FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE

         This Fifth  Amendment to the Amended and Restated  Agreement of Limited
Partnership of Vinings Investment Properties, L.P. is made as of January 1, 1999
by Vinings  Investment  Properties  Trust, a  Massachusetts  business trust (the
"Trust"),  as general  partner (the  "General  Partner")  of Vinings  Investment
Properties,  L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (the "Partnership"),  Windrush
Partners,  Ltd.  ("Windrush"),  a limited partner, and the individuals listed in
Exhibit B, (the "Additional  Limited  Partners") for the purpose of amending the
Amended and Restated  Agreement of Limited  Partnership of the Partnership dated
June 30, 1997, as amended (the "Partnership  Agreement").  All capitalized terms
used  herein  and not  otherwise  defined  shall  have the  respective  meanings
ascribed to them in the Partnership Agreement.

         WHEREAS, Windrush has made a capital contribution and has been admitt-
ed as a Limited Partner of the Partnership;

         WHEREAS, Windrush has previously assigned and transferred,  pursuant to
Section 11.3 of the Partnership Agreement,  its interest as a Limited Partner of
the Partnership to its limited partners;

         WHEREAS,  Windrush  desires to  dissolve  and to  withdraw as a Limited
Partner  from  the  Partnership  (the  "Withdrawing  Limited  Partner")  and the
Additional Limited Partners wish to be admitted to the Partnership as Substitute
Limited Partners (as defined in the Partnership Agreement);

         Whereas,   each  Additional  Limited  Partner  has  previously  granted
Hallmark Group Real Estate Services, Corp., the general partner of Windrush (the
"Windrush General Partner"),  a special power of attorney to permit the Windrush
General  Partner to execute and deliver any  instrument  necessary to admit such
Additional  Limited Partner as a Substitute  Limited Partner in the Partnership;

         WHEREAS,  The  consent of the  General  Partner of the  Partnership  is
required under the Partnership  Agreement for the Additional Limited Partners to
be admitted as Substitute Limited Partners of the Partnership.

         NOW  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the mutual  covenants  contained
herein, and other good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and sufficiency
of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:


         (a) Pursuant to Section 11.4 of the Partnership Agreement,  the General
Partner  hereby  consents to the  admission  of each of the  Additional  Limited
Partners as Substitute Limited Partners.

         (b) The  change in limited  partnership  interests  in the  Partnership
shall become effective as of the date of this Agreement.


         Pursuant to Section 14.1 B of the  Partnership  Agreement,  the General
Partner, as general partner of the Partnership and as  attorney-in-fact  for its
Limited Partners,  hereby amends the Partnership Agreement by deleting Exhibit A
thereto in its entirety and replacing it with the Exhibit A attached hereto.

IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have executed this Amendment as of the
date first written above.

By: Vinings Investment Properties Trust
General Partner

By: /s/ Peter D. Anzo
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Peter D. Anzo

Withdrawing Limited Partner
By: Hallmark Group Real Estate Services Corp.
General Partner

By: /s/ Martin H. Petersen
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Martin H. Petersen

By: Hallmark Group Real Estate Services Corp.
As Attorney-in-Fact

By: /s/ Martin H. Petersen
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Martin H. Petersen

                       Vinings Investment Properties, L.P.
        Fifth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Partnership Agreement

                                    Exhibit A

                                            Percentage     Number of
Name and Address of Contributor              Interest     Units Issued
- -------------------------------              --------     ------------

Vinings Investment Properties Trust            1.00%          13,432

Vinings Investment Properties Trust           80.94%       1,087,193
The Vinings Group, Inc.                        0.67%           9,108
Hallmark Group Real Estate Service Corp.       0.67%           9,108
Irving Abrams                                  0.49%           6,598
Tim R. Altman                                  0.25%           3,299
William E. & Mary E. Butler                    0.25%           3,299
Donald E. Chace                                0.49%           6,598
Terry D. Douglass                              0.49%           6,598
Hazel E. Earsley                               0.25%           3,299
Stanley D. Eason                               0.49%           6,598
C.W. Gustav & Janice S. Eifrig                 0.25%           3,299
Jane L. Finchum                                0.12%           1,649
Esty Foster                                    0.49%           6,598
Robert Hesseltine                              0.49%           6,598
Betty T. Hinds                                 0.49%           6,598
Albert H. Hooper, Jr.                          0.49%           6,598
Mary Susan Leahy, Executor for the                               
   Estate of Joseph Dunbar Shields, Jr.        0.49%           6,598
Trustmark National Bank, Agent for 
   Kathryn D. Little, Investment               0.49%           6,598
Patrick Paul McCarthy                          0.25%           3,299
James A. Melvin, Jr.                           0.49%           6,598
John R. Mileski                                0.49%           6,598
J. Cary Monroe                                 0.25%           3,299
E. Ray Morris                                  0.49%           6,598
Thomas W. Orcutt, M.D.                         0.49%           6,598
Thomas D. Price                                0.25%           3,299
Frederick R. Radcliffe                         0.25%           3,299
Joseph D. Shields, III, M.D.                   0.25%           3,299
M.F.  Soukkar                                  0.49%           6,598
Virginia G. Sturwold                           0.25%           3,299
Oliver H. Tallman, II                          0.25%           3,299
Lewis F.  Wood, Jr.                            0.49%           6,598
Homer R. Yook                                  0.25%           3,299
Alice C. Young                                 0.25%           3,299
The Vinings Group, Inc.                        0.12%           1,650
Hallmark Group Real Estate Service Corp        0.12%           1,649

Robert L. Bell, M.D.                           0.49%           6,598
William G. Beshears, Jr.                       0.49%           6,598
Joseph Bonsall, Jr.                            0.49%           6,598
Harold J. DeBlanc, Jr., M.D.                   0.49%           6,598
William A. Hall                                1.96%          26,391
Robert G. Randall                              0.49%           6,598
Thomas L. Williams                             0.25%           3,299
Don M. Updegraff, Jr.                          0.12%           1,649
Majed S. Zakaria                               0.49%           6,598
- ----------------                               -----       ---------
Total                                          100%        1,343,171
                                               =====       =========

                       Vinings Investment Properties, L.P.
        Fifth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Partnership Agreement

                                    Exhibit B

  Additional Limited Partner                        No. of Units
  --------------------------                        ------------

  Irving Abrams                                         6,598
  Tim R. Altman                                         3,299
  William E. & Mary E. Butler                           3,299
  Donald E. Chace                                       6,598
  Terry D. Douglass                                     6,598
  Stanley D. Eason                                      6,598
  Hazel E. Earsley                                      3,299
  C.W. Gustav & Janice S. Eifrig                        3,299
  Jane L. Finchum                                       1,648
  Esty Foster                                           6,598
  Robert Hesseltine                                     6,598
  Betty T. Hinds                                        6,598
  Albert H. Hooper, Jr.                                 6,598
  Kathryn D. Little                                     6,598
  Patrick Paul McCarthy                                 3,299
  James A. Melvin, Jr.                                  6,598
  John R. Mileski                                       6,598
  J. Cary Monroe                                        3,299
  E. Ray Morris                                         6,598
  Thomas W. Orcutt, M.D.                                6,598
  Thomas D. Price                                       3,299
  Frederick R. Radcliffe                                3,299
  Joseph D. Shields, III, M.D.                          3,299
  J. Dunbar  Shields, Jr., M.D.                         6,598
  M.F.  Soukkar                                         6,598
  Virginia G. Sturwold                                  3,299
  Oliver H. Tallman, III                                3,299
  Lewis F.  Wood, Jr.                                   6,598
  Homer R. Yook                                         3,299
  Alice C. Young                                        3,299
  The Vinings Group, Inc.                               1,650
  Hallmark Group Real Estate Services, Corp.            1,649
  Subtotal                                            153,402