RECORDATION RETURN TO:

                             R. Russell Berry, Esq.
                     Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC
                     1275 Peachtree Street, N.E., Suite 700
                             Atlanta, Georgia 30339


                             DEED TO SECURE DEBT AND
                               SECURITY AGREEMENT

                                 by and between

                     THICKET APARTMENTS, L.P., as mortgagor

                  UNIVEST MORTGAGE CAPITAL, LLC, as mortgagee

                              Dated: June 27, 1996

                          Location: Thicket Apartments
                             5816 Covington Highway
                      Decatur, DeKalb County, Georgia 30035


made as of the 27th day of June, 1996, by THICKET  APARTMENTS,  L.P., a Delaware
limited  partnership  having its principal  place of business at 3111 Paces Mill
Road,  Suite A-200,  Atlanta,  Georgia 30339  ("Borrower")  to UNIVEST  MORTGAGE
CAPITAL,  LLC, a Georgia limited liability company having its principal place of
business at Six  Concourse  Parkway,  Suite 1400,  Atlanta,  Georgia  30328-5346


     To secure the  payment of an  indebtedness  in the  principal  sum of SEVEN
lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid with interest according
to a certain  Promissory  Note dated the date  hereof made by Borrower to Lender
with a maturity date of July 1, 2003 (the note,  together  with all  extensions,
renewals or modifications  thereof,  being hereinafter  collectively  called the
"Note") (said indebtedness,  interest and all other sums due hereunder and under
the  Note  or the  Other  Security  Documents,  as  hereinafter  defined,  being
collectively called the "Debt"),  Borrower,  for and in consideration of the sum
of Ten  ($10.00)  Dollars and other  valuable  consideration  in hand paid,  the
receipt of which hereby is acknowledged,  and the further  consideration,  uses,
purposes and trusts herein set forth and declared, has granted, bargained, sold,
transferred,  assigned, set- over and conveyed and by these presents does hereby
grant, bargain, sell, mortgage,  convey, assign,  transfer,  pledge and set over
unto Lender and unto his successors in the trust hereby created and his assigns,
forever,  all of  Borrower's  right,  title and  interest  in the real  property
described  in Exhibit  "A"  attached  hereto  (the  "Land")  and the  buildings,
structures,  fixtures,  additions,  enlargements,   extensions,   modifications,
repairs,  replacements and  improvements  now or hereafter  located thereon (the

     TOGETHER WITH: all right, title, interest and estate of Borrower now owned,
or hereafter acquired, in and to the following property,  rights,  interests and
estates (the Land,  the  Improvements,  together  with the  following  property,
rights, interests and estates, being hereinafter collectively referred to as the

     (a) all easements,  rights-of-way, strips and gores of land, streets, ways,
alleys,  passages,  sewer rights, water, water courses, water rights and powers,
air rights and development rights, and all estates,  rights, titles,  interests,
privileges, liberties, tenements,  hereditaments and appurtenances of any nature
whatsoever,  in any way  belonging,  relating or  pertaining to the Land and the
Improvements and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, and all
land lying in the bed of any  street,  road or avenue,  opened or  proposed,  in
front of or adjoining  the Land, to the center line thereof and all the estates,
rights,  titles,  interests,  dower and rights of dower,  curtesy  and rights of
curtesy, property,  possession,  claim and demand whatsoever, both at law and in
equity,  of Borrower of, in and to the Land and the  Improvements and every part
and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances thereto;

     (b) all machinery,  furnishings,  equipment,  fixtures (including,  but not
limited to, all heating, air conditioning,  plumbing,  lighting,  communications
and elevator  fixtures) and other  property of every kind and nature  whatsoever
owned by Borrower,  or in which  Borrower has or shall have an interest,  now or
hereafter  located upon the Land and the Improvements,  or appurtenant  thereto,
and usable in connection  with the present or future  operation and occupancy of
the Land and the Improvements and all building equipment, materials and supplies
of any nature  whatsoever  owned by Borrower or in which  Borrower  has or shall
have an interest,  now or hereafter  located upon the Land and the Improvements,
or  appurtenant  thereto,  and usable in  connection  with the present or future
operation  and  occupancy  of the Land  and the  Improvements  and all  building
equipment,  goods,  materials  and  supplies of any nature  whatsoever  owned by
Borrower or in which  Borrower has or shall have an  interest,  now or hereafter
located upon the Land and the Improvements, or appurtenant thereto, or usable in
connection  with the present or future  operation  and occupancy of the Land and
the Improvements  (hereinafter  collectively  called the  "Equipment"),  and the
right,  title and interest of Borrower in and to any of the Equipment  which may
be subject to any security interests, as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code,
as adopted  and  enacted  by the state or states  where any of the  Property  is
located (the "Uniform  Commercial  Code"),  superior in lien to the lien of this
Security Instrument;

     (c)  all  awards  or  payments,   including  interest  thereon,  which  may
heretofore and hereafter be made with respect to the Property, whether from real
estate tax refunds or the  exercise of the right of eminent  domain  (including,
but not  limited  to, any  transfer  made in lieu of or in  anticipation  of the
exercise of said right), or for a change of grade, or for any other injury to or
decrease in the value of the Property;

     (d) all  leases  and  other  agreements  affecting  the use,  enjoyment  or
occupancy of the Land and the Improvements  heretofore or hereafter entered into
(the  "Leases") and all rents,  issues,  profits  (including  all oil and gas or
other mineral  royalties and bonuses)  from the Land and the  Improvements  (the
"Rents") and all proceeds from the sale or other  disposition  of the Leases and
the right to receive and apply the Rents to the payment of the Debt;

     (e) all proceeds of and any  unearned  premiums on any  insurance  policies
covering the Property,  including,  without limitation, the right to receive and
apply the proceeds of any  insurance,  judgments,  or  settlements  made in lieu
thereof, for damage to the Property;

     (f) the  right,  in the name and on  behalf of  Borrower,  to appear in and
defend any action or  proceeding  brought  with  respect to the  Property and to
commence  any action or  proceeding  to protect  the  interest  of Lender in the

     (g) all  right,  title  and  interest  of  Borrower  in,  to and  under all
accounts,  escrows,  documents,  instruments,  chattel paper, claims,  deposits,
trademarks and general  intangibles,  as the foregoing  terms are defined in the
Uniform Commercial Code, and all contract rights,  franchises,  books,  records,
plans, specifications,  permits, licenses (to the extent assignable), approvals,
actions and causes of action which now or hereafter  relate to, are derived from
or are used in  connection  with the  Land or the use,  operation,  maintenance,
occupancy  or  enjoyment  thereof or the conduct of any  business or  activities
thereon (hereinafter collectively called the "Intangibles");

     TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above  granted and  described  Property unto and to
the use and benefit of Lender, in fee simple,  and the successors and assigns of
Lender, forever;

     PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  these presents are upon the express condition that, if
Borrower  shall  well and truly  pay to  Lender  the Debt at the time and in the
manner  provided  in the Note and this  Security  Instrument  and shall well and
truly abide by and comply with each and every  covenant and  condition set forth
herein and in the Note,  these  presents and the estate hereby  granted shall be
canceled and terminated;

     AND  Borrower  represents  and  warrants to and  covenants  and agrees with
Lender as follows:

                                     PART I

                               GENERAL PROVISIONS

AGREEMENTS. Borrower will pay the Debt at the time and in the manner provided in
the Note and in this Security  Instrument.  All the  covenants,  conditions  and
agreements  contained in (a) the Note and (b) all and any of the documents other
than the Note or this Security  Instrument now or hereafter executed by Borrower
and/or others and by or in favor of Lender,  which wholly or partially secure or
guaranty payment of the Note (the "Other Security Documents"), are hereby made a
part of this  Security  Instrument to the same extent and with the same force as
if fully set forth herein.

     2. WARRANTY OF TITLE.  Borrower warrants that Borrower has good, marketable
and insurable fee simple title to the Property and has the full power, authority
and right to execute,  deliver and perform its  obligations  under this Security
Instrument  and to  encumber,  mortgage,  give,  grant,  bargain,  sell,  alien,
enfeoff,  convey,  confirm,  pledge,  assign and  hypothecate  the same and that
Borrower  possesses an unencumbered  fee estate in the Land and the Improvements
and that it owns the  Property  free and clear of all  liens,  encumbrances  and
charges  whatsoever  except for those  exceptions  shown in the title  insurance
policy  insuring the lien of this  Security  Instrument  and that this  Security
Instrument is and will remain a valid and enforceable first lien on and security
interest  in the  Property,  subject  only to said  exceptions.  Borrower  shall
forever warrant, defend and preserve such title and the validity and priority of
the lien of this Security  Instrument  and shall forever  warrant and defend the
same to Lender  against the claims of all persons  whomsoever,  subject  only to
said exceptions.

     3.  INSURANCE.  (a) Borrower,  at its sole cost and expense,  will keep the
Property  insured  during the entire term of this  Security  Instrument  for the
mutual benefit of Borrower and Lender against loss or damage by fire and against
loss or damage  by other  risks  and  hazards  covered  by a  standard  extended
coverage  policy,  including,  but not  limited  to,  riot and civil  commotion,
vandalism, malicious mischief, burglary and theft. Such insurance shall be in an
amount  (i)  equal to the then full  replacement  cost of the  Improvements  and
Equipment,  without deduction for physical depreciation,  and (ii) such that the
insurer would not deem Borrower a co-insurer  under said policies.  The policies
of insurance  carried in accordance with this Paragraph 3 shall be paid annually
in advance and shall contain the "Replacement Cost Endorsement" with a waiver of

     (b)  Borrower,  at its sole cost and  expense,  for the  mutual  benefit of
Borrower and Lender,  shall also obtain and  maintain  during the entire term of
this Security Instrument the following policies of insurance:

          (i) Flood  insurance if any part of the Property is located in an area
     identified now or in the future by the Federal Emergency  Management Agency
     as an area having  special flood  hazards and in which flood  insurance has
     been made available under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (and any
     amendment  or  successor  act  thereto)  in an amount at least equal to the
     outstanding  principal  amount of the Note or the maximum limit of coverage
     available with respect to the  Improvements  and Equipment  under said Act,
     whichever is less.

          (ii) Comprehensive  public liability  insurance,  including broad form
     property damage, blanket contractual and personal injuries (including death
     resulting therefrom) coverages.

          (iii) Rental loss insurance in an amount equal to the aggregate annual
     amount of all rents and  additional  rents  payable  by all of the  tenants
     under the Leases (whether or not such Leases are terminable in the event of
     a fire or casualty),  such rental loss insurance to cover rental losses for
     a period  of at least  twelve  (12)  months  after  the date of the fire or
     casualty in  question.  The amount of such rental loss  insurance  shall be
     increased from time to time during the term of this Security  Instrument as
     and when new Leases and renewal Leases are entered into in accordance  with
     the terms of this Security  Instrument,  to reflect all increased  rent and
     increased  additional rent payable by all of the tenants under such renewal
     Leases and all rent and additional rent payable by all of the tenants under
     such new Leases.

          (iv)  Insurance  against  loss or damage from (x) leakage of sprinkler
     systems and (y) explosion of steam  boilers,  air  conditioning  equipment,
     high pressure piping, machinery and equipment,  pressure vessels or similar
     apparatus now or hereafter installed in the Improvements.

          (v) War risk insurance  upon the Property,  as and when such insurance
     is  obtainable  from  the  United  States  of  America  or  any  agency  or
     instrumentality  thereof at  reasonable  rates,  for the maximum  amount of
     insurance  obtainable  and which is customarily  required by  institutional
     mortgagees with respect to similar properties similarly situated.

          (vi) Worker's compensation  insurance with respect to any employees of
     Borrower, as required by any governmental authority or legal requirement.

          (vii)  Such  other  insurance  as may from time to time be  reasonably
     required by Lender in order to protect its interests.

               (c) All policies of insurance (the "Policies")  required pursuant
          to this Paragraph 3: (i) shall be issued by an insurer satisfactory to
          Lender,  (ii) shall  contain the standard  mortgagee  non-contribution
          clause  naming Lender as the person to which all payments made by such
          insurance company shall be paid, (iii) shall be maintained  throughout
          the term of this  Security  Instrument  without  cost to Lender,  (iv)
          shall be delivered to Lender,  (v) shall  contain such  provisions  as
          Lender  deems  reasonably   necessary  or  desirable  to  protect  its
          interest,  including, without limitation,  endorsements providing that
          neither  Borrower,  Lender nor any other party  shall be a  co-insurer
          under said Policies and that Lender shall receive at least thirty (30)
          days prior written notice of any  modification  or  cancellation,  and
          (vi) shall be  satisfactory  in form and substance to Lender and shall
          be approved by Lender as to amounts, form, risk coverage, deductibles,
          loss payees and  insureds.  Borrower  shall pay the  premiums for such
          Policies  (the  "Insurance  Premiums")  as the  same  become  due  and
          payable.  Not later than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date
          of each of the Policies,  Borrower will deliver to Lender satisfactory
          evidence of the renewal of each of the Policies. In lieu of any of the
          Policies  required  hereunder,   Borrower  may  provide  to  Lender  a
          certified  copy of any  blanket  policy of  insurance  and an original
          allocation,  or  equivalent,  endorsement  with  respect  to any  such
          blanket policy of insurance,  or other evidence satisfactory to Lender
          that  acceptable  coverage is in full force and effect  under any such
          blanket policy of insurance.

               (d) If the Property shall be damaged or destroyed, in whole or in
          part,  by fire or other  casualty,  Borrower  shall give prompt notice
          thereof  to  Lender.  In the  event of a Minor  Casualty  (hereinafter
          defined),  the net amount of all insurance proceeds received by Lender
          with  respect to such damage or  destruction,  after  deduction of the
          costs and expenses incurred by Lender in collecting the same (the "Net
          Proceeds")  shall be disbursed by Lender in accordance  with the terms
          and  conditions  set forth herein to pay for the costs and expenses of
          the  Restoration   (hereinafter   defined),   provided  the  following
          conditions  are  satisfied:  (i) no Event of Default has  occurred and
          remains uncured under this Security Instrument, the Note or any of the
          Other Security  Documents;  (ii) Borrower  proceeds promptly after the
          insurance  claims  are  settled  with  the  restoration,  replacement,
          rebuilding  or repair of the  Property  as nearly as  possible  to the
          condition the Property was in immediately  prior to such fire or other
          casualty (the  "Restoration");  (iii) Lender  determines  that the Net
          Proceeds paid to Lender  together with any deposit made by Borrower to
          Lender will be sufficient,  in Lender's sole judgment,  to pay in full
          all costs of the  Restoration;  (iv) Borrower  carries  builder's risk
          insurance  satisfactory  to Lender;  (v) Lender agrees in writing that
          the rental  income of the Property as restored  will be  sufficient to
          meet all operating costs and other expenses, payments for reserves and
          repayment  of  the  Debt;  (vi)  the  Restoration  shall  be  done  in
          compliance  with all applicable  laws,  rules and  regulations and the
          Property  and  use  thereof  subsequent  to  Restoration  will  be  in
          compliance with all applicable building and zoning requirements; (vii)
          a set of plans and  specifications  in connection with the Restoration
          shall be  submitted to Lender and shall be  satisfactory  to Lender in
          all respects;  (viii) all  reasonable  costs and expenses  incurred by
          Lender in  connection  with  making  the Net  Proceeds  available  for
          Restoration,   including,   without   limitation,   counsel  fees  and
          inspecting  engineer  fees  incurred  by  Lender,  shall  be  paid  by
          Borrower;  (ix) less than fifty  percent  (50%) of total floor area of
          the  Improvements  is  destroyed,  damaged or rendered  unusable;  (x)
          Leases  demising in the  aggregate at least fifty percent (50%) of the
          rentable  space in the  Improvements  remain in full  force and effect
          during and after the completion of the Restoration;  (xi) Lender shall
          be satisfied  that all  operating  deficits  for the Property  will be
          covered by either the Net Proceeds or other funds of  Borrower;  (xii)
          the Property will meet a post-restoration  debt service coverage ratio
          specified by Lender subsequent to Restoration;  (xiii) the Restoration
          will be  completed  at least  one (1) year  prior to  maturity  of the
          indebtedness secured by this Security Instrument, or upon such earlier
          date as may be required  under  leases in effect or pursuant to zoning
          regulations;  (xiv) the Restoration is commenced as soon as reasonably
          practicable  (but in no event  later than  ninety  (90) days after the
          occurrence  of the  casualty)  and  completed  in an  expeditious  and
          diligent manner;  (xv) the casualty has not resulted in loss of access
          to the  Property;  and  (xvi)  Lender  shall  have  received  evidence
          reasonably   satisfactory  to  it  that,  during  the  period  of  the
          Restoration,  the sum of (A)  income  derived  from the  Property,  as
          reasonably  determined  by  Lender,  plus (B)  proceeds  of rent  loss
          insurance or business interruption  insurance, if any, to be paid will
          equal  or  exceed  the sum of (C)  expenses  in  connection  with  the
          operation of the Property and (D) the debt service under the Note. The
          term "Minor Casualty" shall mean a casualty which renders untenantable
          no more  than 25% of the net  rentable  area of the  Improvements  and
          results in a rent  interruption of no more than 25% of the Rents.  For
          the purpose of this  paragraph,  an apartment unit shall be considered
          untenantable  if following  the casualty  such unit is not rentable at
          the rent existing prior to the casualty.

               (e)  The  Net  Proceeds  received  by  Lender  following  a Minor
          Casualty  shall be held in trust by  Lender  in an  interest-  bearing
          account with all interest  thereon to be used in  connection  with the
          Restoration  as herein set forth and shall be paid by Lender to, or as
          directed by,  Borrower,  less customary  retainage,  from time to time
          during the course of the Restoration (but no more frequently than once
          per month),  upon receipt of evidence  satisfactory to Lender that (i)
          all materials  installed and work and labor  performed  (except to the
          extent  they  are to be paid  for  out of the  requested  payment)  in
          connection  with the  Restoration  have been paid for in full, (ii) no
          mechanics' or other liens or encumbrances on the Property  arising out
          of the  Restoration  exist  which  have not been  bonded or  otherwise
          discharged or released, and (iii) the balance of the Net Proceeds plus
          the  balance of any  deficiency  deposits  given by Borrower to Lender
          pursuant to the  provisions of this  paragraph  hereinafter  set forth
          shall  be  sufficient  to pay in full the  balance  of the cost of the

               (f) The excess,  if any,  of the Net  Proceeds  after  payment to
          Borrower as provided herein shall be applied by Lender in reduction of
          the Debt in such priority and  proportions as Lender in its discretion
          shall deem proper.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
          herein,  (i) if the Net Proceeds shall be less than  $100,000.00  only
          one  disbursement  shall  be  required  upon  the  completion  of  the
          Restoration to the satisfaction of Lender and (ii) if the Net Proceeds
          shall be  $20,000.00  or less,  the Net Proceeds  shall be released to
          Borrower,  in trust,  and  Borrower  shall  apply  such  funds for the
          completion of the Restoration, and upon completion of the Restoration,
          Borrower shall deliver  evidence  satisfactory  to Lender that (A) all
          materials  installed and work and labor  performed in connection  with
          the Restoration have been paid for in full, (B) no mechanics' or other
          liens or encumbrances  on the Property  arising out of the Restoration
          exist which have not been bonded or otherwise discharged or discharged
          or record. If at any time the Net Proceeds, or the undisbursed balance
          thereof,  shall not in the opinion of Lender be  sufficient  to pay in
          full  the  balance  of the  cost of the  Restoration,  Borrower  shall
          deposit  the  deficiency  with Lender in an  interest-bearing  account
          before any further disbursement of the Net Proceeds shall be made.

               (g) Any  amount of the Net  Proceeds  received  by Lender and not
          required  to  be  disbursed  for  the  Restoration   pursuant  to  the
          provisions hereof may, in Lender's discretion,  be either retained and
          applied by Lender  toward the  repayment of the Debt in such  priority
          and proportions as Lender in its discretion shall deem proper,  or, at
          the discretion of Lender,  either in whole or in part, to Borrower for
          such purposes as Lender shall designate.  Such application  toward the
          Debt shall be without any prepayment consideration,  except that if an
          Event of Default,  or an event with notice and/or the passage of time,
          or both, would constitute an Event of Default, has occurred, then such
          application shall be subject to the prepayment  consideration computed
          in  accordance  with the Note. If Lender shall receive and retain such
          insurance  proceeds,  (i) the  amount  of the  lien  of this  Security
          Instrument  shall be reduced only by the amount  thereof  received and
          retained by Lender and actually  applied by Lender in reduction of the
          Debt,  and (ii) Lender may,  at its  option,  recalculate  the monthly
          installments   of  principal  and  interest  in  accordance  with  the
          provisions of the Note.

               (h) Borrower  shall not carry separate  insurance,  concurrent in
          kind or form or  contributing in the event of loss, with any insurance
          required   under   this   Paragraph   3;   provided,   however,   that
          notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Borrower  may  carry  insurance  not
          required under this Security  Instrument,  provided any such insurance
          affecting the Property shall be for the mutual benefit of Borrower and
          Lender, as their respective interests may appear, and shall be subject
          to all other provisions of this Paragraph 3.

               (i)  Borrower  shall  set  forth in its  notice  to Lender of any
          damage  to or  destruction  of  the  Property  Borrower's  good  faith
          estimate  of the  cost of the  Restoration,  or,  if  Borrower  cannot
          reasonably estimate the anticipated cost of the Restoration,  Borrower
          shall  nonetheless give Lender prompt notice of the occurrence of such
          damage or destruction, and will diligently proceed to obtain estimates
          to enable Borrower to quantify the anticipated cost of the Restoration
          free and clear from any and all liens and claims.  Borrower  shall not
          adjust,  compromise or settle any claim for any sums to be paid by any
          insurer without the prior written consent of Lender.

               (j) If  Borrower  shall fail in any  respect  to comply  with its
          obligations  under this  Paragraph  3, then,  in addition to all other
          rights  available  hereunder,  at law  or in  equity,  Lender,  or any
          receiver of the  Property or any portion  thereof,  upon five (5) days
          prior  notice to Borrower  (except in the event of  emergency in which
          case no notice shall be  required),  may (but shall have no obligation
          to) perform or cause to be performed the Restoration and may take such
          other  steps  as it  deems  advisable.  Borrower  hereby  waives,  for
          Borrower and all others holding under or through Borrower,  any claim,
          other than for gross negligence or willful misconduct,  against Lender
          and any receiver  arising out of any act or omission of Lender or such
          receiver  pursuant hereto,  and Lender may apply all or any portion of
          any sums paid by an insurer to reimburse  Lender and such receiver for
          all amounts  incurred in connection with the Restoration and any costs
          not  reimbursed to Lender or the receiver  upon demand,  together with
          interest  thereon,  from the date such amounts are advanced  until the
          same are paid to Lender or the receiver.

     4. PAYMENT OF TAXES,  ETC. (a) Borrower  shall pay all taxes,  assessments,
water  rates,  and sewer rates,  now or hereafter  levied or assessed or imposed
against the  Property or any part thereof  (the  "Taxes") and all ground  rents,
maintenance  charges,  other  governmental   impositions,   and  other  charges,
including,  without  limitation,  vault  charges and license fees for the use of
vaults,  chutes and similar areas adjoining the Land and assessments of property
owner's associations, now or hereafter levied or assessed or imposed against the
Property  or any part  thereof  (the  "Other  Charges")  as same  become due and
payable.  Borrower  will  deliver to Lender,  promptly  upon  Lender's  request,
evidence  satisfactory  to Lender that the Taxes and Other  Charges have been so
paid or are not then  delinquent.  Borrower  shall not suffer and shall promptly
cause to be paid and  discharged  (by bonding or  otherwise)  any lien or charge
whatsoever  which  may be or  become  a lien or  charge  against  the  Mortgaged
Property,  and shall  promptly  pay for all  utility  services  provided  to the
Property.  Borrower  shall  furnish to Lender or its  designee  receipts for the
payment of the Taxes,  Other Charges and said utility services prior to the date
the same shall become delinquent.

               (b) After prior written  notice to Lender,  Borrower,  at its own
          expense,  may  contest  by  appropriate  legal  proceeding,   promptly
          initiated  and  conducted  in good faith and with due  diligence,  the
          amount or validity or application,  in whole or in part, of any of the
          Taxes or Other  Charges,  provided that (i) Borrower is not in default
          under the Note or this Security Instrument, (ii) Borrower is permitted
          to do so  under  the  provisions  of any  mortgage  or deed  of  trust
          superior in lien to this Security  Instrument,  (iii) such  proceeding
          shall  suspend  the  collection  of the  Taxes or Other  Charges  from
          Borrower  and  from  the  Property,  (iv)  such  proceeding  shall  be
          permitted  under and be conducted in accordance with the provisions of
          any  other  instrument  to which  Borrower  is  subject  and shall not
          constitute a default thereunder, (v) neither the Property nor any part
          thereof  or  interest  therein  will  be  in  danger  of  being  sold,
          forfeited,  terminated, canceled or lost, (vi) Borrower shall have set
          aside adequate reserves for the payment of the Taxes or Other Charges,
          together with all interest and penalties  thereon,  and (vii) Borrower
          shall  have  furnished  such  security  as  may  be  required  in  the
          proceeding,  or as may be requested by Lender to insure the payment of
          any such  Taxes or  Other  Charges,  together  with all  interest  and
          penalties thereon.

     5.  ESCROW  FUND.  (a)  Borrower  shall,  at the  option  of  Lender or its
designee,  pay to Lender on the first day of each calendar month (i) one-twelfth
(1/12) of an amount which would be  sufficient  to pay those Taxes payable on an
annual  basis,  or  estimated  by Lender to be payable,  during the next ensuing
twelve  (12)  months and (ii)  one-twelfth  (1/12) of an amount  which  would be
sufficient  to pay the  Insurance  Premiums  due for the renewal of the coverage
afforded by the Policies  upon the  expiration  thereof (said amounts in (i) and
(ii)  above  hereinafter  called the  "Escrow  Fund").  The Escrow  Fund and the
payments of interest or principal or both,  payable  pursuant to the Note, shall
be added  together and shall be paid as an aggregate  sum by Borrower to Lender.
Borrower hereby pledges to Lender any and all monies now or hereafter  deposited
in the Escrow Fund as  additional  security for the payment of the Debt.  Lender
will apply the Escrow Fund to payments of Taxes and Insurance  Premiums required
to be made by Borrower  pursuant to Paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof.  If the amount of
the Escrow Fund shall  exceed the amounts due for Taxes and  Insurance  Premiums
pursuant to Paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof,  Lender shall, in its discretion,  refund
any excess to Borrower or credit such excess against future  payments to be made
to the Escrow Fund. In allocating  such excess,  Lender may deal with the person
shown on the  records of Lender to be the owner of the  Property.  If the Escrow
Fund is not  sufficient  to pay the  items  set  forth  in (i) and  (ii)  above,
Borrower shall promptly pay to Lender, upon demand, an amount which Lender shall
estimate as sufficient to make up the deficiency.

               (b) Upon the  occurrence  of an  Event  of  Default  (hereinafter
          defined)  Lender may apply any sums then present in the Escrow Fund to
          the  payment  of  the  following  items  in  any  order  in  its  sole

                    (i) Taxes and Other Charges;

                    (ii) Insurance Premiums;

                    (iii)Interest on the unpaid principal balance of the Note;

                    (iv)  Amortization  of the unpaid  principal  balance of the
               Note; or

                    (v) All  other  sums  payable  pursuant  to the  Note,  this
               Security Instrument and the Other Security Documents,  including,
               without limitation, advances made by Lender pursuant to the terms
               of this Security Instrument.

     Until expended or applied as above provided, any amounts in the Escrow Fund
shall  constitute  additional  security  for the Debt.  The  Escrow  Fund may be
commingled  with other  monies  held by Lender.  No  earnings or interest on the
Escrow Fund shall be payable to Borrower.

     6.  CONDEMNATION.  Borrower shall promptly give Lender notice of the actual
or threatened  commencement of any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding and
shall deliver to Lender  copies of any and all papers served in connection  with
such  proceedings,   and  Borrower  shall  appear  in  and  prosecute  any  such
proceedings  unless  otherwise  directed by Lender in writing.  Lender is hereby
irrevocably appointed as Borrower's attorney-in-fact,  coupled with an interest,
with power,  at  Lender's  option,  to collect,  receive and retain any award or
payment for said  condemnation  or eminent  domain and to make any compromise or
settlement in connection with such proceeding, subject to the provisions of this
Security  Instrument.  Notwithstanding  any taking by any public or quasi-public
authority  through eminent domain or otherwise  (including,  but not limited to,
any transfer made in lieu of or in anticipation of the exercise of such taking),
Borrower shall  continue to pay the Debt at the time and in the manner  provided
for its payment in the Note and in this Security Instrument,  and the Debt shall
not be reduced  until any award or  payment  therefor  shall have been  actually
received and applied by Lender,  after the deduction of expenses of  collection,
to the  reduction or  discharge of the Debt.  Lender shall not be limited to the
interest paid on the award by the condemning  authority but shall be entitled to
receive out of the award  interest at the rate or rates  provided  herein and in
the Note.  Lender  may apply  any such  award or  payment  to the  reduction  or
discharge of the Debt whether or not then due and payable.  Any reduction of the
Debt pursuant to the terms of this  Paragraph 6 shall not be deemed a prepayment
of the Debt  and no  prepayment  consideration,  if any,  shall  be due.  If the
Property is sold,  through  foreclosure  or  otherwise,  prior to the receipt by
Lender of such award or payment,  Lender shall have the right,  whether or not a
deficiency judgment on the Note shall have been sought,  recovered or denied, to
receive said award or payment, or a portion thereof sufficient to pay the Debt.

     7.   LEASES  AND  RENTS.   (a)   Borrower   does  hereby   absolutely   and
unconditionally  assign to Lender Borrower's right, title and interest in and to
all current and future Leases and Rents, it being intended by Borrower that this
assignment constitutes a present,  absolute assignment and not an assignment for
additional  security only.  Such  assignment to Lender shall not be construed to
bind Lender to the performance of any of the covenants, conditions or provisions
contained  in any such Lease or  otherwise  impose any  obligation  upon Lender.
Borrower agrees to execute and deliver to Lender such additional instruments, in
form and  substance  satisfactory  to Lender,  as may  hereafter be requested by
Lender to further evidence and confirm such assignment. Nevertheless, subject to
the terms of this Paragraph 7, Lender grants to Borrower a revocable  license to
operate and manage the  Property and to collect the Rents.  Borrower  shall hold
the Rents, or a portion thereof  sufficient to discharge all current sums due on
the Debt,  in trust for the  benefit  of Lender  for use in the  payment of such
sums.  Upon an Event of Default,  the license  granted to Borrower  herein shall
automatically be revoked, and Lender shall immediately be entitled to possession
of all  Rents,  whether  or not  Lender  enters  upon or  takes  control  of the
Property.  Lender is hereby  granted and assigned by Borrower the right,  at its
option,  upon  revocation  of the  license  granted  herein,  to enter  upon the
Property  in person,  by agent or by  court-appointed  receiver  to collect  the
Rents.  Any Rents  collected  after the revocation of the license may be applied
toward payment of the Debt in such priority and  proportions  as Lender,  in its
discretion, shall deem proper.

          (b) All Leases  shall be written on the  standard  form of lease which
     has been approved by Lender.  Upon request,  Borrower  shall furnish Lender
     with executed copies of all Leases.  No material changes may be made to the
     Lender-approved standard lease without the prior written consent of Lender.
     In addition,  all renewals of Leases and all proposed  leases shall provide
     for rental  rates  comparable  to existing  local market rates and shall be
     arms-length transactions. All proposed leases shall be subject to the prior
     approval of Lender  except that all  proposed  leases  which (i) are on the
     same form of lease which has been  approved by Lender,  (ii) are the result
     of an arms-length  transaction,(iii) provide for rental rates comparable to
     existing  market rates,  (iv) where space to be leased does not exceed more
     than ten percent (10%) of total rentable  space of the Property,  (v) where
     the proposed  tenant is an independent  third party not affiliated with the
     Borrower,  and (vi) do not contain any terms which would materially  affect
     Lender's  rights  under  this  Security  Instrument,  the Note or the Other
     Security  Documents,  shall not be subject to the prior approval of Lender.
     All  Leases  shall  provide  that  they are  subordinate  to this  Security
     Instrument  and that the lessee  agrees to attorn to Lender.  Borrower  (i)
     shall observe and perform all the obligations imposed upon the lessor under
     the  Leases  and shall not do or permit to be done  anything  to impair the
     value of the Leases as security for the Debt; (ii) shall enforce all of the
     terms,  covenants and  conditions  contained in the Leases upon the part of
     the lessee  thereunder  to be observed or performed,  short of  termination
     thereof,  except in the ordinary  course of business;  (iii) shall promptly
     send copies to Lender of all notices of default which  Borrower  shall send
     or receive  thereunder;  (iv) shall not  collect any of the Rents more than
     one (1) month in advance;  (v) shall not execute  any other  assignment  of
     lessor's interest in the Leases or the Rents; (vi) shall not alter,  modify
     or change  the terms of the Leases  without  the prior  written  consent of
     Lender,  or,  except if a tenant is in  default,  cancel or  terminate  the
     Leases or accept a  surrender  thereof or convey or  transfer  or suffer or
     permit a conveyance  or transfer of the Land or of any interest  therein so
     as to effect a merger of the  estates  and rights of, or a  termination  or
     diminution of the obligations  of, lessees  thereunder;  provided  however,
     that any Lease may be canceled if at the time of the cancellation thereof a
     new lease is entered into on substantially the same terms or more favorable
     terms as the canceled  lease;  (vii) shall not alter,  modify or change the
     terms of any  guaranty of the Leases or cancel or terminate  such  guaranty
     without the prior  written  consent of Lender;  (viii) shall not consent to
     any  assignment  of or subletting  under the Lease not in  accordance  with
     their terms,  without the prior written  consent of Lender;  and (ix) shall
     execute and deliver at the request of Lender all such  further  assurances,
     confirmations  and  assignments  in connection  with the Property as Lender
     shall from time to time require.

          (c) All  security  deposits  of lessees,  whether  held in cash or any
     other form,  shall not be commingled  with any other funds of Borrower and,
     if cash, shall be deposited by Borrower at such commercial or savings banks
     or banks as may be reasonably satisfactory to Lender; provided, however, in
     all cases,  the  deposits  shall be fully  insured by the  Federal  Deposit
     Insurance  Corporation.  Any bond or other  instrument  which  Borrower  is
     permitted to hold in lieu of cash security  deposits  under any  applicable
     legal  requirements  shall be  maintained  in full force and effect  unless
     replaced by cash deposits as hereinabove  described,  shall be issued by an
     institution reasonably satisfactory to Lender, shall, if permitted pursuant
     to any legal  requirements,  name Lender as payee or  mortgagee  thereunder
     (or, at Lender's  option,  be fully assignable to Lender) and shall, in all
     respects,  comply with any applicable  legal  requirements and otherwise be
     reasonably  satisfactory to Lender.  Borrower shall, upon request,  provide
     Lender  with  evidence  reasonably  satisfactory  to Lender  of  Borrower's
     compliance  with the  foregoing.  Following the  occurrence  and during the
     continuance of any Event of Default, Borrower shall, upon Lender's request,
     if permitted by any applicable legal requirements,  turn over to Lender the
     security  deposits  (and any  interest  theretofore  earned  thereon)  with
     respect to all or any portion of the Property, to be held by Lender subject
     to the terms of the Leases.

     8.  MAINTENANCE  OF  PROPERTY.  Borrower  shall  cause the  Property  to be
maintained in a good and safe  condition and repair.  The  Improvements  and the
Equipment  shall not be removed,  demolished or materially  altered  (except for
normal  replacement  of the Equipment)  without the consent of Lender.  Borrower
shall  promptly  comply  with all laws,  orders  and  ordinances  affecting  the
Property, or the use thereof. Borrower shall promptly repair, replace or rebuild
any part of the  Property  which may be  destroyed  by any  casualty,  or become
damaged,  worn or  dilapidated or which may be affected by any proceeding of the
character  referred to in Paragraph 6 hereof and shall  complete and pay for any
structure  at any time in the  process  of  construction  or repair on the Land.
Borrower shall not initiate,  join in, acquiesce in, or consent to any change in
any  private  restrictive  covenant,  zoning  law or  other  public  or  private
restriction,  limiting or defining the uses which may be made of the Property or
any part thereof.  If under applicable  zoning  provisions the use of all or any
portion of the Property is or shall become a  nonconforming  use,  Borrower will
not cause or permit  such  nonconforming  use to be  discontinued  or  abandoned
without the express written consent of Lender.  Borrower shall not,  without the
prior  written  consent  of  Lender,  (a) change the use of the Land or cause or
permit the use or occupancy of any part of the Land to be  discontinued  if such
discontinuance  would violate any zoning or other law,  ordinance or regulation;
(b) permit or undertake  any  structural  or other  alteration  or  improvement,
demolition  or removal of the  Property  or any portion  thereof;  (c) permit or
suffer to occur any waste on or to the  Property or to any portion  thereof;  or
(d) take any steps  whatsoever to convert the Property,  or any portion thereof,
to a condominium or cooperative form of ownership.

     9. TRANSFER OR ENCUMBRANCE OF THE PROPERTY.  (a) Borrower acknowledges that
Lender  has  examined  and  relied on the  creditworthiness  and  experience  of
Borrower  and its  general  partners,  principals  and (if  Borrower is a trust)
beneficial  owners in owning and  operating  properties  such as the Property in
agreeing  to  make  the  loan  secured  hereby,  and  will  continue  to rely on
Borrower's  ownership of the Property as a means of maintaining the value of the
Property as security for the repayment of the Debt.  Borrower  acknowledges that
Lender has a valid  interest in  maintaining  the value of the Property so as to
ensure that,  should Borrower  default in the repayment of the Debt,  Lender can
recover the Debt by a sale of the Property.

          (b) Borrower agrees that Borrower shall not, without the prior written
     consent  of Lender,  sell,  convey,  mortgage,  grant,  bargain,  encumber,
     pledge,  assign, or otherwise  transfer the Property or any part thereof or
     permit the  Property or any part thereof to be sold,  conveyed,  mortgaged,
     granted,   bargained,   encumbered,   pledged,   assigned,   or   otherwise
     transferred.  In the event of the  sale,  transfer,  conveyance,  mortgage,
     encumbrance,  pledge  or  otherwise  of  either  (i) all or any part of the
     Property,  or any interest  therein  (other than obsolete or worn Equipment
     replaced  by  adequate  substitutes  of equal  or  greater  value  than the
     replaced  items when new),  or (ii)  beneficial  interests  in Borrower (if
     Borrower  is  not  a  natural  person  or  persons  but  is a  corporation,
     partnership,  trust or other legal entity)  without  Lender's prior written
     consent,  Lender may, at Lender's option,  declare the Debt immediately due
     and payable,  and Lender may invoke any remedies permitted by this Security
     Instrument.  A sale,  conveyance,  mortgage,  grant, bargain,  encumbrance,
     pledge, assignment or transfer within the meaning of this Paragraph 9 shall
     be deemed to include, but shall not be limited to, (a) an installment sales
     agreement  wherein Borrower agrees to sell the Property or any part thereof
     for a price  to be paid  in  installments;  (b) an  agreement  by  Borrower
     leasing all or a  substantial  part of the  Property  for other than actual
     occupancy  by a space  tenant  thereunder  or a sale,  assignment  or other
     transfer  of, or the grant of a security  interest  in,  Borrower's  right,
     title and interest in and to any Leases or any Rents; (c) if Borrower,  any
     guarantor,  any  indemnitor,  or any general partner or member of Borrower,
     guarantor or indemnitor  is a  corporation,  the  voluntary or  involuntary
     sale,  conveyance,  transfer or pledge of such corporation's  stock (or the
     stock  of  any  corporation   directly  or  indirectly   controlling   such
     corporation  by operation of law or  otherwise) or the creation or issuance
     of new stock by which an aggregate  of more than 20% of such  corporation's
     stock shall be vested in a party or parties  who are not now  stockholders;
     (d) if Borrower,  any  guarantor or  indemnitor  or any general  partner or
     member of Borrower,  any  guarantor or  indemnitor  is a limited or general
     partnership  or joint  venture,  the change,  removal or  resignation  of a
     general  partner or  managing  partner,  or the  transfer  or pledge of the
     partnership  interest  of any general  partner or  managing  partner or any
     profits or proceeds relating to such partnership  interest or the voluntary
     or  involuntary  sale,  conveyance,  transfer  or  pledge  of  any  limited
     partnership  interests (or the limited partnership interests of any limited
     partnership directly or indirectly  controlling such limited partnership by
     operation of law or  otherwise)  or the creation or issuance of new limited
     partnership  interests,  by which  an  aggregate  of more  than 20% of such
     limited  partnership  interests  are held by parties who are not  currently
     limited partners;  and (e) if Borrower,  any guarantor or indemnitor or any
     general  partner or member of Borrower,  any  guarantor or  indemnitor is a
     limited  liability  company,  the  change,  removal or  resignation  of the
     managing member or the transfer or pledge of the membership interest of any
     managing  member or any  profits or proceeds  relating  to such  membership
     interest or the  voluntary or  involuntary  sale,  conveyance,  transfer or
     pledge of any  membership  interests  (or the  membership  interests of any
     limited liability  company directly or indirectly  controlling such limited
     liability  company by  operation  of law or  otherwise)  or the creation or
     issuance of new  membership  interests,  by which an aggregate of more than
     20% of such membership  interests are held by parties who are not currently

          (c) Notwithstanding  the foregoing,  transfers by devise or descent or
     by operation of law upon the death of a partner,  stockholder  or member of
     Borrower,  any guarantor or indemnitor or any general partner thereof shall
     not  be  deemed  to  be  a  sale,  conveyance,  mortgage,  grant,  bargain,
     encumbrance,  pledge,  assignment  or  transfer  within the meaning of this
     Paragraph 9.

          (d)  Lender  reserves  the right to  condition  the  consent  required
     hereunder upon a modification  of the terms hereof and on assumption of the
     Note,  this  Security  Instrument  and the Other  Security  Documents as so
     modified by the proposed transferee,  payment of a transfer fee of not less
     than  one  percent  (1%) of the  principal  balance  of the Note and all of
     Lender's expenses incurred in connection with such transfer,  or such other
     conditions  as Lender shall  determine in its sole  discretion to be in the
     interest of Lender.  Lender shall not be required to demonstrate any actual
     impairment  of its security or any increased  risk of default  hereunder in
     order to declare the Debt immediately due and payable upon Borrower's sale,
     conveyance,  alienation,  mortgage,  encumbrance, pledge or transfer of the
     Property without Lender's consent.

          (e) Lender's  consent to a sale,  conveyance,  mortgage,  encumbrance,
     pledge or  transfer of the  Property  shall not be deemed to be a waiver of
     Lender's  right to require such consent to any future  occurrence  of same.
     Any sale,  conveyance,  mortgage,  encumbrance,  pledge or  transfer of the
     Property made in  contravention  of this Paragraph 9 shall be null and void
     and of no force and effect.

          (f)  Borrower  agrees  to bear and shall  pay or  reimburse  Lender on
     demand  for  all  reasonable  expenses   (including,   without  limitation,
     reasonable  attorneys'  fees  actually  incurred and  disbursements,  title
     search costs and title insurance  endorsement  premiums) incurred by Lender
     in connection with the review, approval and documentation of any such sale,
     conveyance, mortgage, encumbrance, pledge or transfer.

     10. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES.  After request by Lender,  Borrower,  within ten
(10)  days,  shall  furnish  Lender  with a  statement,  duly  acknowledged  and
certified,  setting forth (i) the amount of the original principal amount of the
Note, (ii) the unpaid  principal  amount of the Note, (iii) the rate of interest
of the Note, (iv) the date  installments of interest and/or  principal were last
paid,  (v) any offsets or defenses to the payment of the Debt,  if any, and (vi)
that  the Note and  this  Security  Instrument  are  valid,  legal  and  binding
obligations  and have not been modified or if modified,  giving  particulars  of
such modification.

