Exhibit (d) (2)

                          MARGIN STOCK PLEDGE AGREEMENT

     THIS  STOCK  PLEDGE  AGREEMENT  ("Agreement")  is made as of the 1st day of
March,  2000 by Peter D.  Anzo  ("Pledgor"),  in  favor  of  Watts  Agent,  L.P.


     WHEREAS,  Pledgor  owns  common  shares of  beneficial  interest in Vinings
Investment  Properties  Trust,  a  Massachusetts  Business  Trust (the  "Vinings

     WHEREAS,  Lender agreed to make a loan (the "Loan") to Pledgor evidenced by
a Promissory  Note of even date herewith in the face amount of  $1,285,000  (the
"Secured Note") to acquire  additional  Vinings REIT common shares provided that
566,966  Vinings REIT common shares (the "Pledged  Stock") are pledged to Lender
as collateral for the Loan.

     WHEREAS, Lender and Pledgor are also parties to that certain Units Purchase
and Sale  Agreement of even date  herewith  with respect to purchase of Series A
Preferred  Units in the operating  partnership  for the Vinings REIT (the "Units
Purchase  Agreement") and Lender has required that the Pledged Stock also secure
the obligations of Pledgor under the Units Purchase Agreement.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  to induce  Lender to make the Loan to  Borrower,  Pledgor
hereby agrees as follows:

     1. PLEDGE.  Pledgor hereby grants a security  interest to Lender in 100% of
the  Pledged  Stock.  Pledgor  shall  evidence  such  grant  on the  face of the
certificate(s)   of  the   Pledged   Stock  and   deliver  the  same  to  Lender
contemporaneously  herewith. Lender shall hold the Pledged Stock as security for
repayment of the Loan.

     2. MARGIN  COVENANTS.  Pledgor shall maintain margin coverage such that the
"Market  Value" (as  hereinafter  defined) of the Pledged Stock is not less than
200% of the outstanding  principal balance of the indebtedness  evidenced by the
Secured Note as such value and  indebtedness may fluctuate from time to time. In
the event that the Market Value of the Pledged  Stock shall be less than 200% of
the outstanding  principal balance of the indebtedness  evidenced by the Secured
Note for not less than 30 consecutive  days, then Lender shall have the right by
written notice (a "Margin Call") to require Pledgor (at Pledgor's option) either
to deliver  additional  Vinings REIT common  shares as Pledged  Stock under this
Agreement  such that the Market Value of all Pledged  Stock shall equal not less
than 200% of the outstanding principal balance of the indebtedness  evidenced by
the Secured Note or to make a partial payment of outstanding  principal  balance
of the indebtedness  evidenced by the Secured Note such that the Market Value of
the Pledged  Stock shall equal not less than 200% of the  outstanding  principal
balance of the indebtedness evidenced by the Secured Note as so reduced. For the
purpose of this  Agreement,  Market  Value  shall refer to the closing bid price
reported  for the  Vinings  REIT  common  shares  on  NASDAQ  daily  reports  of
over-the-counter  sales;  provided,  however,  that  Market  Value  shall be the
average of the daily bid and asked  prices for  Vinings  REIT  during the thirty
(30) day period  prior to the  effective  date on which the Vinings REIT becomes
ineligible  for the NASDAQ  over-the-counter  market,  exclusive of any trade by
Pledgor, Gilbert H. Watts, or their affiliates or controlled entities.

an Event of Default (as  hereinafter  defined) shall be continuing,  the Pledgor
shall be entitled to vote any and all of the  Pledged  Stock and give  consents,
waivers and ratifications in respect of the Pledged Stock, provided that no vote
shall be cast,  and no consent,  waiver or  ratification  shall be given,  which
would be inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Agreement, or any other
instrument or agreement referred to herein.

     4. REMEDIES IN CASE OF AN EVENT OF DEFAULT.  If any of the following events
(individually herein called an "Event of Default") shall happen, that is to say:

          (a) if default shall be made in the payment or performance when due of
     any obligation in any document evidencing or securing the Loan,  including,
     without limitation, the Secured Note; or

          (b) if default shall be made in the due  observance or  performance of
     any  covenant or  agreement  on the part of the Pledgor  contained  in this
     Agreement or the Units  Purchase  Agreement,  and such  default  shall have
     continued for a period of ten (10) days after written  notice thereof shall
     have been given to the Pledgor by the Lender; or
          (c) if Pledgor shall fail to provide additional  security or to reduce
     the  principal  balance of the Secured  Note in  accordance  with Section 2
     hereof in this thirty (30) days  following  written demand from Lender then
     and in every case,

               A.  Good  title  to  the   Pledged   Stock   shall   totally  and
          unconditionally  pass,  at the option of the Lender to be exercised by
          notice to the Pledgor, to the Lender.

