$7,392,000.00                                                  Atlanta, Georgia
                                                                  June 27, 1996

     FOR  VALUE  RECEIVED,   THICKET   APARTMENTS,   L.P.,  a  Delaware  limited
partnership, as maker, having its principal place of business at 3111 Paces Mill
Road,  Suite  A-  200,  Atlanta,  Georgia  30339  (hereinafter  referred  to  as
"Borrower"),  promises to pay to the order of UNIVEST MORTGAGE  CAPITAL,  LLC, a
Georgia  limited  liability  company,  as payee,  having its principal  place of
business at Six  Concourse  Parkway,  Suite 1400,  Atlanta,  Georgia  30328-5346
(hereinafter  referred to as  "Lender"),  at such place as the holder hereof may
from time to time designate in writing, the principal sum of Seven Million Three
Hundred Ninety-Two Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($7,392,000.00 ), in lawful money
of the United States of America,  with interest  thereon to be computed from the
date of this Note at the Applicable Interest Rate (hereinafter  defined), and to
be paid in installments as follows:

     1. A payment of interest  only on June 27, 1996, on account of interest for
the month of June, 1996;

     2. A constant  payment of  $59,690.58 on the first day of August , 1996 and
on the first day of each calendar month thereafter up to and including the first
day of June, 2003; each of the payments to be applied as follows:

          (a) first,  to the  payment of  interest  computed  at the  Applicable
     Interest Rate; and

          (b) the balance toward the reduction of the principal sum;

and the balance of said  principal sum together with all interest  thereon shall
be due and  payable  on the  first  day of July,  2003  (the  "Maturity  Date").
Interest on the principal sum of this Note shall be calculated on the basis of a
three hundred sixty (360) day year composed of twelve (12) months of thirty (30)
days each  except  that  interest  due and payable for a period less than a full
month shall be  calculated by  multiplying  the actual number of days elapsed in
such  period by a daily rate based on said 360 day year.  All  amounts due under
this Note shall be payable without set off,  counterclaim or any other deduction

     The term  "Applicable  Interest  Rate" as used in this Note shall mean from
the date of this Note through and including  the Maturity  Date, a rate of 9.04%
per annum.

     The whole of the  principal  sum of this Note,  together  with all interest
accrued and unpaid thereon and all other sums due under the Security  Instrument
(hereinafter  defined)  and this Note (all  such sums  hereinafter  collectively
referred to as the "Debt"), or any portion thereof,  shall without notice become
immediately  due and payable at the option of Lender if any payment  required in
this  Note is not  paid  within  ten (10)  days of the  date  when due or on the
happening of any other default,  after the  expiration of any applicable  notice
and grace periods,  herein or under the terms of the Security  Instrument or the
Other Security Documents,  as hereinafter defined (hereinafter each an "Event of
Default").  Time is of the essence in this Note, the Security Instrument and the
Other Security Documents.  All of the terms,  covenants and conditions contained
in the  Security  Instrument  and  the  Other  Security  Documents  (hereinafter
defined)  are hereby made part of this Note to the same extent and with the same
force as if they were fully set forth herein. In the event that it should become
necessary to employ  counsel to collect the Debt or to protect or foreclose  the
security  hereof,  Borrower also agrees to pay on demand all costs of collection
incurred by Lender,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees actually incurred for
the services of counsel whether or not suit be brought.

     If following the occurrence of any Event of Default,  Borrower shall tender
payment of an amount  sufficient to satisfy the Debt at any time prior to a sale
of  the  Property  (as  defined  in  the  Security  Instrument)  either  through
foreclosure  or the  exercise of other  remedies  available  to Lender under the
Security  Instrument,  such tender by Borrower shall be deemed to be a voluntary
prepayment under this Note in the amount tendered. If at the time of such tender
prepayment  of the  principal  balance of this Note is not  permitted,  Borrower
shall,  in  addition  to the  entire  Debt,  also pay to  Lender a sum  equal to
interest  which would have accrued on the principal  balance of this Note at the
Applicable  Interest Rate from the date of such tender to the earlier of (i) the
Maturity  Date, or (ii) the first day of the period  during which  prepayment of
the principal  balance of this Note would have been  permitted,  together with a
prepayment  consideration equal to the prepayment consideration which would have
been  payable as of the first day of the period  during which  prepayment  would
have been permitted.  If at the time of such tender  prepayment of the principal
balance of this Note is  permitted,  Borrower  shall,  in addition to the entire
Debt, also pay to Lender the applicable  prepayment  consideration  specified in
this Note.

