File Nos. 2-92583 & 811-4084

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only
     (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ] Definitive Proxy Statement
[X] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-12

                             HAWAIIAN TAX-FREE TRUST
               (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Charter)

                         380 Madison Avenue, Suite 2300
                            New York, New York 10017
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

                                 (212) 697-6666
                         (Registrant's Telephone Number)

               Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required


                             HAWAIIAN TAX-FREE TRUST
                        Supplement to the Proxy Statement
                               Dated July 19, 2002

     The  following  is  substituted  for the  material  under  Proposal  No.  2
(Ratification or Rejection of Selection of Independent Auditors).

     KPMG LLP ("KPMG"),  which is currently serving as the Trust's auditors, has
been  selected by the  Trust's  Board of  Trustees,  including a majority of the
Independent  Trustees,  as the Trust's independent  auditors for the fiscal year
ending March 31, 2003.  Such  selection  is  submitted to the  shareholders  for
ratification or rejection.

KPMG received the following  fees,  paid by the Trust unless  otherwise  stated,
during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2002:

Audit Fees:                                                $18,000

Financial Information
Systems Design and Implementation                               0

All Other Fees
  Other fees paid by the Trust(1)                          $7,992
  Fees paid by Bank of Hawaii (see below)                $415,000

(1)Fees for preparation of the Trust's tax returns and tax-related memoranda.

     KPMG performed a commercial  lending process  redesign project for the Bank
of Hawaii (not for the Asset Management Group of Bank of Hawaii,  the Investment
Adviser to the Trust) for a fee of approximately  $415,000.  Except for that one
project,  KPMG did not  perform  any  services  during the  fiscal  year for the
Trust's investment adviser,  or any entity  controlling,  controlled by or under
common control with the investment adviser that provides services to the Trust.

     The Audit Committee of the Trust's Board of Trustees, which consists of all
of the  independent  Trustees,  has  reviewed all  services  performed  and fees
charged by KPMG to the Trust.  It has  received the report of KPMG as to fees it
was paid by the Bank of Hawaii.  The Audit  Committee  has accepted  that firm's
representation that it is independent in recommending re-appointment of KPMG for
the fiscal year ending March 31, 2003.

     KPMG has no direct or indirect financial interest in the Trust, the Trust's
Administrator or the Trust's Adviser. It is expected that a representative of
KPMG will be present at the meeting.


     The  above   material   relating  to  fees  paid  by  Bank  of  Hawaii  was
inadvertently  omitted from the proxy statement  previously  distributed to you.
The final  tabulation of votes for the meeting will be deferred until  September
30, 2002 in order to afford you an opportunity, if you wish, to change your vote
as a  result  of this  supplement.  There  is,  however,  no need  for you to do
anything unless you wish to change your prior vote.

     If you have voted on either of the  proposals and wish to change your vote,
you may do so in any of the following ways:

     If your shares are  registered  in the name of your broker or someone other
than  yourself,  you may  authorize  that person to revote your shares.  If your
shares are registered in your name, you may revote in one of three ways:

     (1) Proxy Card

     The enclosed proxy card authorizes the persons named (or their substitutes)
to vote your shares;  the Trust calls these  persons the "proxy  holders." As to
the election of Trustees you may authorize the proxy holders to vote your shares
for the entire slate indicated below by marking the appropriate box on the proxy
card or by merely signing and returning your proxy card with no instructions. Or
you may withhold the  authority of the proxy  holders to vote on the election of
Trustees by marking the  appropriate  box. Also, you may withhold that authority
as to any particular nominee by following the instructions on the proxy card.

     As to the other matter  listed on the proxy card,  you may direct the proxy
holders to vote your  shares on this  proposal by marking  the  appropriate  box
"For" or "Against"  or instruct  them not to vote your shares on the proposal by
marking the "Abstain"  box. If you return your signed proxy card and do not mark
a box on the  proposal,  the  proxy  holders  will  vote  your  shares  for that

     (2) Telephone Voting

     To vote your shares by telephone,  call the toll-free  number on your proxy
card.  You will be  prompted  to enter the  control  number on your proxy  card.
Follow the recorded  instructions  using your proxy card as a guide. If you vote
by phone, you need not return the proxy card by mail.

     (3) Internet Voting

     To vote  your  shares  by the  Internet,  please  contact  the Trust at the
Internet  address  shown on your proxy  card.  You will be prompted to enter the
control number on your proxy card. Follow the instructions on the screen,  using
your proxy card as a guide. If you vote by the Internet, you need not return the
proxy card by mail.

     General Information

     You may end the power of the proxy  holders to vote your  shares by: (i) so
notifying the Trust in writing;  (ii) signing a new and different proxy card (if
the Trust  receives it before the old one is used);  (iii) voting your shares at
the  meeting in person or by your duly  appointed  agent;  or (iv)  calling  the
toll-free number or contacting the Trust's Internet  address,  both of which are
detailed on your proxy card,  entering  your control  number and  revoking  your
previous vote.

     Shares  held by  brokers  in  "street  name"  and not  voted or  marked  as
abstentions will not be counted for purposes of determining a quorum or voted on
any matter or otherwise counted as present in determining voting results.

     The  Trust is  sending  you  this  Supplement  to the  Proxy  Statement  in
connection  with the  solicitation  by its Trustees of proxies to be used at the
Annual  Meeting to be held at the time and place and for the purposes  indicated
in the Notice or any  adjourned  meeting or  meetings.  Whenever it is stated in
this  Supplement or the Proxy  Statement  that a matter is to be acted on at the
Meeting,  this means the Meeting  held at the  scheduled  time or any  adjourned
meeting or meetings.

                The date of this supplement is September 4, 2002