     11.  CHANGES  IN THE LAWS  REGARDING  TAXATION.  If any law is  enacted  or
adopted or amended after the date of this Security  Instrument which deducts the
Debt from the value of the Property for the purpose of taxation or which imposes
a tax,  either directly or indirectly,  on the Debt or Lender's  interest in the
Property,  Borrower will pay such tax, with interest and penalties  thereon,  if
any. In the event Lender is advised by counsel  chosen by it that the payment of
such tax or interest and  penalties by Borrower  would be unlawful or taxable to
Lender or unenforceable or provide the basis for a defense of usury, then in any
such event,  Lender  shall have the option,  by written  notice of not less than
ninety (90) days, to declare the Debt immediately due and payable.

     12. NO CREDITS ON ACCOUNT OF THE DEBT. Borrower will not claim or demand or
be  entitled to any credit or credits on account of the Debt for any part of the
Taxes or Other Charges assessed against the Property,  or any part thereof,  and
no deduction  shall  otherwise be made or claimed from the assessed value of the
Property,  or any part  thereof,  for real estate tax purposes by reason of this
Security  Instrument or the Debt.  In the event such claim,  credit or deduction
shall be required by law, Lender shall have the option, by written notice of not
less than ninety (90) days, to declare the Debt immediately due and payable.

     13.  DOCUMENTARY  STAMPS. If at any time the United States of America,  any
State  thereof or any  subdivision  of any such State shall  require  revenue or
other stamps to be affixed to the Note or this  Security  Instrument,  or impose
any  other  tax or charge  on the  same,  Borrower  will pay for the same,  with
interest and penalties thereon, if any.

     14. USURY LAWS.  This Security  Instrument  and the Note are subject to the
express condition that at no time shall Borrower be obligated or required to pay
interest  on the Debt or any portion  thereof at a rate which could  subject the
holder of the Note to either civil or criminal liability as a result of being in
excess of the maximum  interest  rate which  Borrower is permitted by applicable
law to contract or agree to pay. If by the terms of this Security  Instrument or
the Note,  Borrower is at any time  required or obligated to pay interest on the
Debt or any portion  thereof at a rate in excess of such maximum rate,  the rate
of  interest  under the same shall be deemed to be  immediately  reduced to such
maximum rate and the interest payable shall be computed at such maximum rate and
all prior interest  payments in excess of such maximum rate shall be applied and
shall be deemed to have been payments in reduction of the  principal  balance of
the Note.

     15. BOOKS AND RECORDS. (a) Borrower and any guarantors,  if any, shall keep
adequate  books and  records  of  account  and  furnish  to Lender and in a form
acceptable  to Lender:  (i) quarterly  certified  rent rolls signed and dated by
Borrower detailing the names of all tenants of the Improvements,  the portion of
the Improvements occupied by each tenant, the rent and any other charges payable
under each lease,  and the term of each lease,  and any other  information as is
reasonably required by Lender, not later than forty-five (45) days following the
close of each  quarter;  (ii)  quarterly  operating  statements  of the Property
detailing the total revenues received and total expenses incurred to be prepared
and certified by Borrower,  not later than  forty-five  (45) days  following the
close of each  quarter;  (iii) an annual  operating  statement  of the  Property
detailing the total revenues received,  total expenses  incurred,  total cost of
all capital improvements, total debt service and total cash flow, to be prepared
and  certified  by  Borrower in the form  required by Lender,  or if required by
Lender upon the occurrence of any Event of Default,  an audited annual operating
statement  prepared and certified by an independent  certified public accountant
acceptable  to Lender,  within  ninety  (90) days after the close of each fiscal
year of Borrower;  (iv) an annual balance sheet and profit and loss statement of
Borrower  and of any  guarantor,  prepared  and  certified  by  Borrower or such
guarantor,  in form and  substance  satisfactory  to Lender,  or if  required by
Lender upon the occurrence of any Event of Default, audited financial statements
prepared and certified by an independent  certified public accountant acceptable
to  Lender,  within  ninety  (90) days  after the close of each  fiscal  year of
Borrower  or such  guarantor;  (v) an  annual  year end rent roll  certified  by
Borrower as true and correct not later than ninety (90) days following the close
of each fiscal year;  (vi) an annual  operating  budget  detailing  revenues and
expenses delivered to Lender not later than forty-five (45) days after the close
of the fiscal year;  and (g) other  financial  statements  as may,  from time to
time, be required by Lender.  In the event  Borrower  fails to provide to Lender
any report  required  hereunder,  not later  than sixty (60) days after  written
notice from Lender  requesting such report,  the Note shall bear interest at the
Default Rate until such time as Lender receives such report.

          (b) Lender shall from time to time upon  reasonable  notice,  have the
     right to examine the books and records of  Borrower,  its  affiliates,  any
     guarantor and any indemnitor.  Borrower, its affiliates,  any guarantor and
     any indemnitor shall furnish to Lender and its agents convenient facilities
     for the  examination  and  audit of any such  books and  records.  Within a
     reasonable  time after request by Lender,  Borrower,  its  affiliates,  any
     guarantor  and any  indemnitor  shall  provide any other  information  with
     respect to the  Property  and the  financial  condition  of  Borrower,  its
     affiliates,  any  guarantor  and any  indemnitor as Lender may from time to
     time request. For the purposes of this Paragraph 15(b),  "affiliates" shall
     mean  any  entities   with  which  the  Borrower  is  entitled  to  file  a
     Consolidated Income Tax Return under United States Federal Income Tax laws.

     16.  PERFORMANCE  OF OTHER  AGREEMENTS.  Borrower shall observe and perform
each and every term to be observed  or  performed  by  Borrower  pursuant to the
terms of any  agreement or recorded  instrument  affecting or  pertaining to the

     17. FURTHER ACTS, ETC. Borrower will, at the cost of Borrower,  and without
expense to Lender,  do,  execute,  acknowledge  and  deliver  all and every such
further  acts,   deeds,   conveyances,   mortgages,   assignments,   notices  of
assignments,  transfers  and  assurances  as  Lender  shall,  from time to time,
require,  for the  better  assuring,  conveying,  assigning,  transferring,  and
confirming unto Lender the property and rights hereby mortgaged, given, granted,
bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed,  conveyed, confirmed, pledged, assigned and
hypothecated  or intended now or hereafter so to be, or which Borrower may be or
may  hereafter  become bound to convey or assign to Lender,  or for carrying out
the  intention or  facilitating  the  performance  of the terms of this Security
Instrument or for filing,  registering  or recording  this Security  Instrument.
Borrower on demand,  will  execute and deliver and hereby  authorizes  Lender to
execute in the name of  Borrower  or without  the  signature  of Borrower to the
extent  Lender may  lawfully do so, one or more  financing  statements,  chattel
mortgages  or other  instruments,  to evidence  more  effectively  the  security
interest of Lender in the  Property.  Borrower  grants to Lender an  irrevocable
power of attorney  coupled  with an interest for the purpose of  exercising  and
perfecting  any and all rights and  remedies  available  to Lender at law and in
equity,  including,  without  limitation,  such rights and remedies available to
Lender pursuant to this Paragraph 17.

     18. RECORDING OF SECURITY  INSTRUMENT,  ETC.  Borrower,  forthwith upon the
execution and delivery of this Security Instrument and thereafter,  from time to
time, will cause this Security Instrument,  and any security instrument creating
a lien or security  interest or evidencing the lien hereof upon the Property and
each instrument of further assurance to be filed, registered or recorded in such
manner and in such  places as may be  required  by any  present or future law in
order to publish  notice of and fully to protect the lien or  security  interest
hereof upon, and the interest of Lender in, the Property.  Borrower will pay all
filing,  registration  or  recording  fees,  and all  expenses  incident  to the
preparation,  execution and  acknowledgment of this Security  Instrument and the
Note, any mortgage  supplemental hereto, any security instrument with respect to
the Property and any instrument of further  assurance,  and all federal,  state,
county and municipal,  taxes, duties,  imposts,  assessments and charges arising
out of or in  connection  with  the  execution  and  delivery  of this  Security
Instrument,  any mortgage  supplemental  hereto,  any security  instrument  with
respect to the Property or any  instrument  of further  assurance,  except where
prohibited by law so to do.  Borrower shall hold harmless and indemnify  Lender,
its  successors and assigns,  against any  liability,  incurred by reason of the
imposition of any Tax on the making and recording of this Security Instrument.

     19.  PREPAYMENT.  If  permitted  by the Note,  the Debt may be  prepaid  in
accordance with the terms thereof.

     20. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. The Debt shall become immediately due and payable at
the option of Lender  upon the  occurrence  of any one or more of the  following
events ("Event of Default"):

          (a) if any  portion of the Debt is not paid prior to the tenth  (10th)
     day  after the same is due or if the  entire  Debt is not paid on or before
     the Maturity Date (as defined in the Note);

          (b) if any of the Taxes or Other  Charges is not paid when the same is
     due and payable, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 4;

          (c) if the Policies  are not kept in full force and effect,  or if the
     Policies are not assigned and delivered to Lender upon request;

          (d) if Borrower violates or does not comply with any of the provisions
     of Paragraphs 7, 8, 9 or 32;

          (e) if any  representation  or warranty  of Borrower or any  guarantor
     made  herein  or in  any  such  guaranty,  or in any  certificate,  report,
     financial  statement or other  instrument  or document  furnished to Lender
     shall have been false or misleading in any material respect when made;

          (f) if  Borrower or any  guarantor  shall make an  assignment  for the
     benefit of creditors or if Borrower shall generally not be paying its debts
     as they become due;

          (g)  if a  receiver,  liquidator  or  trustee  of  Borrower  or of any
     guarantor  shall be  appointed  or if  Borrower or any  guarantor  shall be
     adjudicated  a bankrupt or  insolvent,  or if any petition for  bankruptcy,
     reorganization  or arrangement  pursuant to federal  bankruptcy law, or any
     similar  federal or state law, shall be filed by or against,  consented to,
     or acquiesced in by, Borrower or any guarantor or if any proceeding for the
     dissolution  or  liquidation  of  Borrower  or of any  guarantor  shall  be
     instituted;  however,  if  such  appointment,   adjudication,  petition  or
     proceeding  was  involuntary  and  not  consented  to by  Borrower  or such
     guarantor,  upon the same not being discharged,  stayed or dismissed within
     sixty (60) days;

          (h) if the Property  becomes subject to any mechanic's,  materialman's
     or other lien other than a lien for local real estate taxes and assessments
     not then due and payable and such lien shall remain  undischarged of record
     (by payment,  bonding or otherwise)  for a period of thirty (30) days after
     Borrower is provided notice thereof;

          (i) if  Borrower  fails to cure  promptly  any  violations  of laws or
     ordinances affecting or which may be interpreted to affect the Property;

          (j) except as permitted  in this  Security  Instrument,  the actual or
     threatened  alteration,  improvement,  demolition  or removal of any of the
     Improvements without the prior consent of Lender;

          (k) if the Property is damaged,  in any manner which is not covered by
     insurance,  solely as a result of Borrower's  failure to maintain insurance
     required in accordance with this Security Instrument;

          (l) violation of the Single Purpose Entity/Separateness  provisions of
     Paragraph 50 hereof;

          (m) default under any other  mortgage,  deed of trust,  deed to secure
     debt or other security agreement covering all or a portion of the Property,
     whether it be junior or senior to this Security Instrument,  subject to any
     applicable notice and cure periods;

          (n) if any default occurs under that certain  environmental  indemnity
     agreement dated the date hereof given by Borrower, Peter D. Anzo and Martin
     H. Petersen to Lender and such default  continues  after the  expiration of
     applicable notice and grace periods, if any; and

          (o) if for more than ten (10) days after notice from Lender,  Borrower
     shall continue to be in default under any other term, covenant or condition
     of the  Note,  this  Security  Instrument,  or any  of the  Other  Security
     Documents in the case of any default which can be cured by the payment of a
     sum of money or for thirty  (30) days after  notice from Lender in the case
     of any other default,  provided that if such default  cannot  reasonably be
     cured within such thirty (30) day period and Borrower  shall have commenced
     to cure such  default  within such  thirty  (30) day period and  thereafter
     diligently and  expeditiously  proceeds to cure the same,  such thirty (30)
     day period  shall be extended for so long as it shall  require  Borrower in
     the exercise of due diligence to cure such default, it being agreed that no
     such extension shall be for a period in excess of sixty (60) days.

     21. DEFAULT INTEREST. Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default, Borrower
will  pay,  from  the date of such  Event of  Default,  interest  on the  unpaid
principal  balance  of the  Note at the  rate of five  percent  (5%)  above  the
Applicable  Interest  Rate (as defined in the Note) (the  "Default  Rate").  The
Default Rate shall be computed from the occurrence of the Event of Default until
the actual  receipt and  collection of the Debt or, if permitted by Lender,  the
date such Event of Default is cured. This charge shall be added to the Debt, and
shall be deemed secured by this Security Instrument. This clause, however, shall
not be  construed as an agreement or privilege to extend the date of the payment
of the Debt, nor as a waiver of any other right or remedy  accruing to Lender by
reason of the  occurrence of any Event of Default.  If the Default Rate is above
the maximum  rate  permitted  by  applicable  law, the Default Rate shall be the
maximum rate permitted by applicable law.

     22. RIGHT TO CURE DEFAULTS.  Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default or
if  Borrower  fails to make any  payment  or to do any act as  herein  provided,
Lender may, but without any  obligation to do so and without notice to or demand
on Borrower and without releasing Borrower from any obligation  hereunder,  make
or do the same in such manner and to such extent as Lender may deem necessary to
protect the security hereof. Lender is authorized to enter upon the Property for
such  purposes,  or appear  in,  defend,  or bring any action or  proceeding  to
protect its interest in the Property or to foreclose this Security Instrument or
collect  the  Debt,  and the  cost and  expense  thereof  (including  reasonable
attorneys' fees actually incurred to the extent permitted by law), with interest
as provided in this  Paragraph  22,  shall  constitute a portion of the Debt and
shall be due and  payable to Lender  upon  demand.  All such costs and  expenses
incurred  by Lender in  remedying  such  Event of Default  or in  appearing  in,
defending,  or bringing any such action or proceeding shall bear interest at the
Default Rate,  for the period after notice from Lender that such cost or expense
was  incurred  to the date of  payment to  Lender.  All such costs and  expenses
incurred by Lender,  together  with interest  thereon  calculated at the Default
Rate, shall be deemed to constitute a portion of the Debt and be secured by this
Security  Instrument and the Other  Security  Documents and shall be immediately
due and payable upon demand by Lender therefor.

