Washington, D.C.  20549

                                    FORM 10-Q/A
                                  AMENDMENT NO. 1


[X]  Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934.   For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1998.


[  ] Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934.   For the transition period from ..... to .......

                          Commission file number 1-8895

             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

     Maryland                                          33-0091377
(State or other jurisdiction of                        (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation of organization)                         Identification No.)

                         4675 MacArthur Court, Suite 900
                            Newport Beach, CA  92660
                    (Address of principal executive offices)
                                  (949) 221-0600
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)


      Indicate  by  check mark whether the registrant  (1)  has  filed  all
reports  required  to  be filed by Section 13 or 15(d)  of  the  Securities
Exchange  Act  of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter
period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2)  has
been  subject  to such filing requirements for the past 90 days:   Yes  [X]
No [  ]

      As  of  May 11, 1998 there were 30,961,321 shares of $1.00 par  value
common stock outstanding.

                            AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS


The  Company  is  in  the business of acquiring health care facilities  that  it
leases  on a long-term basis to health care providers.  On a more limited basis,
the  Company  has provided mortgage financing on health care facilities.  As  of
March  31,  1998,  the  Company's  portfolio  of  properties,  including  equity
investments, consisted of 251 facilities located in 40 states.  These facilities
are  comprised of 139 long-term care facilities, 75 congregate care and assisted
living facilities, 19 medical office buildings, eight acute care hospitals,  six
freestanding  rehabilitation facilities, three physician group practice  clinics
and   one  psychiatric  care  facility.  The  gross  acquisition  price  of  the
properties,   which  includes  joint  venture  acquisitions,  was  approximately
$1,148,000,000 at March 31, 1998.

The  Company  had  commitments to purchase and construct health care  facilities
totaling  approximately  $192,000,000 for funding during  1998  and  1999.   The
Company  expects that a significant portion of these commitments will be  funded
but  that  a  portion  may  not be funded.  (See Note (6)  to  the  Consolidated
Condensed Financial Statements.)


Net Income applicable to common shares for the three months ended March 31, 1998
totaled  $16,297,000 or $0.54 of basic earnings per common share on  revenue  of
$36,334,000  compared to $17,119,000 or $0.60 per common  share  on  revenue  of
$30,867,000 for the same period in 1997.  Net Income for the three months  ended
March 31, 1997 included a $2,047,000 or $0.07 of basic earnings per common share
gain on the sale of real estate properties.

Base  Rental  Income  for  the  three months  ended  March  31,  1998  increased
$4,167,000  to  $26,078,000 primarily as a result of approximately  $262,000,000
and  $42,000,000 of new investments during 1997 and for the three  months  ended
March  31,  1998. Interest and Other Income increased $1,202,000  to  $4,845,000
from  growth in the equity investments and from an increase in income  from  the
operations of seven medical office buildings purchased during 1997.  There  were
$797,000  in  related  Facility  Operating  Expenses  on  these  medical  office
buildings recorded during the first quarter of 1998.

Interest Expense for the three months ended March 31, 1998 increased $855,000 to
$7,617,000  due to increased borrowings utilized to finance recent acquisitions.
Depreciation/Non  Cash  Charges  for  the three  months  ended  March  31,  1998
increased  $1,188,000  to $7,422,000 attributable directly  to  the  acquisition
activity during 1997 and early 1998.

The  Company  believes  that  Funds  From Operations  ("FFO")  is  an  important
supplemental  measure  of  operating  performance.   (See  Note   (5)   to   the
Consolidated Financial Statements.)

FFO  for  the  three  months  ended  March  31,  1998  increased  $2,352,000  to
$22,714,000.   The increase is attributable to increases in Base  Rental  Income
and  Interest and Other Income, as offset by increases in Interest  Expense  and
Facility Operating Expenses which are discussed above.

FFO  does  not represent cash generated from operating activities in  accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles, is not necessarily indicative  of
cash available to fund cash needs and should not be considered as an alternative
to  net  income.   FFO,  as defined by the Company, may  not  be  comparable  to
similarly entitled items reported by other real estate investment trusts that do
not define it exactly as the NAREIT definition.


The  Company  has  financed  acquisitions through  the  sale  of  common  stock,
preferred  stock,  the  issuance of long-term debt, the assumption  of  mortgage
debt,  the  use  of short-term bank lines and through internally generated  cash
flows.  Facilities under construction are generally financed by means of cash on
hand  or short-term borrowings under the Company's existing bank lines.  At  the
completion  of construction and commencement of the lease, short-term borrowings
used  in the construction phase are generally refinanced with new long-term debt
or equity offerings.
During  March and April 1997, the Company issued two ten year $10,000,000 Medium
Term  Notes ("MTNs") with coupon rates of 7.30% and 7.62%, respectively.  During
June  1997,  $12,500,000  in MTNs with coupon rates of 10.20%  and  10.30%  were
redeemed.  On September 26, 1997, the Company issued $60,000,000, 7-7/8%  Series
A  Cumulative  Redeemable Preferred Stock.  During December  1997,  the  Company
raised  $55,000,000 of equity in a common stock offering of 1,437,500 shares  at
$38.3125  per  share. The net proceeds of $57,810,000 and $51,935,000  from  the
preferred  and common stock offerings, respectively, were utilized to  pay  down
short-term  borrowings under the Company's revolving lines  of  credit.   During
February  1998,  $10,000,000 in MTNs with a coupon rate of 9.88% were  redeemed.
In  March  1998, two five year $10,000,000 MTNs with coupon rates of 6.66%  were
issued  by the Company.  At March 31, 1998, stockholders' equity in the  Company
totaled $440,407,000 and the debt to equity ratio was 1.08 to 1.  For the  three
months  ended  March  31, 1998, FFO (before interest expense)  covered  Interest
Expense 3.98 to 1.

As of March 31, 1998, the Company had approximately $280,000,000 available under
its  existing shelf registration statements for the future issuance of debt  and
equity securities and for its Series B and Series C MTN programs.  These amounts
may  be  issued from time to time in the future based on Company needs and  then
existing  market conditions.  On October 22, 1997, the Company renegotiated  its
line  of  credit with a group of seven banks.  The Company now has two revolving
lines of credit, one for $100,000,000 which expires on October 22, 2002 and  one
for  $50,000,000 which expires on October 22, 1998.   The Company expects  these
agreements  to be renewed for an additional year in October 1998.  As  of  March
31,  1998,  the  Company  also  had $68,000,000 available  on  its  $150,000,000
revolving   lines  of  credit.   The  Company's  Senior  Notes  and  Convertible
Subordinated  Notes  have been rated investment grade by  debt  rating  agencies
since 1986.  Current ratings are as follows:

                        Moody's     Standard & Poor's   Duff & Phelps
                        --------    -----------------   --------------
Senior Notes              Baa1             BBB+               A-
  Subordinated Notes      Baa2             BBB                BBB+

Since inception in May 1985, the Company has recorded approximately $616,927,000
in cumulative FFO.  Of this amount, a total of $517,551,000 has been distributed
to  stockholders  as dividends on common stock.  The balance of $99,376,000  has
been retained, and has been an additional source of capital for the Company.

At  March  31,  1998, the Company held approximately $40,500,000 in  irrevocable
letters  of  credit  from  commercial banks to secure the  obligations  of  many
lessees'  lease and borrowers' loan obligations.  The Company may draw upon  the
letters  of  credit  if  there are any defaults under the leases  and/or  loans.
Amounts  available under letters of credit change based upon facility  operating
conditions and other factors and such changes may be material.

The  first  quarter  1998  dividend of $0.64 per share  or  $19,358,000  in  the
aggregate was paid on February 20, 1998.  Total dividends paid during the  three
months  ended March 31, 1998 as a percentage of FFO for the corresponding period
was  85%.  The Company declared a second quarter dividend of $0.65 per share  or
approximately $19,660,000 in the aggregate, to be paid on May 20, 1998.

The   Company  has  concluded  a  significant  number  of  "facility   rollover"
transactions  in  1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998 on properties that have  been  under
long-term  leases  and  mortgages. "Facility rollover" transactions  principally
include lease renewals and renegotiations, exchanges, sales of properties,  and,
to a lesser extent, payoffs on mortgage receivables.

Year                                                               In FFO
- -----                                                       -------------------
1995   Completed 20 facility rollovers including the sale           $  900,000
       of ten facilities with concurrent "seller financing"
       for a gain of $23,550,000.

1996   Completed 20 facility rollovers including the sale of        (1,200,000)
       nine facilities in Missouri and the exchange of the
       Dallas Rehabilitation Institute for the HealthSouth
       Sunrise Rehabilitation Hospital in Fort Lauderdale,

1997   Completed 10 facility rollovers                              (1,300,000)

1998   Completed four facility rollovers                              (250,000)

Through  December 31, 2000, the Company has 58 more facilities that are  subject
to  lease expiration, mortgage maturities and purchase options (which management
believes   may  be  exercised)  representing  approximately  28%  of  annualized
revenues.  During 1997, the Company concluded agreements with Tenet and  Beverly
that  result  in  their  forbearance or waiver of certain renewal  and  purchase
options  and  related  rights of first refusal on up to 57 facilities  currently
leased  to  Vencor  and  Beverly, of which 27 facilities  have  leases  expiring
through December 31, 2000.  As part of these agreements, continued ownership  of
the facilities will remain with the Company.  As a result of the forbearance  or
waiver  of these options, the Company believes that, based upon recent operating
results,  it may be able to increase rents on approximately 12 facilities  whose
lease  terms  expire between 1998 and 2001; however, there can be  no  assurance
that  the  Company will be able to realize any increased rents. The  1998  lease
expirations  include  14, seven, and five long-term care  facilities  leased  to
Vencor,  Beverly and Integrated Health Services, respectively.  The Company  has
completed   certain  facility  rollovers  earlier  than  the   scheduled   lease
expirations   or   mortgage  maturities  and  will  continue  to   pursue   such
opportunities where it is advantageous to do so.

Management  believes  that the Company's liquidity and sources  of  capital  are
adequate  to  finance  its  operations as well  as  its  future  investments  in
additional facilities.


Management  believes  it does not have any significant  exposure  to  Year  2000
issues  with respect to its own accounting and information systems.  The Company
is  discussing Year 2000 compliance requirements with its lessees,  bankers  and

Statements in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q that are not historical factual
statements  are "forward looking statements" within the meaning of  the  Private
Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  The statements include, among  other
things,  statements regarding the intent, belief or expectations of the  Company
and  its officers and can be identified by the use of terminology such as "may",
"will",  "expect", "believe", "intend", "plan", "estimate", "should"  and  other
comparable terms or the negative thereof.  In addition, the Company, through its
senior  management,  from time to time makes forward looking  oral  and  written
public statements concerning the Company's expected future operations and  other
developments.   Shareholders  and investors are cautioned  that,  while  forward
looking  statements reflect the Company's good faith beliefs and  best  judgment
based  upon  current information, they are not guarantees of future  performance
and  are  subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties.  Actual  results
may  differ  materially from the expectations contained in the  forward  looking
statements   as  a  result  of  various  factors.   Such  factors  include   (i)
legislative,  regulatory,  or other changes in the healthcare  industry  at  the
local,  state  or federal level which increase the costs of or otherwise  affect
the  operations  of  the Company's Lessees; (ii) changes  in  the  reimbursement
available  to the Company's Lessees by governmental or private payors, including
changes in Medicare and Medicaid payment levels and the availability and cost of
third  party  insurance coverage; (iii) competition for tenants and  mortgagors,
including  with respect to new leases and mortgages and the renewal or roll-over
of existing leases; (iv) competition for the acquisition and financing of health
care  facilities;  (v) the ability of the Company's Lessees  and  Mortgagors  to
operate  the Company's properties in a manner sufficient to maintain or increase
revenues and to generate sufficient income to make rent and loan payments;  and,
(vi)  changes in national or regional economic conditions, including changes  in
interest rates and the availability and cost of capital to the Company.

                          PART II.   OTHER INFORMATION

Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

          a) Exhibits:

          27     Financial Data Schedule

          b) Reports on Form 8-K:



Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  the
Registrant  has  duly  caused this report to be signed  on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

Date:  May  20, 1998          HEALTH CARE PROPERTY INVESTORS, INC.

                    /s/   James G. Reynolds
                    James G. Reynolds
                    Executive Vice President and
                    Chief Financial Officer
                    (Principal Financial Officer)

                    /s/  Devasis Ghose
                    Devasis Ghose
                    Senior Vice President-Finance and Treasurer
                    (Principal Accounting Officer)