Terry Badger
Director of Communications

                                                           For Immediate Release

          U.S. Global Investors acheives record earnings in 3Q
      Net income up more than 400 percent from same quarter in 2005


SAN ANTONIO - May 15, 2006 - U.S.  Global  Investors,  Inc.  (NASDAQ:  GROW),  a
boutique registered  investment advisory firm, today reported record earnings in
the quarter ended March 31, 2006, that were more than 400 percent higher than in
the same period in 2005.

The company  recorded net income of $2.55 million,  or 34 cents per share,  on a
quarterly revenue record of $11.6 million during the three months. That compares
to earnings of $449,000, or 6 cents per share, on revenue of $4.9 million during
the same quarter a year earlier.

For the nine months ended March 31, 2006,  U.S.  Global has posted net income of
$4.81 million,  or 64 cents per share, on revenue of $25.9 million.  The company
earned $1.1 million, or 15 cents per share, on revenue of $12 million during the
nine-month period ended March 31, 2005.

"The wind of commodity  prices hit our sails in the latest quarter,  but we also
helped our performance by focusing on our rigorous  investment  processes," says
Frank Holmes, CEO and chief investment officer at U.S. Global Investors.

"We've taken a more defensive  stance because it's getting harder to find stocks
that fit our strict models," Holmes continues.  "We still believe in the secular
bull market for commodities, but as active money managers, we're cautious in the
short  term.  Pension  funds  have been  investing  heavily  in  commodity-based
indexes, and in the short term we're not sure how sustainable this demand driver
for commodities will be."

U.S.  Global's mutual fund assets under management stood at $4.37 billion at the
end of the third  quarter,  nearly double the $2.23 billion under  management on
March 31, 2005.  Including all advisory contracts,  the company now manages more
than $5.8 billion in assets.


Selected financial data (unaudited) for the three months ended March 31

                                          2006                     2005
Revenue                                   $11,557,008              $4,885,699
Expenses                                  $7,458,705               $4,155,139
Tax expense                               $1,547,895               $281,649
Net Income                                $2,550,408               $448,911
EPS (basic and diluted)                   $0.34                    $0.06
Avg. Mutual Fund Assets under Mgmt        $3.78 billion            $2.01 billion

Selected financial data (unaudited) for the nine months ended March 31

                                          2006                     2005
Revenue                                   $25,892,362              $11,952,326
Expenses                                  $18,365,696              $10,280,278
Tax expense                               $2,712,730               $575,488
Net Income                                $4,813,936               $1,096,560
EPS (basic and diluted)                   $ 0.64                   $0.15
Avg. Mutual Fund Assets under Mgmt        $2.99 billion            $1.68 billion

As of March 31, 2006,  the U.S.  Global  Investors fund family had several funds
leading their peer groups and the overall  mutual-fund  sector in measures going
back as far as five years, according to the rating company Lipper Inc.

In the first three months of 2006,  U.S.  Global's World Precious  Minerals Fund
(UNWPX) was ranked #2 by Lipper in total return among all domestic funds and the
Gold Shares Fund  (USERX)  was #3. In Lipper's  measure for the 12 months  ended
March  31,  2006,  the Gold  Shares  Fund  ranked #3 in total  return  among all
domestic funds and World Precious Minerals was #6.

For the five years ended March 31, 2006, the World Precious Minerals Fund ranked
#1 in total return among all domestic funds. U.S. Global's Eastern European Fund
(EUROX)  was #3,  the Gold  Shares  Fund was #4 and the  Global  Resources  Fund
(PSPFX) was #16.  No other fund  family had more than two funds in Lipper's  top

As of March 31, 2006,  according to Lipper,  the World  Precious  Minerals  Fund
ranked #3 of 54, #1 of 46, #1 of 35, and #15 of 24 among gold-oriented funds for
total  return for the 1-, 3-, 5-, and  10-year  periods.  The Gold  Shares  Fund
ranked #1 of 54, #3 of 46, #2 of 35 and #23 of 24 among  gold-oriented funds for
the 1-, 3-, 5- and 10-year periods.  The Eastern European Fund ranked #7 of 196,
#1 of 173 and #2 of 137 among  emerging-market  funds for the 1-, 3- and  5-year
periods. The Global Resources Fund ranked #26 of 101, #1 of 74, #1 of 67 and #13
of 29 among natural resources funds for the 1-, 3-, 5- and 10-year periods.

About U.S. Global Investors, Inc.
U.S. Global Investors, Inc. ( is a registered investment
adviser that focuses on profitable niche markets around the world. Headquartered
in San Antonio, Texas, the

company  offers  financial  solutions  and  provides  transfer  agency and other
services to U.S. Global Investors Funds and U.S. Global Accolade Funds.

With more than $5.6 billion under  management,  the groups consist of 13 no-load
mutual funds that offer a variety of investment  options,  from emerging markets
to money  markets.  In  general,  trends in assets are the  critical  drivers of
revenue and earnings trends.

Please consider carefully the fund's investment  objectives,  risks, charges and
expenses. For this and other important information,  obtain a fund prospectus by
visiting or by calling 1-800-US-FUNDS (1-800-873-8637).  Read it
carefully before investing. Distributed by U.S. Global Brokerage Inc.

Performance data quoted above is historical. Past performance is no guarantee of
future results.  Current performance may be higher or lower than the performance
data quoted.  The principal  value and investment  return of an investment  will
fluctuate so that your  shares,  when  redeemed,  may be worth more or less than
their  original  cost.  Performance  does not  include  the  effect  of any fees
described in the fund's  prospectus  (e.g.  short-term  trading fees) which,  if
applicable,  would lower your total returns.  Obtain performance data current to
the most recent month-end at or 1-800-US-FUNDS, option 5.

Foreign and  emerging-market  investing involves special risks, such as currency
fluctuation and less public disclosure,  as well as economic and political risk.
Gold funds may be  susceptible  to adverse  economic,  political  or  regulatory
developments  due to  concentrating  in a  single  theme.  The  price of gold is
subject to substantial price  fluctuations over short periods of time and may be
affected by  unpredicted  international  monetary  and  political  policies.  We
suggest  investing  no  more  than 3% to 5% of  your  portfolio  in gold or gold

Lipper  Disclaimer:  Lipper ratings for Total Return  reflect funds'  historical
total return performance relative to peers as of March 31, 2006. Although Lipper
makes  reasonable  efforts to ensure the  accuracy and  reliability  of the data
contained  herein,  the accuracy is not guaranteed by Lipper.  Users acknowledge
that  they  have  not  relied  upon  any  warranty,  condition,   guarantee,  or
representation made by Lipper. Any use of the data for analyzing,  managing,  or
trading financial instruments is at the user's own risk. This is not an offer to
buy or sell securities.

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