Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                              Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement    [ ]  Confidential, for Use of the
                                          Commission Only (as permitted
                                          by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                   Interchange Financial Services Corporation
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]      No fee required
[ ]     Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

         1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

         2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

         3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed
            pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
            the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

         4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

         5) Total fee paid:

[ ]     Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]     Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
        Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee
        was paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration
        statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

         1) Amount Previously Paid:

         2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

         3) Filing Party:

         4) Date Filed:

Anthony D. Andora
Chairman of the Board

Dear Interchange Stockholder:

     On behalf of the Board of Directors and management of Interchange Financial
Services  Corporation,  you are  cordially  invited  to attend  the 2000  Annual
Meeting of Stockholders  to be held at 3:00 p.m. on Thursday,  April 27, 2000 at
the  Marriott  Hotel,  Garden  State  Parkway at Route 80 in Saddle  Brook,  New

     The Notice of the Annual  Meeting  and Proxy  Statement  accompanying  this
letter  describe  the  business  to be acted upon at the  meeting.  We have also
enclosed a copy of the Company's Annual Report.

     In order to ensure that your shares are  represented at the Annual Meeting,
please  promptly vote,  date, sign and return your proxy for the meeting even if
you plan to attend. You may vote in person at that time if you so desire.

     Thank you for your prompt attention to this important matter.


                                                     /s/ Anthony D. Andora
                                                     Anthony D. Andora

March 30, 2000

                   Interchange Financial Services Corporation
                              Park 80 West/Plaza II
                             Saddle Brook, NJ 07663
                                 (201) 703-2265

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders
                          To Be Held on April 27, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Annual
Meeting") of Interchange  Financial Services Corporation (the "Company") will be
held at 3:00 p.m. on  Thursday,  April 27, 2000 at the  Marriott  Hotel,  Garden
State Parkway at Route 80 in Saddle  Brook,  New Jersey to consider and act upon
the following matters:

     1. The election of four directors.

     2. To consider and vote upon the Outside  Director  Incentive  Compensation
        Plan (a copy of which appears as Appendix A to the Proxy Statement).

     3. The  ratification  of the  appointment  of  Deloitte & Touche LLP as the
        Company's independent auditors for the year ending December 31, 2000.

     4. The  transaction  of such other business as may properly come before the
        Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

     The  Company  knows of no other  business  to be brought  before the Annual

     Stockholders  of record at the close of  business on March 27, 2000 are the
stockholders  entitled  to notice of and to vote at the Annual  Meeting  and any
adjournment  thereof.  The  Company's  Proxy  Statement  for the Annual  Meeting
accompanies  this  Notice  and a form of proxy  is  enclosed  herewith.  You are
requested to complete, sign and date the enclosed proxy card, which is solicited
on behalf of the Board of  Directors,  and to mail it promptly  in the  enclosed
return envelope. The proxy will not be used if you attend and vote at the Annual
Meeting in person.

                                           By Order of the Board of Directors

                                           /s/ Benjamin Rosenzweig
                                           Benjamin Rosenzweig

Your vote is important.  Please complete, sign, and return promptly the enclosed
proxy in the  postage-paid  envelope  provided  even if you plan to  attend  the
Annual  Meeting in person.  If you do attend  the Annual  Meeting,  you may then
withdraw your proxy and vote in person, if you wish.

Saddle Brook, New Jersey
March 30, 2000

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                              Park 80 West/Plaza II
                             Saddle Brook, NJ 07663

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                                 APRIL 27, 2000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


     This proxy statement and the  accompanying  proxy/voting  card (proxy card)
are being mailed  beginning March 30, 2000, in connection with the  solicitation
of  proxies  by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  Interchange  Financial  Services
Corporation (the "Company"), for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Annual
Meeting")  to be held at 3:00 p.m.  on April  27,  2000 at the  Marriott  Hotel,
Garden  State  Parkway  at Route  80 in  Saddle  Brook,  New  Jersey  and at any
adjournment thereof. Proxies are solicited to give all stockholders of record at
the close of business on, March 27, 2000 (the "Record Date"),  an opportunity to
vote on matters that come before the Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting,  the
stockholders of the Company are being asked to consider and vote on the proposal
to elect four  directors of the  Company,  to consider and vote upon the Outside
Director Incentive  Compensation Plan and to ratify the appointment by the Board
of Directors of the Company's  independent auditors for the year ending December
31, 2000.

     Proxies will be  solicited by mail.  Some  directors,  officers,  and other
employees of the Company may also solicit  proxies in person and by telephone or
otherwise.  The cost of soliciting  proxies for the Annual Meeting will be borne
by the  Company.  The Company will  reimburse  brokers and others who are record
holders of its shares for the reasonable  expenses  incurred in obtaining voting
instructions from beneficial owners of such shares.

Voting Rights, Revocability of Proxies and Proxy Information

     The Company's common stock, no par value (the "Common Stock"),  is the only
class of voting security of the Company. As of the Record date, 6,518,864 shares
of Common  Stock  were  issued  and  outstanding.  Each  share of  Common  Stock
outstanding  on the Record  Date is  entitled  to one vote with  respect to each
matter properly brought before the Annual Meeting.

     All shares of Common Stock  represented  at the Annual  Meeting by properly
executed  proxies  received prior to or at the Annual Meeting,  and not revoked,
will be voted at the Annual Meeting in accordance with the instructions thereon.
You can specify  your choices by marking the  appropriate  boxes on the enclosed
proxy card. If no instructions are indicated,  properly executed proxies will be
voted for the election of the nominees for directors named herein,  the approval
of the Outside  Director  Incentive  Compensation  Plan described herein and for
ratification  of auditors  described  herein.  The Company  does not know of any
matters,  other than as described in the Notice of Annual  Meeting,  that are to
come before the Annual Meeting.  If any other matters are properly  presented at
the Annual Meeting for action, the persons named in the enclosed proxy will have
the discretion to vote on such matters in accordance with their best judgment.

     A  majority  of the  shares  of the  Common  Stock,  present  in  person or
represented  by proxy,  shall  constitute  a quorum for  purposes  of the Annual
Meeting.  Abstentions and withholding of votes for directors will not be counted
as votes  cast.  In  addition,  shares  held in  street  name  which  have  been
designated by brokers on proxy cards as not voted (so-called  broker  non-votes)
will not be counted as votes cast. Proxies marked as abstentions, withhold or as
broker  non-votes,  however,  will be treated as shares  present for purposes of
determining whether a quorum is present.

     Directors shall be elected by a plurality of the votes present in person or
represented by proxy at the Annual Meeting.  The affirmative  vote of a majority
of the shares present in person or represented by proxy and voting at the Annual
Meeting is necessary to approve the Outside Director Incentive Compensation Plan
and ratify the appointment of Deloitte & Touche, LLP as independent  auditors of
the Company.

     A stockholder who grants a proxy pursuant to this solicitation  retains the
right to revoke it at any time before it is voted. Unless so revoked, the shares
represented by properly executed proxies will be voted at the Annual Meeting and
at any  adjournment  thereof.  Proxies  may be revoked  by: (i) filing  with the
Secretary  of the  Company at or before the Annual  Meeting a written  notice of
revocation bearing a later date than the proxy, (ii) duly executing a subsequent
proxy  relating to the same shares and  delivering  it to the  Secretary  of the
Company at or before the Annual  Meeting,  or (iii) attending the Annual Meeting
and voting in person  (although  attendance  at the Annual  Meeting  will not in
itself  constitute  revocation of a proxy).  Any written notice revoking a proxy
should be delivered to Benjamin  Rosenzweig,  Secretary,  Interchange  Financial
Services Corporation, Park 80 West/Plaza II, Saddle Brook, New Jersey, 07663.

1.  Election of Directors

     (Item 1 on Proxy Card)

     The first item to be acted upon at the Annual  Meeting is the  election  of
four directors.  The Company's Board of Directors currently consists of thirteen
members.  In accordance  with the Company's  Certificate of  Incorporation,  the
Board is  divided  into  three  classes,  each of which  contains  approximately
one-third of the Board.  Approximately  one-third of the  directors  are elected
annually. Directors of the Company are generally elected to serve for three-year
terms or until their respective successors are elected and qualified.

      Unless contrary instruction is given, it is intended that the named
proxies will vote in favor of each of the four nominees listed below.