     23. LATE PAYMENT CHARGE.  If any portion of the Debt is not paid within ten
(10) days after the date on which it is due,  Borrower  shall pay to Lender upon
demand an amount equal to the lesser of five percent (5%) of such unpaid portion
of the Debt or the maximum  amount  permitted by  applicable  law, to defray the
expense  incurred by Lender in handling and processing such  delinquent  payment
and to compensate Lender for the loss of the use of such delinquent payment, and
such amount shall be secured by this Security  Instrument and the Other Security

     24.  PREPAYMENT AFTER EVENT OF DEFAULT.  If following the occurrence of any
Event of Default,  Borrower  shall  tender  payment of an amount  sufficient  to
satisfy  the Debt at any time  prior to a sale of the  Property  either  through
foreclosure  or the  exercise of other  remedies  available to Lender under this
Security  Instrument,  such tender by Borrower shall be deemed to be a voluntary
prepayment under the Note in the amount tendered.  If at the time of such tender
prepayment  of the  principal  balance  of the Note is not  permitted,  Borrower
shall,  in  addition  to the  entire  Debt,  also pay to  Lender a sum  equal to
interest  which would have accrued on the  principal  balance of the Note at the
Applicable  Interest Rate from the date of such tender to the earlier of (i) the
Maturity  Date, or (ii) the first day of the period  during which  prepayment of
the  principal  balance of the Note would have been  permitted,  together with a
prepayment  consideration equal to the prepayment consideration which would have
been  payable as of the first day of the period  during which  prepayment  would
have been permitted.  If at the time of such tender  prepayment of the principal
balance of the Note is  permitted,  Borrower  shall,  in  addition to the entire
Debt, also pay to Lender the applicable  prepayment  consideration  specified in
the Note.

     25. RIGHT OF ENTRY. Lender and its agents shall have the right to enter and
inspect the Property at all reasonable  times,  subject to the rights of tenants
in possession.

     26. REMEDIES.  (a) Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default,  Lender may
take such action, without notice or demand, as it deems advisable to protect and
enforce its rights against Borrower and in and to the Property,  including,  but
not limited to, the following actions, each of which may be pursued concurrently
or  otherwise,  at such time and in such order as Lender may  determine,  in its
sole discretion,  without impairing or otherwise  affecting the other rights and
remedies of Lender:

          (i) declare the entire unpaid Debt to be immediately due and payable;

          (ii)  institute  proceedings  for  the  complete  foreclosure  of this
     Security  Instrument in which case the Property or any interest therein may
     be sold for cash or, to the extent  permitted by law, upon credit in one or
     more  parcels  or in  several  interests  or  portions  and in any order or

          (iii) with or without entry,  to the extent  permitted and pursuant to
     the procedures  provided by applicable law,  institute  proceedings for the
     partial foreclosure of this Security Instrument for the portion of the Debt
     then due and  payable,  subject  to the  continuing  lien of this  Security
     Instrument for the balance of the Debt not then due;

          (iv) sell for cash or, to the extent permitted by law, upon credit the
     Property or any part thereof and all estate,  claim,  demand,  right, title
     and interest of Borrower therein and rights of redemption thereof, pursuant
     to power of sale or otherwise,  at one or more sales,  as an entirety or in
     parcels,  at such time and place,  upon such  terms and after  such  notice
     thereof as may be required or permitted by law;

          (v) institute an action, suit or proceeding in equity for the specific
     performance of any covenant,  condition or agreement contained herein or in
     the Note;

          (vi)  recover  judgment on the Note either  before,  during or, to the
     extent  permitted by law, after any proceedings for the enforcement of this
     Security Instrument;

          (vii) apply for the appointment of a trustee, receiver,  liquidator or
     conservator  of the  Property,  without  notice and without  regard for the
     adequacy of the security  for the Debt and without  regard for the solvency
     of Borrower,  any  guarantor or of any person,  firm or other entity liable
     for the payment of the Debt;

          (viii)  enforce  Lender's  interest  in the Leases and Rents and enter
     into or upon the Property,  either personally or by its agents, nominees or
     attorneys and  dispossess  Borrower and its agents and servants  therefrom,
     and  thereupon  Lender  may (A)  use,  operate,  manage,  control,  insure,
     maintain, repair, restore and otherwise deal with all and every part of the
     Property and conduct the business thereof; (B) complete any construction on
     the  Property in such manner and form as Lender deems  advisable;  (C) make
     alterations,  additions,  renewals,  replacements and improvements to or on
     the  Property;  (D) exercise all rights and powers of Borrower with respect
     to the Property,  whether in the name of Borrower or otherwise,  including,
     without  limitation,  the right to make, cancel,  enforce or modify leases,
     obtain and evict  tenants,  and  demand,  sue for,  collect and receive all
     earnings, revenues, rents, issues, profits and other income of the Property
     and every part thereof;  or (E) apply the receipts from the Property to the
     payment of the Debt,  after  deducting  therefrom  all expenses  (including
     reasonable  attorneys'  fees)  actually  incurred  in  connection  with the
     aforesaid   operations  and  all  amounts   necessary  to  pay  the  taxes,
     assessments,  insurance and other charges in connection  with the Property,
     as well as just and reasonable compensation for the services of Lender, its
     counsel, agents and employees;

          (ix)  require  Borrower  to pay  monthly in advance to Lender,  or any
     receiver  appointed to collect the Rents,  the fair and  reasonable  rental
     value for the use and occupation of any portion of the Property occupied by
     Borrower and require Borrower to vacate and surrender  possession to Lender
     of the Property or to such receiver and, in default thereof, evict Borrower
     by summary proceedings or otherwise; or

          (x)  require  that all  payments  under  any  lease  of the  Property,
     including,  without  limitation,  all rental payments under the Leases,  be
     paid directly to a lock-box account designated by Lender and apply all sums
     in the lock-box account to the payment of the Debt in such order,  priority
     and proportions as Lender shall deem appropriate in its discretion;

          (xi) at Lender's option, replace the manager of the Property; or

          (xii)  pursue such other rights or remedies as may be available at law
     or in equity.

     In the event of a sale, by  foreclosure  or otherwise,  of less than all of
the Property, this Security Instrument shall continue as a lien on the remaining
portion of the Property.

          (b) The proceeds of any sale made under or by virtue of this Paragraph
     26,  together  with any other sums  which then may be held by Lender  under
     this Security Instrument, whether under the provisions of this Paragraph 26
     or otherwise, shall be applied by Lender to the payment of the Debt in such
     priority and proportions as Lender in its discretion shall deem proper.

          (c)  Lender  may  adjourn  from time to time any sale by it to be made
     under or by virtue of this Security  Instrument by announcement at the time
     and place appointed for such sale or for such adjourned sale or sales; and,
     except as otherwise  provided by any applicable  provision of law,  Lender,
     without further notice or  publication,  may make such sale at the time and
     place to which the same shall be so adjourned.

          (d) Upon the  completion of any sale made by Lender under or by virtue
     of this  Paragraph 26, Lender,  or an officer of any court  empowered to do
     so,  shall  execute  and  deliver  to the  accepted  purchaser  a good  and
     sufficient  instrument  conveying,  assigning and  transferring all estate,
     right, title and interest in and to the property and rights sold. Lender is
     hereby irrevocably  appointed the true and lawful attorney of Borrower,  in
     its  name  and  stead,  to make  all  necessary  conveyances,  assignments,
     transfers  and  deliveries  of the Property and rights so sold and for that
     purpose  Lender  may  execute  all  necessary  instruments  of  conveyance,
     assignment  and transfer,  and may substitute one or more persons with like
     power,  Borrower hereby ratifying and confirming all that its said attorney
     or such substitute shall lawfully do by virtue hereof.  Any sale made under
     or by  virtue of this  Paragraph  26,  whether  made  under  power of sale,
     nonjudicial or under or by virtue of judicial  proceedings or of a judgment
     or decree of foreclosure and sale,  shall operate to divest all the estate,
     right, title, interest,  claim and demand whatsoever,  whether at law or in
     equity, of Borrower in and to the property and rights so sold, and shall be
     a perpetual bar both at law and in equity against  Borrower and against any
     and all  persons  claiming or who may claim the same,  or any part  thereof
     from, through or under Borrower.

          (e) Upon any  sale  made  under or by  virtue  of this  Paragraph  26,
     whether  made  under  power of sale,  nonjudicial  or under or by virtue of
     judicial  proceedings or of a judgment or decree of  foreclosure  and sale,
     Lender may bid for and acquire the Property or any part thereof and in lieu
     of paying cash  therefor  may make  settlement  for the  purchase  price by
     crediting upon the Debt the net sales price after  deducting  therefrom the
     expenses  of the sale and  costs of the  action  and any other  sums  which
     Lender is authorized to deduct under this Security Instrument.

          (f) No recovery of any  judgment by Lender and no levy of an execution
     under any judgment upon the Property or upon any other property of Borrower
     shall  affect in any  manner  or to any  extent  the lien of this  Security
     Instrument  upon the Property or any part  thereof,  or any liens,  rights,
     powers or remedies of Lender hereunder,  but such liens, rights, powers and
     remedies of Lender shall continue unimpaired as before.

          (g) Lender may  terminate  or rescind any  proceeding  or other action
     brought in  connection  with its exercise of the remedies  provided in this
     Paragraph 26 at any time before the  conclusion  thereof,  as determined in
     Lender's sole discretion and without prejudice to Lender.

          (h) Lender may resort to any remedies  and the  security  given by the
     Note, this Security Instrument or the Other Security Documents, in whole or
     in part,  and in such  portions and in such order as determined by Lender's
     sole discretion.  No such action shall in any way be considered a waiver of
     any rights,  benefits or remedies  evidenced or provided by the Note,  this
     Security Instrument or the Other Security Documents.  The failure of Lender
     to exercise any right, remedy or option provided in the Note, this Security
     Instrument or the Other Security  Documents shall not be deemed a waiver of
     such right,  remedy or option or of any covenant or  obligation  secured by
     the Note,  this Security  Instrument or the Other  Security  Documents.  No
     acceptance  by Lender of any payment  after the  occurrence of any Event of
     Default and no payment by Lender of any  obligation  for which  Borrower is
     liable hereunder shall be deemed to waive or cure any Event of Default with
     respect to Borrower,  or Borrower's  liability to pay such  obligation.  No
     sale of all or any portion of the Property,  no  forbearance on the part of
     Lender,  and no  extension  of time  for the  payment  of the  whole or any
     portion of the Debt or any other  indulgence  given by Lender to  Borrower,
     shall  operate to release or in any manner affect the interest of Lender in
     the  remaining  Property or the  liability of Borrower to pay the Debt.  No
     waiver by Lender shall be  effective  unless it is in writing and then only
     to the extent specifically stated.

          (i) The interests  and rights of Lender under the Note,  this Security
     Instrument  or the Other  Security  Documents  shall not be impaired by any
     indulgence,  including  (i) any renewal,  extension or  modification  which
     Lender  may grant  with  respect  to any of the Debt,  (ii) any  surrender,
     compromise,  release,  renewal,  extension,  exchange or substitution which
     Lender may grant with  respect to the Property or any portion  thereof;  or
     (iii) any release or indulgence granted to any maker,  endorser,  guarantor
     or surety of any of the Debt.

     27.  SECURITY  AGREEMENT.  (a)  This  Security  Instrument  is  both a real
property deed to secure debt and a security  agreement within the meaning of the
Uniform  Commercial Code. The Property  includes both real and personal property
and all other rights and interests, whether tangible or intangible in nature, of
Borrower in the  Property.  Borrower by executing and  delivering  this Security
Instrument has granted and hereby grants to Lender,  as security for the Debt, a
security  interest in the  Property to the full extent that the  Property may be
subject to the Uniform  Commercial Code (said portion of the Property so subject
to  the  Uniform   Commercial  Code  being  called  in  this  Paragraph  27  the

          (b) The mention in a financing statement filed in the records normally
     pertaining  to personal  property of any portion of the Property  shall not
     derogate  from or impair in any manner the intention of Borrower and Lender
     hereby  declared that all items of Collateral are part of the real property
     encumbered  hereby to the fullest  extent  permitted by law,  regardless of
     whether any such item is physically attached to the Improvements or whether
     serial  numbers are used for the better  identification  of certain  items.
     Specifically, the mention in any such financing statement of (i) the rights
     in or to any  insurance,  (ii) any  condemnation  award or  payment,  (iii)
     Borrower's interest in any Leases or Rents, or (iv) any other item included
     in the  Property,  shall not be  construed  to alter,  impair or impugn any
     rights of Lender's  lien upon any security  interest in the  Property.  Any
     such mention shall be for the protection of Lender in the event that notice
     of Lender's  priority  of  interest  as to any  portion of the  Property is
     required to be filed in accordance  with the Uniform  Commercial Code to be
     effective  against or take  priority  over the  interest of any  particular
     class of persons,  including the federal  government or any  subdivision or
     instrumentality thereof.

          (c)  Except  for  the  security  interest  granted  by  this  Security
     Instrument,  Borrower  is,  and  as to  portions  of the  Collateral  to be
     acquired  after the date hereof will be, the sole owner of the  Collateral,
     free from any lien, security interest, encumbrance or adverse claim thereon
     of any kind  whatsoever  except  for  those  exceptions  shown in the title
     insurance  policy insuring the lien of this Security  Instrument.  Borrower
     shall notify Lender of, and shall defend the Collateral against, all claims
     and demands of all persons at any time  claiming  the same or any  interest

          (d) Except as otherwise provided in this Security Instrument, Borrower
     shall not lease (other than in the ordinary course of business) or transfer
     all or any portion of the Collateral  without the prior written  consent of

          (e) The  Collateral  is not used or  bought  for  personal,  family or
     household purposes.

          (f)  The  Collateral  shall  be kept  on or at the  Property,  and the
     applicable  Borrower  shall not remove  the  Collateral  from the  Property
     without the prior  consent of Lender,  except such portions or items of the
     Collateral  as are  consumed  or worn out in ordinary  usage,  all of which
     shall be  promptly  replaced  by  Borrower  with  items of equal or greater

          (g) In the event of any change in name,  identity or  structure of any
     Borrower,  such  Borrower  shall notify Lender  thereof and promptly  after
     request shall execute,  file and record such Uniform  Commercial Code forms
     as are  necessary  to  maintain  the  priority  of  Lender's  lien upon and
     security interest in the Collateral, and shall pay all expenses and fees in
     connection with the filing and recording  thereof.  If Lender shall require
     the filing or  recording of  additional  Uniform  Commercial  Code forms or
     continuation statements,  Borrower shall, promptly after request,  execute,
     file  and  record  such  Uniform  Commercial  Code  forms  or  continuation
     statements as Lender shall deem  necessary,  and shall pay all expenses and
     fees in  connection  with  the  filing  and  recording  thereof,  it  being
     understood and agreed,  however,  that no such  additional  documents shall
     increase  Borrower's  obligations under the Note, this Security  Instrument
     and Other Security Documents.

          (h)   Borrower   hereby    irrevocably    appoints   Lender   as   its
     attorney-in-fact,  coupled with an interest,  to file with the  appropriate
     public office on its behalf any financing or other  statements  signed only
     by Lender,  as secured party, in connection with the Collateral  covered by
     this Security Instrument.

