Form 10-K
                     Washington, D.C.  20549

            For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2001

            For the transition period ___________________
            to _____________________

                 Commission File Number 0-13130

                     United Mobile Homes, Inc.
           (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

          New Jersey                                22-1890929
     (State or other jurisdiction of            (I.R.S. Employer
       incorporation or organization)       identification number)

     3499 Route 9, Suite 3C, Freehold, New Jersey       07728
     (Address of principal executive offices)         (Zip code)

     Registrant's telephone number, including area code
     (732) 577-9997

Securities  registered  pursuant to Section  12(b)  of  the  Act:
Securities  registered  pursuant to Section  12(g)  of  the  Act:
Common Stock $.10 par value

Indicate  by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed  all
reports  required  to be filed by Section  13  or  15(d)  of  the
Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding  12  months
(or  for such shorter period that the registrant was required  to
file  such  reports),  and (2) has been subject  to  such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days. Yes X   No

Indicate by check if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant  to
Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will  not
be   contained,  to  the  best  of  registrant's  knowledge,   in
definitive  proxy  or  information  statements  incorporated   by
reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to  this
Form 10-K    X   .

Based  upon the assumption that directors and executive  officers
of  the  registrant  are not affiliates of  the  registrant,  the
aggregate market value of the voting stock of the registrant held
by  nonaffiliates  of  the  registrant  at  March  14,  2002  was
$92,016,450.    Presuming  that  such  directors  and   executive
officers  are affiliates of the registrant, the aggregate  market
value of the voting stock of the registrant held by nonaffiliates
of the registrant at March 14, 2002 was $64,529,936.

The  number of shares outstanding of issuer's common stock as  of
March 14, 2002 was 7,542,332 shares.

Documents Incorporated by Reference:
  -    Exhibits incorporated by reference are listed in Part IV,
     Item (a)(3).

                                 PART I


General Development of Business

      United  Mobile Homes, Inc. (the Company) owns and  operates
twenty-five manufactured home communities containing 5,979 sites.
The  communities  are  located in New  Jersey,  New  York,  Ohio,
Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

      The Company was incorporated in the State of New Jersey  in
1968.   Its executive offices are located at 3499 Route 9,  Suite
3C,  Freehold, New Jersey  07728.  Its telephone number is  (732)

      Effective January 1, 1992, the Company elected to be  taxed
as  a  real estate investment trust (REIT) under Sections 856-858
of  the  Internal  Revenue Code.  The company received  from  the
Internal  Revenue  Service a favorable  revenue  ruling  that  it
qualified  as  a  REIT.  The Company will not  be  taxed  on  the
portion  of  its  income  which is distributed  to  shareholders,
provided  it distributes at least 95% of its taxable income  (90%
effective for the year ended December 31, 2001), has at least 75%
of  its assets in real estate investments and meets certain other
requirements for qualification as a REIT.


       Monmouth  Capital  Corporation,  a  publicly-owned   Small
Business Investment Corporation, that had owned approximately 66%
of  the  Company's  stock,  spun off to  its  shareholders  in  a
registered distribution three shares of United Mobile Homes, Inc.
for  each share of Monmouth Capital Corporation.  The Company  in
1984  and 1985 issued additional shares through rights offerings.
The  Company has been in operation for thirty-two years, the last
sixteen of which have been as a publicly-owned corporation.

Narrative Description of Business

       The  Company's  primary  business  is  the  ownership  and
operation of manufactured home communities - leasing manufactured
home  spaces  on  a month-to-month basis to private  manufactured
home owners.  The Company also leases homes to residents.

      A  manufactured home community is designed  to  accommodate
detached,  single  family manufactured housing units,  which  are
produced off-site by manufacturers and delivered by truck to  the
site.   Such dwellings, referred to as manufactured homes  (which
should  be  distinguished from travel trailers), are manufactured
in  a  variety  of  styles and sizes.  Manufactured  homes,  once
located,  are  rarely transported to another site;  typically,  a
manufactured home remains on site and is sold by its owner  to  a
subsequent  occupant.   This  transaction  is  commonly   handled
through  a  broker  in the same manner that  a  more  traditional
single-family  residence is sold.  Each owner of  a  manufactured
home  leases  the  site on which the home  is  located  from  the

                              Page 2

      Manufactured homes are being accepted by the  public  as  a
viable  and economically attractive alternative to common  stick-
built   single-family  housing.   During  the  past  five  years,
approximately one-fifth of all single-family homes built and sold
in the nation have been manufactured homes.

     The size of a modern manufactured home community is limited,
as   are  other  residential  communities,  by  factors  such  as
geography,  topography,  and  funds  available  for  development.
Generally, modern manufactured home communities contain buildings
for  recreation,  green areas, and other common area  facilities,
which,  as distinguished from resident owned manufactured  homes,
are  the  property of the community owner.  In addition  to  such
general   improvements,  certain  manufactured  home  communities
include recreational improvements such as swimming pools,  tennis
courts  and playgrounds.  Municipal water and sewer services  are
available  to  some  manufactured home communities,  while  other
communities  supply  these  facilities  on  site.   The   housing
provided  by the manufactured home community, therefore, includes
not  only the manufactured dwelling unit (owned by the resident),
but  also  the physical community framework and services provided
by the manufactured home community.

      The  community  manager  interviews prospective  residents,
ensures  compliance with community regulations, maintains  public
areas and community facilities and is responsible for the overall
appearance  of  the community.  The manufactured home  community,
once fully occupied, tends to achieve a stable rate of occupancy.
The  cost  and  effort in moving a home once it is located  in  a
community encourages the owner of the manufactured home to resell
the   manufactured  home  rather  than  to  remove  it  from  the
community.    This  ability  to  produce  relatively  predictable
income,  together  with  the  location  of  the  community,   its
condition  and  its  appearance, are  factors  in  the  long-term
appreciation of the community.

     Effective  April 1, 2001, the Company, through  its  wholly-
owned  taxable  subsidiary, UMH Sales and  Finance,  Inc.  (S&F),
began  to  conduct  manufactured home sales in  its  communities.
This  company  was  established to enhance the occupancy  of  the

Investment and Other Policies of the Company

      The  Company  may  invest in improved and  unimproved  real
property   and  may  develop  unimproved  real  property.    Such
properties may be located throughout the United States.   In  the
past, it has concentrated on the northeast.

      The  Company  has no restrictions on how  it  finances  new
manufactured  home  communities.  It may finance  communities  by
purchase  money  mortgages  or other financing,  including  first
liens,  wraparound  mortgages or subordinated  indebtedness.   In
connection  with  its ongoing activities, the Company  may  issue
notes, mortgages or other senior securities.  The Company intends
to use both secured and unsecured lines of credit.

     The Company may issue securities for property, however, this
has  not occurred to date, and it may repurchase or reacquire its
shares  from  time to time if, in the opinion  of  the  Board  of
Directors,  such  acquisition  is advantageous  to  the  Company.
During 2001, the Company purchased 29,400 shares of its own stock
at a total cost of $307,792.

                              Page 3

     The  Company also invests in both debt and equity securities
of  other REITs. The Company from time to time may purchase these
securities on margin when the interest and dividend yields exceed
the  cost  of funds.  At December 31, 2001 and 2000, the  Company
had  $25,917,748  and  $15,494,918, respectively,  of  securities
available  for sale.  Included in these securities are  Preferred
Stock   and   Debt  securities  of  $15,219,657  and  $1,452,413,
respectively, at December 31, 2001 and $6,946,426 and $1,393,400,
respectively, at December 31, 2000.  The unrealized  gain  (loss)
on  securities available for sale at December 31, 2001  and  2000
amounted to $3,541,001 and $(490,795), respectively.

Property Maintenance and Improvement Policies

      It  is  the  policy  of the Company to  properly  maintain,
modernize,  expand and make improvements to its  properties  when
required.   The Company anticipates that renovation  expenditures
with  respect  to  its  present properties during  2002  will  be
consistent  with  2001 expenditures.  It is  the  policy  of  the
Company  to  maintain adequate insurance coverage on all  of  its
properties;  and,  in  the opinion of the  Company,  all  of  its
properties are adequately insured.

Risk Factors

Real Estate Industry and Competition Risks

      The  Company's  investments will be subject  to  the  risks
generally   associated  with  the  ownership  of  real  property,
including the uncertainty of cash flow to meet fixed obligations,
adverse changes in national economic conditions, changes  in  the
relative  popularity  (and  thus  the  relative  price)  of   the
Company's  real  estate  investments  when  compared   to   other
investments,  adverse local market conditions due to  changes  in
general  or  local  economic conditions or  neighborhood  values,
changes  in  interest rates and in the availability  of  mortgage
funds,   costs  and  terms  of  mortgage  funds,  the   financial
conditions  of  residents and sellers of properties,  changes  in
real  estate  tax  rates and other operating expenses  (including
corrections  of potential environmental issues as  well  as  more
stringent  governmental regulations regarding  the  environment),
governmental   rules  and  fiscal  policies  including   possible
proposals  for rent controls, as well as expenses resulting  from
acts  of God, uninsured losses and other factors which are beyond
the  control  of  the  Company.  The  Company's  investments  are
primarily  in rental properties and are subject to  the  risk  or
inability  to  attract  or  retain residents  with  a  consequent
decline in rental income as a result of adverse changes in  local
real estate markets or other factors.

       The  Company  will  be  competing  for  manufactured  home
community  investments with numerous other real estate  entities,
such  as  individuals, corporations, REITs and other  enterprises
engaged  in  real  estate activities, possibly including  certain
affiliates of the Company.  In many cases, the competing concerns
may  be  larger and better financed than the Company,  making  it
difficult  for  the  Company  to  secure  new  manufactured  home
community    investments.    Competition   among   private    and
institutional   purchasers   of   manufactured   home   community
investments  has  increased substantially in recent  years,  with
resulting  increases in the purchase price paid for  manufactured
home communities and consequent higher fixed costs.

                               Page 4

Governmental Regulations

     Local  zoning and use laws, environmental statutes and other
governmental  requirements may restrict expansion, rehabilitation
and reconstruction activities.  These regulations may prevent the
Company   from   taking  advantage  of  economic   opportunities.
Legislation  such  as  the Americans with  Disabilities  Act  may
require the Company to modify its properties.  Future legislation
may impose additional requirements.  No prediction can be made as
to  what  requirements  may be enacted or  what  changes  may  be
implemented to existing legislation.

     Rent  control affects only two of the Company's manufactured
home  communities which are in New Jersey and has resulted  in  a
slower growth of earnings from these properties.

Environmental Liability Risks

       Current and former real estate owners and operators may be
required  by law to investigate and clean up hazardous substances
released  at the properties they own or operate or have owned  or
operated.   They  may  be liable to the government  or  to  third
parties  for  property damage, investigation  costs  and  cleanup
costs.  Contamination may adversely affect the owner's ability to
sell  or lease real estate or to borrow using the real estate  as
collateral.   There is no way of determining  at  this  time  the
magnitude of any potential liability to which the Company may  be
subject  arising  out  of  unknown  environmental  conditions  or
violations with respect to the properties it owns.  Environmental
laws  today can impose liability on a previous owner or  operator
of  a property that owned or operated the property at a time when
hazardous or toxic substances were disposed of, or released from,
the  property.  A conveyance of the property, therefore, does not
relieve the owner or operator from liability.  The Company is not
aware of any environmental liabilities relating to its properties
which  would  have  a material adverse effect  on  its  business,
assets, or results of operations.  However, no assurance  can  be
given  that  environmental liabilities  will  not  arise  in  the

       The   Company  owns  and  operates  11  manufactured  home
communities  which  either  have their own  wastewater  treatment
facility,   water  distribution  system,  or  both.    At   these
locations,  the  Company  is subject to  compliance  of  monthly,
quarterly and yearly testing for contaminants as outlined by  the
individual   state's   Department  of  Environmental   Protection

       The   Company  must  also  comply  with  certain   Federal
Environmental  Protection Agency Regulations which  may  be  more
stringent than the state and local governmental regulations.  The
costs  of  such  testing are included in the Company's  operating
expenses.   As  of  the  date  of  this  report,  there  are   no
enforcement  actions  pending  by any  federal,  state  or  local
environmental agencies and management believes that  the  Company
is in compliance with all such regulations.

      Currently, the Company is not subject to radon or  asbestos
monitoring requirements.

                              Page 5

Insurance Considerations

       The Company generally maintains insurance policies related
to  its business, including casualty, general liability and other
policies covering business operations, employees and assets.  The
Company  may  be  required  to  bear  all  losses  that  are  not
adequately  covered  by insurance.  Although management  believes
that  the Company's insurance programs are adequate, no assurance
can be given that the Company will not incur losses in excess  of
its  insurance  coverage, or that the Company  will  be  able  to
obtain   insurance  in  the  future  at  acceptable  levels   and
reasonable cost.

Financing Risks

       The  Company finances a portion of its investments through
debt.    This debt creates risks, including  a)  rising  interest
rates  on  floating rate debt;  b)  failure to repay or refinance
existing  debt  as  it  matures,  which  may  result  in   forced
disposition  of assets on disadvantageous terms;  c)  refinancing
terms less favorable than the terms of the existing debt; and  d)
failure to meet required payments of principal and/or interest.

