at each regularly scheduled Audit Committee

II.  Audit-Related Services
Services which are not prohibited under Rule 210.2-01(C)(4) (the
"Rule")permitted by SEC Release #33-8183 on Auditor Independence, and are
related extensions of (The Rule) the audit services support the audit, or use
the knowledge/expertise gained from the audit procedures as a foundation to
complete the project. In most cases, if the Audit-Related Services are not
performed by the Audit firm, the scope of the Audit Services would likely
increase. The Services are typically well-defined and governed by accounting
professional standards (AICPA, SEC, etc.) * AICPA attest and agreed-upon
procedures (e.g. fund mergers, liquidation procedures and related comfort
letters and review of preferred Shares' Basic Maintenance Report) * Technology
control assessments * Financial reporting control assessments * Enterprise
security architecture assessment * Attestation related to compliance under
(AIMR-PPS) standards.

* "One-time" pre-approval for the fund fiscal year within a specified dollar
limit of $50,000 for all pre-approved specific service subcategories
* Specific approval is needed to exceed the pre-approved dollar limit for these
services (see general Audit Committee approval policy below for details on
obtaining specific approvals) * Specific approval is needed to utilize PwC & D&T
for Audit-Related Services not denoted as "pre-approved" to the left, or to add
a specific service subcategory as "pre-approved" * A summary of all such
services and related fees (including comparison to specified dollar limits)
reported at each regularly scheduled Audit Committee meeting.

Section III - Policy Detail, continued

Service Category
Service Category Description
Specific Pre-Approved Service Subcategories
Audit Committee Approval Policy
Audit Committee
Reporting Policy
III. Tax Services

Services which are not prohibitedpermitted by the Rule, if fund managementand it
has been determines d bythe Funds management that utilizing PwC and D&T to
provide these services creates significant synergy in the form of efficiency,
minimized disruption, or the ability to maintain a desired level of


* Tax planning and support * Tax controversy  assistance * Tax  compliance,  tax
returns, excise tax returns and support * Tax opinions * Tax research assistance
(e.g.  new products,  securities and  investment  strategies) * Withholding  tax

* "One-time" pre-approval for the fund fiscal year within a specified dollar
limit of $50,000 for individual projects

* Specific approval is needed to exceed the pre-approved dollar limits for these
services (see general Audit Committee approval policy below for details on
obtaining specific approvals)

* Specific approval is needed to utilize PwC & D&T for tax services not denoted
as pre-approved to the left, or to add a specific service subcategory as
"pre-approved" * A summary of all such services and related fees (including
comparison to specified dollar limits) reported at each regularly scheduled
Audit Committee meeting

Section III - Policy Detail, continued

Service Category
Service Category Description
Specific Pre-Approved Service Subcategories
Audit Committee Approval Policy
Audit Committee
Reporting Policy
IV.  Other Services

a. Synergistic, unique qualifications

Services which are not prohibited permitted by the Rule, if Fund management
determinesand it has been determined by the Fund's management that utilizing PwC
or D&T to provide these services creates significant synergy in the form of
efficiency, minimized disruption, the ability to maintain a desired level of
confidentiality, or where PwC or D&T posses unique or superior qualifications to
provide these services, resulting in superior value and results for the

* Business Risk Management support
* Other control and regulatory compliance projects

* "One-time" pre-approval for the fund fiscal year within a specified dollar
limit ($10,000 for individual projects for all pre-approved specific service

* Specific approval is needed to exceed the pre-approved dollar limits for these
services (see general Audit Committee approval policy below for details on
obtaining specific approvals)

* Specific approval is needed to utilize PwC or D&T for "Synergistic" or "Unique
Qualifications" Other Services not denoted as pre-approved to the left, or to
add a specific service subcategory as "pre-approved" * A summary of all such
services and related fees (including comparison to specified dollar limits)
reported at each regularly scheduled Audit Committee meeting

Section III - Policy Detail, continued

Service Category
Service Category Description
Specific Prohibited Service Subcategories
Audit Committee Approval Policy
Audit Committee
Reporting Policy
Prohibited  Services

Services which result in the auditors losing independence status under are NOT
permitted by the Rule. 1. Bookkeeping or other services related to the
accounting records or financial statements of the audit client* 2. Financial
information systems design and implementation* 3. Appraisal or valuation
services, fairness* opinions, or contribution-in-kind reports 4. Actuarial
services (i.e., setting actuarial reserves versus actuarial audit work)* 5.
Internal audit outsourcing services* 6. Management functions or human resources
7. Broker or dealer, investment advisor, or investment banking services 8. Legal
services and expert services unrelated to the audit 9. Any other service that
the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board determines, by regulation, is
impermissible * These services are not to be performed with the exception of the
(*) services (see subcategories 1 through 5 on the left), that may be permitted
if they would not be subject to audit procedures at the audit client (as defined
in Rule 2-01(f)(4))Fund's level by the firm providing the service. * A summary
of all services and related fees reported at each regularly scheduled Audit
Committee meeting will serve as continual confirmation that has not provided any
restricted services.

General Audit Committee Approval Policy:
* Management will continue to evaluate all individual projects on a monthly
basis, and all individual projects greater than $50,000 are evaluated and
approved by the Fund's CFO prior to the engagement letter being signed and the
project starting * For all projects, management and PwC and D&T will each make
an assessment to determine that any proposed projects will not impair
* Potential services will be classified into the four non-restricted service
categories and the "Approval of Audit, Audit-Related, Tax and Other Services"
Policy above will be applied. Any services outside the specific pre-approved
service subcategories set forth above must be specifically approved by the Audit
Committee. * At each regularly scheduled Audit Committee meeting, the Audit
Committee shall review a report summarizing the services by service category,
including fees, provided by the Audit firm as set forth in the above policy.