BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN & CO. - GLOBAL CUSTODY NETWORK U.S. GLOBAL INVESTORS FUNDS APPENDIX A TO THE CUSTODIAN AGREEMENT COUNTRY SUBCUSTODIAN DEPOSITORIES -------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------- AUSTRALIA NATIONAL AUSTRALIA BANK LTD.(NAB) Austraclear National Australia Bank Agt. 5/1/85 CHESS Agreement Amendment 2/13/92 RBA Omnibus Amendment 11/22/93 BELGIUM BANK BRUSSELS LAMBERT (BBL) CIK Banque Bruxelles Lambert Agt. 11/15/90 NBB Omnibus Amendment 3/1/94 CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA (RBC) Bank of Canada The Royal Bank of Canada Agreement CDS 2/23/96 CHINA STANDARD CHARTERED BANK (SCB), SHANGHAI SSCCRC Standard Chartered Bank Agreement 2/18/92 Omnibus Amendment 6/13/94 Appendix 4/8/96 CHINA STANDARD CHARTERED BANK (SCB), SHENZHEN SSCC Standard Chartered Bank Agreement 2/18/92 Omnibus Amendment 6/13/94 Appendix 4/8/96 FRANCE CREDIT AGRICOLE INDOSUEZ (CAI) BdF Banque Indosuez Agreement 7/19/90 SICOVAM Omnibus Amendment 3/10/94 GERMANY DRESDNER BANK AG CBF Dresdner Bank Agreement 10/6/95 HONG KONG HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORP. CMU LTD (HSBC) HKSCC Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. Agt. 4/19/91 Omnibus Supplement 12/29/93 Schedule 5/14/96 1/10/01 PAGE 1 OF 3 524 COUNTRY SUBCUSTODIAN DEPOSITORIES -------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------- IRELAND ALLIED IRISH BANKS PLC (AIB) CREST Allied Irish Banks Agreement 1/10/89 CBISSO Omnibus Amendment 4/8/94 ITALY BANCA COMMERCIALE ITALIANA (BCI) Monte Titoli Banca Commerciale Italiana Agreement S.P.A. 5/8/89 Agreement Amendment 10/8/93 Omnibus Amendment 12/14/93 JAPAN BANK OF TOKYO - MITSUBISHI, LTD. (BTM) BoJ Bank of Tokyo - Mitsubishi Agreement JASDEC 6/17/96 KOREA CITIBANK NA, SEOUL KSD Citibank, N.A., New York Agt. 7/16/81 New York Agreement Amendment 8/31/90 New York Agreement Amendment 7/26/96 Citibank, Seoul Agreement Supplement 10/28/94 MEXICO BANCO SANTANDER MEXICANO SA (BSM) FOR Banxico BANCO DE SANTANDER Indeval Banco de Santander Agreement 12/14/88 Subsidiary Amendment 10/18/96 NETHERLANDS FORTIS BANK NECIGEF MeesPierson NV Agreement 6/4/99 PHILIPPINES CITIBANK NA, MANILA PCD Citibank, N.A., New York Agt. 7/16/81 ROSS New York Agreement Amendment 8/31/90 New York Agreement Amendment 7/26/96 SINGAPORE HONGKONG & SHANGHAI BANKING CORP. LTD. CDP (HSBC), SINGAPORE Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. Agt. 4/19/91 Omnibus Supplement 12/29/93 Schedule 5/14/96 SOUTH AFRICA STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA (SBSA) CDL Standard Bank of South Africa STRATE Agreement 3/11/94 1/10/01 PAGE 2 OF 3 524 COUNTRY SUBCUSTODIAN DEPOSITORIES -------------- ----------------------------------------- --------------- SPAIN BANCO SANTANDER CENTRAL HISPANO SA (BSCH) Banco de Espana Banco de Santander Agreement 12/14/88 SCL THAILAND HONGKONG & SHANGHAI BANKING CORP. LTD. TSDC (HSBC), BANGKOK Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corp. Agt. 4/19/91 Omnibus Supplement 12/29/93 Schedule 5/14/96 TRANSNATIONAL BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN & CO. (BBH&CO.) CBL Euroclear UNITED KINGDOM HSBC BANK PLC CMO Midland Bank Agreement 8/8/90 CREST Omnibus Amendment 12-15-93 ZIMBABWE STANBIC BANK ZIMBABWE LTD FOR STANDARD None BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA (SBSA) Standard Bank of South Africa Agreement 3/11/94 Subsidiary Amendment 10/3/96 NOTES: 1.) The depositories in Panama and Venezuela are presently elective. It is not the current intention of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. to use such depositories unless their use becomes compulsory. Euroclear is compulsory for fixed income obligations and elective for equities. Currently, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. uses Euroclear for settlement of equities where we are instructed to do so. We do not use Euroclear for the ongoing safekeeping of equities. 2.) If you are authorizing investment in Bolivia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Estonia, Ghana, Lithuania, Panama or Nigeria, these arrangements are the subject of additional information in Schedule A to the FCM report. 3.) This appendix reflects changes to the listed markets, subcustodians and/or central depositories which have been reported within the FCM report(s) through the date referenced in the lower left hand corner of this appendix. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE BOARD OR ITS DELEGATE HAS APPROVED THE COUNTRIES AND CENTRAL DEPOSITORIES LISTED ON THIS APPENDIX /s/ Susan B. McGee ---------------------------------------- SIGNATURE NAME: Susan B. McGee TITLE: Executive Vice President DATE: September 24, 2001 1/10/01 PAGE 3 OF 3 524