Amendment of Business Policies

       The  Board of Directors determines the growth, investment,
financing, capitalization, borrowing, REIT status, operating  and
distribution  policies.  Although the Board of Directors  has  no
present intention to amend or revise any of these policies, these
policies   may   be   amended  or  revised  without   notice   to
shareholders.   Accordingly, shareholders may  not  have  control
over changes in Company policies.

Qualification as a REIT

     The Company intends to qualify as a REIT.  If it fails to do
so,   it   will  not  be  allowed  to  deduct  distributions   to
shareholders in computing taxable income and will be  subject  to
Federal   and  state  income  taxes,  including  any   applicable
alternative  minimum  tax,  at  regular  corporate   rates.    In
addition, the Company may be barred from qualification as a  REIT
for  the  four years following disqualification.  The  additional
tax   incurred   at   regular  corporate   rates   would   reduce
significantly  the  cash  flow  available  for  distribution   to
shareholders  and  for  debt service.  Furthermore,  the  Company
would  no  longer  be  required  to  make  any  distributions  to
shareholders   as   a  condition  to  REIT  qualification.    Any
distributions  to  shareholders that otherwise  would  have  been
subject  to  tax as a capital gain dividend would be  taxable  as
ordinary  income  to  the  extent of the  Company's  current  and
accumulated   earnings  and  profits.   Corporate   distributees,
however, may be eligible for the dividends received deduction  on
the  distributions,  subject to limitations  under  the  Internal
Revenue Code.

     To  qualify as a REIT, the Company must comply with  certain
highly technical and complex requirements.  Management cannot  be
certain  that  the  Company has complied with these  requirements
since  there  are few judicial and administrative interpretations
of  these provisions.  In addition, facts and circumstances  that
may be beyond the Company's control may

                              Page 6

affect  the Company's ability to qualify as a REIT.  No assurance
can  be  given  that new legislation, regulations, administrative
interpretations or court decisions will not change the  tax  laws
significantly with respect to qualification as a REIT   or   with
respect to the Federal Income  tax consequences of qualification.
The  company intends to qualify as a REIT.  However, no assurance
can  be given that the Company qualifies as a REIT or will remain
qualified as a REIT.

     Notwithstanding the Company's status as a REIT, the  Company
is  subject to various Federal, state and local taxes  on  income
and  property.   The  Company will be taxed at regular  corporate
rates    on   any   undistributed   taxable   income,   including
undistributed net capital gains, provided, however, that properly
designated  undistributed capital gains  will  effectively  avoid
taxation at the stockholder level.  The Company may also have  to
pay  some state income or franchise taxes because not all  states
treat  REITS  in the same manner as they are treated for  Federal
income tax purposes.

Number of Employees

      On  March  14,  2001,  the Company  had  approximately  100
employees,  including  Officers.  During the  year,  the  Company
hires   approximately   20  part-time  and  full-time   temporary
employees  as  lifeguards,  grounds  keepers  and  for  emergency
                               Page 7


      United  Mobile Homes, Inc. is engaged in the ownership  and
operation of manufactured home communities located in New Jersey,
New  York,  Ohio, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.  The  Company  owns
twenty-five manufactured home communities containing 5,979 sites.
The  following is a brief description of the properties owned  by
the Company:

                              Number of     2001      Current Rent
                                           Average        Per
Name of Community               Sites     Occupancy    Month Per

Allentown                        414         89%          $257
4912 Raleigh-Millington Road
Memphis, TN  38128

Brookview Village                133         84%          $310
Route 9N
Greenfield Center, NY  12833

Cedarcrest                       283         98%          $373
1976 North East Avenue
Vineland, NJ  08360

Cranberry Village                201         92%          $345
201 North Court
Cranberry Township, PA

Cross Keys Village               133         92%          $232
Old Sixth Avenue Road, RD #1
Duncansville, PA  16635

D & R Village                    244         94%          $359
Route 146, RD 13
Clifton Park, NY  12065

Fairview Manor                   276         79%          $363
2110 Mays Landing Road
Millville, NJ  08332

Forest Park Village              252         93%          $297
724 Slate Avenue
Cranberry Township, PA

Heather Highlands                457         66%          $225
109 S. Main Street
Pittston, PA  18640

Highland Estates                 269         87%          $359
60 Old Route 22
Kutztown, PA  19530

Kinnebrook                       212         88%          $364
201 Route 17B
Monticello, NY  12701

                              Page 8

                              Number of     2001     Current Rent
                                          Average         Per
Name of Community               Sites    Occupancy     Month Per

Lake Sherman Village             210        97%          $276
7227 Beth Avenue, SW
Navarre, OH  44662

Laurel  Woods                    220        73%          $200
1943 St. Joseph Street
Cresson, PA  16630

Memphis Mobile City              168        83%          $224
3894 N. Thomas Street
Memphis, TN  38127

Oxford Village                   224        100%         $396
2 Dolinger Drive
West Grove, PA  19390

Pine Ridge Village               137        93%          $330
147 Amy Drive
Carlisle, PA  17013

Pine Valley Estates              218        82%          $230
700 Pine Valley Estates
Apollo, PA  15613

Port Royal Village               427        82%          $257
400 Patterson Lane
Belle Vernon, PA  15012

River Valley Estates             214        92%          $207
2066 Victory Road
Marion, OH  43302

Sandy Valley Estates             364        95%          $251
801 First, Route #2
Magnolia, OH  44643

Southwind Village                250        97%          $271
435 E. Veterans Highway
Jackson, NJ  08527

Spreading Oaks Village           153        93%          $182
7140-29 Selby Road
Athens, OH  45701

Waterfalls Village               202        98%          $344
3450 Howard Road
Hamburg, NY  14075

Woodlawn Village                 157        99%          $465
Route 35
Eatontown, NJ  07724

Wood Valley                      161        96%          $208
1493 N. Whetstone River Road
Caledonia, OH  43314

                             Page 9

     Occupancy  rates  are  very stable with little  year-to-year
changes  once the community is filled (generally 90%  or  greater
occupancy).  It is the Company's experience that, once a home  is
set  up in the community, it is seldom moved.  The home if  sold,
is sold on-site to a new owner.

      Residents  generally rent on a month-to-month basis.   Some
residents  have one-year leases.  Southwind Village and  Woodlawn
Village (both in New Jersey) are the only communities subject  to
local rent control laws.

     There are 14 sites at Sandy Valley which are under a consent
order with the Federal Government.  This order provides that,  as
these sites become vacant, they cannot be reused.  As of December
31, 2001, 12 of these sites were vacant.  The restrictions on use
were  known at the time of purchase, and the item is not material
to the operation of Sandy Valley Estates.

      In  connection with the operation of its 5,979  sites,  the
Company operates approximately 470 rental units.  These are homes
owned  by  the  Company  and rented to  residents.   The  Company
engages  in the rental of manufactured homes primarily  in  areas
where  the communities have existing vacancies.  The rental homes
produce  income  on both the home and for the  site  which  might
otherwise  be non-income producing.  The Company sells the  older
rental homes when the opportunity arises.

     The Company has approximately 700 sites in various stages of
engineering/construction.  Due to the  difficulties  involved  in
the approval and construction process, it is difficult to predict
the number of sites which will be completed in a given year.

Significant Properties

      The Company operates approximately $73,000,000 (at original
cost)  in  manufactured home properties.   These  consist  of  25
separate manufactured home communities and related equipment  and
improvements.   There are 5,979 sites in the 25 communities.   No
one  community constitutes more than 10% of the total  assets  of
the  Company.   Port Royal Village with 427 sites,  Sandy  Valley
Estates with 364 sites, Cedarcrest with 283 sites, Fairview Manor
with  276 sites, Highland Estates with 269 sites, Allentown  with
414  sites  and Heather Highlands with 457 sites are  the  larger

Mortgages on Properties

      The  Company  has  mortgages on  various  properties.   The
maturity  dates of these mortgages range from the  year  2003  to
2011.   Interest varies from fixed rates of 6.36% to  7.86%  with
one  mortgage at a variable rate of LIBOR plus 155 basis  points.
The  aggregate  balances of these mortgages total $38,652,025  at
December  31,  2001.  (For additional information, see  Part  IV,
Item  14(a)(1)(vi), Note 5 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial
Statements - Notes and Mortgages Payable).

                              Page 10


      Legal proceedings are incorporated herein by reference  and
filed  as  Part IV, Item 14(a)(1)(vi), Note 13 of  the  Notes  to
Consolidated Financial Statements - Legal Matters.


      No matters were submitted during the fourth quarter of 2001
to a vote of security holders through the solicitation of proxies
or otherwise.

                             Page 11

                             PART II


      The  Company's  shares  are traded on  the  American  Stock
Exchange  (symbol  UMH).  The per share range  of  high  and  low
quotes  for the Company's stock for each quarterly period  is  as

                  2001                2000                 1999
             HIGH     LOW       HIGH      LOW        HIGH        LOW

 Quarter     12.75    9.63      8-7/8      7       10-15/16    9-3/16
 Quarter     12.35   10.65      8-1/2    7-3/8        10        8-1/4
 Quarter     11.95   10.50      9-1/2    8-1/8       9-1/2      8-5/8
 Quarter     12.50   10.25      9-3/4    8-3/8         9          8

      On March 14, 2002, the closing price of the Company's stock
was $12.20.

      As  of  December  31, 2001, there were approximately  1,000
shareholders of the Company's common stock based on the number of
record owners.

      For the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, total
dividends  paid by the Company amounted to $5,980,540 or  $.8025,
$5,555,941 or $.7575 per share and $5,441,904 or $.75 per  share,

      On  January  16, 2002, the Company declared a  dividend  of
$.2125 per share to be paid on March 15, 2002 to shareholders  of
record February 15, 2002.

       Future  dividend  policy  will  depend  on  the  Company's
earnings, capital requirements, financial condition, availability
and  cost of bank financing and other factors considered relevant
by  the  Board  of  Directors.  The Company elected  REIT  status
beginning in 1992.  As a REIT, the Company must pay out at  least
95%  of  its  taxable income (90% effective for  the  year  ended
December  31,  2001)  in  the  form of  a  cash  distribution  to

                              Page 12


                                        December 31,
                  2001         2000         1999         1998         1997

Income Statement

Total Revenues $26,882,399  $20,644,731  $18,807,085  $17,193,278  $15,663,811

Total Expenses  21,303,647   15,418,042   14,248,985   13,004,682   11,456,007

(Loss) Gain on
  Of Investment
  Property and
  Equipment       (28,264)     (37,318)      (1,964)       13,095     (10,546)

Net Income       5,550,488    5,189,371    4,556,136    4,201,691    4,197,258

Net Income Per
  Basic and
  Diluted              .74          .71          .63          .60          .63

Balance Sheet Data:

Total Assets   $80,334,844  $62,945,597  $58,575,312  $50,046,649  $43,599,259

 Payable        38,652,025   32,055,839   30,419,153   21,411,576   20,111,023

 Equity         27,964,534   22,839,426   21,391,307   23,212,813   20,830,541

Average Number
 of Shares
 Outstanding     7,457,636    7,339,684    7,252,774    7,042,701    6,617,479

Funds from
 Operations *  $ 8,263,308   $7,845,529  $ 7,010,633    6,591,995  $ 6,324,536

Cash Dividends
 Per Share           .8025        .7575          .75        .7375          .70

*   Defined as net income, excluding gains (or losses) from sales
of   depreciable   assets,  plus  depreciation.      Funds   from
Operations  do  not replace net income determined  in  accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as a measure
of  performance  or  net  cash flows as a measure  of  liquidity.
Funds  from  Operations  is  not  a  GAAP  measure  of  operating
performance and should be considered as a supplemental measure of
operating performance used by real estate investment trusts.

                            Page 13


Revenue and Expense

2001 vs. 2000

     Rental and related income increased from $18,640,335 for the
year  ended  December 31, 2000 to $19,291,611 for the year  ended
December  31,  2001  primarily due to the acquisition  of  a  new
community  and rental increases to residents.  During  2001,  the
Company   was  able  to  obtain  an  average  rent  increase   of
approximately 3.5%.

       Overall   occupancy  rates  are  satisfactory   with   ten
manufactured  home  communities experiencing vacancies  over  ten
percent.   Some of these vacancies are the result of  expansions.
The  Company  is  also evaluating further expansion  at  selected
communities  in order to increase the number of available  sites.
Some of these communities are in various stages of expansion.

     Effective  April 1, 2001, the Company, through  its  wholly-
owned  taxable  subsidiary, UMH Sales and  Finance,  Inc.  (S&F),
began  to  conduct  manufactured home sales in  its  communities.
This  company  was  established to enhance the occupancy  of  the
communities.  Sales of manufactured homes, other income, cost  of
sales  of  manufactured homes and selling expenses  are  directly
related to this operation.

     Interest  and  dividend income increased from $1,747,254  in
2000  to  $2,188,430  in  2001  due to  purchases  of  securities
available for sale during 2000 and 2001.

     Gains  on  sales of securities available for sale  increased
from $257,142 in 2000 to $530,324 in 2001.

