EX 3.5



                          ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO THE
                         UNITED SERVICES ADVISORS, INC.

     Pursuant to the  provisions  of the Texas  Business  Corporation  Act,  the
undersigned Corporation hereby adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its
Restated Articles of Incorporation.

                                    ARTICLE I

     The name of the Corporation is United Services Advisors, Inc.

                                   ARTICLE II

     The following  amendments to the Restated  Articles of  Incorporation  were
adopted by the shareholders of the Corporation on the 2nd day of April, 1985.

     The amendments delete the provisions of Article Four and add new paragraphs
in substitution  therefor,  which provide that each outstanding share of Class A
Common Stock,  par value $0.05 per share,  shall be converted  into one share of
Common Stock, par value $0.05 per share,  provide for the authorization of a new
class of  Preferred  Stock and  delete  authorization  for the  Company to issue
shares of Class A Common Stock, Class B Common Stock and Series Preferred Stock.
The Restated Articles of Incorporation are hereby amended as follows:

     Articles Four of the Restated  Articles of  Incorporation is hereby amended
by deleting said Article Four in its entirety and by  substituting a new Article
Four as follows:

                                  "ARTICLE FOUR

"1. GENERAL. The corporation is authorized to issue one class of Preferred Stock
("Preferred  Stock"),  and one class of Common Stock ("Common Stock"). The total
number of shares which the  corporation  is  authorized  to issue is  10,000,000
shares.  The number of shares of Preferred Stock authorized is 6,000,000 and the
par value of each  such  share if $0.05.  The  number of shares of Common  Stock
authorized is 4,000,000, and the par value of each such share is $0.05.


     "2.1 VOTING  RIGHTS.  Except as  otherwise  expressly  provided by law, all
voting  rights shall be in the Common  Stock as provided  for in  paragraph  3.1
below, and none in the Preferred Stock.


     "(1)  AMOUNT;  PARTICIPATING.  In any fiscal year of the  corporation,  the
holders of the  Preferred  Stock at the time  outstanding  shall be  entitled to
receive, when and as declared by the Board of Directors of the corporation,  out
of any funds legally  available  therefor,  noncumulative  cash  dividends in an
aggregate  amount up to 5% of the  corporation's  after-tax net earnings for its
prior fiscal year. In any fiscal year of the  corporation,  until the holders of
the Preferred  Stock shall have received cash  dividends  aggregating  5% of the
corporation's  after-tax  net  earnings  for  its  prior  fiscal  year,  no cash
dividends  shall be paid to the holders of the Common Stock.  In any fiscal year
of the  corporation  in which the  holders  of the  Preferred  Stock  shall have
received  cash  dividends  aggregating  5% of the  corporation's  after-tax  net
earnings for its prior  fiscal year,  the holders of the Common Stock shall then
be entitled to receive,  when and as declared by the Board of Directors,  out of
any funds legally available therefor,  cash dividends per share up to the amount
of cash dividends per share  theretofore  received during such fiscal adjustment
as provided in paragraph  2.2(4) hereof.  In any fiscal year of the corporation,
when the cash dividends per share paid to the holders of the Common Stock during
such fiscal year shall be the maximum amount permitted pursuant to the preceding
sentence,  such cash  dividends,  if any, as the Board of Directors may elect to
pay during the balance of such fiscal year,  out of any funds legally  available
therefor,  shall be paid  simultaneously  on both the  Preferred  Stock  and the
Common Stock in the same  proportionate  amounts per share as  theretofore  paid
during the fiscal year on the Preferred Stock and the Common Stock.

     "(2) NONCUMULATIVE. Dividends on Preferred Stock shall be noncumulative and
no rights shall accrue to the holders of Preferred  Stock in the event that,  in
any fiscal year, the corporation shall fail to declare or pay dividends of up to
5% of the after-tax net earnings of the  corporation  for its prior fiscal year,
whether or not the  earnings of the  corporation  for the prior fiscal year were
sufficient to pay such dividend in whole or in part.

     "(3) NET EARNINGS AFTER TAXES. Net earnings after taxes for any fiscal year
shall be the amount shown as after-tax net earnings in the corporation's audited
statement of operations or audited consolidated  statement of operations for the
fiscal year, as the case may be. Such audited statement of operations or audited
consolidated  statement  of  operations  shall be  prepared in  accordance  with
generally  accepted  accounting  principles.  The amount shown as after-tax  net
earnings  in  the  audited  statement  of  operations  or  audited  consolidated
statement of operation  shall be final and binding upon the holders of Preferred

     "(4) DIVIDEND DILUTION  PROTECTION.  In the event of any stock split, stock
dividend or other stock subdivision or stock combination,  of or with respect to
the Common Stock of the corporation (each of the foregoing  hereinafter referred
to as an "Event") but not including shares of Common Stock issued in a merger or
other business combination, then the maximum cash dividends per share payable to
the  holders  of shares of  Common  Stock  pursuant  to the  third  sentence  of
paragraph  2.2(1)  hereof shall be adjusted by  multiplying  each such per share
cash dividend amount by a fraction whose numerator shall be the number of shares
of  Common  Stock  outstanding   immediately  prior  to  such  Event  and  whose
denominator   shall  be  the  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  outstanding
immediately  following such Event.  Such adjustment shall be made at the time of
each occurrence of an Event, giving effect to all prior adjustments.  Holders of
shares of  Preferred  Stock shall be entitled to notice of any Event  within ten
(10) business days of its occurrence.

     "2.3 PURCHASE.  Nothing herein shall limit the right of the  corporation to
purchase any of its  outstanding  shares of Preferred  Stock in accordance  with
law, by public or private transaction.

