General Principles

The Trustees of the registered investment companies (the "Funds" or each a
"Fund") managed by John Hancock Advisers, LLC (the "Adviser") have adopted this
code of ethics (this "Code") setting forth standards of ethics for the Chief
Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer (respectively, the
principal executive officer, the principal financial officer and the principal
accounting officer, the "Senior Financial Officers") of each Fund. All Senior
Financial Officers are charged with the duty to maintain the standards set forth

No Code can address every situation that a Senior Financial Officer might face.
As a guiding principle, Senior Financial Officers should strive to implement the
spirit as well as the letter of applicable laws, rules and regulations, and to
provide the type of clear and complete disclosure and information that Fund
shareholders have a right to expect.

Honest and Ethical Conduct

Each Senior Financial Officer owes a duty to each Fund to act with integrity and
honesty in the conduct of his or her duties and responsibilities. Each Senior
Financial Officer shall comply with all applicable laws and accounting
standards, while adhering to a high standard of business ethics.

Avoidance of Conflicts of Interest

Senior Financial Officers shall avoid any actual or apparent conflict of
interest, direct or indirect, between personal and professional relationships. A
Senior Financial Officer should not engage in personal, business or professional
relationships or dealings which would impair his or her independence of judgment
or adversely affect the performance of his or her duties in the best interests
of each Fund and its shareholders. Any relationship or dealing that would
present a conflict for a Senior Financial Officer could also present a conflict
if it is related to a member of his or her immediate family.


Senior Financial Officers have a supervisory role with respect to the financial
information included in reports filed with regulatory agencies and public
disclosures by each Fund, and therefore have particular responsibilities in
connection with those communications.

* Each Senior Financial Officer shall familiarize himself or herself with the
disclosure requirements applicable to each Fund, as well as the business and
financial operations of each Fund.

* Each Senior Financial Officer shall ensure that reasonable steps are taken
within his or her areas of responsibility to promote full, fair, accurate,
timely and understandable disclosure in all regulatory filings, as well as when
communicating with each Fund's shareholders or the general public, in accordance
with applicable law.

* No Senior Financial Officer shall violate his or her responsibility to a Fund
by knowingly and willfully misrepresenting, or causing others to misrepresent,
facts about a Fund to others, including a Fund's independent auditors,
governmental regulators or self-regulatory organizations. Compliance with
Applicable Law It is each Fund's policy to comply with all applicable laws and
governmental rules and regulations. It is the personal responsibility of each
Senior Financial Officer to take reasonable steps to adhere to the standards and
restrictions imposed by those laws, rules and regulations, including those
relating to accounting and auditing matters.

Compliance Procedures

All Senior Financial Officers are responsible for ensuring that their own
conduct complies with this Code. If a Senior Financial Officer is aware of any
material transaction or relationship that could reasonably be expected to give
rise to a conflict of interest or which might be viewed as potentially affecting
his or her performance of Fund responsibilities, the Senior Financial Officer
shall notify the Fund's Chief Legal Officer of this transaction or relationship.
In addition, any Senior Financial Officer who becomes aware of any existing or
potential violation of this Code shall notify the Chief Legal Officer promptly,
who shall conduct an appropriate investigation. The Chief Legal Officer shall
report any violation of this Code to the Audit Committee of the Fund. If a
Senior Financial Officer believes that his or her responsibilities as an officer
or employee of the Adviser are likely to materially compromise his or her
objectivity or ability to perform the duties of his or her role as an officer of
the Funds, he or she should consult with the Adviser's Chief Legal Officer, the
Fund's Chief Legal Officer or outside counsel, or counsel to the independent
Trustees of the Funds. Under appropriate circumstances, a Senior Financial
Officer should also consider whether to present the matter to the Trustees of
the Funds or a committee thereof.

Anyone who violates the provisions of this Code, fails to report a known
violation or refuses to cooperate in the investigation of any potential
violation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Subject to applicable law, the Audit Committee may waive provisions of this

Other Policies and Procedures

This Code does not supplant or supercede any other Fund, John Hancock Advisers,
LLC or John Hancock Funds, LLC policy or procedure currently in effect or
adopted in the future relating to conflicts of interest or business practices.
Those policies and procedures are separate requirements applying to the Funds,
John Hancock Advisers, LLC or John Hancock Funds, LLC associates generally,
including Senior Financial Officers among others, and are not part of this Code.

The Trustees of the Funds recognize that the Senior Financial Officers are also
officers or employees of the Adviser. Furthermore, the Trustees of the Funds
recognize that, subject to the Adviser's fiduciary duties to the Funds, the
Senior Financial Officers will in the normal course of their duties (whether
formally for the Funds or for the adviser, or for both) be involved in
establishing policies and implementing decisions that will have different
effects on the Adviser and the Funds. The Trustees of the Funds recognize that
the participation of the Senior Financial Officers in such activities is
inherent in the contract relationship between the Funds and the Adviser, and is
consistent with the expectation of the Trustees of the performance by the Senior
Financial Officers of their duties as officers of the Funds. Each Senior
Financial Officer recognizes that, as an officer of a Fund, he or she has a duty
to act in the best interests of the Fund and its shareholders.

Date: May 20, 2003

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