WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 10-K405

     ACT OF 1934

      For the fiscal year ended                 December 31, 1995



     For the transition period from ______________ to_____________

     Commission file number  0-14267

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, L.P.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

         California                                            74-2339537
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                              (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)                              Identification No.)

             13760 Noel Road, Suite 700, LB70, Dallas, Texas, 75240
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code       (214)  448-5800

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:  None
- ----------------------------------------------------------

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  Limited partnership
- ----------------------------------------------------------   units

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months,  and (2) has been subject to such filing  requirements
for the past 90 days. Yes X No
                         ---  ---

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent  filers  pursuant to Item 405
of Regulation  S-K is not contained  herein,  and will not be contained,  to the
best of registrant's  knowledge,  in definitive proxy or information  statements
incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this
Form 10-K. [ X ]

All of the registrant's 40,000 outstanding limited partnership units are held by
non-affiliates.  The aggregate market value of units held by  non-affiliates  is
not determinable since there is no public trading market for limited partnership
units and transfers of units are subject to certain restrictions.

Documents Incorporated by Reference:     See Item 14, Page 39

                                TOTAL OF 40 PAGES

                                     PART I

- ------       --------

- ------------

McNeil  Real Estate  Fund XXIV,  L.P.  (the  "Partnership"),  formerly  known as
Southmark Equity Partners,  Ltd., was organized on October 19, 1984 as a limited
partnership under the provisions of the California  Revised Limited  Partnership
Act to acquire and operate  commercial and residential  properties.  The general
partner of the Partnership is McNeil Partners,  L.P. (the "General Partner"),  a
Delaware limited partnership,  an affiliate of Robert A. McNeil ("McNeil").  The
General Partner was elected at a meeting of limited  partners on March 30, 1992,
at which  time an amended  and  restated  partnership  agreement  (the  "Amended
Partnership  Agreement")  was  adopted.  Prior to March 30,  1992,  the  general
partner of the Partnership was Southmark  Investment  Group, Inc. (the "Original
General   Partner"),   a  wholly-owned   subsidiary  of  Southmark   Corporation
("Southmark").  The  principal  place of business  for the  Partnership  and the
General Partner is 13760 Noel Road, Suite 700, LB70, Dallas, Texas, 75240.

On January 8, 1985, the Partnership  registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission  ("SEC")  under the  Securities  Act of 1933 (File No.  2-93979)  and
commenced a public offering for sale of $40,000,000 of limited partnership units
("Units").  The Units represent  equity interests in the Partnership and entitle
the holders thereof to participate in certain  allocations and  distributions of
the Partnership. The sale of Units closed on December 15, 1985 with 40,000 Units
sold at $1,000 each, or gross proceeds of $40,000,000  to the  Partnership.  The
Partnership  subsequently  filed a Form 8-A Registration  Statement with the SEC
and  registered  its Units under the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 (File No.

- --------------------------------------------------

On July 14, 1989,  Southmark filed a voluntary petition for reorganization under
Chapter 11 of the U.S.  Bankruptcy Code.  Neither the  Partnership,  the General
Partner  nor  the  Original   General  Partner  were  included  in  the  filing.
Southmark's  reorganization  plan became  effective  August 10, 1990.  Under the
plan, most of Southmark's assets,  which included  Southmark's  interests in the
Original  General  Partner,  are being  sold or  liquidated  for the  benefit of

In  accordance  with  Southmark's  reorganization  plan,  Southmark,  McNeil and
various of their affiliates  entered into an asset purchase agreement on October
12, 1990,  providing for, among other things,  the transfer of control to McNeil
or his affiliates of 34 limited partnerships  (including the Partnership) in the
Southmark portfolio.

On February 14,  1991,  pursuant to the asset  purchase  agreement as amended on
that date,  McNeil Real Estate  Management,  Inc.  ("McREMI"),  an  affiliate of
McNeil,  acquired the assets relating to the property management and partnership
administrative business of Southmark and its affiliates and commenced management
of the  Partnership's  properties  pursuant  to an  assignment  of the  existing
property management agreements from the Southmark affiliates.

On March 30, 1992, the limited partners  approved a restructuring  proposal that
provided  for (i) the  replacement  of the Original  General  Partner with a new
general  partner,  McNeil  Partners,  L.P.;  (ii) the  adoption  of the  Amended
Partnership  Agreement which substantially alters the provisions of the original
partnership   agreement   relating   to,  among  other   things,   compensation,
reimbursement  of expenses and voting  rights;  (iii) the approval of an amended
property management  agreement with McREMI, the Partnership's  property manager;
and (iv) the  approval  to change the  Partnership's  name to McNeil Real Estate
Fund XXIV, L.P. Under the Amended Partnership  Agreement,  the Partnership began
accruing an asset  management  fee,  retroactive to February 14, 1991,  which is
payable  to  the  General  Partner.  For a  discussion  of the  methodology  for
calculating  the asset  management  fee, see Item 13 Certain  Relationships  and
Related Transactions.  The proposals approved at the March 30, 1992 meeting were
implemented as of that date.

Concurrent with the approval of the restructuring,  the General Partner acquired
from Southmark and its affiliates,  for aggregate  consideration of $43,193, (i)
the right to receive  payment on the  advances  owing  from the  Partnership  to
Southmark  and its  affiliates  in the amount of $642,581,  and (ii) the general
partner interest of the Original General Partner. None of the Units are owned by
the General Partner or its affiliates.

- ------------------


The  Partnership  is engaged  in the  ownership,  operation  and  management  of
residential and retail real estate.  At December 31, 1995, the Partnership owned
seven  income-producing  properties as described in Item 2 - Properties.  Six of
the  Partnership's  seven  properties  were acquired in  transactions  involving
payment of all cash to the sellers. A large portion of the Partnership's  rental
revenue is  attributable  to one property,  Southpointe  Plaza Shopping  Center.
Southpointe  Plaza Shopping Center  contributed  approximately  30% of the total
Partnership rental revenue in 1995, 1994 and 1993.

The  Partnership  does not directly  employ any personnel.  The General  Partner
conducts the business of the  Partnership  directly and through its  affiliates.
The Partnership  reimburses  affiliates of the General Partner for such services
rendered in accordance with the Amended Partnership Agreement. See Item 8 - Note
2 "Transactions With Affiliates."

The business of the Partnership to date has involved only one industry  segment.
See Item 8 - Financial Statements and Supplementary Data. The Partnership has no
foreign operations. The business of the Partnership is not seasonal.

Business Plan:

The  Partnership's  anticipated  plan of  operations  for 1996 is to preserve or
increase the net operating income of its properties whenever possible,  while at
the same time making  whatever  capital  expenditures  are reasonable  under the
circumstances  in order to preserve  and enhance the value of the  Partnership's
properties.  The  General  Partner  is  evaluating  market  and  other  economic
conditions to determine the optimum time to commence an orderly  liquidation  of
the  Partnership's  properties  in  accordance  with the  terms  of the  Amended
Partnership  Agreement.  In  conjunction  therewith,  the General  Partner  will
continue to explore  potential  avenues to enhance the value of the Units in the
Partnership,  which may include, among other things, asset sales or refinancings
of the Partnership's properties which may result in distributions to the limited
partners.  See  Item 7 -  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of  Financial
Condition and Results of Operations.

Competitive Conditions:

Since the  principal  business of the  Partnership  is to own and  operate  real
estate,  the Partnership is subject to all of the risks  incidental to ownership
of real estate and interests therein, many of which relate to the illiquidity of
this type of  investment.  These  risks  include  changes  in  general  or local
economic conditions,  changes in supply or demand for competing properties in an
area,  changes in interest rates and  availability  of permanent  mortgage funds
which  may  render  the  sale  or  refinancing   of  a  property   difficult  or
unattractive, changes in real estate and zoning laws, increases in real property
tax rates and Federal or local  economic or rent  controls.  The  illiquidity of
real estate  investments  generally  impairs the ability of the  Partnership  to
respond  promptly  to  changed  circumstances.  The  Partnership  competes  with
numerous established companies, private investors (including foreign investors),
real estate investment trusts,  limited partnerships and other entities (many of
which have greater  resources than the Partnership) in connection with the sale,
financing  and  leasing  of  properties.  The  impact  of  these  risks  on  the
Partnership,   including   losses  from  operations  and   foreclosures  of  the
Partnership's  properties,  is described in Item 7 - Management's Discussion and
Analysis  of  Financial  Condition  and  Results  of  Operations.  See  Item 2 -
Properties  for a  discussion  of the  competitive  conditions  at  each  of the
Partnership's properties.

Other information:

The environmental  laws of the Federal government and of certain state and local
governments  impose  liability  on current  property  owners for the clean-up of
hazardous and toxic substances discharged on the property.  The liability may be
imposed  without  regard  to the  timing,  cause or person  responsible  for the
release of such substances onto the property.  The Partnership  could be subject
to such liability in the event that it owns properties having such environmental
problems.  The Partnership has no knowledge of any pending claims or proceedings
regarding such environmental problems.

In August  1995,  High River  Limited  Partnership  ("High  River"),  a Delaware
limited  partnership  controlled by Carl C. Icahn,  made an  unsolicited  tender
offer (the "HR Offer") to purchase from holders of Units up to approximately 45%
of the  outstanding  Units of the  Partnership  for a purchase price of $150 per
Unit. In addition,  High River made unsolicited  tender offers for certain other
partnerships controlled by the General Partner. The Partnership recommended that
the limited  partners  reject the HR Offer made with respect to the  Partnership
and not tender their Units  pursuant to the HR Offer.  The HR Offer  terminated,
after numerous extensions, on October 6, 1995. The General Partner believes that
as of February 29, 1996,  High River has  purchased  approximately  5.28% of the
outstanding Units pursuant to the HR Offer. In addition, all litigation filed by
High River,  Mr. Icahn and his  affiliates in  connection  with the HR Offer has
been dismissed without prejudice.

- ------     ----------

The  following  table sets forth the real  estate  investment  portfolio  of the
Partnership  at December 31, 1995.  All of the  buildings  and the land on which
they are located are owned by the  Partnership  in fee and are  unencumbered  by
mortgage indebtedness,  with the exception of Southpointe Plaza Shopping Center,
which is subject to a first lien deed of trust as set forth more fully in Item 8
- - Note 5 -  "Mortgage  Note  Payable."  See also Item 8 - Note 4 - "Real  Estate
Investments"  and  Schedule  III  -  Real  Estate  Investments  and  Accumulated
Depreciation and Amortization.  In the opinion of management, the properties are
adequately covered by insurance.

                                             Net Basis                             1995             Date
Property              Description           of Property           Debt         Property Taxes     Acquired
- --------              -----------           -----------        ----------         -------         --------
Island Plaza          Retail Center
Ft. Myers, FL         60,076 sq. ft.       $ 2,035,574        $         -        $ 45,905           4/85

Pine Hills            Apartments
Livingston, TX        128 units              2,718,632                  -          38,996          10/85

Riverbay Plaza        Retail Center
Riverview, FL         73,065 sq. ft.         3,714,454                  -          67,105           4/85

Sleepy Hollow         Apartments
Cleveland, TX         112 units              2,856,648                  -          55,992           8/85

Southpointe Plaza     Retail Center
Sacramento, CA        83,506 sq. ft.         7,325,359          5,538,527          92,846          11/85

Springwood Plaza      Retail Center
Dellwood, MO          88,323 sq. ft.         2,634,187                  -          66,170           9/85

Towne Center          Retail Center
Derby, KS             94,320 sq. ft.         1,531,502                  -          35,555           7/85
                                            ----------         ----------         -------
                                           $22,816,356        $ 5,538,527        $402,569
                                            ==========         ==========         =======

- ---------------------------------------
Total:    Apartments  -  240 units
          Retail Centers - 394,229 sq. ft.

The  following  table sets  forth the  properties'  occupancy  rate and rent per
square foot for the last five years:

                                        1995            1994           1993           1992            1991
                                       ------          ------         ------         ------          ------
Island Plaza
   Occupancy Rate............             79%             80%            84%            79%             83%
   Rent Per Square Foot......          $ 6.20          $ 7.09         $ 7.56         $ 7.42          $ 6.55

Pine Hills
   Occupancy Rate............             99%             99%            98%            99%             91%
   Rent Per Square Foot......          $ 6.76          $ 6.44         $ 6.06         $ 5.57          $ 5.08

Riverbay Plaza
   Occupancy Rate............             94%             92%            88%            89%             89%
   Rent Per Square Foot......          $ 6.85          $ 8.55         $ 7.03         $ 6.85          $ 4.89

Sleepy Hollow
   Occupancy Rate............            100%             99%            95%            98%             97%
   Rent Per Square Foot......          $ 7.32          $ 6.91         $ 6.76         $ 6.58          $ 6.07

Southpointe Plaza
   Occupancy Rate............             97%             90%            86%            98%             98%
   Rent Per Square Foot......          $14.18          $14.35         $13.41         $16.24          $14.81

Springwood Plaza
   Occupancy Rate............             80%             72%            80%            82%             90%
   Rent Per Square Foot......          $ 4.49          $ 4.59         $ 4.96         $ 6.52          $ 6.30

Towne Center
   Occupancy Rate............            100%            100%            53%            51%             48%
   Rent Per Square Foot......          $ 3.59          $ 3.21         $ 2.93         $ 2.73          $ 2.45

Occupancy rate  represents all units leased divided by the total number of units
for  residential  properties  and square  footage leased divided by total square
footage for other  properties  as of  December  31 of the given  year.  Rent per
square foot represents all revenue, except interest, derived from the property's
operations divided by the leasable square footage of the property.

