(Rule 14a-101)


                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                         Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the registrant [X]
Filed by a party other than the registrant [   ]

Check the appropriate box:

[   ] Preliminary  Proxy Statement
                                             [ ]  Confidential,  for Use of the
                                                  Commission Only (as permitted
                                                  by Rule  14a-6(e)(2))
[ X ] Definitive  Proxy  Statement
[   ] Definitive   Additional   Materials
[   ] Soliciting   Material   Pursuant  to 240.14a-11(c) or 240.14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)

Payment of filing fee (Check the appropriate box):

[ X ]  No fee required
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

          (1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

          (2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

          (3) Per unit price or other underlying  value of transaction  computed
              pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11:

          (4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

          (5) Total fee paid:

[   ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[      ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act
       Rule  0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
       paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
       number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.


                              2839 Paces Ferry Road
                                   Suite 1170
                                Atlanta, GA 30339
                                 (770) 984-9500

                                                                    June 9, 2000

Dear Shareholder:

         You are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
of Vinings  Investment  Properties  Trust (the  "Trust")  to be held on July 11,
2000, at 10:00 a.m., local time, at the offices of the Trust at 2839 Paces Ferry
Road, Suite 1170, Atlanta, GA 30339 (the "Annual Meeting").

         The Annual Meeting has been called for the purpose of  considering  and
voting upon the election of five Trustees, each to serve for a one-year term and
until the election and  qualification  of his or her  successor,  and such other
business  as may  properly  come  before  the  meeting  or any  adjournments  or
postponements thereof.

         The Board of  Trustees  has fixed the close of business on May 26, 2000
as the record date for determining  shareholders  entitled to notice of and vote
at the Annual Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof.

         The Board of Trustees of the Trust  recommends  that you vote "FOR" the
election of the five nominees of the Board of Trustees as Trustees of the Trust.

         It is important that your shares be represented at the Annual  Meeting.
Whether or not you plan to attend  the  Annual  Meeting,  you are  requested  to
complete, date, sign and return the enclosed proxy card in the enclosed envelope
that  requires  no  postage if mailed in the  United  States.  If you attend the
Annual Meeting,  you may vote in person if you wish, even if you have previously
returned your proxy card.

                                    Very truly yours,

                                    /s/ Peter D. Anzo
                                    Peter D. Anzo
                                    President and Chief Executive Officer


                              2839 Paces Ferry Road
                                   Suite 1170
                                Atlanta, GA 30339
                                 (770) 984-9500

                                    NOTICE OF
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                           To be Held on July 11, 2000

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of Vinings
Investment Properties Trust (the "Trust") will be held on July 11, 2000 at 10:00
a.m.,  local time,  at the offices of the Trust at 2839 Paces Ferry Road,  Suite
1170, Atlanta, GA 30339 (the "Annual Meeting").

     1.   The election of five  Trustees,  each to serve for a one-year term and
          until the election and qualification of his or her successor; and

     2.   Such other  business  as may  properly  come before the meeting or any
          adjournments or postponements thereof.

     Under the provisions of the Declaration of Trust, the Board of Trustees has
fixed  the  close  of  business  on May 26,  2000  as the  record  date  for the
determination  of  shareholders  entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual
Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. Only holders of record of
common shares of  beneficial  interest,  without par value,  of the Trust at the
close of  business  on that date will be  entitled  to notice of and vote at the
Annual Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof.

     In the event there are not  sufficient  votes with respect to the foregoing
proposals at the time of the Annual Meeting, the Annual Meeting may be adjourned
to permit further solicitation of proxies.

By Order of the Board of Trustees,

/s/ Stephanie A. Reed

Stephanie A. Reed

June 9, 2000

Whether  or not you  plan to  attend  the  Annual  Meeting  in  person,  you are
requested to  complete,  date,  sign and return the  enclosed  proxy card in the
enclosed  envelope that requires no postage if mailed in the United  States.  If
you attend the Annual  Meeting,  you may vote in person if you wish, even if you
have previously returned your proxy card.


                              2839 Paces Ferry Road
                                   Suite 1170
                                Atlanta, GA 30339
                                 (770) 984-9500


                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                           To Be Held on July 11, 2000

     This Proxy  Statement  and the enclosed  Proxy Card are being  furnished in
connection with the  solicitation of proxies by the Board of Trustees of Vinings
Investment  Properties  Trust (the  "Trust")  for use at the  Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders  of the Trust to be held on July 11,  2000,  at 10:00  a.m.,  local
time, at the offices of the Trust at 2839 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 1170, Atlanta,
GA 30339 (the "Annual Meeting").

     At the  Annual  Meeting,  the  shareholders  of the Trust  will be asked to
consider and vote upon the following matters:

     1.   The election of five  Trustees,  each to serve for a one-year term and
          until the election and qualification of his or her successor; and

     2.   Such other  business  as may  properly  come before the meeting or any
          adjournments or postponements thereof.

