                          Management Incentive Program

                                 USG Corporation


To enhance USG Corporation's ability to attract, motivate, reward and retain key
employees of the  Corporation and its operating  subsidiaries  and to strengthen
the existing  mutual interest  between such key employees and the  Corporation's
stockholders by providing  incentive award  opportunities  to such key employees
who  discharge  their  accountabilities  in a manner  which  makes a  measurable
contribution to the Corporation's earnings.


This  Annual  Management  Incentive  Program is in effect  from  January 1, 1997
through December 31, 1997.


Individuals  eligible for  participation  in this Program are those officers and
other key  employees  occupying  management  positions in Broadband 16 or higher
(775 or more points).  Employees who  participate in any other annual  incentive
program  of the  Corporation  or any of its  subsidiaries  are not  eligible  to
participate in this Program.


For the 1997 Annual Management  Incentive Program,  Adjusted Net Earnings,  Goal
Income  and  Strategic  Targets  for USG  Corporation,  Subsidiaries  and Profit
Centers  will  be  determined  by the  Grants  and  Awards  Subcommittee  of the
Compensation  and  Organization  Committee  of the USG Board of  Directors  (the
"Subcommittee") after considering recommendations submitted from USG Corporation
and Operating Subsidiaries.  Except in the case of a Named Executive Officer (as
defined in the  Administrative  Guidelines  below),  Profit  Center goals may be
adjusted by the  Chairman of USG  Corporation  if business  conditions  or other
significant  unforeseen  circumstances  beyond the control of the Profit  Center
have a major impact on opportunity.

                                  AWARD VALUES

For the Annual  Management  Incentive  Program,  position target  incentive
values are based on level of  accountability  and are  expressed as a percent of
approved  annualized  salary.  (EXCEPTION:  For the transition year of 1997, the
target  incentive  value will be expressed  as a percent of approved  annualized
salary or annualized  reference  point,  whichever is higher.)  Resulting  award
opportunities  represent  a fully  competitive  incentive  opportunity  for 100%
(target)  achievement of Corporate,  Operating  Subsidiary  and/or Profit Center

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                Position Target Incentive Value

Chairman, President & CEO - USG Corporation                                                  65%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Executive Vice President-Operations, USG Corporation;                                        60%
  President & CEO, U.S. Gypsum Company;
  President & CEO, USG Interiors, Inc.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Executive Vice President International Development                                           55%
  and Distribution, USG Corporation
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Senior Vice President & General Counsel                                                50%
      Senior Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer
      Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      President & CEO, L&W Supply Corporation                                                40%

      Executive Vice President, USG Interiors, Inc; President & CEO, CGC, Inc.

      Executive Vice President - Operations, U.S. Gypsum Company

      Executive Vice President Marketing, U.S. Gypsum Company

      Executive Vice President, USG International, Ltd.

      Vice President & Controller, USG Corporation;
      Vice President Financial Services,
      North American Gypsum and Worldwide Ceilings

      Vice President Research & Technology, USG Corporation

      Vice President & Treasurer, USG Corporation

      Vice President Human Resources - Operations, USG Corporation
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Sales of $50 Million and over                                                          30%
      Sales Under $50 Million                                                                25%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Position Reference Point: $174,000 and over                                            35%
      Position Reference Point: $154,005 - $173,999                                          30%
      Position Reference Point: $125,085 - $154,004                                          25%
      Position Reference Point: $111,600 - $125,084                                          20%
      Position Reference Point: $  89,400 - $111,599                                         15%
      Position Reference Point: Below $89,400                                                10%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Incentive  awards for all participants in the 1997 Annual  Management  Incentive
Program will be reviewed and approved by the Subcommittee.

The total of all  incentive  awards paid under this program will not exceed 4.0%
of USG  Corporation's  1997  consolidated  goal income. In the event that awards
otherwise  payable pursuant to the Annual  Management  Incentive  Program exceed
such amount,  all awards will be reduced prorata to an aggregate amount equal to

For all  participants,  the annual incentive award opportunity is the annualized
salary in effect at the  beginning of the calendar year (March 1 of the calendar
year  for the  twenty  most  senior  executives)  multiplied  by the  applicable
position target incentive value percent.

Incentive awards for 1997 will be based on:

         o        ADJUSTED NET EARNINGS:                                                20% - 60% OF INCENTIVE
                  (net earnings plus amortization of excess reorganization value plus reorganization debt discount, net of taxes)
                  based on the Corporation's year-end financial statements.

         o        GOAL INCOME:                                                          20% - 60% OF INCENTIVE
                  (net sales less cost of sales and selling and administrative expenses) based on the Corporation's year-end
                  financial statements.

         o        STRATEGIC FOCUS TARGET:                                               20% OF INCENTIVE

         o        PERSONAL PERFORMANCE:                                                 20% OF INCENTIVE
                  [except in the case of the twenty (20) most senior executives whose awards are based solely on degree of
                  achievement of Adjusted Net Earnings and/or Goal Income (60%) and Strategic Focus Target (40%) results].

         o        Except in the case of a Named Executive Officer, other appropriate performance measures as approved by the

1.       For  participants  to qualify for the ADJUSTED NET EARNINGS and/or GOAL
         INCOME  segment   comprising  60%  of  their  award,  their  respective
         organization (e.g. Corporation/Group/  Subsidiary, etc. as described on
         page 6) must achieve 75% or higher of its adjusted net earnings or goal
         income target.

2.       ADJUSTED  NET EARNINGS and GOAL INCOME  segment  award  amounts will be
         determined according to the following schedule:

Adjusted Net Earnings/                           Adjustment Factor for Corporate, Group,
Goal Income Achievement                          Subsidiary or Profit Center Performance

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Below      75%                                                  0%
           75%                                                 50%
           80%                                                 60%
           90%                                                 80%
          100%                                                100%
          110%                                                120%
          120%                                                140%
          140%                                                180%
          150%                                                200%

3.       For  participants  to qualify for the  STRATEGIC  FOCUS TARGET  segment
         comprising  20% (40% for the twenty  most senior  executives)  of their
         incentive award,  their respective  organization must achieve a minimum
         level of  performance  related to the specified  strategic  focus.  The
         Strategic Focus Targets will be measurable, verifiable and derived from
         the formal  strategic  planning  process (e.g.,  cost reduction,  sales
         growth, market share gain, margins,  etc.). The award adjustment factor
         for  this  segment  will  range  from  0.5  (after  achieving   minimum
         performance  levels) to 2.0 for maximum  attainment.  Participants will
         receive  schedules of  Strategic  Focus  Targets  upon  approval by the

4.       Except  with  respect  to  the  twenty  (20)  most  senior   executives
         (including the Named Executive  Officers) whose awards are based solely
         on  achievement  of Adjusted Net  Earnings,  Goal Income and  Strategic
         Focus Targets, participants will have a third segment comprising 20% of
         their incentive award based upon their individual Personal  Performance
         Rating according to the following schedule:

         Performance Rating                                 Personal Performance
         Adjustment Range
         Far Exceeded Expectations                           1.70 - 2.00
         Exceeded Expectations                               1.20 - 1.50
         Achieved Expectations                               0.80 - 1.10

         The maximum  incentive  award including all segments of this Program is
         200% of the target incentive opportunity.

         The  Subcommittee  may eliminate awards to any participant who fails to
         receive a Personal  Performance  Rating of "Achieved  Expectations"  or
         better under the  Corporation's  Performance  Planning and Review (PPR)

5.       Target  incentive award  opportunities  and  calculations of awards for
         participants  will be based on the  achievement of specific  Corporate,
         Group,  Subsidiary  and/or  Profit Center  adjusted net earnings,  goal
         income and strategic  focus targets as displayed on the following  page
         or as otherwise may be established subject to approval of the Chairman:

                                            Basis for
                                            Financial Measures                               Basis for
                                            Incentive Award                                  Strategic Focus
Participants                                (60% of Target Incentive)                        Incentive Award
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

USG Corporation

    USG Corporation Senior Executive        60% Adjusted Net Earnings, USG Corporation       40%

    USG Corporation Staff                   60% Adjusted Net Earnings, USG Corporation       20%

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

North American Gypsum

    Executive VP - Operations,              20% Adjusted Net Earnings, USG Corporation       40% NAG
    U.S. Gypsum Company
    Executive VP - Marketing,               40% Goal Income, North American Gypsum
    U.S. Gypsum Company

    General Mgr - IGD                       20% Goal Income, Subsidiary                      20% Profit Center
    General Mgr - Materials Division        40% Goal Income, Profit Center/Division
    Profit Center Staff

    Executive VP, CGC, Inc                  20% Adjusted Net Earnings, USG Corporation       40% NAG
                                            20% Goal Income,  North American Gypsum
                                            20% Goal Income, CGC, Inc

    President & General Mgr, YPSA           20% Goal Income, North American Gypsum           20% YPSA
                                            40% Goal Income, YPSA

    U.S. Gypsum Staff                       25% Goal Income, North American Gypsum           20% NAG
                                            35% Goal Income, U.S. Gypsum Company

    CGC, Inc Staff                          20% Goal Income, North American Gypsum           20% CGC
                                            40% Goal Income, CGC, Inc

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Worldwide Ceilings

    Executive VP, USG Interiors, Inc        20% Adjusted Net Earnings, USG Corporation       40% WWC
    Executive VP, USG International, Ltd    40% Goal Income, Worldwide Ceilings

    USG Interiors, Inc Staff                25% Goal Income, Worldwide Ceilings              20% WWC
                                            35% Goal Income, USG Interiors, Inc

    USG International, Ltd Staff            25% Goal Income, Worldwide Ceilings              20% WWC
                                            35% Goal Income, USG International, Ltd

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

L&W Supply Corporation

    President & CEO                         20% Adjusted Net Earnings, USG Corporation       40% L&W
                                            20% Goal Income, North American Gypsum
                                            20% Goal Income, L&W Supply

    L&W Supply Corporation Staff            20% Goal Income, North American Gypsum           20% L&W
                                            40% Goal Income, L&W Supply

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         In addition to the incentive  opportunity  provided by this Program,  a
         special   award   may   be   recommended   for   any   participant   or
         non-participant,  other than a Named Executive Officer, who has made an
         extraordinary contribution to the Corporation's welfare or earnings.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.       The  Subcommittee  shall review and approve the awards  recommended for
         officers and other employees who are eligible  participants in the 1997
         Annual Management  Incentive Program.  The Subcommittee shall submit to
         the Board of Directors, for their ratification,  a report of the awards
         for all eligible participants  including corporate officers approved by
         the Subcommittee in accordance with the provisions of the Program.

2.       The  Subcommittee   shall  have  full  power  to  make  the  rules  and
         regulations  with respect to the  determination of achievement of goals
         and the  distribution  of  awards.  No  awards  will be made  until the
         Subcommittee  has certified goal  achievement and applicable  awards in

3.       The judgement of the  Subcommittee  in  construing  this Program or any
         provisions thereof, or in making any decision hereunder, shall be final
         and  conclusive and binding upon all employees of the  Corporation  and
         its subsidiaries  whether or not selected as  beneficiaries  hereunder,
         and their heirs, executors, personal representatives and assigns.

4.       Nothing herein  contained shall limit or affect in any manner or degree
         the normal and usual  powers of  management,  exercised by the officers
         and the Board of Directors or committees  thereof, to change the duties
         or the character of employment of any employee of the Corporation or to
         remove the  individual  from the  employment of the  Corporation at any
         time, all of which rights and powers are expressly reserved.

5.       No award  will be paid to a  Program  participant  who is not a regular
         full-time  employee in good standing at the end of the calendar year to
         which the award  applies;  except an award  which  would  otherwise  be
         payable based on goal  achievement  may be  recommended in the event of
         retirement,  disability  or death or in the  event the  participant  is
         discharged  without cause from the employment of the company during the

6.       The  awards  made  to  employees   shall  become  a  liability  of  the
         Corporation or the  appropriate  subsidiary as of December 31, 1997 and
         all payments to be made  hereunder  will be made as soon as practicable
         after said awards have been approved.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.       Award  values  will be based on  annualized  salary in effect  for each
         qualifying  participant  at the  beginning of the year (March 1 for the
         twenty most senior  executives).  Any change in duties,  dimensions  or
         responsibilities  of a current  position  resulting in a new evaluation
         and an increase or  decrease  in  reference  points will be applied for
         Incentive  Program  purposes  on a prorata  basis  with the  respective
         reference  point and  target  incentive  value to apply for the  actual
         number of full months of service at each  evaluation  except for such a
         change with  respect to a Named  Executive  Officer,  in which case any
         change in reference  points and target incentive value, for any reason,
         shall not become effective until January 1 of the following year.

2.       As provided by the Program,  no award is to be paid any participant who
         is not a regular full-time  employee in good standing at the end of the
         calendar  year to which the  award  applies.  However,  in the event an
         eligible participant with three (3) or more months of active service in
         the Program year subsequently retires,  becomes disabled or dies, or is
         discharged  from the  employment  of the  Company  without  cause,  the
         participant (or beneficiary) may receive an award which would otherwise
         be payable based on goal achievement, prorated for the actual months of
         active service during the year.

3.       Employees  participating in any other incentive or bonus program of the
         parent  Corporation or a Subsidiary who are transferred during the year
         to a position covered by the Annual Management Incentive Program (other
         than a Named Executive Officer) will be eligible to receive a potential
         award  prorated for actual full months of service in the two  positions
         with the respective  incentive  program and target  incentive values to
         apply. For example, a Marketing Manager promoted to Director, Marketing
         on August  1, will be  eligible  to  receive a prorata  award for seven
         months based on the Marketing  Manager Plan provisions and values,  and
         for  five  months  under  the  Annual   Management   Incentive  Program
         provisions and target incentive values.

4.       In the event of transfer of an employee  (other than a Named  Executive
         Officer) from an assignment which does not qualify for participation in
         any  incentive  or bonus plan to a position  covered by the 1997 Annual
         Management  Incentive Program,  the employee is eligible to participate
         in the Annual  Incentive  Program with any potential award prorated for
         the actual  months of service in the  position  covered by the  Program
         during the year.  A minimum of three  months of service in the eligible
         position is required.

5.       Participation  during the current Program year for individuals employed
         from outside the  Corporation is possible with any award to be prorated
         for actual full months of service in the eligible  position.  A minimum
         of three full months of service is required for award consideration.

6.       Exceptions to established administrative guidelines can only be made by
         the Subcommittee and only with respect to participants other than Named
         Executive Officers.

7.       For purposes of this Program,  a "NAMED EXECUTIVE OFFICER" will include
         any  executive  officer who is deemed a "named  executive  officer" for
         1997  under  Item 402  (a)(3) of  Regulation  S-K under the  Securities
         Exchange  Act  of  1934  and  was  employed  by  the  Corporation  or a
         Subsidiary on the last day of the year.