
             Notice of 1998 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement




                                             April 2, 1998

Dear Shareholder:

     You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders
to  be  held on Wednesday, May 13, 1998, at 7:00 p.m., local time,  at  the
Elmira  Holiday  Inn,  in  the City of Elmira,  New  York.   Following  the
meeting, desserts, coffee, tea and other refreshments will be served.

     The three items on the agenda requiring Shareholders' vote will be (1)
to  elect seven directors - the candidates nominated for three-year  terms,
all  currently  serving,  are:   John  W.  Bennett,  Robert  H.  Dalrymple,
Frederick  Q. Falck, Ralph H. Meyer, Samuel J. Semel, Richard W.  Swan  and
William  A.  Tryon,  (2) to vote on a proposal to amend  the  corporation's
certificate of incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares of
common stock and to reduce the par value of such stock, and (3) to vote  on
a  proposal to adopt the Chemung Canal Trust Company Deferred Directors Fee
Plan.   The  attached  Proxy  Statement sets forth  in  detail  information
relating  to  the  proposals, the nominated candidates and those  directors
continuing in office, and additional information relating to the management
of the corporation.

      In addition to the above-noted election, we will review our financial
performance for the past year and discuss our plans for 1998.

      It is important that you be represented at the meeting whether or not
you  plan to attend in person.  Accordingly, we urge you to mark, sign  and
date  the proxy card enclosed in the mailing envelope sleeve and return  it
in  the envelope provided.  Also, if you plan to attend the meeting, please
mark  the proxy card where indicated and include the number in your  group.
Your directors and management look forward to seeing you on May 13.

                                        /s/Jan P. Updegraff
                                        President and
                                        Chief Executive Officer

                         One Chemung Canal Plaza
                               P.O. Box 1522 Elmira, New York  14902
                             Parent Company of Chemung Canal Trust
       As   directed  by  the  Board  of  Directors  of  Chemung
Corporation, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of
Shareholders of  the  Corporation will be held at the Elmira Holiday
Inn,  One  Holiday Plaza, 760 East Water Street, Elmira, New York, on
Wednesday, May 13, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. for the following purposes:

              to  elect seven (7) directors, each to hold office for a
        term of  three  years  and until their respective successors
        have  been elected and qualified;
              to consider a proposal to amend the corporation's
        certificate of  incorporation  to increase the number of
        authorized  shares  of common stock and to reduce the par value
        of such stock;
              to  consider  a  proposal to adopt the  Chemung  Canal
        Trust Company Deferred Directors Fee Plan; and
              to  transact such other business as may properly come
        before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.
      The  Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on  April
1, 1998  as  the  record  date for determination of Shareholders
entitled  to notice of and to vote at this meeting.
      Shareholders are requested to date, sign and mail the enclosed
proxy in  the envelope provided at their earliest convenience.  A prompt
response will  be  appreciated  and will save the Corporation  additional
time  and expense.
                                         BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF
                                                          Robert J.
April 2, 1998

                             PROXY STATEMENT
     Chemung Financial Corporation and its wholly-owned subsidiary,
Chemung Canal  Trust Company, are incorporated under the laws of the
State  of  New York.          For  purposes  of  this proxy statement,
unless  otherwise  stated,
financial  and other information is presented on a consolidated  basis
for Chemung  Financial  Corporation ("Corporation")  and  Chemung  Canal
Trust Company ("Bank").

      This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the
solicitation of  proxies  by  the  Board of Directors for use at the
Annual  Meeting  of Shareholders (the "Annual Meeting") of Chemung
Financial Corporation to  be held  on  Wednesday, May 13, 1998, at 7:00
p.m., local time, at the  Elmira Holiday  Inn, One Holiday  Plaza, 760
East Water Street, Elmira, New  York. This  Proxy  Statement  and the
accompanying Proxy  and  Notice  of  Annual Meeting of Shareholders are
being mailed to Shareholders on or about  April 2,  1998.  A Shareholder
granting a proxy has the right to revoke it  by  a duly  executed Proxy
bearing a later date, by attending the Annual  Meeting and  voting  in
person, or by otherwise notifying  the  Secretary  of  the Corporation in
writing prior to the Annual Meeting.
      Only Shareholders of record at the close of business on April 1,
1998 are entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting.
As of March 16, 1998, there were 2,061,738 shares of Common Stock
outstanding and entitled  to  vote.  Each share of Common Stock is
entitled  to  one  vote. There  are  no  cumulative voting rights.
Nominees for  director  will  be elected  by  a plurality of votes cast
at the Annual Meeting by holders  of Common  Stock  present in person or
by proxy and entitled to vote  on  such election.  Any other matter
requires the affirmative vote of a majority  of votes             cast
at  the  meeting,  except  as  otherwise  provided   in   the
Corporation's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  or  By-laws.   Only
shares affirmatively  voted  in  favor of a nominee will  be  counted
toward  the achievement  of  a plurality.  Votes withheld (including non-
broker  votes) and  abstentions  are counted as present for the purpose
of  determining  a quorum but are not counted as votes cast.

      The  cost of soliciting proxies will be borne by the Corporation
and the  Bank.   In  addition to solicitations by mail, some of the
directors, officers, and regular employees of the Corporation and the
Bank may conduct additional  solicitations  by  telephone  and  personal
contacts   without remuneration.   American Stock Transfer & Trust
Company, the  Corporation's transfer agent, will aid the Corporation in
the solicitation of proxies and proxy  vote  tabulations.   Nominees,
brokerage  houses,  custodians      and
fiduciaries will be requested to forward soliciting material to
beneficial owners  of  stock  held of record and the Corporation will
reimburse  such persons for their reasonable expenses.


      It is proposed that at the Annual Meeting action will be taken on
the matters  set  forth  in  the  accompanying Notice  of  Annual
Meeting  and described  in  this Proxy Statement.  Proxies returned by
Shareholders  and not  revoked will be voted for the election of the
nominees for  directors, for the proposal to amend the Corporation's
Certificate of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized shares
of common stock and to reduce  the par  value  of  such stock and for the
proposal to adopt the Chemung  Canal Trust  Company  Deferred  Directors
Fee Plan unless  Shareholders  instruct otherwise  on the Proxy.  A
Shareholder granting a proxy has the  right  to revoke it by filing with
the Secretary of the Corporation prior to the time such
proxy  is  voted  a  duly executed proxy bearing  a  later  date,  by
attending  the  Annual  Meeting  and voting  in  person,  or  by
otherwise notifying the Secretary of the Corporation in writing of such
Shareholder's intention to revoke such proxy prior to the time such proxy
is voted.             The
Board of Directors does not know of any other business to be brought
before the Annual Meeting, but it is intended that, as to any such other
business, a vote may be cast pursuant to the Proxy in accordance with the
judgment of the person or persons acting thereunder.  Should any nominee
for the office of  director become unable to accept nomination or
election, which  is  not anticipated,  it is intended that the persons
acting under the  Proxy  will vote for the election in the stead of such
nominee of such other person  as the Board of Directors may recommend.


Nominees For Election as Directors

      Those  persons serving as directors of the Corporation and the
Bank, being the same individuals, normally serve three-year terms of
office, with approximately one-third of the total number of each such
Board of Directors to  be  elected at each Annual Meeting of each such
entity.  The number  of directors to be elected at the 1998 Annual
Meeting of Shareholders is seven (7)  for  three-year  terms, each to
serve for such term  and  until  their respective successors are elected
and qualified.
     The following table sets forth information concerning the nominees
for election as directors and each director continuing in office:

                       Length of         Principal Occupation During
    Name and Age        Service                 Past 5 Years
                      As Director
John W. Bennett        Since 1988   Chairman   of   the  Board   of
Age 64                              Corporation   and   Bank;
                                    President    and   Chief
                                    Executive Officer of the
                                    Corporation and  Bank; also a
                                    director of Hardinge Inc.

Robert H. Dalrymple    Since 1995   Secretary   of   Dalrymple
Age 47                              Corporation,  a  parent  company
                                    several construction companies.


Frederick Q. Falck     Since 1997   President  of  L.M. Trading
Age 49                              an       agricultural
                                    corporation; Vice President of
                                    Arnot Realty  Corporation; Chairman
                                    of  The Rathbone  Corporation;
                                    President  of the  US Foundation of
                                    the Universidad del  Valle  de
                                    Guatemala  and  board member  since
                                    1986; Treasurer of  the Escuela
                                    Agricula   Panamerica,   an
                                    agricultural college in Honduras
                                    and Board member since 1990.
Ralph H. Meyer         Since 1985   President    and   Chief
Age 58                              Officer    of    Guthrie
                                    System,   a   vertically
                                    integrated health care delivery
Samuel J. Semel        Since 1993   President   of  Chemung
Age 71                              Inc.,   an  electronic  and
                                    consulting firm.

Richard W. Swan        Since 1985   President  of Swan & Sons-Morss
Age 49                              Inc., an insurance brokerage

William A. Tryon       Since 1987   Chairman  of  the  Board  and
Age 67                              Executive    Officer    of
                                    Products, Inc., an automotive,
                                    truck and     other    industrial
                                    parts manufacturer; President  of
                                    Perry  & Carroll,     Inc.,    an
                                    insurance brokerage    agency;
                                    formerly    a director  of  the
                                    Bank from  1964  to 1976.
Robert E. Agan         Since 1986   Chairman   of   the   Board,
Age 59                              Executive  Officer and  President
                                    Hardinge  Inc., a world-wide
                                    machine tool manufacturer.
Donald L. Brooks,      Since 1985   Retired physician.
Age 69

Stephen M.             Since 1995   President   of   Applied
Lounsberry III                      Manufacturing Corporation since
Age 44                              17,  1996, a manufacturer of
                                    lubrication     systems;
                                    formerly President   of   Moore
                                    &    Steele Corporation.
Thomas K. Meier        Since 1988   President of Elmira College.
Age 57

Charles M.             Since 1985   President   of  Streeter
Streeter, Jr.                       Inc., a general building
Age 58
Nelson Mooers van      Since 1985   Chairman   of   the   Board,
den Blink                           Executive  Officer and  Treasurer
Age 63                              The  Hilliard Corporation,  a
                                    control equipment, oil reclaimer
                                    and filter manufacturer.
David J. Dalrymple     Since 1993   President   of   Dalrymple
Age 44                              Corporation,   parent   company
                                    several construction companies.
Richard H. Evans       Since 1985   Retired   since  January   1,
Age 67                              formerly  Chairman  of  the  Board
                                    Chief  Executive Officer of Chas.
                                    F. Evans   Co.,  Inc.,  specialists
                                    in commercial roofing.
Edward B. Hoffman      Since 1993   Partner  with Sayles, Evans,
Age 66                              Palmer & Tifft law firm.

John F. Potter         Since 1991   President    of    Seneca
Age 52                              Corporation, a wholesale
                                    of beer, water and soda products.

William C. Ughetta     Since 1985   Senior   Vice  President  and
Age 65                              General     Counsel    of
                                    Incorporated,  a diversified
                                    manufac turing company.
Jan P. Updegraff       Since 1996   President    and   Chief
Age 55                              Officer of the Corporation and
                                    formerly    Vice    President
                                    and Treasurer  of  the  Corporation
                                    and Chief    Operating    Officer
                                    and Executive  Vice  President   of
                                    the Bank.

      The  Corporation's Certificate of Incorporation currently
authorizes the  issuance of three million (3,000,000) shares of Common
Stock,  with  a par  value  of  five dollars ($5.00) per share.  The
Board of Directors  on March  11,  1998  unanimously  adopted  a
resolution  proposing  that  the Certificate  of Incorporation be amended
to increase the authorized  number of  shares  of  Common  Stock  to  ten
million  (10,000,000),  subject  to shareholder approval of the
      The Board of Directors has also unanimously approved a change in
the par value of the Common Stock from $5.00 per share to $0.01 per
share.  The
purpose of reducing the par value is to reduce the amount of New York
State franchise  taxes  to be paid by the Corporation upon the  increase
in  the number of authorized shares.  Under applicable New York State
franchise tax law,  the  Corporation  must pay a one-time tax  of  one-
twentieth  of  one percent  on the amount of the par value of the shares
that are proposed  to be  newly  authorized.   Reducing the par value  of
the  Common  Stock  as proposed will reduce this tax by approximately
      The  reduction  in the par value per share of the Common  Stock
from $5.00  per share to $0.01 per share will not affect the
Corporation's total authorized  Common Stock.  The reduction in par value
will reduce  the  par value   of  the  Corporation's  Common  Stock
account  and  increase                                            the
accumulated paid-in capital account by the same amount.  The overall
stock equity balance will not change.
      Par  value  is an arbitrary number that has no correlation  with
the actual  value  of  a  corporation's common equity.  The recommended
change would  not  change either the aggregate market or book value of
shareholder common  equity.   The change in par value represents an
accounting  change that brings the par value of the Common Stock to a
level similar to that of many other publicly traded companies.

      Proposed  Stock  Split.  At the same time that it adopted  the
above resolutions, the Board of Directors declared a two-for-one stock
split  of the  Corporation's  Common  Stock which would  be  effected  as
a  special distribution  of  one additional share of Common Stock for
each  share  of Common  Stock outstanding (the "Stock Split").
Shareholders are not  being asked  to vote on the Stock Split, but the
Stock Split will not take  place unless  the  authorized number of shares
of Common Stock  is  increased  as described  in  this Proposal.  Without
this increase in authorized  shares, the  Corporation  would not have
enough authorized but unissued  shares  of Common Stock to accomplish the
proposed Stock Split.  Please note that none of  the share-related data
in this Proxy Statement is adjusted to take into account the proposed
Stock Split.  If the shareholders approve the increase in authorized
shares, the Stock Split will be effective for shareholders of record at
the close of business on May 29, 1998.  If the Board of Directors
maintains  its current dividend policy of $.31 per share, the dividend
per share following the proposed Stock Split would be $.155 per share.
      Current  Use  of  Shares.  As of April 1, 1998, the  Corporation
2,061,738  shares of Common Stock outstanding.  Based upon  the  number
of outstanding  shares of Common Stock, the Corporation currently has
938,262 shares remaining available for other purposes.
Proposed Amendment to Certificate of Incorporation

      The Board of Directors has adopted resolutions setting forth (i)
the proposed  amendment  to  paragraph 4 of the  Corporation's
Certificate  of Incorporation  (the "Amendment"); (ii) the advisability
of  the  Amendment; and  (iii)  a  call  for submission of the Amendment
for  approval  by  the Corporation's shareholders at the Meeting.