          (i) If an Event of Default  shall  occur,  Lender,  in addition to any
     other  rights and remedies  which it may have,  shall have and may exercise
     immediately and without demand,  any and all rights and remedies granted to
     a secured party upon default under the Uniform Commercial Code,  including,
     without  limiting  the  generality  of the  foregoing,  the  right  to take
     possession of the  Collateral  or any part thereof,  and to take such other
     measures  as  Lender  may  deem  necessary  for the  care,  protection  and
     preservation of the Collateral.  Upon request or demand of Lender, Borrower
     shall,  at its expense,  assemble the  Collateral  and make it available to
     Lender at a convenient  place  acceptable to Lender.  Borrower shall pay to
     Lender  on  demand  any and all  expenses,  including  legal  expenses  and
     attorneys'  fees,  actually  incurred or paid by Lender in  protecting  its
     interest in the  Collateral  and in  enforcing  its rights  hereunder  with
     respect to the Collateral.

          (j) Any disposition pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code of so much
     of the Collateral as may constitute  personal  property shall be considered
     commercially  reasonable  if  made  pursuant  to a  public  sale  which  is
     advertised  at least  twice in a  newspaper  of  local  circulation  in the
     community  where the real  property is  located.  Lender may dispose of the
     Collateral together with or separately from a disposal of the Property. Any
     notice  required  by the  Uniform  Commercial  Code to be given to Borrower
     shall be considered  reasonable  and properly  given if given in the manner
     provided in this  Paragraph 27 at least five (5) calendar days prior to the
     date of any scheduled  public sale.  This  Security  Instrument is filed as
     fixture filing and covers goods which are or are to become  fixtures on the

          (k) The proceeds of any  disposition  of the  Collateral,  or any part
     thereof,  may be  applied  by  Lender  to the  payment  of the Debt in such
     priority and proportions as Lender in its discretion shall deem proper.

          (l) With respect to the  machinery,  apparatus,  equipment,  fittings,
     fixtures,  building supplies and materials,  articles of personal property,
     chattels,  chattel paper,  documents,  inventory,  accounts, farm products,
     consumer  goods and general  intangibles  referred to or  described in this
     Security Instrument,  or in any way connected with the use and enjoyment of
     the Property and owned by Borrower, this Security Instrument is hereby made
     and declared to be a security agreement  encumbering each and every item of
     such property included herein as a part of the Property, in compliance with
     the  provisions of the Uniform  Commercial  Code as enacted in the State of
     Georgia.  Upon  request  by  Lender,  at any time and from time to time,  a
     financing statement or statements reciting this Security Instrument to be a
     security  agreement  affecting  all of such  property  shall be executed by
     Borrower and Lender and appropriately filed. The remedies for any violation
     of the covenants,  terms and conditions of the security agreement contained
     in this Security  Instrument shall be (i) as prescribed  herein, or (ii) as
     prescribed by general law, or (iii) as prescribed by the specific statutory
     consequences  now or  hereafter  enacted  and  specified  in  said  Uniform
     Commercial  Code, all at Lender's sole election.  Borrower and Lender agree
     that the  filing  of any such  financing  statement  or  statements  in the
     records  normally having to do with personal  property shall not in any way
     affect the  agreement  of  Borrower  and Lender  that  everything  owned by
     Borrower  and used in  connection  with the  production  of income from the
     Property or adapted for use therein or which is  described  or reflected in
     this Security  Instrument  is, and at all times and for all purposes and in
     all proceedings, legal or equitable, shall be, regarded as part of the real
     estate  conveyed  hereby  regardless  of  whether  (1)  any  such  item  is
     physically  attached to the  improvements,  (2) serial numbers are used for
     the better identification of certain items capable of being thus identified
     in an exhibit to this Security  Instrument or (3) any such item is referred
     to or reflected in any such  financing  statement or statements so filed at
     any  time.  Similarly,  the  mention  in any such  financing  statement  or
     statements  of the  rights  in and to (A)  the  proceeds  of any  insurance
     policy, or (B) any award in eminent domain  proceedings for a taking or for
     loss of value,  or (C)  Borrower's  interest  as lessor in any  present  or
     future lease or rights to income growing out of the use and/or occupancy of
     the Property,  whether pursuant to lease or otherwise, shall not in any way
     alter any of the rights of Lender as determined by this Security Instrument
     or affect the priority of Lender's  security  interest granted hereby or by
     any other  recorded  document,  it being  understood  and agreed  that such
     mention  in such  financing  statement  or  statements  is  solely  for the
     protection  of Lender  in the  event any court  shall at any time hold with
     respect  thereto,  that notice of  Lender's  priority  of  interest,  to be
     effective  against  all persons or against a  particular  class of persons,
     must be filed in the Uniform Commercial Code records.

          (m) Borrower warrants that (i) Borrower's (that is,  "Debtor's") name,
     identity  or  corporate  structure  and  residence  or  principal  place of
     business are as set forth in subsection (n) below;  (ii) Borrower (that is,
     "Debtor")  has  been  using or  operating  under  said  name,  identity  or
     corporate  structure  without  change  for the  time  period  set  forth in
     subsection (n) below;  and (iii) the location of the collateral is upon the
     Land.  Borrower covenants and agrees that Borrower will furnish Lender with
     notice of any change in the  matters  addressed  by clauses (i) or (iii) of
     this  subsection  within thirty (30) days of the effective date of any such
     change and Borrower will promptly execute any financing statements or other
     instruments  deemed  necessary  by Lender to  prevent  any filed  financing
     statement from becoming misleading or losing its perfected status.

          (o) The information  contained in this subsection is provided in order
     that this Security  Instrument  shall comply with the  requirements  of the
     Uniform  Commercial  Code,  as  enacted  in  the  State  of  Georgia,   for
     instruments to be filed as financing statements.  The names of the "Debtor"
     and the "Secured Party", the identity or corporate  structure and residence
     or principal  place of business of "Debtor",  and the time period for which
     "Debtor"  has been  using or  operating  under  said name and  identity  or
     corporate  structure  without  change,  are as set forth in  Schedule  1 of
     Exhibit B attached  hereto and by this  reference  made a part hereof;  the
     mailing  address of the "Secured Party" from which  information  concerning
     the security interest may be obtained, and the mailing address of "Debtor",
     are as set forth in  Schedule 2 of said  Exhibit B attached  hereto;  and a
     statement  indicating the types,  or describing the items, of collateral is
     set forth hereinabove.

     28. ACTIONS AND  PROCEEDINGS.  Lender has the right to appear in and defend
any action or  proceeding  brought with respect to the Property and to bring any
action or proceeding,  in the name and on behalf of Borrower,  which Lender,  in
its  discretion,  decides  should be  brought  to protect  its  interest  in the
Property. Lender shall, at its option, be subrogated to the lien of any mortgage
or other security instrument discharged in whole or in part by the Debt, and any
such subrogation rights shall constitute  additional Security for the payment of
the Debt.

     29. WAIVER OF  COUNTERCLAIM.  Borrower  hereby waives the right to assert a
counterclaim,  other than a mandatory or compulsory counterclaim,  in any action
or  proceeding  brought  against it by Lender,  and waives  trial by jury in any
action or proceeding  brought by either party hereto against the other or in any
counterclaim  asserted by Lender against Borrower,  or in any matters whatsoever
arising out of or in any way connected with this Security Instrument,  the Note,
any of the Other Security Documents or the Debt.

     30. RECOVERY OF SUMS REQUIRED TO BE PAID.  Lender shall have the right from
time to time to take action to recover any sum or sums which  constitute  a part
of the Debt as the same become due, without regard to whether or not the balance
of the  Debt  shall  be due,  and  without  prejudice  to the  right  of  Lender
thereafter to bring an action of foreclosure, or any other action, for a default
or defaults by Borrower existing at the time such earlier action was commenced.

     31.  MARSHALING AND OTHER MATTERS.  Borrower  hereby waives,  to the extent
permitted by law, the benefit of all appraisement,  valuation,  stay, extension,
reinstatement  and  redemption  laws now or hereafter in force and all rights of
marshaling  in the  event  of any sale  hereunder  of the  Property  or any part
thereof or any interest therein.  Further,  Borrower hereby expressly waives any
and all rights of redemption  from sale under any order or decree of foreclosure
of this  Security  Instrument  on behalf of Borrower,  and on behalf of each and
every person  acquiring  any interest in or title to the Property  subsequent to
the date of this Security  Instrument and on behalf of all persons to the extent
permitted by applicable law.

     32.  ENVIRONMENTAL  HAZARDS.  (a) Borrower represents and warrants,  to the
best of Borrower's  knowledge,  after due inquiry and  investigation,  that: (i)
there are no Hazardous  Substances  (defined below) or underground storage tanks
in, on, or under the Property, except those that are both (A) in compliance with
Environmental  Law (defined below) and with permits issued pursuant  thereto and
(B) fully  disclosed  to Lender  in  writing  pursuant  to the  written  reports
resulting from the environmental assessments of the Property delivered to Lender
(the  "Environmental  Report");  (ii) there are no past,  present or  threatened
Releases  (defined  below) of  Hazardous  Substances  in, on,  under or from the
Property  except as described  in the  Environmental  Report;  (iii) there is no
threat of any Release of Hazardous  Substances  migrating to the Property except
as  described  in the  Environmental  Report;  (iv)  there is no past or present
non-compliance  with Environmental Law, or with permits issued pursuant thereto,
in connection with the Property except as described in the Environmental Report;
(v) Borrower does not know of, and has not received,  any written or oral notice
or other communication from any person or entity (including but not limited to a
governmental  entity) relating to Hazardous  Substances or Remediation  (defined
below)  thereof,  of possible  liability of any person or entity pursuant to any
Environmental  Law,  other  environmental   condition  in  connection  with  the
Property,  or any actual or potential  administrative or judicial proceedings in
connection with any of the foregoing; and (vi) Borrower has truthfully and fully
provided to Lender, in writing,  any and all information  relating to conditions
in,  on,  under or from the  Property  that is  known  to  Borrower  and that is
contained  in  Borrower's  files and records,  including  but not limited to any
reports  relating to  Hazardous  Substances  in, on,  under or from the Property
and/or to the environmental condition of the Property.

     "Environmental  Law" means any present and future federal,  state and local
laws, statutes,  ordinances,  rules, regulations and the like, as well as common
law,  relating to  protection  of human health or the  environment,  relating to
Hazardous  Substances,  relating to  liability  for or costs of  Remediation  or
prevention  of Releases of Hazardous  Substances or relating to liability for or
costs of other actual or threatened  danger to human health or the  environment.
"Environmental Law" includes,  but is not limited to, the following statutes, as
amended,  any  successor  thereto,  and  any  regulations  promulgated  pursuant
thereto, and any state or local statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations and the
like  addressing  similar  issues:  the  Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,
Compensation   and  Liability   Act;  the   Emergency   Planning  and  Community
Right-to-Know  Act; the Hazardous  Substances  Transportation  Act; the Resource
Conservation  and Recovery Act (including but not limited to Subtitle I relating
to  underground  storage  tanks);  the Solid Waste Disposal Act; the Clean Water
Act; the Clean Air Act;  the Toxic  Substances  Control  Act; the Safe  Drinking
Water Act; the  Occupational  Safety and Health Act; the Federal Water Pollution
Control  Act;  the Federal  Insecticide,  Fungicide  and  Rodenticide  Act;  the
Endangered Species Act; the National Environmental Policy Act; and the River and
Harbors Appropriation Act. "Environmental Law" also includes, but is not limited
to, any present and future federal, state and local laws, statutes,  ordinances,
rules, regulations and the like, as well as common law: conditioning transfer of
property  upon a  negative  declaration  or  other  approval  of a  governmental
authority of the environmental condition of the property; requiring notification
or  disclosure  of  Releases  of  Hazardous  Substances  or other  environmental
condition  of the  Property to any  governmental  authority  or other  person or
entity,  whether or not in  connection  with transfer of title to or interest in
property;  imposing  conditions or  requirements  in connection  with permits or
other authorization for lawful activity; relating to nuisance, trespass or other
causes of action  related to the  Property;  and  relating  to  wrongful  death,
personal  injury,  or property or other damage in  connection  with any physical
condition or use of the Property.

     "Hazardous  Substances"  include  but  are  not  limited  to  any  and  all
substances  (whether  solid,  liquid  or  gas)  defined,  listed,  or  otherwise
classified as pollutants,  hazardous  wastes,  hazardous  substances,  hazardous
materials, extremely hazardous wastes, or words of similar meaning or regulatory
effect under any present or future Environmental Law or that may have a negative
impact  on  human  health  or the  environment,  including  but not  limited  to
petroleum and petroleum products,  asbestos and  asbestos-containing  materials,
polychlorinated  biphenyls,  lead, radon, radioactive materials,  flammables and

     "Release"  of any  Hazardous  Substance  includes but is not limited to any
release, deposit,  discharge,  emission,  leaking, spilling, seeping, migrating,
injecting,  pumping, pouring,  emptying,  escaping,  dumping, disposing or other
movement of Hazardous Substances.

     "Remediation"  includes  but is not  limited  to  any  response,  remedial,
removal, or corrective action, any activity to cleanup, detoxify, decontaminate,
contain or otherwise remediate any Hazardous Substance,  any actions to prevent,
cure or mitigate any Release of any  Hazardous  Substance,  any action to comply
with any  Environmental  Law or with any permits issued  pursuant  thereto,  any
inspection,  investigation,  study, monitoring,  assessment,  audit, sampling or
testing,  laboratory or other analysis,  or evaluation relating to any Hazardous
Substances or to anything referred to in this Paragraph 32.