     The  principal  balance of this Note may not be prepaid in whole or in part
(except with respect to the  application of insurance  proceeds or  condemnation
awards  pursuant to the Security  Instrument)  prior to the  commencement of the
fourth  Loan Year (as  hereinafter  defined).  During the fourth Loan Year or at
anytime  thereafter,  provided no Event of Default exists, the principal balance
of this Note may be prepaid,  in whole but not in part  (except  with respect to
the  application of insurance  proceeds or  condemnation  awards pursuant to the
Security  Instrument),  on any  scheduled  payment date under this Note upon not
less than  ninety  (90) days  prior  written  notice  to Lender  specifying  the
scheduled payment date on which prepayment is to be made (the "Prepayment Date")
and upon payment of (a) interest accrued and unpaid on the principal  balance of
this Note to and  including  the  Prepayment  Date,  (b) all other sums then due
under  this  Note,  and the  Other  Security  Documents,  and  (c) a  prepayment
consideration  in an amount  equal to the greater of (i) one percent (1%) of the
outstanding  principal  balance of this Note at the time of prepayment,  or (ii)
the present value as of the Prepayment Date of the remaining  scheduled payments
of principal  and interest  from the  Prepayment  Date through the Maturity Date
(including any balloon  payment)  determined by discounting such payments at the
Discount  Rate (as  hereinafter  defined)  less the  amount of  principal  being
prepaid. The term "Discount Rate" means the rate which, when compounded monthly,
is equivalent to the Treasury Rate (as  hereinafter  defined),  when  compounded
semi-annually. The term "Treasury Rate" means the yield calculated by the linear
interpolation of the yields, as reported in Federal Reserve  Statistical Release
H.15-Selected    Interest    Rates   under   the   heading   "U.S.    Government
Securities/Treasury  Constant  Maturities"  for the  week  ending  prior  to the
Prepayment Date, of U.S. Treasury  constant  maturities with maturity dates (one
longer and one shorter) most nearly  approximating  the Maturity  Date.  (In the
event  Release  H.15 is no longer  published,  Lender  shall select a comparable
publication to determine the Treasury Rate.) Lender shall notify Borrower of the
amount and the basis of determination of the required prepayment  consideration.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, there shall be no prepayment consideration due in
connection  with (1) the  prepayment  of the  principal  balance of this Note if
prepayment  occurs  within six (6) months  preceding  the Maturity Date or (2) a
complete or partial  prepayment  resulting  from the  application  of  insurance
proceeds or condemnation awards pursuant to the Security Instrument. If any such
notice of prepayment is given, the principal  balance of this Note and the other
sums required  under this  paragraph  shall be due and payable on the Prepayment
Date.  Lender shall not be obligated to accept any  prepayment  of the principal
balance of this Note unless it is accompanied  by the  prepayment  consideration
due in connection therewith. The term "Loan Year" for purposes of this paragraph
means each complete 365 day period (366 days in a leap year) after the first day
of the first calendar month after the date of this Note.

     Borrower does hereby agree that upon the  occurrence of an Event of Default
which is not cured within any  applicable  grace or notice  period,  or upon the
failure of Borrower to pay the Debt in full on the Maturity  Date,  Lender shall
be entitled  to receive and  Borrower  shall pay  interest on the entire  unpaid
principal  sum at the rate of five  percent (5%) above the  Applicable  Interest
Rate (the "Default Rate");  provided,  however, that in the event Lender permits
Borrower to cure such Event of Default,  then the rate of interest on the unpaid
principal  balance of this Note shall be the Applicable  Interest Rate and shall
be computed from the date such Event of Default is cured. The Default Rate shall
be computed from the occurrence of the Event of Default until the actual receipt
and  collection  of the Debt or, if permitted by Lender,  the date such Event of
Default is cured.  This charge  shall be added to the Debt,  and shall be deemed
secured by the Security Instrument. This clause, however, shall not be construed
as an agreement or privilege to extend the date of the payment of the Debt,  nor
as a waiver of any other  right or  remedy  accruing  to Lender by reason of the
occurrence  of any  Event of  Default.  In the  event  the  Default  Rate  would
otherwise  exceed the maximum rate permitted by applicable law, the Default Rate
shall be the maximum rate permitted by applicable law.

     This Note is  secured by the  Security  Instrument  and the Other  Security
Documents.  The term "Security  Instrument" as used in this Note shall mean that
certain Deed to Secure Debt and Security  Agreement dated the date hereof in the
principal  sum of  $7,392,000.00  given by Borrower to Lender  covering  the fee
estate of  Borrower  in  certain  premises  located in DeKalb  County,  State of
Georgia, and other property, as more particularly described therein and intended
to be duly recorded in said County. The term "Other Security  Documents" as used
in this Note shall mean all and any of the documents other than this Note or the
Security  Instrument now or hereafter  executed by Borrower and/or others and by
or in favor of Lender,  which wholly or partially secure or guarantee payment of
this Note.  Whenever  used,  the singular  number shall include the plural,  the
plural the singular,  and the words "Lender" and "Borrower"  shall include their
respective successors, assigns, heirs, executors and administrators.

     This  Note is  subject  to the  express  condition  that  at no time  shall
Borrower be  obligated  or  required to pay  interest on the Debt or any portion
thereof  at a rate  which  could  subject  Lender  to either  civil or  criminal
liability  as a result of being in excess of the  maximum  interest  rate  which
Borrower is permitted by  applicable  law to contract or agree to pay. If by the
terms  of this  Note,  Borrower  is at any time  required  or  obligated  to pay
interest on the Debt or any portion  thereof at a rate in excess of such maximum
rate,  the rate of  interest  under this Note shall be deemed to be  immediately
reduced to such maximum rate and the interest  payable shall be computed at such
maximum rate and all prior interest payments in excess of the maximum rate shall
be deemed to have been  payments in reduction of principal and not on account of
the interest due hereunder.

     If any sum  payable  under this Note is not paid within ten (10) days after
the date on which it is due,  Borrower shall pay to Lender upon demand an amount
equal to the  lesser of five  percent  (5%) of such  unpaid  sum or the  maximum
amount permitted by applicable law to defray the expenses  incurred by Lender in
handling and processing such delinquent payment and to compensate Lender for the
loss of the use of such  delinquent  payment and such amount shall be secured by
the Security Instrument and the Other Security Documents.

     This  Note  may  not  be  modified,  amended,  waived,  extended,  changed,
discharged or  terminated  orally or by any act or failure to act on the part of
Borrower  or Lender,  but only by an  agreement  in writing  signed by the party
against whom  enforcement of any  modification,  amendment,  waiver,  extension,
change, discharge or termination is sought.

     If Borrower  consists of more than one person or party, the obligations and
liabilities of each such person or party shall be joint and several.

     Borrower and all others who may become liable for the payment of all or any
part of the Debt do hereby  severally waive  presentment and demand for payment,
notice of dishonor,  protest and notice of protest,  notice of  non-payment  and
notice of intent to accelerate the maturity  hereof (and of such  acceleration).
No release of any security for the Debt or extension of time for payment of this
Note or any installment  hereof,  and no alteration,  amendment or waiver of any
provision of this Note, the Security Instrument and the Other Security Documents
made by agreement  between  Lender and any other person or party shall  release,
modify,  amend,  waive,  extend,  change,  discharge,  terminate  or affect  the
liability  of Borrower,  and any other who may become  liable for the payment of
all or any part of the Debt,  under this Note,  the Security  Instrument and the
Other Security Documents.

     Borrower  (and  the  undersigned   representative  of  Borrower,   if  any)
represents  that Borrower has full power,  authority and legal right to execute,
deliver  and  perform  its  obligations  pursuant  to this  Note,  the  Security
Instrument  and the Other  Security  Documents and that this Note,  the Security
Instrument  and the  Other  Security  Documents  constitute  valid  and  binding
obligations of Borrower.

     Upon the transfer of this Note,  Borrower hereby waiving notice of any such
transfer,  Lender may deliver all the collateral mortgaged,  granted, pledged or
assigned pursuant to the Security  Instrument and the Other Security  Documents,
or any part thereof,  to the transferee who shall  thereupon  become vested with
all the  rights  herein or under  applicable  law given to Lender  with  respect
thereto,  and Lender shall  thereafter  forever be relieved and fully discharged
from any liability or responsibility in the matter;  but Lender shall retain all
rights hereby given to it with respect to any liabilities and the collateral not
so transferred.


     The personal  liability of Borrower to pay the Debt shall be limited to (a)
the  Property  and  (b) the  Rents  (as  defined  in the  Security  Instrument),
including any received or collected by or on behalf of Borrower after and during
the  continuance of an Event of Default,  except to the extent that Borrower did
not have the legal  right,  because  of a  bankruptcy,  receivership  or similar
judicial proceeding, to direct the disbursement of such sums.

     Except as provided  herein,  Lender  hereof shall not seek (a) any judgment
for a deficiency  against  Borrower in any action to enforce any right or remedy
under the Security Instrument, or (b) any judgment on this Note except as may be
necessary in any action  brought  under the Security  Instrument  to enforce the
lien against the Property.

     Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  Borrower  shall be  personally  liable to
Lender in the amount of any loss,  damage or cost  incurred by Lender  resulting
from (i) fraud or intentional  misrepresentation by Borrower or any other person
or entity  employed by or an agent of Borrower in connection  with obtaining the
loan evidenced by this Note, (ii) insurance  proceeds,  condemnation  awards, or
other sums or payments  attributable  to the Property not applied in  accordance
with the  provisions  of the  Security  Instrument,  except to the  extent  that
Borrower did not have the legal right, because of a bankruptcy, receivership, or
similar judicial  proceeding,  to direct  disbursement of such sums or payments,
(iii) all Rents  received  following and during the  continuance of any Event of
Default under this Note or the Security Instrument and not applied to payment of
principal and interest due under this Note (including any such Rents received or
collected by or on behalf of Borrower  after an Event of Default,  except to the
extent that  Borrower  did not have the legal  right,  because of a  bankruptcy,
receivership or similar judicial proceeding,  to direct the disbursement of such
Rents),  and payments of utilities,  taxes and  assessments and insurance on the
Property,  as they  become due or  payable,  or (iv)  Borrower's  failure to pay
transfer  fees and charges  due Lender  hereof  under this Note or the  Security
Instrument in  connection  with any transfer of all or any part of the Property,
or any interest therein,  to the extent permitted herein by Lender from Borrower
to Borrower's  transferee,  or transfer of  beneficial  interest in Borrower (if
Borrower is not a natural person or persons but is a  corporation,  partnership,
trust or other legal entity),  (v) a default by Borrower under  paragraphs 32 or
33(g) through (j) of the Security Instrument,  (vi) failure to pay any recording
taxes or  documentary  stamps or other charges  required in connection  with the
Security  Instrument,  (vii)  failure to pay real estate taxes for the Property,
(viii) failure to pay insurance premiums for the Property,  (ix)  misapplication
or misappropriation of Rents or security deposits collected in advance,  (x) the
inability of Lender to enforce the  Assignment  of Leases and Rents  executed by
Borrower  in favor of Lender with regard to the  Property,  and (xi)  failure of
Borrower to comply with all provisions of this Note, the Security  Instrument or
Other  Security   Documents   regarding   delivery  of  financial  or  operating
statements,   including,  without  limitation,  paragraph  15  of  the  Security
Instrument. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the agreement of Lender not to pursue
recourse liability as set forth above shall become NULL and VOID and shall be of
no  further  force and effect in the event  Borrower  shall be in default of the
provisions of Paragraphs 50 or 9 of the Security Instrument.

     No provision  contained herein shall (a) affect any guaranty,  indemnity or
similar agreement executed in connection with the indebtedness evidenced by this
Note,  (b)  release or reduce the Debt,  or (c) impair the lien of the  Security

     All notices or other written  communications  hereunder  shall be deemed to
have  been  properly  given  (i) upon  delivery,  if  delivered  in person or by
facsimile  transmission with receipt acknowledged by the recipient thereof, (ii)
one (1) Business Day (defined  below) after having been  deposited for overnight
delivery  with any  reputable  overnight  courier  service,  or (iii)  three (3)
Business Days after having been deposited in any post office or mail  depository
regularly  maintained  by the U.S.  Postal  Service  and sent by  registered  or
certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:

                  If to Borrower:

                  Thicket Apartments, L.P.
                  3111 Paces Mill Road, Suite A-200
                  Atlanta, Georgia 30339
                  Attention: General Partner

                  If to Lender:

                  Univest Mortgage Capital, LLC
                  Six Concourse Parkway, Suite 1400
                  Atlanta, Georgia 30328-5346
                  Attention: Daniel B. Lambert
                  Facsimile No.: (770) 399-8396

or addressed as such party may from time to time  designate by written notice to
the other parties.

     Either party by notice to the other may  designate  additional or different
addresses for subsequent notices or communications.

     For purposes of this  Subsection,  "Business Day" shall mean a day on which
commercial banks are not authorized or required by law to close in New York, New

     This Note shall be governed and  construed in  accordance  with the laws of
the State of Georgia and the applicable laws of the United States of America.

     ln the event that it should become  necessary to employ  counsel to collect
the Debt or to protect or foreclose the security therefor,  Borrower also agrees
to  pay  all  reasonable  fees  and  expenses  of  Lender,  including,   without
limitation,  reasonable  attorney's  fees actually  incurred for the services of
such counsel whether or not suit be brought.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Borrower has duly executed this Note the day and year
first above written. BORROWER:

Signed, sealed and delivered        THICKET APARTMENTS, L.P., a Delaware limited
in the presence of:                  partnership

________________________             By:  THICKET HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware
Unofficial Witness                        corporation, General Partner

________________________                  BY: /s/ Peter D. Anzo
- ------------------------                  ---------------------
Notary Public                                PETER D. ANZO,
                                             Chief Executive Officer
         [NOTARIAL SEAL]
                                                 [CORPORATE SEAL]
Commission Expiration Date:
- ------------------------