Dated as of April 1, 1997

                             AGREEMENT TO CONTRIBUTE

         THIS AGREEMENT TO CONTRIBUTE ("Agreement"), is made and entered into as
of  the  Effective  Date  (as  hereinafter  defined),  by  and  between  VININGS
INVESTMENT PROPERTIES,  L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership (the "Partnership")
and its assignees or designees,  and WINDRUSH PARTNERS,  LTD., a Georgia Limited
Partnership ("Contributor");


         WHEREAS,  Contributor  desires to  contribute  and convey  certain real
estate and personal property to Partnership in return for an ownership  interest
in Partnership and admission as a limited partner in Partnership, in a manner to
be treated as a  Contribution  of property to a  partnership  in exchange for an
interest  therein to be governed for tax purposes by Section 721 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"); and

         NOW,  THEREFORE,   for  and  in  consideration  of  good  and  valuable
consideration,  the receipt and  sufficiency  of which are hereby  acknowledged,
Contributor and Partnership hereby agree as follows:

         1. CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY.  Subject to majority approval of the Limited
Partners of  Contributor  ("Limited  Partners'  Consent"),  which  Contributor's
General Partner will use its best efforts to obtain,  and in accordance with all
of  the  terms  and  conditions  hereinafter  set  out,  Contributor  agrees  to
contribute to Partnership and Partnership  agrees to cause Partnership to accept
from  Contributor,  the  following  described  property  (all of which is herein
collectively referred to as the "Property"):

                  (a) all that certain real estate more  particularly  described
in Exhibit A, attached  hereto and  incorporated  herein by reference,  together
with  all  rights,  ways,  privileges  and  easements  appurtenant  thereto  and
Contributor's right, title and interest,  if any, in and to all streets,  public
or private alleys and public or private ways adjoining or crossing the same (the

     (b) all of the buildings, structures,  fixtures, facilities,  installations
and other  improvements  of every kind and  description now or hereafter in, on,
over and under the Land,  including,  without limitation,  any and all plumbing,
air conditioning, heating, ventilating, mechanical, electrical and other utility
systems, parking lots and facilities, landscaping, roadways, sidewalks, swimming
pools and  other  recreational  facilities,  security  devices,  signs and light
fixtures  (collectively,  the  "Improvements")  (the Land and  Improvements  are
collectively referred to herein as the "Premises");

     (c) all furniture, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, machinery, maintenance
vehicles and equipment, tools, parts, recreational equipment,  carpeting, window
treatments,  stationery and other office supplies,  and other tangible  personal
property  of every kind and  description  situated  in,  on,  over and under the
Premises  or used in  connection  therewith,  owned by  Contributor  or in which
Contributor  otherwise  has an interest  as a lessee  thereof (to the extent any
such lease is, by its terms,  assignable without the consent of any third party)
and which is not owned by tenants  under the Leases  (as  hereinafter  defined),
together with all  replacements  and  substitutions  therefore  (the  foregoing,
together with the intangible  personal property  hereinafter  identified,  being
collectively  referred  to herein as the  "Personal  Property"),  including  the
itemization of Personal Property attached hereto as Exhibit B;

     (d) all existing surveys, blue prints,  drawings,  plans and specifications
(including, without limitation,  architectural,  civil, structural,  electrical,
mechanical and plumbing plans and specifications) and other documentation for or
with  respect to the  Property or any part  thereof  which are in  Contributor's
possession or control; all marketing artwork, construction drawings, soil tests,
environmental reports;  appraisals and police reports which are in Contributor's
possession or control; all available tenant lists and data,  correspondence with
past, present and prospective tenants, vendors, suppliers, utility companies and
other third parties, booklets, manuals and promotional and advertising materials
concerning  the Property or any part  thereof;  and such other  existing  books,
records and  documents  (including,  without  limitation,  those  relating to ad
valorem taxes and leases) used in connection  with the operation of the Property
or any part thereof which are in Contributor's possession or control; and

     (e) all right,  title and interest of  Contributor in and to the Leases and
Service Contracts (as hereinafter defined), elected by Partnership and the other
intangible  personal property  (including cash and account receivables as of the
closing  date) now or hereafter  owned by  Contributor  or in which  Contributor
otherwise  has an  interest  and used in  connection  with or  arising  from the
business now or hereafter conducted on or from the Property or any part thereof,
including,  without  limitation,  claims,  chooses  in  action,  lease and other
contract rights, names, and, if available, telephone exchange numbers. A summary
of all current  tenant  leases  affecting  the Premises or any part thereof (the
"Leases,"  with such  summary  being  referred  to  herein as the "Rent  Roll"),
including each tenant's  name, a description of the space leased,  the amount of
rent due and the amount of any  security,  pet,  redecorating  or other  deposit
paid, the term of each Lease,  and a description of any right to renew or extend
each Lease is  attached  hereto as Exhibit C. A list of all  employment,  union,
purchase,  service and maintenance  agreements,  equipment  leases and any other
agreement  contracts,  licenses and permits (and any and all amendments thereto)
affecting  or  pertaining  in any  way  to the  Property  or  any  part  thereof
(collectively, the "Service Contracts") is attached hereto as Exhibit D.


     (a) Within two (2) days after the Effective Date (as hereinafter  defined),
Partnership  shall deposit with  Specialized  Title Services,  Inc. (the "Escrow
Agent"),  the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) (the "Earnest Money"). The
Earnest Money shall thereafter be held by Escrow Agent and be invested, applied,
disbursed or disposed of by Escrow Agent as provided in this  Agreement  and the
Earnest Money Escrow Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit E. All interest earned
on the  Earnest  Money shall  become  part of the  Earnest  Money to be applied,
disbursed or disposed of in the same manner as the Earnest Money.

     (b) On the Closing Date (as hereinafter  defined),  the Earnest Money shall
be returned by Escrow Agent to the Purchaser .


     (a) The purchase  price of the Property  shall be the sum of Seven  Million
Five Hundred Fifty Five Thousand Dollars  ($7,555,000.00) (the "Purchase Price")
and shall be delivered as follows:

          (i)  The  assumption  by  Partnership  of  Contributor's  indebtedness
     (including  accrued interest) to Reilly Mortgage Group, Inc.  ("Lender") to
     which the Property is subject.

          (ii) The admission of Contributor as an Additional Limited Partner (as
     defined  in that  certain  Agreement  of  Limited  Partnership  of  Vinings
     Investment  Properties,  L.P., dated as of June 11, 1996, (the "Partnership
     Agreement"))  in Partnership and the issuance by Partnership to Contributor
     of  Partnership  Units (as  defined  in the  Partnership  Agreement)  and a
     corresponding   Partnership   Interest  (as  defined  in  the   Partnership
     Agreement).  The number of  Partnership  Units to be issued to  Contributor
     pursuant to this Section 3 shall be 242,546 units.

     (b)  Contributor  acknowledges  that it owes the General Partner a total of
$91,078 which was advanced to the Contributor (the "Partner  Advances") and that
the General  Partner will be issued a total of 18,216 units of the total 242,546
units to be issued in repayment of the Partner Advances.

     (c) The  balance  of  Partnership  Units to be  issued  to the  Contributor
pursuant  to this  Section  3 after  payment  of the  Partner  Advances  will be
distributed to the limited partners of the Contributor (the "Limited  Partners")
in proportion to their prorata share of ownership in the Contributor as shown on
Exhibit G attached hereto.

     (d)  Contributor  acknowledges  that the market price of the REIT Shares as
defined below may vary  considerably  between the Effective Date and the Closing
Date,  and,  Contributor  has  agreed to assume  such risk with  respect  to the
Partnership  Units to be  received  by  Contributor  pursuant to Section 3. Such
changes in price may result from changes in prevailing interest rates,  industry
or company performance, stock market fluctuations, or other reasons.

     (e) The  following  applies to the  Partnership  Units (and the real estate
investment trust "REIT" Shares that may be issued by the REIT upon  presentation
of the  Partnership  Units for  redemption)  that are being  offered  and may be
issued and sold hereby:






     (a) The Partnership shall have until 5:00 p.m.,  Atlanta,  Georgia time, on
the fifteenth (15th) day immediately  following the Trigger Date (as hereinafter
defined),  within  which to inspect  the  Property  and  review  the  assumption
documents to be used in  connection  with the  assumption of the Lender Loan (as
hereinafter defined) (the "Inspection Period"). If for any reason whatsoever the
Partnership  determines that the Property and said assumption  documents are not
suitable for its  purposes,  in its sole and absolute  discretion,  and notifies
Contributor  in  writing  of  such  decision  prior  to  the  expiration  of the
Inspection Period, this Agreement shall automatically  terminate and the Earnest
Money shall be  returned to  Partnership,  less One Hundred  Dollars  ($100.00),
which  Escrow  Agent  shall pay to  Contributor  as due  consideration  for this
Agreement,  and  thereafter no party hereto shall have any rights or obligations
under  this  Agreement,  except as  otherwise  specifically  set  forth  herein.
Partnership's  failure to so notify  Contributor  prior to the expiration of the
Inspection  Period  shall be  deemed a waiver  by  Partnership  of its  right to
terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 4(a), and this Agreement shall
continue  in full  force  and  effect.  From  the  Effective  Date  through  the
expiration of the  Inspection  Period,  Partnership  and its agents,  engineers,
surveyors,  appraisers,  auditors and other representatives shall have the right
to enter upon the  Property at  reasonable  times to inspect,  examine,  survey,
obtain engineering  inspections,  appraise,  and otherwise do that which, in the
opinion of  Partnership,  is reasonably  necessary to determine the  boundaries,
acreage and  condition of the Property and to determine the  suitability  of the
Property for the uses intended by Partnership  (including,  without  limitation,
inspect,  review and copy any and all documents in the  possession or control of
Contributor,  its agents,  contractors  or  employees,  and which pertain to the
construction, ownership, use, occupancy or operation of the Property or any part
thereof). Also, from the Effective Date through the expiration of the Inspection
Period,  Partnership shall have the right to examine all of Contributor's books,
files and records  relating in any way to the Property.  Contributor  shall make
such books,  files and records  available for  examination  by  Partnership  and
Partnership's  agents  and  representatives,  who  shall  have the right to make
copies  of  such  books,  files  and  records  and  to  extract  therefrom  such
information as Partnership may desire, and who shall have the right to audit and
have certified,  thoroughly and completely, all income and expenses, profits and
losses, and operational results of the Property.  Partnership shall, and it does
hereby agree to indemnify and hold Contributor,  Contributor's  property manager
and Contributor's  asset manager,  harmless from and against any and all claims,
demands,  liabilities,  judgments,  causes of actions,  costs, expenses and fees
(including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses incurred on account of any of
the foregoing)  arising or in any way relating to any damage or injury to any of
the improvements or any person on or about the Premises while the Partnership or
any employee,  agent  representatives,  or consultant is present  thereon to the
extent  caused  by  Partnership  or  any  employee,  agent,   representative  or
consultant of Partnership and not the result of  Contributor's,  or its property
manager's, asset manager's,  representatives',  or agents, willful misconduct or
negligence;   provided,  however,  Partnership  shall  not  be  liable  for  any
consequential  or  incidental  damages.  Except as  otherwise  provided  in this
Agreement, Partnership does hereby covenant and warrant unto Contributor that it
will pay all expenses  incurred by Partnership to its  consultants on account of
any of Partnership's  investigations  on or about the Property and will promptly
remove any lien or judgment which may  hereinafter  encumber the Property or any
part thereof on account of such failure to pay such expense.

     (b) As soon as possible after the Effective Date, Contributor shall deliver
to Partnership  copies of the following which  Contributor has in its possession
or under its control  relating to the  Property:  (i) all monthly and  quarterly
income  and  expense  statements  for the  Property;  (ii)  all  audited  annual
financial statements for the Property;  (iii) the real and personal property tax
assessments  and tax bills with respect to the Property,  together with proof of
payment thereof, for the past three (3) tax years; (iv) all available warranties
and guaranties,  including,  without  limitation,  the warranties and guaranties
specifically  set forth in Exhibit F attached hereto;  (v) licenses,  approvals,
entitlements  and  permits  relating to the  development  and  operation  of the
Property;  (vi) soil,  geological and engineering  studies and reports,  if any;
(vii)  maintenance work orders (or requests) and other maintenance  reports,  if
any;  (viii) all equipment  lease  agreements,  including any and all amendments
thereto and related correspondence; (ix) all other contracts, and any amendments
thereto; (x) any notices of violations of law received by Contributor;  (xi) the
standard form lease for the Property,  if any; (xii) the management contract for
the Property,  and any amendments thereto;  (xiii) all environmental studies and
reports;  (xiv) certificates of insurance  currently in effect,  together with a
statement of the  premiums  payable  with  respect  thereto;  (xv) copies of all
Certificates  of Occupancy for the Property;  (xvi) all  construction  documents
including  site  plans,   zoning   approvals,   building   permits,   plans  and
specifications (including, but not limited to, plans,  specifications,  drawings
and  designs  for  architectural,  civil,  structural,  mechanical,  electrical,
plumbing and landscaping);  (xvii) any document, report or item not specifically
enumerated herein but which has been or will be delivered to Lender; (xviii) all
documents  executed in  connection  with the Lender Loan and all documents to be
used in connection with Partnership's  assumption thereof.  For purposes of this
Agreement,  the term  "Trigger  Date"  shall mean the date on which  Partnership
shall have  received  both the last of the items  described in this Section 4(b)
and a written notice from Contributor stating that the item(s) accompanying said
written notice are the last of the items described in this Section 4(b) and that
all of the other items  described in this  Section  4(b) have been  delivered to

     (c) The foregoing  notwithstanding,  in the event this transaction fails to
close for any reason,  Partnership  shall  immediately  repair any damage to the
improvements it or any of its employees, agents,  representatives or consultants
may have caused to the Property or any part thereof while  conducting any one or
more of the studies,  audits,  examinations,  inspections or other due diligence
activities  pursuant  to the terms of this  Section 4 and  return  the  Property
substantially to its condition existing immediately prior to such damage, all at
Partnership's  sole cost and  expense.  In the event this  transaction  fails to
close for any reason,  Partnership  shall  promptly  return to  Contributor  all
information,  material,  reports,  surveys,  appraisals,  financial information,
books and  records and all other  information  of and  relating to the  Property
received from Contributor or any agent,  consultant,  representative or employee
of  Contributor or otherwise  compiled by  Partnership  or any employee,  agent,
representative   or  consultant  of   Partnership   (excluding,   however,   any
internally-generated  documents),  together  with  all  copies  of  any  of  the
foregoing.  Partnership  acknowledges  that  all of the  foregoing  information,
material and reports,  are  confidential  and  proprietary to  Contributor,  and
Partnership has taken and will continue to take all reasonable actions necessary
and proper to protect  Contributor's  confidential and proprietary  information,
material  and reports  from any and all  unauthorized  disclosures  to any party
other than the investors, lenders, attorneys and other consultants related to or
retained or consulted by Partnership.

     (d) The obligations and  indemnifications set forth above shall survive the
Closing and/or any  termination  of this Agreement and remain fully  enforceable
against  Partnership  for a period of six (6) months from the Effective Date, at
which time all such obligations and indemnifications shall terminate.

     (e)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary set forth in this Agreement,
in the event this Agreement has not been terminated in accordance with the terms
of Section 4(a) above and provided  that, as of the expiration of the Inspection
Period,  Partnership shall have notified Contributor that all issues relating in
any way to  Partnership's  assumption  of the Lender Loan have not been resolved
and/or  satisfied,  as  determined  by  Partnership  in its  sole  and  absolute
discretion,  then the Inspection  Period (as it relates solely to the assumption
of the Lender Loan) shall be automatically  extended until Partnership  notifies
Contributor  that all issues related to  Partnership's  assumption of the Lender
Loan have been satisfied,  as determined by Partnership in its sole and absolute
discretion;  provided, always, however, that, this Agreement shall automatically
terminate on June 1, 1997 unless the parties hereto  expressly  agree in writing
to the contrary.

5.       SURVEY.

         (a) Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, Contributor,  at its
expense, shall deliver to Partnership an "As-Built" survey (the "Survey") of the
Premises   prepared  by  a  surveyor  selected  by  Contributor  and  reasonably
acceptable  to  Partnership.  Said  Survey  shall be  sufficient  to remove  the
standard survey exception found in ALTA title insurance policies, shall indicate
the exact metes, bounds and acreage of the Premises, shall be a class "A" survey
and shall  show the exact  location  of all  encroachments,  easements,  utility
lines,  rights-of-way,  set-back lines and encumbrances  affecting the Premises.
The Survey also shall  indicate the number and  location of all surface  parking
spaces,  carports,  garages and storage buildings  located on the Property.  The
Survey shall be  certified to  Contributor,  Partnership  and Title  Insurer (as
hereinafter  defined),  and the certification on the Survey shall include: (i) a
certification  that no part of the Premises is located within an area known as a
"special flood hazard area" as defined in the Flood  Disaster  Protection Act of
1973;  (ii)  a  certification   that  there  are  no  visible   encumbrances  or
restrictions  on the  Premises  other than those  shown on the  Survey;  (iii) a
certification that all easements, restrictions, set back lines and other matters
which are  reflected on the Title Report (as  hereinafter  defined) are shown on
the Survey; and (iv) all other certifications reasonably required by Partnership
or Title  Insurer.  After said Survey shall have been  completed and approved by
Partnership as set forth below,  Exhibit A hereto shall automatically be amended
to conform to the legal description  appearing in said Survey, and,  thereafter,
said new legal  description  shall be the legal  description of the Premises for
all purposes relating to this Agreement. At the request of either Contributor or
Partnership, the parties hereto shall execute and deliver a written amendment to
this  Agreement  setting  forth  said new legal  description;  however,  no such
written amendment shall be necessary.

         (b) If the Survey (i) is not acceptable to Title Insurer; or (ii) shows
easements,   encroachments   or  other  conditions  that  are  not  approved  by
Partnership or if the legal description  contained in the Survey is unacceptable
to  Partnership  for  any  reasonable  reason,  then  Partnership  shall  notify
Contributor in writing of such Survey  objections on or before the expiration of
the  Inspection  Period.  Within three (3) days of its receipt of  Partnership's
Survey  objections,  Contributor  shall deliver  written  notice to  Partnership
stating which of Partnership's  Survey objections  Contributor  elects to either
cure or satisfy on or before  Closing and which of such  objections  Contributor
either will not or cannot cure (those which  Contributor  either  cannot or will
not  cure  being  hereinafter  referred  to as  "Disputed  Survey  Objections").
Contributor's  failure to  respond  within  said  three (3) day period  shall be
deemed  a  refusal  by  Contributor  to cure  or  satisfy  Partnership's  Survey
objections. In the event Contributor notifies Partnership of any Disputed Survey
Objections,  Partnership may either (A) waive any such Disputed Survey Objection
and proceed to Closing with no reduction in the Purchase  Price,  in which event
each such  Disputed  Survey  Objection  shall become a Permitted  Exception  (as
hereinafter  defined), or (B) terminate this Agreement and receive a full refund
of the Earnest Money,  less One Hundred  Dollars  ($100.00),  which Escrow Agent
shall pay to Contributor as due  consideration  for this Agreement,  and neither
party  shall  have any  further  rights  or  obligations  hereunder,  except  as
otherwise  expressly set forth herein. If any Survey objection which Contributor
elects  to cure is not  cured or  satisfied  by  Contributor  prior to  Closing,
Partnership  shall be  entitled  to the  rights and  remedies  set forth in this
Section 5(b), unless such Survey objection results from a default by Contributor
under this Agreement in which case Partnership  shall have the right to exercise
its remedies  under Section 19 hereof.  If  Contributor  does so cure or satisfy
such Survey  objection,  then this  Agreement  shall  continue in full force and

6.       TITLE.

         (a) Contributor  covenants to convey to Partnership at Closing good and
marketable  title in and to the  Property.  For the purposes of this  Agreement,
"good and marketable  title" shall mean,  with respect to the tangible  Personal
Property  and the items  covered by Sections 1 (a),  and 1 (b) and 1 (c) hereof,
ownership  which is free of all claims,  liens and  encumbrances  of any kind or
nature whatsoever other than the Permitted Exceptions;  and, with respect to the
Premises,  fee simple  ownership which is insurable by Title Insurer at the then
current  standard  rates  under its  standard  form of  owner's  policy of title
insurance (1992 ALTA Owner's Policy Form), with the standard printed  exceptions
therein deleted and without  exception  other than for the Permitted  Exceptions
and with  such  affirmative  insurance  or  endorsements  as  Partnership  shall

         (b) Within ten (10) days after the Effective Date, Contributor,  at its
expense,  shall  obtain or cause to be  obtained  a title  insurance  commitment
issued by Escrow Agent  (sometimes  also referred to herein as "Title  Insurer")
setting forth the condition of title to the Premises and the  requirements to be
fulfilled as a condition to insuring good and marketable  title to the Premises,
and true,  correct and legible copies of all instruments  creating or evidencing
exceptions to title  (collectively,  the "Title  Report") and shall  immediately
deliver a copy to Partnership upon receipt of same.