          (b) Borrower covenants and agrees that: (i) all uses and operations on
     or of the  Property,  whether by  Borrower  or any other  person or entity,
     shall  be in  compliance  with all  Environmental  Law and  permits  issued
     pursuant thereto;  (ii) there shall be no Releases of Hazardous  Substances
     in, on,  under or from the  Property;  (iii)  there  shall be no  Hazardous
     Substances in, on, or under the Property, except those that are both (A) in
     compliance  with all  Environmental  Law and with permits  issued  pursuant
     thereto and (B) fully  disclosed to Lender in writing;  (iv) Borrower shall
     keep the  Property  free and  clear of all  liens  and  other  encumbrances
     imposed  pursuant  to any  Environmental  Law,  whether  due to any  act or
     omission  of Borrower  or any other  person or entity  (the  "Environmental
     Liens");  (v)  Borrower  shall,  at its sole  cost and  expense,  fully and
     expeditiously  cooperate in all activities  pursuant to subparagraph  32(c)
     below,  including but not limited to providing all relevant information and
     making knowledgeable persons available for interviews; (vi) Borrower shall,
     at its sole cost and expense,  perform any environmental site assessment or
     other  investigation  of  environmental  conditions in connection  with the
     Property,  pursuant to any reasonable  written request of Lender (including
     but not limited to  sampling,  testing and  analysis of soil,  water,  air,
     building materials and other materials and substances whether solid, liquid
     or gas), and share with Lender the reports and other results  thereof,  and
     Lender and other  parties  shall be  entitled  to rely on such  reports and
     other results thereof;  (vii) Borrower shall, at its sole cost and expense,
     comply with all  reasonable  written  requests of Lender to (A)  reasonably
     effectuate  Remediation  of any condition  (including  but not limited to a
     Release of a Hazardous  Substance) in, on, under or from the Property;  (B)
     comply with any  Environmental  Law; (C) comply with any directive from any
     governmental authority;  and (D) take any other reasonable action necessary
     or appropriate  for protection of human health or the  environment;  (viii)
     Borrower  shall not do or allow any tenant or other user of the Property to
     do any act that  materially  increases  the dangers to human  health or the
     environment,  poses an  unreasonable  risk of harm to any  person or entity
     (whether  on or off the  Property),  impairs or may impair the value of the
     Property,  is contrary to any  requirement  of any insurer,  constitutes  a
     public or private  nuisance,  constitutes  waste, or violates any covenant,
     condition,  agreement  or easement  applicable  to the  Property;  and (ix)
     Borrower shall immediately  notify Lender in writing of (A) any presence or
     Releases or threatened Releases of Hazardous Substances in, on, under, from
     or  migrating  towards  the  Property;  (B)  any  non-compliance  with  any
     Environmental  Law  related in any way to the  Property;  (C) any actual or
     potential  environmental  lien  against the  Property;  (D) any required or
     proposed Remediation of environmental  conditions relating to the Property;
     and (E) any written or oral notice or other  communication  which  Borrower
     becomes aware from any source  whatsoever  (including  but not limited to a
     governmental  entity)  relating  in any  way  to  Hazardous  Substances  or
     Remediation thereof, possible liability of any person or entity pursuant to
     any Environmental  Law, other  environmental  conditions in connection with
     the  Property,  or any  actual  or  potential  administrative  or  judicial
     proceedings in connection with anything referred to in this Paragraph 32.

          (c)  Lender  and any  other  person or entity  designated  by  Lender,
     including  but  not  limited  to  any  receiver,  any  representative  of a
     governmental entity, and any environmental consultant shall have the right,
     but not the obligation,  to enter upon the Property at all reasonable times
     to  assess  any and  all  aspects  of the  environmental  condition  of the
     Property  and  its  use,  including  but  not  limited  to  conducting  any
     environmental  assessment  or audit (the scope of which shall be determined
     in  Lender's  sole and  absolute  discretion)  and taking  samples of soil,
     ground  water or other water,  air or building  materials,  and  conducting
     other invasive testing. Borrower shall cooperate with and provide access to
     Lender and any such person or entity designated by Lender.

     33.  INDEMNIFICATION.  Subject to the limitations set forth in Paragraph 47
hereof, Borrower shall protect,  defend, indemnify and save harmless Lender from
and against all liabilities,  obligations,  claims, demands, damages, penalties,
causes  of  action,  losses,  fines,  costs  and  expenses  (including,  without
limitation,  reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses actually incurred), imposed
upon or incurred by or asserted  against  Lender by reason of (a)  ownership  of
this Security Instrument, the Property or any interest therein or receipt of any
Rents;  (b) any accident,  injury to or death of persons or loss of or damage to
property  occurring  in, on or about the  Property or any part thereof or on the
adjoining sidewalks, curbs, adjacent property or adjacent parking areas, streets
or ways;  (c) any use, non use or condition  in, on or about the Property or any
part thereof or on the adjoining sidewalks, curbs, adjacent property or adjacent
parking  areas,  streets or ways;  (d) any  failure on the part of  Borrower  to
perform  or  comply  with any of the  terms  of this  Security  Instrument;  (e)
performance of any labor or services or the furnishing of any materials or other
property in respect of the Property or any part thereof;  (f) the failure of any
person to file timely with the Internal Revenue Service an accurate Form 1099-B,
Statement  for  Recipients  of  Proceeds  from Real  Estate,  Broker  and Barter
Exchange  Transactions,  which may be required in connection  with this Security
Instrument,  or to supply a copy thereof in a timely fashion to the recipient of
the  proceeds  of  the  transaction  in  connection  with  which  this  Security
Instrument  is made;  (g) the  presence,  disposal,  escape,  seepage,  leakage,
spillage,  discharge,  emission, release, or threatened release of any Hazardous
Substances on, from, or affecting the Property or any other  property  occurring
prior to or during Borrower's ownership of the Property; (h) any personal injury
(including  wrongful death) or property damage (real or personal) arising out of
or  related  to the  presence  of such  Hazardous  Substances  as set  forth  in
subparagraph  33(g); (i) any lawsuit brought or threatened,  settlement reached,
or government order relating to the presence of such Hazardous Substances as set
forth in subparagraph  33(g);  (j) any violation of laws,  orders,  regulations,
requirements,  or demands of government authorities,  which are based upon or in
any way related to such Hazardous Substances, including, without limitation, the
costs and  expenses  of any  remedial  action,  attorney  and  consultant  fees,
investigation and laboratory fees, court costs, and litigation expenses; (k) any
representation or warranty made herein or in the Note, this Security  Instrument
or the Other Security  Documents  being false or misleading in any respect as of
the date such  representation  or warranty  was made;  (1) any claim by brokers,
finders or similar persons claiming to be entitled to a commission in connection
with any Lease or other  transaction  involving the Property or any part thereof
under any legal  requirement  or any  liability  asserted  against  Lender  with
respect  thereto;  or (m) the claims of any lessee of all or any  portion of the
Property or any person acting  through or under any lessee or otherwise  arising
under or as a consequence of any Lease.  Any amounts payable to Lender by reason
of the  application  of this  Paragraph  33 shall be  secured  by this  Security
Instrument and shall become  immediately due and payable and shall bear interest
at the Default  Rate from the date loss or damage is  sustained  by Lender until
paid. The  obligations and liabilities of Borrower under this Paragraph 33 shall
survive  any  termination,  satisfaction,  assignment,  entry of a  judgment  of
foreclosure,  delivery of a deed in a nonjudicial  foreclosure  or delivery of a
deed in lieu of foreclosure of this Security Instrument.

     34. NOTICES. All notices or other written communications hereunder shall be
deemed to have been properly given (i) upon delivery,  if delivered in person or
by facsimile  transmission with receipt  acknowledged by the recipient  thereof,
(ii) one (1)  Business  Day (defined  below)  after  having been  deposited  for
overnight delivery with any reputable  overnight courier service, or (iii) three
(3)  Business  Days  after  having  been  deposited  in any post  office or mail
depository  regularly  maintained  by  the  U.S.  Postal  Service  and  sent  by
registered  or  certified  mail,  postage  prepaid,  return  receipt  requested,
addressed as follows:

                  If to Borrower:           Thicket Apartments, L.P.
                                            3111 Paces Mill Road, Suite A-200
                                            Atlanta, Georgia 30339
                                            Attention: General Partner

                  If to Lender:             Univest Mortgage Capital, LLC
                                            Six Concourse Parkway, Suite 1400
                                            Atlanta, Georgia 30328-5346
                                            Attention: Daniel B. Lambert
                                            Facsimile No.  (770) 399-8396

     or  addressed  as such  party may from time to time  designate  by  written
notice to the other parties.

     Either party by notice to the other may  designate  additional or different
addresses for subsequent notices or communications.

     For purposes of this  Subsection,  "Business Day" shall mean a day on which
commercial banks are not authorized or required by law to close in New York, New

     35.  AUTHORITY.  (a)  Borrower  (and  the  undersigned   representative  of
Borrower,  if any) has full power,  authority and right to execute,  deliver and
perform its obligations pursuant to this Security  Instrument,  and to mortgage,
give, grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, convey, confirm, pledge, hypothecate
and assign the Property pursuant to the terms hereof and to keep and observe all
of the terms of this Security Instrument on Borrower's part to be performed.

          (b) Borrower  represents  and warrants that Borrower is not a "foreign
     person"  within the meaning of 1445(f)(3)  of the Internal  Revenue Code of
     1986, as amended and the related Treasury Department regulations, including
     temporary regulations.

     36. WAIVER OF NOTICE.  Borrower shall not be entitled to any notices of any
nature  whatsoever  from Lender  except  with  respect to matters for which this
Security Instrument specifically and expressly provides for the giving of notice
by Lender to  Borrower  and except with  respect to matters for which  Lender is
required by applicable law to give notice,  and Borrower hereby expressly waives
the right to receive any notice from Lender with respect to any matter for which
this Security  Instrument does not  specifically  and expressly  provide for the
giving of notice by Lender to Borrower.

     37. REMEDIES OF BORROWER. In the event that a claim or adjudication is made
that Lender has acted  unreasonably or  unreasonably  delayed acting in any case
where by law or under the Note,  this Security  Instrument or the Other Security
Documents, it has an obligation to act reasonably or promptly,  Lender shall not
be liable for any monetary damages,  and Borrower's remedies shall be limited to
injunctive relief or declaratory judgment.

     38.  SOLE  DISCRETION  OF  LENDER.   Wherever  pursuant  to  this  Security
Instrument,  Lender exercises any right given to it to approve or disapprove, or
any arrangement or term is to be satisfactory to Lender,  the decision of Lender
to  approve  or  disapprove  or  to  decide  that   arrangements  or  terms  are
satisfactory or not  satisfactory  shall be in the sole discretion of Lender and
shall  be  final  and  conclusive,  except  as may be  otherwise  expressly  and
specifically provided herein.

     39. NON-WAIVER.  The failure of Lender to insist upon strict performance of
any term hereof shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any term of this  Security
Instrument.  Borrower shall not be relieved of Borrower's  obligations hereunder
by reason of (a) the failure of Lender to comply with any request of Borrower or
any  guarantors  to take any action to foreclose  this  Security  Instrument  or
otherwise  enforce  any of the  provisions  hereof  or of the Note or the  Other
Security Documents, (b) the release,  regardless of consideration,  of the whole
or any part of the Property, or of any person liable for the Debt or any portion
thereof,  or (c) any agreement or  stipulation  by Lender  extending the time of
payment or otherwise  modifying  or  supplementing  the terms of the Note,  this
Security Instrument or the Other Security  Documents.  Lender may resort for the
payment  of the debt to any other  security  held by  Lender  in such  order and
manner as  Lender,  in its  discretion,  may elect.  Lender  may take  action to
recover the Debt,  or any portion  thereof,  or to enforce any  covenant  hereof
without  prejudice to the right of Lender  thereafter to foreclose this Security
Instrument.  The rights and  remedies of Lender under this  Security  Instrument
shall be separate, distinct and cumulative and none shall be given effect to the
exclusion  of the others.  No act of Lender shall be construed as an election to
proceed under any one provision  herein to the exclusion of any other provision.
Lender shall not be limited exclusively to the rights and remedies herein stated
but shall be entitled to every right and remedy now or hereafter afforded at law
or in equity.

     40. NO ORAL CHANGE.  This Security  Instrument,  and any provisions hereof,
may  not  be  modified,   amended,  waived,  extended,  changed,  discharged  or
terminated  orally or by any act or  failure to act on the part of  Borrower  or
Lender,  but only by an  agreement in writing  signed by the party  against whom
enforcement of any modification, amendment, waiver, extension, change, discharge
or termination is sought.

     41.  LIABILITY.   If  Borrower  consists  of  more  than  one  person,  the
obligations  and  liabilities of each such person  hereunder  shall be joint and
several. This Security Instrument shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit
of Borrower and Lender and their respective successors and assigns forever.

     42. INAPPLICABLE PROVISIONS. If any term, covenant or condition of the Note
or this Security  Instrument is held to be invalid,  illegal or unenforceable in
any respect,  the Note and this Security  Instrument shall be construed  without
such provision.

     43. HEADINGS,  ETC. The headings and captions of various paragraphs of this
Security  Instrument  are for  convenience  of reference  only and are not to be
construed  as  defining  or  limiting,  in any way,  the  scope or intent of the
provisions hereof.

     44. DUPLICATE  ORIGINALS.  This Security  Instrument may be executed in any
number of duplicate  originals and each such duplicate  original shall be deemed
to be an original.

     45. DEFINITIONS.  Unless the context clearly indicates a contrary intent or
unless  otherwise  specifically  provided  herein,  words used in this  Security
Instrument may be used  interchangeably  in singular or plural form and the word
"Borrower"  shall mean "each Borrower and any subsequent  owner or owners of the
Property or any part thereof or any interest  therein," the word "Lender"  shall
mean "Lender and any subsequent  holder of the Note," the word "Note" shall mean
"the  Note and any other  evidence  of  indebtedness  secured  by this  Security
Instrument,"  the  word  "person"  shall  include  an  individual,  corporation,
partnership,   trust,  unincorporated  association,   government,   governmental
authority,  and any other  entity,  and the words  "Property"  shall include any
portion of the  Property  and any  interest  therein.  Whenever  the context may
require,  any pronouns  used herein shall include the  corresponding  masculine,
feminine or neuter  forms,  and the singular  form of nouns and  pronouns  shall
include the plural and vice versa.

     46.  ASSIGNMENTS.  Lender  shall have the right to assign or  transfer  its
rights  under this  Security  Instrument  without  limitation.  Any  assignee or
transferee  shall be entitled to all the  benefits  afforded  Lender  under this
Security Instrument.

     47. NON-RECOURSE  LIABILITY.  (a) Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 48
of this Security  Instrument,  and  notwithstanding  any other  provision in the
Note,  this Security  Instrument or the Other Security  Documents,  the personal
liability of Borrower to pay the Debt shall be limited to (i) the Property,  and
(ii) the Rents,  including  any Rents  received or  collected by or on behalf of
Borrower after and during the continuance of an Event of Default,  except to the
extent that  Borrower  did not have the legal  right,  because of a  bankruptcy,
receivership or similar judicial proceeding,  to direct the disbursement of such

          (b) Except as provided in  Paragraph 48 of this  Security  Instrument,
     Lender shall not seek (i) any judgment for a deficiency against Borrower in
     any action to enforce any right or remedy under this  Security  Instrument,
     or (ii) any  judgment on the Note except as may be  necessary in any action
     brought  under this  Security  Instrument  to enforce the lien  against the

          (c) No provision of this  Paragraph 47 shall (i) affect any  guaranty,
     indemnity or similar agreement executed in connection with the indebtedness
     evidenced by the Note, (ii) release or reduce the indebtedness evidenced by
     the Note, or (iii) impair the lien of this Security Instrument.

