EXHIBIT 10 (e)

                    UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.
          Employment of the President - Samuel A. Landy

              AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY, 1, 2002

BY AND BETWEEN:     United Mobile Homes, Inc., a New Jersey
                    Corporation ("Corporation")

AND:                Samuel A. Landy ("Employee")

      Corporation desires to employ Employee to the  business  of
the  Corporation  and Employee desires to be  so  employed.   The
parties agree as follows:

     1.   Employment.

     Corporation agrees to employ Employee and Employee agrees to
be  employed in the capacity of President for a term of three (3)
years  effective  January  1, 2002 and terminating  December  31,

     2.   Time and Efforts.

     Employee  shall  diligently and conscientiously  devote  his
time  and attention and put his best efforts to the discharge  of
his duties as President of the Corporation.

     3.   Board of Directors

     Employee  should  at  all  times discharge  his  duties  and
consultation with an under supervision of the Board of  Directors
of  the  Corporation.  In the performance of his duties, Employee
shall  make  his principal office in such place as the  board  of
Directors  of  the  Corporation and Employee from  time  to  time

     4.   Compensation.

          A.   First year.  During the  Corporation's fiscal year
               beginning January 1, 2002  Corporation  shall  pay
               to the  Employee as compensation  for his services
               the  sum of $285,000, which shall be paid in equal
               bi-weekly installments.

          B.   Second year.  During the Corporation's fiscal year
               beginning January 1, 2003 Corporation shall pay to
               the Employee as compensation  for his services the
               sum of $299,250, which shall be paid  in bi-weekly

          C.   Third year.  During the  Corporation's fiscal year
               beginning January 1, 2004  Corporation  shall  pay
               to the Employee as  compensation  for his services
               the  sum of  $314,212,  which  shall  be  paid  in
               bi-weekly installments.

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       Thereafter,  the  term of this Employment Agreement  shall
       be  automatically renewed and extended for successive one-
       year  periods  except  that either  party  may,  at  least
       ninety  (90)  days prior to such expiration  date  or  any
       anniversary  thereof, give written  notice  to  the  party
       electing that this Employment Agreement not be renewed  or
       extended,  in  which event is Employment  Agreement  shall
       expire  as  of  the  expiration date or anniversary  date,
       respectively.  In the event a merger of the Company,  sale
       or  change  of control, Employee shall have the  right  to
       extend  and  renew this Employment Agreement so  that  the
       expiration  date  will be three years  from  the  date  of
       merger, sale or change of control.

     D.   Bonuses shall be paid at the discretion of the Board of
          Directors.  The following guidelines are agreed to:

     1.   The maximum bonus will be 21% of base salary.

     2.   Performance will  be measured by achieving  one or more
          of the following goals:

          a.   FFO per share to  increase 8%  or an average of 8%
               over three years.  Income to be  calculated  based
               on ordinary park operation income after tax income.
               Extraordinary one time items not to be included for
               performance purposes.  Any increase or decrease in
               the number of shares is to be adjusted so that the
               determination  is based  on a  constant  number of
               shares.  Issuance  of  shares  for the  purpose of
               increasing  FFO  from  park   operations  will  be
               factored  in  determining  the  increased  FFO per

          b.   Board   shall  be  in  the  position  to  increase
               dividend 8% yearly at 80% of FFO.

          c.   There shall be a net increase in park occupancy of
               50 units per year.

      The  bonus of 21% of base salary will be paid 1/3  for each
goal met.

      The  payment  of  any one bonus under this  plan  does  not
exclude  the  payment  of any other bonuses including  the  stock
option bonus referred to below:

     3.   Stock  option  bonus:  The  Employee shall  receive the
          Option  to  Purchase  25,000  shares of stock at market
          price  or  the  price  required by law each year unless
          grant  of  the  option  exceeds  the  number  of shares
          allowed by the option plan.

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     5.   Loans.

      The  Corporation  agrees to loan  the  employee  the  money
necessary  for the exercise of any stock option awarded  pursuant
to  this contract or previously awarded to the Employee, provided
said  loan  is  secured by the restricted or  unrestricted  stock
granted  under the option and by personal guarantee and  provided
interest  is  paid  monthly  at  United's  corporate  long   term
borrowing rate.  Each limited by option price.  The loan shall be
a  5  year balloon loan amortized over 15 years.  In addition,  a
loan  of  $350,000 will be granted upon signing of this  contract
pursuant  to  the above terms.  This loan shall be a  three  year
loan at UMH's corporate loan borrowing rate.

     6.   Expenses.

     Corporation  will reimburse the Employee for reasonable  and
necessary  expenses incurred by him and carrying out  his  duties
under  this agreement.  Employee shall present to the Corporation
from  time-to-time, an itemized account of such expenses in  such
forms as may be required by the Corporation.

     7.   Automobile.

     In  recognition  of  Employee's need for an  automobile  for
business purposes, the Corporation will provide the Employee with
an  automobile including maintenance, repairs, insurance and  all
costs   incident  thereto,  all  comparable  to  those  presently
provided to Employee by the Corporation.

     8.   Indemnity and Attorneys Fees.

     The  Corporation agrees to indemnify the Employee  from  any
and  all  lawsuits filed directly against the Employee in  either
his  capacity  as  Employee or as a Director of the  Corporation.
The  Corporation will pay all attorneys fees and costs to  defend
the Employee from any such lawsuits.

     9.   Vacation.

     Employee  shall  be  entitled to take four  (4)  paid  weeks
     vacation per year.

     10.  Disability or Severance.

     The  Corporation will pay Employee an amount  equal  to  the
premium  for  the  Employee's purchase of  disability  insurance.
Additionally, Employee is entitled to one year's severance pay if
the  severance is a result of action by the Board.   Employee  is
not entitled to both at the same time.

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     11.  401-K Plan.

     The Corporation will continue to provide a 401-K Plan, which
the Employee can contribute to at his option.

     12.  Change of More than Three Corporate Directors.

     In  the  event a change of more than three (3) Directors  of
the Corporation during the term of this Contract, then Samuel  A.
Landy, shall have the option to cancel this Contract at any  time
after  the  change of more than three (3) Directors.   Notice  of
intent to cancel the Contract shall be sent by Samuel A. Landy to
each  Board  member  of the Corporation and  shall  be  effective
thirty (30) days after the mailing.

     13.  Notices.

     All  notices  required or permitted to be given  under  this
agreement  shall  be  given  by certified  mail,  return  receipt
requested to the parties at the following addresses or such other
addresses as either may designate in writing to the other party:

     Corporation:   United Mobile Homes, Inc.
                    3499 Route 9 North, Suite 3-C
                    Freehold, NJ  07728

     Employee:      Samuel A. Landy
                    124 Federal Road
                    Englishtown, NJ  07726

     14.  Governing Law.

     This Agreement shall be construed and governed in accordance
with the laws of the State of New Jersey.

     15.  Entire Contract.

     This  Agreement  constitutes the  entire  understanding  and
agreement between the Corporation and Employee with regard to all
matters  herein.   There are no other agreements,  conditions  or
representations  oral or written express or implied  with  regard
thereto.   This  Agreement may be amended  only  in  writing  and
signed by both parties hereto.

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      IN  WITNESS  WHEREAS, Corporation has  by  its  appropriate
officers signed and affixed its seal and Employee has signed  and
sealed this Agreement.

                              UNITED MOBILE HOMES, INC.

(SEAL)                        BY:  /s/ Richard Molke
                                   Richard Molke
                                   Compensation Committee

                              BY:  /s/ Samuel A. Landy
                                   Samuel A. Landy, Employee

                              BY:  /s/ Eugene Rothenberg
                                   Eugene Rothenberg
                                   Compensation Committee