Competitive conditions:

Island Plaza
- ------------

Island Plaza is a 60,076 square foot,  single-story retail strip shopping center
located near a major  intersection of a suburban  market in Ft. Myers,  Florida.
The  property is set back from its frontage  road behind three out parcels.  The
center is anchored by a grocery chain which occupies 30,800 square feet. Two new
grocery-anchored  shopping  centers have recently been developed within the area
which have brought strong competition to Island Plaza. The competitors'  grocery
anchors  occupy  approximately  65,000 square  feet--more  than twice the square
footage of Island Plaza's anchor. As a result, the anchor tenant at Island Plaza
has filed for  reorganization  under the U.S.  bankruptcy laws. In order to keep
the anchor open and maintain the viability of Island Plaza,  it was necessary to
negotiate  a  modification  of the  lease  resulting  in a  reduction  in  rent.
Additionally,  road  construction  completed  during  1995 has moved the flow of
traffic away from Island Plaza  toward the two new shopping  centers  previously
described.  These events have caused a decline in anticipated  future cash flows
that are considered to be a permanent impairment;  accordingly,  the Partnership
recorded a write-down for permanent  impairment of $1,500,085  during the fourth
quarter of 1995.

Pine Hills
- ----------

Pine Hills is a two-story  class "A"  apartment  community  located in the small
town of Livingston,  approximately 60 miles north of Houston, Texas. There is no
class "A"  competition  within the area at  present.  If a vacant  wooded lot in
front of the  property is  developed,  it could block the view of the  property.
However,  development has not begun and is somewhat in question. The Partnership
projects one rental rate  increase in 1996 and expects to maintain  occupancy in
the high 90% range.

Riverbay Plaza
- --------------

Riverbay Plaza is a single-story  retail  shopping center located at the busiest
intersection  of a rural  area near  Riverview,  Florida.  It is  anchored  by a
grocery  store and a  drugstore  and there are two out  parcels  in front of the
center that draw customers to the center. Currently, there is only one competing
shopping  center in the area which is not as well  maintained as Riverbay Plaza.
Building  improvements  were  made  in  1995 to  enhance  marketability  and aid
retention. The Partnership expects to maintain occupancy in the low 90% range.

Sleepy Hollow
- -------------

Sleepy Hollow is a two-story class "A" apartment  community located in the small
town of Cleveland,  approximately 30 miles north of Houston,  Texas. There is no
class "A" competition within the area at present.  Although exterior renovations
completed in 1995 have made a neighboring  apartment  community more competitive
than Sleepy Hollow, the Partnership expects to maintain occupancy in the mid 90%
range in 1996.

Southpointe Plaza
- -----------------

Southpointe  Plaza is a retail  strip  shopping  center  located in the southern
quadrant of Sacramento,  California.  The declining  economic  conditions in the
area have  resulted  in  increased  criminal  activity.  The  property is easily
accessible   and  highly  visible  from  the  highway.   Southpointe   Plaza  is
aesthetically  superior  to its  immediate  competitors.  The  center has strong
anchor tenants which, while doing well, seem to be destination stores and do not
generate  a lot  of  foot  traffic  for  the  center.  Management  is  currently
restructuring the tenant mix to accommodate changing  demographics and appeal to
value consciousness.  The Partnership  anticipates maintaining occupancy in 1996
and reducing concessions to tenants.

Springwood Plaza
- ----------------

Springwood Plaza is a multi-leveled strip shopping center located in a suburb of
St. Louis, Missouri. The center is anchored by a popular local grocery chain and
contains fifteen other retail spaces. The area surrounding the property has been
in a slow state of decline for the past few years. Occupancy, which had declined
in 1994,  increased  in 1995 due to capital  improvements  made to  improve  the
appearance  of the center.  Most of the  comparable  properties  in the area are
superior  to  Springwood  Plaza.   However,  with  continued  attention  to  the
appearance  of the property and rental rates lower than the newer centers in the
area, management expects to increase occupancy in 1996.

Towne Center
- ------------

Towne  Center is a retail  strip  shopping  center  located in a suburb 10 miles
south of Wichita,  Kansas.  The property is one of five strip  shopping  centers
located in Derby, and it is by far the largest. The property is in good physical
condition;  however,  a new retail center is being developed  approximately  two
miles from Towne Center that could affect the center's performance.

In 1994,  the center  became 100%  occupied  due to the leasing of a large space
that had been vacant for several years.  The lease on this space expires in 1997
as does the lease for the center's grocery store anchor tenant.
The Partnership expects to maintain occupancy in the high 90% range in 1996.

The following  schedule shows lease  expirations  for each of the  Partnership's
commercial properties for 1996 through 2005:

                                   Number of                             Annual             % of Gross
                                  Expirations         Square Feet         Rent              Annual Rent
                                  -----------         -----------      ---------            -----------
Island Plaza
- ------------
1996                                   2                 2,117        $   17,132                    5%
1997                                   2                 3,967            31,756                    9%
1998                                   4                 6,819            59,734                   17%
1999                                   2                 3,415            26,264                    7%
2000                                   -                     -                 -                    -
2001                                   -                     -                 -                    -
2002                                   -                     -                 -                    -
2003                                   -                     -                 -                    -
2004                                   1                30,800           153,996                   43%
2005                                   -                     -                 -                    -

Riverbay Plaza
- --------------
1996                                   1                   755        $    7,550                    2%
1997                                   4                 4,959            34,403                    7%
1998                                   2                 1,950            15,788                    3%
1999                                   1                 1,800            16,200                    3%
2000                                   2                 6,593            44,888                    9%
2001                                   -                     -                 -                    -
2002                                   -                     -                 -                    -
2003                                   -                     -                 -                    -
2004                                   1                40,297           236,250                   49%
2005                                   -                     -                 -                    -

Southpointe Plaza
- -----------------
1996                                   1                 1,100        $   21,399                    2%
1997                                   7                12,665           180,536                   17%
1998                                   2                 5,843            76,099                    7%
1999                                   1                 1,588            22,867                    2%
2000                                   2                 3,872            45,398                    4%
2001                                   -                     -                 -                    -
2002                                   3                17,206           206,340                   20%
2003                                   2                19,848           213,614                   20%
2004                                   1                 5,220            75,168                    7%
2005                                   -                     -                 -                    -

Springwood Plaza
- ----------------
1996                                   4                 8,192        $   63,808                   14%
1997                                   1                 1,937            15,670                    3%
1998                                   1                 2,000            10,000                    2%
1999                                   2                49,060           235,193                   52%
2000                                   2                 4,316            22,064                    5%
Thereafter                             -                     -                 -                    -

Towne Center
- ------------
1996                                   5                10,747        $   60,774                   20%
1997                                   8                75,986           187,282                   64%
1998                                   1                 2,120            10,600                    4%
1999                                   3                 4,808            34,662                   12%
Thereafter                             -                     -                 -                    -

No  residential  tenant  leases 10% or more of the available  rental space.  The
following  schedule reflects  information on commercial tenants occupying 10% or
more of the leasable square feet for each property:

Nature of
Business                        Square Footage                                              Lease
   Use                              Leased                       Annual Rent              Expiration
- ---------                       --------------                   -----------              ----------
Island Plaza

Grocery Store                       30,800                        $ 153,996                  2004

Riverbay Plaza

Grocery Store                       40,297                        $ 236,250                  2004
Drugstore                                                           101,250                  2042

Southpointe Plaza

Sporting Goods                      10,000                        $  50,000                  2002
Toy Store                           14,850                          126,225                  2003

Springwood Plaza

Grocery Store                       46,558                        $ 217,679                  1999

Towne Center

Home Furnishings                    40,034                        $  44,838                  1997
Grocery Store                       22,660                           61,616                  1997

- ------       -----------------

The Partnership is not party to, nor are any of the Partnership's properties the
subject of, any material pending legal proceedings, other than ordinary, routine
litigation incidental to the Partnership's business, except for the following:

1)   High River Limited Partnership v. McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil Investors,
     Inc., McNeil Pacific Investors 1972, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund IX, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil
     Real Estate Fund XI, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XIV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real
     Estate Fund XV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XX, L.P., McNeil Real Estate
     Fund XXIV,  L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXV, L.P.,  Robert A. McNeil and
     Carole J.  McNeil  (L95012) - High River  ("HR")  filed this  action in the
     United States District Court for the Southern  District of New York against
     McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil Investors,  Inc. and Mr. and Mrs. McNeil (as
     defined in this  Section 1,  collectively,  the  "Defendants")  requesting,
     among other  things,  names and  addresses  of the limited  partners in the
     partnerships   referenced   above  (as  defined  in  this  Section  1,  the
     "Partnerships"). The District Court issued a preliminary injunction against
     the Partnerships  requiring them to commence mailing materials  relating to
     the HR tender offer on August 14, 1995.

     On August 18, 1995, the Defendants  filed an Answer and  Counterclaim.  The
     Counterclaim  principally  asserts  (1)  the HR  tender  offers  have  been
     undertaken  in violation of the Federal  securities  laws,  on the basis of
     material,  non-public,  and confidential  information,  and (2) that the HR
     offer documents omit and/or misrepresent certain material information about
     the HR tender offers.  The  Counterclaim  seeks a preliminary and permanent
     injunction   against  the   continuation  of  the  HR  tender  offers  and,
     alternatively,  ordering  corrective  disclosure  with respect to allegedly
     false and misleading statements contained in the tender offer documents.

     This action was dismissed without prejudice in November 1995.

2)   High River Limited Partnership v. McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil Investors,
     Inc., McNeil Pacific Investors 1972, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund IX, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil
     Real Estate Fund XI, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XIV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real
     Estate Fund XV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XX, L.P., McNeil Real Estate
     Fund XXIV,  L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXV, L.P.,  Robert A. McNeil and
     Carole J. McNeil - United States  District Court for the Southern  District
     of New York, (Case No. 95 Civ. 9488) (Second Action).

     On November 7, 1995, High River filed a second  complaint with the District
     Court which alleges, inter alia, that McNeil Partners, L.P.'s (the "General
     Partner")  Schedule  14D-9 filed in  connection  with the High River tender
     offers was materially false and misleading,  in violation of Sections 14(d)
     and 14(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C.  Section 78n(d)
     and (e),  and the SEC  Regulations  promulgated  thereunder;  and that High
     River further  alleges that the General  Partner has wrongfully  refused to
     admit High River as a limited  partner to the ten  partnerships  referenced
     above.  Additionally,  High River purports to assert claims derivatively on
     behalf of McNeil  Real Estate  Fund IX,  Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XI,
     Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XV, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV, L.P.
     and McNeil Real Estate Fund XXV, L.P., for breach of contract and breach of
     fiduciary  duty,  asserting  that the General  Partner  has  charged  these
     partnerships  excessive fees.  High River's  complaint  seeks,  inter alia,
     preliminary  injunctive  relief requiring the General Partner to admit High
     River as a limited partner in each of the ten partnerships referenced above
     and to transfer the tendered units of interest in the  partnerships to High
     River;  an  unspecified  award of  damages  payable  to High  River  and an
     additional   unspecified  award  of  damages  payable  to  certain  of  the
     partnerships;  an order that  defendants  must  discharge  their  fiduciary
     duties and must account for all fees they have received from certain of the
     partnerships; and attorneys' fees.

     On January 31, 1996, this action was dismissed without prejudice.

3)   Martha Hess, et al. v. Southmark Equity Partners II, Ltd., Southmark Income
     Investors, Ltd., Southmark Equity Partners, Ltd. (presently known as McNeil
     Real Estate Fund XXIV,  L.P.),  Southmark  Realty  Partners III,  Ltd., and
     Southmark Realty Partners II, Ltd., et al. ("Hess");  Kotowski v. Southmark
     Equity Partners, Ltd. and Donald Arceri v. Southmark Income Investors, Ltd.
     These cases were previously pending in the Illinois Appellate Court for the
     First  District  ("Appellate  Court"),  as  consolidated  Case No.  90-107.
     Consolidated  with  these  cases  are  an  additional  14  matters  against
     unrelated partnership entities. The Hess case was filed on May 20, 1988, by
     Martha  Hess,  individually  and on  behalf  of a  putative  class of those
     similarly  situated.   The  original,   first,  second  and  third  amended
     complaints in Hess sought rescission,  pursuant to the Illinois  Securities
     Act, of over $2.7  million of  principal  invested in five  Southmark  (now
     McNeil)  partnerships,  and other  relief  including  damages for breach of
     fiduciary  duty and violation of the Illinois  Consumer Fraud and Deceptive
     Business  Practices  Act. The  original,  first,  second and third  amended
     complaints in Hess were dismissed against the  defendant-group  because the
     Appellate  Court  held  that they were not the  proper  subject  of a class
     action  complaint.  Hess was,  thereafter,  amended a fourth  time to state
     causes of  action  against  unrelated  partnership  entities.  Hess went to
     judgment  against that  unrelated  entity and the judgment,  along with the
     prior  dismissal of the class  action,  was  appealed.  The Hess appeal was
     decided by the Appellate  Court during 1992.  The Appellate  Court affirmed
     the  dismissal of the breach of fiduciary  duty and consumer  fraud claims.
     The Appellate  Court did,  however,  reverse in part,  holding that certain
     putative  class  members  could file class  action  complaints  against the
     defendant-group. Although leave to appeal to the Illinois Supreme Court was
     sought,  the Illinois Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal.  The effect
     of the denial is that the Appellate  Court's opinion remains  standing.  On
     June 15, 1994, the Appellate Court issued its mandate sending the case back
     to trial court.

     In late  January  1995,  the  plaintiffs  filed a Motion to File an Amended
     Consolidated  Class Action  Complaint,  which amends the  complaint to name
     McNeil  Partners,  L.P.  as the  successor  general  partner  to  Southmark
     Investment Group. In February 1995, the plaintiffs filed a Motion for Class
     Certification.  The amended cases against the defendant-group,  and others,
     are  proceeding  under the  caption  George and Joy Kugler v.  I.R.E.  Real
     Estate Income Fund,  Jerry and Barbara Neumann v. Southmark Equity Partners
     II, Richard and Theresa  Bartoszewski v. Southmark Realty Partners III, and
     Edward and Rose Weskerna v. Southmark Realty Partners II.