     The  Notice of Annual  Meeting,  Proxy  Statement  and Proxy Card are first
being mailed to shareholders of the Trust on or about June 9, 2000 in connection
with the  solicitation of proxies for the Annual Meeting.  The Board of Trustees
has fixed the  close of  business  on May 26,  2000 as the  record  date for the
determination  of  shareholders  entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual
Meeting (the  "Record  Date").  Only  holders of record of the common  shares of
beneficial interest, without par value, of the Trust (the "Shares") at the close
of  business on the Record Date will be entitled to notice of and to vote at the
Annual Meeting.  As of May 26, 2000 there were 1,100,491 Shares  outstanding and
entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting  and 656  shareholders  of record.  Each
Share  outstanding  as of the close of business on the Record Date  entitles the
holder  thereof  to one vote on each  matter  properly  submitted  at the Annual

- ------

     The  representation  in  person or by proxy of at least a  majority  of the
outstanding  Shares  entitled  to vote is  necessary  to provide a quorum at the
Annual  Meeting.  Each Share  outstanding  on the Record Date is entitled to one
vote. A quorum being present,  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes
cast at the Annual Meeting is required to elect Trustees, and to approve each of
the other proposals presented at the meeting. Shares that reflect abstentions or
"broker  non-votes" (i.e.,  shares represented at the meeting held by brokers or
nominees as to which  instructions  have not been received  from the  beneficial
owners or persons  entitled to vote such  shares and the broker or nominee  does
not have  discretionary  voting  power to vote such  shares) will be counted for
purposes  of  determining  whether a quorum is present  for the  transaction  of
business  at the  meeting,  but  are not  deemed  to  have  voted  on any of the

     The Annual  Report of the Trust,  including  financial  statements  for the
fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  1999  ("fiscal  1999"),  is being  mailed to
shareholders of the Trust  concurrently  with this Proxy  Statement.  The Annual
Report, however, is not a part of the proxy solicitation material.

- ------------------------------

       Shareholders  of the Trust are  requested  to  complete,  date,  sign and
return the accompanying proxy card in the enclosed envelope.  Shares represented
by properly executed proxies received by the Trust and not revoked will be voted
at the Annual Meeting in accordance with the instructions  contained therein. If
     instructions are not given therein, properly executed proxies will be voted
"FOR" the election of the five nominees for Trustees. It is not anticipated that
any matters other than those set forth in this Proxy Statement will be presented
at the Annual Meeting. If other matters are presented,  proxies will be voted in
accordance with the discretion of the proxy holders.

     Any properly  completed proxy may be revoked at any time before it is voted
on any  matter  (without,  however,  affecting  any  vote  taken  prior  to such
revocation) by giving written notice of such  revocation to the Secretary of the
Trust,  or by signing and duly  delivering a proxy  bearing a later date,  or by
attending  the Annual  Meeting  and voting in person.  Attendance  at the Annual
Meeting will not, by itself, revoke a proxy.

- ------------------------

     All  expenses of this  solicitation  will be borne by the Trust.  Brokerage
firms, nominees, fiduciaries and other custodians have been requested to forward
proxy  solicitation  materials to the beneficial owners of Shares held of record
by such persons,  and the Trust will reimburse such brokerage  firms,  nominees,
fiduciaries and other custodians for reasonable  out-of-pocket expenses incurred
by them in connection therewith. In addition to solicitation of proxies by mail,
Trustees,  officers and  employees of the Trust,  without  receiving  additional
compensation  therefor,  may solicit  proxies from  shareholders of the Trust by
telephone, facsimile, letter, in person or by other means.

                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

     The Board of Trustees of the Trust currently consists of five members, each
of whom serves for a one-year term and until the election and  qualification  of
his or her successor.  As of the date of this Proxy Statement,  two seats on the
Board of Trustees  are  vacant.  The Board of  Trustees  is  continuing  to seek
candidates to fill these vacancies.  As a result,  proxies can only be voted for
the five nominees.

     At the Annual  Meeting,  five  Trustees  will be elected to serve until the
2001 annual meeting of shareholders and until the election and  qualification of
his or her  successor.  The  Board of  Trustees  has  nominated  Peter D.  Anzo,
Stephanie A. Reed,  Phill D. Greenblatt and Henry Hirsch all of whom have served
as Trustees since 1996, and John A. Christy,  who was recently  elected to serve
as a Trustee on May 1, 2000.  Certain  information  with  respect to the persons
nominated by the Board of Trustees for election as Trustees is shown below under
"Information Regarding Trustees." Unless otherwise specified in the proxy, it is
the  intention  of the proxy  holders  to vote the  Shares  represented  by each
properly  executed  proxy for the election as Trustees of each of the  nominees.
Each of the nominees has agreed to stand for election and to serve if elected as
a Trustee.  If any of the persons  nominated  by the Board of Trustees  fails to
stand for election or is unable to accept election,  however, proxies not marked
to the  contrary  will be voted in favor of the election of such other person as
the Board of Trustees may recommend.

- --------------------------

     A quorum being  present,  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes
cast at the Annual  Meeting is  necessary to elect a nominee as a Trustee of the



- --------------------------------------------

     During  fiscal 1999,  the Board of Trustees of the Trust held ten meetings.
Each Trustee who was a Trustee  during  fiscal 1999 attended at least 75% of the
total  number of  meetings  of the Board of Trustees  and  meetings  held by all
committees of the Board of Trustees on which such Trustee  served.  The Board of
Trustees  has  established  an Audit  Committee  and a  Compensation  Committee.
Stephanie A. Reed,  Gilbert H. Watts, Jr. and Martin H. Petersen were members of
the Audit Committee during fiscal 1999, however, as a result of the resignations
of Messrs.  Watts and  Petersen,  Ms. Reed is  currently  the only member of the
Audit  Committee.  The Audit Committee  reviews the financial  statements of the
Trust and the scope of the annual audit, monitors the Trust's internal financial
and accounting  controls and recommends to the Board of Trustees the appointment
of independent  certified  public  accountants.  The Audit  Committee held three
meetings during fiscal 1999.  James D. Ross,  Gilbert H. Watts, Jr. and Phill D.
Greenblatt  were  members of the  Compensation  Committee  during  fiscal  1999,
however,  as a  result  of the  resignations  of  Messrs.  Ross and  Watts,  Mr.
Greenblatt  is  currently  the only member of the  Compensation  Committee.  The
Compensation  Committee reviews the Trust's executive  compensation policies and
recommends  the  compensation  levels of executive  officers of the Trust to the
Board of  Trustees.  See "Report of the  Compensation  Committee of the Board of
Trustees on Executive  Compensation."  The Compensation  Committee met two times
during fiscal 1999. The Board of Trustees does not have a nominating  committee.
On or about March 17, 2000, Messrs. Petersen, Ross and Watts resigned from their
positions on the Board of Trustees.

- ------------------------

     Trustees  who are  officers  of the Trust do not receive  compensation  for
their  services as Trustees.  Trustees who are not officers of the Trust (each a
"Non-Employee  Trustee") receive compensation for their services as the Board of
Trustees may from time to time determine.  During fiscal 1999, the  Non-Employee
Trustees  did not  receive  an annual  retainer  but did  receive  $250 for each
regular meeting of the Board of Trustees attended through June 29, 1999. No fees
were paid to any Non-Employee Trustee after June 29, 1999.

     In addition,  the Non-Employee  Trustees are eligible to participate in the
Trust's 1997 Stock Option and Incentive  Plan (the "1997  Incentive  Plan").  No
long-term incentive awards were made or granted during fiscal 1999.

- ------------------------------

     Set forth below is certain information  regarding the current five Trustees
of the Trust who are nominated for election by the Trust's  shareholders  at the
annual meeting of the Trust.

                 Name                                        Since
                 -----                                      -------
                 Peter D. Anzo                               1996
                 Stephanie A. Reed                           1996
                 John A. Christy                             2000
                 Phill D. Greenblatt                         1996
                 Henry Hirsch                                1996

     PETER D. ANZO,  age 46, has been Chief  Executive  Officer,  President  and
Chairman of the Board of Trustees since 1996. He is also Chief Executive Officer
and a director of The Vinings Group, Inc. and affiliates, a position he has held
since 1987.  From 1990 through 1997 Mr. Anzo was Chief  Executive  Officer and a
director of A&P Investors,  Inc. Mr. Anzo has been a delegate since 1995, on the
Legislative  Committee  since 1991 and is  currently  Chairman of the  Political
Action  Committee  of the  National  Apartment  Association.  He has  been  past
Co-Chairman of the Government  Affairs Committee since 1995,  Co-Chairman of the
Affordable Housing Task Force and a director from 1992 until 1998 of the Atlanta
Apartment  Association.  He was a director of the Georgia Apartment  Association
from 1993 to 1998.  From 1983 until 1986,  Mr. Anzo served as Vice  President of
Acquisitions  of  First  Investment  Companies,  where  he was  involved  in the
management and  acquisition of commercial  apartment  properties  throughout the
United States.  Mr. Anzo was Vice  President,  Dispositions  of  Balcor/American
Express  from 1981 until 1983,  where he was  involved in the sale of  apartment
communities and commercial  properties in the United States.  Prior to 1981, Mr.
Anzo was involved in the management,  leasing, purchase and construction of real
property with The Beaumont Company and Linkletter Properties.

     STEPHANIE A. REED, age 42, has been Vice  President,  Secretary,  Treasurer
and a Trustee  since 1996.  Since 1991,  Ms. Reed has been Vice  President and a
director of The Vinings Group, Inc. and affiliates.  She was also Vice President
of A&P Investors,  Inc. from 1991 through 1997.  From 1987 to 1991, Ms. Reed was
Vice  President --  Development  of The  Sterling  Group,  Inc.,  a  multifamily
development  company  located in Atlanta,  Georgia where she was responsible for
all phases of development for multifamily projects. Prior to 1987, she served as
Vice President -- Finance of The Sterling  Group,  Inc., in the  syndication and
management of multifamily  projects.  Prior to joining The Sterling Group, Inc.,
she was a certified public accountant for independent public accounting firms in
Atlanta, Georgia and Orlando, Florida.

     JOHN A. CHRISTY,  age 45, has been a Trustee since May 1, 2000. Mr. Christy
is currently a partner of Schreeder,  Wheeler & Flint, LLP, an Atlanta law firm,
where he focuses his law  practice in the areas of real estate,  litigation  and
bankruptcy.  He  graduated  from Duke  University  in 1977 and Emory  University
School of Law in 1980. Mr. Christy is a member of the Atlanta Bar Association.

     PHILL D. GREENBLATT, age 54, has been a Trustee since 1996. Since 1975, Mr.
Greenblatt  has been  President of p.d.g.  Real Estate Co.,  Inc., a real estate
brokerage and investment firm in multifamily,  retail and industrial  properties
in Colorado,  Arizona and Florida.  From 1971 through 1974, Mr. Greenblatt was a
commercial  sales  associate  with  Heller-Mark  Realty.  He also  served  as an
investment  banking  officer for the First  National Bank of Denver from 1968 to

     HENRY HIRSCH, age 63, has been a Trustee since 1996. Mr. Hirsch is Chairman
of the Board of Engineered  Concepts,  Inc., ECI Management  Corporation and ECI
Realty, and is President of ECI Properties, positions which he has held for over
ten years.  Mr. Hirsch has been involved in the real estate business since 1968,
specializing in multifamily apartment  development.  He and his related entities
currently  own and/or  manage  over  3,500  apartment  units,  as well as office
buildings.  The  construction  arm of his related  entities has  completed  over
$250,000,000 of new construction and  rehabilitation.  Mr. Hirsch is a Certified
Apartment Property  Supervisor with the National Apartment  Association.  He has
served on the Hotpoint  Builders  Advisory  Council and National  Association of
Home  Builders,  and has served as a director and past  President of the Atlanta
Apartment  Association.  He has  served  as a  Regional  Vice  President  of the
National Apartment Association.


     Listed  below are the names of the  executive  officers  of the Trust.  The
names and ages of all executive  officers of the Trust and principal  occupation
and business  experience  during at least the last five years is discussed above
in "Information Regarding Trustees."