         (c) Except as expressly  permitted by the terms hereof,  at or prior to
Closing,  Contributor  shall comply with the  requirements  to be fulfilled  and
which may be  fulfilled  by  Contributor  without the  payment of money,  unless
otherwise  required to be fulfilled by this  Agreement,  as a condition to Title
Insurer insuring good and marketable title to the Premises,  including,  but not
limited to, paying all taxes,  assessments  and any other monetary liens of sums
certain which constitute a lien upon the Premises (other than those not then due
and payable for the current  calendar year or those  arising from  Partnership's
inspection of the Property) and paying all indebtedness  secured by the Premises
(excluding,  however,  any indebtedness  expressly assumed pursuant to the terms

         (d)  Partnership  shall have  until the  expiration  of the  Inspection
Period  to  give  written  notice  to  Contributor   specifying  any  objections
Partnership may have to the Title Report, and/or the Survey (those exceptions to
either the Survey or the Title Report to which Partnership does not object prior
to said date are referred to herein as "Permitted Exceptions"). Within three (3)
days of its receipt of Partnership's title objections, Contributor shall deliver
written notice to Partnership stating which of such title objections Contributor
elects to either  cure or  satisfy on or before  Closing  and which of the title
objections  Contributor  either will not or cannot cure (those which Contributor
either cannot or will not cure being hereinafter  referred to as "Disputed Title
Objections").  Contributor's failure to respond within said three (3) day period
shall be deemed a refusal by Contributor to cure or satisfy  Partnership's title
objections.  In the event Contributor notifies Partnership of any Disputed Title
Objections,  Partnership  may either (i) waive any such Disputed Title Objection
and proceed to Closing with no reduction in the Purchase  Price,  in which event
such  Disputed  Title  Objection  shall  become a Permitted  Exception,  or (ii)
terminate this  Agreement and receive a full refund of the Earnest  Money,  less
One Hundred  Dollars  ($100.00),  which Escrow Agent shall pay to Contributor as
due consideration  for this Agreement,  and neither party shall have any further
rights or obligations hereunder, except as otherwise expressly set forth herein.
If any  title  objection  which  Contributor  elects  to  cure is not  cured  or
satisfied by Contributor prior to Closing,  Partnership shall be entitled to the
rights and remedies set forth in this Section 6(d),  unless such title objection
results  from a default  by  Contributor  under  this  Agreement,  in which case
Partnership  shall have the right to  exercise  its  remedies  under  Section 19
hereof.  If Contributor does so cure or satisfy such title objection,  then this
Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.

         (e) If, after the  condition of title to the Premises has been approved
by  Partnership  in  accordance  with the terms of Sections 5 and 6 hereof,  the
Premises  becomes  encumbered  or subject to any matter  other than a  Permitted
Exception  or a matter  created by  Partnership  or with  Partnership's  written
consent,  or any update or  certification to the Survey or the Title Report that
may be required by Title Insurer or requested by Partnership  indicates that the
Premises has become subject to any matter other than the Permitted Exceptions or
a matter created by  Partnership  or with  Partnership's  written  consent,  and
Contributor  is unable or  unwilling to remove any such matter prior to Closing,
then  Partnership  shall have the  option to either  (i) waive  such  matter and
proceed to Closing with no reduction in the Purchase  Price,  or (ii)  terminate
this Agreement and receive a full refund of the Earnest Money,  less One Hundred
Dollars  ($100.00),   which  Escrow  Agent  shall  pay  to  Contributor  as  due
consideration  for this Agreement,  and thereafter  neither party shall have any
further rights or obligations hereunder, except as otherwise expressly set forth
herein,  unless such matter  results  from a default by  Contributor  under this
Agreement,  in which  case  Partnership  shall  have the right to  exercise  its
remedies under Section 19 hereof.

7.       CLOSING.

         (a) Subject to all  conditions  precedent  set forth and provided  that
this Agreement has not been  previously  terminated in accordance with the terms
hereof,  the  "Closing"  of the  transaction  contemplated  hereby (that is, the
payment of the Purchase  Price,  the transfer of title to the Property,  and the
satisfaction of all other terms and conditions of this Agreement)  shall be held
at the offices of the  Partnership,  and shall commence at 10:00 A.M.,  Atlanta,
Georgia  time,  on the  fifteenth  (15th) day  following  the  expiration of the
Inspection  Period,  or on such other date as Partnership  and  Contributor  may
mutually agree in writing (the "Closing Date").


         (a) All  matters  involving  prorations  or  adjustments  to be made in
connection  with the Closing  and not  specifically  provided  for in some other
provision  of  this  Agreement  have  been  calculated  and  the  value  of such
prorations  has been taken into  account and included in the number of operating
partnership units to be issued in connection  herewith other than the prorations
or adjustments listed in (b) below.

         (b) Such prorations or adjustments shall be made as follows:

                  (i) All costs and  expenses of operating  the  Property  which
have accrued as of the Closing Date shall be paid by  Contributor,  on or before
the Closing  Date,  or promptly  upon receipt of bills  therefor.  All costs and
expenses of  operating  the  Property  which are accrued on or after the Closing
Date shall be paid by Partnership.  Contributor shall transfer to Partnership at
Closing  an  amount  equal  to  the  aggregate  amount  of  all  security,  pet,
redecorating  or  other  deposits   refundable  to  tenants  under  the  Leases.
Partnership  will accept such  transfer of funds and agree to hold  harmless and
indemnify  Contributor for any claim,  liability and/or expense relating thereto
and accruing after the Closing Date.

                  (ii) Final readings and final billings for utilities  shall be
made as of the Closing Date.  Contributor shall pay all outstanding  amounts due
as of such time.  Contributor  shall  also be  entitled  to, and may,  following
Closing,  obtain any  applicable  refunds of security  deposits with any utility
companies.  If final readings and billings cannot be obtained as of Closing, the
final  bills,  when  received,  shall be prorated  based upon the number of days
Contributor owned the Property in such final billing period.  Partnership shall,
at or prior to the Closing,  make any deposits  required  from and after closing
for utilities and other services of the Property.

                  (iii) Partnership shall have the right, in the exercise of its
sole  discretion,  to approve all Service  Contracts  pertaining to the Property
which  shall  survive  the  Closing.  Contributor  shall  pay  all  charges  for
deliveries made and services  rendered up to the Closing Date and any date after
the Closing Date if the deliveries made and services rendered  thereafter relate
to Service  Contracts not accepted in the manner described herein and which were
not terminated or canceled by  Contributor as required by the terms hereof.  Any
items on order but  undelivered  as of the Closing  Date shall be  reviewed  and
accepted  or canceled as desired by  Partnership;  only those items  accepted by
Partnership shall be paid for by Partnership. On or before the expiration of the
Inspection  Period,  Partnership  shall deliver  written  notice to  Contributor
specifying which of the Service Contracts described in Exhibit D attached hereto
will be  accepted  by  Partnership.  Partnership  hereby  reserves  the right to
approve or disapprove any and all other Service  Contracts  which may affect the
Property.   Those  Service  Contracts  not  accepted  by  Partnership  shall  be
terminated  or canceled by  Contributor  at its expense on or before the Closing
Date.  Partnership's  failure to notify  Contributor as required in this Section
8(b)(iii)  shall be deemed a  rejection  by  Partnership  of all of the  Service
Contracts.  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary set forth  herein,  in no
event  shall  Partnership  be  bound  by  the  terms  of the  contracts  between
Contributor and its management  company and Contributor and its asset management
company which are in effect as of the Effective Date.

                  (iv)  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary  contained in
this Agreement,  Contributor  shall pay any management fee due as of the Closing
Date on account of the Property to its property management company.

     (c) The  provisions  of this Section 8 shall survive the Closing and remain
fully  enforceable  against  Partnership,  Contributor and the General  Partner.
Because  Partnership  is assuming all cash  balances  after payment of property,
operating  expenses  incurred by Contributor in accordance with Section 8 (b)(i)
hereof,  Partnership  hereby  agrees  to  pay  all  closing  costs  incurred  in
connection  with the  closing  including  the  Contributor's  closing fee in the
amount of  $75,550  to MFI  Realty and  Contributor's  legal  fees  incurred  in
connection herewith.


         (a) In order to induce the  Partnership to consummate  the  transaction
contemplated  hereby,  Contributor  and the General  Partner  hereby jointly and
severally  represent,  warrant and covenant to  Partnership to the best of their
knowledge that the following are true  statements as of the Effective  Date, and
Contributor  and the General  Partner agree to deliver a certificate  at Closing
specifying any changes occurring between the Effective Date and the Closing,  in
accordance with Section 12 hereof.

                  (i)  Contributor is a validly  organized and existing  Limited
Partnership  in the State of Georgia with  Hallmark  Group Real Estate  Services
Corp. ("Hallmark") being its sole General Partner.  Contributor,  subject to the
Limited  Partners  Consent and Hallmark,  in its capacity as General  Partner of
Contributor  have full power and  authority to enter into and fully  perform and
comply with the terms of this Agreement.

                  (ii)  Contributor  is the  sole  owner  of,  and has  good and
marketable fee simple title to, the Property, and the Property is free and clear
of all liens, encumbrances,  claims, demands, easements, covenants,  conditions,
restrictions  and  encroachments  of any kind or nature other than the Permitted
Exceptions.  Contributor  will not enter  into any  agreement  to  lease,  sell,
mortgage or otherwise encumber or dispose of its interest in the Property or any
part  thereof,  except  for this  Agreement,  the  Permitted  Exceptions,  or as
otherwise specifically set forth in this Agreement.

                  (iii) No written  notice of default that  remains  uncured and
that would have the effect of binding  Partnership  after the  Closing  has been
received by Contributor under any agreement,  instrument or document to which it
is a party or under any policy of insurance affecting the Property.

                  (iv)  Contributor  has not received any written  notice from a
Governmental Authority (as hereinafter defined), and otherwise has no knowledge,
of the violation of any applicable federal,  state, county,  municipal, or other
governmental or  quasi-governmental  statute,  law, ordinance,  judgment,  writ,
decree, injunction,  rule, ruling, regulation,  restriction or order (all of the
foregoing   being   hereinafter   collectively   referred   to  as  the   "Legal
Requirements")  affecting the Property or the  construction,  development,  use,
operation,  maintenance  or  management  thereof,  which  violation has not been

                  (v)  Contributor  has  not  received  written  notice  of  any
judgment,  writ,  decree,  injunction  or order  entered in any action,  suit or
proceeding  brought  by  any  federal,   state,   county,   municipal  or  other
governmental  or  quasi-governmental  agency,  department,   board,  commission,
bureau, or other entity or instrumentality (each, a "Governmental Authority") or
any other person enjoining or restraining it in respect of any business practice
or the conduct of business in any respect relating to the Property which, if not
complied  with,  would  materially  and  adversely  affect  the  present  use or
operation of the Property.

                  (vi)  Contributor  has  not  received  written  notice  of any
action,  suit, or other proceeding that is pending nor is there any action, suit
or proceeding pending, contemplated or threatened by or against Contributor, the
General Partner or the property which would, if adversely determined, materially
and adversely affect the rights of Partnership,  or Contributor's or the General
Partner's  ability  to perform  under this  Agreement,  any  agreement  required
hereunder to be executed or delivered or any transaction contemplated hereby and

                  (vii) No written notice has been received by Contributor  with
respect  to any  requirement  by any  insurance  company  which  has  issued  an
insurance  policy  with  respect  to  the  Property  or by  any  board  of  fire
underwriters or other body exercising similar  functions,  as to which there has
been no compliance.

                  (viii)  Contributor  has  not  received  written  notice,  and
otherwise has no knowledge that any consent,  authorization,  variance, license,
permit or approval  (collectively,  the "Approvals") relating to or required for
the operation or occupancy of the Property and required in order for Contributor
to carry  out the  transaction  contemplated  hereby  has not been  validly  and
unconditionally  obtained  (or, if there  existed  any  condition  with  respect
thereto,  such condition has been satisfied) or is not in full force and effect.
True, accurate and complete copies of all Approvals in Contributor's  possession
will be delivered to Partnership prior to the Closing.  All fees,  charges,  and
other payments in connection with the Approvals have been paid in full.  Without
the prior  written  approval of  Partnership,  as of  Closing,  there will be no
application for any Approval which is pending.

                  (ix) A list of all employment,  union,  purchase,  service and
maintenance  agreements,  equipment  leases and any other  agreement  contracts,
licenses  and  permits  (and  any  and  all  amendments  thereto)  affecting  or
pertaining  in any way to the  Property or any part thereof  (collectively,  the
"Service  Contracts") is attached hereto as Exhibit D. Contributor has delivered
to Partnership true, accurate and complete copies of the Service Contracts.

                  (x)  Contributor has not done anything to cause any hook-up or
connection  fee,  non-recurrent  charge or  assessment  in  connection  with any
utility serving the Property to be payable after the Closing.

                  (xi) Other than the Leases and the Permitted Exceptions, there
are no other lease amendments or agreements between  Contributor and the tenants
under the Leases. Contributor has made and knows of no other agreements (whether
written  or oral) in the  nature  of a lease  affecting  the  Property  except a
Section 8 contract affecting forty (40) units.

                  (xii) A summary of all current  tenant  leases  affecting  the
Premises or any part thereof (the  "Leases," with such summary being referred to
herein as the "Rent Roll"),  including  each tenant's name, a description of the
space  leased,  the  amount  of rent due and the  amount of any  security,  pet,
redecorating  or other  deposit  paid,  and the term of each  Lease is  attached
hereto as Exhibit C. The Rent Roll is true,  complete and correct and a true and
accurate Rent Roll for the Property updated as of the Closing Date, satisfactory
to  Partnership  in its sole  discretion,  will be delivered to  Partnership  at
Closing.  Except as otherwise  expressly disclosed on the attached Rent Roll and
the updated Rent Roll to be delivered  to and  approved by  Partnership  (in its
sole discretion) at Closing,  Contributor represents and warrants that (A) those
tenants referenced in the Rent Roll are in occupancy of the Property pursuant to
the Leases,  (B) the tenants have  commenced to pay full rent on a monthly basis
under the Leases,  (C) no advance payment or prepayment of rents, fees, or other
charges  for more than the current  month have been made under the  Leases,  (D)
there are no  security  deposits  (whether in the form of cash or other forms of
deposits) or other  monies  which have been  received or are being held by or on
behalf of  Contributor  for the  account of the  tenants  pursuant to the Leases
which have not been credited or transferred to Partnership,  (E) the tenants are
not in arrears in the payment of any rent or any sum due under the Leases  other
than as provided in the rent rolls and documents  submitted to Partnership,  (F)
all rents and other sums  payable  under the Leases  were paid  without  offset,
concession,  rebate, abatement, deduction or allowance, (G) the Leases are valid
and  binding  on the  parties  thereto  and are in full  force and  effect,  (H)
Contributor has neither given,  caused to be given, nor received any outstanding
notice that any default not heretofore owed exists under any of the Leases,  and
Contributor  has no  knowledge  of any uncured  event of default or event which,
with the passage of time or the giving of notice or both,  would  constitute  an
event of  default  under the  Leases,  and (I) except  for the  Leases,  neither
Contributor  nor anyone acting on its behalf,  has entered into or made or given
any binding commitment or option to lease space with respect to the Property, or
any portion thereof.

                  (xiii)  Contributor  has not received  written notice from any
tenant, and otherwise has no knowledge, that any tenant disputes the computation
of any rents or other sums payable pursuant to a Lease or claims a breach of any
covenant,  representation or warranty made by the Contributor or its agent under
any Lease.

                  (xiv) All brokerage  commissions,  finder's  fees, and similar
payments, however denominated, due or owing with respect to any of the Leases or
otherwise with respect to the Property have been paid.

                  (xv)  As of  the  Closing  Date  and  except  as  required  in
connection  with the Lender Loan, no right or interest of Contributor  under any
of the Leases will be assigned, mortgaged, hypothecated, or otherwise encumbered
by or through Contributor.

                  (xvi) No  proceeding  seeking  reduction  in real estate taxes
imposed upon the Property or the assessed  valuation of any portion thereof (the
"Tax  Assessment  Proceeding")  have been  instituted by  Contributor  which are
currently pending.

                  (xvii)  There are no  employees  of  Contributor  employed  in
connection  with the use,  operation,  maintenance or management of the Property
whom Partnership  would be obligated to retain or compensate or provide benefits
for after the Closing Date.

                  (xviii) Except as disclosed in any report,  study,  audit,  or
other  materials  delivered  to  Partnership  by  Contributor:  (A) no Hazardous
Substance  (as  hereinafter  defined) is located on the property in violation of
Environmental Laws (as hereinafter  defined);  (B) no underground  storage tanks
are located on the Property;  (C) the Property has never been used as a dump for
waste  material;  (D) the Property  complies with, and at all times has complied
with, all applicable Environmental Laws; (E) the materials incorporated into the
Premises (including,  but not limited to, any landfill) do not include asbestos,
urea  formaldehyde,  lead or other  materials  generally known to be potentially
toxic; and (F) there is not and has never been landfill containing  decomposable
material,  petroleum wells, mineral bearing mines, sewage treatment  facilities,
underground  storage tanks,  radon or other toxic emissions within 2,000 feet of
any boundary of the Land.

     As used herein,  a "Hazardous  Substance" shall be defined as any substance
which (1) is designated as hazardous, toxic or dangerous or similarly designated
under any Environmental  Laws, (2) is regulated under any Environmental  Laws or
by any governmental or  quasi-governmental  agency,  or (3) could be a hazard to
health,  safety or property  values.  Without  limiting the foregoing,  the term
"Hazardous  Substance" shall also include underground  storage tanks,  asbestos,
urea formaldehyde  insulation,  polychlorinated  biphenyls  (PCBs),  dioxins and
petroleum products. Moreover, the term "Hazardous Substance" also shall mean any
form of explosive,  radioactive material,  hazardous waste, toxic substance,  or
related  material,  any material  which is in fact hazardous to life or property
and any other substances and/or material defined or designated as a hazardous or
toxic  substance,  or waste by any federal,  state or local law or environmental
statute, regulation, or ordinance.

     As used  herein,  the term  "Environmental  Laws" means all law relating to
hazardous waste, chemical substances or mixtures or hazardous,  toxic, dangerous
or unhealthy  substances or conditions or relating to the interaction of the use
or ownership of property and the environment,  whether such law is: (1) criminal
or  civil,  (2)  federal,  state  or  local,  or (3)  statutory,  common  law or
administrative rules, regulations, orders and/or decrees.

                  (xix) Neither the execution,  delivery and performance of this
Agreement or any other agreement  contemplated hereunder nor the carrying out by
Contributor  of the  transaction  contemplated  hereby or thereby will  conflict
with,  result in a breach  of,  constitute  a default  under or  accelerate  the
maturity  of  (A)  any  applicable  provision  of  Contributor's  organizational
documents or other governing  instrument,  (B) any applicable Legal  Requirement
affecting  Contributor or the Property or (C) any other agreement,  indenture or
instrument to which Contributor is a party or by which Contributor or all or any
portion of the Property is or may be bound or affected.  No consent of any third
party is required in order for  Contributor  to enter into this Agreement or any
other  agreement  contemplated  hereunder  or for  Contributor  to carry out the
transaction contemplated hereby or thereby.

                  (xx)  There are no  outstanding  or unpaid  judgments  against
Contributor with respect to the Property or against the Property.

                  (xxi)  Contributor  knows of no (A)  pending  or  contemplated
condemnation  proceeding  affecting,  or which may affect, all or any portion of
the  Property,  (B)  proposed or pending  proceeding  to change or redefine  the
zoning  classification  of all or any portion of the  Property,  or (C) proposed
change in road patterns or grades which may adversely affect access to the roads
providing a means of ingress to or egress from the Property.

                  (xxii) The  construction,  operation,  and  present use of the
Property comply in all respects with all applicable zoning statutes, ordinances,
regulations,   and  laws  including,  without  limitation,  the  Americans  with
Disabilities  Act and all applicable  fair housing laws,  rules,  ordinances and
regulations  (collectively,  the "Classification") and restrictions,  covenants,
easements,  and  cross-easements  affecting  the  Property.  As of Closing,  the
Classification is not subject to any conditional  variance or conditional permit
granted with respect to the Property,  and does not require any further approval
nor any other action. The conveyance of the Property to Partnership for the uses
and in the manner now prevailing will not affect the Classification.

                  (xxiii) The Property,  and all components thereof,  including,
but not limited to, parking lots,  electrical systems,  roofs,  air-conditioning
systems, plumbing systems and heating systems are and, on the Closing Date, will
be in good condition and repair and in working  order,  will perform the work or
function for which  intended,  will be free of any and all physical,  structural
and/or mechanical  defects,  and will comply with all applicable building codes,
rules and regulations.

                  (xxiv) All necessary  utilities  required for the present use,
operation,  maintenance,  and  management  of the Property,  as fully  occupied,
including,  without  limitation,  electricity,  natural  gas,  storm  sewer  and
drainage,  sanitary sewer,  water, fire protection  facilities,  telephone,  and
similar systems, have been completed, are in good working order, and comply with
all Legal Requirements, and all fees and assessments associated therewith, based
on current and projected usage, are paid in full or are payable by tenants.

                  (xxv)  All   utilities   required  for  the  use,   operation,
maintenance  and  management of the Property  either enter the Property  through
adjoining public streets or, if they pass through  adjoining private land, do so
in accordance with valid public  easements or private  easements  inuring to the
benefit of Partnership.

                  (xxvi) The improvements  include  sufficient parking spaces to
comply with: (A) all Legal Requirements,  including,  but not limited to, zoning
requirements; and (B) all parking commitments contained in the Leases.

               (xxvii)  True,  accurate  and  complete  copies  of all  personal
property tax bills, if any, with respect to the Property payable for the current
and  immediately  preceding  tax year  have been  delivered  by  Contributor  to
Partnership.  All  personal  property  taxes due and payable with respect to the
Property and all interest and penalties  payable with respect  thereto,  if any,
have been fully paid.

            (xxviii) Contributor has good title to all of the Personal Property,
it is all in good working order, none of it is leased or subject to any liens or
conditional  sales contracts,  and the Personal Property is sufficient to comply
with all requirements of the Leases for the Property.

                   (xxix) The Improvements, including all landscaping, have been
completed and there are no known interior or exterior  structural defects in the
Improvements  or any material  defect in the plumbing,  electrical,  mechanical,
heating,  ventilating or air  conditioning  systems or other  systems.  All such
systems are in good working order,  and all roofs and basements,  if any, of the
Improvements are in good condition and free of known leaks.

                  (xxx) All oil and/or gas burners,  incinerators,  furnaces and
other fuel burning devises at the Property comply in all material  respects with
all Legal Requirements,  including,  without  limitation,  all air pollution and
environmental control laws, orders, rules and regulations.

                  (xxxi) There has been no damage to any portion of the Property
caused by fire or casualty which has not been fully repaired or restored.

           (xxxii) All  conditions and  requirements  of all Approvals have been
fully  satisfied.  Except for the  existing  Approvals,  there are no  Approvals
required to fully and completely use, operate,  maintain and manage the Property
as the same is now used,  operated,  maintained and managed. The consummation of
the transaction  contemplated hereby will not increase any obligations or affect
any time periods under any existing  Approval or cause any existing  Approval to
lapse.  All of the Approvals are  transferable  with the Property to Partnership
without charge.

           (xxxiii)  All  representations  contained  in the Leases  made by the
Contributor or its agents, as the landlord thereunder, are true and correct.

            (xxxiv)  There is no  pending  imposition  of any  special  or other
assessments for public betterments or otherwise, any proposed or pending special
assessments  affecting the Property or any portion thereof,  or any penalties or
interest  due with  respect to real  estate  taxes  assessed  against all or any
portion of the  Property  that are payable by the owner of the Property or could
result in a lien against the Property.

             (xxxv) The  Property is in  compliance  with any  applicable
restrictive  or  protective  covenants  or  conditions  of record,  and with any
conditions or restrictions in any deed of record.

             (xxxvi)  No part of the  Property  contains  a  cemetery  or burial
ground and no part of the Property  has been  designated  as wetlands  under any
federal, state or local law or regulation or by any governmental agency.

             (xxxvii)   Contributor   and  the  General   Partner  have  had  an
opportunity to review the Partnership  Agreement and other materials relating to
Partnership  and the REIT and understand the risks of, and other  considerations
relating  to,  the  purchase  of the  Partnership  Units  and the  REIT  Shares.
Contributor and the General Partners, by reason of their individual business and
financial  experience,  together with the business and  financial  experience of
those persons, if any, retained by them to represent or advise them with respect
to the  investment  in the  Partnership  Units and the REIT Shares (A) have such
knowledge,  sophistication  and experience in financial and business matters and
in making  investment  decisions of this type that  Contributor  and the General
Partners are capable of evaluating  the merits and risks of an investment in the
Partnership and the REIT and of making an informed investment decision,  (B) are
capable of  protecting  their own  interest or have engaged  representatives  or
advisors to assist them in  protecting  their  interest,  and (C) are capable of
bearing the economic risk of such investment.  If Contributor and/or the General
Partners  have  retained a person to  represent  or advise them with  respect to
their  investment in Partnership  Units and REIT Shares that may be made hereby,
then, at Partnership's request,  Contributor and/or the General Partners, as the
case may be,  shall,  prior to or at Closing,  (1)  acknowledge  in writing such
representation,  and (2) cause  such  representative  or  advisor  to  deliver a
certificate to Partnership  containing  such  representations  as are reasonably
requested by Partnership.

              (xxxviii)  Contributor and the General Partner  understand that an
investment  in  the  Partnership  and  the  REIT  involves   substantial  risks.
Contributor  and the General  Partner have been given the  opportunity to make a
thorough  investigation  of the proposed  activities of the  Partnership and the
REIT and have been furnished with materials  relating to the Partnership and the
REIT and its proposed activities.  Contributor and the General Partner have been
afforded the opportunity to obtain any additional  information  deemed necessary
by  Contributor  and/or the General  Partner,  as the case may be, to verify the
accuracy of any representations  made or information conveyed to Contributor and
the General  Partner.  Contributor  and the  General  Partner  confirm  that all
documents,  records, and books pertaining to their investment in the Partnership
and the REIT and requested by Contributor  and/or the General  Partner have been
made available or delivered to Contributor  and/or the General  Partner,  as the
case may be.  Contributor and the General Partner have had an opportunity to ask
questions of and receive  answers from the  Partnership  and the REIT, or from a
person(s) or entity acting on the Partnership's and the REIT's behalf concerning
the terms and conditions of this investment.

             (xxxix)  The  Partnership  Units to be  issued  to  Contributor  in
connection with the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and any REIT Shares of
REIT  subsequently  issued  in  consideration  therefor,  will  be  acquired  by
Contributor  for its own account for investment  only and not with a view to, or
with any intention of, a  distribution  except as specified in Section 3b and 3c
or  resale  thereof,  in  whole or in part,  or the  grant of any  participation
therein,  without  prejudice,  however,  to Contributor's  right (subject to the
terms of the Partnership Units) at all times to (A) sell or otherwise dispose of
all or any part of its Partnership Units and REIT Shares under an exemption from
such  registration  available  under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the
"Securities  Act"), and applicable  state  securities laws  (including,  without
limitation,  by way of a distribution of the Partnership Units by Contributor to
the General Partner as substitute  limited partners being hereby given), and (B)
obtain cash or REIT Shares of the REIT,  pursuant to the terms of Section 8.6 of
the  Partnership  Agreement,  and sell any such Shares  pursuant to an effective
registration  statement,  or an exemption from registration under the Securities
Act, and subject,  nevertheless,  to the  disposition of its assets being at all
times within its control.

                  (xl) Contributor,  Limited  Partners,  and the General Partner
acknowledge  that (A) the  Partnership  Units to be  issued  to  Contributor  in
connection  with the  transactions  contemplated  hereby,  and any  REIT  Shares
subsequently issued in consideration  therefore,  have not been registered under
the Securities Act or state securities laws by reason of a specific exemption or
exemptions  from  registration  under the Securities  Act and  applicable  state
securities laws and, if such  Partnership  Units and REIT Shares are represented
by certificates,  such certificates  will bear a legend to such effect,  (B) the
REIT's and  Partnership's  reliance on such  exemptions is predicated in part on
the  accuracy  and  completeness  of  the   representations  and  warranties  of
Contributor and the General  Partner  contained  herein,  as well as those to be
made by the limited partners in their consent  solicitation  documentation.  (C)
such  Partnership  Units and REIT  Shares,  therefore,  cannot be resold  unless
registered  under the Securities Act and applicable  state  securities  laws, or
unless an  exemption  from  registration  is  available,  (D) there is no public
market  for  such  Partnership  Units,  (E)  Partnership  has no  obligation  or
intention to register such Partnership Units or REIT Shares for resale under the
Securities  Act or any state  securities  laws or to take any action  that would
make available any exemption from the  registration  requirements  of such laws,
(F) Contributor is organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the
State of Georgia and is in good standing thereunder, and (G) the General Partner
is  organized  and  existing  under the laws of Georgia and is in Good  Standing
thereunder.  Contributor and the General Partner hereby acknowledge that because
of the  restrictions on transfer or assignment of such  Partnership  Units to be
issued hereunder which are set forth in the Partnership  Agreement,  Contributor
may have to bear the economic  risk of the  investment  commitment  evidenced by
this  Agreement and any  Partnership  Units  purchased  hereby for an indefinite
period of time,  although  (1) under  the  terms of the  Partnership  Agreement,
Partnership Units will be redeemable at the request of the holder thereof at any
time for cash or, at the election of the REIT, exchanged for REIT Shares and (2)
the holder of any such Shares issued upon a presentation  of  Partnership  Units
for  redemption  will be  afforded  certain  rights  to have  such  REIT  Shares
registered for resale under the Securities  Act or applicable  state  securities
laws under the Registration Rights Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit I.

     (xli)  Contributor  and   the   General  Partner   are   "accredited
investors" as defined in Regulation D promulgated under the Securities Act.

     (xlii)  Contributor  agrees that it will only  transfer or  distribute  the
Partnership  Units (and General  Partner  agrees that it will only  transfer any
Partnership  Units that it may receive from  Contributor) to persons or entities
that make  representations to the Partnership and the REIT of the type set forth
herein,  and  otherwise so as to cause no violation  of  applicable  federal and
state  securities  laws by the  Partnership  and the REIT,  and no  transfer  in
contravention of such agreement shall be recognized by Partnership.

     (xliii) Contributor and General Partner acknowledge that the balance of the
Partner  Advances total $91,078 and will not accrue interest through the Closing

         (b)  The  foregoing   warranties,   representations  and  covenants  of
Contributor  and the General Partner shall survive the execution and delivery of
this  Agreement,  the Closing  and  delivery  of all  documents  and any and all
performances required by this Agreement.

         (c)  Notwithstanding  anything to the  contrary set forth  herein,  the
representations  and  warranties  of this  Section  9 are  made to the  "best of
Contributor's  and  the  General  Partner's  knowledge."  For  purposes  of this
Agreement,   the  phrase  "best  of  Contributor's  and  the  General  Partner's
knowledge"  means the actual  knowledge,  information  or belief of the  General
Partner,  but shall not  include  within  such  term or  phrase  the  knowledge,
information and belief of any other person.

         (d)  Availability of Records.  Upon written request of the Partnership,
for a period of two (2) years after the Closing,  Contributor shall (i) make its
records  available to the Partnership  for inspection,  copying and audit by the
General Partner's designated accountants at Partnership's sole cost and expense,
and (ii) cooperate with Partnership to the extent reasonably necessary to obtain
any  applicable  Licenses not in existence on the Closing Date and necessary for
the  operation  of all or any  portion of the  Property.  Without  limiting  the
foregoing and in addition thereto, for the period of time commencing on the date
of this  Agreement and  continuing  through the second (2nd)  anniversary of the
Closing Date, each Contributor shall, from time to time, upon reasonable advance
notice from Partnership, provide Partnership and its representatives, agents and
employees  with access to all financial and other  information in its possession
pertaining to the period of such Contributor's ownership in and operation of, as
the case may be, the  applicable  Property,  which  information  is relevant and
reasonably  necessary,  in the  opinion of  Partnership's  outside,  third party
accountants (the  "Accountants"),  to enable  Partnership and its Accountants to
prepare  financial  statements in compliance with any or all of (a) Rule 3-14 of
Regulation  S-X of the  Commission;  (b) any other rule issued by the Commission
and applicable to Partnership;  and (c) any  registration  statement,  report or
disclosure statement filed with the Commission by, or on behalf of, Partnership;
provided,  however,  that  in any  such  event(s),  the  General  Partner  shall
reimburse  such  Contributor  for those  third  party,  out-of-pocket  costs and
expenses  that such  Contributor  incurs in order to comply  with the  foregoing
requirements.  Contributor  acknowledges  and  agrees  that the  following  is a
representative description of the information and documentation that Partnership
and the Accountants may require in order to comply with (a), (b), and (c) above.
Contributor shall provide such  information,  and  documentation,  if available.
Contributor's obligations under this Section shall survive the Closing.

     (i)  Applicable  Rent  Rolls for the  calendar  month in which the  Closing
occurs and the eleven (11) calendar  months  immediately  preceding the calendar
month in which the Closing occurs;

     (ii) Contributor's  internally-prepared  operating statements; (iii) Access
to applicable Leases; (iv) Contributor's  budgeted annual and monthly income and
expenses,  and actual  annual and  monthly  income and  expenses;  (v) Access to
Contributor's cash receipt journal(s) and bank statements for the Property; (vi)
Contributor's  general ledger with respect to the Property;  (vii) Contributor's
schedule of expense reimbursements required under applicable Leases in effect on
the Closing Date, if one exists;  (viii)Schedule,  if one exists, of those items
of repairs and  maintenance  performed by, or at the  direction of  Contributor,
during  Contributor's  final fiscal year in which Contributor owned and operated
the applicable Property (the "Final Fiscal Year");

     (ix) Schedule, if one exists, of those capital improvements and fixed asset
additions made by, or at the direction of,  Contributor  during the Final Fiscal
Year; (x) Access to  Contributor's  invoices with respect to  expenditures  made
during the Final Fiscal Year;  (xi)Access  (during normal and customary business
hours) to responsible personnel to answer accounting questions; and

     (xii) A representation letter, signed by the individual(s)  responsible for
Contributor's  financial reporting, as prescribed by generally accepted auditing
standards  promulgated  by the  Auditing  Standards  Division  of  the  American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants,  which  representation  letter may be
required to assist the  Accountants  in rendering  an opinion on such  financial


     In order to induce  Contributor to consummate the transaction  contemplated
hereby,  Partnership  hereby  represents  and warrants to  Contributor  that the
following  are  true  statements  as of the  Effective  Date  or  will  be  true
statements  as of  the  Closing  Date,  and  Partnership  agrees  to  deliver  a
certificate at Closing  specifying any changes  occurring  between the Effective
Date and the Closing, in accordance with Section 12 hereof.

         (a)  Partnership  has full power and  authority to enter into and fully
perform and comply with the terms of this Agreement.

         (b)  Partnership  will  make an  on-site  inspection  of the  Property,
including all Personal  Property,  Leases and the books and records  relating to
the  operation  of  the  Property,   and  will   investigate   the  Property  to
Partnership's  satisfaction;  and,  except  as  specifically  provided  in  this
Agreement to the contrary,  Contributor is released from all  responsibility and
liability regarding the condition,  valuation or utility of the Property. Except
as specifically provided in Section 9 hereof,  Partnership has not relied on any
warranties, promises, understandings or representations,  express or implied, of
Contributor  or any agent of Contributor  relating to the Property.  Partnership
acknowledges  that  any and  all  general  leasing  information  (i.e.,  general
information  concerning the leasing of real property in Decatur,  DeKalb County,
Georgia, but excluding any specific information  concerning the Property and any
information  contained in the Rent Roll),  feasibility or marketing reports,  or
other  general  information  of any type that  Partnership  has  received or may
receive from Contributor or  Contributor's  agents and which is not specifically
related to the  Property  was or is  furnished  on the  express  condition  that
Partnership  shall or would make an independent  verification of the accuracy of
any and all such  information,  all such information being furnished without any
warranty  whatsoever,   except  as  specifically  provided  in  this  Agreement.
Partnership  agrees that,  except as specifically  provided in Section 9 hereof,
Partnership will not attempt to assert any liability against  Contributor and/or
its agents for furnishing such information.

         (c) The Partnership Units and admission of Contributor as an Additional
Limited Partner have been duly approved by all necessary authority.

         (d) The  Partnership  Agreement,  a copy of which is attached hereto as
Exhibit H, is true, correct and complete.

         (e) This Agreement and the Registration Rights Agreement have been duly
approved and the REIT Shares which Contributor may receive pursuant to the terms
of Section  8.6 of the  Partnership  Agreement,  have been  authorized,  but not

         (f) There has been no material  adverse  change in the legal  status of
the REIT between December 31, 1996 and the Effective Date.

         (g) The foregoing  warranties and  representation  of Partnership shall
survive the execution and delivery of this  Agreement,  the Closing and delivery
of all documents and any and all performances required by this Agreement.


     Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, from the Closing
Date and thereafter,  Contributor agrees to indemnify,  defend and hold harmless
Partnership and their respective successors and assigns from and against any and
all loss, cost or damage including,  but not limited to,  reasonable  attorneys'
fees and court costs  suffered or incurred by Partnership  and their  respective
successors  and assigns as a result of any third party  action  brought  against
Partnership under Environmental Laws pertaining to any matter,  condition or act
on the  Property  involving  Environmental  Laws or Hazardous  Substances  which
existed or arose between the date Contributor took title to the Property and the
Closing Date, whether or not Contributor has knowledge thereof as of the Closing


         (a) At or prior to Closing, each party shall deliver to the other party
appropriate  evidence to establish the authority of such party to enter into and
close the  transaction  contemplated  hereby.  Without  limiting the  foregoing,
Contributor  shall  deliver  to  Partnership  a copy  of the  Limited  Partners'
Consent.  Additionally,  Contributor  and/or,  as the case may be,  the  General
Partner shall execute and deliver to Partnership at Closing:

                  (i) a warranty  deed duly executed and  acknowledged,  subject
only  to  the  Permitted  Exceptions,  sufficient  to  transfer  and  convey  to
Partnership fee simple title to the Premises as required by this Agreement,  and
otherwise in form and substance acceptable to Partnership and Title Insurer;

                  (ii)     the Title Policy;

                  (iii) a bill of sale  sufficient  to transfer  to  Partnership
title to the tangible Personal Property and containing appropriate warranties of
title as required by this Agreement;

                  (iv)  a  letter  in  form  and   substance   satisfactory   to
Partnership, advising tenants under the Leases of the change in ownership of the
Premises,   of  Partnership's   future  liability  for  tenant  security,   pet,
redecorating or other deposits  refundable under the Leases,  and directing them
to pay rent to Partnership or as Partnership may direct;

                  (v) any and all  affidavits,  certificates  or other documents
required  by Title  Insurer  in order  to  cause  it to issue an  owner's  title
insurance policy in the form and condition required by this Agreement;

     (vi) a counterpart of an assignment of the Leases (together with a transfer
of all  security  deposits  listed in the Rent  Roll  delivered  by  Contributor
pursuant to Section  12(a)(viii)  below) and those Service Contracts accepted by
Partnership with an assumption of the duties and obligations  thereunder arising
on or after the  Closing  Date,  (the  counterpart  delivered  pursuant  to this
provision shall contain  indemnification  provisions  providing that Contributor
shall indemnify  Partnership  against any claims arising under the Leases and/or
the  Service  Contracts  accruing  on  or  before  the  Closing  Date  and  that
Partnership shall similarly indemnify  Contributor against those claims accruing
after  the  Closing  Date,  said  indemnification  provisions  being in form and
substance   reasonably   acceptable  to   Contributor,   Partnership  and  their

                  (vii) an updated Rent Roll  certified by  Contributor as being
true, accurate and complete in all material respects as of the Closing Date;

                  (viii)  all  of  the  original   Leases  and  written  Service
Contracts to be assumed by Partnership (provided that Contributor shall have the
right to make all such  original  Leases  and  Service  Contracts  available  to
Partnership at the Premises),  and, to the extent in Contributor's possession or
control, any and all building plans, surveys, site plans,  engineering plans and
studies, utility plans,  landscaping plans,  development plans,  specifications,
drawings, marketing artwork, construction drawings,  environmental reports, soil
tests,  complete warranty book including all contractors and  subcontractors and
other  documentation  concerning  all or any part of the Property  (all of which
shall be made available to Partnership at the Premises);

                  (ix)  any  warranties  or  guaranties  which  are in  any  way
applicable  to the  Property  or any part  thereof  and which by their terms are
freely transferable to Partnership;

                  (x) to the extent in the possession or control of Contributor,
all keys for the Property,  with  identification  of the lock to which each such
key relates (which shall be made available to Partnership at the Premises);

                  (xi)  Contributor's   affidavit  stating,   under  penalty  of
perjury,  Contributor's U.S. taxpayer identification number and that Contributor
is not a foreign person within the meaning of Section 1445 of the Code;

                  (xii) a certificate  specifying any changes  occurring between
the Effective Date and the Closing Date with respect to the  representations and
warranties made by Contributor and the General Partner in this Agreement;

                  (xiii) a duly executed Amendment to the Partnership  Agreement
and  signature  page thereto  admitting  Contributor  as an  Additional  Limited

                  (xiv) an assignment or such other  document(s) as are required
by Partnership or Lender to transfer all reserve accounts held by the Lender for
the benefit of the Contributor which are being assumed by the Partnership;

                  (xv) a Registration  Rights Agreement  executed by Contributor
and substantially in the form of Exhibit I, attached hereto;

                  (xvi) all other documents  reasonably  required by Partnership
in order to perfect the  conveyance,  transfer and assignment of the Property to
Partnership  (including,  without  limitation,  an assignment  of  Contributor's
rights or  interests  in general  intangibles  pertaining  to the  Premises,  an
assignment of the currently effective  Certificate of Occupancy for the Premises
if required by applicable law.

         (b)  Partnership  also  shall  deliver  or  cause  to be  delivered  to
Contributor at Closing:

                  (i)      the Purchase Price;

                  (ii)  such  documents,  instruments,  or  certificates  as are
reasonably  required by Title  Insurer for  Partnership  to acquire the Property
pursuant to this Agreement;

                  (iii) a certificate  specifying any changes  occurring between
the Effective Date and the Closing Date with respect to the  representations and
warranties made by Partnership in this Agreement;

                  (iv) a counterpart  of an  assignment of the Leases  (together
with a transfer of all security  deposits  listed in the Rent Roll  delivered by
Contributor  pursuant to Section  12(a)(viii) above) and those Service Contracts
accepted by  Partnership's  assumption of the duties and obligations  thereunder
arising on or after the Closing Date (the counterpart delivered pursuant to this
provision shall contain  indemnification  provisions  providing that Contributor
shall indemnify  Partnership  against any claims arising under the Leases and/or
the  Service  Contracts  accruing  on  or  before  the  Closing  Date  and  that
Partnership shall similarly indemnify  Contributor against those claims accruing
after  the  Closing  Date,  said  indemnification  provisions  being in form and
substance   reasonably   acceptable  to   Contributor,   Partnership  and  their

                  (v)      Lender's assumption agreement;

                  (vi) a duly executed  Amendment to the  Partnership  Agreement
admitting Contributor as an Additional Limited Partner; and

                  (vii) a Registration Rights Agreement executed by the REIT and
substantially in the form of Exhibit I, attached hereto.


         (a) Partnership  agrees to pay all closing costs,  transfer taxes,  and
fees  associated  with  the  transfer  including   Contributor's   legal  costs.
Contributor agrees to transfer all cash balances to Partnership after payment of
all prorated expenses as specified in Section 8.


         (a) Partnership and Contributor each represent and warrant to the other
that,  except as provided in Section 14(b) below,  such party has not employed a
real estate  broker,  agent or  consultant in  connection  with the  transaction
contemplated  hereby.   Contributor  hereby  covenants  and  agrees  to  defend,
indemnify  and hold  harmless  Partnership  against  and from any and all  loss,
expense,  liability,  cost, claim, demand, damages, action, cause of action, and
suit arising out of or in any manner  relating to the alleged  employment or use
by Contributor of any real estate broker, agent or consultant in connection with
this transaction.  Partnership hereby covenants and agrees to defend, indemnify,
and hold  harmless  Contributor  against  and from  any and all  loss,  expense,
liability,  cost,  claim,  demand,  damages,  action,  cause of action  and suit
arising out of or in any manner  relating to the  alleged  employment  or use by
Partnership  of any real estate broker,  agent or consultant in connection  with
this transaction.  The indemnities set forth in this Section 14(a) shall survive
the Closing.

         (b)  Contributor  hereby  represents  that  Contributor has engaged MFI
Realty,  as its  financial  advisor (the  "Financial  Advisor") to assist in the
structuring and consummation of the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement
in accordance with Contributor's separate agreement with Financial Advisor.

15. CASUALTY LOSS AND  CONDEMNATION.  If, prior to Closing,  the Property or any
part  thereof  (a) shall be  destroyed  or  materially  damaged by fire or other
casualty (that is, damage or destruction which Partnership  reasonably  believes
could be in excess of  $50,000.00) or (b) shall be the subject of a condemnation
proceeding  and  actual  notice of such  proceeding  shall  have been  served on
Contributor,  Partnership  shall  have  the  option  either  to  terminate  this
Agreement  or to  consummate  the  transaction  contemplated  by this  Agreement
notwithstanding  such condemnation,  destruction or material damage.  Within two
(2) days of any casualty to or destruction of all or any part of the Property or
Contributor's  receipt of actual notice of a condemnation  proceeding  affecting
the Property, Contributor shall deliver notice thereof to Partnership. After its
receipt of such notice,  Partnership  shall have sixty (60) days within which to
deliver  notice  to  Contributor  stating  which  of the  options  available  to
Partnership  pursuant to the terms of this Section 15 Partnership has elected to
pursue. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Agreement, in
the event the Closing  Date is  scheduled  during  this sixty (60) day  decision
period, then, in such event, the Closing Date automatically shall be extended to
allow  Partnership the full benefit of said sixty (60) day decision  period.  If
the  Closing  Date is so  extended  and  Partnership  elects to  consummate  the
transaction contemplated by this Agreement, then, the Closing shall occur on the
fifth (5th) business day following Contributor's receipt of Partnership's notice
stating that Partnership has elected to consummate the transaction  contemplated
by this  Agreement,  or at such earlier date as Contributor  and Partnership may
mutually  agree  in  writing.   Partnership's   failure  to  deliver  notice  to
Contributor  as  required  in this  Section  15 shall be deemed an  election  by
Partnership to terminate this Agreement. If Partnership elects to consummate the
transaction  contemplated  by this Agreement,  Partnership  shall be entitled to
receive the  condemnation  proceeds or take part in the  settlement  of the loss
under all  policies of insurance  applicable  to the  destruction  or damage and
receive the proceeds of insurance  applicable thereto, and Contributor shall, at
Closing and  thereafter,  execute and deliver to Partnership all required proofs
of loss, assignments of claims and other similar items. If Partnership elects to
terminate this Agreement,  the Earnest Money shall be returned to Partnership by
the Escrow Agent, less One Hundred Dollars  ($100.00),  which Escrow Agent shall
pay to Contributor as due consideration  for this Agreement,  at which time this
Agreement  shall  terminate and neither  party shall have any further  rights or
obligations  under this Agreement,  except as specifically set forth herein.  If
there is any other damage or,  destruction (that is, damage or destruction which
Partnership reasonably believes could be $50,000.00 or less), to the Property or
any  part  thereof,  Contributor,  at its  election,  shall  either  assign  all
insurance  claims  pertaining to such damage or  destruction  to  Partnership by
executing and  delivering to  Partnership at Closing and thereafter all required
proofs  of loss,  assignments  of  claims  and  other  similar  items,  or allow
Partnership  a  credit  against  the  Purchase  Price  in an  amount  reasonably
acceptable to both Contributor and Partnership equal to the reasonably estimated
cost of repair. If Partnership elects to take, or Contributor elects to make, an
assignment  of all  insurance  claims  as  provided  for  in  this  Section  15,
Partnership  shall receive at Closing a credit  against the Purchase Price in an
amount equal to any deductible(s) and uninsured amounts applicable thereto.

16. OPERATION OF PROPERTY THROUGH CLOSING.  Contributor  hereby agrees that from
the Effective Date through the Closing Date:

         (a) Except as otherwise  provided in this Section 16, Contributor shall
manage and operate the Property in  accordance  with sound and prudent  business
practices  in the  same  manner  as  Contributor  has  heretofore  operated  the
Property,  and keep the  Premises  and the  tangible  Personal  Property in good
condition and repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Contributor will not make
any change in its normal and customary billing practices,  and shall continue to
apply rents and hold  security  deposits in the ordinary  course of business and
pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Leases.

         (b)  Except  with  respect  to the Lender  Loan and  without  the prior
written consent of Partnership,  Contributor shall not sell,  mortgage,  pledge,
hypothecate or otherwise  transfer or dispose of all or any part of the Property
or any interest therein, nor shall Contributor initiate,  consent to, approve or
otherwise take any action with respect to zoning or any other governmental rules
or regulations presently applicable to all or any part of the Property.

         (c) Without the prior written consent of Partnership, Contributor shall
not terminate, modify, extend, amend or renew any Service Contract or enter into
any new Service Contract, except Service Contracts entered into or renewed after
the Effective  Date which will be terminated or otherwise  canceled on or before
the Closing Date. Additionally, Contributor shall not terminate, modify, extend,
amend or renew any Lease  from and after the date  hereof  except in the  normal
course of Contributor's business.

         (d) Any new Lease or Service  Contract entered into after the Effective
Date hereof shall be subject to the  covenants,  representations  and warranties
set forth in this Agreement with respect to Leases and Service Contracts.

         (e)  Contributor  will continue to operate and maintain the Premises in
the same manner in which Contributor has heretofore  operated and maintained the
Premises and in accordance with the standard operating  practices and procedures
that  Contributor  has  heretofore  followed in its  operation of the  Premises.
Additionally,  Contributor will continue to rent all unoccupied  rental units at
the Premises in the normal  course of its business  and in  accordance  with the
leasing  requirements  established by the Lender Loan, and will not deviate from
those requirements without first obtaining  Partnership's  written consent, such
consent not to be unreasonably  withheld.  Moreover, all prospective tenants for
the unoccupied  rental units shall meet the standard credit  qualifications  for
prospective  tenants which Contributor has heretofore  utilized.  Any unoccupied
rental unit  vacated  more than three (3) days prior to Closing will be put in a
"rent-ready"  condition  by  Contributor,  and,  as of Closing,  all  management
contracts pertaining to the Property will be terminated.

         (f) Contributor shall comply in all material respects with all federal,
state, municipal and other governmental laws, ordinances,  requirements,  rules,
regulations,  notices and orders,  and all  agreements,  covenants,  conditions,
easements  and  restrictions  relating  to  the  Property,   including,  without
limitation, any such requirements,  rules, regulations, notices or orders issued
or imposed after the Effective Date, provided that, if compliance by Contributor
requires  the  aggregate  expenditure  of an amount  in excess of Three  Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00), Contributor shall have the option of terminating
this Agreement,  in which event Partnership shall be entitled to a return of the
Earnest Money, less One Hundred Dollars  ($100.00),   which  Escrow  Agent  
shall  pay  to  Contributor  as  due consideration  for this Agreement,  at 
which time this Agreement shall terminate and neither  party shall have any 
rights or  obligations  under this  Agreement, except as otherwise specifically 
set forth herein.

         (g)  Contributor  shall promptly give written notice to the Partnership
of the occurrence of any event which materially  adversely  affects the truth or
accuracy of any  representation  or warranty  made or to be made by  Contributor
and/or the General Partner under or pursuant to this Agreement.

         (h) Partnership shall have such access to the Property as is reasonably
necessary  during normal business hours for it to inspect the Property to assure
that Contributor is complying with the requirements of this Section 16.

         (i)  Contributor  shall maintain in full force and effect its presently
existing insurance coverages.


         (a) The obligations of Partnership  under this Agreement are contingent
upon the  occurrence  of the  following,  the  failure  of which  shall,  at the
election of Partnership,  acting in its sole and absolute discretion, cause this
Agreement to terminate:

     (i)  Contributor  and the General Partner shall have performed all of their
obligations hereunder;

     (ii)  Contributor  and/or  the  General  Partner  shall  not be in  default

     (iii) The  concurrent  closing  of the  assumption  of the  Lender  Loan by
Partnership, on terms acceptable to Partnership;

     (iv) Contributor  and/or the General Partner shall have made all deliveries
required hereunder; and

     (v)  There  shall  have  been  no  material   adverse   change  to  any  of
Contributor's and/or the General Partner's  representations and warranties as of

         (b) The obligations of Contributor  under this Agreement are contingent
upon the  occurrence  of the  following,  the  failure  of which  shall,  at the
election of Contributor,  acting in its sole and absolute discretion, cause this
Agreement to terminate:

                  (i)  Partnership  shall have performed all of its  obligations
hereunder  includinng,  without  limitation,  obtaining  the  Limited  Partners'

                  (ii)     Partnership shall not be in default hereunder;

                  (iii)  Partnership  shall  have made all  deliveries  required

                  (iv) There shall have been no material  adverse  change to any
of Partnership's representations and warranties as of Closing; and

                  (v) The  concurrent  closing of the  assumption  of the Lender
Loan by Partnership on terms acceptable to Contributor.

18.      DEFAULT.

         (a)  Contributor  is in default under this Agreement if any one or more
of the following shall occur:

                  (i) Contributor and/or the General Partner fail to comply with
or perform in any material respect any covenant,  agreement, or obligation to be
complied with or performed by  Contributor  and/or the General  Partner,  as the
case may be, hereunder within the time limits and in the manner required by this
Agreement,  and such noncompliance or nonperformance  shall continue  unremedied
for a period of three (3) days from  Contributor's  receipt  of  written  notice
thereof from Partnership;

                  (ii) Any  representation or warranty by Contributor and/or the
General  Partner  set out herein  shall prove to be false or  misleading  in any
respect; or

                  (iii) If  Contributor  and/or  the  General  Partner  fails to
consummate this Agreement for any reason, except Partnership's default hereunder
or the termination of this Agreement by Partnership or Contributor pursuant to a
right  granted  under the terms and  provisions  hereof,  and such failure shall
continue unremedied for a period of three (3) days from Contributor's receipt of
written notice thereof from Partnership.

         (b)  Partnership  is in default under this Agreement if any one or more
of the following shall occur:

                  (i)  Partnership  fails  to  comply  with  or  perform  in any
material respect any covenant,  agreement,  or obligation to be complied with or
performed  by  Partnership  hereunder  within the time  limits and in the manner
required by this  Agreement,  and such  noncompliance  or  nonperformance  shall
continue unremedied for a period of three (3) days from Partnership's receipt of
written notice thereof from Contributor;

                  (ii) Any  representation  or warranty by  Partnership  set out
herein shall prove to be false or misleading in any respect; or

                  (iii) If  Partnership  fails to consummate  this Agreement for
any reason except  Contributor's  default  hereunder or the  termination of this
Agreement by Partnership  or  Contributor  pursuant to a right granted under the
terms and provisions  hereof,  and such failure shall continue  unremedied for a
period of three (3) days from Partnership's receipt of written notice thereof.

19.      REMEDIES.




         (a) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Contributor
and  Partnership  with  respect to the  Property  and shall not be  modified  or
amended except in a written document signed by Contributor and Partnership.  Any
prior agreement or understanding between Contributor and Partnership  concerning
the Property is hereby rendered null and void.

         (b) This Agreement shall be binding upon and enforceable  against,  and
shall inure to the benefit of,  Partnership and Contributor and their respective
heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.

21.  TIME OF THE  ESSENCE.  Time is of the  essence  of this  Agreement.  In the
computation  of any period of time provided for in this Agreement or by law, the
day of the act or event from  which the  period of time runs shall be  excluded,
and the last day of such  period  shall be  included,  unless it is a  Saturday,
Sunday, or legal holiday,  in which case the period shall be deemed to run until
the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.

22. NOTICE. All notices,  requests,  demands or other communications required or
permitted under this Agreement  shall be in writing and delivered  personally or
by certified mail,  return receipt  requested,  postage prepaid,  by telecopy or
other  facsimile  transmission,  (with  hard copy to  follow)  or by  recognized
overnight courier (such as Federal Express), addressed as follows:

         (a)      If to Contributor: Windrush Partners, Ltd.
                                   c/o Hallmark Group Real Estate Services Corp.
                                    3111 Paces Mill Road
                                    Suite A-200
                                    Atlanta, Georgia  30339
                                    Attention: Martin H. Petersen
                                    Telecopy: (770) 850-0655

                  With a copy to:   Darla Jaben Mesnick
                                    Attorney at Law
                                    445 Spalding Drive
                                    Atlanta, Georgia  30328
                                    Telecopy: (770) 668-1653

         (b)                        If  to   Partnership:   Vinings   Investment
                                    Properties,L.P.   c/o   Vinings   Investment
                                    Properties Trust 3111 Paces Mill Road, Suite
                                    A-200 Atlanta, GA 30339 Attention:  Peter D.
                                    Anzo, President Telecopy: (770) 850-0655

                  With a copy to:   Goodwin, Procter & Hoar  LLP
                                    Exchange Place
                                    Boston, MA  02109
                                    Attention:  Gilbert G. Menna, P.C.
                                    Telecopy: (617) 523-1231

         (c)      If to Escrow Agent:       Specialized Title Services
                                    7000 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, N.E.
                                    Suite 300, Building #2
                                    Atlanta, Georgia 30328-1634
                                    Attention:  Amy Lawson
                                    Telecopy:  (404) 303-6305

All notices given in accordance  with the terms hereof shall be deemed  received
forty-eight  (48)  hours  after  posting,  when  delivered  personally,  or when
transmitted  via telecopy or other facsimile  transmission.  Either party hereto
may change the  address or  telecopy  number for  receiving  notices,  requests,
demands or other  communication  by notice sent in accordance  with the terms of
this Section.

23.  CAPTIONS.  The  captions  and  headings  used  in  this  Agreement  are for
convenience only and do not in any way restrict,  modify or amplify the terms of
this Agreement.

24. EXHIBITS.  Each and every exhibit referred to or otherwise mentioned in this
Agreement is attached to this Agreement and is and shall be construed to be made
a part of this  Agreement by such  reference  or other  mention at each point at
which such  reference or other mention  occurs,  in the same manner and with the
same effect as if each  exhibit  were set forth in full and at length every time
it is referred to or otherwise mentioned.

25.  DEFINED  TERMS.  Capitalized  terms used in this  Agreement  shall have the
meaning ascribed to them at the point where first defined, irrespective of where
their use occurs,  with the same effect as if the definitions of such terms were
set forth in full and at length every time such terms are used.

26. PRONOUNS. Wherever appropriate in this Agreement, personal pronouns shall be
deemed to include the other genders and the singular to include the plural.

27.  SEVERABILITY.  If any  term,  covenant,  condition  of  provision  of  this
Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance,  shall ever
be held to be invalid or  unenforceable,  then in each such event, the remainder
of this  Agreement  or the  application  of such term,  covenant,  condition  or
provision to any other person or any other circumstance  (other than those as to
which it shall be invalid or unenforceable)  shall not be thereby affected,  and
each term,  covenant,  condition  and  provision  hereof  shall remain valid and
enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.

28.  APPLICABLE  LAW. This Agreement  shall be governed by,  construed under and
interpreted  and enforced in accordance  with the laws of the State in which the
Premises is located.

29. COUNTERPARTS.  This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts,  each
of which shall be deemed an original and all such  counterparts  together  shall
constitute one and the same instrument.

30.  JUDICIAL  INTERPRETATION.  Should any provision of this  Agreement  require
judicial interpretation,  it is agreed that the court interpreting or construing
the same  shall not apply a  presumption  that the  terms  hereof  shall be more
strictly  construed against one party by reason of the rule of construction that
a document  is to be  construed  more  strictly  against the party who itself or
through  its agent  prepared  the same,  it being  agreed that the agents of all
parties have participated in the preparation hereof.

31.  ATTORNEYS'  FEES. If either party hereto  employs an attorney to enforce or
defend its rights  hereunder,  the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover
its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.


         (a)   Contributor  and  each  of  the  General  Partner  shall  provide
Partnership  with all  information  with  respect to the  Property  necessary to
enable Partnership to file all returns required for federal and state income tax
purposes,  as determined in the  reasonable  discretion of Arthur  Anderson LLP,
independent public accountants.

         (b)   Contributor   and  the  General   Partner  agree  to  report  the
transactions  contemplated herein for federal and state income tax purposes, and
in any other filing or return required by law, consistently with the manner such
transactions are reported by Partnership for federal income tax purposes.

         (c)  Notwithstanding  anything to the contrary herein, it is the intent
of  Partnership  and  Contributor  that the  contribution  contemplated  by this
Agreement  be  treated  and  reported  for  federal  income  tax  purposes  as a
transaction  governed  by  Section  721 of the  Code  and  it is the  desire  of
Contributor  that such  contribution  not subject  Contributor to income or gain
under Section 731 of the Code as a result of a deemed  distribution  of money to
Contributor by  Partnership  pursuant to Section 752(b) of the Code in excess of
Contributor's  adjusted  tax basis in  Contributor's  interest  in  Partnership.
Accordingly, as general partner of Partnership, shall:

                  (i) for a period  of three (3) years  from the  Closing  Date,
cause  Partnership  to maintain an amount of  non-recourse  debt  secured by the
Property  at  least  equal  to  Six  Million  Three  Hundred   Thousand  Dollars
($6,300,000.00)  (less any regularly or other  scheduled  principal  payments on
such indebtedness);

                  (ii)  subsequent  to the three (3) year period  referred to in
Section 32(c)(i) above,  permit Contributor or the General Partner to enter into
a guarantee or  otherwise  become  contractually  obligated to bear the economic
risk of loss within the  meaning of Treasury  Regulation  Section  1.752-2  with
respect to a portion of indebtedness of the Partnership,  which amount shall not
exceed Six Million Three Hundred  Thousand  Dollars  ($6,300,000.00);  provided,
however, any such guarantee or other contractual obligation shall not be entered
into if such  guarantee or other  contractual  obligation  would cause any other
partner  to  recognize  income  pursuant  to  Section  752 of the  Code  if such
guarantee or other  contractual  obligation  were entered into as of the date of
the Closing,  and further provided that nothing in this Section  32(c)(ii) shall
preclude any other partner from entering into any guarantee or other contractual
obligation with regard to any indebtedness to Partnership; and

                  (iii) to the extent  consistent with and subject to the REIT's
fiduciary and statutory  obligation to all partners (both present and future) in
Partnership, and, in all events to the extent consistent with the best interests
of all such partners considered as a whole, and all of the REIT's  stockholders,
for a period of three (3) years  following the Closing Date,  use its good faith
efforts to cause any  voluntary  disposition  of the  Property to be one hundred
percent (100%) tax deferred under the Code.

         (d)  Notwithstanding  anything  to  the  contrary  in  the  Partnership
Agreement,  Partnership  agrees to use the "traditional  allocation  method," as
described  in  Treasury  Regulation  Section  1.704-3(a),  with  respect  to the

33. SURVIVAL.  No matter under this Agreement  survives Closing except for those
matters for which express provision is made.

34.  EFFECTIVE DATE. For purposes  hereof,  the term "Effective Date" shall mean
the date on which Partnership receives an original counterpart of this Agreement
which has been fully executed by each of Contributor and the General Partner.

         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  Partnership  and  Contributor  have  caused  this
Agreement to be executed and delivered as of the Effective Date.


Date: April 1, 1997           VININGS INVESTMENT PROPERTIES, L.P.,
                              a Delaware Limited Partnership

                              By: VININGS INVESTMENT PROPERTIES TRUST,
                                  a Massachusetts business trust, Its Sole 
                                  General Partner

                              By: /s/ Stephanie A. Reed
                              Stephanie A. Reed
                              Vice President


Date: April 1, 1997           WINDRUSH PARTNERS, LTD.
                              a Georgia Limited Partnership

                              By: Hallmark Group Real Estate
                                  Services Corp., General Partner

                              By: /s/ Peter D. Anzo
                              Peter D. Anzo


         Vinings  Investment  Properties  Trust,  Massachusetts  business trust,
joins in the  execution  of this  Agreement in order to agree to be bound by the
terms and provisions of Section 32(c)(i)-(iii) of this Agreement.

Date: April 1, 1997              VININGS INVESTMENT PROPERTIES TRUST,
                                 a Massachusetts business trust

                                 By:/s/ Stephanie A. Reed
                                 Stephanie A. Reed
                                 Vice President