Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q
   (Mark One)

             QUARTERLY  REPORT  PURSUANT  TO  SECTION  13  OR  15(d)  OF   THEx

   For the quarterly period ended    June 30, 1996                            



   For the transition period from                         to                  

                 Commission file number          0-14378        

                Krupp Institutional Mortgage Fund Limited Partnership         

               Massachusetts                                 04-2860302       
    (State or other jurisdiction of                      (IRS employer
   incorporation or organization)                        identification no.)

   470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts                    02210        
   (Address of principal executive offices)                      (Zip Code)

                                  (617) 423-2233                              

               (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

   Indicate by check  mark whether the  registrant (1)  has filed all  reports
   required to be  filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
   of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
   registrant was  required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
   such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X    No      

                          PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION


   This Form  10-Q contains forward-looking  statements within the  meaning of
   Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities
   Exchange Act of 1934.   Actual results  could differ materially from  those
   projected in  the forward-looking  statements as  a result of  a number  of
   factors, including those identified herein.


                                  BALANCE SHEETS

                                                             June 30,      December 31,
                                                               1996           1995    

            Mortgage notes receivable, net of loan loss
               reserve of $16,524,000 (Notes 2 and 3)       $6,988,733     $11,795,943
            Cash and cash equivalents                          775,201       1,260,798 
            Other investment (Note 5)                          471,218          -
            Accrued interest receivable - mortgage notes,
               net of reserve for uncollectible interest of
               $10,942,214 and $9,755,416, respectively        
               (Note 3)                                        105,983         112,304
            Other assets                                         8,460           3,735

                  Total assets                              $8,349,595     $13,172,780

                                   LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY

            Accounts payable                                $    3,400     $      -
            Accrued audit liability                             12,600          12,952

                  Total liabilities                             16,000          12,952

            Partners' equity (deficit) (Note 4):

               Limited Partners (30,059 Units outstanding)   8,549,863      13,327,834
               General Partners                               (216,268)       (168,006)

                  Total Partners' equity                     8,333,595      13,159,828

                  Total liabilities and Partners' equity    $8,349,595     $13,172,780

                      The accompanying notes are an integral
                        part of the financial statements.

                             STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                 Three Months        For the Six Months
                                                Ended June 30,         Ended June 30,   
                                               1996        1995       1996        1995  
            Interest income:
               Mortgage notes receivable 
                  (Notes 2 and 3)            $129,172    $219,745   $285,547    $538,459
               Cash equivalents                28,738      16,566     45,857      30,453

                  Total interest income       157,910     236,311    331,404     568,912

               Expense reimbursements
                  to affiliates (Note 6)       10,740      12,816     23,693      25,632
               General and administrative      19,459      16,283     37,410      23,295

                  Total expenses               30,199      29,099     61,103      48,927

            Net income                       $127,711    $207,212   $270,301    $519,985

            Allocation of net income (Note 4):

               Limited Partners              $126,434    $205,140   $267,598    $514,785

               Per Unit of Limited Partner 
                  Interest (30,059 Units
                  outstanding)               $   4.20    $   6.82   $   8.90    $  17.13

               General Partners              $  1,277    $  2,072   $  2,703    $  5,200

                      The accompanying notes are an integral
                        part of the financial statements.

                             STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                   For the Six Months
                                                                      Ended June 30,     
                                                                     1996        1995    
            Operating activities:
               Net income                                        $   270,301  $  519,985
               Adjustments to reconcile net income to
                  net cash provided by operating activities:
                     Decrease in accrued interest receivable-
                        mortgage notes                                 6,321      35,244
                     Decrease (increase) in other assets              (4,725)     10,097
                     Increase in accounts payable                      3,400        -
                     Decrease in accrued audit liability                (352)     (4,000)

                              Net cash provided by
                                 operating activities                274,945     561,326

            Investing activities:
               Decrease in mortgage notes receivable               4,807,210      12,900
               Increase in other investments                        (471,218)       -   

                              Net cash provided by investing
                                 activities                        4,335,992      12,900

            Financing activity:
               Distributions                                      (5,096,534)   (303,626)

            Net increase (decrease) in cash and
               cash equivalents                                     (485,597)    270,600

            Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period         1,260,798   1,026,664

            Cash and cash equivalents, end of period             $   775,201  $1,297,264

                      The accompanying notes are an integral
                        part of the financial statements.

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
   (1) Accounting Policies

         Certain  information and  footnote  disclosures normally  included in
         financial statements  prepared in accordance with  generally accepted
         accounting  principles have been condensed or  omitted in this report
         on  Form 10-Q pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Securities
         and Exchange Commission.  In the opinion of The Krupp Corporation and
         The Krupp  Company  Limited Partnership-III  ("Krupp  Co.-III"),  the
         General  Partners  of  Krupp   Institutional  Mortgage  Fund  Limited
         Partnership (the  "Partnership"), the disclosures  contained in  this
         report are adequate to make the information presented not misleading.
         See Notes to Financial Statements  in the Partnership's Annual Report
         on Form  10-K for  the year  ended December  31, 1995 for  additional
         information relevant to significant  accounting policies followed  by
         the Partnership.

         In  the opinion  of  the General  Partners  of the  Partnership,  the
         accompanying  unaudited financial statements  reflect all adjustments
         necessary to  present fairly the Partnership's  financial position as
         of June 30, 1996 and  its results of operations for the three and six
         months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995 and cash flows for the six months
         ended June 30, 1996 and 1995.  Certain prior year  balances have been
         reclassified  to  conform  with   current  year  financial  statement

         The results of operations for the three and six months ended June 30,
         1996  are  not necessarily  indicative of  the  results which  may be
         expected for the full year.  See Management's Discussion and Analysis
         of  Financial Condition  and Results  of Operations included  in this

   (2) Krupp Equity Limited Partnership ("KELP")

         Condensed financial statements of KELP are as follows:

                             CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                              June 30,       December 31,
                                                                1996             1995    

                 Property at cost                           $ 12,618,891     $ 30,960,353 
                 Property valuation provision                 (5,000,000)      (5,986,000)
                 Accumulated depreciation                     (3,679,131)     (10,206,689)
                                                               3,939,760       14,767,664
                 Other assets                                    421,593        1,086,232

                    Total assets                            $  4,361,353     $ 15,853,896

                                   LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' DEFICIT
                 Mortgage notes payable to the Partnership  $ 28,305,692     $ 28,319,943
                 Mortgage notes payable (A)                      -              7,599,279
                 Notes payable to an affiliate                   300,000          300,000
                 Accrued interest payable to affiliates        6,573,393       10,171,783
                 Due to affiliates                               699,238          767,737
                 Other liabilities                               446,032          633,691

                    Total liabilities                         36,324,355       47,792,433

                 Partners' deficit                           (31,963,002)     (31,938,537)
                    Total liabilities and Partners'
                     deficit                                $  4,361,353     $ 15,853,896

                                   KRUPP EQUITY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                                  CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                            For the Three Months      For the Six Months
                                                Ended June 30,          Ended June 30,     
                                               1996       1995       1996          1995    

               Revenue                      $ 435,270  $ 849,533  $ 1,202,363   $ 1,722,817
               Property operating
                  expenses                   (183,791)  (359,422)    (566,610)     (674,596)
               Income before depreciation,
                  amortization and 
                  interest                    251,479    490,111      635,753     1,048,221
               Depreciation and
                  amortization (A)           (189,862)   (79,472)    (665,183)     (158,196)
               Interest expense              (781,299)  (923,162)  (1,657,031)   (1,839,468)

               Loss before gain on sale
                  of properties              (719,682)  (512,523)  (1,686,461)     (949,443)

               Gain on sale of 
                  properties (A)              186,086       -       1,661,996         -    

               Net loss                     $(533,596) $(512,523) $   (24,465)  $  (949,443)

         (A)  On March 5,  1996,   KELP sold  Village Green  Apartments to  an
              unaffiliated third party for $5,200,000.  The buyer  assumed the
              first mortgage note payable  on the property of $4,633,989.   On
              April  29,  1996,  KELP  remitted  available  sale  proceeds  of
              $585,959 to the Partnership.

              On  May 16, 1996, KELP sold North Salado Village Shopping Center
              to an unaffiliated third party for $7,350,000.  After satisfying
              the first mortgage note payable of $2,920,405 and closing costs,
              KELP remitted  available sales  proceeds  of $4,207,000  to  the
              Partnership on June 6, 1996.

   (3) Provision for Credit Losses and Accrued Interest Reserves
         The General  Partners of the  Partnership have recorded  a cumulative
         provision for  credit  losses of  $16,524,000 on  its mortgage  notes
         receivable.   During the first six months  of 1996, total proceeds of
         $4,792,959, resulting  from the sales of Village Green Apartments and
         North  Salado Village,  have been  applied against  the Partnership's
         outstanding mortgage note receivable balance.

         Additionally, the Partnership has  recorded cumulative provisions for
         uncollectible  interest of $10,942,214 and  $9,775,416 as of June 30,
         1996  and   December  31,  1995,  respectively.     These  cumulative
         provisions are booked  against the  carrying value of  the assets  in
         order  to reflect  management's current  estimates of  the underlying
         property values  which, given the inherent uncertainty of real estate
         valuation in the current market, could differ from the ultimate value
         obtained upon sale of such properties.

   (4) Summary of Changes in Partners' Equity

         A summary of changes in Partners' equity (deficit) for the six months
         ended June 30, 1996 is as follows:

                                                   Limited       General       Partners'
                                                   Partners      Partners       Equity   
                 Balance at December 31, 1995     $13,327,834    $(168,006)   $13,159,828

                 Net income                           267,598        2,703        270,301
                    Operations                       (300,590)      (3,036)      (303,626)

                    Capital transactions           (4,744,979)     (47,929)    (4,792,908)
                 Balance at June 30, 1996         $ 8,549,863    $(216,268)   $ 8,333,595

   (5) Other Investment

         At June 30,  1996, the Partnership  held an investment in  commercial
         paper maturing within  one year.   The cost  approximates the  market

   (6) Related Party Transactions

         The Partnership  reimburses affiliates  of the  General Partners  for
         certain  expenses incurred in  connection with the  activities of the
         Partnership,  including:   communications,  bookkeeping  and clerical
         work necessary in  maintaining relations  with Limited Partners,  and
         accounting, tax and  computer services necessary for  the maintenance
         of the books and records of the Partnership.



   This  Management s  Discussion  and  Analysis  of Financial  Condition  and
   Results of Operations contains  forward-looking statements including  those
   concerning  Management s   expectations  regarding  the   future  financial
   performance and future  events.   These forward-looking statements  involve
   significant  risk  and  uncertainties,  including  those  described herein.
   Actual  results  may  differ  materially from  those  anticipated  by  such
   forward-looking statements.

   Liquidity and Capital Resources

   Currently, the Partnership has  sufficient liquidity to meet  its operating
   needs.  The  most significant capital  need is distributions to  investors.
   However, distributions are  currently dependent on cash flow  received from
   KELP's interest payments  on the  Participating Notes based  upon the  cash
   flow of the underlying properties.   

   KELP's properties have not generated cash flow sufficient to meet the terms
   of  their  existing  obligations.   The  retail  centers  have historically
   suffered from an  economic downturn in retail  sales beginning in  the late
   1980's.  Recently,  the properties  have maintained a  consistent level  of
   operating cash flow.   The partners  of KELP  have made cumulative  capital
   contributions  of  approximately    $4,673,000  to  cover  prior  operating
   deficits   and   have   arranged   for   certain   short-term   borrowings.
   Additionally, the affiliated  management agent has not  received payment of
   management  fees since 1991.  The General  Partners of the Partnership have
   not commenced foreclosure  proceedings because,  they have determined  that
   there are advantages to allowing KELP to continue to own the properties.

   On March  5, 1996, KELP  sold Village Green  Apartments to an  unaffiliated
   third party for $5,200,000. The buyer  assumed the principal outstanding on
   the first  mortgage note payable on  the property of $4,633,989.   On April
   29, 1996, KELP remitted to the Partnership the available sale proceeds, net
   of closing costs, of $585,959.

   On  May 16,  1996, KELP  sold North  Salado Village  Shopping Center  to an
   unaffiliated  third party for  $7,350,000.  The  outstanding first mortgage
   note payable on  the property of $2,920,405  was paid at  the closing.   On
   June  6, 1996,  KELP remitted  to the  Partnership sales  proceeds, net  of
   closing costs, of $4,207,000.

   In  June 1996,  the  Partnership made  a  special capital  distribution  of
   $4,792,908,  based on  the proceeds  received from  KELP  for the  sales of
   Village  Green Apartments  and North  Salado Village  Shopping Center.   In
   accordance with  the Partnership Agreement, the  distribution was allocated
   99% to the Limited Partners and 1% to the General Partners.


   The  decrease in interest income earned for  the three and six months ended
   June 30, 1996, as compared to the three and six months ended June 30, 1995,
   is a result of lower cash flow payments from the underlying KELP mortgages,
   partially offset by an increase in interest income from higher average cash
   and cash equivalents available for investment.
   The increase in  general and administrative expenses for the  three and six
   months  ended June 30,  1996, as compared  to the same periods  in 1995, is
   primarily     due    to     an    increase    in     audit    expenditures.

   Distributable Cash from Operations

   Distributable  Cash from Operations, of approximately $128,000 and $207,000
   for  the three  months  ended  June 30,  1996  and  1995, respectively  and
   $270,000  and $520,000  for the six  months ended  June 30, 1996  and 1995,
   respectively, as defined  by Section 5.01 of the  Partnership Agreement, is
   equivalent to net income of the Partnership.

   KELP's Results of Operations

   The  following table presents  an analysis of  KELP's cash  deficit for the
   three and six months ended June 30, 1996 and 1995:

                                            For the Three Months     For the Six Months
                                                Ended June 30,          Ended June 30,   
                                             (Rounded to $1,000)     (Rounded to $1,000)  
                                               1996        1995       1996         1995   

            Cash flow from properties
               before mortgage debt
               service and capital
               improvement expenditures
               and reserves                 $ 247,000   $ 475,000  $ 668,000    $1,040,000 

            Mortgage debt service
               exclusive of amounts
               due to the Partnership         (74,000)   (238,000)  (278,000)     (477,000)

            Capital improvement
               expenditures                   (67,000)    (45,000)  (147,000)      (70,000)

            Release of (contribution to) 
               capital improvement
               reserve                           -          4,000     (4,000)       (2,000)

            Cash flow from properties
               before mortgage debt
               service to the Partnership     106,000     196,000    239,000       491,000

            Mortgage debt service to the
               Partnership                   (106,000)   (196,000)  (239,000)     (491,000)

            KELP general and 
               administrative expenses         (6,000)     (7,000)   (15,000)      (13,000) 

               Cash Deficit                 $  (6,000)  $  (7,000) $ (15,000)   $  (13,000)


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

   Item 1.    Legal Proceedings
                 Response:  None

   Item 2.    Changes in Securities
                 Response:  None

   Item 3.    Defaults upon Senior Securities
                 Response:  None

   Item 4.    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
                 Response:  None

   Item 5.    Other Information
                 Response:  None

   Item 6.    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
                 Response:  None


   Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  the
   registrant has duly  caused this report to  be signed on its behalf  by the
   undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                 Krupp Institutional Mortgage Fund Limited Partnership

                    BY:            /s/Robert A. Barrows                       

                                   Robert A. Barrows
                                   Treasurer and Chief  Accounting Officer  of
                                   The Krupp Corporation, a General Partner.

   DATE:  August  , 1996