               B. If an Event of Default shall be continuing, in addition to its
          rights under this Agreement,  the Lender may exercise its rights under
          the Georgia Uniform  Commercial Code and any other rights existing for
          the benefit of Lender at law or in equity,  it being expressly  agreed
          that the Lender may,  at its sole  option,  exercise  such rights with
          respect  to  less  than  all  of  the  Pledged  Stock  such  as,  more
          specifically,  with  respect  only to  distributions  and  proceeds in
          respect of the  Pledged  Stock,  leaving  unexercised  its rights with
          respect to the remainder of the Pledged Stock; provided, however, that
          such  partial  exercise  shall in no way  restrict or  jeopardize  the
          Lender's  right to exercise  its rights with respect to all or another
          portion  of the  remainder  of the  Pledged  Stock at a later  time or
          times. In addition,  the Lender may, from time to time,  sell,  assign
          and  deliver  the Pledged  Stock or any  interest  therein or any part
          thereof,  at one or more  private  sales or public  auctions,  with or
          without demand,  advertisement  or notice of the time or place of sale
          or adjournment thereof or otherwise,  for cash, on credit or for other
          property,  for  immediate  or future  delivery,  and for such price or
          prices  and on such  terms as the  Lender in its sole  discretion  may
          determine,  the Pledgor hereby waiving and releasing any and all right
          or equity  of  redemption  whether  before  or after  sale  hereunder;
          provided, that notice of any such private sale or public auction shall
          be given to the  Pledgor  at least ten (10) days  before  such sale or
          action and  provided,  further,  that in the case of any such  private
          sale,  such notice to the Pledgor  shall also contain the terms of the
          proposed  sale,  and the  Pledgor  shall  have  until the time of said
          proposed sale in which to redeem the Pledged Stock to be so sold or to
          procure a purchaser  willing,  ready and able to purchase  the Pledged
          Stock to be sold on terms more  favorable to the Lender than those set
          forth in such  notice,  and if such a  purchaser  is so  produced  the
          Lender shall sell such Pledged Stock to be so sold to such  purchaser.
          In the event of any sale hereunder,  the Lender shall, after deducting
          all costs and expenses of the Lender  actually  incurred in exercising
          its rights hereunder (including,  without limitation,  reasonable fees
          and  expenses of counsel for the Lender) and all costs and expenses of
          the Lender for the care, safekeeping, collection, sale and delivery of
          the Pledged Stock which were actually  incurred during the continuance
          of any Event of Default, apply the proceeds of the sale to the payment
          or  reduction,  in whole or in part,  of the  amounts  secured by this
          Agreement.  Any  balance  thereafter  remaining  shall  be paid to the
          person legally entitled  thereto.  The Lender may bid for and purchase
          for its  account  the whole or any part of the  Pledged  Stock so sold
          free from any such right or equity of redemption.

               C.  Neither  failure  nor  delay  on the  part of the  Lender  to
          exercise any right,  remedy, power or privilege provided for herein or
          by statute or at law or in equity shall  operate as a waiver  thereof,
          nor shall any single or partial  exercise of any such  right,  remedy,
          power or privilege  preclude any other or further  exercise thereof or
          the exercise of any other right, remedy, power or privilege.

               D. The Pledgor recognizes that, in taking action pursuant to this
          Paragraph  4, the Lender may be unable to effect a public  sale of all
          or of a part of the  Pledged  Stock by reason of certain  requirements
          contained in the  Securities  Act of 1933, as amended,  or any similar
          federal statute then in effect, or the applicable  securities or "blue
          sky" laws of one or more other  jurisdictions  (such act,  statute and
          laws being herein  collectively  called the "Securities Act"), but may
          deem it  necessary  or  appropriate  to resort to one or more  private
          sales to a  restricted  group of  purchasers  who will be obligated to
          agree,  among other things, to acquire the Pledged Stock for their own
          account,  for  investment and not with a view to the  distribution  or
          sale thereof.  The Pledgor  agrees that such private sales so made may
          be at prices and on other terms less  favorable  to the seller than if
          the  Pledged  Stock were sold at public  sales,  and the Lender has no
          obligation  to delay sale of the Pledged  Stock for the period of time
          necessary  to permit the  Company to register  the  Pledged  Stock for
          public sale under the Securities  Act. The Pledgor agrees that private
          sales made under the foregoing  circumstances  shall be deemed to have
          been made in a  commercially  reasonable  manner and waives any claims
          against the Lender arising by reason of any such private sale.
     5. PARTIAL RELEASE. In the event that the Market Value of the Pledged Stock
shall  exceed  200% of the  outstanding  principal  balance of the  indebtedness
evidenced by the Secured Note for 30 consecutive days and no uncured or unwaived
default  shall  exist under the Secured  Note,  Pledgor  shall have the right by
notice to Lender (a  "Release  Notice")  to have  Lender  release  shares of the
Pledged  Stock to Pledgor  such that the Market Value of the  remaining  Pledged
Stock  is not  less  than  200%  of the  outstanding  principal  balance  of the
indebtedness evidenced by the Secured Note. Release of Pledged Stock pursuant to
Release Notice may occur at any time but not more frequently than four (4) times
in any  twelve  (12) month  period;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that  Lender  shall be
entitled  to retain  $425,000  in market  value of Pledged  Stock until both the
Secured Note has been paid in full and Anzo has performed its obligations  under
the Units Purchase Agreement.

     Anything to the contrary notwithstanding,  Pledgor shall always be entitled
to release of the A&P, Inc. stock in exchange for a payment of $294,000.

     6.   NOTICES.   All  notices,   demands,   consents,   requests  and  other
communications  required or  permitted to be made or given  hereunder,  shall be
given and deemed  effective  in  accordance  with the notice  provisions  of the
Secured Note.

     7.  AMENDMENT,  SUCCESSION  AND  HEADINGS.  Neither this  Agreement nor any
provisions  hereof may be amended,  modified,  waived,  discharged or terminated
orally,  but only by an instrument in writing duly signed by or on behalf of the
Pledgor and the Lender.  This  Agreement  may be assigned by Lender and shall be
binding  upon the  Pledgor,  the Lender  and their  respective  heirs,  personal
representatives,  successors and assigns. The captions in this Agreement are for
convenient reference only and shall not define or limit the provisions hereof.

     8.  OBLIGATIONS  NOT  IMPAIRED.   The  Pledgor  hereby  waives   diligence,
presentment, demand, protest and notice of any kind whatsoever in respect to the
Loan or the Pledged Stock,  as well as any  requirement  that the Lender exhaust
any right or remedy or take any action in connection  therewith or in connection
with  this  Agreement,  or any  other  instrument  evidencing,  guaranteeing  or
securing the Loan. No right or remedy herein  conferred  upon or reserved to the
Lender is intended to be exclusive of any other right or remedy,  and the Lender
may  exercise  all rights  and  remedies  given  hereunder  or now or  hereafter
existing at law or in equity. The obligations of the Pledgor hereunder shall not
be affected or impaired by reason of the  happening  from time to time of any of
the following, although without notice to or the consent of the Pledgor:

          (a) the waiver by the Lender of the  performance  or observance by any
     other person or entity with regard to the Loan;

          (b) the voluntary or involuntary liquidation, dissolution, sale of all
     or substantially all of the assets,  marshalling of assets and liabilities,
     receivership,  conservatorship,  insolvency, bankruptcy, assignment for the
     benefit of  creditors,  reorganization,  arrangement,  winding up, or other
     similar proceedings affecting the Pledgor, or any Company;

          (c) the release by operation of law or any other person or entity from
     the performance or observance of any of the agreements, covenants, terms or
     conditions contained in the documents or instruments evidencing or securing
     the Loan.

     9.  FINANCIAL  STATEMENTS.  Secured  Party  shall  provide  Lender with his
current  financial  statement  annually and with copies of the monthly financial
statements   for  the  Vinings   REIT,   and  Lender   agrees  to  maintain  the
confidentiality of such financial statements.

     10. INVALIDITY. In the event any one or more of the provisions contained in
this  Agreement  shall,  for  any  reason,  be held to be  invalid,  illegal  or
unenforceable in any respect,  such invalidity,  illegality or  unenforceability
shall,  at the option of the  Lender,  not affect  any other  provision  of this
Agreement,  but this Agreement shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or
unenforceable provision had never been contained herein or therein.

     11.  GOVERNING  LAW.  This  Agreement  shall be governed by the laws of the
State of Georgia.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the Pledgor has executed this Agreement under seal
as of the date first set forth above.


                                                     /s/ Peter D. Anzo
                                                     Peter D. Anzo