P R E S S     R E L E A S E


September 15, 2000

Re:	Capital Builders Development Properties, a California
limited partnership

Dear Investor:

The sale of Plaza de Oro was completed on August 30, 2000 to an
unaffiliated private investor.

Plaza de Oro was the sole remaining property in Capital Builders
Development Properties, and therefore plans are now in process
to terminate the Partnership.

The sale price of the property was $6,400,000.  After payment of
all loans, accounts payable, and termination expenses,
approximately $1,000,000 is estimated to be available for
distribution to investors.  Currently, two to three
distributions are planned, with the first anticipated in mid-
October.  The remaining distributions are anticipated to occur
by year-end 2000, subject to resolution of any outstanding

The distribution total is anticipated to be consistent with the
estimates provided in recent newsletters of approximately 14% of
the original invested capital.  The reasons for the poor
investment results have been discussed in newsletters throughout
the term of the Partnership.  Both the real estate recession of
the late 1980's and early 1990's and the high number of tenant
bankruptcies during that same period, as well as the other
factors previously discussed, combined to continually erode
equity throughout the investment term.  Only in the past twelve
to twenty-four months has the market improved to the point of
justifying the construction of the final building, thereby
"finishing" the development while, at the same time, allowing
the re-leasing of space from the most recent tenant defaults.
The risk of continuing to hold the property for further
financial recovery was unacceptably high, and therefore the
property was sold with proceeds to be distributed to investors.

Should you have any questions on the enclosed, please call
either Beth Freeman or myself at (916) 353-0500 or (800) 228-

Michael J. Metzger