     "2.4 CONVERSION  RIGHTS. The shares of Preferred Stock shall be convertible
into the shares of any other class of stock of the corporation.

     "2.5 LIQUIDATION PREFERENCE OVER COMMON STOCK. In the event of dissolution,
liquidation or winding up of the corporation (whether voluntary or involuntary),
after payment or provision for payment of debts but before any  distribution  to
the holders of shares of Common  Stock,  the holders of the shares of  Preferred
Stock shall be entitled to receive $0.05 per share.  Holders of shares of Common
Stock shall then be entitled to receive $0.05 per share. All remaining assets of
the corporation upon liquidation shall be distributed pro rata among the holders
of the shares of Preferred Stock and Common Stock.  If the assets  distributable
among the holders of Preferred  Stock as  insufficient to permit full payment to
them of $0.05 per share,  the entire assets of corporation  shall be distributed
prorata among the holders of the Preferred  Stock.  None of the following events
is a  dissolution,  liquidation  or  winding  up  within  the  meaning  of  this
paragraph: consolidation,  merger, or reorganization of the corporation with any
other  corporation or corporations,  sale of all or substantially all the assets
of the  corporation,  or any purchase or redemption by the corporation of any of
its outstanding shares.


     "3.1 VOTING  RIGHTS.  The holders of shares of Common Stock shall have full
voting  rights at any  annual or  special  meeting  of the  shareholders  and as
provided for in the Texas Business Corporation Act.

     "3.2 DIVIDENDS. No cash dividends shall be declared or paid on Common Stock
in any fiscal  year  unless  cash  dividends  paid  during  such  fiscal year on
outstanding  Preferred  Stock  shall  equal  at least  5% of the  after-tax  net
earnings of the corporation for its prior fiscal year.

     "3.3 PURCHASE. No Common Stock shall be purchased by the corporation in any
fiscal year unless cash  dividends  shall have been paid during such fiscal year
on outstanding Preferred Stock in the amount of at least 5% of the after-tax net
earnings of the corporation for its prior fiscal year. Except as provided in the
foregoing  sentence,  nothing herein shall limit the right of the corporation to
purchase any of its  outstanding  shares of Common Stock in accordance with law,
by public or private transaction.

"4.  DENIAL  OF  PREEMPTIVE  RIGHTS.  No  holder  of  shares of any class of the
corporation, Preferred Stock or Common Stock, shall have any preemptive right to
subscribe for or acquire additional shares of the corporation of the same or any
other class, whether such shares shall be hereby or hereafter authorized; and no
holder of shares of any class of the corporation shall have any right to acquire
any  shares  which  may be held in the  treasury  of the  corporation.  All such
additional or treasury shares may be sold for such consideration,  at such time,
and to such  person or persons as the Board of  Directors  may from time to time

"5. CLASS A COMMON STOCK INTO COMMON STOCK.  Each  outstanding  share of Class A
Common Stock, par value $0.05 per share, shall become one share of Common Stock,
par value $0.05 per share, effective upon the issuance by the Secretary of State
of the State of Texas of the  Certificate of Amendment to the Restated  Articles
of Incorporation wherein this Article Four becomes part of the Restated Articles
of Incorporation, as amended, of the corporation.

                                   ARTICLE III

     Each such  amendment  made by these  Articles of  Amendment to the Restated
Articles of Incorporation has been effected in conformity with the provisions of
the Texas Business Corporation Act, and such amendments were duly adopted by the
shareholders of the Corporation on April 2, 1985.

                                   ARTICLE IV

     The  number  of shares  entitled  to vote on the  amendments  made by these
Articles  of  Amendment  to the  Restated  Articles of  Incorporation,  the same
constituting  all of the outstandingm  shares of the Corporation,  was 2,159,516
shares of Class C Common  Stock.  The  number of shares of Class A Common  Stock
which voted for such amendment was 2,640,744,  and the number of shares of Class
A Common Stock which voted against such amendment was 296.

                                    ARTICLE V

     Any exchange,  reclassification  or  cancellation of issued shares provided
for in the amendments shall be effected in the following manner:

     Each  outstanding  share of Class A Common Stock, of par value of $0.05 per
     share,  shall be come one (1) share of Common  Stock,  par value  $0.05 per
     share,  effective  upon the issuance by the Secretary of State of the State
     of Texas of the  Certificate  of  Amendment  to the  Restated  Articles  of
     Incorporation,  whereupon each outstanding  certificate which, prior to the
     time of issuance of such Certificate of Amendment to the Restated  Articles
     of  Incorporation,  represented  shares of Class A Common Stock,  par value
     $0.05 per share,  shall evidence for all purposes the same number of shares
     of Common Stock, par value $0.05 per share, of the Corporation.

                                   ARTICLE VI

     The amendments do not effect a change in the amount of stated capital.

     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  we have  hereunto  set our hands this the 2nd day of
April, 1985.

                                       UNITED SERVICES ADVISORS, INC.

                                       BY:    /S/ CLARK AYLSWORTH
                                       Clark Aylsworth, President

                                       BY:     /S/ MARY JANE WEBER
                                       Mary Jane Weber, Secretary

State of Texas
County of Bexar

     Before me, a Notary Public, on this day personally appeared CLARK AYLSWORTH
and MARY JANE WEBER, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to
the  foregoing  document,  and being by me first duly sworn,  declared  that the
statements therein contained are true and correct.

     Given under my hand and seal of office this 2nd day of April, 1985

                                       /S/ JANE M. VARLEY
                                       Notary Public, State of Texas
                                       My Commission Expires: