Contact:          Susan B. Raile                      FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
                  (301) 255-4740
                  Sharon Bramell
                  (301) 255-4742


                       2004 Earnings of 30 Cents per Unit

     ROCKVILLE,  MD,  March 8,  2005--(AMEX/AII)  -- American  Insured  Mortgage
Investors-Series  85,  L.P.  (AIM 85),  a  liquidating  partnership  that  holds
investments in government insured multifamily  mortgages,  reported net earnings
for the three months  ended  December 31, 2004 of  approximately  $260,000  (two
cents per unit)  compared to  approximately  $1.1 million (eight cents per unit)
for the three months ended  December 31, 2003.  AIM 85 reported net earnings for
the year ended  December  31, 2004 of  approximately  $3.8 million (30 cents per
unit)  compared to  approximately  $5.6 million (44 cents per unit) for the year
ended December 31, 2003.

     Net earnings  decreased for the three and twelve months ended  December 31,
2004 as  compared  to the same  periods in 2003  primarily  due to a decrease in
mortgage  investment  income  resulting from the reduction in the mortgage base.
The  mortgage  base  decreased  as a result of 7 mortgage  dispositions  with an
aggregate  principal  balance of  approximately  $31  million,  representing  an
approximate  68%  decrease  in the  aggregate  principal  balance  of the  total
mortgage portfolio since December 2003.

     The decrease in net earnings for the twelve months ended  December 31, 2004
was partially offset by an increase in net gains on mortgage dispositions, and a
decrease in asset  management fees due to the decreasing  mortgage base.  During
2004,  AIM 85  recognized  net gains of  approximately  $2.1  million from three
mortgage  prepayments,  one assignment and the sale of three  mortgages.  During
2003, the Partnership  recognized net gains of  approximately  $1.5 million from
eight mortgage prepayments and six mortgage assignments.

     As of  December  31,  2004,  AIM 85 had  investments  in 8 fully  federally
insured  mortgages  and  one  debenture  with  an  aggregate  amortized  cost of
approximately  $15.9 million, a face value of approximately  $16.0 million and a
fair value of approximately $16.0 million.

     AIM 85 distributes  net proceeds,  if any, from mortgage  dispositions  and
debenture redemptions to its investors,  in addition to distributions of regular
cash flow.  As AIM 85  continues  to  liquidate  its  mortgage  investments  and
investors  receive  distributions  of  return  of  capital  and  taxable  gains,
investors  should  expect a reduction in earnings and  distributions  due to the
decreasing  mortgage base.  Based upon the current level of interest rates,  the
trend in mortgage  prepayments  over the last year is likely to  continue.  Such
mortgage prepayments,  if continued at the trend over the past year, will likely
result in a termination and liquidation of the Partnership significantly earlier
than the  December  2009  stated  termination  date.  Upon the  termination  and
liquidation  of the  Partnership,  distributions  to  investors  will be made in
accordance with the terms of the  Partnership  Agreement.  A final  distribution
will be based on the  unitholders' and General  Partner's  pro-rata share of the
Partnership's  remaining  net assets after  deducting  and setting aside amounts
required to satisfy and  discharge  any  existing  Partnership  obligations  and
expenses  as  stated  in  the  Partnership   Agreement.   Such  distribution  to
unitholders  will be  substantially  less than the amount  referenced in limited
partners' equity in the Partnership's financial statements.

                                 -table follows-


                              STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                     For the three months ended          For the years ended
                                                             December 31,                    December 31,
                                                        2004            2003            2004             2003
                                                   --------------   ------------    ------------      -----------
  Mortgage investment income                          $ 321,142     $ 1,100,595     $ 2,089,159       $ 4,846,437
  Interest and other income                              39,597          92,068         222,374           233,299
                                                     ----------     -----------     -----------       -----------
                                                        360,739       1,192,663       2,311,533         5,079,736
                                                     ----------     -----------     -----------       -----------
  Asset management fee to related parties                36,405         142,140         268,885           611,417
  General and administrative                             64,801          64,205         296,936           393,410
                                                     ----------     -----------     -----------       -----------
                                                        101,206         206,345         565,821         1,004,827
                                                     ----------     -----------     -----------       -----------

Earnings before gains (losses)
  on mortgage dispositions                              259,533         986,318       1,745,712         4,074,909

Mortgage dispositions
  Gains                                                       -         135,858       2,126,903         1,509,197
  Losses                                                      -         (11,415)        (71,836)          (11,415)
                                                     ----------     -----------     -----------       -----------
Net earnings                                          $ 259,533     $ 1,110,761     $ 3,800,779       $ 5,572,691
                                                     ==========     ===========     ===========       ===========

Net earnings per limited
  partnership unit - basic and diluted                   $ 0.02          $ 0.08          $ 0.30            $ 0.44
                                                     ==========     ===========     ===========       ===========

Limited partnership units
  outstanding as of December 31,                     12,079,514      12,079,514      12,079,514        12,079,514
                                                     ==========     ===========     ===========       ===========

Balance Sheet Data:                                                                      As of December 31,
                                                                                        2004             2003
                                                                                    ------------      ----------
Investment in insured mortgages                                                       14,299,980      45,775,507
Investment in debentures                                                               1,741,873      10,335,670
Total assets                                                                          16,802,268      69,048,427