      Community operating expenses increased from $8,233,356  for
the year ended December 31, 2000 to $9,004,164 for the year ended
December 31, 2001 primarily as a result of the acquisition  of  a
new  community  and  increased insurance  expense  and  personnel
costs.  Management  anticipates that  the  increase  in insurance
costs will continue into 2002.

       General   and   administrative  expenses  increased   from
$1,852,309 in 2000 to $2,015,685 in 2001 primarily as a result of
an increase in personnel and occupancy costs.

      Interest  expense  increased from  $2,624,801  in  2000  to
$2,825,894 in 2001.  This was primarily as a result of  a  higher
average  principal balance outstanding.  Interest capitalized  on
construction  in progress amounted to $146,000 and  $180,600  for
2001 and 2000, respectively.

      Depreciation expense increased from $2,618,839 for the year
ended December 31, 2000 to $2,684,556 for the year ended December
31,  2001  primarily  as a result of the  acquisition  of  a  new
community and the completion of the expansions.

      Amortization of financing costs remained relatively  stable
in 2001 and 2000.

      For  the year ended December 31, 2001, the Company reported
net  income of $5,550,488 as compared to net income of $5,189,371
for  the  year ended December 31, 2000.  The Company is currently

                        Page 14

experiencing modest inflation.  Modest inflation is  believed  to
have  a  favorable impact on the Company's financial performance.
With  modest inflation, the Company believes that it can increase
rents  sufficiently  to  match increases in  operating  expenses.
High  rates  of  inflation (more than 10%)  could  result  in  an
inability  to  raise rents to meet rising costs and could  create
political problems such as the imposition of rent controls.   The
Company anticipates continuing profits in 2002.

2000 vs. 1999

     Rental and related income increased from $17,752,823 for the
year  ended  December 31, 1999 to $18,640,335 for the year  ended
December  31, 2000 primarily due to rental increases to residents
and   increased occupancy.  During 2000, the Company was able  to
obtain an average rent increase of approximately 3.3%.

      Overall  occupancy  rates are satisfactory  with  only  ten
manufactured  home  communities experiencing vacancies  over  ten
percent.   Some  of these vacancies are the result of  expansions
completed toward the end of 1999.  The Company has completed a 79
site expansion at Fairview Manor, a 40 site expansion at Highland
Estates,  and  a  25 site expansion at Port Royal  Village.   The
Company   is  also  evaluating  further  expansion  at   selected
communities  in order to increase the number of available  sites.
Some of these communities are in various stages of expansion.

      Community operating expenses increased from $7,992,273  for
the year ended December 31, 1999 to $8,233,356 for the year ended
December  31,  2000 primarily as a result of increased  expenses,
such as advertising, associated with the expansions.

       General   and   administrative  expenses  increased   from
$1,621,479 in 1999 to $1,852,309 in 2000 primarily as a result of
an increase in personnel and occupancy costs.

      Interest  expense  increased from  $2,105,546  in  1999  to
$2,624,801 in 2000.  This was primarily as a result of  a  higher
average  principal balance outstanding.  Interest capitalized  on
construction  in progress amounted to $180,600 and  $179,000  for
2000 and 1999, respectively.

      Interest  and dividend income increased from $1,000,789  in
1999  to  $1,747,254  in  2000  due to  purchases  of  securities
available for sale during 1999 and 2000.

      Gains  on  sales of securities available for sale increased
from $53,473 in 1999 to  $257,142 in 2000 due to increased sales.

      Depreciation expense increased from $2,452,533 for the year
ended December 31, 1999 to $2,618,839 for the year ended December
31,  2000  primarily  as  a  result  of  the  completion  of  the

      Amortization of financing costs remained relatively  stable
in 2000 and 1999.

      Loss on sales of investment property and equipment increased
from a loss  of $1,964 for the  year ended  December 31, 1999 to a
loss of $37,318 for the year ended December 31, 2000  primarily as
a result of the sale of certain older rental units.

                       Page 15

      For  the year ended December 31, 2000, the Company reported
net  income of $5,189,371 as compared to net income of $4,556,136
for the year ended December 31, 1999.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

      The  Company uses funds for real estate acquisitions,  real
property   improvements,  amortization  of   debt   incurred   in
connection  with such acquisitions and improvements, purchase  of
inventory of manufactured homes and investment in debt and equity
securities  of other REITs.  The Company generates funds  through
cash  flow from properties, sales of manufactured homes  and  its
securities  portfolio, mortgages on properties and  increases  in
shareholder  investments.  The Company  has  liquidity  available
from  a  combination of short and long-term sources.  The Company
currently  has mortgages payable totaling $38,652,025 secured  by
twelve   communities  and  loans  payable  totaling   $10,692,683
primarily  secured  by  investment securities  and  inventory  of
manufactured homes. The Company has a $2,000,000 line  of  credit
with  Fleet  Bank, all  of which  was available at  December  31,
2001.  The  Company believes that its 25 communities have  market
values  in  excess of historical cost.  Management believes  that
this provides significant additional borrowing capacity.

      Net  cash  provided by operating activities increased  from
$6,770,625  in  1999  to  $7,171,086 in  2000  and  decreased  to
$4,277,851  in  2001.  Cash flow was primarily used  for  capital
improvements,  payment  of  dividends,  purchases  of  securities
available for sale, purchase of inventory of manufactured  homes,
purchase  of  a  manufactured  home community  and  expansion  of
existing   communities.   The  Company  meets  maturing  mortgage
obligations  by using a combination of cash flow and refinancing.
The  dividend  payments were primarily made from cash  flow  from

      In  addition  to  normal operating  expenses,  the  Company
requires  cash  for  additional investments in manufactured  home
communities, capital improvements, purchase of manufactured homes
for   rent,   scheduled   mortgage  amortization   and   dividend

      The  Company also invests in debt and equity securities  of
other  REITs.   During 2001, the Company purchased  approximately
$9,900,000  in  these  securities.  The securities  portfolio  at
December 31, 2001 has experienced an approximate 16% increase  in
value from cost.

      The  Company  estimates  that  in  2002  it  will  purchase
approximately 25 manufactured homes to be used as rentals  for  a
total   cost   of  $500,000.   Management  believes  that   these
manufactured  homes  will each generate  approximately  $300  per
month  in  rental  income in addition to lot rent.   Once  rental
homes reach 10 years old, the Company generally sells them.

     Capital   improvements  include  amounts  needed   to   meet
environmental and regulatory requirements in connection with  the
manufactured  home  communities  that  provide  water  or   sewer
service.    Excluding  expansions,  the  Company   is   budgeting
approximately $1,000,000 in capital improvements for 2002.

      The  Company has a Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase
Plan  (Plan).  Dividends reinvested  is a significant  additional
source  of  liquidity and capital resources.   During  2001,  the
Company paid $5,980,540 in dividends.  Amounts received under the

                       Page 16

Plan amounted to $1,686,031.  The success of the Plan resulted in
a  substantial improvement in the Company's liquidity and capital
resources in 2001.

     The Company has undeveloped land which it could develop over
the  next  several  years.  The Company  is  also  exploring  the
utilization  of  vacant  land  for  town  houses.   The   Company
continues to analyze the highest and best use of its vacant land,
and uses it accordingly.

      The  Company believes that funds generated from operations,
together  with  the financing and refinancing of its  properties,
will be adequate to meet its needs over the next several years.

     The  Company's most critical accounting policies  relate  to
the  evaluation  of  impairment of  real  estate  and  investment
securities.   The  Company evaluates the need for  an  impairment
loss on its real estate assets when indicators of impairment  are
present  and  the undiscounted cash flows are not  sufficient  to
recover  the  asset's carrying amount.  The  impairment  loss  is
measured by comparing the fair value of the asset to its carrying
amount.  In addition, estimates are used when accounting for  the
allowance for doubtful accounts, potentially excess and  obsolete
inventory  and  contingent  liabilities,  among  others.    These
estimates  are  susceptible to change and  actual  results  could
differ  from  these estimates.  The effects of changes  in  these
estimates are recognized in the period they are determined.

     The  Company  evaluates other than temporary  impairment  on
individual securities in its investment portfolio when a security
has experienced a sustained decline in fair value below amortized
cost.  Management considers several factors, including the length
of time such security has experienced a decline, the relationship
to  peer group stock performance and the financial condition  and
near-term  prospects  of  the  issuer.   These  evaluations   are
subjective  in  nature.  Other than temporary declines  in  value
result  in a charge to net income reducing the carrying value  of
the security.

Safe Harbor Statement

     This Form 10-K contains various "forward-looking statements"
within  the  meaning  of  the Securities  Act  of  1933  and  the
Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934, and the Company  intends  that
such  forward-looking statements be subject to the  safe  harbors
created  thereby.  The words "may", "will", "expect",  "believe",
"anticipate",  "should",  "estimate",  and  similar   expressions
identify   forward-looking  statements.   These   forward-looking
statements  reflect the Company's current views with  respect  to
future events and finance performance, but are based upon current
assumptions  regarding the Company's operations,  future  results
and  prospects, and are subject to many uncertainties and factors
relating  to  the  Company's operations and business  environment
which  may  cause  the  actual  results  of  the  Company  to  be
materially different from any future results expressed or implied
by such forward-looking statements.

     Such factors include, but are not limited to, the following:
(i)   changes  in  the general economic climate; (ii)   increased
competition in the geographic areas in which the Company owns and
operates  manufactured  housing communities;  (iii)   changes  in
government  laws  and regulations affecting manufactured  housing
communities; and (iv)  the ability of the Company to continue  to
identify,  negotiate and acquire manufactured housing communities
and/or  vacant  land  which  may be developed  into  manufactured
housing  communities  on terms favorable  to  the  Company.   The
Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any
forward-looking   statements  whether  as   a   result   of   new
information, future events, or otherwise.

                              Page 17


     The Company is exposed to interest rate changes primarily as
a  result  of  its  line  of credit and long-term  debt  used  to
maintain liquidity and fund capital expenditures and expansion of
the  Company's  real estate investment portfolio and  operations.
The  Company's  interest rate risk management objectives  are  to
limit  the impact of interest rate changes on earnings  and  cash
flows  and to lower its overall borrowing costs.  To achieve  its
objectives, the Company borrows primarily at fixed rates.

     The  following table sets forth information as  of  December
31,  2001,  concerning the Company's debt obligations,  including
principal  cash  flow  by  scheduled maturity,  weighted  average
interest rates and estimated fair value.

            For the year ending December 31,
            ________________________________                          Fair
                2002      2003      2004      Thereafter   Total      Value
Long-term Debt:
  Fixed rate            6,141,833  9,890,281 20,119,911 36,152,025 36,219,558
   rate                      7.6%      7.5%       7.1%       7.3%
   rate       2,500,000                                 2,500,000   2,500,000
  rate             3.4%                                      3.4%
Total Long-
  term Debt   2,500,000 6,141,833 9,890,281 20,119,911 38,652,025  38,719,558

     The  Company  has assessed the market risk for its  variable
rate  and believes that a 1% increase in LIBOR rates would result
in  an approximate $25,000 increase in interest expense based  on
$2.5  million  of variable rate debt outstanding at December  31,

     The Company also has approximately $10.7 million in variable
rate  debt  due on demand.  This debt is primarily a margin  loan
secured  by  marketable securities.  The interest  rate  on  this
margin loan was 3.875% at December 31, 2001.  The carrying  value
of  the  Company's variable rate debt approximates fair value  at
December 31, 2001.

      The Company also invests in both debt and equity securities
of other REITs and is primarily exposed to equity price risk from
adverse  changes in market rates and conditions.  All  securities
are  classified  as available for sale and are  carried  at  fair
value.   The  Company  has  no  significant  interest  rate  risk
relating to debt securities as they are short-term in nature.

                             Page 18


      The  financial statements and supplementary data listed  in
Part IV, Item 14(a)(1) are incorporated herein by reference.

      The following is the Unaudited Selected Quarterly Financial


                       THREE MONTHS ENDED

2001                March 31     June 30    September 30  December 31

Total Revenues      $5,251,453  $7,376,519    $7,772,824    $6,481,603
Total Expenses       3,865,760   5,752,609     6,006,204     5,679,074
Net Income           1,396,010   1,614,574     1,750,748       789,156 (1)
Net Income per
 Basic and
 Diluted                   .19         .22           .23           .10

2000                  March 31     June 30  September 30   December 31

Total Revenues      $5,158,326  $5,011,150    $5,153,950    $5,321,305
Total Expenses       3,698,650  3,782,536      3,805,600     4,131,256
Net Income           1,484,094   1,220,457     1,347,702     1,137,119
Net Income per
 Share -
 Basic                     .20         .17           .18           .16

1999                  March 31     June 30  September 30   December 31

Total Revenues      $4,488,593  $4,616,134    $4,754,991    $4,947,367
Total Expenses       3,393,363   3,561,010     3,614,445     3,680,167
Net Income           1,083,153   1,071,653     1,119,211     1,282,119
Net Income per
 Share -
 Basic and
 Diluted                   .15         .15           .15           .18

(1)  Decrease due primarily to a decrease in sales activity and security
transactions and an increase in insurance costs and property taxes.


                              Page 19

                            PART III


Name, Age &      Principal Occupation   Director    Shares Owned  Percent
Office Held      During the Past Five   Since       Beneficially  Of
                 Years                                            Stock

Ernest V.        Financial              1969         33,013 (1)   0.44%
Bencivenga       Consultant;(1976    to
Age: 84          present);    Treasurer
Secretary/       and Director (1961  to
Treasurer        present)and  Secretary
and Director     (1967   to  present)of
                 Monmouth       Capital
                 Corporation; Treasurer
                 and Director (1968  to
                 present)  of  Monmouth
                 Real Estate Investment

Anna T. Chew     Certified       Public 1995         55,622(2)    0.74%
Age:  43         Accountant; Controller
Vice President   (1991 to present)  and
and Chief        Director   (1993    to
Financial        present)  of  Monmouth
Office and       Real Estate Investment
Director         Corporation;
                 Controller  (1991   to
                 present),         Vice
                 President   (2001   to
                 present)  and Director
                 (1994 to present )  of
                 Monmouth       Capital

Charles P.       Investor;     Director 1969         62,317 (3)   0.83%
Kaempffer        (1970  to present)  of
Age:  64         Monmouth       Capital
Director         Corporation;  Director
                 (1974  to present)  of
                 Monmouth  Real  Estate
                 Corporation;      Vice
                 Chairman  and Director
                 (1996  to present)  of
                 Community Bank of  New

Eugene W. Landy  Attorney    at    Law; 1969        974,661 (4)   12.92%
Age:  68         President          and
Chairman of      Director   (1961    to
the Board and    present)  of  Monmouth
Director         Capital   Corporation;
                 President and Director
                 (1968  to present)  of
                 Monmouth  Real  Estate
                 Investment Corporation

Samuel A. Landy  Attorney    at    Law; 1992        313,987 (5)   4.16%
Age:  41         Director   (1989    to
President and    present)  of  Monmouth
Director         Real Estate Investment
                 Corporation;  Director
                 (1994  to present)  of
                 Monmouth       Capital

                              Page 20

Name, Age &     Principal Occupation    Director    Shares Owned  Percent
Office Held     During the Past Five    Since       Beneficially  Of
                Years                                             Stock
James Mitchell  Attorney at Law;        2001        170,126 (6)   2.25%
Age:  61        General Partner,
Director        Mitchell Partners,
                L.P.; President,
                Mitchell Capital
                Mgmt., Inc.

Richard H.      Vice   President  (1984 1986         430,636(7)   5.71%
Molke           to  present) of  Remsco
Age:  75        Associates,   Inc.,   a
Director        construction firm.

Eugene          Investor;      Director 1977         81,163 (8)   1.08%
Rothenberg      (2001  to  present)  of
Age:  69        Monmouth        Capital
Director        Corporation

Robert G.       Investor;      Director 1969        131,468 (9)   1.74%
Sampson         (1963  to  present)  of
Age:  76        Monmouth        Capital
Director        Corporation;   Director
                (1968  to  present)  of
                Monmouth  Real   Estate
                Corporation;    General
                Partner    (1983     to
                present)   of   Sampco,
                Ltd.,   an   investment
                TOTALS............                   2,252,993    29.87%

1) Includes  9,029  shares held by Mr. Bencivenga's wife  and  6,999
   shares held in the United Mobile Homes, Inc. 401(k) Plan.

2) Includes  51,201 shares held jointly with Ms. Chew's husband  and
   4,421 shares held in the United Mobile Homes, Inc. 401(k) Plan.

3) Includes  (a)  60,317 shares held as Trustee for Defined  Benefit
   Pension  Plan for which Mr. Kaempffer has power to vote  and  (b)
   2,000 shares held by Mr. Kaempffer's wife.

4) Includes (a) 74,857 shares held by Mr. Landy's wife, (b)  172,608
   shares held by Landy Investments, Ltd. In which Mr. Landy  has  a
   beneficial interest, (c) 69,961 shares held in the Landy & Landy,
   Employee's  Pension Plan, of which Mr. Landy is  a  Trustee  with
   power  to vote, and (d) 128,212 shares held in the Landy & Landy,
   Employees' Profit Sharing Plan, of which Mr. Landy is  a  Trustee
   with  power to vote.  Excludes 236,743 shares held by Mr. Landy's
   adult children in which he disclaims any beneficial interest.

5) Includes  (a)  27,941  shares held jointly  with  Mr.  Samuel  A.
   Landy's wife, (b) 24,779 in a custodial account for his sons, (c)
   5,916  shares  in  the Samuel Landy Limited Partnership  and  (d)
   8,028 shares held in the United Mobile Homes, Inc. 401 (k) Plan.

6) Includes  135,158 shares held by Mitchell Partners in  which  Mr.
   Mitchell has a beneficial interest.

7) Includes (a) 45,005 shares owned by Mr. Molke's wife, (b) 166,518
   shares   in  the Richard H. Molke Grantor Retained Annuity  Trust
   dated December 21, 1992, and (c) 166,517 shares in the Louise  G.
   Molke Grantor Retained Annuity Trust dated December 21, 1992.

8) Includes (a) 56,878 shares held by Rothenberg Investment, Ltd. In
   which Dr. Rothenberg has a beneficial interest.

9) Includes  48,492 shares held by Sampco, Ltd. In which  he  has  a
   beneficial interest.

                              Page 21


Summary Compensation Table.

      The following Summary Compensation Table shows compensation
paid  by the Company for services rendered during 2001, 2000  and
1999  to the Chairman of the Board, President and Vice President.
There  were  no  other  executive officers whose  aggregate  cash
compensation exceeded $100,000:

Name and                                 Annual Compensation
Principal     Year    Salary     Bonus     All Other       Options

Eugene W.
Landy         2001    $150,000   $  -      $15,076 (1)          -
Chairman of   2000     150,000      -       53,876 (1)          -
the Board     1990     150,000      -       52,876 (1)          -

Samuel A.
Landy         2001    $224,615   $25,704   $21,028 (2)     25,000
President     2000    $214,615     8,269    18,432 (2)     25,000
              1999    $205,000     7,885    15,410 (2)     25,000

Anna T. Chew  2001    $145,898   $15,631   $17,646 (3)     10,000
Vice          2000     132,635    14,119    16,003 (3)     10,000
President     1999     120,577    13,654    13,650 (3)     10,000

(1)  Represents base compensation of $75,000 in 1999, as well  as
     Directors' fees, fringe benefits and legal fees.  Also includes
     an accrual of $-0-, $40,000 and $40,000 for 2001, 2000 and 1999,
     respectively for pension and other benefits in accordance with
     Eugene W. Landy's employment contract.

(2)  Represents    Directors'   fees,   fringe    benefits    and
     discretionary contributions by the Company to the  Company's
     401(k)  Plan allocated to an account of the named  executive

(3)  Represents  Directors' fees and discretionary  contributions
     by  the Company to the Company's 401(k) Plan allocated to an
     account of the named executive officer.

                              Page 22

Stock Option Plan.

      The  following table sets forth, for the executive officers
named  in  the Summary Compensation Table, information  regarding
individual  grants of stock options made during  the  year  ended
December 31, 2001:

                                                   Potential Realized
                                                     Value at Assume
                   Granted    Price   Expiration    Rates for Option
        Options      to        Per                        Terms
Name    Granted   Employees   Share      Date        5%     10%

A.Landy  25,000      40%    $10.3125    01/02/06  $41,316    $119,651
Anna T.
Chew     10,000      16%    $10.60     10/04/09   $50,610    $121,220

      The  following table sets forth for the executive  officers
named  in  the Summary Compensation Table, information  regarding
stock options outstanding at December 31, 2001:


                                       Number of
                                      Unexercised         Value of
                                   Options at Year-  Unexercised Options
                                          End           At Year-End
                Shares     Value     Exercisable/       Exercisable/
Name           Exercised  Realized   Unexercisable      Unexercisable

Eugene W. Landy    -0-     N/A      125,000/     -0-  $226,000   $    -0-
Samuel A. Landy    -0-     N/A      125,000/  25,000  $191,624   $ 46,687
Anna   T. Chew     -0-     N/A      38,000/   10,000  $ 97,715   $ 15,800

Compensation of Directors.

     The Directors receive a fee of $1,000 for each Board meeting
attended, and an additional  fixed annual fee of $7,600,  payable
$1,900  quarterly.  Effective April 1, 2001, the  fixed  fee  was
increased  to  $10,000.  Directors appointed to house  committees
receive   $150   for  each  meeting  attended.   Those   specific
committees are Compensation Committee, Audit Committee and  Stock
Option Committee.

Employment Contracts.

      On  December  14,  1993, the Company and  Eugene  W.  Landy
entered into an Employment Agreement under which Mr. Eugene Landy
receives an annual base compensation of $150,000 plus bonuses and
customary    fringe   benefits,   including   health   insurance,
participation  in the Company's 401(k) Plan, stock options,  five
weeks  vacation  and use of an automobile.   In  lieu  of  annual
increases in compensation, there will be additional bonuses voted
by  the  Board of Directors.  On severance of employment for  any
reason,  Mr. Eugene Landy will receive severance pay of  $450,000
payable  $150,000  on severance and $150,000  on  the  first  and
second  anniversaries of severance.  If employment is  terminated
following  a  change in control of the Company, Mr. Eugene  Landy
will  be  entitled  to  severance pay only if  actually   severed
either at

                              Page 23

the  time of merger or subsequently.  In the event of disability,
Mr.  Eugene Landy's compensation shall continue for a  period  of
three  years,  payable monthly.  On retirement, Mr. Eugene  Landy
shall  receive a pension of $50,000 a year for ten years, payable
in  monthly  installments.  In the event  of  death,  Mr.  Eugene
Landy's  designated beneficiary shall receive $450,000,  $100,000
thirty  days  after death and the balance one year  after  death.
The  Employment Agreement terminated December 31,  1999  but  was
automatically  renewed  and  extended  for  successive   one-year

      Effective January 1, 1999, the Company and Samuel A.  Landy
entered  into a three-year Employment Agreement under  which  Mr.
Samuel Landy receives an annual base salary of $205,000 for 1999,
$215,000  for  2000  and  $225,000  for  2001  plus  bonuses  and
customary fringe benefits.  Bonuses shall be at the discretion of
the  Board of Directors and shall be based on certain guidelines.
Mr. Samuel Landy will also receive four weeks vacation, use of an
automobile, and stock options for 25,000 shares in each  year  of
the  contract.  On severance or disability, Mr. Samuel  Landy  is
entitled to one year's pay.  The Company also agrees to  loan  to
Mr.  Samuel  Landy $100,000 at the Company's corporate  borrowing
rate with a 5-year maturity and a 15-year principal amortization.
Additional amounts, secured by Company stock, may be borrowed  at
the same terms for the exercise of stock options.

      Effective  January 1, 2000, the Company  extended  Anna  T.
Chew's  Employment Agreement for an additional three years.   Ms.
Chew  receives  an  annual  base salary  of  $133,100  for  2000,
$146,400  for  2001  and  $161,000  for  2002  plus  bonuses  and
customary fringe benefits.  On severance for any reason, Ms. Chew
is  entitled  to an additional one year's pay.  In the  event  of
disability, her salary shall continue for a period of two years.

Report of Board of Directors.

Overview and Philosophy

      The Company has a Compensation Committee consisting of  two
independent outside Directors.  This Committee is responsible for
making  recommendations  to  the Board  of  Directors  concerning
executive  compensation.  The Compensation Committee  takes  into
consideration three major factors in setting compensation.

      The  first consideration is the overall performance of  the
Company.  The Board believes that the financial interests of  the
executive  officers  should be aligned with the  success  of  the
Company   and   the  financial  interests  of  its  shareholders.
Increases  in  funds  from operations,  the  enhancement  of  the
Company's  equity  portfolio, and the  success  of  the  Dividend
Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan all contribute to  increases
in stock prices thereby maximizing shareholders' return.

     The second consideration is the individual achievements made
by  each  officer.  The Company is a small real estate investment
trust   (REIT).   The  Board  of  Directors  is  aware   of   the
contributions  made by each officer and makes  an  evaluation  of
individual  performance based on their own familiarity  with  the

                              Page 24

      The  final  criteria in setting compensation is  comparable
wages  in  the  industry.   In  this regard,  the  REIT  industry
maintains excellent statistics.


      Mr. Eugene Landy is under an employment agreement with  the
Company.   His base compensation under this contract is  $150,000
per  year.  (The Summary Compensation Table for Mr. Eugene  Landy
shows a salary of $150,000 and $15,076 in director's fees, fringe
benefits and legal fees).

      The Committee also reviewed the progress made by Mr. Samuel
A.   Landy,  President.   Funds  from  operations  increased   by
approximately  5%.   Mr.  Samuel Landy  is  under  an  employment
agreement  with  the Company.  His base compensation  under  this
contract is $225,000 for 2001.


      The  line  graph compares the total return of the Company's
common stock for the last five years to the NAREIT ALL REIT Total
Return Index published by the National Association of Real Estate
Investment Trust (NAREIT) and to the S&P 500 Index for  the  same
period.   The total return reflects stock price appreciation  and
dividend  reinvestment  for all three comparative  indices.   The
information herein has been obtained from sources believed to  be
reliable,  but  neither  its accuracy  nor  its  completeness  is

                  1996     1997     1998    1999    2000    2001

United Mobile
  Homes, Inc.       100      110      106     89     112      155
NAREIT All REIT     100      119      96      90     114      131
S & P 500           100      133      171    208     189      166

                               Page 25


      On  March 14, 2002, no person owned of record, or was known
by the Company to own beneficially more than five percent (5%) of
the shares of the Company, except the following:

               Name and Address     Shares Owned      Percent
Title of Class Of Beneficial Owner  Beneficially     Of Class

Common Stock   Eugene W. Landy
               20 Tuxedo Road
               Rumson, NJ  07760       974,661        12.92%

Common Stock   Richard H. Molke
               8 Ivins Place
               Rumson, NJ  07760       430,636         5.71%


      Certain  relationships and related party  transactions  are
incorporated  herein by reference to Part IV, Item  14(a)(1)(vi),
Note  9  of  the  Notes  to Consolidated Financial  Statements  -
Related Party Transactions.

                             Page 26

                             PART IV


        The following Financial Statements are filed as part
(a)(1)  of this report.

(i)     Independent Auditors' Report                            29

        Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2001     30
(ii)    and 2000

        Consolidated Statements of Income for the years
(iii)   ended December 31, 2001, 2000, and 1999                 31

        Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity for
(iv)    the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999       32-33

        Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years
(v)     ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999                  34

(vi)    Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements             35-46

(a)     The following Financial Statement Schedule for the
(2)     years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 is
        filed as part of this report

(i)     Schedule III - Real Estate and Accumulated              47

     All other schedules are omitted for the reason that they are
not required, are not applicable, or the required information  is
set forth in the financial statements or notes thereto.

                             Page 27

(a)   (3)   The  Exhibits  set forth in the  following  index  of
  Exhibits are filed as part of this Report.

 Exhibit                          Description

            Articles  of  Incorporation and  By-Laws:   Articles  of
            Incorporation  and By-Laws, Certificate of Incorporation
            and Amendments thereto are incorporated by reference  to
            the Company's Registration Statement No. 2-92896-NY, and
            Amendments  thereto, filed with the SEC  on  August  22,
(3)         1984.

            Material Contracts:
            (a)   Stock Option Plan is incorporated by reference  to
            the Company's Proxy Statement dated April 25, 1994 filed
            with the SEC April 27, 1994.

            (b)    401(k)  Plan  Document  and  Adoption   Agreement
            effective April 1, 1992 is incorporated by reference  to
            that  filed with the Company's 1992 Form 10-K filed with
            the SEC on March 9, 1993.

            (c)   Employment contract with Mr. Eugene W. Landy dated
            December 14, 1993 is incorporated by reference  to  that
            filed  with the Company's 1993 Form 10-K filed with  the
            SEC on March 28, 1994.

            (d)   Employment contract with Mr. Ernest V.  Bencivenga
            dated  November 9, 1993 is incorporated by reference  to
            that  filed with the Company's 1993 Form 10-K filed with
            the SEC on March 28, 1994.

            (e)   Employment  contract  with  Mr.  Samuel  A.  Landy
            effective  January 1, 1997 is incorporated by  reference
            to  that  filed with the Company's 1996 Form 10-K  filed
            with the SEC on March 28, 1996.

            (f)  Employment contract with Ms. Anna T. Chew effective
            January  1,  1998 is incorporated by reference  to  that
            filed  with the Company's 1997 Form 10-K filed with  the
            SEC on March 27, 1997.

(21)        Subsidiaries of the Registrant:

            The  Company operates through nine wholly-owned multiple
            Subsidiaries carrying on the same line of business.  The
            parent  company of these subsidiaries is the Registrant.
            The  line  of  business is the operation of manufactured
            home communities.

(23)        Consent of KPMG LLP

(a)(3)(b)   Reports of Form 8-K


                              Page 28


The Board of Directors and Shareholders
United Mobile Homes, Inc.:

We  have audited the consolidated financial statements of  United
Mobile  Homes,  Inc.  as  listed in the accompanying  index.   In
connection   with  our  audits  of  the  consolidated   financial
statements, we also have audited the financial statement schedule
as   listed   in  the  accompanying  index.   These  consolidated
financial  statements and financial statement  schedule  are  the
responsibility  of the Company's management.  Our  responsibility
is   to  express  an  opinion  on  these  consolidated  financial
statements and financial statement schedule based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits in accordance with auditing  standards
generally  accepted  in  the  United  States  of  America.  Those
standards  require that we plan and perform the audit  to  obtain
reasonable  assurance about whether the financial statements  are
free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test  basis,  evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures  in
the  financial statements.  An audit also includes assessing  the
accounting  principles  used and significant  estimates  made  by
management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement
presentation.   We believe that our audits provide  a  reasonable
basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to
above  present  fairly, in all material respects,  the  financial
position of United Mobile Homes, Inc. as of December 31, 2001 and
2000,  and  the results of its operations and its cash flows  for
each  of  the  years in the three-year period ended December  31,
2001  in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted
in  the  United  States of America.  Also  in  our  opinion,  the
related financial statement schedule, when considered in relation
to  the basic consolidated financial statements taken as a whole,
presents  fairly, in all material respects, the  information  set
forth therein.

Short Hills, New Jersey                      /s/ KPMG LLP
March 22, 2002

                            Page 29

                    UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.
                AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2001 AND 2000

ASSETS                                      2001             2000

  Land                                    $  7,212,035     $ 6,779,335
  Site and Land Improvements                54,640,298      50,707,021
  Buildings and Improvements                 2,745,194       2,705,636
  Rental Homes and Accessories               8,432,068       8,088,015
                                            __________      __________
    Total Investment Property               73,029,595      68,280,007
  Equipment and Vehicles                     3,611,353       3,282,681
                                            __________      __________
    Total Investment Property and           76,640,948      71,562,688
  Accumulated Depreciation                (32,349,006)    (29,862,276)
                                            __________      __________
    Net Investment Property and
    Equipment                               44,291,942      41,700,412
                                            __________      __________
  Cash and Cash Equivalents                  1,567,831       1,399,259
  Securities Available for Sale             25,917,748      15,494,918
  Inventory of Manufactured Homes            2,782,665             -0-
  Notes and Other Receivables                3,291,355       1,914,446
  Unamortized Financing Costs                  467,107         280,727
  Prepaid Expenses                             113,680         115,633
  Land Development Costs                     1,902,516       2,040,202
                                            __________     ___________
    Total Other Assets                      36,042,902      21,245,185
                                            __________      __________

  TOTAL ASSETS                              80,334,844     $62,945,597
                                            ==========      ==========


MORTGAGES PAYABLE                          $38,652,025     $32,055,839
                                           ___________     ___________
  Accounts Payable                             836,588         339,174
  Loans Payable                             10,692,683       5,639,470
  Accrued Liabilities and Deposits           1,711,232       1,622,272
  Tenant Security Deposits                     477,782         449,416
                                            __________      __________
    Total Other Liabilities                 13,718,285       8,050,332
                                            __________      __________
  Total Liabilities                         52,370,310      40,106,171
                                            __________      __________

  Common Stock - $.10 par value per
    10,000,000 shares authorized,
    7,888,632 and 7,711,141
    Shares issued and 7,542,332 and
    Outstanding as of December 31,
    2001 and 2000, respectively                788,863         771,114
  Additional Paid-In Capital                27,409,361      26,026,006
  Accumulated Other
    Comprehensive Income (Loss)              3,541,001       (490,795)
  Accumulated Deficit                        (667,793)       (667,793)
  Treasury Stock at Cost (346,300
  and  316,900 shares at
  December 31, 2001 and 2000,
  respectively)                            (3,106,898)     (2,799,106)
                                            __________      __________
    Total Shareholders' Equity              27,964,534      22,839,426
                                            __________      __________

  EQUITY                                   $80,334,844     $62,945,597
                                            ==========      ==========

                    See Accompanying Notes to
                Consolidated Financial Statements
                              Page 30

                    UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.
      FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                                   2001           2000          1999

Rental and Related Income       $ 19,291,611   $18,640,335    $17,752,823
Sales of Manufactured Homes        4,766,189           -0-            -0-
Interest and Dividend
Income                             2,188,430     1,747,254      1,000,789
Gain on Sale of Securities
Available for Sale                   530,324       257,142         53,473
Other Income                         105,845           -0-            -0-
                                   _________     _________      _________

Total Revenues                    26,882,399    20,644,731     18,807,085
                                   _________     _________      _________

  Community Operating
  Expenses                         9,004,164     8,233,356      7,992,273
  Cost of  Sales of
  Manufactured Homes               3,930,666           -0-            -0-
  Selling Expenses                   754,934           -0-            -0-
  General and
  Administrative                   2,015,685     1,852,309      1,621,479
  Interest Expense                 2,825,894     2,624,801      2,105,546
  Depreciation Expense             2,684,556     2,618,839      2,452,533
  Amortization of Financing
  Costs                               87,748        88,737         77,154
                                   _________     _________      _________

Total Expenses                    21,303,647    15,418,042     14,248,985
                                  __________    __________      _________

Income Before Loss on Sales
  of Investment Property
  and Equipment                    5,578,752     5,226,689      4,558,100
Loss  on Sales of
  Investment Property and
  Equipment                         (28,264)      (37,318)        (1,964)
                                   _________     _________      _________

Net Income                       $ 5,550,488   $ 5,189,371    $ 4,556,136
                                 ===========   ===========    ===========

Net Income Per Share -
  Basic and Diluted              $       .74  $        .71  $        .63
                                 ===========  ============   ============

Weighted Average Shares
    Basic                          7,457,636     7,339,684      7,252,774
                                   =========     =========      =========
    Diluted                        7,496,371     7,341,078      7,267,695
                                   =========     =========      =========

                    See Accompanying Notes to
                Consolidated Financial Statements

                              Page 31

                    UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.
      FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                              Common Stock Issued            Paid-In
                             Number         Amount           Capital

Balance December 31, 1998    7,246,580       $724,658         $23,427,783

Common Stock Issued with
 the DRIP*                     187,616         18,762           1,613,027

Common Stock Issued
 Through the Exercise
 of Stock Options               49,000          4,900             394,225

Distributions                      -0-            -0-           (885,768)

Net Income                         -0-            -0-                 -0-

Unrealized Net Holding
 Losses on Securities
 Available for Sale
 Net of Reclassification
 Adjustment                        -0-            -0-                 -0-

Purchase of Treasury Stock        -0-             -0-                 -0-
                             _________       ________           _________

Balance December 31, 1999    7,483,196        748,320          24,549,267

Common Stock Issued with       227,945         22,794           1,843,309
 the DRIP*

Distributions                      -0-            -0-           (366,570)

Net Income                         -0-            -0-                 -0-

Unrealized Net Holding
 Gains on Securities
 Available for Sale
 Net of Reclassification
 Adjustment                        -0-            -0-                 -0-

Purchase of Treasury Stock         -0-            -0-                 -0-
                             _________       ________           _________

Balance December 31, 2000    7,711,141        771,114          26,026,006

Common Stock Issued with
 the DRIP*                     163,491         16,349           1,669,682

Common Stock Issued
 Through the Exercise of
 Stock Options                  14,000          1,400             143,725

Distributions                      -0-            -0-           (430,052)

Net Income                         -0-            -0-                 -0-

Unrealized Net Holding
 Gains on Securities
 Available for Sale
 Net of Reclassification
 Adjustment                        -0-            -0-                 -0-

Purchase of Treasury Stock         -0-            -0-                 -0-
                             _________       ________           _________

Balance December 31, 2001    7,888,632       $788,863         $27,409,361
                             =========      =========         ===========

*Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan
   See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                              Page 32

                    UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.
      FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999

                      Comprehensive    Accumulated    Treasury  Comprehensive
                      Income/(Loss)      Deficit       Stock       Income

Balance December 31,
 1998                    $ (271,835)     $(667,793)          -0-

Common Stock Issued
 with the DRIP*                  -0-            -0-          -0-

Common Stock Issued
 through the
 Exercise of Stock
 Options                         -0-            -0-          -0-

Distributions                    -0-    (4,556,136)          -0-

Net Income                       -0-      4,556,136          -0-   $4,556,136

Unrealized Net Holding
 Losses on Securities
 Available for Sale
 Net of Reclassification
 Adjustment              (1,390,343)            -0-          -0-  (1,390,343)

Purchase of Treasury
 Stock                           -0-            -0-  (1,576,309)
                         ___________    ___________   __________  ___________

Balance December 31,
 1999                    (1,662,178)      (667,793)  (1,576,309)   $3,165,793

Common Stock Issued
 with the DRIP*                  -0-            -0-          -0-

Distributions                    -0-    (5,189,371)          -0-

Net Income                       -0-      5,189,371          -0-   $5,189,371

Unrealized Net Holding
 Gains on Securities
 Available for Sale
 Net of Reclassification
 Adjustment                1,171,383            -0-          -0-    1,171,383

Purchase of Treasury
 Stock                           -0-            -0-  (1,222,797)
                           _________      _________    _________    _________

Balance December 31,
 2000                      (490,795)      (667,793)  (2,799,106)   $6,360,754

Common Stock Issued
 with the DRIP*                  -0-            -0-          -0-

Common Stock Issued
 through the
 Exercise of Stock               -0-            -0-          -0-

Distributions                    -0-    (5,550,488)          -0-

Net Income                       -0-     5,550,488           -0-   $5,550,488

Unrealized Net Holding
 Gains on Securities
 Available for Sale
 Net of Reclassification
 Adjustment                4,031,796            -0-          -0-    4,031,796

Purchase of Treasury
 Stock                           -0-            -0-    (307,792)

                           _________      _________    _________     ________
Balance December 31,
 2001                     $3,541,001     $(667,793) $(3,106,898)   $9,582,284
                          ==========     ========== ============   ==========

*Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan.
   See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                               Page 33

                    UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.
      FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2001, 2000 AND 1999


                                         2001           2000         1999
Net Income                               $5,550,488    $5,189,371   $4,556,136
    Depreciation                          2,684,556     2,618,839    2,452,533
    Amortization of Financing Costs          87,748        88,737       77,154
    Gain on Sales of Securities
     Available for Sale Transactions      (530,324)     (257,142)     (53,473)
    Loss  on Sales of Investment
     Property & Equipment                    28,264        37,318        1,964
Changes in Operating Assets and
Liabilities -
    Inventory of Manufactured Homes     (2,782,665)           -0-          -0-
    Notes and Other Receivables         (1,376,909)     (832,320)    (347,402)
    Prepaid Expenses                          1,953         5,888       46,994
    Accounts Payable                        497,414       233,959     (46,796)
    Accrued Liabilities and Deposits         88,960       128,375      (1,756)
    Tenant Security Deposits                 28,366      (41,939)       85,271
                                          _________     _________    _________
Net Cash Provided by Operating
 Activities                               4,277,851     7,171,086    6,770,625
                                          _________     _________    _________

   Purchase of Manufactured Home
    Community                           (2,503,126)           -0-          -0-
   Purchase of Investment Property
    and Equipment                       (2,199,133)   (1,382,130)  (3,792,004)
   Proceeds from Sales of Investment
    Property and Equipment                  352,494       250,923      344,173
   Additions to Land Development
    Costs                                 (816,899)   (1,665,711)  (2,206,010)
   Purchase of Securities Available
    for Sale                            (9,858,324)   (4,282,988)  (6,796,742)
   Proceeds from Sales of Securities
    Available for Sale                    3,997,614     3,011,109      417,923
                                          _________    __________   __________
Net Cash Used by Investing Activities  (11,027,374)   (4,068,797) (12,032,660)
                                        ___________    __________  ___________

   Proceeds from Mortgages and Loans      7,525,000     2,500,000   10,500,000
   Net Proceeds from Short-Term
    Borrowings                            5,053,213       965,085    1,305,873
   Principal Payments of Mortgages
    and Loans                             (928,814)     (863,314)  (1,492,423)
   Financing Costs on Debt                (274,128)     (116,816)    (171,874)
   Proceeds from Exercise of Stock
    Options                                 145,125           -0-      399,125
   Dividends Paid                       (4,294,509)   (3,689,838)  (3,810,115)
   Purchase of Treasury Stock             (307,792)   (1,222,797)  (1,576,309)
                                          _________    __________   __________
   Net Cash Provided (Used) by
    Financing Activities                  6,918,095   (2,427,680)    5,154,277
                                          _________    __________    _________

NET INCREASE (DECREASE)  IN CASH            168,572       674,609    (107,758)
CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS - BEGINNING       1,399,259       724,650      832,408
                                          _________     _________    _________
CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS - END           $ 1,567,831   $ 1,399,259    $ 724,650
                                          =========     =========    =========

   See Accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                               Page 34



      United Mobile Homes, Inc. (the Company) has elected  to  be
taxed as a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) under Sections 856-
858  of the Internal Revenue Code.  The Company will not be taxed
on   the   portion   of  its  income  which  is  distributed   to
shareholders, provided it distributes at least 95% (90% effective
for  the year ended December 31, 2001) of its taxable income, has
at  least 75% of its assets in real estate investments and  meets
certain other requirements for qualification as a REIT.


DESCRIPTION  OF  THE  BUSINESS - The Company  owns  and  operates
twenty-five manufactured home communities containing 5,979 sites.
The  communities  are  located in New  Jersey,  New  York,  Ohio,
Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

These manufactured home communities are listed by trade names  as


Allentown                        Memphis, Tennessee
Brookview Village                Greenfield Center, New York
Cedarcrest                       Vineland, New Jersey
Cranberry Village                Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania
Cross Keys Village               Duncansville, Pennsylvania
D& R Village                     Clifton Park, New York
Fairview Manor                   Millville, New Jersey
Forest Park Village              Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania
Heather Highlands                Inkerman, Pennsylvania
Highland Estates                 Kutztown, Pennsylvania
Kinnebrook                       Monticello, New York
Lake Sherman Village             Navarre, Ohio
Laurel Woods                     Cresson, Pennsylvania
Memphis Mobile City              Memphis, Tennessee
Oxford Village                   West Grove, Pennsylvania
Pine Ridge Village               Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Pine Valley Estates              Apollo, Pennsylvania
Port Royal Village               Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania
River Valley Estates             Marion,  Ohio
Sandy Valley Estates             Magnolia, Ohio
Southwind Village                Jackson, New Jersey
Spreading Oaks Village           Athens, Ohio
Waterfalls Village               Hamburg, New York
Woodlawn Village                 Eatontown, New Jersey
Wood Valley                      Caledonia, Ohio

                              Page 35

     Effective  April 1, 2001, the Company, through  its  wholly-
owned  taxable  subsidiary, UMH Sales and Finance,  Inc.,  (S&F),
began  to  conduct  manufactured home sales in  its  communities.
This  company  was  established to enhance the occupancy  of  the

BASIS OF PRESENTATION - The consolidated financial statements  of
the  Company  include all of its wholly-owned subsidiaries.   All
intercompany  transactions and balances have been  eliminated  in

USE  OF  ESTIMATES  -  In  preparing the  consolidated  financial
statements,   management  is  required  to  make  estimates   and
assumptions  that  affect  the reported  amounts  of  assets  and
liabilities, as well as contingent assets and liabilities  as  of
the  dates  of  the consolidated balance sheets and  revenue  and
expenses  for the years then ended.  Actual results could  differ
significantly from these estimates and assumptions.

equipment  are  carried  at  cost.  Depreciation  for  Sites  and
Building  (15  to  27.5  years) is computed  principally  on  the
straight-line  method  over the estimated  useful  lives  of  the
assets.   Depreciation  of Improvements to Sites  and  Buildings,
Rental  Homes  and Equipment and Vehicles (3 to  27.5  years)  is
computed   principally   on  the  straight-line   method.    Land
Development Costs are not depreciated until they are put in  use,
at which time they are capitalized as Sites or Site Improvements.
Interest  Expense  pertaining  to  Land  Development  Costs   are
capitalized.   Maintenance and Repairs are charged to  income  as
incurred and improvements are capitalized.  The costs and related
accumulated  depreciation of property sold or otherwise  disposed
of  are  removed  from  the accounts and  any  gain  or  loss  is
reflected in the current year's results of operations.  If  there
is  an  event or change in circumstances that indicates that  the
basis   of   an  investment  property  may  not  be  recoverable,
management   assesses the possible impairment  of  value  through
evaluation of the estimated future cash flows of the property, on
an  undiscounted  basis,  as compared to the  property's  current
carrying  value.  If a property is determined to be impaired,  it
will be recorded at fair value.

UNAMORTIZED FINANCING COSTS - Legal fees and loan processing fees
for  mortgages are being amortized over the life of  the  related

CASH  AND  CASH  EQUIVALENTS - Cash and cash equivalents  include
certificates  of  deposit  and bank  repurchase  agreements  with
maturities of 90 days or less.

SECURITIES  AVAILABLE  FOR  SALE - The Company's  securities  are
classified  as available-for-sale and are carried at fair  value.
Gains  or  losses  on  the  sale  of  securities  are  based   on
identifiable  cost and are accounted for on a trade  date  basis.
Unrealized  holding gains and losses are excluded  from  earnings
and  reported  as  a  separate component of Shareholders'  Equity
until  realized.  A decline in the market value of  any  security
below cost that is deemed to be other than temporary results in a
reduction  in the carrying amount to fair value.  Any  impairment
is  charged  to  earnings and a new cost basis for  the  security

                              Page 36

INVENTORY  OF  MANUFACTURED HOMES  -  Inventory  of  manufactured
homes  is valued at the lower  of cost or  market  value  and  is
determined by the specific identification method.  All  inventory
is considered finished goods.

REVENUE  RECOGNITION - The Company derives its  income  primarily
from  the  rental of manufactured home sites.  The  Company  also
owns   approximately  470  rental  units  which  are  rented   to
residents.   Rental  and  related income  is  recognized  on  the
accrual basis.

Sale  of  manufactured homes is recognized on  the  full  accrual
basis when certain criteria are met.  These criteria include  the
following:  (a) initial and continuing payment by the buyer  must
be  adequate:   (b)  the receivable, if any, is  not  subject  to
future subordination; (c) the benefits and risks of ownership are
substantially transferred to the buyer; and (d) the Company  does
not  have a substantial continued involvement with the home after
the  sale.   Alternatively, when the foregoing criteria  are  not
met,  the  Company  recognizes gains by the  installment  method.
Interest income on loans receivable is not accrued when,  in  the
opinion  of  management, the collection of such interest  appears

NET INCOME PER SHARE - Basic net  income  per share is calculated
by dividing net income by the  weighted-average  number of common
shares outstanding  during the  period  (7,457,636, 7,339,684 and
7,252,774  in 2001, 2000 and 1999,  respectively).   Diluted  net
income  per share is  calculated by  dividing  net income  by the
weighted-average  number of common  shares  outstanding  plus the
weighted-average number  of net  shares that would be issued upon
exercise of stock options  pursuant to the  treasury stock method
(7,496,371,  7,341,078  and  7,267,695  in  2001,  2000  and 1999,
respectively) (See Note 6).   Options  in the  amount  of  38,735,
1,394 and  14,921  for 2001, 2000,  and 1999,  respectively,  are
included in the diluted weighted average shares outstanding.

STOCK  OPTION PLANS - Stock option plans are accounted for  under
the  intrinsic  value  based method as prescribed  by  Accounting
Principles  Board  (APB) Opinion No. 25,  "Accounting  for  Stock
Issued  to  Employees".  As such, compensation expense  would  be
recorded on the date of grant only if the current market price on
the  underlying  stock exceeds the exercise price.   Included  in
these  Notes  to Consolidated Financial Statements  are  the  pro
forma disclosures required by SFAS No. 123, "Accounting for Stock-
Based Compensation," which assumes the fair value based method of
accounting had been adopted.

TREASURY  STOCK - Treasury stock is accounted for under the  cost

OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME - Comprehensive income consists of net
income and net unrealized gains or losses on securities available
for  sale  and  is  presented in the consolidated  statements  of
shareholders' equity.

RECLASSIFICATION  -  Certain amounts in the financial  statements
for  the  prior  years have been reclassified to conform  to  the
statement presentation for the current year.

                              Page 37


      The  following is a summary of accumulated depreciation  by
major classes of assets:

                              December 31, 2001   December 31, 2000

Site and Land Improvements       $26,083,752          $24,241,316
Buildings and Improvements         1,511,066            1,418,939
Rental Homes and Accessories       2,182,822            1,880,685
Equipment and Vehicles             2,571,366            2,321,336
                                  __________           __________
Total Accumulated                $32,349,006          $29,862,276
                                  ==========           ==========


      The following is a summary of securities available for sale
at December 31, 2001 and 2000:

                                    2001                       2000
                                         Market                     Market
                             Cost         Value         Cost         Value

Equity Securities:
 Monmouth Real Estate
  Investment Corporation
  (548,501 and 378,369
  shares at December 31,
  2001 and 2000,
  respectively           $3,134,889    $3,537,834   $2,165,069    $1,844,550

 Monmouth Capital
  Corporation *
  (24,206 and 22,267 shares
  at December 31, 2001 and
  2000, respectively)        62,076        65,839       56,986        55,666

Preferred Stock          12,623,026    15,219,657    6,653,648     6,946,426

Other Equity Securities   5,155,709     5,642,005    5,637,713     5,254,876

Debt Securities
 (maturing in 2003)       1,401,047     1,452,413    1,472,297     1,393,400
                          _________     _________   __________    __________

                        $22,376,747   $25,917,748  $15,985,713   $15,494,918
                         ==========    ==========   ==========    ==========

                 * Related entity - See Note 9.

                             Page 38

      Gross  unrealized  gains  on debt  securities  amounted  to
$51,366   and   $3,375  as  of  December  31,  2001   and   2000,
respectively.    Gross  unrealized  losses  on  debt   securities
amounted  to  $-0-  and $82,272 at December 31,  2001  and  2000,
respectively.   Gross  unrealized  gains  on  equity   securities
amounted  to $3,578,486 and $734,652 as of December 31, 2001  and
2000, respectively.  Gross unrealized losses on equity securities
amounted  to $88,851 and $1,146,550 as of December 31,  2001  and
2000, respectively.

     During  the  years ended December 31, 2001, 2000  and  1999,
gross gains on sales of securities amounted to $737,417, $257,142
and  $53,473,  respectively. During the year ended  December  31,
2001,  gross  losses on sales of securities amounted to  $74,144.
During  the  year  ended  December 31,  2001,  the  Company  also
realized  a loss of $132,949 due to a writedown to fair value  of
securities  available  for sale which was considered  other  than
temporarily  impaired.   Dividend  income  for  the  years  ended
December   31,  2001,  2000  and  1999  amounted  to  $1,910,909,
$1,397,849 and $734,623, respectively.  Interest income  for  the
years  ended  December  31,  2001,  2000  and  1999  amounted  to
$277,521, $349,405 and $266,166, respectively.



      During  2001 and 2000, the Company purchased securities  on
margin.   The margin loan interest rate at December 31, 2001  and
2000  was  3.875% and 8%, respectively and is due on demand.   At
December  31,  2001  and  2000,  the  margin  loan  amounted   to
$8,411,421  and  $5,619,980,  respectively  and  is  secured   by
investment  securities  with a market value  of  $25,917,748  and
$15,494,918, respectively.

      The Company has a $2,500,000 agreement with Conseco Finance
Servicing  Corp.  to finance inventory purchases.   The  interest
rates  ranged  from prime for each advance to  prime  plus  2.75%
after  one year.  Advances under this line of credit were secured
by  the manufactured homes for which the advances were made.   As
of  December  31,  2001,  the  amount outstanding  for  inventory
financing was $2,270,492.


      The  Company has a $2,000,000 unsecured line of credit with
Fleet  Bank,  all of which  was available at December  31,  2001.
The interest rate on this line of credit is prime.  This line  of
credit expires on  June 15, 2002.

                              Page 39


      The following is a summary of mortgages payable at December
31, 2001 and 2000:

Property           Due Date       Rate          2001            2000

Allentown          12-01-11          6.36%      $5,767,117   $        -0-
Cranberry Village  08-02-04          7.86%       2,370,693      2,427,667
D & R Village      05-01-03           7.5%       3,289,479      3,383,438
Fairview Manor     07-27-02     LIBOR +155       2,500,000      2,500,000
Forest Park
 Village           08-02-04          7.86%       3,793,109      3,884,268
Laurel Woods       10-10-06          6.38%       1,739,711            -0-
Sandy Valley       03-01-04             7%       3,726,479      3,830,118
Water Falls
Village            01-01-03         7.625%       2,852,354      2,935,721
 (4properties)     12-01-05           7.5%      12,613,083     13,094,627
                                                 _________     __________
   TOTAL MORTGAGES PAYABLE                     $38,652,025   $ 32,055,839
                                                 =========      =========

      At December 31, 2001 and 2000, mortgages are collateralized
by  real  property  with  a  carrying value  of  $34,704,950  and
$32,743,695,  respectively, before accumulated  depreciation  and
amortization.  Interest costs amounting to $146,000, $180,600 and
$179,000   were   capitalized  during  2001,   2000   and   1999,
respectively, in connection with the Company's expansion program.


     On  July  27,  2000, the Company entered into  a  $4,000,000
mortgage  commitment with First Union Bank, of  which  $2,500,000
was  taken  down. This mortgage is secured by Fairview Manor  and
bears  interest at LIBOR plus 155 points.  This mortgage  matures
on  August 1, 2002 but may be converted to a fixed rate  mortgage
loan for an additional five years.

      On  December 1, 2000, the Company extended the  Fleet  Bank
mortgage  on five properties for an additional five  years.   The
interest rate remains fixed at 7.5%

      On  September 24, 2001, the Company obtained  a  $1,750,000
mortgage  with  First  Union Bank for the acquisition  of  Laurel
Woods.  This mortgage payable is at an effective interest rate of
6.38% and is due October 10, 2006.

     On November 6, 2001 the Company obtained a $5,775,000 Fannie
Mae  mortgage  at an interest rate of 6.36% for a  ten-year  term
with  a  twenty-five year amortization schedule.   This  loan  is
secured by Allentown Mobile Home Community in Memphis, Tennessee.

                              Page 40

The  aggregate  principal payments of all mortgages  payable  are
scheduled as follows:

           2002                $  3,624,502
           2003                   6,951,513
           2004                  10,088,781
           2005                  11,103,993
           2006                   1,674,108
        Thereafter                5,209,128
          Total                 $38,652,025


      The  Company maintains Stock Option Plans for officers  and
key  employees to purchase up to 750,000 shares of common  stock.
Options  may  be granted any time up to December  31,  2003.   No
option  shall  be available for exercise beyond ten  years.   All
options  are exercisable after one year from the date  of  grant.
The option price shall not be below the fair market value at date
of  grant.   Cancelled or expired options are added back  to  the
"pool" of shares available under the plan.

      A summary of the status of the Company's stock option plans
as  of  December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 and changes  during  the
years then ended are as follows:

                     2001                2000                 1999
                        Weighted-           Weighted             Weighted
                                                -                    -
                         Average             Average              Average
                        Exercise            Exercise             Exercise
               Shares     Price    Shares     Price     Shares     Price

at beginning
of year        433,500   $10.45    396,500   $10.59    384,500   $10.38
Granted         62,700    10.49     61,000     8.73     61,000     9.94
Exercised     (14,000)    10.37      -0-       -0-     (49,000)    8.15
Expired       (42,000)    10.68   (24,000)     8.38       -0-       -0-
              ________            ________             _______
 at end of
 year          440,200    10.44    433,500    10.45    396,500     10.59
              ========             =======             =======
 at end of
 year          377,500             372,500             335,500
              ========            ========             ========
 fair value
 of options
 during the
 year                      1.18               1.00                  1.10

                             Page 41

      The  Company has elected to continue to follow APB  Opinion
No. 25 in accounting for its stock option plans and, accordingly,
no  compensation cost has been recognized.  Had compensation cost
been  determined consistent with SFAS No. 123, the Company's  net
income and earnings per share would have been reduced to the  pro
forma amounts as follows:

                               2001          2000           1999

Net Income   As Reported     $5,550,488     $5,189,371     $4,556,136
             Pro Forma        5,486,627      5,117,781      4,475,560

Net   Income
per Share
 - Basic     As Reported         .74           .71            .63
             Pro Forma           .74           .70            .62
 - Diluted   As Reported         .74           .71            .63
             Pro Forma           .73           .70            .62

     The fair value of each option grant is estimated on the date
of  grant  using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with  the
following weighted-average assumptions used for grants  in  2001,
2000  and  1999:  dividend yield of 8 percent for 2001, 2000  and
1999; expected volatility of 25 percent; risk-free interest rates
of  4.29 percent, 6.50 percent and 6.25 percent in 2001, 2000 and
1999, respectively; and expected lives of five years.

      The following is a summary of stock options outstanding  as
of December 31, 2001:

                           Number of    Option     Expiration
Date of Grant  Number of     Shares     Price         Date

01/05/95           2         75,000      8.25       01/05/05
01/03/97           1         25,000     13.125      01/03/02
03/17/97           1         25,000     13.375      03/17/02
06/25/97           6         26,500     11.50       06/25/02
12/15/97           1         25,000    13.0625      12/15/02
01/08/98           1         25,000     12.75       01/08/03
08/05/98           7         31,000     10.00       08/05/03
08/05/98           1         25,000     11.00       08/05/03
01/05/99           1         25,000    11.5625      01/05/04
09/28/99           7         34,000     8.8125      09/28/04
01/06/00           1         25,000     9.0625      01/06/05
07/17/00           8         36,000      8.50       07/17/05
01/02/01           1        25,000*    10.3125      01/02/06
10/04/01          10        37,700*     10.60       10/04/09

* Unexercisable

     As of December 31, 2001, there were 214,800 shares available
for grant under these plans.

                             Page 42


      During  the  years ended December 31, 2001  and  2000,  the
Company purchased 29,400 and 146,400 shares, respectively, of its
own   stock   for  a  total  cost  of  $307,792  and  $1,222,797,

NOTE 8 - 401(K) PLAN

      Any  full-time employees who are over 21 years old and have
completed one year of service (as defined) are eligible  for  the
Company's  401(k) Plan (Plan).  Under this Plan, an employee  may
elect to defer his/her compensation (up to a maximum of 15%)  and
have  it contributed to the Plan.  Employer contributions to  the
Plan are at the discretion of the Company.  During 2001, 2000 and
1999,  the Company made matching contributions to the Plan of  up
to  50%  of  the first 6% of employee salary.  This  amounted  to
$48,243,   $41,194  and  $31,967  for  2001,   2000   and   1999,



      During 2001, 2000 and 1999, the Company purchased shares of
Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corporation (MREIC) common  stock
primarily  through its Dividend Reinvestment and  Stock  Purchase
Plan  (See Note 4).  There are five Directors of the Company  who
are also Directors and shareholders of MREIC.


      During 2001, 2000 and 1999, the Company purchased shares of
Monmouth Capital Corporation (MCC) common stock primarily through
its  Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan (See Note  4).
Seven   directors   of  the  Company  are  also   directors   and
shareholders of MCC.

      The  Company  received rental income from The  Mobile  Home
Store,  Inc. (MHS), a wholly-owned subsidiary of MCC.   MHS  sold
and financed the sales of manufactured homes.

      MHS  paid the Company market rent on sites where MHS had  a
home  for  sale.  Total site rental income from MHS  amounted  to
$33,370, $109,550 and $159,065, respectively for the years  ended
December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999.

     Effective April 1, 1996, the Company and MHS entered into an
agreement whereby MHS leases space from the Company to be used as
sales   lots,   at  market  rates,  at  most  of  the   Company's
communities.   Total  rental  income  relating  to  these  leases
amounted  to  $38,370, $153,480 and $142,680 for the years  ended
December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, respectively.

      During  2001,  2000 and 1999, the Company had approximately
$49,000,  $52,000 and $62,000 respectively, of rental homes  that
were sold to MHS at book value.

                              Page 43

      During 2001, 2000 and 1999, the Company purchased from  MHS
at  its  cost,   3,  11  and 24 new homes, respectively  totaling
$47,953, $201,399 and $530,520, respectively to be used as rental
homes.  On March 30, 2001, the Company also purchased at carrying
value  all  of the remaining inventory of MHS.  This amounted  to
$2,261,624.  The Company also assumed the inventory financing  of


      During  the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000  and  1999,
salary,  Directors', management and legal fees to Mr.  Eugene  W.
Landy  and  the law firm of Landy & Landy amounted  to  $162,800,
$161,600 and $160,600, respectively.


     The Company has a three-year employment agreement and a five-
year  employment  agreement with two of its  executive  officers.
The  agreements provide for base compensation, bonuses and fringe
benefits,  in  addition  to  specified severance  and  retirement
benefits.  The Company is accruing these benefits over the  terms
of  the  agreements.   Included  in  general  and  administrative
expense for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 were
$-0-,   $40,000  and  $41,875, respectively,  relating  to  these

      In  August, 1999, the Company entered into a lease for  its
corporate  offices.  The lease is for a five-year term at  market
rates with monthly lease payments of $12,000.  The lessor of  the
property  is  owned  by  certain officers and  directors  of  the
Company.   The  lease  payments  and  the  resultant  lease  term
commenced on May 1, 2000.  Approximately 50% of the monthly lease
payment  is  reimbursed by other related entities  utilizing  the
leased space (MCC and MREIC).


      The  Company has a Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase
Plan  (DRIP).   Under  the  terms of the DRIP,  shareholders  who
participate  may  reinvest  all or part  of  their  dividends  in
additional  shares  of the Company at approximately  95%  of  the
market  price.  Shareholders may also purchase additional  shares
at  approximately  95% of their market price by  making  optional
cash  payments.  Generally, dividend reinvestments and  purchases
of  shares are made quarterly on March 15, June 15, September  15
and December 15.

      Effective  June 24, 1998, the Company amended the  Dividend
Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan.  Shareholders may no longer
purchase additional shares by making optional cash payments.  The
dividend reinvestment feature of the Plan remains unchanged.

      Amounts  received and shares issued in connection with  the
DRIP for the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999 were as

                           2001            2000            1999

Amounts Received/
 Reinvested           $1,686,031      $1,866,103      $1,631,789
Number of Share
 Issued                  163,491         227,945         187,616

                             Page 44


     The following dividends were paid to shareholders during the
three years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999:

                   2001                2000                    1999

Quarter Ended   Amount      Per     Amount      Per      Amount      Per
                           Share               Share                Share

March 31      $1,442,387  $.1950  $1,371,130  $.1875   $1,358,734  $.1875
June 30       1,466,787    .1975  1,376,095    .1875    1,352,118   .1875
September 30  1,494,309    .2000  1,396,844    .1900    1,359,730   .1875
December 31   1,577,057    .2100  1,411,872    .1925    1,371,322   .1875
              _________   ______  _________    _____    _________   ______
              $5,980,540  $.8025  $5,555,941  $.7575   $5,441,904   $ .75
              =========    =====   ========    =====    ========    ======

      Total  distributions to shareholders for 2001  amounted  to
$5,980,540,  or  $.8025 per share, all  of  which  was  taxed  as
ordinary  income.   This  amount does not  include  the  dividend
resulting  from  the  discount on shares  purchased  through  the
Company's Dividend Reinvestment and Stock Purchase Plan.

     On  January  16, 2002, the Company declared  a  dividend  of
$.2125 per share to be paid on March 15, 2002 to shareholders  of
record February 15, 2002.


      The  Company elected to be taxed as a REIT.  As the Company
has  distributed  all of its income currently, no  provision  has
been  made for Federal income or excise taxes for the years ended
December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999.


      There   are   no  lawsuits  pending  against  the   Company
that  management  believes will have a  material  effect  on  the
financial condition or results of operations of the Company.

      In  the  normal  course  of business,  the   Company  is  a
Defendant in various legal cases, all of which are being defended
by the Company's insurance carrier.


      The  Company  is  required to disclose certain  information
about  fair values of financial instruments, as defined  in  SFAS
No. 107, "Disclosures About Fair Value of Financial Instruments".

                        Page 45


      Estimates  of  fair value are made at a specific  point  in
time,  based  upon, where available, relevant market  prices  and
information  about the financial instrument.  Such  estimates  do
not  include  any  premium or discount  that  could  result  from
offering for sale at one time the Company's entire holdings of  a
particular financial instrument.  For a portion of the  Company's
financial instruments, no quoted market value exists.  Therefore,
estimates  of  fair value are necessarily based on  a  number  of
significant assumptions (many of which involve events outside the
control of management).  Such assumptions include assessments  of
current  economic  conditions, perceived  risks  associated  with
these  financial  instruments  and their  counterparties,  future
expected   loss   experience  and  other  factors.    Given   the
uncertainties  surrounding these assumptions, the  reported  fair
values  represent  estimates  only  and,  therefore,  cannot   be
compared  to  the historical accounting model.  Use of  different
assumptions or methodologies is likely to result in significantly
different fair value estimates.

          The  fair value of cash and cash equivalents and  notes
receivables approximates their current carrying amounts since all
such  items  are  short-term  in  nature.   The  fair  value   of
securities available for sale is based upon quoted market values.
The  fair  value of mortgages payable in 1999 approximated  their
carrying amounts since such amounts payable were at approximately
a  weighted-average current market rate of interest.   For  2001,
the  fair  and carrying values of mortgages payable  amounted  to
$38,719,558  and $38,652,025, respectively.  The  fair  value  of
mortgages payable is based upon discounted cash flows at  current
market rates for instruments with similar remaining terms.


     Cash paid during the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and
1999  for  interest  was $2,971,894, $2,805,401  and  $2,120,268,

      During  the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000  and  1999,
land  development costs of $954,585, $1,063,099  and  $2,284,546,
respectively   were  transferred  to  investment   property   and
equipment and placed in service.

     During the years ended December 31, 2001, 2000 and 1999, the
Company had dividend reinvestments of $1,686,031, $1,866,103  and
$1,631,789, respectively which required no cash transfers.

      The  following are the reclassification adjustments related
to  securities available for sale included in Other Comprehensive
                                2001          2000           1999

Unrealized holding gains
 (losses)arising during
  the year                     $4,562,120   $ 1,428,525  $(1,336,870)
Less: reclassification
adjustment for gains
realized in income              (530,324)     (257,142)      (53,473)
                                _________    __________    __________

Net unrealized gains
(losses)                       $4,031,796   $ 1,171,383  $(1,390,343)
                                 ========     =========     =========

                               Page 46

                    UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.
                          SCHEDULE III
                        DECEMBER 31, 2001

  Column A       Column B                   Column C               Column D
                                          Initial Cost
                                                Site, Land &  Capitalization
                                                 Building      Subsequent to
Description    Encumbrances           Land      Improvements     Acquisition

Memphis, TN      $ 5,767,117        $ 50,000     $ 2,569,101      $1,316,117
 Center, NY              -0-          37,500         232,547       1,964,894
Vineland, NJ                  (3)    320,000       1,866,323         730,248
Duncansville, PA         -0-          60,774         378,093         412,929
 Township, PA      2,370,693         181,930       1,922,931         248,955
Clifton Park, NY   3,289,479         391,724         704,021         982,645
Apollo, PA               -0-         670,000       1,336,600         737,491
Cranberry          3,793,109          75,000         977,225       1,085,080
 Township, PA
Millville, NJ      2,500,000         216,000       1,166,517       4,172,482
Kutztown, PA             -0-         145,000       1,695,041       3,626,923
Inkerman, PA             -0-         572,500       2,151,569       2,258,579
Monticello, NY           -0-         235,600       1,402,572       1,748,724
Navarre, OH              -0-         290,000       1,457,673         695,172
Cresson, PA        1,739,711         432,700       2,070,426          38,091
Memphis, TN              -0-          78,435         810,477       1,479,120
West Grove, PA               (3)     175,000         990,515       1,216,307
Carlisle, PA             -0-          37,540         198,321         904,335
Belle Vernon, PA         -0-         150,000       2,491,796       2,631,293
Marion, OH               -0-         236,000         785,293       2,183,966
Athens, OH               -0-          67,000       1,326,800         215,272
Magnolia, OH       3,726,479         270,000       1,941,430       1,632,316
Jackson, NJ                  (3)     100,095         602,820       1,293,853
Hamburg, NY        2,852,354         424,000       3,812,000             -0-
Eatontown, NJ                (3)     157,421         280,749         165,315
Caledonia, OH            -0-         260,000       1,753,206         402,052
                   _________       _________       _________       _________
                 $26,038,942      $5,834,219     $34,924,046     $32,142,159
                                   =========       =========       =========
   Various        12,613,083 (3)

                              Page 47a

                    UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.
                          SCHEDULE III
                        DECEMBER 31, 2001

   Column A                  Column E (1) (2)              Column F (1)
                    Gross Amount at Which Carried at
                              Site, Land &
                                Building                  Accumulated
Description         Land      Improvements    Total       Depreciation

Memphis, TN         $250,000    $3,885,218   $4,135,218     $ 2,543,660
 Center, NY          122,865     2,112,076    2,234,941       1,028,366
Vineland, NJ         408,206     2,508,365    2,916,571       1,730,405
Duncansville,PA       60,774       791,022      851,796         566,020
 Township, PA        181,930     2,171,886    2,353,816       1,598,422
Clifton Park, NY     391,724     1,686,666    2,078,390         969,510
Apollo, PA           670,000     2,074,091    2,744,091         477,997
 Township, PA         75,000     2,062,305    2,137,305       1,631,036
Millville, NJ        631,137     4,923,862    5,554,999       1,503,038
Kutztown, PA         404,239     5,062,725    5,466,964       1,352,277
Inkerman, PA         572,500     4,410,148    4,982,648       1,229,340
Monticello, NY       318,472     3,068,424    3,386,896       1,227,481
Navarre, OH          290,000     2,152,845    2,442,845       1,075,603
Cresson, PA          432,700     2,108,517    2,541,217          19,168
Memphis, TN           78,435     2,289,597    2,368,032       1,212,468
West Grove, PA       536,064     1,845,758    2,381,822       1,433,801
Carlisle, PA         145,473       994,723    1,140,196         686,283
Belle Vernon, PA     150,000     5,123,089    5,273,089       3,163,905
Marion, OH           236,000     2,969,259    3,205,259       1,077,503
Athens, OH            67,000     1,542,072    1,609,072         293,960
Magnolia, OH         270,000     3,573,746    3,843,746       2,088,707
Jackson, NJ          100,095     1,896,673    1,996,768       1,478,755
Hamburg, NY          424,000     3,927,023    4,351,023         577,209
Eatontown, NJ        135,421       468,064      603,485         364,787
Caledonia, OH        260,000     2,155,258    2,415,258         433,791
                   _________     _________    _________      __________
                  $7,212,035   $65,803,412  $73,015,447     $29,763,492
                  ==========   ===========  ===========     ===========

                             Page 47b

                    UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.
                          SCHEDULE III
                        DECEMBER 31, 2001

Column A                   Column G       Column H       Column I

                           Date of          Date        Depreciable
Description              Construction     Acquired         Life

Memphis, TN             Prior to 1980       1986         3 to 27.5
Greenfield Center, NY   Prior to 1970       1977         3 to 27.5
Vineland, NJ                 1973           1986         3 to 27.5
Duncansville, PA             1961           1979         3 to 27.5
Cranberry Township, PA       1974           1986         5 to 27.5
Clifton Park, NY             1972           1978         3 to 27.5
Apollo, PA              Prior to 1980       1995         5 to 27.5
Cranberry Township, PA  Prior to 1980       1982         3 to 27.5
Millville, NJ           Prior to 1980       1985         3 to 27.5
Kutztown, PA                 1971           1979         5 to 27.5
Inkerman, PA                 1970           1992         5 to 27.5
Monticello, NY               1972           1988         5 to 27.5
Navarre, OH             Prior to 1980       1987         5 to 27.5
Cresson, PA             Prior to 1980       2001           27.5
Memphis, TN                  1955           1985         3 to 27.5
West Grove, PA               1971           1974         5 to 27.5
Carlisle, PA                 1961           1969         3 to 27.5
Belle Vernon, PA             1973           1983         3 to 27.5
Marion, OH                   1950           1986         3 to 27.5
Athens, OH              Prior to 1980       1996         5 to 27.5
Magnolia, OH            Prior to 1980       1985         5 to 27.5
Jackson, NJ                  1969           1969         3 to 27.5
Hamburg, NY             Prior to 1980       1997           27.5
Eatontown, NJ                1964           1978         3 to 27.5
Caledonia, OH           Prior to 1980       1996         5 to 27.5

                             Page 47c

                             /----------FIXED ASSETS-----------/
(1)  Reconciliation:        12/31/01       12/31/00      12/31/99

     Balance - Beginning    $68,265,859   $66,608,020    $61,329,910
      of Year
                              _________    __________     __________
     Acquisitions             2,503,126           -0-            -0-
     Improvements             2,710,384     2,017,051      5,739,997
     Depreciation                   -0-           -0-
                              _________    __________     __________
       Total Additions        5,213,510     2,017,051      5,739,997
                              _________    __________     __________
     Deletions                  463,922       359,212        461,887
     Balance - End of         _________    __________     __________
       Year                 $73,015,447   $68,265,859    $66,608,020
                              =========     =========     ==========

                             /-----ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION-----/
   Reconciliation:          12/31/01       12/31/00      12/31/99

   Balance - Beginning
    of Year                 $27,526,792   $25,357,748    $23,335,294
                              _________    __________     __________
   Acquisitions                     -0-           -0-            -0-
   Improvements                     -0-           -0-            -0-
   Depreciation               2,360,623     2,260,130      2,128,474
                              _________     _________      _________
     Total Additions          2,360,623     2,260,130      2,128,474
                              _________     _________      _________
   Deletions                    123,923        91,086        106,020
                              _________     _________     __________
   Balance - End of Year  $  29,763,492  $ 27,526,792  $  25,357,748
                              =========     =========     ==========

(2)  The aggregate cost for Federal tax purposes approximates
historical cost.

(3)  Represents one mortgage note payable secured by five

                              Page 47d


The Board of Directors
United Mobile Homes, Inc.

We  consent  to  incorporation by reference in  the  Registration
Statement  (No. 333-13053) on Form S-8 of our report dated  March
22,  2002, relating to the consolidated balance sheets of  United
Mobile  Homes,  Inc., as of December 31, 2001 and  2000  and  the
related  consolidated statements of income, shareholders' equity,
and  cash  flows  for each of the years in the three-year  period
ended  December 31, 2001, and the related schedule, which  report
appears  in the December 31, 2001 annual report on Form  10-K  of
United Mobile Homes, Inc.

                                   /s/ KPMG LLP

Short Hills, New Jersey
March 22, 2002

                              Page 48


Pursuant  to  the  requirements of Section 13  or  15(d)  of  the
Securities  and  Exchange Act of 1934, the  registrant  has  duly
caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned,
thereunto duly authorized.

                                  UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.

                                  BY:  /s/Eugene W. Landy
                                  EUGENE W. LANDY
                                  Chairman of the Board
Dated:        March 15, 2002

Pursuant  to the requirements of the Securities and Exchange  Act
of  1934, this report has been duly signed below by the following
persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and  on
the date indicated.

                      Title                 Date

/s/Eugene W. Landy    Chairman of the       March 15, 2002
EUGENE W. LANDY       Board and

/s/Samuel A. Landy    President and         March 15, 2002
SAMUEL A. LANDY       Director

/s/Anna T. Chew       Vice President and    March 15, 2002
ANNA T. CHEW          Chief Financial
                      and Director

/s/Ernest V.          Secretary/Treasurer   March 15, 2002
Bencivenga            and

/s/Charles P.         Director              March 15, 2002

/s/James Mitchell     Director              March 15, 2002

/s/Richard H. Molke   Director              March 15, 2002

/s/Eugene Rothenberg  Director              March 15, 2002

/s/Robert G. Sampson  Director              March 15, 2002

                              Page 49