      The  following  is  the  text of paragraph 4 of  the  Certificate
of Incorporation of the Corporation, as proposed to be amended:

     The  aggregate number of shares which the Corporation shall  have
     the authority  to issue is:  Ten Million (10,000,000), all of which
     shall be common shares of the par value of one cent ($0.01) each.
Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Amendment

      The  Board of Directors believes that it is in the Corporation's
best interest  to  increase  the  number of shares  of  Common  Stock
that  the Corporation  is  authorized  to  issue in order  to  give  the
Corporation additional  flexibility to maintain a reasonable stock  price
with  future stock  splits  and/or  stock  dividends.  As  noted  above,
the  Board  of Directors  has  approved  a Stock Split subject  to  the
approval  of  the Amendment.

      The  Board  of  Directors  also believes  that  the  availability
of additional authorized but unissued shares will provide the Corporation
with the  flexibility to issue Common Stock for other proper corporate
purposes which may be identified in the future, such as to raise equity
capital,  to adopt  additional employee benefit plans or reserve
additional  shares  for issuance  under  such plans, and to make
acquisitions through  the  use  of stock.
Other  than  with  respect to the foregoing  Stock  Split  and  as
permitted  or required under the Corporation's employee benefit plans,
the Board  of Directors has no immediate plans, understandings,
agreements,  or commitments to issue additional Common Stock for any

      The  Board  of Directors believes that the proposed increase  in
the authorized  Common  Stock will make available sufficient  shares  for
use, taking  into account the Stock Split, should the Corporation decide
to  use its  shares  for  one  or  more of such previously  mentioned
purposes  or otherwise.   No  additional action or authorization  by  the
Corporation's shareholders  would be necessary prior to the issuance of
such  additional shares,  unless  required  by applicable law or  the
rules  of  any  stock exchange  or  national securities association
trading system on  which  the Common Stock is then listed or quoted.  The
Corporation reserves the  right to  seek a further increase in authorized
shares from time to time  in  the future as considered appropriate by the
Board of Directors.

       Under   the   Corporation's  Certificate   of   Incorporation,
Corporation's  shareholders do not have preemptive rights with  respect
to Common  Stock.   Thus,  should  the  Board  of  Directors  elect  to
issue additional shares of Common Stock, existing shareholders would not
have any preferential rights to purchase such shares.  In addition, if
the Board  of Directors elects to issue additional shares of Common
Stock, such  issuance could  have a dilutive effect on the earnings per
share, voting  power  and shareholdings of current shareholders.
      The proposed amendment to increase the authorized number of shares
of Common  Stock  could,  under certain circumstances, have  an  anti-
takeover effect,  although this is not the intention of this proposal.
For example, in  the event of a hostile attempt to take over control of
the Corporation, it may be possible for the Corporation to endeavor to
impede the attempt by issuing  shares of the Common Stock, thereby
diluting the voting  power  of the  other outstanding shares and
increasing the potential cost to  acquire control of the Corporation.
The Amendment therefore may have the effect of discouraging  unsolicited
takeover attempts.  By potentially  discouraging initiation of any such
unsolicited takeover attempt, the proposed Amendment may limit the
opportunity for the Corporation's shareholders to dispose  of their
shares at the higher price generally available in takeover  attempts or
that  may be available under a merger proposal.  The proposed amendment
may  have  the  effect of permitting the Corporation's current
management, including the current Board of Directors, to retain its
position, and place it  in  a  better position to resist changes that
shareholders may wish  to make  if  they  are  dissatisfied with the
conduct  of  the  Corporation's business.   However, the Board of
Directors is not aware of any attempt  to take  control  of  the
Corporation and the  Board  of  Directors  has  not presented  this
proposal with the intent that it be utilized as a  type  of anti-takeover
Effect of the Stock Split

      No  change in total shareholders' equity will result from  the
Stock Split.
The  aggregate amount of capital represented  by  the  outstanding
shares of Common Stock will be increased by $0.01 for each share issued
to effect the Stock Split and the Corporation's capital in excess of par
value account  will  be  reduced  by the same amount.   After  the  Stock
Split, purchases  and  sales of Common Stock by an individual shareholder
may  be subject  to  higher brokerage charges and applicable stock
transfer  taxes than  on  a  pre-split transaction of equivalent market
value, due  to  the greater  number of shares of Common Stock involved
after the  Stock  Split.
In addition, the Corporation will incur certain expenses in connection
with the  Stock  Split,  such  as  the  cost  of  preparing  and
delivering  to shareholders  new certificates representing existing and
additional  shares at the reduced par value.
      The Corporation has been advised that, based on current tax law,
the Stock  Split should not result in any gain or loss for Federal
income  tax purpose.  The tax basis of every share held before the Stock
Split will  be allocated between the two shares held as a result of the
distribution,  and the holding period of the new shares will include the
holding period of the shares  with  respect to which they were issued.
The laws of jurisdictions other than the United States may impose income
taxes on the issuance of the additional  shares  and  shareholders
subject to such  laws  are  urged  to consult their tax advisers.
      As noted above, the Stock Split is contingent on shareholder
approval of  the Proposal to Amend the Certificate of Incorporation but
shareholders are not being asked to vote on the Stock Split.
Vote Required
     The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of
common stock  entitled to vote at the annual meeting is required for
approval  of this proposal.
      The  Bank's Deferred Directors Fee Plan (the "Plan"), attached
herein as  Appendix A, enables the Bank's directors to defer all or any
portion of the  fees  ("Fees") payable on account of their service as
directors.              The
Fees  include both the annual retainer fee and fees payable on  account
of attendance at various committee meetings held throughout the year.

      Participating directors may elect to allocate their deferred Fees
to the  Memorandum Money Market Account, the Memorandum Unit Value
Account  or any  combination  of  the  two.  Deferrals to the Memorandum
Money  Market Account obtain interest equal to the Applicable Federal
Rate for short-term debt  as  published by the Internal Revenue Service.
Interest is added  to each Director's balance on a quarterly basis.

      Fees  deferred to the Memorandum Unit Value Account are expressed
in units,  the  number of which units is determined by dividing  the
Fees  so allocated  by the closing price of the Corporation's common
stock  ("Market Value") on the last trading day of each quarter.
Subsequent dividends paid by  the  Corporation increase the number of
units in each  account  by  the equivalent of the Market Value of the
Corporation's common stock as of  the dividend date.  The number of units
is also adjusted in the event of  stock dividends, stock splits or other
similar recapitalizations effected by  the Corporation.

      Fees  deferred  under  the Plan are payable  at  the  election  of
a participating director, at a specified age or time, upon the
termination of the director's services as a director.  Notwithstanding
the above, payments to  directors  must commence not later than the year
in which the  director obtains the age of 72.  Deferred Fees may be paid
in either one installment or in a number of installments, as elected by
the director.  The value of a director's  Memorandum Money Market Account
must  be  paid  in  cash.  All
amounts represented by the Memorandum Unit Value Account shall be paid
only in shares of the Corporation's common stock (except fractional
shares which shall be paid in cash).

     Deferred Fees are accounted for as a general unfunded liability of
the Bank  and  Corporation.  Participating directors have neither a
claim  nor security interest against any asset of the Bank on account of
such deferred
Fees.   The  Plan, first approved on April 13, 1977, was amended,
October  1,  1997  to  require  that  Fees  deferred  into  units  of
the Corporation's  common  stock  be paid only in shares  of  the
Corporation. Formerly,  stock units were settled in cash.  As of October
1,  1997,  the value of deferrals represented by the Memorandum Unit
Value Account may not be reallocated to the Memorandum Money Market

Vote Required

     The affirmative vote of a majority of the outstanding shares of
common stock                        entitled to vote at the Annual
Meeting is required for  approval  of
this proposal.



      The  following table sets forth information, as of January 31,
1998, with                    respect  to  any  person who is known by
the Corporation  to  be  the
beneficial  owner  of  more than five percent of the  Corporation's
Common Stock:

    Name and Address of      Number of Shares of     Percent of Shares
     Beneficial Owner               Common              Outstanding
                              Stock Beneficially
Chemung     Canal     Trust        376,2581
       One   Chemung  Canal
     Elmira, NY  14902

Chemung     Canal     Trust
Company                            227,1152                 11%
Savings and
     Investment Plan
       One   Chemung  Canal
     Elmira, NY  14902

David J. Dalrymple
       274   Upper  Coleman       308,7783, 5
     Elmira, NY  14905

Robert H. Dalrymple
     875 Upland Drive             297,6624, 5
     Elmira, NY  14905
>  Held  by  the Bank in various fiduciary capacities, either alone  or 1
  with  others.   Includes 25,613 shares held  with  sole  voting  and
     dispositive  powers, 350,645 shares held with shared power  to  vote
     and  184,717 shares held with shared dispositive power.  Shares held
     in  a  co-fiduciary  capacity by the Bank  are  voted  by  the   co
     fiduciary  or  fiduciaries in the same manner as if the co-fiduciary
     or  fiduciaries were the sole fiduciary.  Shares held by the Bank as
     sole  trustee  are  voted by the Bank only if the  trust  instrument
     provides for voting of the shares at the direction of the donor or
     a beneficiary and such direction is in fact received.
   2  Voted by the Bank as trustee as directed by the Plan participants.
  3  Includes 43,461 shares held directly, 1,904 shares held as
     for  Mr. Dalrymple's children under the New York State Uniform
     Gifts to  Minors  Act,  224,255  shares held by Dalrymple  Family
     Limited Partnership of which David J. Dalrymple and Robert H.
     Dalrymple  are sole  general  partners (see footnotes 5 and 6), and
     39,158  shares held  by  Dalrymple Holding Corporation, of which
     David J. Dalrymple and  Robert  H.  Dalrymple  are officers,
     directors  and  principal shareholders (see footnote 4).  Excludes
     1,988 shares  held  by  Mr. Dalrymple's  spouse  as  to  which
     shares  Mr.  Dalrymple  disclaims beneficial ownership.
  4  Includes 32,345 shares held directly, 1,904 shares held as
     for  Mr. Dalrymple's children under the New York State Uniform
     Gifts to  Minors  Act,  224,255  shares held by Dalrymple  Family
     Limited Partnership of which David J. Dalrymple and Robert H.
     Dalrymple  are sole  general  partners (see footnotes 5 and 6), and
     39,158  shares held  by  Dalrymple Holding Corporation (see
     footnote 3).   Excludes 1,345  shares held by Mr. Dalrymple's
     spouse as to which shares  Mr. Dalrymple disclaims beneficial
  5  Excludes  15,115 shares held by Susquehanna Supply Company of
     David  J.  Dalrymple and Robert H. Dalrymple each own 23.1%  of
     the outstanding common stock.
  6  Because of the definition of "beneficial ownership" under Section
     of  The  Exchange  Act,  and the rules and  regulations
     promulgated thereunder, David and Robert Dalrymple are each listed
     as beneficial owners  of  263,413  of  the  same shares.   Without
     such  multiple counting,  David  and Robert Dalrymples' total
     aggregate  beneficial ownership is 16.6% of the outstanding shares
     of Common Stock of  the Corporation  and  if deemed to be a member
     of a "group"  within  the meaning of Section 13(d)(3) of The
     Exchange Act, such group would be deemed  to hold said percentage
     of the outstanding shares of  Common
Stock  of the Corporation.  Nothing described herein shall infer  or be
deemed an admission by such person that such a group exists.


      As  of  January 31, 1998, each director or nominee and each
Executive Officer  named in the Summary Compensation Table herein,
individually,  and all                                        directors,
nominees and Executive Officers as  a  group  beneficially
owned  Common  Stock  as reported to the Corporation as  of  said  date
as follows  (unless otherwise indicated, each of the persons  named  has
sole voting and investment power with respect to the shares listed):

  Directors, Nominees and     Amount and Nature          Percent of
    Executive Officers          of Beneficial        Shares Outstanding*
Robert E. Agan                        5,789A                  *

John W. Bennett                       9,344B                  *

Donald L. Brooks, Jr.                 6,895A                  *

David J. Dalrymple                  308,778C


Robert H. Dalrymple                 297,662C


Richard H. Evans                      9,352                   *

Frederick Q. Falck                    63,391A, D


Edward B. Hoffman                     4,023A                  *

Stephen M. Lounsberry III             5,873A                  *

Thomas K. Meier                      2,000                    *

Ralph H. Meyer                        6,466A                  *

John F. Potter                       13,004A, E               *

Samuel J. Semel                       6,143A                  *

Charles M. Streeter, Jr.            11,659A, F                *

Richard W. Swan                     19,193G                   *

William A. Tryon                     9,332                    *

William C. Ughetta                  12,924A                   *

Jan P. Updegraff                     4,055B                   *

Nelson   Mooers   van   den          1,637                    * Blink
All   Directors,   Nominees        539,683H                26.18% and
Executive Officers  as
a group (25 persons)
  *  Unless otherwise noted, less than 1% per individual.

  A  Includes shares that Messrs. Agan (5,339), Brooks (645), Falck
     (220), Hoffman,  (2,272), Lounsberry (1,379), Meyer (3,871), Potter
     (3,941), Semel (1,511), Streeter (1,446), and Ughetta (2,924) have
     credited to their  accounts  the  equivalent of that number of
     shares  shown  in parenthesis following their names of Common Stock
     in valuation  entry form  under  the Bank's Deferred Directors Fee
     Plan.   Such  deferred fees  will be paid solely in shares of the
     Corporation's Common Stock pursuant  to  the  terms of the Plan and
     the  election  of  the  Plan participants.  Said share
     equivalencies have no voting  rights  until shares  are actually
     issued to said directors under the terms of  the Plan.
  B  Includes  all  vested shares of Common Stock of the Corporation
     held for  the benefit of each Executive Officer by the Bank as
     trustee  of the  Bank's  Profit-Sharing, Savings and  Investment
     Plan,  who  may instruct  the  trustee  as  to the voting  of  such
     shares.   If  no instructions are received, the trustee votes the
     shares in  the  same proportion as it votes all of the shares for
     which instructions  were received from all Plan participants.  The
     power to dispose of  shares is  held  by  Plan  participants
     subject  to  certain  restrictions. Messrs.  Bennett and Updegraff
     have a vested interest  in  8,199  and 3,905  such  shares  held
     by  the  Plan,  respectively.   Under  the provisions  of  the
     Plan, the trustee holds for the  benefit  of  all employees  who
     participate  in  the  Plan  227,115  shares  of          the
     Corporation's Common Stock.
  C  See  Footnotes 3 - 6 of the SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN
     BENEFICIAL OWNERS table for further explanation of shares
     beneficially owned.
  D  Includes  shares held in various trusts of which Mr. Falck is  a
     co trustee or income beneficiary.  Excludes 74,280 shares owned  by
     The Rathbone  Corporation of which Mr. Falck is an officer,
     director  and co-trustee  of  various  trusts  which  are
     shareholders   of   said corporation.
  E  Includes 6,042 shares owned by Seneca Beverage Corporation, of
     which corporation  Mr.  Potter is an officer, director  and  the
     principal shareholder.
  F  Includes  5,418 shares owned by Streeter Associates, Inc.,  of
     which corporation  Mr. Streeter is an officer, director and  the
     principal shareholder.
  G  Includes 5,850 shares owned by Swan & Sons-Morss Co., Inc., of
     which corporation Mr. Swan is an officer, director and one of the
     principal shareholders  and  210 shares held by Mr. Swan as
     custodian  for  his minor  children.   Does not include 2,158 shares
     held  by  others  as trustees  for a trust of which Mr. Swan is an
     income beneficiary,  as to which shares Mr. Swan disclaims
     beneficial ownership.
  H  Does  not  include 14,916 shares owned by spouses of certain

     officers and directors as to which shares such officers and

     directors disclaim beneficial  ownership  and does not include

     263,413  shares  included under  each  of  David  J.  Dalrymple and

     Robert  H.  Dalrymple  (see footnote 6 under SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF



Directors' Personnel Committee Report on Executive Compensation

      Under  the  supervision of the Personnel Committee of  the  Board
of Directors  composed entirely of outside directors, the Bank  has
developed and     implemented  compensation  policies  which  seek   to
enhance    the
profitability  of the Bank and the Corporation and thus, Shareholder
value while       at  the same time providing fair and competitive
compensation  which
will   attract   and   retain  well-qualified   executives.    Based
recommendations of the Personnel Committee, the Board of Directors sets
the annual  compensation of the Chief Executive Officer.   The  Committee
also reviews  and  recommends to the Board of Directors  compensation  of
other senior management as first recommended by the Chief Executive
Officer based upon performance and other relevant factors.  Aside from
the fringe benefit programs in which all Bank employees participate,
compensation of all  Bank officers  and  exempt  non-officers consists of
an  annual  salary  and  a management  incentive bonus.  The management
incentive bonus is subject  to the  terms and conditions of the
Management Incentive Plan adopted  by  the Board                  of
Directors,  which  provides  for  the  payment  of  bonuses       to
participants in accordance with an allocation formula based in part on
the Corporation's attainment of specific operating objectives and in part
on  a subjective    review                                     of   the
participant's   individual
Additionally,  those  officers  who  play  a  major  role  in  setting
and implementing  long-term strategies, currently being  the  Chairman
of  the Board     and  the Chief Executive Officer, may receive a long-
term  incentive
award.  Payment of the long-term incentive award will be deferred for
three years       following  the  accrual year and may  be  further
deferred  at  the
election  of  the  participant.  The incentive bonus  may  or  may  not
be deferred  at  the  officer's  election.   For  1997,  Messrs.  Bennett
and Updegraff  received incentive bonuses of $40,000 and $20,000,
respectively. No  long-term awards were issued.  Senior Officer
participants as a  group, including  Messrs. Bennett and Updegraff,
received incentive  bonus  awards totaling $287,140 for 1997.

     In evaluating the performance and recommending the compensation of
the Chief      Executive  Officer and the compensation guidelines  for
the  Bank's
other  senior  management,  the  Committee has  taken  particular  note
management's ability during 1997 in achieving certain profit,  growth,
and operational objectives which were established by the Board of
Directors  in
the  Bank  Plan  at  the beginning of 1997 and compared  the
Corporation's financial results against the results reported by similar
banks in New York and Pennsylvania.  The financial and operational
measurements considered by the Board were:  net profit, return on assets,
return on equity, new market penetration,  new  product development, cost
control,  asset  growth,  non interest income, asset quality and asset
liability management.  There is no specific  weight  given to any of
these factors and  there  is  no  formula whereby  a  certain
performance will result  in  a  certain  salary.   The Committee
considers total performance and the total financial and operating
conditions of the Bank in making its compensation recommendations.
     Also, in considering the compensation of the Chairman of the Board
and Chief   Executive  Officer,  the  Committee  periodically  reviews
reports prepared by various organizations which provide comparative
information  on Executive compensation for a nationwide peer group of
independent banks and bank holding companies having similar asset size.
From this review it  was determined  that the performance of the Bank was
within the range  reported by  its peers and that the compensation paid
by the Bank was appropriate in comparison to the peer group.
      In  its  review  of  management  performance  and  compensation,
the committee has also taken into account management's consistent
commitment to the  long-term  success  of the Corporation and Bank.   The
committee  has recognized  that profitability in any one year is
considerably impacted  by the  general  economic conditions nationally
and in its market areas,  over which  management  has  little or no
control, and the  Committee's  policy, therefore,  is  to not over-
emphasize, either positively or  negatively,  a single  year's results at
the expense of significant, sustained,  long-term earnings growth.
      Based  on their evaluation, the Committee believes that the

executive management  of  the  Corporation  is  dedicated  to  achieving

significant improvements  in long-term financial performance and that the

compensation policies, plans and programs the Committee has implemented

and administered have contributed to achieving this management focus.

[S]                           [S]                 [S]
Thomas K. Meier, Chairman     Richard H. Evans         William A. Tryon
Donald L. Brooks, Jr.         Ralph H. Meyer           William C. Ughetta
David J. Dalrymple             Richard W. Swan

Executive Officers

      During 1997, the names and positions of the executive officers of
the Corporation and the Bank, all serving one-year terms, were as

        Name            Age             Position (served since)
John W. Bennett         64    Chairman  of  the Board and Chief
                              Officer  of  the Corporation  and  the
                              Bank (1996);   formerly   President   and
                              Chief Executive  Officer  of the
                              Corporation  and the     Bank   (1991);
                              and   prior   thereto
                              President  and  Chief Operating  Officer
                              of the Corporation and the Bank (1988).
Jan P. Updegraff        55    President  and  Chief Operating  Officer
                              the   Corporation  and  the   Bank
                              formerly  Vice  President and  Treasurer
                              of the     Corporation   and   Executive
                              President of the Bank (1990).

Daniel F. Agan1         64    Vice  President  of  the Corporation
                              and   Senior  Vice  President  of  the

Robert J. Hodgson       52    Secretary  and  Corporate  Counsel  of
                              Corporation  and  the Bank (1997);
                              formerly Vice  President  of the
                              Corporation  (1990); and Senior  Vice
                              President  of  the  Bank

James E. Corey III      51    Vice  President  of  the Corporation
                              and   Senior  Vice  President  of  the

Joseph J. Tascone       50    Vice   President  of  the  Corporation
                              Senior  Vice  President of the Bank
                              (1995); and  prior  thereto Vice  President
                              of  the Bank (1987).
Jerome F. Denton        46    Vice  President  of the Corporation
                              formerly  Secretary (1986); and Senior
                              Vice President of the Bank (1996).
   1  Mr. Daniel F. Agan is a brother of Board member, Robert E. Agan.

Executive Compensation

      The  following information indicates compensation paid or accrued
by the  Bank  during 1997 for services rendered by each of the Chief
Executive Officer and the highest-paid executive officers of the
Corporation and  the Bank whose total compensation exceeded $100,000.

      At  present,  the  officers  of the Corporation  are  not
separately compensated for services rendered by them to the Corporation.
It  presently
is   contemplated  that  such  will  continue  to  be  the  policy  of

                       Summary Compensation Table
                              Annual Compensation
 Name and Principal                                        All Other
   Position Held      Year  Salary($)     Bonus($)1   Compensation($)2
John W. Bennett       1997   209,308       40,000            9,218
Chairman of the
Board and             1996   200,308       25,000            8,541
Chief Executive
Officer of            1995   194,000       18,000            8,418
the Corporation and
the Bank

Jan P. Updegraff      1997   128,846       20,000            8,463
President and Chief                                             Operating
Officer of  1996   114,039       15,000            7,342 the Corporation
and                                             Bank
95,385        15,000            6,660

  >  Includes amounts allocated for the year indicated,
       1  whether paid or deferred, to such person under the Bank-
     Wide and Management Incentive Bonus Plans.
  2  Includes amounts allocated for the year indicated to
     such person under the Bank's Profit-Sharing, Savings
     and Investment Plan.

Pension Plan

      The  Bank maintains a non-contributory, defined benefit Pension
Plan trusteed  and administered by the Bank.  The Plan covers all
employees  who have  attained age 20 with one or more years of service
and who  have   one thousand hours of service during the plan year.
Under the Plan, the annual benefit  payable to qualifying employees upon
their retirement is based  on the  average of their five highest paid
consecutive years out  of the  last ten calendar years of employment.
Normal retirement age under the Plan  is 65.  The  Plan  also  provides
for  reduced  benefit  payments  for  early retirement following age 55.
Compensation under the Plan is limited to all of  an  employee's salary,
wages, or other regular payments from the  Bank, excluding bonuses,
commissions, overtime pay, or other unusual payments.
      The Pension Plan provides an annual benefit of 1.2% for each year
credited service to a maximum of 25 years and for each additional year to
a maximum of 10 years, 1% times the above average compensation, plus for
each year  of  credited  service to a maximum of 35 years,  .65%  of  the
above average  compensation to the extent it exceeds the average of  the
taxable wage  base in effect under Section 230 of the Social Security Act
for  each year  in the 35 - year period ending with the year in which the
participant attains  social  security retirement age (which  base  was
$29,304  for  a participant attaining age 65 in 1997).
      The Bank made contributions to the Pension Plan totaling $262,200
for 1995.                     Due to a full funding limitation, the Bank
made no contribution  to
the Pension Plan for the years 1996 and 1997.
      Additionally, effective January 1, 1994, the Bank established a
qualified Executive Supplemental Pension Plan designed to provide a
benefit which, when added to other retirement income, will ensure the
payment of  a competitive  level  of retirement income in order to
attract,  retain  and motivate  selected executives of the Bank.  From
time to time the Board  of Directors  may  select executives as
participants in the plan.   Currently, Mr. Bennett is the only plan
     This Plan provides an annual benefit equal to the amount, if any,
that the  benefit  which  would have been paid under the  terms  of  the
Bank's Pension  Plan,  computed  as  if  the basic Pension  Plan  benefit
formula administered and payable without regard to the special benefit
limitations required  to  comply  with Sections 415,  401(a)(17)  and
other  governing sections of the Internal Revenue Code, exceeds the
benefit which is payable to  the participant under the terms of the
Pension Plan on the date of  the participant's termination.
      The  following  table sets forth the estimated annual benefits
under both plans, based upon a straight-life annuity form of pension,
payable  on retirement  at  age 65 by a participating employee, assuming
final  average earnings  as  shown.  Employees become fully vested
following  5  years  of service.

Average Annual Earnings    Annual Benefits upon Retirement with Years of
                                        Service Indicated
                              20               30               351
      $100,000              33,190           48,786           56,083

      $120,000              40,590           59,686           68,633

      $150,000              51,690           76,036           87,458

      $190,000              66,490           97,836


      $200,000              70,190           103,286


1  Maximum number of years allowed under the terms of the Pension

      The  previously-noted executive officers of the Corporation  and
the Bank had the following credited full years of service under the Plan,
as of December 31, 1997:  John W. Bennett (42) and Jan P. Updegraff (27).

Employment Contracts

      The Bank has employment contracts with twenty of its senior
officers, all  vice  president level and above.  The contracts provide
that  in  the event  of  termination of any of these officers' employment
without  cause, the  officer shall continue to receive his or her salary
at the level  then existing  and  the  customary fringe benefits  which
he  or  she  is  then receiving for a period ending December 31, 1999,
except for Messrs.  Corey, Denton, Tascone and Updegraff whose guaranteed
terms end December 31, 2000, Mr.  Bennett  whose guaranteed term ends
July 1, 1998 and  Mr.  Agan  whose guaranteed  term  ends March 1, 1999.
The contracts further  provide  that they may be extended by the Board of
Directors on a year-to-year basis  and also may be terminated for cause
upon thirty days' notice.

Other Compensation Agreements

      The Bank maintains several contributory and non-contributory
medical, life  and  disability plans covering all officers and full-time
The  Bank does not maintain any stock option, stock appreciation rights
stock purchase or award plans for officers or directors.

Comparative Return Performance Graph

     Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Returns For Fiscal Years
   Ending December 31, 1993 - 1997 Among Chemung Financial Corporation,
CRSP Total Returns Index for NASDAQ Stock Market (US Companies) and NASDAQ
                            Bank Stocks Index

                           1992   1993    1994     1995      1996    1997
Chemung Financial          100.0 129.23  150.23   168.15    213.21  272.3
Corporation                  0                                        8
CRSP NASDAQ Composite      100.0 114.80  112.20   158.70    195.20  239.5
NASDAQ - Bank Stocks       100.0 114.00  113.60   169.20    223.40  377.4

      The  cumulative  total return includes (i) dividends  paid  and
(ii) changes  in the share price of the Corporation's Common  Stock and
assumes that                 all  dividends were reinvested.  The above
graph  assumes  that  the
value of the investment in Chemung Financial Corporation and each index
was $100 on December 31, 1992.
   The CRSP Total Returns Index for NASDAQ Stock Market (US Companies)
and Bank Stocks indices were obtained from the Center for Research in
Security Prices (CRSP), University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.

Compensation of Directors and Committee Meetings

    The Board of Directors of the Corporation held eight (8) regularly
scheduled meetings during the year ended December 31, 1997.  The
Corporation has no standing committees.

     The Board of Directors of the Bank held twelve (12) regularly
scheduled meetings and one special meeting during the year ended December
31, 1997. Among its standing committees, the Board of Directors of the
Bank has an Examining Committee and a Personnel Committee.

  The Examining Committee makes an annual examination of the Bank as a
whole, reviews the Bank's internal audit and loan review procedures and
recommends to the Board of Directors the engagement and dismissal of
independent auditors.  During 1997 this Committee held  three (3)
meetings. On December 31, 1997, its members were Mrs. van den Blink
(Chairperson) and Messrs. Agan, Brooks, R. Dalrymple, Falck,  Lounsberry,
Potter, Semel and Streeter.

     The Personnel Committee is responsible for the nomination of
officers, recommendation of Executive Officer compensation plans, and
establishment of guidelines for setting all other officers' salaries.
Additional responsibilities include the review and approval of employee
benefit programs and employee relation policies and procedures.  The
Committee held six (6) meetings in 1997 and on December 31, 1997, its
members were Messrs. Meier (Chairperson), Brooks, D. Dalrymple, Evans,
Meyer, Swan, Tryon and Ughetta.

     During the year ended December 31, 1997, each director of the
Corporation and the Bank attended at least 75% of the aggregate of the
number of Board Meetings held and the number of meetings held by all
committees of which such director was a member, with the exception of Dr.
Donald L. Brooks, Jr. who attended 67% of such meetings.

   Each director of the Bank who is not an officer or employee of the
Bank receives an annual retainer of $5,000 and a fee of $300 for each
meeting of the Board of Directors attended.  Those directors who are
members of one or more committees of the Board of Directors also receive a
fee of $300 for each meeting of each committee attended, with the
exception of the Chairperson of each committee who receives $350.  The
aggregate amount of directors' retainers and fees paid or deferred under
the Deferred Directors Fee Plan during 1997 was $246,800.
      Directors who are not officers or employees of the Corporation
receive a fee of $300 for attendance at meetings of the Board of the
Corporation which are held on days when there is no meeting of the Board
of Directors of the Bank.  There were no such meetings held during 1997.
Otherwise, directors of the Corporation are not compensated for services
rendered by them to the Corporation and no change is presently
in this policy.

Certain Transactions

  Some of the Bank's directors and officers, and entities of which they
are associated, are customers of the Bank in the ordinary course of
business, or are indebted to the Bank in respect to loans of $60,000 or
more, and it is anticipated that some of these directors, officers and
entities will continue to be customers of and indebted to the Bank on
similar terms in the future.  All loans to these individuals and entities
are made in the ordinary course of business, involve no more than a normal
risk of collectibility and were made on substantially the same terms,
including interest rates and collateral, as those prevailing at the same
time for comparable transactions with unaffiliated persons.

     The Bank has purchased insurance from a CNA Company, American
Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania, providing for reimbursement of
directors and officers of the Corporation and the Bank for their costs and
expenses for claims based on "wrongful acts" in connection with their
duties as directors or officers, including actions as fiduciaries of the
Bank's Pension and Profit-Sharing Plans under the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974.  The insurance coverage, which expires in
February 1998, costs $18,900 on an annual basis, and has been paid by the

     The Bank retained Sayles, Evans, Brayton, Palmer & Tifft, a law firm
of which Mr. Hoffman is a partner, for legal services during the last two
years and expects to retain Sayles, Evans, Brayton, Palmer & Tifft for
legal services during the current year.


     The accounting firm of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, 113 South Salina
Street, Syracuse, New York 13202 has acted as the Bank's and the
Corporation's independent auditors and accountants since 1990 and will so
act in 1998. Representatives of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP will be present at
the Annual Meeting of Shareholders with the opportunity to make a
statement.  The representatives will respond to appropriate questions.


     Management knows of no business which will be presented for
consideration, other than the matters described in the Notice of Annual
Meeting.  If other matters are properly presented, the persons designated
as proxies intend to vote thereon in accordance with their best judgment.


    Qualified Shareholders desiring to present a proposal at the 1999
Annual Meeting of Shareholders, including a notice of intent to make a
nomination at said Meeting, must submit such proposal to the Corporation
on or before December 3, 1998.  Such proposals must comply in all respects
with the rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the
Corporation's directors, certain executive officers, and more than ten
percent owners of a registered class of the Corporation's equity
securities, to file with the Securities and Exchange Commission initial
reports of ownership and changes in beneficial ownership.  Directors,
executive officers, and  greater than ten percent shareholders are
by SEC regulation to furnish the Corporation with copies of all Section
16(a) forms they file.
     To the Corporation's knowledge, based on review of the copies of
such reports furnished to the Corporation and written representations
that no other reports were required for the year ended December 31,
1997, all Section 16(a) filing requirements applicable to its executive
officers, directors and any ten percent shareholder were met.

     Financial statements for the Corporation and its consolidated
subsidiaries are included in Chemung Financial Corporation's Annual
Report to stockholders for the year 1997 which was mailed to the
stockholders beginning April 2, 1998.


                                         BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS
                                                          Robert J. Hodgson
Date:     April 2, 1998
          One Chemung Canal Plaza
          Elmira, New York 14902

                          PROPOSAL TO ADOPT THE
                        FEE PLAN CHEMUNG CANAL TRUST COMPANY Deferred
                        Directors Fee Plan
      Any  Director may elect from time to time that payment of all or
any part  of  the  annual retainer thereafter payable to him or  her  and
that payment of all or any part of the fees thereafter earned by him or
her  for attendance  at  subsequent meetings of the full Board of
Directors  and  at subsequent  meetings of committees of the Board of
Directors  (such  annual retainer and fees for attendance being
hereinafter collectively referred to as "fees") be deferred on the
following terms and conditions:
      1)  ELECTION  -- All elections must be in writing and signed  by
the Director  and  must designate the time and manner of payment  of  all
deferred pursuant thereto.
      Provided  such amendment is made before the year in which payment
of deferred  fees would have commenced under the Director's existing
election, an  election as to the time and manner of payment of deferred
fees  may  be amended  to  further defer the commencement of payment  or
to  extend  the period  of  payment  but no amendment may accelerate  the
commencement  of payment or shorten the period of payment.
     2) PERIOD OF ELECTIONS -- Each election shall continue in effect as
to all fees thereafter earned as above provided by the electing Director
until revoked by written instrument signed by such Director.
     3) SUCCESSIVE ELECTIONS -- A Director who revokes an election may
make a new election at any time thereafter as to fees to be so earned
after such new  election  but  the prior revoked election shall govern
the  time  and manner  of  payment  of  all  fees deferred  pursuant
thereto,  except  as otherwise specifically allowed hereunder.
      4)  ACCOUNTING FOR DEFERRED FEES -- Deferred fees shall be a
general unfunded  liability  of  Chemung  Canal Trust  Company  ("the
Bank").      No
separate  fund shall be set aside or earmarked for their payment.
Neither shall  any Director have a right or security interest in any
asset  of  the Bank  and  no  trust  or security interest shall be
implied  as  a  result thereof.   A Director may designate, in increments
of 10%, the compensation to  be  deferred, or compensation already
deferred, to be  allocated  to  a Memorandum  Money  Market  or  a
Memorandum  Unit  Value  Account,  or   a combination of such accounts,
provided, however, that effective October  1, 1997,  amounts allocated to
the Memorandum Unit Value Account as of October 1,
1997  or  thereafter  and  earnings  thereon  may  not  thereafter  be
transferred  to  the Memorandum Money Market Account.  Any change  in
such designation  may  be made no later than the last day of each  March,
June, September  and December during the deferral period to be effective
on  the date  next  following such notification that compensation would
have  been paid in accordance with the Bank's normal practice but for the
election  to defer.

                     a)     Memorandum Money Market Account -- A memorandum
         account shall  be  kept  of  the deferred fees by each Director  with
         the balance in  said memorandum account to be credited with  interest
         compounded quarterly  on  the average balance  during  each  such
         calendar  quarter at a rate during each calendar quarter equal  to
         the  Applicable  Federal Rate for short-term debt  instruments  as
         computed  and  published by the Internal Revenue Service  for  the
         month  immediately preceding the calendar quarter  for  which
         the interest computation is being made.
             b)     Memorandum Unit Value Account -- The amount, if any,
         in or  allocated to the Director's deferred compensation  Unit
         Value Account  on  the  dates  compensation  would  have  been
         paid  in accordance  with the Bank's normal practice but for
         the  election to  defer,  shall be expressed in units on a
         quarterly basis,  the number of which shall be calculated as of
         the last trading day  of each  quarter  and  shall be equal to
         the  sum  of  the  quarterly retainer  plus  the  Director's
         allocated  fees  other  than  the Director's  quarterly retainer
         received by the  Director  in  such quarter divided by the
         closing bid price for shares of the  Bank's Common  Stock
         (hereinafter referred to as "Market Value") on  such date.  On
         each date that the Bank pays a regular cash dividend  on shares
         of  its  Common Stock outstanding, the Director's  account shall
         be  credited with a number of units equal to the amount  of such
         dividend per share multiplied by the number of units in  the
         Director's  account on such date divided by the  Market  Value
         on such  dividend  date.  The value of the units  in  the
         Director's Unit  Value  Account  on  any given date shall  be
         determined  by reference  to the Market Value on such date.  For
         the purposes  of this  Plan,  the  term "Bank Common Stock"
         shall mean  the  common
         stock  of  Chemung  Financial Corporation, the parent  company
         of Chemung Canal Trust Company.  If a valuation date shall not
         be  a trading  day,  the Market Value on such valuation  date
         shall  be deemed  to  be the Market Value on the trading day
         next  preceding such date.
              c)      Recapitalization  --  The  number  of  units  in
         Director's  Unit  Value  Account shall be proportionally
         adjusted for  any  increase or decrease in the number of issued
         shares  of Common  Stock  of  the  Bank  resulting  from  a
         subdivision                                              or
         consolidation  of  shares  or  other capital  adjustment,  or
         payment of a stock dividend or other increase or decrease in
         such shares, effected without receipt of consideration by the
         Bank,  or any  distribution or spin-off of assets (other than
         cash  to  the
         stockholders of the Bank).

      5)  TIME  OF  PAYMENT  -- At the election of  an  electing
Director, deferred  fees shall be paid to him or her, or payment thereof
to       him  or
her, shall commence either:
            a)     at a specified age, or
            b)     at a specified time, or
               c)        at    the    termination    of    his    or
         services as a Director;

provided,  however, that payment must be made or commenced not  later
than the  year  in which the Director attains the age of 72 years, and
provided further  that  except in the case of death, retirement  or
disability,  no payment  from  a Unit Value Account shall be made until
at  least  six  (6) months after the last credit of units to the Account.

      6)  MANNER  OF  PAYMENT  --  A Director  may  elect  to  receive
the compensation  deferred under the Plan in either (a) a lump sum,  or
(b)  a number  of annual installments as specified by the Director on the
election form.   All  amounts  distributed  to  a  Director,  his  or
her  personal representatives  or  beneficiaries in the Director's Money
Market    Account
shall  be paid in cash and, effective October 1, 1997, all amounts  in
Director's  Unit Value Account shall be paid in the form of shares  of
Bank's Common Stock.

      7)  DEATH -- At the death of an electing Director, the entire
balance of  his  or her account shall be paid in a lump sum to his or her
personal representatives  or,  if  the Director has named  a  beneficiary
and  such beneficiary survives the Director, in a lump sum or in
installments of  not more  than  10  years  as  the  Board  of  Directors
may  determine  after consultation with the beneficiary.

      8)  TOTAL AND PERMANENT DISABILITY -- Upon the request of an
electing Director,  together  with  satisfactory proof  of  his  or  her
total  and permanent disability, the Board of Directors may direct the
payment of  the entire balance of his or her account to the Director or
the commencement of installment payments to him or her.
      9)  TRANSFER, PLEDGE OR SEIZURE -- Title to deferred fees  shall
not vest  in  a  Director until actual payment thereof is made by the
Bank  in accordance with the provisions of this Plan.  A Director may not
transfer, assign,  pledge,  hypothecate or encumber in any way any
interest  in  such deferred  fees prior to the actual receipt thereof.
If a Director attempts to  transfer, assign or encumber any interest in
his or her deferred  fees, or any part thereof, prior to the payment or
distribution thereof to him or her, or if any transfer or seizure of such
deferred fees is attempted to be made or brought about through the
operation of any bankruptcy or insolvency law or other legal procedure,
the rights of the Director taking such action or   concerned  therein  or
affected  thereby  or  who  would,  but                           for
this  provision, be entitled to receive such deferred fees, shall
forthwith and  ipso  facto  terminate and the Bank may thereafter,  in
its  absolute discretion  at  such time or times and in such manner as it
deems  proper, cause the whole or any part of the balance of the
Director's account to  be paid  to  any  person  or persons, including
any spouse  or  child  of  the Director, as the Bank in its uncontrolled
discretion shall deem advisable.
      10)  AMENDMENT OR REPEAL -- This Plan may be amended or  repealed
whole  or in part at any time by the Bank, but no such amendment or
repeal shall alter the time or manner of the payment of fees, the payment
of which has  theretofore been deferred pursuant hereto, except as
expressly allowed herein.

                               APPENDIX B

The comparative Return Performance Graph set forth under the heading
"Comparison of Five-Year Cumulative Total Return for Fiscal Years Ending
December 31, 1992 - 1997 Among Chemung Financial Corporation, NASDAQ
Composite Index and NASDAQ - Bank Stock Index", as required by Item
402(1) of Regulation S-K has been omitted pursuant to Rule 304(d) of
Regulation ST but will be filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission in paper form pursuant to Rule 311(b) of Regulation S-T.

                               PROXY FORM
               ANNUAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS - MAY 13, 1998
John R. Battersby, Darwin C. Farber, and John B. Hintz, each with power
of substitution and with all powers and discretion the undersigned would
have if personally present, are hereby appointed the Proxy Agents to
represent the undersigned at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of
Chemung Financial Corporation to be held on May 13, 1998 (including any
adjournments or postponements thereof) and to vote all shares of Common
Stock of Chemung Financial Corporation which the undersigned is entitled
to vote on all matters that properly come before the meeting and any
adjournment thereof, subject to any directions indicated.


                          NOMINEES FOR WITHHELD
1. Election of Directors.          3-year term:        John W. Bennett
                                                  Robert H. Dalrymple
                                                  Frederick Q. Falck
                                                  Ralph H. Meyer Samuel
                                                  J. Semel Richard W.
                                                  Swan William A. Tryon
2.  Approval to increase the number of authorized shares of common stock
    reduce the par value of such stock.

(To be signed on Reverse Side)

3.   Approval of the Chemung Canal Trust Company Deferred Directors
Fee Plan.

                                        I/We will attend the Meeting
                                        Number in group

NOTE:  Please sign exactly as name appears hereon.  Joint owners
should each sign.  When signing as attorney, executor, administrator,
trustee, custodian or guardian, please give full title as such.