Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
                Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant                      [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant   [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[ ]  Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commmission Only
     (as permitted by Rule a4a-6Ie)(2)
[x]  Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to 14a-11(c) or 14a-12

                (Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, of other than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[x]  No fee required
[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

(1)  Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

(2)  Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

(3)  Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computer pursuant
     Exchange Act Rule 0-11.

(4)  Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

(5)  Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act
     Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
     paid previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration statement
     number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

(1)  Amount previously paid:

(2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement no.:

(3)  Filing party:

(4)  Date filed:


                              3111 Paces Mill Road
                                   Suite A-200
                                Atlanta, GA 30339
                                 (770) 984-9500

Dear Shareholder:

     You are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders of
Vinings Investment Properties Trust (the "Trust") to be held on Tuesday, July 1,
1997, at 10:00 a.m., local time, at Cobb Galleria Centre,  Two Galleria Parkway,
Atlanta, GA 30339 (the "Annual Meeting").

     The Annual  Meeting  has been  called for the  purpose  of  electing  seven
Trustees,  each to serve  for a  one-year  term,  the  adoption  of the  Vinings
Investment   Properties   Trust  1997  Stock  Option  and  Incentive  Plan,  and
considering  and voting upon such other business as may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournments or postponements thereof.

     The Board of  Trustees  has fixed the close of  business on May 20, 1997 as
the record date for determining  shareholders  entitled to notice of and vote at
the Annual Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof.

     The Board of  Trustees  of the  Trust  recommends  that you vote  "FOR" the
election of the seven nominees of the Board of Trustees as Trustees of the Trust
and the adoption of the Vinings  Investment  Properties  Trust 1997 Stock Option
and Incentive Plan.


                                       Very truly yours,

                                       PETER D. ANZO
                                       President and Chief Executive Officer


                              3111 Paces Mill Road
                                   Suite A-200
                                Atlanta, GA 30339
                                 (770) 984-9500

                                    NOTICE OF
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                       To be Held on Tuesday, July 1, 1997

     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of  Shareholders  of Vinings
Investment Properties Trust (the "Trust") will be held on Tuesday, July 1, 1997,
at 10:00 a.m.,  local time,  at Cobb  Galleria  Centre,  Two  Galleria  Parkway,
Atlanta,  Georgia 30339 (the "Annual  Meeting"),  for the purpose of considering
and voting upon:

     1. The election of seven  Trustees,  each to serve for a one-year  term and
until the election and qualification of his or her successor;

     2. The  adoption  of the  Vinings  Investment  Properties  Trust 1997 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan; and

     3. Such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the meeting and any
adjournments or postponements thereof.

     Under the  provisions  of the Trust's  Declaration  of Trust,  the Board of
Trustees  has fixed the close of business on May 20, 1997 as the record date for
the  determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of and vote at the Annual
Meeting and any adjournments or postponements thereof. Only holders of record of
shares of  beneficial  interest  at the close of  business  on that date will be
entitled  to notice of and vote at the Annual  Meeting and any  adjournments  or
postponements thereof.

     In the event there are not  sufficient  votes with respect to the foregoing
proposals at the time of the Annual Meeting, the Annual Meeting may be adjourned
to permit further solicitation of proxies.

                                       By Order of the Board of Trustees,

                                       STEPHANIE A. REED

June 2, 1997



                              3111 Paces Mill Road
                                   Suite A-200
                                Atlanta, GA 30339
                                 (770) 984-9500

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS

                       To Be Held on Tuesday, July 1, 1997

     This Proxy  Statement  and the enclosed  Proxy Card are being  furnished in
connection with the  solicitation of proxies by the Board of Trustees of Vinings
Investment  Properties  Trust (the  "Trust")  for use at the  Annual  Meeting of
Shareholders  of the Trust to be held on Tuesday,  July 1, 1997,  at 10:00 a.m.,
local time, at Cobb Galleria  Centre,  Two Galleria  Parkway,  Atlanta,  Georgia
30339, and any adjournments or postponements thereof (the "Annual Meeting").

     At the  Annual  Meeting,  the  shareholders  of the Trust  will be asked to
consider and vote upon the following matters:

     1. The election of seven  Trustees,  each to serve for a one-year  term and
until the election and qualification of his or her successor;

     2. The  adoption  of the  Vinings  Investment  Properties  Trust 1997 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan; and

     3. Such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the meeting and any
adjournments or postponements thereof.

     The  Notice of Annual  Meeting,  Proxy  Statement  and Proxy Card are first
being mailed to shareholders of the Trust on or about June 2, 1997 in connection
with the  solicitation of proxies for the Annual Meeting.  The Board of Trustees
has fixed the  close of  business  on May 20,  1997 as the  record  date for the
determination  of  shareholders  entitled  to notice  of and vote at the  Annual
Meeting (the  "Record  Date").  Only  holders of record of shares of  beneficial
interest,  without  par  value  (the  "Shares"),  of the  Trust at the  close of
business on the Record Date will be entitled to notice of and vote at the Annual
Meeting.  As of the Record Date,  there were 1,080,516  Shares  outstanding  and
entitled to vote at the Annual  Meeting  and 800  shareholders  of record.  Each
Share  outstanding  as of the close of business on the Record Date  entitles the
holder  thereof  to one vote on each  matter  properly  submitted  at the Annual
Meeting.  As of the Record Date, Trustees and officers of the Trust, all of whom
have  indicated that they will vote all of their Shares of the Trust in favor of
the  election of the seven  Trustees  nominated by the Board of Trustees and for
the adoption of the Vinings  Investment  Properties  Trust 1997 Stock Option and
Incentive Plan, and their affiliates were owners of 493,746 Shares, representing
approximately 45.7% of the outstanding Shares of the Trust.

- ------------

     On December 21, 1995, the Trust entered into an Agreement  Regarding Tender
Offer with an unaffiliated third party,  which subsequently  assigned its rights
under the agreement to Vinings Investment Properties, Inc. (the "Purchaser"),  a
newly formed corporation.  On January 31, 1996, the Purchaser commenced a tender
offer (the  "Tender  Offer") for a minimum of a majority and a maximum of 85% of
the issued and outstanding  Shares of the Trust at a purchase price of $0.47 per
Share ($3.76  adjusted for the 1-for-8 share split (the "Share  Split") that was
effected on July 1, 1996). The Tender Offer expired in accordance with its terms
at midnight on February 28, 1996,  and the  Purchaser  subsequently  accepted an
aggregate of 6,337,279  Shares  (792,159 Shares as adjusted for the Share Split)
validly  tendered and not withdrawn  pursuant to the Tender Offer,  representing
approximately  73.3% of the outstanding Shares, for a total acquisition price of
$2,978,521.  The purpose of the Tender  Offer was for the  Purchaser  to acquire
control of the Trust,  to  rebuild  the  Trust's  assets by  expanding  into the
multifamily  property  markets  and to  cause  the  Trust  to be  operated  as a
self-administered real estate investment trust (a "REIT").

     Effective February 29, 1996, James L. Mooney, John McMahan, Mercer Jackson,
Arthur C. Karlin,  Patrick E. McCarthy and Victor  MacFarlane  resigned from the
Trust's Board of Trustees and Peter D. Anzo,  Martin H.  Petersen,  Stephanie A.
Reed,  Gilbert H.  Watts,  Jr. and Phill D.  Greenblatt  were  appointed  to the
Trust's Board of Trustees,  pursuant to an arrangement between the Purchaser and
the Trust in connection with the Tender Offer.  The management of the Trust also
resigned effective February 29, 1996, and Peter D. Anzo became the President and
Chief  Executive  Officer,  and  Stephanie  A. Reed  became the Vice  President,
Secretary and Treasurer, of the Trust. In addition, on April 18, 1996, the Board
of Trustees  named Henry  Hirsch to the Board of  Trustees  and on February  10,
1997, the Board of Trustees named Thomas B. Bender to the Board of Trustees.

- ------

     The  representation  in  person or by proxy of at least a  majority  of the
outstanding  Shares  entitled  to vote is  necessary  to provide a quorum at the
Annual  Meeting.  Each Share  outstanding  on the Record Date is entitled to one
vote. A quorum being present,  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes
cast at the  Annual  Meeting  is  required  to elect  Trustees  and to adopt the
Vinings  Investment  Properties  Trust 1997 Stock Option and Incentive  Plan set
forth in  Proposal  2. Shares that  reflect  abstentions  or "broker  non-votes"
(i.e., Shares represented at the meeting held by brokers or nominees as to which
instructions  have not been  received  from the  beneficial  owners  or  persons
entitled  to  vote  such  Shares  and  the  broker  or  nominee  does  not  have
discretionary  voting power to vote such Shares) will be counted for purposes of
determining  whether a quorum is present for the  transaction of business at the
meeting. With respect to the election of Trustees, votes may be cast in favor of
or withheld from each nominee; votes that are withheld will be excluded entirely
from the vote and will have no effect.  Broker  non-votes and  abstentions  will
have no effect on the outcome of Proposal 2.

     The Annual  Report of the Trust,  including  financial  statements  for the
fiscal  year  ended  December  31,  1996  ("fiscal  1996"),  is being  mailed to
shareholders of the Trust  concurrently  with this Proxy  Statement.  The Annual
Report, however, is not a part of the proxy solicitation material.

Proxies; Revocation of Proxies
- ------------------------------

     Shareholders of the Trust are requested to complete,  date, sign and return
the  accompanying  Proxy Card in the enclosed  envelope.  Shares  represented by
properly executed proxies received by the Trust and not revoked will be voted at
the Annual Meeting in accordance with the  instructions  contained  therein.  If
instructions  are not given  therein,  properly  executed  proxies will be voted
"FOR" the election of the seven nominees for Trustees set forth in Proposal 1 of
this Proxy Statement and "FOR" the adoption of the Vinings Investment Properties
Trust 1997 Stock Option and Incentive Plan set forth in Proposal 2 of this Proxy
Statement.  It is not anticipated that any matters other than those set forth in
this Proxy Statement will be presented at the Annual  Meeting.  If other matters
are  presented,  proxies will be voted in accordance  with the discretion of the
proxy holders.

     Any properly  completed proxy may be revoked at any time before it is voted
on any  matter  (without,  however,  affecting  any  vote  taken  prior  to such
revocation) by giving written notice of such  revocation to the Secretary of the
Trust,  or by signing and duly  delivering a proxy  bearing a later date,  or by
attending  the Annual  Meeting  and voting in person.  Attendance  at the Annual
Meeting will not, by itself, revoke a proxy.

Expenses of Solicitation
- ------------------------

     All  expenses of this  solicitation  will be borne by the Trust.  Brokerage
firms, nominees, fiduciaries and other custodians have been requested to forward
proxy  solicitation  materials to the beneficial owners of Shares held of record
by such persons,  and the Trust will reimburse such brokerage  firms,  nominees,
fiduciaries and other custodians for reasonable  out-of-pocket expenses incurred
by them in connection therewith. In addition to solicitation of proxies by mail,
Trustees,  officers and  employees of the Trust,  without  receiving  additional
compensation  therefor,  may solicit  proxies from  shareholders of the Trust by
telephone, telefax, letter, in person or by other means.

                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF TRUSTEES

- --------

     The Board of Trustees of the Trust consists of seven members,  each of whom
serves for a one-year  term and until the election and  qualification  of his or
her successor.

     At the Annual  Meeting,  seven  Trustees will be elected to serve until the
1998 annual meeting of shareholders and until the election and  qualification of
his or her successor.  The Board of Trustees has nominated Peter D. Anzo, Martin
H. Petersen,  Stephanie A. Reed,  Gilbert H. Watts,  Jr.,  Phill D.  Greenblatt,
Henry Hirsch and Thomas B. Bender, all of whom currently serve as Trustees,  for
re-election  as  Trustees.  Certain  information  with  respect  to the  persons
nominated by the Board of Trustees for election as Trustees is shown below under
"Information Regarding Trustees." Unless otherwise specified in the proxy, it is
the  intention  of the proxy  holders  to vote the  Shares  represented  by each
properly  executed  proxy for the election as Trustees of each of the  nominees.
Each of the  nominees  has  agreed  to  stand  for  re-election  and to serve if
re-elected  as a  Trustee.  If any of the  persons  nominated  by the  Board  of
Trustees  fails to stand for  re-election  or is  unable to accept  re-election,
however,  proxies  not  marked  to the  contrary  will be  voted in favor of the
election of such other person as the Board of Trustees may recommend.

Vote Required For Approval
- --------------------------

     A quorum being  present,  the  affirmative  vote of a majority of the votes
cast is necessary to elect a nominee as a Trustee of the Trust.

     The Board of Trustees of the Trust recommends that the Trust's shareholders
vote  "FOR" the  election  of the seven  nominees  of the Board of  Trustees  as
Trustees of the Trust.


- -------

     The  Board of  Trustees  of the Trust  consists  of seven  members  who are
elected by the Trust's  shareholders  at each annual  meeting of the Trust.  Set
forth below is certain information regarding the Trustees.

Information Regarding Trustees
- ------------------------------

     The  Board of  Trustees  of the Trust  consists  of seven  members  who are
elected by the Trust's  shareholders  at each annual  meeting of the Trust.  Set
forth below is certain information regarding the Trustees.

     PETER D. ANZO,  age 43, has been Chief  Executive  Officer,  President  and
Chairman of the Board of  Trustees  since  1996.  Since 1990,  Mr. Anzo has been
Chief Executive  Officer and a director of A&P Investors,  Inc. He is also Chief
Executive  Officer and a director of The Vinings Group,  Inc., a position he has
held since 1987. Mr. Anzo has been on the  Legislative  Committee  since 1995, a
delegate  since 1991,  and is currently  Vice Chairman of the  Political  Action
Committee of the National  Apartment  Association.  He has been a Co-Chairman of
the  Government  Affairs  Committee  since 1995,  Co-Chairman  of the Affordable
Housing  Task  Force  and  a  director  since  1992  of  the  Atlanta  Apartment
Association.  He has been a director of the Georgia Apartment  Association since
1993. From 1983 until 1986, Mr. Anzo served as Vice President of Acquisitions of
First  Investment  Companies,  where  he  was  involved  in the  management  and
acquisition of commercial apartment properties throughout the United States. Mr.
Anzo was the Vice President,  Dispositions of Balcor/American  Express from 1981
until  1983,  where he was  involved  in the sale of  apartment  and  commercial
properties in the United States. During 1976 through 1981, Mr. Anzo was employed
by The Beaumont  Company,  Los Angeles,  California and  Linkletter  Properties,
where he was involved in the management,  leasing,  purchase and construction of
real property.

     MARTIN H. PETERSEN,  age 47, has been a Trustee since 1996. Since 1990, Mr.
Petersen has been  President  and a director of A&P  Investors,  Inc. He is also
President  and a director of The  Vinings  Group,  Inc.,  a position he has held
since 1987.  Since 1975 Mr.  Petersen has been a member of the Institute of Real
Estate  Management.  From 1984 through 1987, Mr.  Petersen was Vice President of
Southeast  United States Plaza Equities  Management and Plaza Pacific  Equities,
Inc.,  where he  supervised  the  management  of 5,770  apartment  units located
throughout  the  Southeastern  United  States,   including  3,000  garden  style
apartment units in Atlanta,  Georgia,  and managed the acquisition,  performance
and  disposition of properties.  Mr.  Petersen  served as a Branch Manager of GK
Properties of Atlanta,  Georgia, from 1979 to 1984, where he was responsible for
overseeing  the  operations of its  Southeastern  United States  offices,  which
included the acquisition and management of 5,500 garden style apartment units in
Atlanta,  Georgia.  Prior to joining GK  Properties,  from 1975 through 1979, he
served as Vice President of Stonehenge  Properties and Stonehenge  Realty Corp.,
where he oversaw the management of the commercial  office division and performed
various  other  functions,  including the  initiation  of numerous  feasibility,
marketing  and other  consulting  studies  for  REITs,  financial  institutions,
savings & loans and other owners of distressed and foreclosed  properties.  From
1971 to 1974,  Mr.  Petersen was a credit  analyst for Dun &  Bradstreet  in its
Business Trades Division.

     STEPHANIE A. REED, age 39, has been Vice  President,  Secretary,  Treasurer
and a Trustee  since 1996.  Since 1991,  Ms. Reed has been Vice  President and a
director of A&P Investors, Inc. She is also Vice President and a director of The
Vinings Group,  Inc., a position she has held since 1991. From 1987 to 1991, Ms.
Reed was Vice President - Development of The Sterling Group, Inc., a multifamily
development company located in Atlanta,  Georgia,  where she was responsible for
all phases of development for multifamily projects. Prior to 1987, she served as
Vice President - Finance of The Sterling  Group,  Inc., in the  syndication  and
management of multifamily  projects.  Prior to joining The Sterling Group, Inc.,
Ms. Reed served as a tax  supervisor  at Jones and Kolb,  CPAs from 1983 through
1984, where her responsibilities  included the training and supervision of audit
and year-end work for real estate limited  partnerships.  From 1981 to 1983, Ms.
Reed  performed  tax  planning  and  preparation   work  for  trusts,   estates,
partnerships and corporations for Osburn Henning and Company, CPAs.

     GILBERT H. WATTS,  JR., age 47, has been a Trustee since 1996. Mr. Watts is
Managing Partner of Watts Agent,  L.P., a position he has held since 1971. Watts
Agent,  L.P.  manages  various real estate  investments  including  residential,
commercial  and  industrial  properties.  Mr.  Watts is also  President of Radio
Center  Dalton,  Inc., a position he has held since 1985.  Mr. Watts serves as a
director of The Community Group,  Inc., a six bank holding company,  and various
family businesses.

     PHILL D. GREENBLATT, age 51, has been a Trustee since 1996. Since 1975, Mr.
Greenblatt  has been  President of p.d.g.  Real Estate Co.,  Inc., a real estate
brokerage and investment firm in multifamily,  retail and industrial  properties
in Colorado,  Arizona and Florida.  Mr. Greenblatt also is a member of the Board
of  Directors  of Western  States  Mortgage  Co.  From 1971  through  1974,  Mr.
Greenblatt was a commercial  sales associate with  Heller-Mark  Realty.  He also
served as an investment  banking  officer for the First  National Bank of Denver
from 1968 to 1971.

     HENRY HIRSCH, age 60, has been a Trustee since 1996. Mr. Hirsch is Chairman
of the Board of Engineered  Concepts,  Inc., ECI Management  Corporation and ECI
Realty, and is President of ECI Properties, positions which he has held for over
ten years.  Mr. Hirsch has been involved in the real estate business since 1968,
specializing in multifamily apartment  development.  He and his related entities
currently  own and/or  manage  over  3,500  apartment  units,  as well as office

buildings and a shopping  center.  The  construction arm of his related entities
has completed over  $250,000,000 of new  construction  and  rehabilitation.  Mr.
Hirsch is a Certified  Apartment Property Supervisor with the National Apartment
Association.  He has  served as a director  and past  President  of the  Atlanta
Apartment  Association.  He has  served  as a  Regional  Vice  President  of the
National  Apartment  Association  and currently is the Chairman of the Builders,
Owners, and Developers Forum of the National Apartment Association.

     THOMAS B. BENDER,  age 63, has been a Trustee since  February  1997.  Since
1991, Mr. Bender has been a partner of Financial & Investment  Management Group,
Ltd., an investment  counseling  firm. From 1978 to 1991, Mr. Bender served as a
Vice  President  of Kidder  Peabody & Co. Mr.  Bender has a total of  thirty-one
years experience in the investment securities business serving as an officer and
principal  of several  major  investment  banking  firms.  He is a member of the
Association  for Investment  Management and Research and The Financial  Analysis
Society of Detroit and serves as a director of The Munder  Funds,  a mutual fund
group, and a director of The International Affairs Forum.

Meetings of Board of Trustees and Committees
- --------------------------------------------

     During fiscal 1996,  the Board of Trustees of the Trust held five meetings.
The Board of Trustees has  established  an Audit  Committee  and a  Compensation
Committee.  The members of the Audit Committee are Stephanie A. Reed,  Martin H.
Petersen and Gilbert H. Watts,  Jr. The Audit  Committee  reviews the  financial
statements of the Trust and the scope of the annual audit,  monitors the Trust's
internal  financial  and  accounting  controls  and  recommends  to the Board of
Trustees the appointment of independent certified public accountants.  The Audit
Committee held one meeting  during fiscal 1996. The members of the  Compensation
Committee are Thomas B. Bender,  Gilbert H. Watts,  Jr. and Phill D. Greenblatt.
Stephanie  A. Reed was a member of the  Compensation  Committee  until April 24,
1997.  The  Compensation  Committee  will  undertake  to develop  and review the
Trust's executive compensation policies and recommend the compensation levels of
executive  officers  of the Trust to the Board of  Trustees.  See "Report of the
Compensation Committee of the Board of Trustees on Executive  Compensation." The
Compensation  Committee did not meet in fiscal 1996.  The Board of Trustees does
not have a Nominating Committee.


     Listed  below are the names of the  executive  officers  of the Trust.  The
names and ages of all executive  officers of the Trust and principal  occupation
and business  experience  during at least the last five years is discussed under
"Information Regarding Trustees."

           Name                                       Position
           ----                                       --------

       Peter D. Anzo                  President, Chief Executive Officer
                                         and Chairman of the Board of Trustees

       Stephanie A. Reed              Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

Compensation of Trustees and Officers
- -------------------------------------

     Trustees who are officers of the Trust  receive no  compensation  for their
services  as  Trustees.  Trustees  who are not  officers  of the  Trust  receive
compensation  for their  services as the Board of Trustees may from time to time
determine.  Since the  consummation  of the Tender Offer,  Trustees who were not
officers of the Trust did not receive an annual  retainer  but did receive  $250
for each regular meeting of the Board of Trustees attended.

     Officers of the Trust  historically  have not received any compensation for
their  services  provided to the Trust.  Until  February 29, 1996, the date upon
which the Purchaser  acquired  approximately  73.3% of the outstanding Shares of
the Trust  pursuant  to the Tender  Offer,  the Trust was an  externally-advised
REIT, and accordingly, the Trust had no employees and no compensation committee.
Upon the  consummation of the Tender Offer,  the  relationship  with the Trust's
advisor was terminated and the Trust became  self-administered and established a
compensation  committee.  As a result,  the Trustees  currently  anticipate that
officers of the Trust may serve as employees and may be  compensated as such for
services rendered to the Trust.

     During fiscal 1996, the officers of the Trust did not receive  compensation
from the Trust for their  services as  officers.  While a majority of their time
was spent handling Trust affairs, the officers were also officers of The Vinings
Group,  Inc. ("The Vinings Group"),  a privately held real estate company,  from
which they received  compensation and benefits.  The Trust did not reimburse The
Vinings Group for any of the officers'  salaries or benefits provided to them by
The Vinings Group. In the future,  the annual salary, any salary adjustments and
any other benefits for executive officers will be determined by the Compensation
Committee in its  discretion  and will be targeted  according to the salaries of
executives  holding similar offices and having similar  responsibilities  within
the Trust's  industry  segment.  The  Compensation  Committee  may also consider
factors such as industry experience and executive retention.

Report of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Trustees on Executive 
- ------------

     The members of the  Compensation  Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
Trust,  whose names are set forth below,  have prepared the following  report on
the Trust's executive compensation policies and philosophy for fiscal 1996.

- -------

     The  Compensation  Committee was formed in October 1996 and consists of Mr.
Bender,  Mr. Watts and Mr. Greenblatt,  each of whom is a non-employee  Trustee.
Ms. Reed was a member of the  Compensation  Committee  until April 24, 1997. The
Compensation  Committee  is generally  responsible  for  developing  the Trust's
executive and management compensation policies, including awards of equity-based

Compensation Policy Review
- --------------------------

     The  Compensation  Committee,  together  with  the  Board of  Trustees,  is
currently  reviewing  its policies  with respect to executive  compensation.  In
connection  with this review,  the  Compensation  Committee  will  establish its
compensation  philosophy as to (a) base salaries for executive officers,  (b) an
appropriate  methodology for  determining the amount of annual cash bonuses,  if
any,  paid  to  executive  officers,  and  (c) an  appropriate  methodology  for
structuring   long-term   incentive  awards.   The  Compensation   Committee  is
undertaking  this review with the goal of ensuring that (i) the base salaries of
executive  officers are comparable and competitive  when measured  against those
paid by other companies  within the Trust's industry  segment,  (ii) annual cash
bonuses  awarded to executive  officers are based on appropriate  individual and
Trust performance  targets  established at the beginning of each fiscal year and
(iii) long-term  incentive  awards to executive  officers more closely align the
interests of the executive officers with those of the Trust's shareholders.  The
Compensation  Committee  currently intends to complete its review of the Trust's
executive compensation policies in fiscal 1997.

Federal Tax Regulations Applicable to Executive Compensation
- ------------------------------------------------------------

     As a result of Section  162(m) of the Internal  Revenue Code (the  "Code"),
the Trust's  deduction  of executive  compensation  may be limited to the extent
that a "covered  employee" (i.e., the chief executive officer or one of the four
highest  compensated  officers  who is  employed  on the last day of the Trust's
taxable year) receives compensation in excess of $1,000,000 in such taxable year
of the Trust (other than performance-based compensation that otherwise meets the
requirements  of  Section  162(m)  of the  Code).  The  Trust  intends  to  take
appropriate  action  to comply  with such  regulations,  if  applicable,  in the

   Thomas B. Bender, Chairman                  Gilbert H. Watts, Jr.

   Phill D. Greenblatt                         Stephanie A. Reed 
                                               (member until April 24, 1997)

Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
- -----------------------------------------------------------

     Mr. Anzo, the President,  Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board
of Trustees of the Trust, and Ms. Reed, Vice President,  Secretary and Treasurer
of the  Trust,  will  make  general  recommendations  to  and  review  with  the
Compensation Committee the salary increases and bonus compensation of executives
and management other than themselves.

Shareholder Return Performance Graph
- ------------------------------------

     Set forth below is a line graph comparing the yearly  percentage  change in
the  cumulative  total  shareholder  return  on  the  Trust's  Shares  with  the
cumulative  total  return of  companies on the Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 Stock
Index,  the National  Association of Real Estate  Investment  Trusts  ("NAREIT")
Mortgage  Index and the NAREIT Total Return Equity Index.  The returns are based
on the market price of the Shares and assume the reinvestment of dividends.  The
calculation of total  cumulative  return assumes a $100 investment in the Shares
on January 1, 1991.  The  comparisons  in this table are  historical and are not
intended to forecast or be  indicative  of possible  future  performance  of the
Trust's Shares.

     Subsequent  to the  consummation  of the Tender Offer in February  1996 and
consistent with its growth and expansion  strategy,  management of the Trust has
caused the Trust to expand  into the  multifamily  property  markets,  a line of
business  which is covered by the NAREIT Total Return Equity Index.  As a result
of the change in the line of business of the Trust,  the Trustees  believe that,
for periods  subsequent  to the Tender  Offer,  it is no longer  appropriate  to
compare  the  performance  of the  Trust's  Shares to  companies  on the  NAREIT
Mortgage  Index.  Accordingly,  the  performance  of the Trust's Shares has been
compared to both the NAREIT  Mortgage  Index and the NAREIT Total Return  Equity
Index assuming a $100  investment on January 1, 1991,  despite the fact that the
Trust has only been on the NAREIT  Total  Return  Equity  Index for a portion of
fiscal 1996.

                 Comparison of Five Year Cumulative Total Return
               Among S&P 500 Index, NAREIT Mortgage Index, NAREIT
                          Total Return Equity Index and
                       Vinings Investment Properties Trust

                      1996 Adjusted to Reflect Share Split

                                                1991      1992       1993        1994       1995       1996
                                                ----      ----       ----        ----       ----       ----
Vinings Investment Properties Trust              100       132        162        217         230        383

S&P 500                                          100       141        155        157         215        265

NAREIT Mortgage Index                            100       134        154        117         190        287

NAREIT Total Return Equity Index                 100       155        186        192         221        299


- --------

     The Board of Trustees  has adopted  the 1997 Plan for  Trustees,  officers,
employees  and other key persons of the Trust and its  subsidiaries,  subject to
the approval of the 1997 Plan by the shareholders.

     The 1997 Plan is administered by the Compensation Committee of the Board of
Trustees  (the  "Committee").  The  Committee,  at its  discretion,  may grant a
variety of stock incentive awards based on the Shares of the Trust. Awards under
the 1997 Plan include stock options (both  incentive  options and  non-qualified
options),  stock  appreciation  rights,  restricted stock,  performance  shares,
unrestricted stock and dividend equivalent rights. These awards are described in
greater detail below.

     If approved by the shareholders,  the maximum number of Shares reserved and
available  for issuance  under the 1997 Plan shall be such  aggregate  number of
Shares  as does not  exceed  the sum of (i) ten  percent  (10%)  of  outstanding
Shares;  plus (ii) as of the last business day of each calendar  quarter  ending
after June 30, 1997, an additional positive number equal to ten percent (10%) of
the sum of units of partnership interests in Vinings Investment Properties, L.P.
that are subject to redemption  rights  ("Units") and Shares issued by the Trust
during that calendar  quarter,  reduced by any Shares issued by the Trust during
that calendar quarter upon the redemption of Units; provided,  however, that the
maximum number of Shares for which  Incentive Stock Options may be granted under
the 1997 Plan shall not exceed 108,000 Shares,  reduced by the aggregate  number
of Shares subject to outstanding Awards granted under the 1997 Plan.

     To satisfy the performance-based  compensation  exception to the $1 million
cap on the  Trust's  tax  deduction  imposed by Section  162(m) of the  Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),  the 1997 Plan also provides that
stock options or stock  appreciation  rights with respect to no more than 50,000
Shares may be granted to any one individual in any twelve (12) month period. The
Shares  issued by the Trust under the 1997 Plan may be  authorized  but unissued
Shares,  or Shares  reacquired by the Trust. To the extent that awards under the
1997 Plan do not vest or otherwise revert to the Trust,  the Shares  represented
by such awards may be the subject of subsequent awards.

- --------------

     The Board of Trustees  believes  that stock  options and other  stock-based
incentive  awards  can play an  important  role in the  success  of the Trust by
encouraging and enabling the Trustees, officers and other employees of the Trust
and its  subsidiaries  upon whose  judgment,  initiative  and  efforts the Trust
largely  depends  for the  successful  conduct  of its  business  to  acquire  a
proprietary  interest  in the  Trust.  The Board of  Trustees  anticipates  that
providing  such  persons  with a direct  stake in the Trust will assure a closer
identification  of the interests of  participants in the 1997 Plan with those of
the  Trust,  thereby  stimulating  their  efforts  on  the  Trust's  behalf  and
strengthening their desire to remain with the Trust.

     The Board of Trustees  believes  that the proposed  1997 Plan will help the
Trust to achieve its goals by keeping the Trust's incentive compensation program
dynamic and competitive with those of other companies. Accordingly, the Board of
Trustees  believes that the 1997 Plan is in the best  interests of the Trust and
its shareholders and recommends that the shareholders approve the 1997 Plan.


Summary of the 1997 Plan
- ------------------------

     The following  description of certain features of the 1997 Plan is intended
to be a summary only.  The summary is qualified in its entirety by the full text
of the 1997 Plan which is attached hereto as Exhibit A.

     PLAN  ADMINISTRATION;  ELIGIBILITY.  The 1997 Plan is  administered  by the
Committee. All members of the Committee must be "non-employee directors" as that
term is defined  under the rules  promulgated  by the  Securities  and  Exchange
Commission  (the  "SEC")  and  "outside  directors"  as that term is  defined in
Section  162 of  the  Code  and  the  regulations  promulgated  thereunder.  The
Committee  has full  power to  select,  from among the  employees  eligible  for
awards, the individuals to whom awards will be granted,  to make any combination
of awards to participants, and to determine the specific terms and conditions of
each award, subject to the provisions of the 1997 Plan. 

     The Committee may permit Shares,  and other amounts payable  pursuant to an
award,  to be deferred.  In such instances,  the Committee may permit  interest,
dividend or deemed dividends to be credited to the amount of deferrals.

     Persons  eligible to participate  in the 1997 Plan will be those  employees
and other key persons,  such as consultants,  of the Trust and its  subsidiaries
who are responsible for or contribute to the management, growth or profitability
of the  Trust  and  its  subsidiaries,  as  selected  from  time  to time by the
Committee.  Trustees  of the  Trust  who are not  employed  by the  Trust or its
subsidiaries  or any affiliated  company thereof  ("Independent  Trustees") will
also be eligible for certain awards under the 1997 Plan.

     STOCK  OPTIONS.  The 1997 Plan  permits  the  granting  of (i)  options  to
purchase  Shares  intended to qualify as  incentive  stock  options  ("Incentive
Options")  under Section 422 of the Code and (ii) options that do not so qualify
("Non-Qualified  Options").  The option  exercise  price of each  option will be
determined  by the  Committee  but may not be less than 100% of the fair  market
value of the Shares on the date of grant in the case of incentive stock options,
and may not be less than 85% of the fair market  value of the Shares on the date
of grant in the case of Non-Qualified Options. However,  employees participating
in the 1997 Plan may  elect,  with the  consent  of the  Committee,  to  receive
discounted  Non-Qualified  Options in lieu of cash bonuses.  In the case of such
grants,  the option exercise price must be at least 50% of the fair market value
of the Shares on the date of grant.

     The term of each option will be fixed by the  Committee  and may not exceed
ten years from date of grant in the case of an Incentive  Option.  The Committee
will determine at what time or times each option may be exercised  and,  subject
to the  provisions  of the  1997  Plan,  the  period  of  time,  if  any,  after
retirement,  death, disability or termination of employment during which options
may be  exercised.  Options may be made  exercisable  in  installments,  and the
exercisability of options may be accelerated by the Committee.

     Upon exercise of options,  the option  exercise  price must be paid in full
either in cash or by certified or bank check or other  instrument  acceptable to
the  Committee or, if the  Committee so permits,  by delivery of Shares  already
owned by the optionee.  The exercise price may also be delivered to the Trust by
a broker pursuant to irrevocable instructions to the broker from the optionee.

     At the  discretion of the Committee,  stock options  granted under the 1997
Plan may include a "re-load" feature pursuant to which an optionee exercising an
option by the delivery of Shares would  automatically  be granted an  additional
stock  option  (with an exercise  price  equal to the fair  market  value of the
Shares on the date the  additional  stock  option is granted)  to purchase  that
number of Shares equal to the number  delivered  to exercise the original  stock
option.  The purpose of this feature is to enable  participants  to maintain any
equity interest in the Trust without dilution.

     To qualify as Incentive  Options,  options must meet additional Federal tax
requirements,  including  limits  on the value of shares  subject  to  Incentive
Options which first become  exercisable  in any one calendar year, and a shorter
term  and  higher   minimum   exercise  price  in  the  case  of  certain  large

the automatic grant of  Non-Qualified  Options to an Independent  Trustee.  Each
Independent  Trustee  who is  serving  as a  Trustee  of the  Trust on the fifth
business day after each annual meeting of shareholders,  beginning with the 1997
Annual Meeting, will automatically be granted on such day a Non-Qualified Option
to acquire 1,000 Shares. The exercise price of each such Non-Qualified Option is
the fair  market  value of the Shares on the date of grant.  Such  Non-Qualified
Option shall be exercisable  in full as of the first  anniversary of the date of
grant.  The Committee,  in its discretion,  may grant  additional  Non-Qualified
Options to Independent Trustees.

     STOCK  APPRECIATION  RIGHT.  The Committee  may award a stock  appreciation
right ("SAR") either as a  freestanding  award or in tandem with a stock option.
Upon exercise of the SAR, the holder will be entitled to receive an amount equal
to the excess of the fair  market  value on the date of exercise of one share of
Shares over the exercise  price per share  specified in the related stock option
(or, in the case of  freestanding  SAR,  the price per share  specified  in such
right,  which  price may not be less than 100% of the fair  market  value of the
Shares on the date of grant)  times the number of Shares  with  respect to which
the SAR is exercised.  This amount may be paid in cash, Shares, or a combination
thereof, as determined by the Committee.  If the SAR is granted in tandem with a
stock  option,  exercise of the SAR cancels the related  option to the extent of
such exercise.

     RESTRICTED  STOCK.  The Committee may also award Shares to officers,  other
employees and key persons  subject to such  conditions and  restrictions  as the
Committee may determine  ("Restricted Stock"). These conditions and restrictions
may  include the  achievement  of certain  performance  goals  and/or  continued
employment with the Trust through a specified  restricted  period.  The purchase
price of shares of Restricted Stock will be determined by the Committee.  If the
performance  goals and other  restrictions are not attained,  the employees will
forfeit their awards of Restricted Stock.

     UNRESTRICTED  STOCK. The Committee may also grant shares (at no cost or for
a  purchase  price  determined  by  the  Committee)  which  are  free  from  any
restrictions under the 1997 Plan ("Unrestricted Stock").  Unrestricted Stock may
be issued to employees and key persons in  recognition of past services or other
valid  consideration,  and may be issued in lieu of cash  bonuses  to be paid to
such employees and key persons.

     Subject to the consent of the  Committee,  an employee or key person of the
Trust may make an  advance  irrevocable  election  to  receive a portion  of his
compensation in Unrestricted  Stock (valued at fair market value on the date the
cash compensation would otherwise be paid).

     An  Independent  Trustee may,  pursuant to an advance  irrevocable  written
election, receive all or a portion of such fees in Unrestricted Stock, valued at
fair market value on the date the  Trustees'  fees would  otherwise be paid.  In
certain instances,  an Independent  Trustee may also elect to defer a portion of
his trustees' fees payable in the form of Unrestricted Stock, in accordance with
such rules and  procedures as may from time to time be established by the Trust.
During the period of deferral,  the deferred  unrestricted  stock would  receive
dividend equivalent rights.

     PERFORMANCE  SHARE AWARDS.  The Committee may also grant  performance share
awards to  employees  or other key persons  entitling  the  recipient to receive
Shares upon the  achievement of individual or Trust  performance  goals and such
other conditions as the Committee shall determine ("Performance Share Award").

     DIVIDEND  EQUIVALENT  RIGHTS.  The Committee may grant dividend  equivalent
rights,  which entitle the recipient to receive credits for dividends that would
be paid if the recipient had held specified Shares.  Dividend  equivalent rights
may be  granted as a  component  of another  award or as a  freestanding  award.
Dividend  equivalents  credited  under the 1997 Plan may be paid currently or be
deemed to be  reinvested  in  additional  Shares,  which may  thereafter  accrue
additional  dividend  equivalents  at fair  market  value at the time of  deemed
reinvestment or on the terms then governing the  reinvestment of dividends under
the Trust's dividend  reinvestment plan, if any. Dividend  equivalent rights may
be settled in cash, shares, or a combination thereof, in a single installment or
installments,  as specified in the award.  Awards  payable in cash on a deferred
basis may provide for crediting and payment of interest equivalents.

     ADJUSTMENTS  FOR STOCK  DIVIDENDS,  MERGERS,  ETC. The Committee  will make
appropriate adjustments in outstanding awards to reflect stock dividends,  stock
splits and similar events.  In the event of a merger,  liquidation,  sale of the
Trust or similar  event,  the  Committee,  in its  discretion,  may  provide for
substitution  or adjustments  of outstanding  options and SARs, or may terminate
all unexercised options and SARs with or without payment of cash consideration.

     AMENDMENTS AND TERMINATION.  The Board of Trustees may at any time amend or
discontinue  the 1997  Plan and the  Committee  may at any time  amend or cancel
outstanding  awards for the purpose of satisfying  changes in the law or for any
other  lawful  purpose.  However,  no such action may be taken  which  adversely
affects  any rights  under  outstanding  awards  without the  holder's  consent.
Further, amendments to the 1997 Plan shall be subject to approval by the Trust's
shareholders if and to the extent required by the Code to preserve the qualified
status of Incentive Options.

     CHANGE OF CONTROL PROVISIONS. The 1997 Plan provides that in the event of a
"Change of  Control"  (as  defined  in the 1997  Plan) of the  Trust,  all stock
options  and  stock  appreciation  rights  shall   automatically   become  fully
exercisable. In addition, at any time prior to or after a Change of Control, the
Committee may accelerate  awards and waive  conditions and  restrictions  on any
awards to the extent it may determine appropriate.

Effective Date of 1997 Plan
- ---------------------------

     The 1997 Plan will become effective upon the affirmative vote of a majority
of the votes cast at the Annual  Meeting.  For  purposes of the vote on the 1997
Plan, abstentions and broker non-votes will have no effect on the results of the
vote. Both  abstentions and broker  non-votes will,  however,  count towards the
presence of a quorum. Awards of Incentive Stock Options may be granted under the
1997 Plan until May 22, 2007.

New Plan Benefits
- -----------------

     Approximately  five officers and key persons and four Independent  Trustees
are currently  eligible to  participate  in the 1997 Plan. The table below shows
the  aggregate  number  of  Non-Qualified   Options  that  will  be  granted  to
Independent  Trustees  in  1997,  assuming  approval  of  the  1997  Plan.  Each
Non-Qualified  Option granted to an Independent  Trustee shall be granted on the
fifth  business day following  the 1997 Annual  Meeting and shall have an option
exercise  price  equal to the fair  market  value of the  Shares  on the date of
grant.  The  number of Shares  that may be  granted to  executive  officers  and
non-executive  officers  is  undeterminable  at this  time,  as such  grants are
subject to the discretion of the Committee.

                      1997 STOCK OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN

                                                 Number of Shares
                                                 Underlying Stock Option
Name and Position 
- -----------------------------------------

Independent Trustee Group (4 persons)                 4,000

Tax Aspects Under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code
- ------------------------------------------------

     The following is a summary of the principal Federal income tax consequences
of option  grants  under the 1997 Plan.  It does not  describe  all  Federal tax
consequences  under  the 1997  Plan,  nor does it  describe  state or local  tax

Incentive Options
- -----------------

     Under the Code,  an employee will not realize  taxable  income by reason of
the grant or the exercise of an Incentive  Option.  If an employee  exercises an
Incentive  Option and does not dispose of the Shares  until the later of (a) two
years  from the date the  option  was  granted or (b) one year from the date the
Shares were transferred to the employee,  the entire gain, if any, realized upon
disposition of such Shares will be taxable to the employee as long-term  capital
gain,  and the Trust  will not be  entitled  to any  deduction.  If an  employee
disposes of the Shares within such one-year or two-year period in a manner so as
to violate the holding period requirements (a "disqualifying disposition"),  the
employee generally will realize ordinary income in the year of disposition, and,
provided the Trust complies with applicable withholding requirements,  the Trust
will receive a corresponding  deduction, in an amount equal to the excess of (1)
the lesser of (x) the amount,  if any,  realized on the  disposition and (y) the
fair market  value of the Shares on the date the option was  exercised  over (2)
the option price.  Any additional gain realized on the disposition of the Shares
acquired  upon  exercise of the option will be long-term or  short-term  capital
gain and any loss will be long-term or short-term  capital loss  depending  upon
the holding  period for such Shares.  The employee  will be  considered  to have
disposed  of his  Shares if he sells,  exchanges,  makes a gift of or  transfers
legal title to the Shares  (except by pledge or by  transfer  on death).  If the
disposition of Shares is by gift and violates the holding  period  requirements,
the amount of the  employee's  ordinary  income (and the Trust's  deduction)  is
equal to the fair market  value of the Shares on the date of  exercise  less the
option price.  If the  disposition  is by sale or exchange,  the  employee's tax
basis  will  equal the  amount  paid for the  Shares  plus any  ordinary  income
realized  as a result of the  disqualifying  distribution.  The  exercise  of an
Incentive Option may subject the employee to the alternative minimum tax.

     Special  rules  apply if an  employee  surrenders  Shares in payment of the
exercise price of his Incentive Option.

     An Incentive Option that is exercised by an employee more than three months
after an employee's  employment  terminates  will be treated as a  Non-Qualified
Option  for  Federal  income tax  purposes.  In the case of an  employee  who is
disabled,  the three-month  period is extended to one year and in the case of an
employee who dies, the three-month employment rule does not apply.

Non-Qualified Options
- ---------------------

     There are no Federal income tax consequences to either the optionee, or the
Trust on the grant of a Non-Qualified Option. On the exercise of a Non-Qualified
Option,  the optionee  (except as described  below) has taxable  ordinary income
equal to the  excess of the fair  market  value of the  Shares  received  on the
exercise date over the option price of the shares.  The optionee's tax basis for
the shares acquired upon exercise of a Non-Qualified  Option is increased by the
amount of such taxable  income.  The Trust will be entitled to a Federal  income
tax  deduction in an amount equal to such  excess,  provided the Trust  complies
with  applicable  withholding  rules.  Upon the sale of the Shares  acquired  by
exercise of a  Non-Qualified  Option,  the optionee  will  realize  long-term or
short-term  capital gain or loss  depending  upon his or her holding  period for
such Shares.

     Special  rules  apply if an  optionee  surrenders  Shares in payment of the
exercise price of a Non-Qualified Option.

Parachute Payments
- ------------------

     The  exercise of any portion of any option that is  accelerated  due to the
occurrence  of a change of  control  may cause a portion  of the  payments  with
respect to such  accelerated  options to be treated as  "parachute  payments" as
defined in the Code. Any such parachute  payments may be  non-deductible  to the
Trust,  in whole or in part,  and may subject the recipient to a  non-deductible
20% federal  excise tax on all or portion of such  payment (in addition to other
taxes ordinarily payable).

Limitation on Trust's Deductions
- --------------------------------

     As a result  of  Section  162(m)  of the  Code,  the  Trust's  Federal  tax
deduction  for certain  awards  under the Plan may be limited to the extent that
the Chief  Executive  Officer or other executive  officer whose  compensation is
required to be reported in the summary compensation table receives  compensation
(other than performance-based compensation) in excess of $1 million a year.


     The  following  table sets forth,  to the best  knowledge and belief of the
Trust,  certain  information  regarding the beneficial  ownership of the Trust's
Shares  as of May 20,  1997 by (i)  each  person  known  by the  Trust to be the
beneficial  owner of more than 5% of the  outstanding  Shares,  (ii) each of the
Trustees,  (iii) each of the executive officers of the Trust and (iv) all of the

Trustees, Executive Officers                      Beneficially        Percent of
  and 5% Shareholders                              Owned (1)           Class (2)
- ----------------------------                       ---------           ---------

Financial & Investment Management Group, Ltd......  252,789(3)            23.39%
Paul H. Sutherland, CFP, President
417 St. Joseph Street
P.O. Box 40
Suttons Bay, MI  49682

Watts Agent, L.P..................................   93,355(4)             8.64%
1006 Trammel Street
Dalton, GA 30720

Peter D. Anzo.....................................   87,312                8.08%
Martin H. Petersen................................   81,285                7.52%
Stephanie A. Reed.................................    9,818                  *
Gilbert H. Watts, Jr..............................   93,355(5)             8.64%
Phill D. Greenblatt...............................   24,005                2.22%
Henry Hirsch......................................   60,012                5.55%
Thomas B. Bender..................................   88,389(6)             8.18%
                                                    -------               ------
All Trustees and officers as a group (7 persons)..  444,176               41.11%
                                                    =======                =====
- --------------------------
*       Less than 1%.

     (1) Beneficial  share ownership is determined  pursuant to Rule 13d-3 under
the Exchange Act.  Accordingly,  a beneficial  owner of a security  includes any
person  who,  directly  or  indirectly,   through  any  contract,   arrangement,
understanding,  relationship  or otherwise  has or shares the power to vote such
security or the power to dispose of such  security.  The amounts set forth above
as  beneficially  owned include  Shares owned,  if any, by spouses and relatives
living in the same home as to which beneficial ownership may be disclaimed.

     (2) Percentages are calculated on the basis of 1,080,516 Shares outstanding
as of May 20, 1997.

     (3) Based on Amendment No. 3 to Schedule 13D filed with the SEC on November
22, 1996,  Financial & Investment  Management  Group,  Ltd. ("FIMG") and Paul H.
Sutherland,  CFP,  President,  have  shared  dispositive  and voting  power with
respect to all such Shares.

     (4) Based on a Schedule  13D filed  with the SEC on August 2,  1996,  Watts
Agent,  L.P. and Gilbert H. Watts, Jr. have shared  dispositive and voting power
with respect to all such Shares.

     (5) Mr. Watts may be deemed to beneficially  own 93,355 Shares by virtue of
his position as Managing Partner of Watts Agent, L.P. Mr. Watts and Watts Agent,
L.P. have shared dispositive and voting power with respect to all such Shares.

     (6) Mr. Bender  beneficially  owns 1,000 Shares and has shared  dispositive
and voting power with respect to an additional  87,389 Shares with FIMG and Paul
H. Sutherland.


     Certain  executive  officers  and  Trustees  of  the  Trust  are  officers,
directors  and/or  stockholders  of  The  Vinings  Group  and  its  wholly-owned
subsidiaries  (individually,  a  "Subsidiary").  The Vinings  Group has provided
services to the Trust relating to administration,  acquisition,  and capital and
asset  advisory  services at little or no cost to the Trust.  In  addition,  the
officers  of the Trust  have been  compensated  by The  Vinings  Group for their
services  as officers of The Vinings  Group,  although a  substantial  amount of
their time was spent  handling  Trust  affairs.  The Trust did not reimburse The
Vinings Group for any of the officers'  salaries.  The Trust does not anticipate
that these  services will  continue to be provided  free of charge,  and certain
costs paid on the Trust's behalf have been reimbursed to The Vinings Group.

     In connection  with the Trust's  acquisition of The Thicket  Apartments,  a
254-unit  apartment  complex located in Atlanta,  Georgia,  MFI Realty,  Inc., a
Subsidiary,  was paid a broker's  commission  in the amount of  $150,000  by the
seller of the property.  Also in connection with The Thicket,  the Trust entered
into a management  agreement with Vinings  Properties,  Inc., a Subsidiary,  for
property  management services equal to five percent of gross revenues plus a fee
for data processing.

     In connection with the Trust's proposed acquisition of Windrush Apartments,
a 202-unit apartment community located in Atlanta,  Georgia,  MFI Realty,  Inc.,
will be paid a financial  advisor's fee in the amount of $75,500 from the seller
upon the closing of the acquisition.

     The  Trust  believes  that  all of the  above  transactions  are  fair  and
reasonable  and are on terms at least as  favorable  to the Trust as those which
might have been obtained with unrelated third parties.


     The Trust's officers and Trustees and beneficial owners of more than 10% of
the Trust's  Shares are required under Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act to file
reports of  ownership  and changes in  ownership  with the SEC.  Copies of those
reports  must also be  furnished  to the Trust.  Based solely on a review of the
copies of reports  furnished  to the Trust and written  representations  that no
other  reports were  required,  the Trust  believes  that during its 1996 fiscal
year, no person who was a Trustee,  officer or greater than 10% beneficial owner
of the Trust's  Shares  failed to file on a timely basis any report  required by
Section 16(a).

                                  MARKET VALUE

     On May 20,  1997,  the  closing  sale  price of a Share of the Trust on The
Nasdaq SmallCap Market was $4.50.


     Shareholder  proposals  intended to be presented at the 1998 annual meeting
of shareholders of the Trust must be received by the Trust on or before March 3,
1998 in order to be considered for inclusion in the Trust's proxy  statement for
such meeting.  Such a proposal must also comply with the requirements as to form
and  substance  established  by the SEC in order  to be  included  in the  proxy
statement and should be directed to: Secretary,  Vinings  Investment  Properties
Trust, 3111 Paces Mill Road, Suite A-200, Atlanta, GA 30339.


     The  Board of  Trustees  has  selected  the firm of  Arthur  Andersen  LLP,
independent public accountants,  as the auditors of the financial  statements of
the Trust and its  subsidiaries  for its current fiscal year ending December 31,
1997. The firm of Ernst & Young LLP served as the independent public accountants
of the Trust for fiscal  1996 and through  January 8, 1997,  at which time their
engagement  was  terminated,  but did not examine and/or report upon the Trust's
financial  statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996. On January 9,
1997, the Trust engaged Arthur  Andersen LLP as its  independent  accountants to
examine  and report upon the Trust's  financial  statements  for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 1996. A member of Arthur Andersen LLP will be present at the
Annual  Meeting and will be given the  opportunity  to make a  statement  and to
answer any  questions  any  shareholder  may have with respect to the  financial
statements of the Trust for fiscal 1996.

     The following disclosure appeared in the Trust's Current Report on Form 8-K
filed with the SEC on January 8, 1997:

     On January 8, 1997, Vinings Investment  Properties Trust (the "Registrant")
dismissed  Ernst  &  Young  LLP  as  independent   public  accountants  for  the
Registrant. For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1994 ("Fiscal 1994"), Kenneth
Leventhal & Company  (succeeded  by merger with Ernst & Young LLP) had  examined
and reported upon the  Registrant's  financial  statements and had served as the
Registrant's independent public accountants.  For the fiscal year ended December
31, 1995 ("Fiscal  1995"),  Ernst & Young LLP had examined and reported upon the
Registrant's financial statements and had served as the Registrant's independent
public accountants.  For the fiscal year ended December 31, 1996 ("Fiscal 1996")
and through the dismissal of Ernst & Young LLP on January 8, 1997, Ernst & Young
LLP  served  as the  Registrant's  independent  public  accountants  but did not
examine and/or report upon the Registrant's financial statements.

     On January 9, 1997,  the  Registrant  engaged  Arthur  Andersen  LLP as the
independent  public  accountants  to examine  and report  upon the  Registrant's
financial   statements  for  Fiscal  1996.  The  change  in  independent  public
accountants  followed  a  decision  by  management  and  approval  by the  Audit
Committee  and the Board of  Trustees,  that it was in the best  interest of the
Registrant to review the relationship between the Registrant and its independent
public accounting firm with respect to services  provided and fees charged.  The
Audit committee  solicited and received  proposals from, and interviewed Ernst &
Young LLP,  Deloitte & Touche LLP and Arthur  Andersen LLP concerning  audit and
certain tax services to be provided for Fiscal 1996 prior to making the decision
to  dismiss  Ernst & Young LLP and to engage  Arthur  Andersen  LLP.  During the
Registrant's  two most recent  fiscal years and any  subsequent  interim  period
prior to engaging Arthur Andersen LLP,  neither the Registrant nor anyone on its
behalf  consulted  Arthur  Andersen LLP regarding  any matter  described in Item
304(a)(2)(i) or (ii) of Regulation S-K.

     In  connection  with the audits of Fiscal  1994 and Fiscal 1995 and through
the  dismissal  of  Ernst  &  Young  LLP on  January  8,  1997,  there  were  no
disagreements  with Ernst & Young LLP on any matter of accounting  principles or
practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedure, which
disagreements  if not resolved to their  satisfaction  would have caused them to
make  reference to the subject  matter of the  disagreement  in connection  with
their report.  During the  Registrant's two most recent fiscal years and through
the  dismissal  of Ernst & Young LLP on  January  8,  1997,  none of the kind of
events listed in paragraphs (A) through (D) of Item  304(a)(1)(v)  of Regulation
S-K occurred.

     Neither  the  audit   reports  of  Kenneth   Leventhal  &  Company  on  the
consolidated  financial  statements  of the  Registrant  for Fiscal 1994 nor the
audit reports of Ernst & Young LLP on the consolidated  financial  statements of
the Registrant  for Fiscal 1995  contained any adverse  opinion or disclaimer of
opinion, nor were they qualified or modified as to uncertainty,  audit scope, or
accounting principles.

     The  Registrant  has  provided  Ernst  &  Young  LLP  with  a  copy  of the
disclosures  it is making in this Current Report on Form 8-K prior to the filing
of this report with the Securities and Exchange  Commission.  The Registrant has
requested  and  received  a  letter  from  Ernst & Young  LLP  addressed  to the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission  stating that it agrees with the statements
made by the  Registrant  herein in response to Item 304(a) of Regulation S-K and
such letter is included in this filing as an exhibit.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

     The  Board of  Trustees  does  not know of any  matters  other  than  those
described  in this  Proxy  Statement  that will be  presented  for action at the
Annual Meeting.  If other matters are duly  presented,  proxies will be voted in
accordance with the best judgment of the proxy holders.


                                    Exhibit A

                      1997 STOCK OPTION AND INCENTIVE PLAN

- ---------------------------------------------------

     The name of the plan is the Vinings Investment  Properties Trust 1997 Stock
Option and Incentive Plan (the "Plan").  The purpose of the Plan is to encourage
and enable the officers, employees,  Independent Directors and other key persons
(including  consultants) of Vinings Investment  Properties Trust (the "Company")
and its  Subsidiaries  upon whose  judgment,  initiative and efforts the Company
largely  depends  for the  successful  conduct  of its  business  to  acquire  a
proprietary  interest in the Company.  It is  anticipated  that  providing  such
persons  with a  direct  stake in the  Company's  welfare  will  assure a closer
identification of their interests with those of the Company, thereby stimulating
their efforts on the Company's behalf and  strengthening  their desire to remain
with the Company.

     The following terms shall be defined as set forth below:

     "Act" means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

     "Administrator" is defined in Section 2(a).

     "Award" or  "Awards,"  except where  referring to a particular  category of
grant under the Plan, shall include Incentive Stock Options, Non-Qualified Stock
Options, Stock Appreciation Rights, Restricted Stock Awards,  Unrestricted Stock
Awards, Performance Share Awards and Dividend Equivalent Rights.

     "Board" means the Board of Trustees of the Company.

     "Change of Control" is defined in Section 15.

     "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and any
successor Code, and related rules, regulations and interpretations.

     "Committee" means the Compensation Committee of the Board as referred to in
Section 2.

     "Dividend Equivalent Right" means Awards granted pursuant to Section 10.

     "Effective  Date"  means  the  date  on  which  the  Plan  is  approved  by
stockholders as set forth in Section 17.

     "Fair  Market  Value" of the Stock on any given date means the fair  market
value of the Stock  determined  in good  faith by the  Administrator;  provided,
however,  that  (i) if the  Stock  is  admitted  to  quotation  on the  National
Association of Securities  Dealers Automated  Quotation System  ("NASDAQ"),  the
Fair  Market  Value on any given date shall not be less than the  average of the
highest bid and lowest asked  prices of the Stock  reported for such date or, if
no bid and asked prices were reported for such date,  for the last day preceding
such date for which such prices were reported,  or (ii) if the Stock is admitted
to trading on a  national  securities  exchange  or the NASDAQ  National  Market
System,  the Fair  Market  Value on any date shall not be less than the  closing
price  reported for the Stock on such exchange or system for such date or, if no
sales were reported for such date, for the last date preceding the date for such
a sale was reported.

     "Incentive Stock Option" means any Stock Option designated and qualified as
an "incentive stock option" as defined in Section 422 of the Code.

     "Independent  Director"  means a  member  of the  Board  who is not also an
employee of the Company or any Subsidiary, or any affiliated company thereof.

     "Non-Qualified  Stock  Option"  means  any  Stock  Option  that  is  not an
Incentive Stock Option.

     "Option" or "Stock  Option"  means any option to  purchase  shares of Stock
granted pursuant to Section 5.

     "Performance Share Award" means Awards granted pursuant to Section 9.

     "Restricted Stock Award" means Awards granted pursuant to Section 7.

     "Stock"  means the shares of  beneficial  interest,  no par  value,  of the
Company, subject to adjustments pursuant to Section 3.

     "Stock Appreciation Right" means any Award granted pursuant to Section 6.

     "Subsidiary" means any corporation or other entity (other than the Company)
in any unbroken  chain of  corporations  or other  entities  beginning  with the
Company if each of the corporations or entities (other than the last corporation
or entity in the unbroken chain) owns stock or other interests possessing 50% or
more of the economic  interest or the total combined voting power of all classes
of stock or other interests in one of the other  corporations or entities in the

     "Unrestricted Stock Award" means any Award granted pursuant to Section 8.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     (a) Committee.  The Plan shall be  administered  by either the Board or the
Committee (in either case,  the  "Administrator").  Each member of the Committee
shall be an "outside  director" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Code
and the regulations  promulgated thereunder and a "non-employee director" within
the meaning of Rule 16b- 3(b)(3)(i)  promulgated under the Act, or any successor
definition under said rule.

     (b) Powers of  Administrator.  The  Administrator  shall have the power and
authority to grant Awards  consistent with the terms of the Plan,  including the
power and authority:

          (i) to select the  individuals to whom Awards may from time to time be

          (ii) to determine the time or times of grant, and the extent,  if any,
     of Incentive Stock Options, Non-Qualified Stock Options, Stock Appreciation
     Rights,  Restricted Stock Awards,  Unrestricted  Stock Awards,  Performance
     Share Awards and Dividend  Equivalent  Rights,  or any  combination  of the
     foregoing, granted to any one or more participants;

          (iii) to determine  the number of shares of Stock to be covered by any

          (iv)  to  determine  and  modify  from  time  to time  the  terms  and
     conditions,  including restrictions, not inconsistent with the terms of the
     Plan, of any Award,  which terms and conditions may differ among individual
     Awards and  participants,  and to approve  the form of written  instruments
     evidencing the Awards;

          (v) to accelerate at any time the  exercisability or vesting of all or
     any portion of any Award;

          (vi) subject to the provisions of Section 5(a)(iii),  to extend at any
     time the period in which Stock Options may be exercised;

          (vii) to determine at any time whether, to what extent, and under what
     circumstances  distribution  or the  receipt  of Stock  and  other  amounts
     payable with respect to an Award shall be deferred either  automatically or
     at the  election  of the  participant  and  whether  and to what extent the
     Company  shall  pay or  credit  amounts  constituting  interest  (at  rates
     determined by the  Administrator)  or dividends or deemed dividends on such
     deferrals; and

          (viii) at any time to adopt,  alter and repeal such rules,  guidelines
     and  practices  for  administration  of the  Plan  and for its own acts and
     proceedings  as it  shall  deem  advisable;  to  interpret  the  terms  and
     provisions  of  the  Plan  and  any  Award   (including   related   written
     instruments);  to  make  all  determinations  it  deems  advisable  for the
     administration  of the Plan;  to decide all disputes  arising in connection
     with the Plan; and to otherwise supervise the administration of the Plan.

     All decisions and  interpretations of the Administrator shall be binding on
all persons, including the Company and Plan participants.

- ---------------------------------------------------------------

     (a) STOCK  ISSUABLE.  The maximum  number of shares of Stock  reserved  and
available for issuance under the Plan shall be such  aggregate  number of shares
of Stock as does not  exceed  the sum of (i) ten  percent  (10%) of  outstanding
shares;  plus (ii) as of the last business day of each calendar  quarter  ending
after June 30, 1997, an additional positive number equal to ten percent (10%) of
the sum of units of partnership interests in Vinings Investment Properties, L.P.
that are subject to  redemption  rights  ("Units") and shares of Stock issued by
the Company during that calendar quarter,  reduced by any shares of Stock issued
by the Company  during  that  calendar  quarter  upon the  redemption  of Units;
provided,  however,  that the  maximum  number  of  shares  of Stock  for  which
Incentive  Stock Options may be granted under the Plan shall not exceed  108,000
shares,  reduced by the aggregate number of shares subject to outstanding Awards
granted under the Plan.

     For purposes of this limitation,  the shares of Stock underlying any Awards
which are forfeited, cancelled, reacquired by the Company, satisfied without the
issuance of Stock or  otherwise  terminated  (other than by  exercise)  shall be
added back to the shares of Stock available for issuance under the Plan. Subject
to such  overall  limitation,  shares of Stock may be issued up to such  maximum
number  pursuant to any type or types of Award;  provided,  however,  that Stock
Options or Stock Appreciation  Rights with respect to no more than 50,000 shares
of Stock may be granted to any one individual participant during any twelve (12)
month period. The shares available for issuance under the Plan may be authorized
but unissued  shares of Stock or shares of Stock  reacquired  by the Company and
held in its treasury.

     (b)   CHANGES   IN  STOCK.   If,   as  a  result  of  any   reorganization,
recapitalization,  reclassification,  stock dividend, stock split, reverse stock
split or other similar change in the Company's  capital stock,  the  outstanding
shares of Stock are  increased  or decreased  or are  exchanged  for a different
number or kind of shares  or other  securities  of the  Company,  or  additional
shares or new or different  shares or other  securities  of the Company or other
non-cash  assets are  distributed  with respect to such shares of Stock or other
securities,  the  Administrator  shall  make  an  appropriate  or  proportionate
adjustment in (i) the maximum  number of shares  reserved for issuance under the
Plan, (ii) the number of Stock Options or Stock Appreciation  Rights that can be
granted to any one individual  participant,  (iii) the number and kind of shares
or other securities  subject to any then outstanding  Awards under the Plan, and
(iv) the price for each share subject to any then outstanding  Stock Options and
Stock  Appreciation  Rights  under  the Plan,  without  changing  the  aggregate
exercise  price (i.e.,  the  exercise  price  multiplied  by the number of Stock
Options and Stock Appreciation  Rights) as to which such Stock Options and Stock
Appreciation  Rights remain  exercisable.  The  adjustment by the  Administrator
shall be final,  binding and conclusive.  No fractional shares of Stock shall be
issued under the Plan resulting from any such adjustment,  but the Administrator
in its discretion may make a cash payment in lieu of fractional shares.

     The  Administrator  may  also  adjust  the  number  of  shares  subject  to
outstanding Awards and the exercise price and the terms of outstanding Awards to
take into consideration  material changes in accounting practices or principles,
extraordinary  dividends,  acquisitions  or dispositions of stock or property or
any other event if it is determined by the Administrator that such adjustment is
appropriate to avoid  distortion in the operation of the Plan,  provided that no
such adjustment shall be made in the case of an Incentive Stock Option,  without
the consent of the participant, if it would constitute a modification, extension
or renewal of the Option within the meaning of Section 424(h) of the Code.

     (c) MERGERS.  Upon consummation of a consolidation or merger or sale of all
or substantially all of the assets of the Company in which outstanding shares of
Stock are  exchanged  for  securities,  cash or other  property of an  unrelated
corporation  or business  entity or in the event of a liquidation of the Company
(in each case,  a  "Transaction"),  the Board,  or the board of directors of any
corporation  assuming the  obligations of the Company,  may, in its  discretion,
take any one or more of the following  actions,  as to outstanding  Awards:  (i)
provide  that  such  Awards  shall be  assumed  or  equivalent  awards  shall be
substituted,  by the  acquiring  or  succeeding  corporation  (or  an  affiliate
thereof),  (ii)  upon  written  notice  to the  participants,  provide  that all
unexercised  or  unvested  Awards  will  terminate   immediately  prior  to  the
consummation of the Transaction,  and/or (iii) make or provide for a payment, in
cash or in kind, to the  participants  equal to the value (as  determined by the
Administrator) of the  consideration  payable per share of Stock pursuant to the
business  combination  (the "Merger  Price") in the case of Restricted  Stock or
deferred  Unrestricted  Stock  and  in the  case  of  Stock  Options  and  Stock
Appreciation Rights, payment, in cash or in kind equal to the difference between
(A) the  Merger  Price  times the  number of  shares  of Stock  subject  to such
outstanding  Stock  Options  and Stock  Appreciation  Rights (to the extent then
exercisable  at prices not in excess of the Merger  Price) and (B) the aggregate
exercise  price of all such  outstanding  Stock  Options and Stock  Appreciation
Rights, in exchange for the termination of such Awards. In the event Awards will
terminate upon the  consummation of the  Transaction,  all vested Awards,  other
than Stock Options and Stock Appreciation Rights, shall be fully settled in cash
or in kind, and each participant  shall be permitted,  within a specified period
determined by the  Administrator,  to exercise all outstanding Stock Options and
Stock  Appreciation  Rights,  including  those  that are not  then  exercisable,
subject to the consummation of the Transaction.

     (d) SUBSTITUTE AWARDS. The Administrator may grant Awards under the Plan in
substitution  for stock and stock  based  awards  held by  employees  of another
corporation who become employees of the Company or a Subsidiary as the result of
a merger or  consolidation  of the employing  corporation  with the Company or a
Subsidiary  or the  acquisition  by the Company or a  Subsidiary  of property or
stock of the  employing  corporation.  The  Administrator  may  direct  that the
substitute  awards be granted on such terms and conditions as the  Administrator
considers appropriate in the circumstances.

- ----------------------

     Participants in the Plan will be such full or part-time  officers and other
employees,  Independent Directors and key persons (including consultants) of the
Company  and its  Subsidiaries  who are  responsible  for or  contribute  to the
management,  growth or  profitability of the Company and its Subsidiaries as are
selected from time to time by the Administrator in its sole discretion.

- ------------------------

     Any  Stock  Option  granted  under  the Plan  shall be in such  form as the
Administrator may from time to time approve.

     Stock Options granted under the Plan may be either  Incentive Stock Options
or Non-Qualified  Stock Options.  Incentive Stock Options may be granted only to
employees of the Company or any  Subsidiary  that is a "subsidiary  corporation"
within the meaning of Section  424(f) of the Code. To the extent that any Option
does  not  qualify  as  an  Incentive  Stock  Option,   it  shall  be  deemed  a
Non-Qualified Stock Option.

     No Incentive  Stock  Option  shall be granted  under the Plan after May 22,

in its discretion may grant Stock Options to eligible  employees and key persons
of the Company or any Subsidiary. Stock Options granted pursuant to this Section
5(a) shall be subject to the following  terms and  conditions  and shall contain
such additional  terms and conditions,  not  inconsistent  with the terms of the
Plan, as the Administrator shall deem desirable:

          (i) EXERCISE PRICE. The exercise price per share for the Stock covered
     by a Stock Option granted pursuant to this Section 5(a) shall be determined
     by the  Administrator  at the time of grant but shall not be less than 100%
     of the Fair  Market  Value  on the  date of grant in the case of  Incentive
     Stock Options, or 85% of the Fair Market Value on the date of grant, in the
     case of  Non-Qualified  Stock Options.  If an employee owns or is deemed to
     own (by reason of the attribution rules of Section 424(d) of the Code) more
     than  10% of the  combined  voting  power  of all  classes  of stock of the
     Company or any parent or  subsidiary  corporation  and an  Incentive  Stock
     Option is granted to such  employee,  the  option  price of such  Incentive
     Stock  Option  shall be not less than 110% of the Fair Market  Value on the
     grant date.

          (ii) OPTION TERM.  The term of each Stock Option shall be fixed by the
     Administrator, but no Incentive Stock Option shall be exercisable more than
     ten years after the date the option is granted.  If an employee  owns or is
     deemed to own (by reason of the attribution  rules of Section 424(d) of the
     Code) more than 10% of the combined voting power of all classes of stock of
     the Company or any parent or subsidiary  corporation and an Incentive Stock
     Option is granted to such  employee,  the term of such  option  shall be no
     more than five years from the date of grant.

          (iii)  EXERCISABILITY;  Rights of a  Stockholder.  Stock Options shall
     become  exercisable at such time or times,  whether or not in installments,
     as shall be  determined  by the  Administrator  at or after the grant date;
     provided, however, that Stock Options granted in lieu of compensation shall
     be exercisable in full as of the grant date. The  Administrator  may at any
     time  accelerate  the  exercisability  of all or any  portion  of any Stock
     Option.  An  optionee  shall  have the rights of a  stockholder  only as to
     shares  acquired  upon  the  exercise  of a  Stock  Option  and  not  as to
     unexercised Stock Options.

          (iv) METHOD OF EXERCISE. Stock Options may be exercised in whole or in
     part, by giving written  notice of exercise to the Company,  specifying the
     number of shares to be purchased. Payment of the purchase price may be made
     by one or more of the following methods:

               (A) In cash,  by  certified  or bank  check  or other  instrument
          acceptable to the Administrator;

               (B) In the form of shares of Stock  that are not then  subject to
          restrictions  under any Company  plan and that have been  beneficially
          owned by the  optionee  for at least six months,  if  permitted by the
          Administrator  in its  discretion.  Such  surrendered  shares shall be
          valued at Fair Market Value on the exercise date;

               (C) By the optionee delivering to the Company a properly executed
          exercise notice together with irrevocable  instructions to a broker to
          promptly deliver to the Company cash or a check payable and acceptable
          to the Company for the purchase price;  provided that in the event the
          optionee  chooses  to pay  the  purchase  price  as so  provided,  the
          optionee and the broker shall  comply with such  procedures  and enter
          into  such  agreements  of  indemnity  and  other  agreements  as  the
          Administrator   shall   prescribe  as  a  condition  of  such  payment
          procedure; or

               (D) By the optionee  delivering to the Company a promissory  note
          if the Board has  authorized the loan of funds to the optionee for the
          purpose of enabling or  assisting  the optionee to effect the exercise
          of his Stock  Option;  provided  that at least so much of the exercise
          price as  represents  the par value of the Stock  shall be paid  other
          than with a promissory note.

     Payment  instruments  will be  received  subject  to  collection.  The
     delivery of certificates  representing  the shares of Stock to be purchased
     pursuant to the exercise of a Stock Option will be contingent  upon receipt
     from the optionee (or a purchaser  acting in his stead in  accordance  with
     the  provisions  of the Stock  Option) by the Company of the full  purchase
     price  for  such  shares  and the  fulfillment  of any  other  requirements
     contained in the Stock Option or applicable provisions of laws.

          (v) ANNUAL LIMIT ON INCENTIVE  STOCK OPTIONS.  To the extent  required
     for "incentive  stock option"  treatment under Section 422 of the Code, the
     aggregate  Fair Market  Value  (determined  as of the time of grant) of the
     shares of Stock with respect to which Incentive Stock Options granted under
     this Plan and any other plan of the  Company  or its parent and  subsidiary
     corporations  become  exercisable  for the first time by an optionee during
     any calendar year shall not exceed  $100,000.  To the extent that any Stock
     Option  exceeds  this limit,  it shall  constitute  a  Non-Qualified  Stock

     (b) RELOAD OPTIONS. At the discretion of the Administrator, Options granted
under the Plan may  include a "reload"  feature  pursuant  to which an  optionee
exercising  an  option  by the  delivery  of a  number  of  shares  of  Stock in
accordance with Section  5(a)(iv)(B)  hereof would  automatically  be granted an
additional  Option (with an exercise price equal to the Fair Market Value of the
Stock on the date the additional  Option is granted and with such other terms as
the  Administrator may provide) to purchase that number of shares of Stock equal
to the number delivered to exercise the original Option.



               (A) Each  Independent  Director who is serving as Director of the
          Company  on the  fifth  business  day after  each  annual  meeting  of
          shareholders,   beginning   with  the  1997  annual   meeting,   shall
          automatically  be granted on such day a Non-Qualified  Stock Option to
          acquire 1,000 shares of Stock.

               (B) The exercise price per share for the Stock covered by a Stock
          Option  granted  under  this  Section  5(c) shall be equal to the Fair
          Market Value of the Stock on the date the Stock Option is granted.

               (C) The  Administrator,  in its discretion,  may grant additional
          Non-Qualified Stock Options to Independent  Directors.  Any such grant
          may vary among individual Independent Directors.


               (A) Except as  provided in Section  15, an Option  granted  under
          Section 5(c) shall be exercisable in full as of the first  anniversary
          of the grant date.  An Option issued under this Section 5(c) shall not
          be  exercisable  after the  expiration  of ten years  from the date of

               (B) Options granted under this Section 5(c) may be exercised only
          by written notice to the Company specifying the number of shares to be
          purchased.  Payment  of the full  purchase  price of the  shares to be
          purchased  may be  made by one or more  of the  methods  specified  in
          Section  5(a)(iv).  An optionee shall have the rights of a stockholder
          only as to shares acquired upon the exercise of a Stock Option and not
          as to unexercised Stock Options.

     (d)  NON-TRANSFERABILITY  OF OPTIONS. No Stock Option shall be transferable
by  the  optionee  otherwise  than  by  will  or by  the  laws  of  descent  and
distribution  and all Stock Options shall be exercisable,  during the optionee's
lifetime, only by the optionee. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Administrator
may permit the optionee to transfer, without consideration for the transfer, his
Non-Qualified  Stock Options to members of his immediate  family,  to trusts for
the  benefit of such family  members,  or to  partnerships  in which such family
members are the only partners,  provided that the  transferee  agrees in writing
with the Company to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Plan and
the applicable Option.

- ------------------------------------

     (a) NATURE OF STOCK  APPRECIATION  RIGHTS. A Stock Appreciation Right is an
Award entitling the recipient to receive an amount in cash or shares of Stock or
a  combination  thereof  having a value  equal to the excess of the Fair  Market
Value of the Stock on the date of  exercise  over the  exercise  price per Stock
Appreciation  Right,  which price shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market
Value of the Stock on the date of grant (or more than the option  exercise price
per share,  if the Stock  Appreciation  Right was granted in tandem with a Stock
Option)  multiplied  by the number of shares of Stock with  respect to which the
Stock  Appreciation  Right  shall have been  exercised,  with the  Administrator
having the right to determine the form of payment.

Rights may be granted by the  Administrator in tandem with, or independently of,
any Stock  Option  granted  pursuant to Section 5 of the Plan.  In the case of a
Stock  Appreciation  Right granted in tandem with a Non-Qualified  Stock Option,
such Stock  Appreciation Right may be granted either at or after the time of the
grant of such  Option.  In the case of a Stock  Appreciation  Right  granted  in
tandem with an Incentive  Stock  Option,  such Stock  Appreciation  Right may be
granted only at the time of the grant of the Option.

     A Stock  Appreciation Right or applicable portion thereof granted in tandem
with a Stock  Option  shall  terminate  and no  longer be  exercisable  upon the
termination or exercise of the related Option.

Rights shall be subject to such terms and conditions as shall be determined from
time to time by the Administrator, subject to the following:

          (i) Stock Appreciation  Rights granted in tandem with Options shall be
     exercisable  at such time or times and to the extent that the related Stock
     Options shall be exercisable.

          (ii) Upon  exercise  of a Stock  Appreciation  Right,  the  applicable
     portion of any related Option shall be surrendered.

          (iii) All Stock  Appreciation  Rights shall be exercisable  during the
     participant's  lifetime only by the participant or the participant's  legal

- ----------------------------------

     (a) NATURE OF RESTRICTED STOCK AWARDS. A Restricted Stock Award is an Award
entitling the recipient to acquire,  at par value or such other  purchase  price
determined by the  Administrator,  shares of Stock subject to such  restrictions
and  conditions  as the  Administrator  may  determine  at  the  time  of  grant
("Restricted Stock"). Conditions may be based on continuing employment (or other
business  relationship) and/or achievement of pre-established  performance goals
and objectives.

     (b) RIGHTS AS A STOCKHOLDER. Upon execution of a written instrument setting
forth the Restricted Stock Award and payment of any applicable purchase price, a
participant shall have the rights of a stockholder with respect to the voting of
the  Restricted  Stock,  subject to such  conditions  contained  in the  written
instrument evidencing the Restricted Stock Award. Unless the Administrator shall
otherwise determine,  certificates  evidencing the Restricted Stock shall remain
in the  possession  of the  Company  until  such  Restricted  Stock is vested as
provided in Section 7(d) below.

     (c) RESTRICTIONS.  Restricted Stock may not be sold, assigned, transferred,
pledged or otherwise  encumbered or disposed of except as specifically  provided
herein or in the written instrument  evidencing the Restricted Stock Award. If a
participant's  employment (or other business  relationship) with the Company and
its Subsidiaries  terminates for any reason, the Company shall have the right to
repurchase  Restricted Stock that has not vested at its purchase price, from the
participant or the participant's legal representative.

     (d) VESTING OF RESTRICTED  STOCK.  The  Administrator  at the time of grant
shall  specify  the date or  dates  and/or  the  attainment  of  pre-established
performance   goals,    objectives   and   other   conditions   on   which   the
non-transferability   of  the  Restricted  Stock  and  the  Company's  right  of
repurchase  or forfeiture  shall lapse.  Subsequent to such date or dates and/or
the attainment of such pre-established  performance goals,  objectives and other
conditions,  the shares on which all restrictions have lapsed shall no longer be
Restricted  Stock and  shall be deemed  "vested."  Except  as may  otherwise  be
provided by the Administrator at any time, a participant's  rights in any shares
of Restricted Stock that have not vested shall automatically  terminate upon the
participant's  termination of employment (or other business  relationship)  with
the Company and its  Subsidiaries  and such shares shall be  repurchased  by the

evidencing  the  Restricted  Stock  Award may  require or permit  the  immediate
payment,  waiver,  deferral or  investment of dividends  paid on the  Restricted

- ------------------------------------

     (a) GRANT OR SALE OF UNRESTRICTED STOCK. The Administrator may, in its sole
discretion,  grant (or sell at a purchase price determined by the Administrator)
an  Unrestricted  Stock  Award  to  any  participant   pursuant  to  which  such
participant may receive shares of Stock free of any restrictions  ("Unrestricted
Stock")  under the Plan.  Unrestricted  Stock  Awards  may be granted or sold as
described in the  preceding  sentence in respect of past services or other valid
consideration, or in lieu of cash compensation due to such participant.

the consent of the  Administrator,  a  participant  may,  pursuant to an advance
written  election  delivered to the Company no later than the date  specified by
the Administrator,  receive a portion of the cash compensation  otherwise due to
such participant in the form of shares of Unrestricted Stock either currently or
on a deferred basis.

     (c) RESTRICTIONS ON TRANSFERS.  The right to receive shares of Unrestricted
Stock on a deferred  basis may not be sold,  assigned,  transferred,  pledged or
otherwise   encumbered,   other  than  by  will  or  the  laws  of  descent  and

- -----------------------------------

     (a) NATURE OF  PERFORMANCE  SHARE AWARDS.  A Performance  Share Award is an
Award  entitling the recipient to acquire shares of Stock upon the attainment of
specified performance goals. The Administrator may make Performance Share Awards
independent  of or in connection  with the granting of any other Award under the
Plan. The  Administrator in its sole discretion  shall determine  whether and to
whom Performance Share Awards shall be made, the performance  goals, the periods
during  which  performance  is to be  measured,  and all other  limitations  and

     (b) RIGHTS AS A SHAREHOLDER.  A participant  receiving a Performance  Share
Award shall have the rights of a shareholder only as to shares actually received
by the participant  under the Plan and not with respect to shares subject to the
Award but not  actually  received by the  participant.  A  participant  shall be
entitled to receive a stock certificate  evidencing the acquisition of shares of
Stock under a Performance  Share Award only upon  satisfaction of all conditions
specified in the written  instrument  evidencing the Performance Share Award (or
in a performance plan adopted by the Administrator).

     (c) TERMINATION.  Except as may otherwise be provided by the  Administrator
at any time prior to termination of employment (or other business relationship),
a  participant's  rights in all  Performance  Share Awards  shall  automatically
terminate  upon  the  participant's   termination  of  employment  (or  business
relationship) with the Company and its Subsidiaries for any reason.

     (d) ACCELERATION,  WAIVER,  ETC.  At any time  prior to the  participant's
termination of employment (or other  business  relationship)  by the Company and
its Subsidiaries, the Administrator may in its sole discretion accelerate, waive
or,  subject  to Section  13,  amend any or all of the  goals,  restrictions  or
conditions applicable to a Performance Share Award.

- --------------------------------------

     (a) DIVIDEND  EQUIVALENT  RIGHTS.  A Dividend  Equivalent Right is an Award
entitling the recipient to receive credits based on cash dividends that would be
paid on the shares of Stock specified in the Dividend Equivalent Right (or other
award to which it relates) if such shares were held by the recipient. A Dividend
Equivalent  Right may be granted  hereunder to any participant as a component of
another Award or as a freestanding  award.  The terms and conditions of Dividend
Equivalent Rights shall be specified in the grant. Dividend equivalents credited
to the holder of a Dividend  Equivalent  Right may be paid  currently  or may be
deemed to be  reinvested  in additional  shares of Stock,  which may  thereafter
accrue additional  equivalents.  Any such  reinvestment  shall be at Fair Market
Value on the date of  reinvestment or such other price as may then apply under a
dividend reinvestment plan sponsored by the Company, if any. Dividend Equivalent
Rights may be settled in cash or shares of Stock or a combination  thereof, in a
single  installment or  installments.  A Dividend  Equivalent Right granted as a
component of another Award may provide that such Dividend Equivalent Right shall
be settled upon exercise,  settlement,  or payment of, or lapse of  restrictions
on, such other award, and that such Dividend Equivalent Right shall expire or be
forfeited or annulled under the same  conditions as such other award. A Dividend
Equivalent  Right granted as a component of another Award may also contain terms
and conditions different from such other award.

     (b) INTEREST  EQUIVALENTS.  Any Award  under  this Plan that is settled in
whole or in part in cash on a  deferred  basis  may  provide  in the  grant  for
interest equivalents to be credited with respect to such cash payment.  Interest
equivalents  may be compounded  and shall be paid upon such terms and conditions
as may be specified by the grant.

- ---------------------------

     (a) PAYMENT BY PARTICIPANT.  Each participant shall, no later than the date
as of which  the  value of an Award or of any  Stock or other  amounts  received
thereunder  first becomes  includable in the gross income of the participant for
Federal  income  tax  purposes,   pay  to  the  Company,  or  make  arrangements
satisfactory to the Administrator  regarding payment of, any Federal,  state, or
local  taxes of any kind  required by law to be  withheld  with  respect to such
income. The Company and its Subsidiaries  shall, to the extent permitted by law,
have the right to deduct any such taxes from any  payment of any kind  otherwise
due to the participant.

     (b) PAYMENT  IN  STOCK.  Subject  to  approval  by  the  Administrator,  a
participant  may elect to have such tax  withholding  obligation  satisfied,  in
whole or in part,  by (i)  authorizing  the Company to  withhold  from shares of
Stock to be issued  pursuant to any Award a number of shares  with an  aggregate
Fair  Market  Value (as of the date the  withholding  is  effected)  that  would
satisfy the withholding  amount due, or (ii)  transferring to the Company shares
of Stock owned by the participant with an aggregate Fair Market Value (as of the
date the withholding is effected) that would satisfy the withholding amount due.

- --------------------------------------------

     For  purposes  of the  Plan,  the  following  events  shall not be deemed a
termination of employment:

     (a) a transfer to the  employment  of the Company from a Subsidiary or from
the Company to a Subsidiary, or from one Subsidiary to another; or

     (b) an approved leave of absence for military  service or sickness,  or for
any  other  purpose  approved  by  the  Company,  if  the  employee's  right  to
re-employment  is  guaranteed  either by a statute or by  contract  or under the
policy   pursuant  to  which  the  leave  of  absence  was  granted  or  if  the
Administrator otherwise so provides in writing.

- --------------------------------------

     The  Board  may,  at any  time,  amend  or  discontinue  the  Plan  and the
Administrator  may, at any time,  amend or cancel any outstanding  Award for the
purpose of  satisfying  changes in law or for any other lawful  purpose,  but no
such action shall adversely  affect rights under any  outstanding  Award without
the holder's consent.  The  Administrator  may provide  substitute Awards at the
same or reduced exercise or purchase price or with no exercise or purchase price
in a manner not inconsistent with the terms of the Plan, but such price, if any,
must satisfy the  requirements  which would apply to the  substitute  or amended
Award if it were then  initially  granted  under this Plan,  but no such  action
shall adversely  affect rights under any outstanding  Award without the holder's
consent.  If and to the extent determined by the Administrator to be required by
the Code to ensure  that  Incentive  Stock  Options  granted  under the Plan are
qualified  under Section 422 of the Code or to ensure that  compensation  earned
under Stock Options and Stock Appreciation Rights qualifies as performance-based
compensation  under Section 162(m) of the Code, Plan amendments shall be subject
to  approval  by the  Company  stockholders  entitled  to vote at a  meeting  of

- --------------------------

     With  respect to the portion of any Award that has not been  exercised  and
any  payments  in  cash,  Stock  or  other   consideration  not  received  by  a
participant,  a participant shall have no rights greater than those of a general
creditor of the  Company  unless the  Administrator  shall  otherwise  expressly
determine in connection with any Award or Awards.  In its sole  discretion,  the
Administrator may authorize the creation of trusts or other arrangements to meet
the  Company's  obligations  to deliver  Stock or make  payments with respect to
Awards  hereunder,   provided  that  the  existence  of  such  trusts  or  other
arrangements is consistent with the foregoing sentence.

- ----------------------------------------

     Upon the occurrence of a Change of Control as defined in this Section 15:

     (a) Except as otherwise  provided in the applicable Award  agreement,  each
outstanding Stock Option and Stock Appreciation Right shall automatically become
fully exercisable.

     (b) Each  outstanding  Restricted  Stock Award and Performance  Share Award
shall be subject to such terms,  if any,  with respect to a Change of Control as
have been provided by the Administrator in connection with such Award.

     (c)  "Change  of  Control"  shall  mean  the  occurrence  of any one of the
following events:

          (i) any "person," as such term is used in Sections  13(d) and 14(d) of
     the Act (other than the Company,  any of its Subsidiaries,  or any trustee,
     fiduciary or other person or entity holding  securities  under any employee
     benefit plan or trust of the Company or any of its Subsidiaries),  together
     with all  "affiliates"  and "associates" (as such terms are defined in Rule
     12b-2 under the Act) of such person,  shall become the  "beneficial  owner"
     (as such  term is  defined  in Rule  13d-3  under  the  Act),  directly  or
     indirectly,  of securities of the Company  representing  25% or more of the
     combined voting power of the Company's then outstanding  securities  having
     the  right to vote in an  election  of the  Company's  Board  of  Directors
     ("Voting  Securities")  (in  such  case  other  than  as  a  result  of  an
     acquisition of securities directly from the Company); or

          (ii) persons who, as of the Effective  Date,  constitute the Company's
     Board of  Directors  (the  "Incumbent  Directors")  cease  for any  reason,
     including,  without  limitation,  as a  result  of a  tender  offer,  proxy
     contest,  merger or similar transaction,  to constitute at least a majority
     of the Board,  provided that any person  becoming a director of the Company
     subsequent to the Effective  Date whose  election was approved by a vote of
     at least a majority of the  Incumbent  Directors  or whose  nomination  for
     election was approved by the  Nominating  Committee  comprised of Incumbent
     Directors  shall,  for purposes of this Plan,  be  considered  an Incumbent
     Director; or

          (iii)  the   stockholders   of  the  Company  shall  approve  (A)  any
     consolidation  or  merger  of the  Company  or  any  Subsidiary  where  the
     stockholders  of the Company,  immediately  prior to the  consolidation  or
     merger,   would  not,   immediately  after  the  consolidation  or  merger,
     beneficially  own (as such term is defined  in Rule  13d-3  under the Act),
     directly or indirectly, shares representing in the aggregate 50% or more of
     the voting  shares of the  corporation  issuing cash or  securities  in the
     consolidation  or merger (or of its ultimate parent  corporation,  if any),
     (B) any sale,  lease,  exchange or other transfer (in one  transaction or a
     series of  transactions  contemplated  or arranged by any party as a single
     plan) of all or  substantially  all of the assets of the Company or (C) any
     plan or proposal for the liquidation or dissolution of the Company.

     Notwithstanding the foregoing, a "Change of Control" shall not be deemed to
have occurred for purposes of the  foregoing  clause (i) solely as the result of
an  acquisition  of securities by the Company  which,  by reducing the number of
shares of Voting Securities  outstanding,  increases the proportionate number of
shares of Voting Securities  beneficially  owned by any person to 25% or more of
the combined voting power of all then outstanding Voting  Securities;  provided,
however, that if any person referred to in this sentence shall thereafter become
the beneficial owner of any additional  shares of Voting  Securities (other than
pursuant to a stock split, stock dividend, or similar transaction or as a result
of an  acquisition of securities  directly from the Company),  then a "Change of
Control"  shall be deemed to have occurred for purposes of the foregoing  clause

- ------------------------------

may require each person acquiring Stock pursuant to an Award to represent to and
agree with the  Company  in writing  that such  person is  acquiring  the shares
without a view to distribution thereof.

     No  shares  of Stock  shall  be  issued  pursuant  to an  Award  until  all
applicable  securities  law and  other  legal  and  stock  exchange  or  similar
requirements  have been satisfied.  The Administrator may require the placing of
such stop-orders and restrictive legends on certificates for Stock and Awards as
it deems appropriate.

     (b) DELIVERY OF STOCK  CERTIFICATES.  Stock  certificates  to  participants
under this Plan shall be deemed delivered for all purposes when the Company or a
stock transfer agent of the Company shall have mailed such  certificates  in the
United States mail,  addressed to the  participant,  at the  participant's  last
known address on file with the Company.

contained in this Plan shall prevent the Board from adopting other or additional
compensation arrangements, including trusts, and such arrangements may be either
generally  applicable or applicable only in specific cases. The adoption of this
Plan and the  grant of  Awards  do not  confer  upon any  employee  any right to
continued employment with the Company or any Subsidiary.

- ----------------------------------

     This Plan shall become effective upon approval by the holders of a majority
of the votes cast at a meeting  of  stockholders  at which a quorum is  present.
Subject to such  approval by the  stockholders  and to the  requirement  that no
Stock may be issued  hereunder  prior to such approval,  Stock Options and other
Awards may be granted hereunder on and after adoption of this Plan by the Board.

- -------------------------

     This Plan shall be governed by Massachusetts  law except to the extent such
law is preempted by federal law.

DATE APPROVED BY BOARD OF DIRECTORS:                          May 22, 1997