Exhibit 99

                           POWERTEL MERGER AGREEMENTS

Wilmington,  Delaware, August 28, 2000... SCANA Communications Holdings, Inc., a
wholly owned,  indirect  subsidiary of SCANA Corporation (NYSE: SCG),  announced
today an important  step in realizing  the value of its  investment in Powertel,
Inc.   (NASDAQ:PTEL),   a  leading   provider  of  digital   wireless   Personal
Communications  Services (PCS) in the southeastern United States. Under terms of
definitive  agreements  announced  August 27, 2000 by Powertel  and  VoiceStream
Wireless Corporation (NASDAQ:VSTR), Powertel has agreed to be acquired by either
VoiceStream,  a leading  provider of  telecommunications  services in the United
States,   or   Deutsche   Telekom   AG   (NYSE:DT,FSE:DTE),   Europe's   largest
telecommunications  company  and the fourth  largest  carrier  worldwide.  SCANA
Communications  Holdings,  Inc.  owns  approximately  14.6 million fully diluted
common shares,  or about a 27% equity  interest,  in Powertel,  representing  an
investment of $249 million.

Details of the Transactions:

         Terms of the  transactions  are described in a press release  issued by
VoiceStream  Wireless and Powertel on August 27, 2000.  VoiceStream and Powertel
have scheduled a conference call to review this  announcement.  The call will be
held  Monday,  August 28,  2000 at 9:00 a.m.  PDT (12:00  noon ET).  The call-in
number  is  1-888-732-8927   and  the  reservation   number  is  16181979.   The
international call-in number is 212-896-6005.

Impact on SCANA Corporation:

          "This  transaction  is significant to SCANA because it is an important
step in our  efforts to realize  the value of our  long-standing  investment  in
Powertel for our shareholders," said William B. Timmerman,  chairman,  president
and  chief  executive  officer  of SCANA  Corporation.  "The  growth of our $249
million  investment  in  Powertel  to a market  value of more than $1.2  billion
represents an exceptional return for our shareholders."

         "Powertel is the second successful  telecommunications  venture we have
participated  in," said  Timmerman.  "In 1990, we realized a gain of $46 million
from  the  sale  of  our  investment  in   Telecom*USA  to  MCI   Communications
Corporation. Our participation in the development of these start-up ventures has
helped us gain  valuable  knowledge  about  entering new and highly  competitive
markets.  That knowledge  played a significant role in our successful entry into
the recently  deregulated retail natural gas market in Georgia,  where our SCANA
Energy  subsidiary  captured a 30 percent market share in less than a year after
that market opened to competition."

         Based on closing market prices of Deutsche  Telekom and  VoiceStream on
August 25, 2000,  respectively,  SCANA Communications  Holdings, Inc. would have
recorded an after-tax gain of  approximately  $850 million on the closing of the
Deutsche  Telekom/Powertel  merger,  or an after-tax gain of approximately  $650
million on the closing of the VoiceStream/Powertel merger.

         "This  transaction  will result in  increased  liquidity  for SCANA and
allow us to more easily  monetize our  investment in the future and reinvest the
proceeds to  repurchase  outstanding  common stock,  reduce SCANA  Corporation's
indebtedness, and support continued growth for our Company," said Timmerman.

         SCANA Communications Holdings' current Powertel holdings are subject to
contractual  resale  restrictions  arising out of the transaction and the common
shares  SCANA   Communications   Holdings   will  receive  in  either  of  these
transactions will be subject to resale restrictions, which will be summarized in
filings with the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission  made by Powertel.  These
contractual  resale  restrictions are in addition to those which generally apply
under securities law.


         SCANA Communications Holdings, Inc., a Delaware-based corporation, is a
wholly owned,  indirect  subsidiary  of SCANA  Corporation.  SCANA  Corporation,
headquartered in Columbia,  South Carolina,  is an energy-based  holding company
principally engaged,  through subsidiaries,  in electric and natural gas utility
operations,  telecommunications and other energy-related businesses. Information
about  SCANA  and its  businesses  is  available  on the  Company's  website  at

SCANA Conference Call Notice:

         William B. Timmerman,  chairman,  president and chief executive officer
of SCANA  Corporation  and  Kevin B.  Marsh,  senior  vice  president  and chief
financial  officer of SCANA  Corporation,  will discuss the implications of this
transaction for SCANA  Corporation and respond to questions  during a conference
call  scheduled for August 28, 2000 at 1:30 p.m. ET. The call-in  number for the
conference call is 1-800-374-2396.  Participants  should call in 5 to 10 minutes
prior to the scheduled start time.

         A live,  listen-only  web cast of the conference call will be available
on  the  Company's  web  site  at  www.scana.com  or  at   www.streetevents.com.
Participants should go to either of these web sites at least 10 minutes prior to
the 1:30  p.m.  ET start  time and  follow  the  instructions.  A replay  of the
conference call will be available  approximately 2 hours after conclusion of the
call through September 8, 2000 on SCANA's web site or by calling  1-800-642-1687
and entering the I.D. number 162120.

                                      # # #

         This  press  release  includes  forward-looking  statements  within the
meaning of Section 27A of the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and Section
21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Those statements include
statements  regarding the intent,  belief or current expectations of the Company
and its management.  Although SCANA  Corporation  believes that its expectations
are based on  reasonable  assumptions,  it can give no assurance  that its goals
will be achieved. Readers are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements
are not  guarantees  of  future  performance  and  involve a number of risks and
uncertainties  that could cause actual results to differ  materially  from those
indicated  by  such  forward-looking   statements.   Many  of  these  risks  and
uncertainties  relate to  factors  that are  beyond  the  companies'  ability to
control  or  estimate  precisely,  such as future  market  conditions,  currency
fluctuations,  the  behavior  of  other  market  participants,  the  actions  of
governmental  regulators and other risk factors detailed in SCANA Corporation's,
Deutsche  Telekom's,  VoiceStream's,  and  Powertel's  reports  filed  with  the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  The Company  disclaims any  obligation to
update any forward-looking statements.

         Interested  persons are advised to read the filings which have been and
will be made with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission by Deutsche  Telekom,
VoiceStream and Powertel, including the proxy statement/prospectus regarding the
transactions  referenced in this press  release  because such filings do contain
and will contain important information.  The proxy  statement/prospectus will be
filed  with the  Commission  by  Deutsche  Telekom,  VoiceStream  and  Powertel.
Security  holders  and other  interested  persons  may obtain a free copy of the
proxy statement/prospectus (when available) and other related documents filed by
Deutsche  Telekom,  VoiceStream,  and Powertel at the  Commission's  web site at
www.sec.gov or at the  Commission's  public  reference room located at 450 Fifth
Street,  NW,  Washington,  D.C. 20549 or at one of the Commission's other public
reference  rooms in New York,  New York and Chicago,  Illinois.  Please call the
Commission at  1-800-SEC-0330  for further  information on the public  reference