     In September  1995,  the court  granted the  plaintiffs'  Motion to File an
     Amended  Complaint,  to  Consolidate  and  for  Class  Certification.   The
     defendants  have answered the complaint and have plead that the  plaintiffs
     did not give timely  notice of their right to rescind  within six months of
     knowing  that right.  The  ultimate  outcome of this  litigation  cannot be
     determined at this time.

4)   Robert Lewis v. McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil  Investors,  Inc., Robert A.
     McNeil et al. - In the  District  Court of  Dallas  County,  Texas,  A-14th
     Judicial  District,  Cause No. 95-08535 (Class Action) - Plaintiff,  Robert
     Lewis, is a limited partner with McNeil Pacific  Investors Fund 1972, Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund X, Ltd. and McNeil Real Estate Fund XV, Ltd.

     Plaintiff  brings  this  action on his own behalf and as a class  action on
     behalf of the class of all  limited  partners of McNeil  Pacific  Investors
     Fund 1972, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund
     IX,  Ltd.,  McNeil Real  Estate  Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XI,
     Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XIV, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate Fund XV, Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund XX,  L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV,  L.P. and
     McNeil  Real  Estate  Fund XXV,  L.P.  (as  defined in this  Section 3, the
     "Partnerships") as of August 4, 1995.

     Plaintiff  alleges that McNeil  Partners,  L.P.,  McNeil  Investors,  Inc.,
     Robert A. McNeil and other  senior  officers (as defined in this Section 4,
     collectively,  the "Defendants")  breached their fiduciary duties by, among
     other things,  (1) failing to attempt to sell the  properties  owned by the
     Partnerships (as defined in this Section 4, the "Properties") and extending
     the lives of the Partnerships  indefinitely,  contrary to the Partnerships'
     business plans, (2) paying  distributions to themselves and generating fees
     for their affiliates, (3) refusing to make significant distributions to the
     class members,  despite the fact that the  Partnerships  have positive cash
     flows and  substantial  cash  balances,  and (4)  failing  to take steps to
     create an auction market for equity interests of the Partnerships,  despite
     the fact that a third party bidder filed  tender  offers for  approximately
     forty-five   percent  (45%)  of  the  outstanding  units  of  each  of  the
     Partnerships.  Plaintiff  also claims that  Defendants  have  breached  the
     partnership  agreements  of the  Partnerships  by  failing to take steps to
     liquidate  the  Properties  and by their  alteration  of the  Partnerships'
     primary  purposes,  their acts in  contravention of these  agreements,  and
     their use of the assets of the  Partnerships  for their own benefit instead
     of for the benefit of the Partnerships.

     The Defendants deny that there is any merit to Plaintiff's  allegations and
     intend to vigorously defend this action.

5)   James F.  Schofield,  Gerald C.  Gillett  and Donna S.  Gillett  v.  McNeil
     Partners,  L.P.,  McNeil Investors,  Inc.,  McNeil Real Estate  Management,
     Inc., Robert A. McNeil,  Carole J. McNeil, McNeil Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund IX, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil
     Real Estate Fund XI, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XIV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real
     Estate Fund XV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XX, L.P., McNeil Real Estate
     Fund XXIV, L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXV, L.P. et al. - Superior Court
     of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, Case No. BC133799
     (Class and Derivative  Action  Complaint) and United States District Court,
     Southern  District of New York, Case No.  95CIV.6711  (Class and Derivative
     Action Complaint).

     These are  corporate/securities  class and  derivative  actions  brought in
     state and Federal court by limited partners of each of the nine (9) limited
     partnerships  that are named as  nominal  defendants  as  listed  above (as
     defined in this  Section 5, the  "Partnerships").  Plaintiffs  allege  that
     McNeil Investors,  Inc., its affiliate McNeil Real Estate Management,  Inc.
     and four (4) of their senior officers and/or  directors (as defined in this
     Section 5,  collectively,  the "Defendants")  have breached their fiduciary
     duties.  Specifically,  Plaintiffs  allege that  Defendants have caused the
     Partnerships  to enter  into  several  wasteful  transactions  that have no
     business  purpose or benefit to the  Partnerships  and which have  rendered
     such units highly illiquid and  artificially  depressed the prices that are
     available for units on the limited  resale market.  Plaintiffs  also allege
     that  Defendants  have  engaged  in a course  of  conduct  to  prevent  the
     acquisition of units by Carl Icahn by disseminating  false,  misleading and
     inadequate  information.  Plaintiffs  further allege that  Defendants  have
     acted to  advance  their  own  personal  interests  at the  expense  of the
     Partnerships' public unit holders by failing to sell Partnership properties
     and  failing  to make  distributions  to  unitholders  and,  thereby,  have
     breached the partnership agreements.

     The Defendants deny that there is any merit to Plaintiff's  allegations and
     intend to vigorously defend these actions.

6)   Alfred Napoletano v. McNeil Partners, L.P., McNeil Investors,  Inc., Robert
     A. McNeil,  Carole J. McNeil,  McNeil Pacific  Investors  Fund 1972,  Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund IX, Ltd.,  McNeil
     Real Estate Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil  Real Estate Fund XI,  Ltd.,  McNeil Real
     Estate Fund XIV, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate Fund XV, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate
     Fund XX, L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV, L.P., McNeil Real Estate Fund
     XXV,  L.P.  -  Superior  Court of the  State of  California,  County of Los
     Angeles, Case No. BC133849 (Class Action Complaint).

     Plaintiff  brings this class action on behalf of a class of all persons and
     entities who are current owners of units and/or are limited partners in one
     or more of the partnerships referenced above (as defined in this Section 6,
     the "Partnerships").  Plaintiff alleges that McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil
     Investors,  Inc., Robert A. McNeil and other senior officers (as defined in
     this  Section  6,  collectively,  the  "Defendants")  have  breached  their
     fiduciary  duties to the class members by, among other  things,  (1) taking
     steps to prevent the  consummation  of the High River  tender  offers,  (2)
     failing to take steps to maximize unitholders' or limited partners' values,
     including  failure to liquidate the properties  owned by the  Partnerships,
     (3) managing the Partnerships so as to extend  indefinitely the present fee
     arrangements,  and (4) paying itself and entities  owned and  controlled by
     the  general  partner  excessive  fees and  reimbursements  of general  and
     administrative expenses.

     The Defendants deny that there is any merit to Plaintiff's  allegations and
     intend to vigorously defend this action.

7)   Warren Heller v. McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil Investors,  Inc., Robert A.
     McNeil,  Carole J. McNeil, McNeil Pacific Investors Fund 1972, Ltd., McNeil
     Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,  McNeil  Real Estate Fund IX,  Ltd.,  McNeil Real
     Estate Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XI, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate
     Fund XIV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund
     XX, L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV, L.P., McNeil Real Estate Fund XXV,
     L.P. - Superior  Court of the State of  California,  County of Los Angeles,
     Case No. BC133957 (Class Action Complaint).

     Plaintiff  brings this class action on behalf of a class of all persons and
     entities who are current owners of units and/or are limited partners in one
     or more of the partnerships referenced above (as defined in this Section 7,
     the "Partnerships").  Plaintiff alleges that McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil
     Investors,  Inc., Robert A. McNeil and other senior officers (as defined in
     this  Section  7,  collectively,  the  "Defendants")  have  breached  their
     fiduciary  duties to the class members by, among other  things,  (1) taking
     steps to prevent the  consummation  of the High River  tender  offers,  (2)
     failing to take steps to maximize unitholders' or limited partners' values,
     including  failure to liquidate the properties  owned by the  Partnerships,
     (3) managing the Partnerships so as to extend  indefinitely the present fee
     arrangements,  and (4) paying itself and entities  owned and  controlled by
     the  general  partner  excessive  fees and  reimbursements  of general  and
     administrative expenses.

     The Defendants deny that there is any merit to Plaintiff's  allegations and
     intend to vigorously defend this action.

8)   Henry Lim,  Charles Chen, Paul Van dba Shangri-La  Restaurant & Bar, Robert
     Narayan and Jackie Kim v. McNeil  Real  Estate Fund XXIV,  L.P.  and McNeil
     Real Estate  Management,  Inc.  ("McREMI")  et al. This was a complaint for
     breach of contract, breach of covenant to extend term of lease, intentional
     and negligent  interference with respective economic  relationships,  civil
     rights violations,  intentional and negligent misrepresentation,  injurious
     false suit and negligent and intentional  infliction of emotional  distress
     brought by former tenants of the Southpointe  Plaza Shopping Center,  based
     on a purported  claim that both the  Partnership and McREMI orally promised
     to agree to extend the lease and approve an  assignment of lease from three
     of the plaintiffs to two of the other  plaintiffs for a restaurant and bar.
     On April 10,  1995,  a  settlement  was reached  such that the  Partnership
     agreed to pay the first three plaintiffs $42,500, of which $20,000 was paid
     by the Partnership's  insurance  carrier.  The remaining two plaintiffs are
     free to continue to pursue their  action,  however, they would only be able
     to prove damages up to $1,500.

For a discussion of the Southmark bankruptcy, see Item 1 - Business.

- ------   ---------------------------------------------------


                                     PART II

- ------   ------------------------------------------------------------

(A)     There is no established  public  trading market for limited  partnership
        units, nor is one expected to develop.

(B)     Title of Class                             Number of Record Unit Holders
        --------------                             -----------------------------

        Limited partnership units                  3,450 as of February 16, 1996

(C)     No distributions were paid to the partners in 1995 or 1994. See Item 7 -
        Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
        of  Operations,  and  Item 8 - Note 1 -  "Organization  and  Summary  of
        Significant Accounting Policies - Distributions."

- ------   -----------------------

The  following  table sets forth a summary  of  certain  financial  data for the
Partnership.  This summary should be read in conjunction with the  Partnership's
financial  statements  and  notes  thereto  appearing  in  Item  8  -  Financial
Statements and Supplementary Data.

                                                                Years Ended December 31,
Statements of                          -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Operations                                1995            1994            1993           1992           1991
- ------------------                     ----------       ---------      ---------      ---------     ----------
Rental revenue...............         $ 4,058,503      $4,127,396     $3,903,950     $4,174,958    $ 3,737,718
Write-down for permanent
  impairment of real estate..          (1,500,085)             -              -               -     (1,192,000)
Loss before extraordinary
  items                                (1,694,787)       (65,511)        (30,846)      (260,259)    (1,357,270)
Extraordinary items..........                   -              -               -         51,510      1,281,009
Net loss.....................          (1,694,787)       (65,511)        (30,846)      (208,749)       (76,261)

Net loss per limited
  partnership unit:
  Loss before extraordinary
  items                               $    (41.95)     $    (1.62)    $     (.76)    $    (6.44)   $    (33.59)
  Extraordinary items........                   -               -              -           1.27          31.70
                                       ----------       ---------      ---------      ---------     ----------
  Net loss...................         $    (41.95)     $    (1.62)    $     (.76)    $    (5.17)   $     (1.89)
                                       ==========       =========      =========      =========     ==========

Distributions per limited
  partnership unit                    $         -      $        -     $        -     $        -    $      7.08
                                       ==========       =========      =========      =========     ==========

                                                                  As of December 31,
Balance Sheets                            1995           1994            1993           1992           1991
- --------------                         ----------     ----------      ----------     ----------     ----------
Real estate investments, net...       $22,816,356    $25,251,693     $25,836,338    $26,303,508    $27,146,117
Total assets...................        25,912,389     27,674,971      28,067,428     28,453,312     29,218,226
Mortgage note payable..........         5,538,527      5,660,558       5,874,740      6,126,404      6,295,171
Partners' equity...............        19,339,303     21,034,090      21,099,601     21,130,447     21,339,196

- ------       -----------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------

The  Partnership was formed to engage in the business of acquiring and operating
income-producing  real  properties and holding the  properties  for  investment.
Since  completion of its capital  formation and property  acquisition  phases in
1985,  when it completed the purchase of seven  properties,  the Partnership has
operated its properties for production of income.

Island Plaza,  a 60,076  square foot  single-story  strip  shopping  center,  is
located in Fort Myers, Florida. It is anchored by a grocery chain which occupies
30,800 square feet. Two new grocery-anchored shopping centers have recently been
developed within the area which have brought strong competition to Island Plaza.
The competitors'  grocery anchors occupy  approximately 65,000 square feet--more
than twice the square footage of Island Plaza's anchor. As a result,  the anchor
tenant at Island Plaza has filed for  reorganization  under the U.S.  bankruptcy
laws.  In order to keep the anchor open and  maintain  the  viability  of Island
Plaza,  it was necessary to negotiate a modification of the lease resulting in a
reduction in rent.  Additionally,  road  construction  completed during 1995 has
moved the flow of traffic  away from Island  Plaza  toward the two new  shopping
centers previously described.  These events have caused a decline in anticipated
future cash flows that are considered to be a permanent impairment; accordingly,
the  Partnership  recorded a write-down  for permanent  impairment of $1,500,085
during the fourth quarter of 1995.

- ---------------------

1995 compared to 1994


Total Partnership revenues increased by $18,582 in 1995 as compared to 1994. The
increase  was  primarily  due to a refund of  property  taxes and an increase in
interest income,  partially offset by a decrease in rental revenue, as discussed

Rental revenue  decreased by $68,893 in 1995 in relation to 1994. Rental revenue
decreased by approximately $81,000 at Riverbay Plaza Shopping Center, mainly due
to the property receiving approximately $58,000 for land condemned by the county
in 1994. In addition,  there was a decrease in property  taxes billed to tenants
in 1995 due to a decrease  in the  assessed  taxable  value of the  property  by
taxing  authorities.  Rental revenue also decreased by approximately  $53,000 at
Island Plaza  Shopping  Center as a result of a reduction in rent charged to the
center's main anchor  tenant due to financial  difficulties  experienced  by the
tenant.  These decreases were partially offset by increases in rental revenue of
approximately  $31,000 and $33,000 at Pine Hills and Sleepy  Hollow  apartments,
respectively,  due  to an  increase  in  rental  rates  in  1995.  See  Item 2 -
Properties for a more detailed analysis of occupancy and rents per square foot.