     48. EXCEPTIONS TO NON-RECOURSE LIABILITY.  (a) Borrower shall be personally
liable to Lender in the amount of any loss,  damage or cost  incurred  by Lender
resulting  from (i) fraud or  intentional  misrepresentation  by Borrower or any
other person or entity  employed by or an agent of Borrower in  connection  with
obtaining the loan evidenced by the Note, (ii) insurance proceeds,  condemnation
awards,  or other sums or payments  attributable  to the Property not applied in
accordance with the provisions of this Security Instrument, except to the extent
that  Borrower  did  not  have  the  legal  right,   because  of  a  bankruptcy,
receivership,  or similar judicial  proceeding,  to direct  disbursement of such
sums or payments,  (iii) all Rents received following and during the continuance
of any Event of  Default  under  the Note or this  Security  Instrument  and not
applied to payment of principal and interest due under the Note  (including  any
such Rents  received or collected by or on behalf of Borrower  after an Event of
Default,  except to the  extent  that  Borrower  did not have the  legal  right,
because of a bankruptcy,  receivership or similar judicial proceeding, to direct
the  disbursement  of  such  Rents),  and  payments  of  utilities,   taxes  and
assessments and insurance on the Property,  as they become due or payable,  (iv)
Borrower's  failure to pay transfer fees and charges due Borrower under the Note
or this Security  Instrument in connection  with any transfer of all or any part
of the Property,  or any interest  therein,  to the extent  permitted  herein by
Lender,  from  Borrower to  Borrower's  transferee,  or  transfer of  beneficial
interest in Borrower  (if  Borrower is not a natural  person or persons but is a
corporation,  partnership,  trust or  other  legal  entity),  (v) a  default  by
Borrower under  Paragraphs 32 or 33(g) through (j) of this Security  Instrument,
(vi) failure to pay any recording  taxes or documentary  stamps or other charges
required in connection with this Security Instrument,  (vii) failure to pay real
estate taxes for the Property,  (viii) failure to pay insurance premiums for the
Property,  (ix) misapplication or misappropriation of Rents or security deposits
collected in advance,  (x) the inability of Lender to enforce the  Assignment of
Leases and Rents  executed  by  Borrower  in favor of Lender  with regard to the
Property,  and (xi)  failure of Borrower to comply  with all  provisions  of the
Note,  Security  Instrument or Other Security  Documents  regarding  delivery of
financial or operating statements including, without limitation, Paragraph 15 of
this Security Instrument.

          (b)  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the  agreement of Lender not to
     pursue  recourse  liability as set forth in this  Paragraph 48 shall become
     NULL and VOID and  shall be of no  further  force  and  effect in the event
     Borrower  shall be in  default  of the  provisions  of  Paragraphs  50 or 9

          (c) No provision of this  Paragraph 48 shall (i) affect any  guaranty,
     indemnity or similar agreement executed in connection with the indebtedness
     evidenced by the Note, (ii) release or reduce the indebtedness evidenced by
     the Note, or (iii) impair the lien of this Security Instrument.

     49.  MANAGEMENT.  Borrower  covenants  and agrees that any  replacement  or
successor manager of the Property shall have demonstrated  management experience
of a type  similar to the  management  of the Property as of the date hereof and
shall be subject  to the  reasonable  approval  of Lender.  Any  replacement  or
successor  exclusive  leasing agent for the Property,  if other than Borrower or
such  Property  manager  approved  by Lender,  shall have  demonstrated  leasing
experience  of a type  similar  to the  leasing at the  Property  as of the date
hereof and shall be subject to the reasonable  approval of Lender.  In the event
of the bankruptcy or insolvency of the manager of the Property,  Borrower shall,
at the request of Lender,  terminate  the manager and replace the manager with a
new manager approved by Lender.

     50. SINGLE PURPOSE ENTITY/SEPARATENESS.  Borrower represents,  warrants and
covenants as follows:

          (a)  Borrower  does not own and will not own any  encumbered  asset or
     property other than (i) the Property, and (ii) incidental personal property
     necessary for the ownership or operation of the Property.

          (b) Borrower will not engage in any business other than the ownership,
     management  and  operation of the  Property  and Borrower  will conduct and
     operate its business as presently conducted and operated.

          (c) Borrower  will not enter into any  contract or agreement  with any
     Constituent Party, as defined below, or Affiliate, as defined below, of the
     Borrower or any Affiliate of a Constituent  Party or any guarantor,  except
     upon terms and conditions  that are  intrinsically  fair and  substantially
     similar to those that would be available on an arms-length basis with third
     parties  other than any  Constituent  Party or Affiliate  of Borrower,  any
     Constituent Party or any guarantor.

          (d) Borrower  has not  incurred  and will not incur any  indebtedness,
     secured or unsecured, direct or indirect, absolute or contingent (including
     guaranteeing any  obligation),  other than (i) the Debt, and (ii) trade and
     operational  debt  incurred in the ordinary  course of business  with trade
     creditors  and  in  amounts  as  are  normal  and   reasonable   under  the
     circumstances.   No  indebtedness  other  than  the  Debt  may  be  secured
     (subordinate or pari passu) by the Property.

          (e)  Borrower  has not made and will not make any loans or advances to
     any third party (including any Constituent  Party or Affiliate of Borrower,
     any Constituent Party or any guarantor).

          (f)  Borrower  is  solvent  and  Borrower  will pay its debts from its
     assets as the same shall become due.

          (g)  Borrower  has done or  caused  to be done and will do all  things
     necessary  to preserve  its  existence,  and  Borrower  will not,  nor will
     Borrower  permit any  Constituent  Party or guarantor to, amend,  modify or
     otherwise  change  the  partnership  certificate,   partnership  agreement,
     articles  of   incorporation   and  bylaws,   articles  or  certificate  of
     organization,  operating agreement, trust or other organizational documents
     of Borrower or such Constituent  Party or guarantor in a manner which would
     adversely affect Borrower's existence as a single purpose entity.

          (h)  Borrower  will  maintain  books  and  records  and bank  accounts
     separate from those of its Affiliates and any Constituent Party.

          (i)  Borrower  will be, and at all times  will hold  itself out to the
     public as, a legal  entity  separate  and  distinct  from any other  entity
     (including any Affiliate of Borrower,  any Constituent Party, any guarantor
     or any Affiliate of any Constituent Party or guarantor).

          (j)  Borrower  will  maintain,  to the best of its  ability,  adequate
     capital for the normal obligations  reasonably foreseeable in a business of
     its  size  and  character  and  in  light  of  its  contemplated   business

          (k) Borrower or any Constituent Party will not seek the dissolution or
     winding up, in whole or in part, of Borrower.

          (l) Borrower will not commingle the funds and other assets of Borrower
     with those of any Constituent Party, guarantor, any Affiliate of guarantor,
     any Constituent Party or any guarantor, or any other person.

          (m) Borrower has and will maintain its assets in such a manner that it
     will not be costly or  difficult  to  segregate,  ascertain or identify its
     individual assets from those of any Constituent  Party,  guarantor,  or any
     Affiliate of any Constituent Party or any guarantor, or any other person.

          (n) Borrower  does not and will not hold itself out to be  responsible
     for the debts or obligations of any other person.

          As used herein, the term "Constituent  Party" shall mean any signatory
     to this  Security  Instrument  that signs on  Borrower's  behalf  that is a
     corporation,  general partner,  general  partnership,  limited partnership,
     joint venture, trust, or other type of business organization,  and the term
     "Affiliate"  shall  mean  any  person  or  entity  directly  or  indirectly
     controlling,  controlled by or under common  control with another person or

          [The  foregoing  covenants  shall apply to managing  members,  general
     partners  or  principal   shareholders  of  Borrower  when  appropriate  as
     determined by Lender.]

     51. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. Borrower agrees that where, by the terms of the
Note, this Security Instrument or any Other Security Document, a day is named or
a time is fixed for the  payment of any sum of money or the  performance  of any
agreement,  the time and day stated enters into the  consideration  of and is of
the essence of such agreement.

     52. EQUITABLE  SUBROGATION.  In the event any  indebtedness  secured by any
prior lien on the Property is paid from the proceeds of the loan secured by this
Security Instrument,  the Lender shall be subrogated to the rights of the holder
of such lien as fully as if such lien had been assigned to the Lender.

     53.  GOVERNING  LAW.  Unless  otherwise  specified  herein,  this  Security
Instrument  shall be construed  and  interpreted  under the laws of the state in
which the Property is located.


     55.  BUSINESS  PURPOSES.  The loan  evidenced by the Note is solely for the
business  purpose of Borrower,  and is not for  personal,  family,  household or
agricultural purposes.

     56. TRANSFER OF LOAN. Lender may, at any time, sell, transfer or assign the
Note, this Security Instrument or the Other Security  Documents,  and any or all
servicing rights with respect thereto, or grant participations  therein or issue
mortgage  pass-through  certificates or other securities evidencing a beneficial
interest  in a rated or  unrated  public  offering  or  private  placement  (the
"Securities").  Lender may  forward  to each  purchaser,  transferee,  assignee,
servicer,  participant,  investor in such Securities or any rating agency rating
such Securities (all of the foregoing entities  collectively  referred to as the
"Investor") and each prospective  Investor,  all documents and information which
Lender now has or may  hereafter  acquire  relating to the Debt and to Borrower,
any guarantor, any indemnitors and the Property,  whether furnished by Borrower,
any guarantor,  any indemnitors or otherwise,  as Lender determines necessary or
desirable.  Borrower,  any guarantor and any indemnitor  agree to cooperate with
Lender  in  connection  with any  transfer  made or any  Securities  created  as
contemplated by this Section, including,  without limitation, the delivery of an
estoppel  certificate  required in accordance  with  provisions  hereof and such
other  documents as may be reasonably  requested by Lender.  Borrower shall also
furnish  and  Borrower,  any  guarantor  and any  indemnitor  consent  to Lender
furnishing to such Investors or such prospective  Investors or rating agency any
and all information concerning the Property, the Leases, the financial condition
of Borrower, any guarantor and any indemnitor as may be requested by Lender, any
Investor or any  prospective  Investor or rating agency in  connection  with any
sale, transfer or participation interest.

     57. In the event of any  inconsistencies  between the provisions of Part II
of this  Security  Instrument  and  the  provisions  of Part I of this  Security
Instrument, the provisions of Part II shall control and be binding.

                                     PART II

                            STATE SPECIFIC PROVISIONS

     58. GEORGIA PROVISIONS.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere
in this Security Instrument, if an Event of Default shall have occurred, Lender,
at its option,  may sell the Property or any part of the Property at one or more
public sale or sales  before the door of the  courthouse  of the county in which
the Land or any part of the Land is situated, to the highest bidder for cash, in
order  to pay the  Debt  and all  expenses  of sale  and of all  proceedings  in
connection  therewith,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees actually incurred,
after  advertising  the  time,  place and terms of sale once a week for four (4)
weeks immediately preceding such sale (but without regard to the number of days)
in a newspaper in which  Sheriff's  sales are advertised in said county.  At any
such public sale,  Lender may execute and deliver to the  purchaser a conveyance
of the Property or any part of the  Property in fee simple with full  warranties
of title,  and to this end Borrower  hereby  constitutes and appoints Lender the
agent and  attorney-in-fact  of Borrower to make such sale and  conveyance,  and
thereby to divest Borrower of all right, title and equity that Borrower may have
in and to the Property and to vest the same in the  purchaser or  purchasers  at
such  sale  or  sales,   and  all  the  acts  and   doings  of  said  agent  and
attorney-in-fact  are hereby  ratified  and  confirmed  and any recitals in said
conveyance or conveyances as to facts essential to a valid sale shall be binding
upon Borrower. The aforesaid power of sale and agency hereby granted are coupled
with an  interest  and are  irrevocable  by death or  otherwise,  are granted as
cumulative of the other remedies provided hereby or by law for collection of the
Debt and shall not be  exhausted  by one  exercise  thereof but may be exercised
until  full  payment  of all of the Debt.  In the event of any sale  under  this
Security  Instrument by virtue of the exercise of the powers herein granted,  or
pursuant to any order in any judicial proceeding or otherwise,  the Property may
be sold as an  entirety  or in  separate  parcels and in such manner or order as
Lender in its sole  discretion  may elect,  and if Lender so elects,  Lender may
sell the personal  property  covered by this Security  Instrument at one or more
separate  sales in any manner  permitted by the Uniform  Commercial  Code of the
State of Georgia,  and one or more  exercises of the powers herein granted shall
not extinguish nor exhaust such powers, until the entire Property is sold or the
Debt is paid in full.  If the Debt is now or  hereafter  further  secured by any
chattel mortgages, pledges, contracts of guaranty, assignments of lease or other
security  instruments,  Lender may at its option  exhaust the  remedies  granted
under any of said security instruments either concurrently or independently, and
in such order as Lender may determine.

     59. DEED TO SECURE  DEBT.  This  conveyance  is to be  construed  under the
existing  laws of the State of Georgia  as a deed  passing  title,  and not as a
mortgage, and is intended to secure the payment of all sums secured hereby.

     60. ERISA.  (a) Borrower  shall not engage in any  transaction  which would
cause any obligation, or action taken or to be taken, hereunder (or the exercise
by Lender of any of its rights under the Note, this Security  Instrument and the
Other   Security   Documents)   to  be  a  non-exempt   (under  a  statutory  or
administrative  class  exemption)  prohibited  transaction  under  the  Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA").

          (b) Borrower  further  covenants  and agrees to deliver to Lender such
     certifications  or other evidence from time to time  throughout the term of
     this Security  Instrument,  as requested by Lender in its sole  discretion,
     that (i) Borrower is not an "employee  benefit  plan" as defined in Section
     3(3) of ERISA, or other retirement arrangement, which is subject to Title I
     of ERISA or Section 4975 of the Internal  revenue Code of 1986,  as amended
     (the "Code"),  or a "governmental plan" within the meaning of Section 3(32)
     of  ERISA;  (ii)  Borrower  is not  subject  to state  statutes  regulating
     investments and fiduciary  obligations with respect to governmental  plans;
     and (iii) one or more of the following circumstances is true:

               (A) Equity interests in Borrower are publicly offered securities,
          within the meaning of 29 C.F.R. section 2510.3-101(b)(2);

               (B) Less  than 25  percent  of each  outstanding  class of equity
          interests in Borrower are held by "benefit plan investors"  within the
          meaning of 29 C.F.R. section 2510.3- 101(f)(2); or

               (C)  Borrower  qualifies  as an  "operating  company"  or a "real
          estate  operating  company"  within the  meaning of 29 C.F.R.  section
          2510.3-101(c)  or (e) or an investment  company  registered  under The
          Investment Company Act of 1940.

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  this Security Instrument has been executed by Borrower
the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered     THICKET APARTMENTS, L.P., a Delaware limited
in the presence of:              partnership

________________________         By:      THICKET HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware
Unofficial Witness                        corporation, General Partner

________________________                  BY: /s/ Stephanie A. Reed
Notary Public                                 STEPHANIE A. REED,
                                              Vice President/Secretary
                                                    [CORPORATE SEAL]
Commission Expiration Date: