BY-LAWS OF
                  UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.

                          ARTICLE I


       Section   1.   Registered  Office  and  Agent.    The
registered  office of the Corporation in the  State  of  New
Jersey  is  at Juniper Business Plaza, 3499 Route  9  North,
Suite 3-C, Freehold, New Jersey 07728.

      The registered agent of the Corporation at such office
is Eugene W. Landy, Esquire.

     Section 2.  Principal Place of Business.  The principal
place  of  business of the Corporation is  Juniper  Business
Plaza,  3499 Route 9 North, Suite 3-C, Freehold, New  Jersey

      Section  3.   Other  Places of  Business.   Branch  or
subordinate places of business or offices may be established
at  any  time by the Board at any place or places where  the
Corporation is qualified to do business.

                         ARTICLE II


     The Corporation shall have a seal of duly approved form
and design, an impression of which is affixed hereto.

                         ARTICLE III

                   SHAREHOLDERS' MEETINGS

      Section  1.   Annual Meeting.  The annual  meeting  of
shareholders  shall be held at 4:00PM Eastern  Time  on  the
third  Tuesday  of  the month of May of  each  year  at  its
principal  office,  Juniper Business  Plaza,  3499  Route  9
North,  Suite  3-C, Freehold, New Jersey, or at  such  other
time  and  place  as shall be specified  in  the  notice  of
meeting, in order to elect directors and transact such other
business as shall come before the meeting.  If that date  is
a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held at the same  hour
on  the next succeeding business day.  (Amended February 13,

      Section  2.  Special Meetings.  A special  meeting  of
shareholders may be called for any purpose by the  President
or the Board or, upon petition of 10% of the shareholders to
the   Board   of  Directors,  a  special  meeting   of   the
shareholders will be ordered. (Amended November 21, 1991)

      Section  3.   Quorum.  The presence at  a  meeting  in
person or by proxy of the holders of shares entitled to cast
a majority of the votes shall constitute a quorum.

      Section 4.  Notice of Meetings.  A written or  printed
notice of each annual or special meeting of the shareholders
of  the  Corporation,  signed  by  the  President  or  Vice-
President  or Secretary, which shall state the  time,  place
and  purpose or purposes of such meeting, shall be delivered
personally or by mail, not less than ten (10) days nor  more
than sixty (60) days before the meeting, to each shareholder
of  record entitled to vote at the meeting.  If mailed,  the
notice  shall be directed to the shareholder at his  address
as  it appears on the stock book, unless he shall have filed
with the Secretary of the Corporation a written request that
notices intended for him be mailed to some other address, in
which  case it shall be mailed to the address designated  in
such  request.  Any shareholder may at any time  by  a  duly
signed  statement  in  writing  to  that  effect  waive  any
statutory  or  other  notice of any  meeting,  whether  such
statement be signed before or after such meeting.

       Section   5.   Voting.   At  all  meetings   of   the
shareholders, each shareholder entitled to vote, and present
at  the meeting in person or by proxy, shall be entitled  to
one  vote  for  each  full share of  capital  stock  of  the
Corporation entitled to vote and standing registered in  his
name at the time of such voting; and the vote of the holders
of  a majority of the stock present and entitled to vote  at
any  such meeting of the shareholders shall control  on  any
question   brought  before  such  meeting.   The  Board   of
Directors  may designate a date as the record date  for  the
determination of shareholders entitled to notice  of  or  to
vote  at  any  meeting of shareholders  or  any  adjournment
thereof.  Such date shall not be less than ten (10) nor more
than sixty (60) days before the date of such meeting.


       Section  6.   Proxies.   Any  shareholder  of  record
entitled  to  vote  may be represented  at  any  regular  or
special  meeting  of the shareholders by  a  duly  appointed
proxy.   All  proxies shall be written and properly  signed,
but  shall require no other attestation, and shall be  filed
with the Secretary of the meeting before being voted.

     Section 7.  Officers of Meetings.  The President of the
Corporation,  if present, shall preside at all  meetings  of
shareholders;  in  his  absence the  Vice-President  of  the
Corporation,  if present, shall preside.  The  Secretary  of
the  Corporation shall, if present, act as secretary of  all
meetings  of  the shareholders.  In his absence a  temporary
secretary for that particular meeting shall be elected.  The
Secretary of the shareholders' meeting shall keep a faithful
record of the proceedings of such meetings, and, if not  the
Secretary  of the Corporation, shall immediately  turn  over
such record to the Secretary of the Corporation.

                         ARTICLE IV

                     BOARD OF DIRECTORS

     Section 1.  Number and Term of Office.  The Board shall
consist of 8 members.  Each director shall be elected by the
shareholders  at each annual meeting and shall  hold  office
until the next annual meeting of shareholders and until that
directors'  successor shall have been elected and qualified.
(Amended  June 18, 1985; further amended November 21,  1991;
further amended February 13, 1992).

     Section 2.  Regular Meetings.  A regular meeting of the
Board shall be held without notice immediately following and
at  the  same place as the annual shareholders' meeting  for
the  purposes  of  election of officers and conducting  such
other  business as may come before the meeting.  The  Board,
by  resolution, may provide for additional regular  meetings
which  may  be  held without notice, except to  members  not
present at the time of the adoption of the resolution.

     Section 3.  Special Meetings.  A special meeting of the
Board  may be called at any time by the President or by  any
two  Directors for any purpose.  Such meeting shall be  held
upon  three (3)  days  notice  if  given  orally, (either by


telephone  or in person), or by telegraph, or  by  five  (5)
days  notice if given by depositing the notice in the United
States  mails,  postage prepaid.  Such notice shall  specify
the time and place of the meeting.

      Section 4.  Action Without Meeting.  The Board may act
without  a  meeting if, prior or subsequent to such  action,
each  member of the Board shall consent in writing  to  such
action.  Such written consent or consents shall be filed  in
the minute book.

      Section  5.   Quorum.  A majority of the entire  Board
shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

      Section  6.   Vacancies in Board  of  Directors.   Any
vacancy  in  the  Board, including a vacancy  caused  by  an
increase  in the number of directors, may be filled  by  the
affirmative  vote of a majority of the remaining  directors,
even  though less than a quorum of the Board, or by  a  sole
remaining director.

                          ARTICLE V

                      WAIVERS OF NOTICE

       Any   notice  required  by  these  By-Laws,  by   the
Certificate of Incorporation, or by the New Jersey  Business
Corporation  Act  may  be waived in writing  by  any  person
entitled  to notice.  The waiver or waivers may be  executed
either  before  or  after the event with  respect  to  which
notice is waived.  Each director or shareholder attending  a
meeting  without  protesting, prior to its  conclusion,  the
lack  of proper notice shall be deemed conclusively to  have
waived notice of the meeting.

                         ARTICLE VI


     Section 1.  Election.  At its regular meeting following
the annual meeting of shareholders, the Board shall elect  a
president,  a treasurer, a secretary, and it may elect  such
other officers, including one or more vice-presidents, as it
shall  deem  necessary.  One person may  hold  two  or  more

     Section 2.  Duties and Authority of the President.  The
President  shall  be  the  Chief Executive  Officer  of  the
Corporation.  Subject only to the authority of the Board, he
shall   have  general  charge  and  supervision  over,   and
responsibility  for,  the  business  and  affairs   of   the
Corporation.   Unless otherwise directed by the  Board,  all
other  officers  shall  be  subject  to  the  authority  and
supervision of the President.  The President may enter  into
and  execute  in  the name of the Corporation  contracts  or
other  instruments  in  the regular course  of  business  or
contracts or other instruments not in the regular course  of
business   which   are  authorized,  either   generally   or
specifically,  by  the  Board.  He shall  have  the  general
powers and duties of management usually vested in the office
of president of a corporation.

      Section  3.   Duties and Authority of  Vice-President.
The  Vice-President shall perform such duties and have  such
authority  as from time to time may be delegated to  him  by
the President or the Board.  In the absence of the President
or  in the event of his death, inability, or refusal to act,
the  Vice-President shall perform the duties and  be  vested
with the authority of the President.

      Section  4.   Duties and Authority of Treasurer.   The
Treasurer shall have the custody of the funds and securities
of  the  Corporation  and shall keep or  cause  to  be  kept
regular books of account for the Corporation.  The Treasurer
shall  perform  such  other duties and  possess  such  other
powers  as  are  incident to that  office  or  as  shall  be
assigned by the President or the Board.

      Section  5.   Duties and Authority of Secretary.   The
Secretary  shall cause notices of all meetings to be  served
as prescribed in these By-Laws and shall keep or cause to be
kept the minutes of all meetings of the shareholders and the
Board.   The Secretary shall have charge of the seal of  the
Corporation.  The Secretary shall perform such other  duties
and possess such other powers as are incident to that office
or as are assigned by the President or the Board.

      Section  6.  Indemnification.  Every officer, director
or employee of United Mobile Homes, Inc. or its wholly-owned
subsidiaries shall be indemnified against expenses


and liabilities in connection with said persons' efforts  on
behalf  of  United  Mobile Homes, Inc. or  its  wholly-owned
subsidiaries,   and   a  condition  of   the   directorship,
employment  or  agency of its officers and agents,  is  that
said   persons   be  granted  the  fullest  protection   and
indemnification  available  under  N.J.S.A.  14A:305.    The
purpose  of  this  resolution is to require  indemnification
where  United  Mobile Homes, Inc. has  the  power  to  grant
indemnification where authorized in a specific case, upon  a
determination  that  indemnification  is  proper  under  the
circumstances in accordance with the provision  of  N.J.S.A.

      Section 7.  Every officer shall perform such duties as
the  Board  of Directors may from time to time require,  and
the  Board  of  Directors may likewise  appoint  such  other
officers  as  may  in its discretion be  necessary  for  the
transaction  of the business of the Corporation,  with  such
powers  and duties as it may confer and impose.  Should  any
vacancy  occur among the officers by death, resignation,  or
otherwise,  the  same  shall  be  filled  by  the  Board  of
Directors  by  a  majority vote, at any regular  or  special
meeting called for that purpose.

                         ARTICLE VII

                        CAPITAL STOCK

      Section 1.  Certificates.  Certificates of stock shall
be   signed   by   the  President  or  Vice-President,   and
countersigned by the Secretary or Treasurer and sealed  with
the  seal  of  the Corporation.  Each certificate  of  stock
shall  plainly  state upon the face thereof  the  number  of
shares  of  the class which it represents.  All certificates
exchanged  or  returned to the Corporation shall  be  marked
"cancelled" by the Secretary, with the date of cancellation.

     Section 2.  Transfers.  All transfers of stock shall be
made  upon  the  books  of  the  Corporation,  and  must  be
accompanied   by   the  surrender  of  the   duly   endorsed
certificate representing the stock transferred.


                        ARTICLE VIII


     Section 1.  Dividends.  Dividends shall be declared and
paid  at  such  times and in such amounts as  the  Board  of
Directors  may  in their absolute discretion  determine  and
designate,  subject  to  the  restrictions  and  limitations
imposed by the Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws.

                         ARTICLE IX

          CALENDAR YEAR (Amended November 21, 1991)

     Section 1.  Force and Effect of By-Laws.  These By-Laws
are  subject  to  the provisions of the New Jersey  Business
Corporation   Act  and  the  Corporation's  Certificate   of
Incorporation, as it may be amended from time to  time.   If
any  provision  in  these  By-Laws is  inconsistent  with  a
provision  in  that Act or the Certificate of Incorporation,
the   provision   of   that  Act  or  the   Certificate   of
Incorporation shall govern.

      Section 2.  Amendments to By-Laws.  These By-Laws  may
be  altered, amended or repealed by the shareholders or  the
Board.   Any  by-law  adopted, amended or  repealed  by  the
shareholders may be amended or repealed by the Board, unless
the  resolution  of  the shareholders adopting  such  by-law
expressly reserves to the shareholders the right to amend or
repeal it.

      Section 3.  Calendar Year.  The calendar year  of  the
Corporation shall begin on the first day of January of  each
year.  (Amended November 21, 1991)

                          ARTICLE X


     Section 1.  Amendments to Certificate of Incorporation.
Amendments  may  be  made  to the Company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation by the affirmative vote of two-thirds  of  the
votes  cast  by  the  holders of  shares  entitled  to  vote
thereon.  (Amended November 21, 1991)