Interest income increased by $52,333 in 1995 as compared to 1994,  primarily due
to a greater amount of cash available for short-term investment. The partnership
held  approximately  $2.4 million of cash and cash  equivalents  at December 31,
1995, as compared to $1.7 million at December 31, 1994.  In addition,  there was
an increase in interest rates earned on invested cash in 1995.

In 1995, the  Partnership  received  $35,142 in refunds of prior years' property
taxes for  Riverbay  Plaza,  Southpointe  Plaza and  Springwood  Plaza  shopping
centers. No such refunds were received in 1994.


Total Partnership  expenses in 1995 increased by $1,647,858 as compared to 1994,
primarily  due to a write-down  for  permanent  impairment of real estate and an
increase in general and administrative expenses, as discussed below.

Interest expense increased $52,901 in 1995 in relation to 1994. The increase was
primarily due to an increase in the adjustable  interest rate on the Southpointe
Plaza mortgage note payable.

Depreciation and amortization  expense  increased by $76,508 in 1995 compared to
1994 due to the addition of depreciable capital improvements.

Property  taxes  decreased by $72,242 in 1995 as compared to the prior year. The
decrease was primarily  attributable to a decrease in the assessed taxable value
of Riverbay Plaza,  Southpointe  Plaza and Springwood  Plaza shopping centers by
taxing  authorities as a result of an appeal filed by the  Partnership on behalf
of the properties.

Other  property  expenses  decreased by $64,217 in 1995 as compared to 1994. The
decrease was mainly due to a decrease in bad debt expense at  Southpointe  Plaza
and  Springwood  Plaza in 1995. In addition,  there was a higher amount of legal
fees  incurred at  Riverbay  Plaza in 1994  concerning  their  sewage  treatment
system.  Leasing  commissions  recognized  in  1995  were  less  than in 1994 at
Southpointe Plaza, due to a tenant vacating their space early in 1994.

General and administrative expenses increased by $142,903 in 1995 in relation to
1994.  The  increase was mainly due to  approximately  $122,000 in legal fees in
1995  relating to  evaluation  and  dissemination  of  information  regarding an
unsolicited  tender  offer as  discussed in Item 1 - Business and Item 3 - Legal
Proceedings.  In  addition,  the  Partnership  paid  $22,500 to settle a lawsuit
involving a former tenant's lease as discussed in Item 3 - Legal Proceedings.

In  1995,  the  Partnership  recorded  a  $1,500,085  write-down  for  permanent
impairment of Island Plaza Shopping  Center.  No such write-down was recorded in

1994 compared to 1993


Total  Partnership  revenues  increased by $135,263 in 1994 as compared to 1993.
The  increase  was  primarily  due to an increase in rental  revenue,  partially
offset  by the  recognition  of a gain  on  involuntary  conversion  in  1993 as
discussed below.

Rental revenue increased by $223,446 in 1994 in relation to 1993. Rental revenue
increased  by  approximately  $103,000,  $78,000 and $26,000 at Riverbay  Plaza,
Southpointe  Plaza  and  Towne  Center  shopping  centers,  respectively.  These
increases were mainly due to increased  occupancy and an increase in common area
maintenance   costs  billed  to  tenants.   Rental  revenue  also  increased  by
approximately  $37,000 and $13,000 at Pine Hills and Sleepy  Hollow  apartments,
respectively, due to an increase in occupancy and an increase in rental rates in
1994.  These  increases were partially  offset by decreases in rental revenue at
Springwood  Plaza  and  Island  Plaza  of  approximately  $33,000  and  $28,000,
respectively.  Rental  revenue  decreased at these two  shopping  centers due to
decreased occupancy and a decline in rental rates. See Item 2 - Properties for a
more detailed analysis of occupancy and rents per square foot.

Interest income increased by $27,596 in 1994 as compared to 1993,  primarily due
to a greater amount of cash available for short-term investment. The Partnership
held  approximately  $1.7 million of cash and cash  equivalents  at December 31,
1994 as compared to $1.4 million at December 31, 1993. In addition,  there was a
slight increase in interest rates earned on invested cash in 1994.

The  Partnership  recognized a $115,778 gain on involuntary  conversion in 1993,
which  relates to hail damage that occurred at Towne Center  Shopping  Center in
1992. No such gain was recorded in 1994.


Total  Partnership  expenses  increased by $169,928 in 1994 as compared to 1993.
The increase was primarily due to an increase in repairs and maintenance expense
in 1994 as discussed below.

Interest expense in 1994 decreased by $23,448 in relation to the prior year. The
decrease was primarily due to a decrease in the adjustable  interest rate on the
Southpointe Plaza mortgage note payable.

Property  taxes  increased by $28,765 in 1994 as compared to the prior year. The
increase was  primarily  attributable  to an increase in the  appraised  taxable
value of Riverbay Plaza Shopping Center by taxing authorities.

Repairs and maintenance  expense increased by $77,038 in 1994 as compared to the
prior  year.  The  increase  was  mainly  due to a  greater  amount  of  termite
exterminating  at Pine Hills and Sleepy Hollow  Apartments in 1994. In addition,
there was an increase in security  services at Southpointe Plaza Shopping Center
as a result of the  increased  crime rate in the area and the high  incidence of
graffiti  at the  property.  Additional  landscape  work was also  performed  at
Southpointe  Plaza in 1994 in an effort to  improve  the  attractiveness  of the

- -------------------------------

The  Partnership's  primary  source of cash flows is from  operating  activities
which  generated  $1,215,207  of cash through  operating  activities  in 1995 as
compared to  $1,205,005  in 1994 and  $1,065,891  in 1993.  The  majority of the
increase in 1995 and 1994 in relation to 1993 was attributable to an increase in
cash received from tenants due to an increase in rental  revenue,  as previously

In 1993, the Partnership  received  $115,779 of net insurance  proceeds for hail
damage suffered at Towne Center  Shopping Center in 1992. The Partnership  spent
$432,154,  $706,253  and  $534,621  on  capital  additions  to its  real  estate
investments in 1995, 1994 and 1993,  respectively.  The increase in expenditures
in 1994 in relation to 1995 and 1993 was  primarily due to the  modification  of
the sewage treatment system at Riverbay Plaza in 1994. The Partnership also paid
$224,829  for two parcels of land in front of Island  Plaza  Shopping  Center in

The  Partnership  made a total of  $122,031,  $214,182 and $251,664 in principal
payments  on the  Southpointe  Plaza  mortgage  loan in  1995,  1994  and  1993,
respectively.  The  interest  rate on this loan  varies  monthly  as more  fully
discussed in Item 8 - Note 5 - "Mortgage Note  Payable."  Under the terms of the
mortgage  note  agreement,  the total  payment on the loan was  adjusted  by the
lender in 1994 and  again in 1995,  resulting  in a  decrease  in the  amount of
principal  payments made on the loan in 1994 and 1995.  In 1993 the  Partnership
paid  $62,384  in fees in order  to  obtain  the  lender's  consent  to the 1992
restructuring of the Partnership.

Short-term liquidity:

At  December  31,  1995,  the  Partnership  held  cash and cash  equivalents  of
$2,381,183.  This balance provides a reasonable level of working capital for the
Partnership's immediate needs in operating its properties.

For the  Partnership  as a whole,  management  projects  positive cash flow from
operations in 1996. The Partnership has budgeted  $431,000 for necessary capital
improvements  for all  properties in 1996,  which are expected to be funded from
available cash reserves or from operations of the  properties.  The present cash
balance is believed to provide an adequate reserve for property operations.

In March 1996, the Partnership distributed $375,000 to the limited partners.

Additional efforts to maintain and improve  partnership  liquidity have included
continued attention to property management activities. The objective has been to
obtain maximum  occupancy  rates while holding  expenses to levels  necessary to
maximize  cash flows.  The  Partnership  has made  capital  expenditures  on its
properties where improvements were expected to increase the  competitiveness and
marketability of the properties.

Long-term liquidity:

Only one  property,  Southpointe  Plaza  Shopping  Center,  is  encumbered  with
mortgage debt. The Partnership  will attempt to obtain  refinancing or extension
of the mortgage note when it matures in 1997.

While the outlook for  maintenance of adequate levels of liquidity is favorable,
should operations  deteriorate and present cash resources become insufficient to
fund current  needs,  the  Partnership  would  require  other sources of working
capital.  No  such  sources  have  been  identified.   The  Partnership  has  no
established  lines of credit from outside  sources.  Other  possible  actions to
resolve cash deficiencies include refinancings, deferral of capital expenditures
on Partnership properties except where improvements are expected to increase the
competitiveness  and marketability of the properties,  arranging  financing from
affiliates or the ultimate sale of the properties.  Sales and  refinancings  are
possibilities  only,  and there are at  present  no plans for any such  sales or

The General  Partner has  established a revolving  credit facility not to exceed
$5,000,000 in the aggregate  which is available on a "first-come,  first-served"
basis to the Partnership and other affiliated partnerships if certain conditions
are met. Borrowings under the facility may be used to fund deferred maintenance,
refinancing  obligations and working  capital needs.  There is no assurance that
the Partnership will receive any funds under the facility because no amounts are
reserved for any  particular  partnership.  As of December 31, 1995,  $2,662,819
remained available for borrowing under the facility;  however,  additional funds
could become available as other  partnerships  repay existing  borrowings.  This
commitment will terminate on March 30, 1997.

- ------       -------------------------------------------


- -----------------------------
Financial Statements:

   Report of Independent Public Accountants.......................................                       17

   Balance Sheets at December 31, 1995 and 1994...................................                       18

   Statements of Operations for each of the three years in the period
      ended December 31, 1995.....................................................                       19

   Statements of Partners' Equity (Deficit) for each of the three years
      in the period ended December 31, 1995.......................................                       20

   Statements of Cash Flows for each of the three years in the period
      ended December 31, 1995.....................................................                       21

   Notes to Financial Statements..................................................                       23

   Financial Statement Schedule -

      Schedule III - Real Estate Investments and Accumulated
         Depreciation and Amortization ...........................................                       31

All other  schedules are omitted because they are not applicable or the required
information is shown in the financial statements or notes thereto.


To the Partners of McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV, L.P.:

We have audited the accompanying balance sheets of McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV,
L.P. (a California  limited  partnership)  as of December 31, 1995 and 1994, and
the related statements of operations,  partners' equity (deficit) and cash flows
for each of the  three  years in the  period  ended  December  31,  1995.  These
financial  statements and the schedule referred to below are the  responsibility
of the Partnership's management.  Our responsibility is to express an opinion on
these financial statements and the schedule based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the financial position of McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV,
L.P. as of December 31, 1995 and 1994, and the results of its operations and its
cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1995, in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Our  audits  were  made for the  purpose  of  forming  an  opinion  on the basic
financial  statements  taken as a whole.  The  schedule  listed  in the index to
financial  statements is presented for purposes of complying with the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission's  rules  and  is not  part  of  the  basic  financial
statements.  This schedule has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied
in our audits of the basic  financial  statements  and, in our  opinion,  fairly
states in all material  respects  the  financial  data  required to be set forth
therein in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

/s/  Arthur Andersen LLP

Dallas, Texas
   March 6, 1996

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, L.P.

                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                     December 31,
                                                                               1995                1994
                                                                            ----------          ----------

- ------
Real estate investments:
   Land.....................................................               $ 6,781,836         $ 7,039,867
   Buildings and improvements...............................                28,462,935          29,272,835
                                                                            ----------          ----------
                                                                            35,244,771          36,312,702
   Less:  Accumulated depreciation and amortization.........               (12,428,415)        (11,061,009)
                                                                            ----------          ----------
                                                                            22,816,356          25,251,693

Cash and cash equivalents ..................................                 2,381,183           1,720,161
Cash segregated for security deposits.......................                    94,780              85,851
Accounts receivable, net of allowance for doubtful
   accounts of $0 and $77,044 at December 31, 1995
   and 1994 respectively....................................                   433,580             401,525
Prepaid expenses and other assets, net......................                   186,490             215,741
                                                                            ----------          ----------
                                                                           $25,912,389         $27,674,971
                                                                            ==========          ==========
- -----------------------------------------

Mortgage note payable.......................................               $ 5,538,527         $ 5,660,558
Accounts payable and accrued expenses.......................                   229,628             194,613
Payable to affiliates - General Partner.....................                    59,527              38,716
Advances from affiliates....................................                   642,581             642,581
Deferred gain...............................................                         -              17,000
Security deposits and deferred rental revenue...............                   102,823              87,413
                                                                            ----------          ----------
                                                                             6,573,086           6,640,881
                                                                            ----------          ----------

Partners' equity (deficit):
   Limited partners - 40,000 limited partnership
     units authorized and outstanding at
     December 31, 1995 and 1994.............................                19,362,083          21,039,922
   General Partner..........................................                   (22,780)             (5,832)
                                                                            ----------          ----------
                                                                            19,339,303          21,034,090
                                                                            ----------          ----------
                                                                           $25,912,389         $27,674,971
                                                                            ==========          ==========

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, L.P.

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                               For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                          1995               1994               1993
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------
   Rental revenue..........................           $ 4,058,503        $ 4,127,396        $ 3,903,950
   Interest................................               123,838             71,505             43,909
   Gain on involuntary conversion..........                     -                  -            115,779
   Property tax refund.....................                35,142                  -                  -
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------
     Total revenue.........................             4,217,483          4,198,901          4,063,638
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------

   Interest................................               433,768            380,867            404,315
   Depreciation and amortization...........             1,367,406          1,290,898          1,226,620
   Property taxes..........................               402,569            474,811            446,046
   Personnel costs.........................               284,238            274,229            267,179
   Repairs and maintenance.................               421,102            451,727            374,689
   Property management fees -
     affiliates............................               232,136            235,662            225,254
   Utilities...............................               201,597            207,398            211,611
   Other property operating expenses.......               205,556            269,773            271,656
   General and administrative..............               213,635             70,732             70,016
   General and administrative -
     affiliates............................               650,178            608,315            597,098
   Write-down for permanent
     impairment of real estate.............             1,500,085                  -                  -
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------
     Total expenses........................             5,912,270          4,264,412          4,094,484
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------

Net loss...................................           $(1,694,787)       $   (65,511)       $   (30,846)
                                                       ==========         ==========         ==========

Net loss allocable to limited partners.....           $(1,677,839)       $   (64,856)       $   (30,538)
Net loss allocable to General
   Partner.................................               (16,948)              (655)              (308)
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------
Net loss...................................           $(1,694,787)       $   (65,511)       $   (30,846)
                                                       ==========         ==========         ==========

Net loss per limited partnership unit......           $    (41.95)       $     (1.62)       $      (.76)
                                                       ==========         ==========         ==========

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, L.P.


              For the Years Ended December 31, 1995, 1994 and 1993

                                                        General               Limited                Partners'
                                                        Partner               Partners               Equity
                                                        -------              ----------            ----------
Balance at December 31, 1992..............            $  (4,869)            $21,135,316           $21,130,447

Net loss..................................                 (308)                (30,538)              (30,846)
                                                       --------              ----------            ----------

Balance at December 31, 1993..............               (5,177)             21,104,778            21,099,601

Net loss..................................                 (655)                (64,856)              (65,511)
                                                      ---------              ----------            ----------

Balance at December 31, 1994..............               (5,832)             21,039,922            21,034,090

Net loss..................................              (16,948)             (1,677,839)           (1,694,787)
                                                      ---------              ----------            ----------

Balance at December 31, 1995..............           $  (22,780)            $19,362,083           $19,339,303
                                                      =========              ==========            ==========

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, L.P.

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                               For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                          1995               1994               1993
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Cash received from tenants..............           $ 4,050,223        $ 4,140,189        $ 3,902,150
   Cash paid to suppliers..................            (1,323,776)        (1,258,002)        (1,267,327)
   Cash paid to affiliates.................              (861,503)          (838,624)          (851,637)
   Interest received.......................               123,838             71,505             43,909
   Interest paid...........................              (399,056)          (349,155)          (389,403)
   Property taxes paid.....................              (409,661)          (560,908)          (371,801)
   Property tax refund.....................                35,142                  -                  -
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------
Net cash provided by operating
   activities..............................             1,215,207          1,205,005          1,065,891
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------

Cash flows from investing activities:
   Net proceeds received from
     insurance company.....................                     -                  -            115,779
   Additions to real estate
     investments...........................              (432,154)          (706,253)          (534,621)
   Purchase of land........................                     -                  -           (224,829)
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------
Net cash used in investing activities......              (432,154)          (706,253)          (643,671)
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------

Cash flows from financing activities:
   Deferred borrowing costs paid...........                     -                  -            (62,384)
   Principal payments on mortgage
     note payable..........................              (122,031)          (214,182)          (251,664)
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------
Net cash used in financing activities......              (122,031)          (214,182)          (314,048)
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------

Net increase in cash and
   cash equivalents........................               661,022            284,570            108,172

Cash and cash equivalents at
   beginning of year.......................             1,720,161          1,435,591          1,327,419
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------

Cash and cash equivalents at end
   of year.................................           $ 2,381,183        $ 1,720,161        $ 1,435,591
                                                       ==========         ==========         ==========

See discussion of noncash  investing and financing  activities in Note 6 - "Gain
on Involuntary Conversion/Deferred Gain."

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, L.P.

                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

               Reconciliation of Net Loss to Net Cash Provided by
                              Operating Activities

                                                                For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                           1995               1994               1993
                                                        ----------         ---------          ---------
Net loss...................................            $(1,694,787)       $  (65,511)        $  (30,846)
                                                        ----------         ---------          ---------

Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net 
   cash provided by operating activities:
   Depreciation and amortization...........             1,367,406          1,290,898          1,226,620
   Amortization of deferred borrowing
     costs.................................                31,079             31,079             21,153
   Amortization of deferred gain...........               (17,000)           (20,400)           (20,400)
   Gain on involuntary conversion..........                     -                  -           (115,779)
   Write-down for permanent
     impairment of real estate.............             1,500,085                  -                  -
   Changes in assets and liabilities:
     Cash segregated for security deposits.                (8,929)            (2,083)            (4,536)
     Accounts receivable, net..............               (32,055)            41,443             25,659
     Prepaid expenses and other
       assets, net.........................                (1,828)            21,943            (60,982)
     Accounts payable and accrued
       expenses............................                35,015            (93,507)            52,959
     Payable to affiliates - General
       Partner.............................                20,811              5,353            (29,285)
     Security deposits and deferred
       rental revenue......................                15,410             (4,210)             1,328
                                                        ---------          ---------          ---------

         Total adjustments.................             2,909,994          1,270,516          1,096,737
                                                        ---------          ---------          ---------

Net cash provided by operating
   activities..............................            $1,215,207         $1,205,005         $1,065,891
                                                        =========          =========          =========

                See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, L.P.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

                                DECEMBER 31, 1995

- ------   -----------------------------------------------------------

- ------------

McNeil  Real Estate  Fund XXIV,  L.P.  (the  "Partnership"),  formerly  known as
Southmark Equity Partners, Ltd., was organized on October 19, 1984, as a limited
partnership under the provisions of the California  Revised Limited  Partnership
Act to acquire and operate  commercial and residential  properties.  The general
partner of the Partnership is McNeil Partners,  L.P. ( the "General Partner"), a
Delaware limited partnership,  an affiliate of Robert A. McNeil ("McNeil").  The
General Partner was elected at a meeting of limited  partners on March 30, 1992,
at which  time an amended  and  restated  partnership  agreement  (the  "Amended
Partnership  Agreement")  was  adopted.  Prior to March 30,  1992,  the  general
partner of the partnership was Southmark  Investment  Group, Inc. (the "Original
General   Partner"),   a  wholly-owned   subsidiary  of  Southmark   Corporation
("Southmark").  The  principal  place of business  for the  Partnership  and the
General Partner is 13760 Noel Road, Suite 700, LB70, Dallas, Texas, 75240.

The Partnership is engaged in diversified real estate activities,  including the
ownership, operation and management of residential and commercial properties. At
December 31, 1995, the Partnership  owned seven  income-producing  properties as
described in Note 4 - "Real Estate  Investments." Six of the Partnership's seven
properties  were acquired in transactions  involving  payment of all cash to the
sellers. A large portion of the Partnership's  rental revenue is attributable to
one property,  Southpointe  Plaza Shopping  Center.  Southpointe  Plaza Shopping
Center contributed  approximately 30% of the total Partnership rental revenue in
1995, 1994 and 1993.

Basis of Presentation
- ---------------------

The  accompanying  financial  statements  have been prepared in conformity  with
generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP").  The preparation of financial
statements in conformity  with GAAP  requires  management to make  estimates and
assumptions  that  affect the  reported  amounts of assets and  liabilities  and
disclosure of  contingent  assets and  liabilities  at the date of the financial
statements  and the  reported  amounts  of  revenues  and  expenses  during  the
reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

Real Estate Investments
- -----------------------

Real  estate  investments  are  generally  stated  at the  lower  of cost or net
realizable value.  Real estate  investments are monitored on an ongoing basis to
determine if the property has sustained a permanent impairment in value. At such
time,  a  write-down  is recorded to reduce the basis of the property to its net
realizable  value. A permanent  impairment is determined to have occurred when a
decline in property  value is considered to be other than  temporary  based upon
management's  expectations  with respect to projected  cash flows and prevailing
economic conditions.

Improvements and betterments are capitalized and expensed  through  depreciation
charges. Repairs and maintenance are charged to operations as incurred.

In March 1995,  the Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued  Statement of
Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 121,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment  of
Long-Lived  Assets and for Long-Lived  Assets to be Disposed Of." This statement
requires that long-lived assets and certain identifiable  intangibles to be held
and used by an entity be reviewed for impairment  whenever  events or changes in
circumstances  indicate  that  the  carrying  amount  of an  asset  may  not  be
recoverable.  This  statement is effective for financial  statements  for fiscal
years  beginning  after December 15, 1995. The  Partnership  has not adopted the
principles  of this  statement  within the  accompanying  financial  statements;
however,  it is not anticipated that adoption will have a material effect on the
carrying value of the Partnership's long-lived assets.

Depreciation and Amortization
- -----------------------------

Buildings and improvements are depreciated using the  straight-line  method over
the  estimated  useful lives of the assets,  ranging from 5 to 25 years.  Tenant
improvements  are  capitalized  and are amortized  over the terms of the related
tenant lease, using the straight-line method.

Cash and Cash Equivalents
- -------------------------

Cash and cash equivalents  include cash on hand and cash on deposit in financial
institutions with original  maturities of three months or less. Carrying amounts
for cash and cash equivalents approximate fair value.

Deferred Borrowing Costs
- ------------------------

Loan fees and other related costs incurred to obtain long-term financing on real
property are capitalized  and are included in prepaid  expenses and other assets
on the Balance Sheets. Amortization is recorded using a method that approximates
the  effective  interest  method  over the  term of the  related  mortgage  note
payable.  Amortization  of  deferred  borrowing  costs is  included  in interest
expense on the Statements of Operations.

Rental Revenue
- --------------

The Partnership  leases its residential  properties under  short-term  operating
leases. Lease terms generally are less than one year in duration. Rental revenue
is recognized as earned.

The Partnership leases its commercial properties under non-cancelable  operating
leases.  Certain leases provide concessions and/or periods of escalating or free
rent. Rental revenue is recognized on a straight-line basis over the life of the
related leases. The excess of the rental revenue recognized over the contractual
rental  payments  is  recorded  as accrued  rent  receivable  and is included in
accounts receivable on the Balance Sheets.

Income Taxes
- ------------

No provision for Federal  income taxes is necessary in the financial  statements
of the  Partnership  because,  as a  partnership,  it is not  subject to Federal
income tax and the tax effect of its activities accrues to the partners.

Allocation of Net Income and Net Loss
- -------------------------------------

The Amended  Partnership  Agreement  generally  provides that net income and net
loss  (other  than  net  income  arising  from  sales or  refinancing)  shall be
allocated 1% to the General Partner and 99% to the limited partners.

For financial statement  purposes,  net income arising from sales or refinancing
shall be allocated 1% to the General Partner and 99% to the limited partners.

For tax reporting  purposes,  net income arising from sales or refinancing shall
be  allocated  as  follows:  (a)  first,  amounts  of such net  income  shall be
allocated among the General  Partner and limited  partners in proportion to, and
to the extent of, the  portion of such  partners'  share of the net  decrease in
Partnership Minimum Gain determined under Treasury  Regulations,  (b) second, to
the General Partner and limited partners in proportion to, and to the extent of,
the amount by which their  respective  capital account  balances are negative by
more than their respective  remaining shares of the  Partnership's  Minimum Gain
attributable  to properties  still owned by the Partnership and (c) third, 1% of
such net income shall be  allocated  to the General  Partner and 99% of such net
income shall be allocated to the limited partners.

Federal  income tax law provides  that the  allocation of loss to a partner will
not be  recognized  unless the  allocation  is in  accordance  with a  partner's
interest in the partnership or the allocation has substantial  economic  effect.
Internal  Revenue  Code Section  704(b) and  accompanying  Treasury  Regulations
establish  criteria for allocation of  Partnership  deductions  attributable  to
debt. The  Partnership's tax allocations for 1995, 1994, and 1993 have been made
in accordance with these provisions.

- -------------

At the discretion of the General  Partner,  distributable  cash (other than cash
from sales or  refinancing)  shall be distributed to the limited  partners until
the limited  partners have received  distributions of cash flow equal to 10% per
annum cumulative on their Adjusted Invested Capital,  as defined,  and then 100%
to the limited  partners as a class.  At the discretion of the General  Partner,
cash from sales or refinancing shall be distributed to limited partners: (first)
in an amount  which when added to prior  distributions  from all sources to such
limited partners is equal to a cumulative preferred return of 10% per annum; and
(second)  to  limited   partners  in  an  amount   which  when  added  to  prior
distributions  of cash from sales and  refinancing  to such limited  partners is
equal to such limited  partners'  Original  Invested  Capital,  as defined;  and
(third) to the  limited  partners  on a per limited  partnership  unit  ("Unit")

In connection  with a  Terminating  Disposition  as defined,  cash from sales or
refinancing and any remaining reserves shall be allocated among, and distributed
to, the General Partner and limited partners in proportion to, and to the extent
of,  their  positive  capital  account  balances  after the net  income has been
allocated pursuant to the above.

No  distributions  were  made  to the  partners  in  1995,  1994  or  1993.  The
Partnership distributed $375,000 to the limited partners in March 1996.

Net Loss Per Limited Partnership Unit
- -------------------------------------

Net loss per limited partnership unit is computed by dividing net loss allocated
to the limited partners by the weighted average number of Units outstanding. Per
Unit  information  has been computed based on 40,000 Units  outstanding in 1995,
1994 and 1993.

- -----------------

Certain  reclassifications  have been made to prior year amounts to conform with
the current year presentation.

- ------   ----------------------------

The  Partnership  pays property  management fees equal to 5% of the gross rental
receipts for its residential  properties and 6% of gross rental receipts for its
commercial  properties to McNeil Real Estate  Management,  Inc.  ("McREMI"),  an
affiliate of the General Partner, for providing property management services for
the Partnership's residential and commercial properties and leasing services for
its residential  properties.  McREMI may also choose to provide leasing services
for the Partnership's  commercial properties,  in which case McREMI will receive
property  management  fees from such  commercial  properties  equal to 3% of the
property's  gross  rental  receipts  plus  leasing   commissions  based  on  the
prevailing market rate for such services where the property is located.

The  Partnership  reimburses  McREMI  for  its  costs,  including  overhead,  of
administering the Partnership's affairs.

Under the terms of the Amended Partnership Agreement,  the Partnership is paying
an  asset  management  fee to the  General  Partner.  Through  1999,  the  asset
management  fee is calculated as 1% of the  Partnership's  tangible asset value.
Tangible  asset  value is  determined  by using  the  greater  of (i) an  amount
calculated by applying a capitalization  rate of 9 percent to the annualized net
operating  income of each property or (ii) a value of $10,000 per apartment unit
for  residential  properties  and $50  per  gross  square  foot  for  commercial
properties to arrive at the property tangible asset value. The property tangible
asset  value is then  added to the book  value  of all  other  assets  excluding
intangible items. The fee percentage decreases subsequent to 1999.

Compensation  and  reimbursements  paid to or  accrued  for the  benefit  of the
General Partner or its affiliates are as follows:

                                                                 For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                           1995               1994               1993
                                                          -------            -------            -------
Property management fees...................              $232,136           $235,662           $225,254
Charged to general and administrative -
   Partnership administration..............               310,258            291,507            285,788
   Asset management fee....................               339,920            316,808            311,310
                                                          -------            -------            -------
                                                         $882,314           $843,977           $822,352
                                                          =======            =======            =======

On June 25,  1993,  the  Partnership  purchased  two parcels of vacant land from
McNeil.  The parcels are located in front of Island  Plaza  Shopping  Center and
were purchased to ensure an  unobstructed  view of the shopping  center from the
road located in front of the property.  The parcels were purchased for $224,829,
the approximate market value and McNeil's basis in the parcels;  accordingly, no
gain or loss was recorded by McNeil on the transaction.

Payable to affiliates - General  Partner at December 31, 1995 and 1994 consisted
primarily  of  unpaid  property   management  fees,   Partnership   general  and
administrative  expenses and asset  management fees and are due and payable from
current operations.

- ------   --------------------

McNeil  Real  Estate  Fund XXIV,  L.P.  is a  partnership  and is not subject to
Federal and state income taxes.  Accordingly,  no recognition  has been given to
income taxes in the accompanying  financial  statements of the Partnership since
the income or loss of the  Partnership  is to be  included in the tax returns of
the  individual  partners.  The tax  returns of the  Partnership  are subject to
examination by Federal and state taxing authorities. If such examinations result
in  adjustments  to  distributive  shares of  taxable  income  or loss,  the tax
liability of the partners could be adjusted accordingly.

The  Partnership's  net assets and liabilities for tax purposes exceeded the net
assets and liabilities for financial  reporting  purposes by $5,490,840 in 1995,
$4,043,975 in 1994 and $4,145,675 in 1993.

- ------   -----------------------

The  basis  and  accumulated  depreciation  of  the  Partnership's  real  estate
investments at December 31, 1995 and 1994 are set forth in the following tables:

                                                      Buildings and       Depreciation          Net Book
       1995                            Land           Improvements      and Amortization          Value
       ----                           -------          ----------         -----------          ----------
Island Plaza
   Ft. Myers, FL                   $  832,191         $ 3,100,907        $ (1,897,524)        $ 2,035,574 
Pine Hills Apartments
   Livingston, TX                     605,145           3,698,238          (1,584,751)          2,718,632
Riverbay Plaza
   Riverview, FL                      294,546           5,666,314          (2,246,406)          3,714,454
Sleepy Hollow Apartments
   Cleveland, TX                      363,051           4,240,757          (1,747,160)          2,856,648
Southpointe Plaza
   Sacramento, CA                   3,540,531           6,320,334          (2,535,506)          7,325,359
Springwood Plaza
   Dellwood, MO                       784,767           3,282,809          (1,433,389)          2,634,187
Towne Center
   Derby, KS                          361,605           2,153,576            (983,679)          1,531,502
                                    ---------          ----------         -----------          ----------

                                   $6,781,836         $28,462,935        $(12,428,415)        $22,816,356
                                    =========          ==========         ===========          ==========

                                                      Buildings and      Depreciation           Net Book
       1994                           Land            Improvements      and Amortization          Value
       ----                         ---------          ----------         -----------          ----------

Island Plaza                       $1,090,222         $ 4,333,785        $ (1,704,850)        $ 3,719,157
Pine Hills Apartments                 605,145           3,548,265          (1,401,506)          2,751,904
Riverbay Plaza                        294,546           5,609,169          (1,996,784)          3,906,931
Sleepy Hollow Apartments              363,051           4,190,842          (1,549,728)          3,004,165
Southpointe Plaza                   3,540,531           6,215,749          (2,242,634)          7,513,646
Springwood Plaza                      784,767           3,221,448          (1,280,691)          2,725,524
Towne Center                          361,605           2,153,577            (884,816)          1,630,366
                                    ---------          ----------          ----------          ----------
                                   $7,039,867         $29,272,835        $(11,061,009)        $25,251,693
                                    =========          ==========         ===========          ==========

Island Plaza,  a 60,076  square foot  single-story  strip  shopping  center,  is
anchored  by a  grocery  chain  which  occupies  30,800  square  feet.  Two  new
grocery-anchored  shopping  centers have recently been developed within the area
which have brought strong competition to Island Plaza. The competitors'  grocery
anchors  occupy  approximately  65,000 square  feet--more  than twice the square
footage of Island Plaza's anchor. As a result, the anchor tenant at Island Plaza
has filed for  reorganization  under the U.S.  bankruptcy laws. In order to keep
the anchor open and maintain the viability of Island Plaza,  it was necessary to
negotiate  a  modification  of the  lease  resulting  in a  reduction  in  rent.
Additionally,  road  construction  completed  during  1995 has moved the flow of
traffic away from Island Plaza  toward the two new shopping  centers  previously
described.  These  events  have  caused a decline in future  cash flows that are
considered to be a permanent impairment; accordingly, the Partnership recorded a
write-down for permanent  impairment of $1,500,085  during the fourth quarter of

In  December  1995,  wind and hail  damage  occurred  at Pine Hills  Apartments.
Although  $75,000 was  received  from the  insurance  carrier in February  1996,
repairs to the property had not been completed as of March 1996. A determination
as to the total cost of repairs cannot be made at this time.

The Partnership leases its commercial properties under non-cancelable  operating
leases.  Future  minimum  rents to be received  as of  December  31, 1995 are as

                  1996....................................        $ 2,260,000
                  1997....................................          2,059,000
                  1998....................................          1,656,000
                  1999....................................          1,474,000
                  2000....................................          1,209,000
                  Thereafter..............................          5,011,000
                    Total                                         $13,669,000

Future  minimum  rents do not  include  expense  reimbursements  for common area
maintenance,  property taxes and other  expenses.  These expense  reimbursements
amounted to $444,862,  $487,347  and  $402,121 for the years ended  December 31,
1995, 1994 and 1993, respectively.

- ------   ---------------------

The following sets forth the mortgage note payable of the  Partnership,  related
to  Southpointe  Plaza  Shopping  Center,  at December  31,  1995 and 1994.  The
mortgage note payable is secured by the related real estate investment.

                          Mortgage         Annual          Monthly                 December 31,
                            Lien          Interest        Payments/          -----------------------
Property                 Position (a)     Rate %(b)       Maturity              1995         1994
- --------                 ------------    ---------    -----------------      ---------     ---------
Southpointe Plaza        First            7.366        $42,281    4/97      $5,538,527    $5,660,558
                                                                             =========     =========

(a)    The debt is non-recourse to the Partnership.

(b)    The interest rate varies  monthly based on the monthly  weighted  average
       cost of savings, borrowings and advances by the Federal Home Loan Bank of
       San Francisco,  with a minimum rate of 5% and a maximum  interest rate of
       13%. The rate listed  above  represents  the  interest  rate in effect at
       December 31, 1995.

The mortgage encumbering  Southpointe Plaza Shopping Center contains a provision
which gave the lender the right to  accelerate  the mortgage debt as a result of
the March 1992  restructuring of the  Partnership.  The Original General Partner
requested  that the lender  consent to the  restructuring,  thereby  waiving its
right  to  accelerate  the  mortgage  debt.  In  1993,  the   Partnership   paid
approximately  $62,000 in fees in order to obtain such  consent from the lender.
These fees were capitalized as deferred  borrowing costs and are being amortized
over the remaining term of the related mortgage note payable.

Scheduled principal maturities of the mortgage note payable under existing terms
are as follows:

                  1996....................................      $  102,832
                  1997....................................       5,435,695
                    Total                                       $5,538,527

The Partnership will attempt to obtain  refinancing or extension of the mortgage
note when it matures in 1997.

Based on borrowing rates  currently  available to the Partnership for a mortgage
loan with similar terms and average  maturities,  the fair value of the mortgage
note payable was approximately $5,170,000 at December 31, 1995.

- ------   --------------------------------------------

In 1993, the Partnership  received $168,544 in reimbursement  from the insurance
company for hail damage  suffered at Towne Center  Shopping  Center in 1992. The
Partnership  recorded a $115,779 gain in 1993,  which  represents  the amount by
which the  insurance  reimbursement  received  exceeded the basis of the damaged

The  Partnership  also recorded a deferred gain relating to a tenant's early buy
out of a lease.  The balance of this deferred  gain totaled  $17,000 at December
31, 1994, and was recognized as rental revenue in 1995 as payments were received
from the tenant.

- ------   -----------------

The Partnership is not party to, nor are any of the Partnership's properties the
subject of, any material pending legal proceedings, other than ordinary, routine
litigation incidental to the Partnership's business, except for the following:

1)   High River Limited Partnership v. McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil Investors,
     Inc., McNeil Pacific Investors 1972, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund IX, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil
     Real Estate Fund XI, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XIV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real
     Estate Fund XV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XX, L.P., McNeil Real Estate
     Fund XXIV,  L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXV, L.P.,  Robert A. McNeil and
     Carole J.  McNeil  (L95012) - High River  ("HR")  filed this  action in the
     United States District Court for the Southern  District of New York against
     McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil Investors,  Inc. and Mr. and Mrs. McNeil (as
     defined in this  Section 1,  collectively,  the  "Defendants")  requesting,
     among other  things,  names and  addresses  of the limited  partners in the
     partnerships   referenced   above  (as  defined  in  this  Section  1,  the
     "Partnerships"). The District Court issued a preliminary injunction against
     the Partnerships  requiring them to commence mailing materials  relating to
     the HR tender offer on August 14, 1995.

     On August 18, 1995, the Defendants  filed an Answer and  Counterclaim.  The
     Counterclaim  principally  asserts  (1)  the HR  tender  offers  have  been
     undertaken  in violation of the Federal  securities  laws,  on the basis of
     material,  non-public,  and confidential  information,  and (2) that the HR
     offer documents omit and/or misrepresent certain material information about
     the HR tender offers.  The  Counterclaim  seeks a preliminary and permanent
     injunction   against  the   continuation  of  the  HR  tender  offers  and,
     alternatively,  ordering  corrective  disclosure  with respect to allegedly
     false and misleading statements contained in the tender offer documents.

     This action was dismissed without prejudice in November 1995.

2)   High River Limited Partnership v. McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil Investors,
     Inc., McNeil Pacific Investors 1972, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund IX, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil
     Real Estate Fund XI, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XIV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real
     Estate Fund XV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XX, L.P., McNeil Real Estate
     Fund XXIV,  L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXV, L.P.,  Robert A. McNeil and
     Carole J. McNeil - United States  District Court for the Southern  District
     of New York, (Case No. 95 Civ. 9488) (Second Action).

     On November 7, 1995, High River filed a second  complaint with the District
     Court which alleges, inter alia, that McNeil Partners, L.P.'s (the "General
     Partner")  Schedule  14D-9 filed in  connection  with the High River tender
     offers was materially false and misleading,  in violation of Sections 14(d)
     and 14(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 15 U.S.C.  Section 78n(d)
     and (e),  and the SEC  Regulations  promulgated  thereunder;  and that High
     River further  alleges that the General  Partner has wrongfully  refused to
     admit High River as a limited  partner to the ten  partnerships  referenced
     above.  Additionally,  High River purports to assert claims derivatively on
     behalf of McNeil  Real Estate  Fund IX,  Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XI,
     Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XV, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV, L.P.
     and McNeil Real Estate Fund XXV, L.P., for breach of contract and breach of
     fiduciary  duty,  asserting  that the General  Partner  has  charged  these
     partnerships  excessive fees.  High River's  complaint  seeks,  inter alia,
     preliminary  injunctive  relief requiring the General Partner to admit High
     River as a limited partner in each of the ten partnerships referenced above
     and to transfer the tendered units of interest in the  partnerships to High
     River;  an  unspecified  award of  damages  payable  to High  River  and an
     additional   unspecified  award  of  damages  payable  to  certain  of  the
     partnerships;  an order that  defendants  must  discharge  their  fiduciary
     duties and must account for all fees they have received from certain of the
     partnerships; and attorneys' fees.

     On January 31, 1996, this action was dismissed without prejudice.

3)   Martha Hess, et al. v. Southmark Equity Partners II, Ltd., Southmark Income
     Investors, Ltd., Southmark Equity Partners, Ltd. (presently known as McNeil
     Real Estate Fund XXIV,  L.P.),  Southmark  Realty  Partners III,  Ltd., and
     Southmark Realty Partners II, Ltd., et al. ("Hess");  Kotowski v. Southmark
     Equity Partners, Ltd. and Donald Arceri v. Southmark Income Investors, Ltd.
     These cases were previously pending in the Illinois Appellate Court for the
     First  District  ("Appellate  Court"),  as  consolidated  Case No.  90-107.
     Consolidated  with  these  cases  are  an  additional  14  matters  against
     unrelated partnership entities. The Hess case was filed on May 20, 1988, by
     Martha  Hess,  individually  and on  behalf  of a  putative  class of those
     similarly  situated.   The  original,   first,  second  and  third  amended
     complaints in Hess sought rescission,  pursuant to the Illinois  Securities
     Act, of over $2.7  million of  principal  invested in five  Southmark  (now
     McNeil)  partnerships,  and other  relief  including  damages for breach of
     fiduciary  duty and violation of the Illinois  Consumer Fraud and Deceptive
     Business  Practices  Act. The  original,  first,  second and third  amended
     complaints in Hess were dismissed against the  defendant-group  because the
     Appellate  Court  held  that they were not the  proper  subject  of a class
     action  complaint.  Hess was,  thereafter,  amended a fourth  time to state
     causes of  action  against  unrelated  partnership  entities.  Hess went to
     judgment  against that  unrelated  entity and the judgment,  along with the
     prior  dismissal of the class  action,  was  appealed.  The Hess appeal was
     decided by the Appellate  Court during 1992.  The Appellate  Court affirmed
     the  dismissal of the breach of fiduciary  duty and consumer  fraud claims.
     The Appellate  Court did,  however,  reverse in part,  holding that certain
     putative  class  members  could file class  action  complaints  against the
     defendant-group. Although leave to appeal to the Illinois Supreme Court was
     sought,  the Illinois Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal.  The effect
     of the denial is that the Appellate  Court's opinion remains  standing.  On
     June 15, 1994, the Appellate Court issued its mandate sending the case back
     to trial court.

     In late January 1995, the  plaintiffs  filed a  Motion  to File an  Amended
     Consolidated  Class Action  Complaint,  which amends the  complaint to name
     McNeil  Partners,  L.P.  as the  successor  general  partner  to  Southmark
     Investment Group. In February 1995, the plaintiffs filed a Motion for Class
     Certification.  The amended cases against the defendant-group,  and others,
     are  proceeding  under the  caption  George and Joy Kugler v.  I.R.E.  Real
     Estate Income Fund,  Jerry and Barbara Neumann v. Southmark Equity Partners
     II, Richard and Theresa  Bartoszewski v. Southmark Realty Partners III, and
     Edward and Rose Weskerna v. Southmark Realty Partners II.

     In September  1995,  the court  granted the  plaintiffs'  Motion to File an
     Amended  Complaint,  to  Consolidate  and  for  Class  Certification.   The
     defendants  have answered the complaint and have plead that the  plaintiffs
     did not give timely  notice of their right to rescind  within six months of
     knowing  that right.  The  ultimate  outcome of this  litigation  cannot be
     determined at this time.

4)   Robert Lewis v. McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil  Investors,  Inc., Robert A.
     McNeil et al. - In the  District  Court of  Dallas  County,  Texas,  A-14th
     Judicial  District,  Cause No. 95-08535 (Class Action) - Plaintiff,  Robert
     Lewis, is a limited partner with McNeil Pacific  Investors Fund 1972, Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund X, Ltd. and McNeil Real Estate Fund XV, Ltd.

     Plaintiff  brings  this  action on his own behalf and as a class  action on
     behalf of the class of all  limited  partners of McNeil  Pacific  Investors
     Fund 1972, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund
     IX,  Ltd.,  McNeil Real  Estate  Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XI,
     Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XIV, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate Fund XV, Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund XX,  L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV,  L.P. and
     McNeil  Real  Estate  Fund XXV,  L.P.  (as  defined in this  Section 3, the
     "Partnerships") as of August 4, 1995.

     Plaintiff  alleges that McNeil  Partners,  L.P.,  McNeil  Investors,  Inc.,
     Robert A. McNeil and other  senior  officers (as defined in this Section 4,
     collectively,  the "Defendants")  breached their fiduciary duties by, among
     other things,  (1) failing to attempt to sell the  properties  owned by the
     Partnerships (as defined in this Section 4, the "Properties") and extending
     the lives of the Partnerships  indefinitely,  contrary to the Partnerships'
     business plans, (2) paying  distributions to themselves and generating fees
     for their affiliates, (3) refusing to make significant distributions to the
     class members,  despite the fact that the  Partnerships  have positive cash
     flows and  substantial  cash  balances,  and (4)  failing  to take steps to
     create an auction market for equity interests of the Partnerships,  despite
     the fact that a third party bidder filed  tender  offers for  approximately
     forty-five   percent  (45%)  of  the  outstanding  units  of  each  of  the
     Partnerships.  Plaintiff  also claims that  Defendants  have  breached  the
     partnership  agreements  of the  Partnerships  by  failing to take steps to
     liquidate  the  Properties  and by their  alteration  of the  Partnerships'
     primary  purposes,  their acts in  contravention of these  agreements,  and
     their use of the assets of the  Partnerships  for their own benefit instead
     of for the benefit of the Partnerships.

     The Defendants deny that there is any merit to Plaintiff's  allegations and
     intend to vigorously defend this action.

5)   James F.  Schofield,  Gerald C.  Gillett  and Donna S.  Gillett  v.  McNeil
     Partners,  L.P.,  McNeil Investors,  Inc.,  McNeil Real Estate  Management,
     Inc., Robert A. McNeil,  Carole J. McNeil, McNeil Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund IX, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil
     Real Estate Fund XI, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XIV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real
     Estate Fund XV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XX, L.P., McNeil Real Estate
     Fund XXIV, L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXV, L.P. et al. - Superior Court
     of the State of California for the County of Los Angeles, Case No. BC133799
     (Class and Derivative  Action  Complaint) and United States District Court,
     Southern  District of New York, Case No.  95CIV.6711  (Class and Derivative
     Action Complaint).

     These are  corporate/securities  class and  derivative  actions  brought in
     state and Federal court by limited partners of each of the nine (9) limited
     partnerships  that are named as  nominal  defendants  as  listed  above (as
     defined in this  Section 5, the  "Partnerships").  Plaintiffs  allege  that
     McNeil Investors,  Inc., its affiliate McNeil Real Estate Management,  Inc.
     and four (4) of their senior officers and/or  directors (as defined in this
     Section 5,  collectively,  the "Defendants")  have breached their fiduciary
     duties.  Specifically,  Plaintiffs  allege that  Defendants have caused the
     Partnerships  to enter  into  several  wasteful  transactions  that have no
     business  purpose or benefit to the  Partnerships  and which have  rendered
     such units highly illiquid and  artificially  depressed the prices that are
     available for units on the limited  resale market.  Plaintiffs  also allege
     that  Defendants  have  engaged  in a course  of  conduct  to  prevent  the
     acquisition of units by Carl Icahn by disseminating  false,  misleading and
     inadequate  information.  Plaintiffs  further allege that  Defendants  have
     acted to  advance  their  own  personal  interests  at the  expense  of the
     Partnerships' public unit holders by failing to sell Partnership properties
     and  failing  to make  distributions  to  unitholders  and,  thereby,  have
     breached the partnership agreements.

     The Defendants deny that there is any merit to Plaintiff's  allegations and
     intend to vigorously defend these actions.

6)   Alfred Napoletano v. McNeil Partners, L.P., McNeil Investors,  Inc., Robert
     A. McNeil,  Carole J. McNeil,  McNeil Pacific  Investors  Fund 1972,  Ltd.,
     McNeil Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund IX, Ltd.,  McNeil
     Real Estate Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil  Real Estate Fund XI,  Ltd.,  McNeil Real
     Estate Fund XIV, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate Fund XV, Ltd., McNeil Real Estate
     Fund XX, L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV, L.P., McNeil Real Estate Fund
     XXV,  L.P.  -  Superior  Court of the  State of  California,  County of Los
     Angeles, Case No. BC133849 (Class Action Complaint).

     Plaintiff  brings this class action on behalf of a class of all persons and
     entities who are current owners of units and/or are limited partners in one
     or more of the partnerships referenced above (as defined in this Section 6,
     the "Partnerships").  Plaintiff alleges that McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil
     Investors,  Inc., Robert A. McNeil and other senior officers (as defined in
     this  Section  6,  collectively,  the  "Defendants")  have  breached  their
     fiduciary  duties to the class members by, among other  things,  (1) taking
     steps to prevent the  consummation  of the High River  tender  offers,  (2)
     failing to take steps to maximize unitholders' or limited partners' values,
     including  failure to liquidate the properties  owned by the  Partnerships,
     (3) managing the Partnerships so as to extend  indefinitely the present fee
     arrangements,  and (4) paying itself and entities  owned and  controlled by
     the  general  partner  excessive  fees and  reimbursements  of general  and
     administrative expenses.

     The Defendants deny that there is any merit to Plaintiff's  allegations and
     intend to vigorously defend this action.

7)   Warren Heller v. McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil Investors,  Inc., Robert A.
     McNeil,  Carole J. McNeil, McNeil Pacific Investors Fund 1972, Ltd., McNeil
     Real Estate Fund V, Ltd.,  McNeil  Real Estate Fund IX,  Ltd.,  McNeil Real
     Estate Fund X, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XI, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate
     Fund XIV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XV, Ltd.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund
     XX, L.P.,  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV, L.P., McNeil Real Estate Fund XXV,
     L.P. - Superior  Court of the State of  California,  County of Los Angeles,
     Case No. BC133957 (Class Action Complaint).

     Plaintiff  brings this class action on behalf of a class of all persons and
     entities who are current owners of units and/or are limited partners in one
     or more of the partnerships referenced above (as defined in this Section 7,
     the "Partnerships").  Plaintiff alleges that McNeil Partners,  L.P., McNeil
     Investors,  Inc., Robert A. McNeil and other senior officers (as defined in
     this  Section  7,  collectively,  the  "Defendants")  have  breached  their
     fiduciary  duties to the class members by, among other  things,  (1) taking
     steps to prevent the  consummation  of the High River  tender  offers,  (2)
     failing to take steps to maximize unitholders' or limited partners' values,
     including  failure to liquidate the properties  owned by the  Partnerships,
     (3) managing the Partnerships so as to extend  indefinitely the present fee
     arrangements,  and (4) paying itself and entities  owned and  controlled by
     the  general  partner  excessive  fees and  reimbursements  of general  and
     administrative expenses.

     The Defendants deny that there is any merit to Plaintiff's  allegations and
     intend to vigorously defend this action.

8)   Henry Lim,  Charles Chen, Paul Van dba Shangri-La  Restaurant & Bar, Robert
     Narayan and Jackie Kim v. McNeil  Real  Estate Fund XXIV,  L.P.  and McNeil
     Real Estate  Management,  Inc.  ("McREMI")  et al. This was a complaint for
     breach of contract, breach of covenant to extend term of lease, intentional
     and negligent  interference with respective economic  relationships,  civil
     rights violations,  intentional and negligent misrepresentation,  injurious
     false suit and negligent and intentional  infliction of emotional  distress
     brought by former tenants of the Southpointe  Plaza Shopping Center,  based
     on a purported  claim that both the  Partnership and McREMI orally promised
     to agree to extend the lease and approve an  assignment of lease from three
     of the plaintiffs to two of the other  plaintiffs for a restaurant and bar.
     On April 10,  1995,  a  settlement  was reached  such that the  Partnership
     agreed to pay the first three plaintiffs $42,500, of which $20,000 was paid
     by the Partnership's  insurance  carrier.  The remaining two plaintiffs are
     free to continue to  pursue their action,  however, they would only be able
     to prove damages up to $1,500.

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, LTD.
                                  SCHEDULE III
                                December 31, 1995

                                                        Initial Cost (b)            Cumulative           Costs
                                                  ---------------------------       Write-down       Capitalized
                               Related (b)                       Buildings and     and Permanent       Subsequent
Description                   Encumbrances          Land          Improvements      Impairment       To Acquisition
- -----------                    ----------         ---------       -----------       -----------        -----------

Pine Hills
   Livingston, TX             $         -        $  605,145       $ 3,917,607      $   (692,000)      $  472,631

Sleepy Hollow
   Cleveland, TX                        -           363,051         4,010,076                -           230,681


Island Plaza
   fort Myers, FL                       -           865,393         4,165,635       (1,500,085)          402,155

Riverbay Plaza
   Riverview, FL                        -           294,546         4,736,097                -           930,217

Southpointe Plaza
   Sacramento, CA               5,538,527         3,540,531         5,776,653                -           543,681

Springwood Plaza
Dellwood, MO                            -           784,767         2,574,183                -           708,626

Towne Center
   Derby, KS                            -           361,605         2,359,900         (500,000)          293,676
                                ---------         ---------        ----------        ---------         ---------
                               $5,538,527        $6,815,038       $27,540,151      $(2,692,085)       $3,581,667
                                =========         =========        ==========       ==========         =========

                     See accompanying notes to Schedule III.

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, LTD.
                                  SCHEDULE III
                                December 31, 1995

                                                    Gross Amount at
                                           Which Carried at Close of Period
                                   -----------------------------------------------        Accumulated
                                                    Buildings and                         Depreciation
Description                          Land           Improvements         Total (a)      and Amortization
- -----------                        ---------         ----------         ----------       ------------

Pine Hills
   Livingston, TX                 $  605,145        $ 3,698,238        $ 4,303,383      $ (1,584,751)

Sleepy Hollow
   Cleveland, TX                     363,051          4,240,757          4,603,808        (1,747,160)


Island Plaza
   Fort Myers, FL                    832,191          3,100,907          3,933,098        (1,897,524)

Riverbay Plaza
   Riverview, FL                     294,546          5,666,314          5,960,860        (2,246,406)

Southpointe Plaza
   Sacramento, CA                  3,540,531          6,320,334          9,860,865        (2,535,506)

Springwood Plaza
   Dellwood, MO                      784,767          3,282,809          4,067,576        (1,433,389)

Towne Center
   Derby, KS                         361,605          2,153,576          2,515,181          (983,679)
                                   ---------         ----------         ----------        ----------
                                  $6,781,836        $28,462,935        $35,244,771      $(12,428,415)
                                   =========         ==========         ==========       ===========

(a)  For Federal Income tax purposes,  the properties are depreciated over lives
     ranging from 15-25 years using ACRS or MACRS methods. The aggregate cost of
     real estate investments for Federal income tax purposes was $38,075,103 and
     accumulated depreciation was $14,831,777 at December 31, 1995.