     Each  nominee for  director  and each  continuing  director  also serves as
director of Interchange Bank (the "Bank"), a subsidiary of the Company.  Richard
A.  Gilsenan who served as a director of the Company and the Bank will  continue
to serve as a director of the Bank.  However,  Mr. Gilsenan was not nominated to
serve as a director of the Company.  If a nominee should become  unavailable for
any reason, which management does not anticipate,  the proxy will be voted for a
substitute  or, if no  substitute  is selected,  the number of directors  may be
reduced.  There are no  arrangements or  understandings  between any director or
nominee  and any other  person  pursuant  to which such  director or nominee was
selected, and no director,  nominee or executive officer is related to any other
director, nominee or executive officer by blood, marriage or adoption.

Nominees and Directors

Nominees to be elected Directors for a terms of three years expiring in 2003

DONALD L. CORRELL, age 49, is Chairman, President and CEO (since 1992) of United
     Water  Resources,  Inc. which is a holding company whose  subsidiaries  are
     active in public water supply,  water-related services and real estate. Mr.
     Correll has been a member of the Board of  Directors of the Company and the
     Bank since 1995 and serves on the Audit  Committee,  Nominating  Committee,
     Corporate Planning and Finance  Committee,  and  Compensation/Stock  Option
     Committee and is an alternate member of the Executive Committee.

JAMES E. HEALEY, age 58 is Senior Vice President and Chief Financial  Officer of
     Nabisco Group Holdings,  Inc. (since 1999),  which owns 80.5% of world wide
     food  manufacturer  Nabisco  Holdings,  Inc. of which he is Executive  Vice
     President and Chief  Financial  Officer since 1997. He is a Trustee of Pace
     University in New York and a Certified  Public  Accountant.  Mr. Healey was
     formerly Vice President and Treasurer  (since 1995) of Bestfoods  (formerly
     CPC International,  Inc.) and Comptroller (since 1987). Mr. Healey has been
     a member of the Board of  Directors of the Company and the Bank since 1993.
     He is Chairman of the Compensation/Stock Option Committee and serves on the
     Audit Committee, Corporate


     Planning  and Finance  Committee,  Investment Committee and is an alternate
     member of the Executive Committee.

JEREMIAH F.  O'CONNOR,  age 66, is currently a principal  of NW Financial  Group
     (since  1996),  a financial  advisory  firm.  Mr.  O'Connor  was formerly a
     Managing  Director of NatWest  Financial  Markets Group (since  1994).  Mr.
     O'Connor has been a member of the Board of  Directors of the Company  since
     1984 and the Bank since  1969.  He is Vice  Chairman  of the  Board.  He is
     Chairman of the  Oversight/Insider  Committee  and serves on the  Executive
     Committee,  Corporate Planning and Finance Committee,  Nominating Committee
     and Compensation/Stock Option Committee.

ROBERT P.  RITTEREISER,  age 61, is  Chairman  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of
     Gruntal  Financial  Corporation,  an investment  services firm based in New
     York  City.  He is  Chairman  of  Yorkville  Associates  Corp.,  a  private
     investment and financial  advisory  concern formed in April 1989. He served
     as a Trustee of the DBL Liquidating Trust from April 1992 until April 1996.
     He has been a Director of the  Company and of the Bank since July 1989.  He
     is Chairman of the Corporate Planning and Finance Committee and a member of
     the  Compensation/Stock  Option Committee,  the Investment  Committee,  the
     Oversight/Insider Committee and the Executive Committee.

Directors to continue in office for terms expiring in 2002

ANTHONY S. ABBATE, age 60, is President and Chief Executive Officer.  Mr. Abbate
     has been a member of the Board of Directors  of the Company  since 1984 and
     the Bank since  1981.  He is a member of the  Executive  Committee  and the
     Corporate  Planning  and Finance  Committee  and serves  ex-officio  on all

ANTHONY R. COSCIA,  age 40, is a partner and executive  committee  member of the
     law  firm of  Windels  Marx  Lane &  Mittendorf,  LLP in New  York  and New
     Brunswick,  New Jersey.  He is currently serving his third term as Chairman
     of the New Jersey  Economic  Development  Authority.  Mr. Coscia has been a
     member of the Board of Directors of the Company and the Bank since 1997. He
     serves  on  the  Audit  Committee,  Oversight/Insider  Committee  and is an
     alternate member of the Executive Committee.

JOHN J. ECCLESTON,  age 74, is a principal in the firm of R.D. Hunter & Company,
     Certified Public Accountants.  Prior to January 1995, he was Senior Partner
     of John J. Eccleston & Company, Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Eccleston
     has been a member of the Board of Directors  of the Company  since 1984 and
     the Bank since 1969. He is Chairman of the Audit  Committee and a member of
     the Executive Committee,  the Investment  Committee,  the Oversight/Insider
     Committee and Corporate Planning and Finance Committee.

ELEANORE S.  NISSLEY,  age 68, is a  commercial  real estate  investor,  and she
     serves  as  Vice   Chairperson   of  Hackensack   Meadowlands   Development
     Commission. Mrs. Nissley has been a director of the Company and of the Bank
     since 1992. She is a member of the Audit Committee,  the  Oversight/Insider
     Committee and the  Nominating  Committee and is an alternate  member of the
     Executive Committee.

Directors to continue in office for terms expiring in 2001

ANTHONY D. ANDORA,  age 69, is President  of Andora,  Palmisano & Geaney,  a law
     firm in Elmwood Park, New Jersey. Mr. Andora has been a member of the Board
     of  Directors of the Company  since 1984 and of the Bank since 1969.  He is
     Chairman  of  the  Board,  the  Executive   Committee  and  the  Nominating
     Committee.  He is a member of the Corporate  Planning and Finance committee
     and is ex-officio on all committees.

DAVID R. FICCA, age 68, is a board member of Richton International Corporation.
     In March 1988 he retired from his position as Vice Chairman, of Kidde, Inc,
     a  multi-market  manufacturing  and  service  organization.  He has  been a
     Director  of the  Company  since 1984 and of the Bank since  1983.  He is a
     member of the Executive Committee,  the  Oversight/Insider  Committee,  the
     Corporate Planning and Finance Committee and the Compensation/Stock  Option


NICHOLAS R. MARCALUS,  age 56, is President & CEO of Marcal Paper Mills, Inc., a
     manufacturer of paper products,  in Elmwood Park, New Jersey, and serves as
     a board member of that organization.  Mr. Marcalus has been a member of the
     Board  of  the  Company  and  the  Bank  since  1997,  and  serves  on  the
     Compensation/Stock  Option  Committee,   Investment  Committee  and  is  an
     alternate on the Executive Committee.

BENJAMIN  ROSENZWEIG,  age 74, is the  Senior  Executive  Partner  of Azco Steel
     Company,  Saddle Brook, New Jersey, a nationwide steel distributor.  He has
     been a member of the Board of  Directors  of the Company  since 1984 and of
     the Bank since 1976 and is Secretary of the Company and the Bank. He serves
     as  a  member  of  the  Executive  Committee,   Compensation/Stock   Option
     Committee,  Oversight/Insider Committee and the Nominating Committee and is
     Chairman of the Investment Committee.

     Each of the directors  has held the same position or another  position with
the same employer during the past five years, unless otherwise indicated.

Board Committees, Meetings and Compensation

     The Company has an Audit Committee of the Board of Directors  consisting of
Mrs. Nissley,  Messrs.  Correll,  Coscia,  Eccleston (Chairman) and Healey. This
committee reviews significant audit,  accounting and other principles,  policies
and  practices,  the  activities  of  independent  auditors and of the Company's
internal  auditors,  and the conclusion and  recommendations of auditors and the
reports of regulatory  examiners upon completion of their respective  audits and
examinations. The committee met four times in 1999.

     The  Compensation/Stock  Option Committee administers  management incentive
compensation  plans,  including the Company's  stock option plan.  The committee
makes recommendations to the Board with respect to compensation of directors and
executive  officers.  The  Committee,  which met two times in 1999,  consists of
Messrs. Correll, Ficca, Healey (Chairman),  Marcalus, O'Connor,  Rittereiser and

     The Nominating  Committee  advises and makes  recommendations  to the Board
concerning  the  selection of  candidates as nominees for election as directors.
The committee  consists of Mrs. Nissley,  Messrs.  Andora  (Chairman),  Correll,
O'Connor and  Rosenzweig  and met twice in 1999.  The  committee  will  consider
nominations  recommended  by  stockholders.  In  accordance  with the  Company's
by-laws,  such nominations,  together with accompanying  biographical  material,
must be in writing and should be addressed  to the  Secretary of the Company and
the Bank and must be received not later than January 2 of the year of the annual
meeting of stockholders.

     In 1999,  each  director not employed by the Company was paid a retainer of
$1,000.  The chairman of the Board,  Vice-Chairman of the Board and Secretary of
the Board received additional retainers of $500, $250 and $100, respectively. In
addition,  each  director  not  employed  by the Bank was paid a retainer  at an
annual rate of $10,000, a fee of $150 for each board meeting attended,  a fee of
$125  for  each  executive  committee  meeting  attended  and a fee of $100  for
attendance  at  other  committee  meetings.  The  Chairman  of  the  Board,  the
Vice-Chairman  of the Board and  Secretary of the Company and the Bank  received
additional retainers of $16,500, $13,500 and $2,000, respectively. Directors who
are chairmen of committees, which act in a dual capacity for the Company and the
Bank,  receive an additional  retainer of $2,000 annually.  A director who is an
employee of the Company or any subsidiary receives no retainer or fees.

     During  1999,  the Board of  Directors  of the Company and the Bank held 12
meetings each. All incumbent directors, except Messrs. Gilsenan and Rittereiser,
attended at least 75% of the aggregate  meetings of such Boards of Directors and
the  committees  of such Board of Directors on which they served which were held
during fiscal year 1999.

     Directors, excluding directors who are employed by the Bank, participate in
a retirement benefit plan which entitles the director to receive upon retirement
either  (1) an  amount  equal  to  the  annual  retainer  being  paid  directors
(exclusive  of  additional  amounts paid to the Chairman of the Board,  the Vice
Chairman  of the  Board,  the  Secretary  of the  Company  and the  Bank  and to
committee  chairmen)  multiplied by his or her years of service on the board; or
(2) an amount based


on the cash surrender value of a life insurance or annuity contract purchased by
the Bank. The insurance  policies or annuity contracts are owned by the Bank and
annual  contributions  of $5,000 are made by the Bank for each  director who has
completed five years of service as a director. The Bank's contribution increases
by $1,000 for each year's service until it reaches $10,000  annually,  the level
at which it  remains.  Benefits  to a director  who  retires  after ten years of
service are equal to the greater of (1) or (2) above.  Any  director who retires
after  completing at least five years,  but less than ten years,  of service are
entitled to benefits only under (2) above.

Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership

     The following table sets forth information  concerning the ownership of the
Company's  common  stock as of February  29,  2000,  for (a) certain  beneficial
owners known to the Company to own more than five  percent of the Common  Stock;
(b) each  director  and nominee for  director;  (c) each of the named  executive
officers (as defined in Note (1) of the Summary  Compensation Table, herein) not
listed as a director;  and (d) all directors and executive  officers as a group.
Except as  otherwise  noted,  the  nominees,  the  directors  and the  executive
officers or family members had sole voting and investment  power with respect to
such securities.

                                                    Beneficially   Deferral                 Percent
                       Name                          Owned         Plans (1)     Total      of Class
   ---------------------------------------------  ------------    ------------  ----------  ---------
   Interchange State Bank Capital Investment Plan
   Park 80 West/Plaza Two
   Saddle Brook, NJ  07663. . . . . . . . . . .                      263,809     263,809      4.0 %

   First Union Corporation
   One First Union Center
   Charlotte, NC  28288. . . . . . . . . . . . .      341,617 (2)                341,617      5.2

   Anthony S. Abbate. . . . . . . . . . . . . .       169,172 (3)     19,336     188,508      2.9
   Anthony D. Andora. . . . . . . . . . . . . .       167,844                    167,844      2.6
   Donald L. Correll . . . . . . . . . . . . .          5,822                      5,822        *
   Anthony R. Coscia. . . . . . . . . . . . . .         6,950                      6,950        *
   John J. Eccleston. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        82,424                     82,424      1.3
   David R. Ficca. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .         84,057 (4)                 84,057      1.3
   Richard A. Gilsenan . . . . . . . . . . . .         27,162                     27,162        *
   James E. Healey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        25,300                     25,300        *
   Nicholas R. Marcalus. . . . . . . . . . . .          1,625                      1,625        *
   Eleanore S. Nissley. . . . . . . . . . . . .        45,660                     45,660        *
   Jeremiah F. O'Connor. . . . . . . . . . . .         56,811                     56,811        *
   Robert P. Rittereiser. . . . . . . . . . . .        27,168                     27,168        *
   Benjamin Rosenzweig. . . . . . . . . . . . .       108,117                    108,117      1.7

   Patricia D. Arnold . . . . .  . . . . . . ..         8,670 (5)     12,733      21,403        *
   Frank R. Giancola. . . . . . . . . . . . . .        21,414 (6)     19,148      40,562        *
   Anthony Labozzetta . . . . . . . . . . . . .        13,065 (7)     10,430      23,495        *

   Directors and executive officers as a
      group (16 persons). . . . . . . . . . . .       851,261 (8)     61,647     912,908     13.9

*    Does not exceed one percent of class
1.   Shares held in deferred  compensation  accounts to which  individuals  have
     sole power to vote but no investment powers.

2.   Includes  beneficial  ownership  of  298,248  shares to which  First  Union
     Corporation has sole power to vote and 40,769 for which it has shared power
     to vote and 2,600 for which it has investment discretionary capacity. First
     Union  Corporation has sole investment  power for 292,353 shares and shared
     investment power for 40,769 shares.

3.   Includes beneficial  ownership of 36,994 shares, which may be acquired upon
     the exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days.

4.   Includes beneficial ownership of 1,689 shares held by a foundation to which
     Mr. Ficca has sole voting power and shared investment power.

5.   Includes beneficial  ownership of 5,633 shares,  which may be acquired upon
     the exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days.

6.   Includes beneficial  ownership of 14,728 shares, which may be acquired upon
     the exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days.

7.   Includes beneficial  ownership of 6,620 shares,  which may be acquired upon
     the exercise of stock options exercisable within 60 days.

8.   Includes beneficial  ownership of 63,975 shares, which may be acquired upon
     the exercise of stock options  exercisable within 60 days, awarded under an
     employee incentive compensation plan.


Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

     The  members  of the Board of  Directors,  the  executive  officers  of the
Company and persons who hold more than ten percent of the Company's common stock
are  subject  to  reporting  requirements  of  Section  16(a) of the  Securities
Exchange Act of 1934,  which  require them to file reports with respect to their
ownership  of and  transactions  in the  Company's  securities  and  furnish the
Company  with  copies of all such  reports  they file.  Based upon the copies of
those reports furnished to the Company and written representations that no other
reports  were  required to be filed,  the Company  believes  that all  reporting
requirements  under Section  16(a) for the fiscal year ended  December 31, 1999,
were met in a timely manner by its executive officers, board members and greater
than ten percent stockholders,  with the exception of the late filing by Messrs.
Andora  and  Marcalus,  of one Form 4 each.  Mrs.  Arnold  and  Messrs.  Abbate,
Giancola and Labozzetta  filed Forms 5 late due to delays with respect to shares
allocated to their accounts in the Capital  Investment Plan ("401(k)") caused by
administrative delays.

                                        SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                          Annual Compensation              Long-term Compensation
                                  ------------------------------------- ----------------------------
                                                          Other          Restricted                     All Other
                                                          Annual           Stock          Options      Compensation
Name and Principal Position  Year  Salary($)   Bonus($)  Compensation ($) Awards($)(3) (No. of Shares)    ($)(2)
- ---------------------------- ----- --------   --------- ---------------- ------------  -------------- -------------

Anthony S. Abbate . . . . .  1999 $327,500  $ 117,081          -        $ 100,706      $ 12,500          $ 77,999
    President and CEO        1998  315,000     99,225          -          119,700        11,500            61,309
                             1997  300,000     86,250          -          112,500        12,000            49,581

Anthony Labozzetta . . . . . 1999  132,000     33,600          -           26,400         4,000             4,477
    Executive Vice President 1998  120,000     37,800          -           27,000         4,000             4,066
    Chief Financial Officer  1997  107,675     33,263     11,080           23,135         4,500             3,657

Frank R. Giancola . . . . .  1999  131,000     33,405          -           10,551 (5)     4,000             5,753
    Senior Vice President    1998  127,500     40,163          -            6,375         4,000             4,997
                             1997  125,000     35,937        463            8,965         4,500             4,464

Patricia D. Arnold . . . . . 1999  120,000     30,600          -            6,000         4,000             4,380
    Senior Vice President    1998  106,667     34,650          -           18,700         4,000             4,187
                             1997   91,862     17,238      3,330            6,104         4,500             3,040
- --------------------------

(1)Includes the President and CEO and all other  executive  officers whose total
     annual salary and bonus exceeded $100,000 in 1999.
(2)Represents payments as shown below:

                                          Year   Abbate   Labozzetta  Giancola  Arnold
                                         -----  -------   ----------- --------  --------

Amounts contributed to 401(k)plan        1999   $ 6,400     $4,103     $5,136    $4,008
                                         1998     5,433      3,551      4,216     3,514
                                         1997     4,800      3,230      3,750     2,756

Value of life insurance premium paid     1999     3,564        374        617       372
    in respect to coverage in excess     1998     4,500        515        781       673
    of $50,000                           1997     3,150        427        714       284

Contribution to life insurance policy/   1999         - (4)      -          -
    annuity contract                     1998         - (4)      -          -         -
                                         1997    10,000          -          -         -

Premium paid on disability policy        1999     7,860          -          -         -
                                         1998     7,614          -          -         -
                                         1997     7,287          -          -         -

Contribution to Supplemental Executives' 1999    60,175 (4)      -          -         -
    Retirement Plan                      1998    43,762 (4)      -          -         -
                                         1997    24,344 (5)      -          -         -
- --------------------------

(3)  The unvested  restricted stock awards granted,  to date,  (adjusted for the
     effects of 3 for 2 stock  splits  granted in both  1997and  1998),  totaled
     1,799,  25,453,  4,461  and  3,474  for Mrs.  Arnold  and  Messrs.  Abbate,
     Labozzetta and Giancola, respectively. The value of such awards at December
     31, 1999, were $29,459,  $416,793, $73,049 and $56,887,  respectively.  The
     value of these shares at the date of grant is reflected in the table above.
     The awards for Mrs.  Arnold and Messrs.  Abbate,  Labozzetta,  and Giancola
     vest in  three  years  following  the date of  grant  provided  they do not
     terminate their  employment  during that period.  Dividends will be paid on
     all restricted stock awards.

(4)  In 1998,  the  Board of  Directors  amended  the  Supplemental  Executives'
     Retirement  Plan to provide Mr. Abbate with the  retirement  benefits he is
     entitled  to as a  member  of the  Board  of  Directors.  The 1999 and 1998
     contribution to the Supplemental  Executives'  Retirement Plan includes the
     costs associated with the life insurance policy.

(5)  The 1999 restricted  stock award for Mr.  Giancola  amounting to $10,551 is
     attributable to an adjustment to correctly  reflect his  achievement  under
     the 1998 incentive plan.


Stock Option Grants in Last Fiscal Year*

     The following  table sets forth certain  information  concerning  grants of
stock  options  awarded to the named  executive  officers  during the year ended
December 31, 1999.  All options  granted  during the year were  incentive  stock

                                                                                                  Potential Realized Value
                                Number of      % of Total                                          at Assumed Annual Rates
                               Securities         Options                                        of Stock Price Appreciation
                               Underlying       Granted to       Exercise or                          For Option Term (3)
                                 Options       Employees in      Base Price     Expiration     -----------------------------
           Name                Granted (1)      Fiscal Year      ($/Sh) (1)      Date (2)           5%             10%
- ---------------------------   -------------    --------------   -------------   ------------   -------------   -------------

Anthony S. Abbate                   12,500              21.8%         $16.50     2/24/2010        335,960         534,959
Anthony Labozzetta                   4,000               7.0           16.50     2/24/2010        107,507         171,187
Frank R. Giancola                    4,000               7.0           16.50     2/24/2010        107,507         171,187
Patricia Arnold                      4,000               7.0           16.50     2/24/2010        107,507         171,187

- ---------------------------
*    The grant of stock  options  presented in this table was made in early 2000
     based upon 1999 performance criteria.

(1)  The  exercise  price  was  based  on the  closing  price  of a share of the
     Company's  stock on the date of grant as  reported  on the  American  Stock

(2)  Options are exercisable starting one year from the date of grant and become
     vested 1/3 each year from the grant date.  Options  expire if not exercised
     within 10 years of grant date.

(3)  Pre-tax  gain.  The dollar  amounts  under these  columns are the result of
     calculations  at the 5% and 10% rates set by the  Securities  and  Exchange
     Commission in the proxy disclosure rules and,  therefore,  are not intended
     to forecast  possible future  appreciation,  if any, of the Company's stock
     price.  The  Company's  per share stock price would be $26.88 and $42.80 if
     the increase was 5% and 10%,  respectively,  compounded  annually  over the
     option term.

Aggregated Option Exercises in Last Fiscal Year and Year End Option Values

                                                      Number of Securities
                                                     Underlying Unexercised            Value of Unexercised
                                                      Options at Year End              In-the-Money Options
                        No. Shares                 --------------------------           at Year-end (2)
                        Acquired on    Value         Shares        Shares       ------------------------------
        Name            Exercise     Realized (1)  Exercisable  Unexercisable    Exercisable      Unexercisable
- ---------------------  -----------   ------------ ------------ ---------------  --------------   ---------------

Anthony S. Abbate               -            -       36,994         24,167        $230,852              -
Anthony Labozzetta              -            -        6,620          8,917           6,870           $281
Patricia D. Arnold            312      $ 2,501        5,633          8,167          10,420              -
Frank R. Giancola           4,570       53,309       14,728          8,167          95,374              -

- ---------------------

(1)  Pre-tax gain.  Amounts shown  represent  the  difference  between the stock
     option  grant  price  and the  market  value  of the  stock  on the date of
(2)  Pre-tax  gain.  Value  of  unexercised  in-the-money  options  based on the
     December  31, 1999  closing  price of $16.375 as  reported on the  American
     Stock Exchange.


     The Company, through the Bank, maintains a non-contributory defined benefit
pension plan covering all eligible  employees  including  Mrs.  Arnold,  Messrs.
Abbate, Giancola and Labozzetta.  Retirement income is based on years of service
under the Plan and, subject to certain limits, on final average compensation.

     The  Company  maintains a  Supplemental  Executives'  Retirement  Plan (the
"SERP"),  a non-qualified  plan intended to provide retirement income that would
have been paid but for  limitations  imposed by the Internal  Revenue Code under
the  qualified  plan.  In 1998,  the  Company  amended  the Plan to include  the
director related retirement  benefits relating to Mr. Abbate's membership in the
Board of Directors.  Benefits under the SERP are paid from the general assets of
the Company.


     The following table shows the annual  benefits  payable based on a range of
average  compensation  (comprised  solely  of base  salary)  and years of future
service at normal retirement date.

Pension Plan

         5-Year                Years of Service at Normal Retirement Date
        Average     -----------------------------------------------------------------
      Compensation        5            10           20           30            35
      ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------ -------------
          $100,000     $ 5,795       $11,589     $ 23,178     $ 34,767      $ 40,562
           150,000       9,545        19,089       38,178       57,267        66,182
           200,000      13,295        26,589       53,178       79,767        93,062
           250,000      17,045        34,089       68,178      102,267       119,312
           300,000      20,795        41,589       83,178      124,767       145,562
           400,000      28,295        56,589      113,178      169,767       198,062

- --------------------

1.   This Plan was effective January 1, 1993.

2.   Benefits  calculated are based on base salary and total credited service at
     normal retirement date from the later of (a) January 1, 1993 or (b) date of
     hire.  The benefits above are inclusive of both benefits from the qualified
     defined   benefit  plan  and  from  the  defined  benefit  portion  of  the
     supplemental plan. Currently, the supplemental plan only covers Mr. Abbate.

3.   Average  compensation  is the  average  of base  salary  over  the five (5)
     consecutive calendar years producing the highest average.

4.   The chart reflects a Social Security integration level based on the average
     age of the executive  officer group,  which was 46 years as of December 31,

5.   Annual  benefit is payable as a life  annuity  which is the normal  form of
     retirement benefit for non-married participants.  For married participants,
     the  normal  form of  benefit  is an  actuarial  equivalent  joint  and 50%
     survivor annuity.

6.   At December 31, 1999, the estimated  credited years of service for purposes
     of computing the  retirement  benefits  under the Pension Plan and the SERP
     for the named executive officers are as follows:  Mr. Abbate - 7 years; Mr.
     Labozzetta - 4 years; Mr. Giancola - 7 years; and Mrs. Arnold - 7 years.

     The Company also maintains a Capital  Investment Plan  ("401(k)")  covering
all  eligible  employees.  Retirement  income  is  based  on the  value  of each
participant's  account  balance  and is paid  upon  retirement,  termination  of
employment,  disability  or death.  The SERP  also  supplements  the  retirement
benefits payable to certain participants under the 401(k). At present,  only Mr.
Abbate  participates  in the  SERP.  These  benefits  are  intended  to  provide
participants  with an  amount  (plus  earnings)  that  the  Company  would  have
contributed  under the 401(k) as matching  employer  contributions and for fixed
employer   contributions   (in  excess  of  the  amounts  the  Company  actually
contributed)  but for certain  limitations  imposed by the Internal Revenue Code
under the 401(k).  The benefits under the SERP with respect to the 401(k) are to
be  paid  in  lump  sum in  cash  at the  same  time  as the  distribution  of a
participant's account balance is made under the 401(k).

Compensation/Stock Option Committee Report on Executive Compensation

     The  Compensation/Stock  Option  Committee is responsible for reviewing and
recommending   executive   compensation   to  the  full  board  for  action  and
administering  the  Company's  executive  compensation  programs and plans.  The
Committee  reports  regularly  to the  Board  of  Directors.  During  1999,  the
Committee  consisted of seven  Directors  who were not employees of the Company,
and also,  therefore,  were not  eligible to  participate  in such  programs and

     Compensation Strategy

     The  objectives  of this  Committee  are to attract  and retain top quality
executives  and provide  compensation  programs  designed to motivate and reward
executives  to  achieve  business  goals that  foster  both the  enhancement  of
long-term  stockholder values through stock appreciation and dividend yield, and
the long-term  best  interests of the  organization.  Compensation  programs for
executives are designed to link  compensation  to the performance of the Company
and  generally   provide   competitive   compensation   for  executives  at  the
seventy-fifth  percentile of peer group banks and other organizations of similar
size,  performance and geographic location.  The committee utilizes professional
surveys prepared by outside  consultants  focusing on compensation levels of


the  aforementioned  peer  group  in  order  to  assure  competitiveness  in its
compensation  programs.  The compensation mix reflects a balance of cash awards,
including   incentive   awards,   and  equity-based   incentives.   Annual  cash
compensation  (base  salaries  and  annual  bonus) is  established  based on the
achievement of corporate financial targets and individual performance. The Stock
Option and  Incentive  Plan,  approved by  stockholders  in 1999, is intended to
function as the basis for fostering alignment of executive compensation with the
interests of stockholders.

     The policies with respect to each of these compensation elements as well as
the  basis  for  determining  the  compensation  level  of  executive  officers,
including the President and CEO, Mr. Abbate, are described below:

     Base salary

     Base  salaries for  executive  officers are based on the salary ranges that
are  established  by the Committee  annually for each  position.  These position
salary  ranges are  determined by evaluating  the  responsibilities  and account
abilities  of the  position  and  comparing  it  with  other  executive  officer
positions  in the  market  place on an  annual  basis.  The base  salary of each
executive  officer,  including  President  and CEO,  is  reviewed  annually  and
adjusted  within  the  position  range  based  upon  a  performance  evaluation.
Evaluations  of other  executive  officers are submitted to the committee by the
President and CEO. These evaluations, and an evaluation of the President and CEO
by the  committee,  are reviewed and  submitted  together  with the  committee's
recommendations  to the full board for action.  Salary  increases  are generally
based upon the extent to which the executive is  considered to have  contributed
to a  furtherance  of the  Company's  goals and/or met  objectives  specifically
assigned to that individual.

     Annual Bonus

     The  Management  Incentive Plan is an incentive plan designed to reward key
management  employees for  achievement  of specific  financial,  individual  and
business  results  for the  year.  The  specific  financial  targets,  which are
weighted equally, are primarily based upon (i) the year-to-year  increase in the
Company's  net  after-tax  earnings  and (ii)  achievement  of target  return on
equity. The targeted goal is established  annually through the budgeting process
which is reviewed and approved by the board using input  relating to performance
opportunities  for  the  year  and the  historical  performance  results  of the
Company.  Individual  and  business  results  are  pre-established  targets  for
specific  objectives  relating to the  executives'  area of  responsibility.  An
objective  of the  Management  Incentive  Plan is to  relate  a  portion  of the
executives' compensation to the overall financial results of the Company for the
year.  The bonus for 1999 (paid in 2000)  reflects the  achievement in excess of
100 percent of the financial  targets set in 1999.  The Board reserves the right
to award  discretionary bonus awards in the event the financial target is either
not met or is exceeded. No discretionary bonuses were paid in 1999. In so doing,
the committee,  among other matters, will take into account whether the Company,
while not reaching its threshold  target,  has performed  better on a comparable
basis than its peers. In addition to the attainment of the earnings target,  the
level  of the  President  and  CEO's  annual  bonus  award  is also  based  upon
performance   related  factors   including   various   predetermined   strategic

     A portion of the incentive  compensation awarded to executive management is
in the form of  restricted  stock.  The  restriction  is for three years and the
restricted stock is forfeitable upon termination of employment  during that time
period. In addition,  executive  officers were given the option to utilize their
cash bonus to purchase two-year  restricted,  forfeitable stock at a twenty-five
percent discount. The excess of market value over the purchase price is included
in the summary compensation table as other annual compensation.


        Stock Option and Incentive Plan

     The Stock  Option  and  Incentive  Plan of 1997 (the  "Plan")  approved  by
stockholders,  is  designed  to  align  stockholders'  and  executive  officers'
interests. The Compensation/Stock Option Committee administers the Plan and that
committee reviews the awards and submits  recommendations  to the full board for
action.  Stock  options  are granted on a  discretionary  basis with an exercise
price  equal to the  price of a share of stock at the close of  business  on the
date of the grant as reported by the American Stock Exchange.  Stock options may
be  exercisable  between  one and ten years  from the date  granted.  Such stock
options  provide a retention  and  motivational  program for  executives  and an
incentive for the creation of shareholder  value over the long-term  since their
full  benefit  cannot be  realized  unless an  appreciation  in the price of the
Common Stock occurs over a specified number of years.

     The Plan also  provides  for the  issuance  of  incentive  stock  awards as
determined by the Board of Directors of the Company.  Certain key executives may
be awarded incentive  compensation in the form of 3-year restricted stock, which
is  forfeitable  upon  termination  of employment  during that time period.  Key
employees may also use their cash bonus to purchase two-year restricted stock at
a twenty-five  percent discount.  All amounts in excess of the purchase price of
this stock are forfeitable  should they terminate their  employment  during that
time period.  Incentive  stock awards are an important  factor in attracting and
motivating key  executives  who will dedicate  their maximum  efforts toward the
advancement of the Company.

     A total of 637,875  shares  were made  available  for option and  incentive
awards under the Plan of which 382,316 shares have been granted to date. Options
granted in 1999 and those granted in 2000 as a result of 1999's  performance are
included in the summary compensation table.

    CEO Compensation

     The  compensation  of the  President  and CEO, Mr.  Anthony S.  Abbate,  is
reviewed  by  the   Compensation/Stock   Option  Committee  which  presents  its
recommendations  to the board for action.  Mr. Abbate  participates  in the same
plans as the other executive  officers,  including the base salary program,  the
annual  Management  Incentive Plan, the Stock Option Plan, and the staff benefit
programs  as  outlined  elsewhere  in this  Proxy  Statement.  Mr.  Abbate  also
participates  in  the  Supplemental  Executives'  Retirement  Plan.  Mr.  Abbate
receives no compensation  for his duties as a director.  The committee bases Mr.
Abbate's  compensation on the same criteria used for all executive officers with
particular  emphasis on the factors which will promote the  Company's  long-term
growth,  organization stability, and financial strength. Mr. Abbate's salary was
at the  seventy-fifth  percentile  of the 1999 salary range for his position and
his annual cash bonus for 1999  performance  was based upon achieving  101.0% of
targeted  financial  goals for that year.  Mr.  Abbate  continues to provide the
Company  and the Bank with  exemplary  leadership,  vision and  commitment,  and
strives to meet the long-term strategic goals.

                         Submitted by the Compensation/Stock Option Committee
                                                    James E. Healey, Chairman
                                                    Donald L. Correll
                                                    David R. Ficca
                                                    Nicholas R. Marcalus
                                                    Jeremiah F. O'Connor
                                                    Robert P. Rittereiser
                                                    Benjamin Rosenzweig



     The graph below  provides an  indicator  of  cumulative  total  stockholder
returns for the  Company as  compared  with a Peer Group (1) and the AMEX Market
Value Index.

                                                     Cumulative Total Return
                                              12/94   12/95   12/96   12/97   12/98   12/99
                                            -------   -----   -----   -----   -----   -----

INTERCHANGE FINANCIAL SERVICES CORPORATION    100     148     188     346     293     303
PEER GROUP                                    100     125     148     238     235     213
AMEX MARKET VALUE                             100     129     131     163     175     224

Assumes $100 invested on December 31, 1994, in Interchange Common Stock, the
AMEX Market Value Index and Peer Group Common Stock.

Total Stockholder returns assumes reinvestment of dividends.

(1)  The Peer Group is comprised of 17 banking institutions in Connecticut,  New
     Jersey and New York with asset size of at least $250 million, but less than
     $1  billion,   as  of  September  30,  1999  the  most  recently  available
     information  as reported in the SNL Quarterly Bank Digest of December 1999.
     The banking institutions included are: First International Bancorp and NMBT
     Corp. (CT); Center Bancorp Inc., Greater Community  Bancorp,  Unity Bancorp
     and  Vista  Bancorp  (NJ);   Alliance   Financial  Corp.,  Arrow  Financial
     Corporation, CNB Financial Corp., First of Long Island Corporation, Iroquis
     Bancorp Inc., Jeffersonville Bancorp, Letchworth Independent BS Corp., Long
     Island Financial Corp.,  State Bancorp,  Inc., Suffolk Bancorp and Tompkins
     County Trust Company (NY).



     Officers and  directors of the Company and their  affiliated  companies are
customers  of  and  are  engaged  in  transactions  with  the  Company  and  its
subsidiaries in the ordinary course of business on substantially  the same terms
(including   interest   rates   on   loans,    collateral   and   collectibility
considerations) as those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with
other borrowers and suppliers.

     The following  director is engaged in transactions  with the Company and is
expected to continue to transact  such  business in the future:  Mr. Andora is a
member of Andora, Palmisano & Geaney, a firm that renders various legal services
to the Company and its  subsidiaries.  During 1999,  Andora,  Palmisano & Geaney
received fees for legal services of $325,000, including $95,000 paid pursuant to
retainer contracts and $134,000  representing fees for real estate matters,  the
bulk of which was reimbursed to the Bank by its customers.

2.   Proposal to Approve the Outside Director's Incentive Compensation Plan

     (Item 2 on Proxy Card)

     The  purpose of the Outside  Director's  Incentive  Compensation  Plan (the
"Plan") is to attract qualified  personnel to accept positions of responsibility
as outside directors with the Company,  and to provide  incentives to persons to
remain on the Board of the Company as outside directors.  The Board of Directors
is  submitting  the Plan for  approval at the annual  meeting in order to comply
with certain  provisions of the Internal Revenue Code. The following  summary of
the Plan is not  intended to be complete  and is  qualified  in its  entirety by
reference  to the Plan,  a copy of which is attached as Appendix A to this Proxy


     Persons  eligible to  participate in the Plan shall be those members of the
Board of Directors of the Company who have not served as a full-time employee of
the Company or any of its  subsidiaries  during the prior twelve  month  period.
Currently, there are 11 directors eligible to participate in the Plan.


     The  Compensation  Committee of the Board shall  administer  the Plan.  The
Compensation  Committee  of  the  Board  shall  also  have  full  authority  and
discretion  to adopt and  revise  such  rules and  procedures  as it shall  deem
necessary for the administration of the Plan and compliance with applicable law.
The Compensation Committee of the Board's interpretation and construction of any
provisions  of  the  Plan  or any  option  granted  hereunder  shall  be  final,
conclusive, and binding.


     There will be reserved  for use upon the  exercise of options  granted from
time to time  under the Plan an  aggregate  of 100,000  shares of Common  Stock,
subject to adjustment as provided in the Plan.  The Board shall  determine  from
time to time whether all or part of such 100,000  shares shall be authorized but
unissued  shares of Common  Stock or issued  shares of Common  Stock which shall
have been  reacquired by the Company and which are held in its treasury.  If any
option  granted under the Plan should expire or terminate for any reason without
having been exercised in full, the unpurchased shares shall become available for
the grant of options under the Plan.


     All options granted under the Plan shall be Non-Qualified Stock Options not
entitled to special tax treatment  under the Code, as amended to date and as may
be amended  from time to time.  The  increase  in the price of the stock under a
Non-Qualified Stock Option at the time of exercise is taxable as ordinary income
at the date of exercise - all future appreciation is considered a capital


gain. The Company receives a deduction equal to the increase in the price of the
stock under a Non-Qualified  Stock Option at the time of exercise.  The Company,
as and when appropriate,  shall have the right to require each holder of options
purchasing  or  receiving  shares  of  Common  Stock  under  the Plan to pay any
federal, state, or local taxes required by law to be withheld.


          The Board may at any time  terminate  or amend the Plan as it may deem
advisable,  except that (i) the provisions of the Plan relating to the amount of
shares covered by options, the exercise price of options or the timing of option
grants or exercises shall not be amended more than once every six months,  other
than to comport  with  changes in the Code,  the  Employment  Retirement  Income
Security Act or the rules thereunder,  and (ii) no such termination or amendment
shall  adversely  affect any  participant  with  respect to any right  which has
accrued under the Plan in regard to any option granted prior to such termination
or  amendment.   By  accepting  an  option  under  the  Plan,  each  participant
acknowledges  the right of the Board to  terminate  or amend the Plan subject to
the conditions set forth  therein.  Each member of the Board of Directors  will,
upon  satisfying the eligibility  requirements  of the Plan,  receive a grant of
1,000  options,  with  each  option  representing  the right to  purchase,  upon
exercise,  one share of Common Stock. Provided that the director continues to be
eligible  under the Plan,  he or she will receive an  additional  grant of 1,000
options on the first  anniversary date of the initial grant and each anniversary
date  thereafter.  Pursuant to Section 8 of the Plan,  the exercise price of the
options  will be equal to the  closing  price of a share of Common  Stock on the
date of the grant as reported by the American Stock  Exchange.  The options will
vest over a three-year  period from the grant date with one-third of the options
vesting each year on the anniversary  date of the grant. The options will have a
term of no longer than 10 years.


          In the case of a change of control of the Company  including,  but not
limited  to,  by  way of a  stock  dividend,  recapitalization,  reorganization,
merger,  consolidation or comparable transaction, the Board may make appropriate
adjustments  to the number and kind of shares  reserved for  issuance  under the
Plan and upon the grant and  exercise  of  options.  In the event of a change of
control of the Company, all of the options granted under the Plan shall be fully


          The Board of Directors believes that the Plan is in the best interests
of the Company and the stockholders.  Therefore,  your directors  recommend that
the stockholders vote FOR ratification of this appointment.

3.  Ratification of Appointment of Independent Auditors

    (Item 3 on Proxy Card)

     Deloitte & Touche LLP served as the Company's independent auditors for the
year ended December 31,1999. The Board of Directors,  upon recommendation of the
Audit Committee,  has again reappointed the firm of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the
independent  auditors to examine the Company's financial statements for the year
2000. Your directors  recommend that the  stockholders  vote FOR ratification of
this  appointment.  Representatives  of  Deloitte & Touche LLP are  expected  to
attend the Annual  Meeting and will have the  opportunity to make a statement if
they desire and to respond to appropriate questions.

4.  Other Matters

          The  Board of  Directors  is not  aware  of any  other  matters  to be
presented at the Annual  Meeting.  If any other matter  proper for action at the
Annual Meeting should be presented,  the persons named in the accompanying proxy
will vote the shares represented by the proxy on such


matter in  accordance  with  their best  judgment.  If any matter not proper for
action at the Annual  Meeting  should be presented,  the named proxies will vote
against consideration thereof or action thereon.

Submission of Stockholder Proposals

          Proposals  intended  for  inclusion  in the proxy  statement  for next
year's annual meeting of shareholders must be in writing and must be received by
the Secretary of the Company at Park 80 West/Plaza  Two, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663,
not later  than  December  22,  2000.  To be  considered  for  inclusion  in the
Company's proxy statement and form of proxy for the forthcoming  annual meeting,
a stockholder  proposal must be submitted on a timely basis and the proposal and
proponent  thereof must meet the requirements  established by the Securities and
Exchange Commission for stockholders proposal.

Other Information

          Consolidated financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries
are included in the Company's  Annual Report to Stockholders  for the year 1999.
Additional  copies of the Annual Report to Stockholders and the Company's Annual
Report on Form 10-K as filed with the Securities and Exchange  Commission may be
obtained  without  charge from the Secretary of the Company,  Park 80 West/Plaza
Two, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663.

          The above notice and proxy statement are sent by order of the board of
                                            Benjamin Rosenzweig,

Dated:   March 30, 2000


                                                                     APPENDIX A



     The  purpose  of this  Stock  Option  Plan  ("Plan"),  to be  known  as the
Interchange   Financial   Services   Corporation   Outside  Director   Incentive
Compensation  Plan,  is to attract  qualified  personnel to accept  positions of
responsibility  as  outside  directors  with  Interchange   Financial   Services
Corporation, a New Jersey Corporation ("Company"), and to provide incentives for
persons to remain on the Board of the Company as outside directors.


     (a) "Board" shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.

     (b) "Change of Control"  shall mean any of the following  events:  (i) when
          any  person  (as such term is used in  Section  13(d) and  14(d)(2)
          of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934),  other than an affiliate of
          the Company or an employee  benefit plan  established or maintained by
          the Company,  is or becomes the beneficial owner (as defined in Rule
          13d-3 of the Exchange Act), directly or indirectly,  of securities of
          the Company  representing more than twenty percent(20%) of the
          combined voting power of the Company's then outstanding securities,
          (ii) if during any period of two (2) consecutive  years,  individuals
          who at the beginning of such period  constitute the Board (the
          "Initial  Directors")  cease for any reason to constitute at least
          seventy-five  percent (75%) of the number of directors  at the end of
          such  period;  provided  that any  individual  whose election  to the
          Board  during  such  period was  approved by a vote of at least two-
          thirds of the Initial  Directors  then in office shall himself be
          considered an Initial Director, or (iii) upon the approval by the
          Company's stockholders of (A) a merger or  consolidation  (other than
          a merger or  consolidation  in which there is a definitive  agreement
          which provides that at least a majority of the directors  of the
          surviving  or  resulting  corporation  immediately  after the
          transaction  are  Initial  Directors),  (B) a  sale  or  disposition
          of  all or substantially  all of the  Company's  assets  or (C) a plan
          of  liquidation  or dissolution of the Company.

     (c) "Common Stock" shall mean the Company's  common stock, no par value, or
          if, pursuant to the adjustment provisions of Section 14 hereof,
          another security is substituted for the Common Stock, such other

     (d) "Effective  Date" shall mean April 27, 2000, the date on which the Plan
          is approved by the shareholders of the Company.

     (e)  "Grant Date" shall mean the date on which an Option is granted.

     (f)  "Option" shall mean the right,  granted  pursuant to Section 6 of the
           Plan, to purchase one or more shares of Common Stock.

     (g)  "Optionee"  shall mean a person to whom an Option has been granted
           under the Plan.

     (h)  "Outside  Director"  shall  mean any  member of the Board who shall
           not have  served as a  full-time employee of the Company or any of
           the  Company's  subsidiaries  at any time during the prior  twelve
           month period (determined as of the applicable date or dates during
           the term of the Plan).


     There will be reserved  for use upon the  exercise of Options  granted from
time to time  under the Plan an  aggregate  of 100,000  shares of Common  Stock,
subject  to  adjustment  as  provided  in Section  13  hereof.  The Board  shall
determine from time to time whether all or part of such 100,000 shares shall


be  authorized  but unissued  shares of Common Stock or issued  shares of Common
Stock which shall have been  reacquired by the Company and which are held in its
treasury.  If any Option  granted  under the Plan should expire or terminate for
any reason without having been exercised in full, the  unpurchased  shares shall
become available for the grant of Options under the Plan.


     The only  persons who shall be eligible to receive  Options  under the Plan
shall be Outside Directors.

     5. TERM

     No Option  shall be  granted  under the Plan more than ten years  after the
Effective Date.


     This Plan shall be administered by the Compensation Committee of the Board.
The  Compensation  Committee  of the Board  shall also have full  authority  and
discretion  to adopt and  revise  such  rules and  procedures  as it shall  deem
necessary for the  administration  of this Plan and compliance  with  applicable
law. The Compensation  Committee of the Board's  interpretation and construction
of any provisions of this Plan or any option granted  hereunder  shall be final,
conclusive, and binding.

     7. GRANT

     Effective  as of the date of first  meeting the  eligibility  criteria  set
forth in Section 4 above,  or in the event that a member of the Board  satisfies
such criteria as of the Effective  Date of this Plan,  then effective as of such
Effective  Date  (either  date being  referred to herein as the  initial  "Grant
Date"),  each Outside Director shall be granted 1,000 Options,  with each Option
representing  the right to purchase,  upon exercise,  one share of Common Stock.
Provided that a person continues to meet the eligibility criteria (determined as
such future date or dates),  on the first  anniversary date of the initial Grant
Date, and each  anniversary  date thereafter (each such date being considered an
additional  "Grant  Date"),   such  Outside  Director  shall  be  granted  1,000
additional  Options,  with each such Option  representing the right to purchase,
upon exercise, one share of Common Stock.


     The price at which shares of Common Stock shall be purchased  upon exercise
of an Option shall be equal to the closing price of a share of Stock on the date
of grant as reported by the American Stock Exchange  ("AMEX") or, if there is no
reported  trade on that date,  on the last  preceding  date on which a trade was


     Unless the exercise date of an Option is accelerated pursuant to Section 15
hereof, each Option shall be exercisable in accordance with a standard three (3)
year vesting  schedule (at 33% per year) from the  applicable  Grant Date,  with
each such vesting period ending on an  anniversary of the Grant Date;  provided,
however  that any portion of the Option once vested may be  exercised  until the
expiration or  termination  of the Option unless the exercise date of the Option
is  accelerated  pursuant to Section 15 hereof.  Each  Option  shall cease to be
exercisable  10 years after the date on which it is granted  except as otherwise
provided in Section 15 hereof.


     In the event that the time for the  performance of any action or the giving
or any notice is called for under the Plan within a period of time which ends or
falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, such period shall be deemed to and
or fall on the next date following such Saturday,  Sunday or legal holiday which
is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.



     To the extent  permitted by Section 9 hereof,  Optionees may exercise their
Options from time to time by giving  written  notice to the  Company;  provided,
however, that at any time when an Optionee (or other person entitled to exercise
the Option) desires to exercise any vested Options,  he or she shall be required
to exercise  the Options in the  inverse  order of purchase  price (that is, the
Optionee  shall be  required  to exercise  the vested  Options  with the highest
purchase price first,  followed by those with the next highest  purchase  price,
etc.). The date of exercise shall be the date on which the company receives such
notice.  Such notice shall be on a form furnished by the Company and shall state
the number of shares to be purchased and the desired  closing  date,  which date
shall be at least  fifteen  days  after  the  giving of such  notice,  unless an
earlier date shall have been mutually  agreed upon. At the closing,  the Company
shall deliver to the Optionee (or other person  entitled to exercise the Option)
at the principal office of the Company, or such other place as shall be mutually
acceptable,  a certificate or  certificates  for such shares against  payment in
full of the Option price for the number of shares to be delivered,  such payment
to be  by  (i)  cash,  (ii)  a  certified  or  bank  cashier's  check  or  (iii)
surrendering  shares of Common  Stock of the  Company  (including  shares  being
purchased by exercising  the Option) to the Company  having a market value equal
to the amount due, or (iv) other consideration as permitted under applicable law
and  regulations.  If the  Optionee  (or other  person  entitled to exercise the
option)  shall  fail to  accept  delivery  of and pay for all or any part of the
shares specified in his notice when the Company shall tender such shares to him,
his right to exercise the Option with respect to such unpurchased  shares may be


     All options granted under the Plan shall be Non-Qualified Stock Options not
entitled to special tax treatment  under the Code, as amended to date and as may
be amended from time to time.


     In the event that an  Optionee  ceases to serve on the Board for any reason
other than cause,  death,  disability or resignation,  such  Optionee's  Options
shall automatically  terminate three months after the date on which such service
terminates, but in any event not later than the date on which such options would
terminate pursuant to Section 9 hereof. In the event that an Optionee resigns or
is  removed  from the  Board by means of a  resolution  which  recites  that the
Optionee  is being  removed  solely for cause,  such  Optionee's  options  shall
automatically terminate on the date such resignation or removal is effective. In
the event  that an  Optionee  ceases to serve on the Board by reason of death or
disability,  an Option  exercisable by him shall terminate on the year after the
date of death or disability of the Optionee, but in any event not later than the
date on which such Options would terminate pursuant to Section 9 hereof.  During
such  time  after  death,  an Option  may only be  exercised  by the  Optionee's
personal  representative,  executor  or  administrator,  as the case may be.  No
exercise  permitted by this Section 13 shall entitle an Optionee or his personal
representative,  executor or administrator to exercise any portion of any Option
beyond the  extent to which such  Option is  exercisable  pursuant  to Section 9
hereof on the date such Optionee ceases to serve on the Board.


     In the  event  that,  by  reason  of a  stock  dividend,  recapitalization,
reorganization,   merger,  consolidation,   reclassification,   stock  split-up,
combination or shares,  exchange of shares, or comparable  transaction occurring
on a date subsequent to the Effective Date of the Plan, the  outstanding  shares
of Common Stock of the Company are hereafter increased or decreased,  or changed
into or exchanged for a different  number of kind of shares or other  securities
of the Company or of any other corporation,  then appropriate  adjustments shall
be made by the Board to the  number  and kind of shares  reserved  for  issuance
under the Plan and upon the grant and  exercise of  Options.  In  addition,  the
Board  shall  make  appropriate  adjustments  to the  number  and kind of shares
subject to outstanding Options, and the


purchase  price per  share  under  outstanding  Options  shall be  appropriately
adjusted  consistent with such change.  In no event shall  fractional  shares be
issued or issuable  pursuant to any  adjustment  made under this Section 14. The
determination  of the  Board  as to any  such  adjustment  shall  be  final  and


     Notwithstanding  anything  to the  contrary  set forth in the Plan,  in the
event of a Change of Control,  then all Options granted under this Plan shall be
fully exercisable upon the occurrence of the Change of Control.


     Each grant of an Option  under the Plan will be  evidenced by a document in
such form as the Board may from time to time approve. Such document will contain
such  provisions as the Board may in its discretion  deem  advisable,  including
without limitation additional restrictions or conditions upon the exercise of an
Option,  provided  that such  provisions  are not  inconsistent  with any of the
provisions of the Plan. The Board may require an Optionee, as a condition to the
grant or  exercise  of an Option or the  issuance or delivery of shares upon the
exercise of an Option or the payment therefor,  to make such representations and
warranties  and to  execute  and  deliver  such  notices of  exercise  and other
documents  as the  Board  may deem  consistent  with the Plan or the  terms  and
conditions of the option  agreement.  Not in limitation of any of the foregoing,
in any such  case  referred  to in the  preceding  sentence  the  Board may also
require  the  Optionee  to execute and deliver  such  documents  (including  any
appropriate  investment  letter described in Section 17) as the Board or counsel
to the Company  shall deem  necessary or advisable to comply with any  exemption
from registration  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended,  any applicable
State securities laws, and any other applicable law, regulation or rule.


     If required by the Board,  each Optionee shall agree to execute a statement
directed to the Company,  upon each and every  exercise by such  Optionee of any
Options,  that shares issued thereby are being acquired for investment  purposes
only  and not  with a view to the  redistribution  thereof,  and  containing  an
agreement  that such shares will not be sold or  transferred  unless  either (1)
registered  under the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  and all  applicable
state  securities  laws or (2) exempt from such  registration  in the opinion of
Company counsel. If required by the Board,  certificates  representing shares of
Common Stock issued upon  exercise of options  shall bear a  restrictive  legend
summarizing the restrictions on transferability applicable thereto.


     The  granting of Options,  the  issuance of shares upon the  exercise of an
Option, and the delivery of shares upon the payment therefor shall be subject to
compliance with all applicable laws,  rules,  and regulations.  Without limiting
the  generality  of the  foregoing,  the Company shall not be obligated to sell,
issue or deliver any shares  unless all  required  approvals  from  governmental
authorities  and stock  exchanges  shall have been  obtained and all  applicable
requirements  of  governmental  authorities  and stock exchanges shall have been
complied with.


     The Company, as and when appropriate,  shall have the right to require each
Optionee  purchasing  or receiving  shares of Common Stock under the Plan to pay
any federal, state, or local taxes required by law to be withheld.



     No Option shall be assignable or transferable by an optionee except by will
or the laws of descent and  distribution  or  pursuant  to a qualified  domestic
relations order as defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the
"Code") or Title I of the Employee  Retirement  Income Security Act ("ERISA") or
the rules  thereunder,  in which  event the terms of this  Plan,  including  all
restrictions  and limitations  set forth herein,  shall continue to apply to the
transferee.  Except as otherwise provided in the immediately preceding sentence,
during an  optionee's  lifetime,  no person other than the Optionee may exercise
his or her Options.


     An  Optionee  shall have no rights as a  shareholder  of the  Company  with
respect to any  shares  subject to an Option  until the  shares  purchased  upon
exercise of the Option have been duly issued and  registered  in the name of the
Optionee. Nothing in the Plan shall be deemed to give an Optionee any right to a
continued  position  on the Board nor shall it be deemed to give any  person any
other right not specifically and expressly provided in the Plan.


     The  Board  may at any  time  terminate  or  amend  the Plan as it may deem
advisable, except that (i) the provisions of this Plan relating to the amount of
shares covered by Options, the exercise price of Options or the timing of Option
grants or exercises shall not be amended more than once every six months,  other
than to comport with  changes in the Code,  ERISA or the rules  thereunder,  and
(ii) no such  termination or amendment shall adversely  affect any Optionee with
respect to any right  which has  accrued  under the Plan in regard to any Option
granted prior to such  termination  or amendment.  By accepting any Option under
the Plan, each Outside Director acknowledges the right of the Board to terminate
or amend the Plan subject to the conditions set forth above.


     Notwithstanding  Board  approval of the Plan,  no Options may be granted or
exercised prior to the Effective Date. Any Options granted or exercised prior to
such date shall be void and have no force or effect.


            Park 80 West, Plaza Two, Saddle Brook, New Jersey 07663


     The undersigned hereby appoints Jeremiah F. O'Connor,  Benjamin  Rosenzweig
and  Robert P.  Rittereiser  as  proxies,  each with the  power to  appoint  his
substitute,  and hereby  authorizes them to represent and to vote, as designated
below,  all the  shares  of  common  stock  of  Interchange  Financial  Services
Corporation  held of record by the  undersigned on March 27, 2000, at the annual
meeting of stockholders to be held April 27, 2000, or any adjournment thereof.

     FOR all nominees listed below  |_|               WITHHOLD AUTHORITY  |_|
     (except as marked to the contrary below)         to vote  for all  nominees
                                                      listed below

    Donald L. Correll, James E. Healey, Jeremiah F. O'Connor
    and Robert P. Rittereiser

(INSTRUCTION: To withhold authority to vote for an individual nominee write that
nominee's name in the space provided below.)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Continued from other side)


       |_| FOR                |_| AGAINST                 |_| ABSTAIN


       |_| FOR                |_| AGAINST                 |_| ABSTAIN

4.   In their  discretion,  the proxies are  authorized  to vote upon such other
     business as may properly come before the meeting.

     This  proxy when  properly  executed  will be voted in the manner  directed
herein by the undersigned stockholder.  If no direction is made, this proxy will
be voted FOR Proposals 1, 2 and 3.

             Please  sign  exactly  as name  appears  below.  When  shares are
             held by joint  tenants,  both  should  sign.  When  signing as an
             attorney,  as  executor,  administrator,   trustee  or  guardian,
             please  give full title as such.  If a  corporation,  please sign
             in  full  corporate   name  by  president  or  other   authorized
             officer.  If a partnership,  please sign in  partnership  name by
             authorized person.

                          Signature if held jointly___________________