            Name                     Position
            -----                    --------
            Peter D. Anzo            President, Chief Executive Officer
                                     and Chairman of the Board of Trustees

            Stephanie A. Reed        Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

     The  following  sections of this Proxy  Statement set forth and discuss the
compensation  paid or awarded  during the last three years to the Trust's  Chief
Executive  Officer.  The Trust had no executive officers who earned in excess of
$100,000 during fiscal 1999.

- --------------------------

     The  following  table shows for the fiscal  years ended  December 31, 1997,
1998 and 1999 the annual  compensation  paid by the Trust to the Chief Executive
Officer and the four most highly  compensated  executive  officers who earned in
excess of $100,000 during fiscal year 1999.

                                                                         Long Term Compensation
                             Annual Compensation                        Awards             Payouts
                    ---------------------------------------     -----------------------------------
      (a)            (b)      (c)      (d)          (e)             (f)          (g)         (h)          (i)
                                               Other Annual     Restricted   Underlying     LTIP        All Other
                            Salary    Bonus    Compensation        Stock      Warrants/    Payouts    Compensation
                                                                 Award(s)      Options
                    Year      ($)      ($)          ($)             ($)          (#)         ($)          ($)

Peter D. Anzo (1)
President, Chief
Executive Officer   1999      --       --           --              --            --         --          --
and Chairman of     1998      --    40,000(2)       --              --        35,000(3)      --          --
the Board           1997      --       --           --              --         5,000(3)      --          --

     (1)  Mr.  Anzo did not  receive  salary  compensation  from the  Trust  for
          services  rendered  in his  capacity  as  President,  Chief  Executive
          Officer and  Chairman  of the Board of  Trustees  of the Trust  during
          fiscal  1999 or during the fiscal  years ended  December  31, 1998 and
          1997.  See  "Report  of the  Compensation  Committee  of the  Board of
          Trustees  on  Executive  Compensation  --  Compensation  Policies  for
          Executive Officers" below.

     (2)  Represents  a bonus in the  form of  10,000  Shares  that had a market
          value as of July 1, 1998, the date of the grant, of $40,000.

     (3)  Represents  stock options  granted  pursuant to the Trust's 1997 Stock
          Option and Incentive Plan.

- ---------------------------------

     No stock options were granted  during  fiscal 1999.  No stock  appreciation
rights ("SARs") have been granted.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

     The following  table sets forth the Shares  acquired and the value realized
upon exercise of stock options during fiscal 1999 by the Chief Executive Officer
(who is the only executive officer named in the Summary  Compensation Table) and
certain  information  concerning  the  number  and  value of  unexercised  stock
options. There are currently no outstanding SARs.

                    (a)            (b)            (c)                     (d)                                 (e)
                                                                  Number of Securities               Value of Unexercised
                                 Shares                          Underlying Unexercised              In-the-Money Options/
                                Acquired         Value       Options/Warrants at FY-End(#)        Warrants at FY-End (#) (1)
                                                             -----------------------------        ---------------------------
          Name               on Exercise(#)    Realized      Exercisable     Unexercisable        Exercisable   Unexercisable
          -------------      -------------     --------      -----------     -------------        -----------   -------------
          Peter D. Anzo             -              -          40,000              -                    -               -


     (1)  As  of  December  31,  1999,   Mr.   Anzo's  stock  options  were  not
          in-the-money  as the  market  value of the Shares was $4.00 per share,
          which was less than or equal to the exercise price of the options.

- -------------------------------------------------------------

     The sole member of the  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Trustees of
the Trust,  whose name is set forth below,  has prepared the following report on
the Trust's executive compensation policies and philosophy for fiscal 1999.

- -------

     During fiscal 1999, the Compensation  Committee  consisted of Mr. Ross, Mr.
Watts  and  Mr.  Greenblatt,  each  of  whom  was a  Non-Employee  Trustee.  The
Compensation  Committee  is generally  responsible  for  developing  the Trust's
executive and management compensation policies, including awards of equity-based
compensation.  As of the  date  of  this  report,  Mr.  Greenblatt  is the  only
remaining member of the Compensation Committee.

Compensation of Executive Officers
- ----------------------------------

Base Salary and Cash Bonuses

     Officers of the Trust historically have not received compensation for their
services provided to the Trust.  Until February 29, 1996, the date upon which an
affiliate of the Trust acquired approximately 73.3% of the outstanding Shares of
the Trust  pursuant to a tender  offer (the  "Tender  Offer"),  the Trust was an
externally-advised real estate investment trust (a "REIT"), and accordingly, the
Trust had no employees and no compensation  committee.  Upon the consummation of
the Tender Offer, the  relationship  with the Trust's advisor was terminated and
the Trust became self-administered and established a compensation committee.

     During  Fiscal  1999,  the  officers  of the  Trust  did not  receive  cash
compensation from the Trust for their services as officers.  While a majority of
their time was spent handling Trust affairs,  the officers were also officers of
The Vinings  Group,  Inc.  ("The Vinings  Group"),  a privately held real estate
company, from which they received compensation and benefits. Beginning August 1,
1999,  the Trust began  reimbursing  The Vinings Group for its pro rata share of
overhead  charges,  which includes  reimbursing The Vinings Group for a pro-rata
portion of the  salaries  and  benefits  for the  officers  and other  employees
providing  services  to  the  Trust.  See  "Certain  Relationships  and  Related
Transactions"  below.  Should any officers of the Trust become  employees and be
directly compensated by the Trust for such services,  the Compensation Committee
will  recommend  to  the  Board  of  Trustees  the  annual  salary,  any  salary
adjustments and any other benefits for executive  officers of the Trust,  all of
which will be targeted  according to the salaries of executives  holding similar
offices and having similar responsibilities within the Trust's industry segment.
The Compensation Committee may also consider factors such as industry experience
and executive retention.

Equity and Equity-Based Incentives

     Equity and equity-based incentive awards are designed to attract and retain
executives who can make significant contributions to the Trust's success, reward
executives for such significant  contributions and give executives a longer-term
incentive to increase  shareholder  value.  The size and frequency of equity and
equity-based  incentive  awards are  recommended to the Board of Trustees by the
Compensation   Committee,   taking  into  account  individual   performance  and
responsibilities,   but  without  any   specific   performance   measures.   The
Compensation  Committee may also recommend stock options for executive retention
purposes, taking into account, among other things, general industry practice. To
ensure that high levels of performance  occur over the long-term,  stock options
granted to  executives  typically  vest over a period of time.  All  outstanding
options have been  granted with an exercise  price equal to or in excess of 100%
of the fair market value of the Trust's Shares on the grant date.

     The 1997 Incentive Plan is the principal vehicle by which the Trust intends
to achieve the executive  compensation  policy objective of providing  long-term
incentives  to executive  officers that will more closely align the interests of
such  executives  with those of the Trust's  shareholders.  Pursuant to the 1997
Incentive Plan, the Compensation  Committee may recommend a variety of long-term
incentive awards based on the Shares of the Trust, including stock options (both
incentive  options  and   non-qualified   options),   SARs,   restricted  stock,
unrestricted stock, performance shares and dividend equivalent rights.

     No long-term incentive awards were made or granted during fiscal 1999.

Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer
- -------------------------------------------

Mr. Peter D. Anzo

     Mr. Anzo  currently  does not receive  cash  compensation  for  services he
provides to the Trust as its Chief Executive Officer. See "Compensation Policies
for Executive Officers" above.

Federal Tax Regulations Applicable to Executive Compensation
- ------------------------------------------------------------

     As a result of Section  162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code (the  "Code"),
the Trust's  deduction  of executive  compensation  may be limited to the extent
that a "covered  employee" (i.e., the chief executive officer or one of the four
highest  compensated  officers  who is  employed  on the last day of the Trust's
taxable year) receives compensation in excess of $1,000,000 in such taxable year
of the Trust (other than performance-based compensation that otherwise meets the
requirements  of  Section  162(m)  of the  Code).  The  Trust  intends  to  take
appropriate  action  to comply  with such  regulations,  if  applicable,  in the

Phill D. Greenblatt

- -----------------------------------------------------------

     Although  not  members  of  the  Compensation  Committee,   Mr.  Anzo,  the
President,  Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the
Trust, and Ms. Reed, Vice President,  Secretary,  Treasurer and a Trustee of the
Trust,  will make general  recommendations  to and review with the  Compensation
Committee  the  salary  increases  and  bonus  compensation  of  executives  and
management other than themselves.

     On February 4, 1999, Mr. Watts purchased the Trust's line of credit and the
Trust paid  interest  to Mr.  Watts  monthly at the rate of 8.50% from such date
through April 27, 1999,  at which time the Trust  obtained a new line of credit.
The  entire  proceeds  from  the new  line of  credit  were  used to  repay  the
outstanding  indebtedness to Mr. Watts. For a detailed discussion,  see "Certain
Relationships and Related Transactions" below.

- ------------------------------------

     Set forth below is a line graph comparing the yearly  percentage  change in
the  cumulative  total  shareholder  return  on  the  Trust's  Shares  with  the
cumulative  total return of the National  Association of Real Estate  Investment
Trusts'  ("NAREIT") Equity REIT Total Return Index (the "Equity REIT Index") and
companies on the Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 Stock Index.  The returns are based
on the market price of the Shares and assume the reinvestment of dividends.  The
calculation of total  cumulative  return assumes a $100 investment in the Shares
on December 31, 1994.  The  comparisons in this table are historical and are not
intended to forecast or be  indicative  of possible  future  performance  of the
Trust's Shares.

                                               1994      1995      1996
                                               ----      ----      ----
Vinings Investment Properties Trust            $100       106       176
NAREIT Equity Index                            $100       115       156
S&P 500 Index                                  $100       125       138

                                               1997     1998     1999
                                               ----     ----     ----
Vinings Investment Properties Trust            176       154      136
NAREIT Equity Index                            188       155      148
S&P 500 Index                                  153       163      169


     The  following  table sets forth,  to the best  knowledge and belief of the
Trust,  certain  information  regarding the beneficial  ownership of the Trust's
Shares  as of March  31,  2000 by (i) each  person  known by the Trust to be the
beneficial  owner of more than 5% of the  outstanding  Shares,  (ii) each of the
Trustees,  (iii) each of the executive officers of the Trust and (iv) all of the
Trust's executive officers and Trustees as a group. Unless otherwise  indicated,
the address for those listed below is c/o Vinings  Investment  Properties Trust,
2839 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 1170, Atlanta, GA 30339.

                 Trustees, Executive Officers                          Beneficially          Percent of
                 and 5% Shareholders                                    Owned (1)             Class (2)
                 ----------------------------                          ------------          ----------

         Kinder Gelt, L.P..............................................  588,235  (3)          34.83%
         2700 Delk Road
         Suite 100
         Marietta, GA 30067

         Strico Vinings, LLC...........................................  470,588  (3)          29.95%
         6065 Roswell Road
         Suite 800
         Atlanta, GA 30328

         Watts Agent, L.P..............................................  470,588  (3)          29.95%
         1006 Trammel Street
         Dalton, GA 30720

         Lawrence Cooper...............................................  235,294  (3)          17.61%
         1150 Lake Hearn Drive
         Suite 650
         Atlanta, GA 30342

         Sylco, L.P....................................................  117,647  (3)           9.66%
         1150 Lake Hearn Drive
         Suite 650
         Atlanta, GA 30342

         VIP Management, LLC...........................................  100,000                9.09%

         Hirsch Investments, LLC.......................................   77,000                7.00%
         2700 Delk Road
         Suite 100
         Marietta, GA 30067

         Peter D. Anzo.................................................  716,640  (4)          61.67%
         Stephanie A. Reed.............................................   51,983  (5)           4.62%
         John A. Christy...............................................      600  (6)             *
         Phill D. Greenblatt...........................................   61,917  (7)           5.44%
         Henry Hirsch..................................................  668,749  (8)          38.70%
         All Trustees and officers as a group (5 persons)              1,499,889 (9)           82.37%

         Less than 1%

(1)  Beneficial  share ownership is determined  pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under the
     Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended.  Accordingly,  a beneficial
     owner of a  security  includes  any person  who,  directly  or  indirectly,
     through any contract, arrangement, understanding, relationship or otherwise
     has or shares  the power to vote such  security  or the power to dispose of
     such security.  The amounts set forth above as  beneficially  owned include
     Shares owned or controlled,  if any, by spouses and relatives living in the
     same home as to which beneficial ownership may be disclaimed.  For purposes
     of Rule 13d-3, a person is deemed to be the beneficial  owner of a security
     if such  person has the right to acquire  voting or  investment  power with
     respect to such security within 60 days.

(2)  Percentages are calculated on the basis of 1,100,491 Shares  outstanding as
     of  March  31,  2000,  together  with  applicable  options  or  convertible
     securities of each shareholder exercisable for Shares within 60 days of the
     date of this proxy statement.

(3)  The  Shares  reported  may be  acquired  within 60 days of the date of this
     proxy  statement by  conversion  of the  preferred  units of the  Operating
     Partnership  into  Shares  on a  one-for-one  basis  at the  option  of the
     shareholder,  or at the  election of the Trust into an amount of cash equal
     to the fair market value of the Shares at the time of the conversion.

(4)  Mr. Anzo's  holdings can be summarized as follows:  (a) 555,125 Shares held
     directly;  (b) 100,000  Shares held  indirectly  through  entities  that he
     currently  controls;  (c) 40,000  vested stock  options;  (d) 10,758 common
     units of the Operating  Partnership held indirectly  through an entity that
     he controls;  and (e) 10,757 common units of the Operating Partnership held
     directly.  Mr.  Anzo's  stock  options and common units may be exercised or
     converted into Shares on a one-for-one  basis within 60 days of the date of
     this proxy statement.

(5)  Ms. Reed's  holdings can be  summarized as follows:  (a) 27,718 Shares held
     directly;  (b) 12,500 vested stock options;  and (c) 11,765 preferred units
     of the Operating Partnership held directly. Ms. Reed's stock options may be
     exercised  within 60 days of the date of this report.  Ms. Reed's preferred
     units may be converted into Shares on a one-for-one basis at her option, or
     at the  election  of the  Trust,  into an amount of cash  equal to the fair
     market value of the Shares at the time of the conversion, within 60 days of
     the date of this proxy statement.

(6)  Mr.  Christy  disclaims  beneficial  ownership  of the 600  Shares as these
     shares are owned by his wife.

(7)  Mr. Greenblatt's  holdings can be summarized as follows:  (a) 24,005 Shares
     held  directly;  (b) 8,500 vested stock options;  and (c) 29,412  preferred
     units of the Operating  Partnership held directly.  Mr.  Greenblatt's stock
     options may be  exercised  within 60 days of the date of this  report.  Mr.
     Greenblatt's  preferred units may be converted into Shares on a one-for-one
     basis at his option,  or at the  election  of the Trust,  into an amount of
     cash  equal  to the fair  market  value  of the  Shares  at the time of the
     conversion, within 60 days of the date of this proxy statement.

(8)  Mr. Hirsch's holdings may be summarized as follows:  (a) 60,012 Shares held
     directly;  (b) 8,500 vested stock options;  (b) 588,235  preferred units of
     the  Operating  partnership  held  indirectly  through  an  entity  that he
     currently  controls and (c) 12,002  Shares held in trust for the benefit of
     others,  of which Mr. Hirsch's wife is a trustee.  Mr. Hirsch may be deemed
     to  beneficially  own the 12,002 Shares by virtue of the fact that his wife
     is a co-trustee. Mr. Hirsch expressly disclaims beneficial ownership of the
     12,002  Shares held in trust and the filing of this proxy  statement  shall
     not be deemed an admission that Mr. Hirsch is the beneficial  owner of such
     Shares.  Mr. Hirsch's stock options may be exercised  within 60 days of the
     date of this report.  Mr.  Hirsch's  preferred  units may be converted into
     Shares on a  one-for-one  basis at his  option,  or at the  election of the
     Trust,  into an amount of cash equal to the fair market value of the Shares
     at the time of the  conversion  within  60 days of the  date of this  proxy

(9)  The  Trustees'  and officers'  holdings,  as a group,  may be summarized as
     follows:  (a)  666,860  Shares  held  directly;  (b)  112,602  Shares  held
     indirectly through currently controlled  entities;  (c) 69,500 vested stock
     options;  (d)  10,757  common  units  of  the  Operating  Partnership  held
     directly;  (e)  10,758  common  units  of the  Operating  Partnership  held
     indirectly;  (f) 41,177  preferred units of the Operating  Partnership held
     directly; and (g) 588,235 preferred units of the Operating Partnership held
     indirectly.  The Trustees' and officers'  stock  options,  common units and
     preferred units may be exercisable for or converted into an equal number of
     Shares within 60 days of the date of this proxy statement.


                                CHANGE OF CONTROL

     The Trust has experienced a change of control since the beginning of fiscal
1999. As of January 1, 1999, the Trust had four significant beneficial owners of
its Shares:  Financial & Investment  Management Group,  Ltd. - 28.24%,  Peter D.
Anzo - 12.13%,  Martin H.  Petersen - 8.73% and Clifford K. Watts - 8.18%.  As a
result  of the  transactions  described  below,  Mr.  Anzo  now  is the  primary
beneficial owner of the Trust's Shares,  holding 61.67% of the Trust's Shares as
of the date of this proxy statement.  All information  regarding Share ownership
has been derived from the most recently filed Schedule 13D for such person.

     o    Effective March 1, 2000, in a private  transaction which was completed
          approximately March 17, 2000, Mr. Anzo acquired  beneficial  ownership
          of an additional 547,982 Shares of the Trust.

     o    Of the  547,982  Shares  acquired  by Mr.  Anzo,  437,225  Shares were
          acquired  directly  by Mr.  Anzo for an  aggregate  purchase  price of
          $2,382,876.  The  consideration for the purchase of the 437,225 Shares
          was  comprised of four  sources:  (1) a personal loan to Mr. Anzo from
          Watts  Agent,  L.P.  dated March 1, 2000 in the amount of  $1,285,000,
          which  is  secured  by a  pledge  of  566,966  of Mr.  Anzo's  Shares,
          evidenced by the Margin Stock Pledge  Agreement  and the  Amendment to
          the Margin Stock Pledge  Agreement  both dated as of March 1, 2000 and
          which have been filed as exhibits  to Mr.  Anzo's  Amendment  No. 4 to
          Schedule  13D  filed on May 2,  2000 and are  incorporated  herein  by
          reference,  (2) a draw on a  home-equity  line of credit from  Regions
          Bank in the amount of $500,000 which has also been filed as an exhibit
          to Mr. Anzo's Amendment No. 4 to Schedule 13D filed on May 2, 2000 and
          is  incorporated  herein by  reference,  (3) an  exchange  of  certain
          partnership interests and other economic interests held by Mr. Anzo in
          certain  real  estate  investments  with one of the  sellers of Shares
          totaling $400,003, and (4) certain personal funds of Mr. Anzo.

     o    100,000 of these Shares were acquired for an aggregate  purchase price
          of $545,000 by VIP Management, LLC ("VIP"). By virtue of his ownership
          interest in VIP,  Mr. Anzo may be deemed the  beneficial  owner of the
          securities over which VIP has voting and dispositive power.

     o    Mr. Anzo has the right to acquire  the  remaining  10,757  Shares upon
          conversion of an equal number of  partnership  interests (the "Units")
          in Vinings Investment Properties,  L.P. (the "Operating Partnership").
          The Units were  acquired for an aggregate  purchase  price of $58,626.
          The  consideration  for  the  purchase  of the  10,757  Units  was the
          exchange of certain partnership interests and other economic interests
          held by Mr. Anzo in certain real estate investments with the seller of
          the Units.


     The  Trust  is a party  to  certain  management  agreements  with  VIP,  an
affiliate  of Mr.  Anzo and Ms.  Reed,  to provide  management  services  to the
properties  owned by the  Trust.  A total of  $455,447  in  management  and data
processing fees was incurred by the Trust during 1999. In addition,  during 1999
VIP  provided a number of  services  to the Trust  relating  to  administrative,
acquisition and capital and asset advisory  services.  Certain direct costs paid
on  Vinings'  behalf  were  reimbursed  to VIP and VIP has  charged  Vinings for
certain overhead charges.  Beginning August 1, 1999, the Trust also paid for its
pro-rata share of rent, administrative and other overhead charges, including the
reimbursement  for a pro-rata  portion of salaries and benefits for the officers
and other  employees  providing  services to the Trust which  totaled  $265,280.
These payments to VIP represent  greater than 5% of VIP's gross revenues for its
last full  fiscal  year.  Mr.  Anzo may be deemed to have an  indirect  material
interest in these  transactions  because he is a managing member of VIP and owns
95% of its membership interests. Ms. Reed may also be deemed to have an indirect
material interest in these transactions because she is also a managing member of
VIP and owns the remaining 5% of VIP's membership  interests.  The Trust expects
that VIP will continue to provide  management,  administrative,  acquisition and
capital and asset advisory services to the Trust in the current fiscal year.

     In connection with Vinings' acquisition of eight multifamily communities in
Mississippi on May 1, 1999, MFI Realty,  Inc., ("MFI"), an affiliate of Mr. Anzo
and Ms. Reed, received an acquisition fee from Vinings totaling $400,276,  which
represents  greater  than 5% of MFI's  gross  revenues  for its last full fiscal
year.  Mr.  Anzo is an  officer  of MFI and may be  deemed  to have an  indirect
material  interest in this  transaction  as a result of his  majority  ownership
interest in the parent company that owns MFI. Ms. Reed is also an officer of MFI
and may be deemed to have an indirect material interest in this transaction as a
result of her minority  ownership  interest in the parent company that owns MFI.
The Trust  does not  expect  to pay any  additional  fees to MFI in its  current
fiscal year unless MFI presents the Trust with another acquisition opportunity.

     On June 28,  1998 the Trust  renewed  its line of  credit in the  amount of
$2,000,000 for six months, which expired on December 28, 1998. The Trust did not
renew the line of credit at that time and the bank  informally  extended the due
date to February 4, 1999 with  interest  continuing to be paid monthly until the
Trust secured  alternative  financing.  On February 4, 1999 Mr. Watts, who was a
Trustee at the time,  purchased  the line of credit  from the bank and the Trust
paid  interest to Mr.  Watts  monthly at the annual rate of 8.50% from such date
through April 27, 1999. At that time,  the Trust  obtained a new line of credit,
the entire proceeds of which were used to repay the outstanding  indebtedness to
Mr. Watts.

     The Trust believes that all of the above relationships and transactions are
fair and reasonable and are on terms at least as favorable to the Trust as those
which might have been obtained with unrelated third parties.


     The Trust's  officers,  Trustees and beneficial  owners of more than 10% of
the Trust's  Shares are required under Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act to file
reports of ownership and changes in ownership  with the  Securities and Exchange
Commission.  Copies of those reports must also be furnished to the Trust.  Based
solely on a review of the copies of reports and amendments  thereto furnished to
the Trust,  the Trust  believes  that during its 1999 fiscal year, no person who
was a Trustee,  officer  or greater  than 10%  beneficial  owner of the  Trust's
Shares  failed to file on a timely basis any report  required by Section  16(a),
except that the following individuals had late filings during fiscal 1999: Peter
D. Anzo (Form 5 for purchase of common units in the Operating Partnership); Phil
Greenblatt   (Form  4  for  purchase  of  preferred   units  in  the   Operating
Partnership);  Henry  Hirsch  (Form 4 for  purchase  of  preferred  units in the
Operating Partnership);  Martin H. Petersen (Form 5 for purchase of common units
in the  Operating  Partnership);  Stephanie  Reed  (Form 4 for the  purchase  of
preferred units in the Operating Partnership); and Gilbert H. Watts, Jr. (Form 4
for the purchase of preferred units in the Operating Partnership).


     Shareholder  proposals that are intended to be presented at the 2001 annual
meeting of  shareholders of the Trust must be received by the Trust on or before
February 10, 2001 in order to be  considered  for inclusion in the Trust's proxy
statement  for  such  meeting.  Such  a  proposal  must  also  comply  with  the
requirements  as to form  and  substance  established  by the SEC in order to be
included in the proxy  statement and should be directed to:  Secretary,  Vinings
Investment  Properties  Trust,  2839 Paces Ferry Road, Suite 1170,  Atlanta,  GA

                              INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

     The Board of Trustees has selected the firm of Habif,  Arogeti & Wynne LLP,
independent public accountants,  as the auditors of the financial  statements of
the Trust and its  subsidiaries  for its current fiscal year ending December 31,
2000.  A member of Habif,  Arogeti & Wynne  LLP will be  present  at the  Annual
Meeting and will be given the  opportunity to make a statement and to answer any
questions any shareholder  may have with respect to the financial  statements of
the Trust for fiscal 1999.

     The following disclosure appeared in the Trust's Current Report on Form 8-K
filed with the SEC on February 23, 2000.

     On  February  17,  2000,  the  Trust  dismissed   Arthur  Andersen  LLP  as
independent  public  accountants  for the  Trust.  For the  fiscal  years  ended
December 31, 1997 and 1998 ("fiscal 1997" and fiscal 1998"), Arthur Andersen LLP
had examined and reported upon the Trust's  financial  statements and had served
as the Trust's independent public  accountants.  For fiscal 1999 and through the
dismissal  of Arthur  Andersen LLP on February  17,  2000,  Arthur  Andersen LLP
served as the Trust's  independent public accountants but did not examine and/or
report upon the Trust's fiscal 1999 financial statements.

     On February 17, 2000, the Trust engaged Habif,  Arogeti & Wynne, LLP as the
independent  public accountants to examine and report upon the Trust's financial
statements  for  Fiscal  1999.  The  change in  independent  public  accountants
followed a decision by  management  and approval by the Audit  Committee and the
Board of  Trustees,  that it was in the  best  interest  of the of the  Trust to
review the relationship  between the Trust and its independent public accounting
firm with respect to services  provided and fees  charged.  The Audit  Committee
solicited and received a proposal from and interviewed  Habif,  Arogeti & Wynne,
LLP  concerning  audit and certain tax  services to be provided  for fiscal 1999
prior to making the decision to dismiss Arthur Andersen LLP and to engage Habif,
Arogeti & Wynne,  LLP.  During the Trust's two most recent  fiscal years and any
subsequent interim period prior to engaging Habif,  Arogeti & Wynne LLP, neither
the  Trust  nor  anyone  on its  behalf  consulted  Habif,  Arogeti  & Wynne LLP
regarding any matter described in Item 304(a)(2)(i) or (ii) of Regulation S-K.

     In  connection  with the audits of fiscal  1997 and fiscal 1998 and through
the  dismissal  of Arthur  Andersen  LLP on  February  17,  2000,  there were no
disagreements with Arthur Andersen LLP on any matter of accounting principles or
practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope of procedure, which
disagreements  if not resolved to their  satisfaction  would have caused them to
make  reference to the subject  matter of the  disagreement  in connection  with
their  report.  During the Trust's two most recent  fiscal years and through the
dismissal  of Arthur  Andersen  LLP on February  17,  2000,  none of the kind of
events  listed  in  paragraphs  (A)  through  (D) of  Item  304  (a)  (1) (v) of
Regulation S-K occurred.

     Neither of the audit  reports of Arthur  Andersen  LLP on the  consolidated
financial  statements of the Trust for fiscal 1997 nor fiscal 1998 contained any
adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion, nor were they qualified or modified as
to uncertainty, audit scope, or accounting principles.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The  Board of  Trustees  does  not know of any  matters  other  than  those
described  in this  Proxy  Statement  that will be  presented  for action at the
Annual Meeting.  If other matters are duly  presented,  proxies will be voted in
accordance with the best judgment of the proxy holders.

     Whether  or not you plan to attend the  Annual  Meeting in person,  you are
requested to  complete,  date,  sign and return the  enclosed  proxy card in the
enclosed envelope that requires no postage if mailed in the United States.