(b)  The carrying  values of Pine Hills  Apartments  and Towne  Center  Shopping
     Center were reduced by $692,000 and $500,000,  respectively,  in 1991.  The
     carrying value of Island Plaza Shopping Center was reduced by $1,500,085 in

                     See accompanying notes to Schedule III.

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, LTD.
                                  SCHEDULE III
                                December 31, 1995

                                 Date of                    Date                 Depreciable
Description                   Construction                Acquired              lives (years)
- -----------                   ------------                --------              ------------

Pine Hills
   Livingston, TX               1984                        10/85                   5-25

Sleepy Hollow
   Cleveland, TX                1983                        08/85                   5-25


Island Plaza
   Fort Myers, FL               1985                        04/85                   5-25

Riverbay Plaza
   Riverview, FL                1983                        04/85                   5-25

Southpointe Plaza
   Sacramento, CA               1982-84                     11/85                   5-25

Springwood Plaza
Dellwood, MO                    1974                        09/85                   5-25

Towne Center
   Derby, KS                    1976                        07/85                   5-25

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, L.P.

                              Notes to Schedule III
      Real Estate Investments and Accumulated Depreciation and Amortization

A  summary  of  activity  for the  Partnership's  real  estate  investments  and
accumulated depreciation and amortization is as follows:

                                                               For the Years Ended December 31,
                                                          1995               1994               1993
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------
Real estate investments:

Balance at beginning of year...............           $36,312,702        $35,606,449        $34,846,999

Improvements...............................               432,154            706,253            534,621

Acquisition................................                     -                  -            224,829

Write-down for permanent impairment
   of real estate..........................            (1,500,085)                 -                  -
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------

Balance at end of year.....................           $35,244,771        $36,312,702        $35,606,449
                                                       ==========         ==========         ==========

Accumulated depreciation and amortization:

Balance at beginning of year...............           $11,061,009        $ 9,770,111        $ 8,543,491

Depreciation...............................             1,367,406          1,290,898          1,226,620
                                                       ----------         ----------         ----------

Balance at end of year.....................           $12,428,415        $11,061,009        $ 9,770,111
                                                       ==========         ==========         ==========

                                    PART III

- ------        ---------------------------------------------------------------


- -------       --------------------------------------------------

Neither the  Partnership  nor the General Partner has any directors or executive
officers.  The names and ages of, as well as the positions held by, the officers
and  directors of McNeil  Investors,  Inc.,  the general  partner of the General
Partner, are as follows:

                                       Other Principal Occupations and Other
Name and Position             Age      Directorships During the Past 5 Years
- -----------------             ---      -------------------------------------
Robert A. McNeil,              75       Mr.  McNeil  is also  Chairman  of the Board and  Director  of McNeil  Real
Chairman of the                         Estate  Management,  Inc.  ("McREMI")  which is an affiliate of the General
Board and Director                      Partner.  He has held the foregoing  positions  since the formation of such
                                        entity  in  1990.  Mr.  McNeil  received  his  B.A.  degree  from  Stanford
                                        University  in 1942 and his  L.L.B.  degree  from  Stanford  Law  School in
                                        1948. He is a member of the State Bar of  California  and has been involved
                                        in  real  estate  financing  since  the  late  1940's  and in  real  estate
                                        acquisitions,  syndications  and  dispositions  since 1960. From 1986 until
                                        active  operations of McREMI and McNeil  Partners,  L.P.  began in February
                                        1991,  Mr.  McNeil was a private  investor.  Mr.  McNeil is a member of the
                                        International  Board of Directors  of the Salk  Institute,  which  promotes
                                        research in improvements in health care.

Carole J. McNeil               52       Mrs.  McNeil is  Co-Chairman,  with  husband  Robert A.  McNeil,  of McNeil
Co-Chairman of the                      Investors,  Inc.  Mrs.  McNeil has twenty years of real estate  experience,
Board                                   most  recently  as a  private  investor  from  1986 to 1993.  In 1982,  she
                                        founded Ivory & Associates,  a commercial real estate brokerage firm in San
                                        Francisco,  CA. Prior to that, she was a commercial  real estate  associate
                                        with the Madison Company and,  earlier,  a commercial  sales/associate  and
                                        analyst with Marcus and Millichap in San Francisco.  In 1978,  Mrs.  McNeil
                                        established   Escrow  Training  Centers,   California's   first  accredited
                                        commercial  training  program for title  company  escrow  officers and real
                                        estate agents needing  college  credits to qualify for brokerage  licenses.
                                        She  began in real  estate  as  Manager  and  Marketing  Director  of Title
                                        Insurance  and  Trust  in Marin  County,  CA.  Mrs.  McNeil  serves  on the
                                        International Board of Directors of the Salk Institute.

                                        Other Principal Occupations and Other
Name and Position              Age      Directorships During the Past 5 Years
- -----------------              ---      -------------------------------------

Donald K. Reed,                50       Mr. Reed is  President,  Chief  Executive  Officer  and  Director of McREMI
Director, President,                    which is an affiliate of the General  Partner.  Prior to joining  McREMI in
and Chief Executive                     March 1993, Mr. Reed was President,  Chief  Operating  Officer and Director
Officer                                 of Duddlesten Management Corporation and Duddlesten Realty Advisors,  Inc.,
                                        with  responsibility  for  a  management   portfolio  of  office,   retail,
                                        multi-family  and mixed-use land projects  representing $2 billion in asset
                                        value.  He was also Chief  Operating  Officer,  Director  and member of the
                                        Executive Committee of all Duddlesten affiliates. Mr. Reed started with the
                                        Duddlesten  companies in 1976 and served as Senior Vice President and Chief
                                        Financial  Officer and as  Executive  Vice  President  and Chief  Operating
                                        Officer  of  Duddlesten  Management  Corporation  before his  promotion  to
                                        President  in  1982.  He was  President  and  Chief  Operating  Officer  of
                                        Duddlesten  Realty  Advisors,  Inc.,  which has been engaged in real estate
                                        acquisitions, marketing and dispositions, since its formation in 1989.

Ron K. Taylor                  38       Mr.  Taylor  is a Senior  Vice  President  of  McREMI  and has been in this
Vice President                          capacity since McREMI commenced  active  operations in 1991. He also serves
                                        as Acting  Chief  Financial  Officer  of McREMI  since the  resignation  of
                                        Robert C. Irvine on January 31, 1996.  Mr. Taylor is primarily  responsible
                                        for   Asset   Management   functions   at   McREMI,    including   property
                                        dispositions,   commercial  leasing,  real  estate  finance  and  portfolio
                                        management.  Prior to joining  McREMI,  Mr.  Taylor  served as an Executive
                                        Vice  President  for a national  syndication/property  management  company.
                                        Mr. Taylor has been involved in the real estate industry since 1983.

Each director  shall serve until his successor  shall have been duly elected and

- -------      ----------------------

No direct  compensation  was paid or payable by the  Partnership to directors or
officers  (since it does not have any  directors or officers) for the year ended
December  31,  1995,  nor was any  direct  compensation  paid or  payable by the
Partnership  to  directors  or officers  of the  general  partner of the General
Partner for the year ended  December 31, 1995. The  Partnership  has no plans to
pay any such remuneration to any directors or officers of the general partner of
the General Partner in the future.

See Item 13 - Certain  Relationships  and  Related  Transactions  for amounts of
compensation and  reimbursements  paid by the Partnership to the General Partner
and its affiliates.

- -------      --------------------------------------------------------------

(A) Security ownership of certain beneficial owners.

      No individual or group,  as defined by Section  13(d)(3) of the Securities
      Exchange Act of 1934, was known by the  Partnership to own more than 5% of
      the  Units,  other than High River  Limited  Partnership  which owns 2,113
      Units at February 29, 1996 (approximately 5.28% of the outstanding Units).
      The  business  address  for High River  Limited  Partnership  is 100 South
      Bedford Road, Mount Kisco, New York 10549.

(B) Security ownership of management.

       Neither the General  Partner nor any of the  officers or directors of its
       general partner own any limited partnership units.

(C) Change in control.


- -------      ----------------------------------------------

The amendments to the Partnership compensation structure included in the Amended
Partnership  Agreement  provide for an asset management fee to replace all other
forms of general partner  compensation  other than property  management fees and
reimbursements  of certain  costs.  Through 1999,  the asset  management  fee is
calculated as 1% of the Partnership's tangible asset value. Tangible asset value
is  determined  by using the greater of (i) an amount  calculated  by applying a
capitalization  rate of 9 percent to the annualized net operating income of each
property  or  (ii) a  value  of  $10,000  per  apartment  unit  for  residential
properties and $50 per gross square foot for commercial  properties to arrive at
the property  tangible  asset value.  The property  tangible asset value is then
added to the book value of all other assets excluding  intangible items. The fee
percentage  decreases  subsequent to 1999. For the year ended December 31, 1995,
the Partnership paid or accrued $339,920 of such asset management fees.

The  Partnership  pays property  management fees equal to 5% of the gross rental
receipts of residential  properties and 6% for commercial  properties to McREMI,
an affiliate of the General Partner, for providing property management services.
Additionally,  the  Partnership  reimburses  McREMI  for  its  costs,  including
overhead,  of  administering  the  Partnership's  affairs.  For the  year  ended
December 31, 1995,  the  Partnership  paid or accrued  $542,394 of such property
management fees and reimbursements. See Item 1 - Business, Item 7 - Management's
Discussion  and Analysis of Financial  Condition and Results of  Operations  and
Item 8 - Note 2 - "Transactions With Affiliates."

- -------      -----------------------------------------------------------------

See accompanying Index to Financial Statements at Item 8.

(A)     Exhibits

        Number                     Description
        -------                    -----------

        4.                         Amended  and  Restated  Limited   Partnership
                                   Agreement  of McNeil  Real  Estate Fund XXIV,
                                   L.P.  dated March 30, 1992  (incorporated  by
                                   reference  to  the  Current   Report  of  the
                                   registrant  on Form 8-K dated March 30, 1992,
                                   as filed on April 10, 1992).

        4.1                        Amendment  No. 1 to the Amended and  Restated
                                   Limited Partnership  Agreement of McNeil Real
                                   Estate  Fund  XXIV,   L.P.  dated  June  1995
                                   (incorporated  by reference to the  Quarterly
                                   Report of the  registrant  on Form 10-Q dated
                                   June 30, 1995, as filed on August 14, 1995).

        10.1                       Revolving  Credit  Agreement  dated August 6,
                                   1991,  between  McNeil  Partners,   L.P.  and
                                   various selected partnerships,  including the
                                   registrant  (incorporated by reference to the
                                   Annual Report of the  registrant on Form 10-K
                                   dated  December 31,  1993,  as filed on March
                                   30, 1994).

        10.2                       Portfolio  Services  Agreement dated February
                                   14, 1991,  between Southmark Equity Partners,
                                   Ltd. and McNeil Real Estate Management,  Inc.

        10.3                       Promissory Note dated March 23, 1987, between
                                   Southmark  Equity  Partners,  Ltd.  and Great
                                   Western Savings relating to Southpointe Plaza
                                   Shopping Center. (1)

        10.4                       Property Management Agreement dated March 30,
                                   1992,  between  McNeil Real Estate Fund XXIV,
                                   L.P. and McNeil Real Estate Management,  Inc.

        10.5                       Amendment  of Property  Management  Agreement
                                   dated  March 5, 1993,  by McNeil  Real Estate
                                   Fund  XXIV,   L.P.  and  McNeil  Real  Estate
                                   Management, Inc. (2)

        11.                        Statement regarding computation of Net Income
                                   per Limited  Partnership  Unit (see Note 1 to
                                   Financial Statements).

              (1)                  Incorporated  by reference  to the  Quarterly
                                   Report of the registrant on Form 10-Q for the
                                   period ended March 31, 1991,  as filed on May
                                   14, 1991.

              (2)                  Incorporated   by  reference  to  the  Annual
                                   Report of the registrant on form 10-K for the
                                   period ended  December 31, 1992,  as filed on
                                   March 30, 1993.

(B)  Reports on Form 8-K:  There  were no  reports on Form 8-K filed  during the
quarter ended December 31, 1995.

                       McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, L.P.
                              A Limited Partnership

                                 SIGNATURE PAGE

Pursuant to the  requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange
Act of 1934,  the  registrant  has duly  caused  this report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                                   McNEIL REAL ESTATE FUND XXIV, L.P.
                                                   By:  McNeil Partners, L.P., General Partner

                                                        By: McNeil Investors, Inc., General Partner

April 1, 1996                                      By:  /s/  Robert A. McNeil
- -------------------------------                         --------------------------------------
Date                                                    Robert A. McNeil
                                                        Chairman of the Board and Director
                                                        Principal Executive Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report
has been signed below by the following  persons on behalf of the  registrant and
in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

April 1, 1996                                      By:  /s/  Donald K. Reed
- -------------------------------                         --------------------------------------
Date                                                    Donald K. Reed
                                                        President and Director of McNeil Investors, Inc.

April 1, 1996                                      By:  /s/  Ron K. Taylor
- -------------------------------                         --------------------------------------
Date                                                    Ron K. Taylor
                                                        Acting Chief Financial Officer
                                                           of McNeil Investors, Inc.

April 1, 1996                                      By:  /s/  Carol A. Fahs
- -------------------------------                         --------------------------------------
Date                                                    Carol A. Fahs
                                                        Chief Accounting Officer of McNeil Real Estate
                                                           Management, Inc.