- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  UNITED STATES
                             Washington, D.C.  20549

                                    FORM 10-Q


[X]  Quarterly Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934. For the quarterly period ended June 30, 1998.


[ ]  Transition Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
     Exchange Act of 1934.  For the transition period from ..... to .......

                          Commission file number 1-8895

- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     Maryland                                          33-0091377
(State or other jurisdiction of                        (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation of organization)                         Identification No.)

                         4675 MacArthur Court, Suite 900
                            Newport Beach, CA  92660
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

                                 (949) 221-0600
              (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)


      Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934  during  the  preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period  that  the
registrant  was required to file such reports), and (2) has been  subject  to
such filing requirements for the past 90 days:  Yes [X]  No[  ]

      As  of  August 5, 1998 there were 30,963,046 shares of $1.00 par  value
common stock outstanding.

                         PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1.  Financial Statements:

         Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets
         June 30, 1998 and December 31, 1997 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

         Condensed Consolidated Statements of Income
         Six Months and Three Months Ended June 30, 1998 and 1997. . . . . 

         Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
         Six Months Ended June 30, 1998 and 1997 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

         Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements  . . . . . .

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of
         Financial Condition and Results of Operations . . . . . . . . . . 


Signatures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .  .  . 


                             (Amounts in thousands)

                                                                June 30,            December 31,
                                                                  1998                  1997
                                                            ---------------       ---------------

Real Estate Investments
     Buildings and Improvements                                $  938,707            $  837,857
     Accumulated Depreciation                                    (184,295)             (170,502)
                                                               ----------            ----------
                                                                  754,412               667,355
     Construction in Progress                                      15,021                19,627
     Land                                                         127,510                99,520
                                                               ----------            ----------
                                                                  896,943               786,502
Loans Receivable                                                  154,382               125,381
Investments in and Advances to Joint Ventures                      39,523                14,241
Other Assets                                                       16,146                10,756
Cash and Cash Equivalents                                           2,089                 4,084
                                                               ----------            ----------
Total Assets                                                   $1,109,083            $  940,964
                                                               ==========            ==========

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Bank Notes Payable                                             $    9,000            $   66,900
Senior Notes Payable                                              481,003               275,023
Convertible Subordinated Notes Payable                            100,000               100,000
Mortgage Notes Payable                                             10,233                10,935
Accounts Payable, Accrued Liabilities and Deferred Income          27,422                23,492
Minority Interests in Joint Ventures                               21,174                22,345
Stockholders' Equity:
     Preferred Stock                                               57,810                57,810
     Common Stock                                                  30,963                30,216
     Additional Paid-In Capital                                   432,798               408,924
     Cumulative Net Income                                        479,964               444,759
     Cumulative Dividends                                        (541,284)             (499,440)
                                                               ----------            ----------
Total Stockholders' Equity                                        460,251               442,269
                                                               ----------            ----------
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                     $1,109,083            $  940,964
                                                               ==========            ==========

See accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and 
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of

                (Amounts in thousands, except per share amounts)

                                                 Three Months                       Six Months
                                                Ended June 30,                    Ended June 30,
                                        ---------------------------        ---------------------------
                                            1998           1997                1998           1997
                                        ------------    -----------        ------------    -----------

Base Rental Income                       $  27,494       $  22,859            $  53,572      $  44,770
Additional Rental and Interest Income        5,445           5,300               10,856         10,613
Interest and Other Income                    5,009           3,592                9,854          7,235
                                         ---------       ---------            ---------      ---------
                                            37,948          31,751               74,282         62,618
                                         ---------       ---------            ---------      ---------

Interest Expense                             8,819           7,198               16,436         13,960
Depreciation/Non Cash Charges                7,962           6,301               15,384         12,535
Facility Operating Expenses                    948             ---                1,745            ---
Other Expenses                               1,932           1,855                3,804          3,636
                                         ---------       ---------            ---------      ---------
                                            19,661          15,354               37,369         30,131
                                         ---------       ---------            ---------      ---------

Income From Operations                      18,287          16,397               36,913         32,487
Minority Interests                          (1,072)         (1,003)              (2,220)        (2,021)
Gain on Sale of Real Estate Properties         512             ---                  512          2,047
                                         ---------       ---------            ---------      ---------
Net Income                                $ 17,727        $ 15,394             $ 35,205       $ 32,513
                                         ---------       ---------            ---------      ---------
Dividends to Preferred Stockholders          1,181             ---                2,362            ---
                                         ---------       ---------            ---------      ---------
Net Income Applicable to Common Shares    $ 16,546        $ 15,394             $ 32,843       $ 32,513
                                         =========       =========            =========      =========

Basic Earnings Per Common Share           $   0.54        $   0.54             $   1.07       $   1.13
                                         =========       =========            =========      =========

Diluted Earnings Per Common Share         $   0.53        $   0.53             $   1.06       $   1.13
                                         =========       =========            =========      =========

Weighted Average Shares
   Outstanding - Basic                      30,789          28,712               30,740         28,707
                                         =========       =========            =========      =========

Weighted Average Shares
   Outstanding - Diluted                    31,079          28,860               31,050         28,858
                                         =========       =========            =========      =========

See accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of

                             (Amounts in thousands)

                                                               Six Months
                                                             Ended June 30,
                                                          1998           1997
                                                      ------------   -----------

  Net Income                                            $  35,205      $  32,513
  Adjustments to Reconcile Net Income to Net
  Cash Provided by Operating Activities:
     Real Estate Depreciation                              13,891         10,972
     Non Cash Charges                                       1,466          1,563
     Joint Venture Adjustments                                 44           (384)
     Gain on Sale of Real Estate Properties                  (512)        (2,047)
  Changes in:
   Operating Assets                                        (2,502)          (885)
   Operating Liabilities                                    3,763            121
                                                       ----------     ----------
NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES                  51,355         41,853
                                                       ----------     ----------
  Acquisition of Real Estate                             (125,747)       (79,733)
  Proceeds from Sale of Real Estate Properties              1,883          8,624
  Advances to Joint Ventures/Partnerships                 (25,764)           ---
  Other Investments and Loans                             (30,133)           746
                                                       ----------     ----------
NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES                    (179,761)       (70,363)
                                                       ----------     ----------

  Net Increase in Bank Notes Payable                      (57,900)        57,000
  Repayment of Senior Notes Payable                       (17,500)       (12,500)
  Issuance of Senior Notes Payable                        223,396         19,876
  Cash Proceeds from Issuing Common Stock                  23,383            167
  Decrease in Minority Interests                           (1,000)           ---
  Periodic Payments on Mortgages                             (493)          (519)
  Dividends Paid                                          (41,844)       (34,741)
  Other Financing Activities                               (1,631)          (228)
                                                       ----------     ----------
NET CASH PROVIDED BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES                 126,411         29,055
                                                       ----------     ----------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF PERIOD              4,084          2,811
                                                       ----------     ----------
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD                $   2,089       $  3,356
                                                       ==========     ==========

See accompanying Notes to Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements and 
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of 

                                  June 30, 1998


The  unaudited  financial  information  furnished  herein,  in  the  opinion  of
management,  reflects all adjustments that are necessary  to  state  fairly  the
financial  position, the results of operations, and cash flows  of  Health  Care
Property Investors, Inc. and its affiliated subsidiaries and joint ventures (the
"Company").    The  Company  presumes  that  users  of  the  interim   financial
information herein have read or have access to the audited financial  statements
and  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results  of
Operations  for the preceding fiscal year ended December 31, 1997 and  that  the
adequacy  of  additional disclosures needed for a fair presentation,  except  in
regard   to   material  contingencies,  may  be  determined  in  that   context.
Accordingly, footnotes and other disclosures that would substantially  duplicate
the disclosures contained in the Company's most recent annual report to security
holders  have been omitted.  The interim financial information contained  herein
is  not  necessarily  representative of a full  year's  operations  for  various
reasons including acquisitions, changes in rents, interest rates and the  timing
of  debt and equity financings.  These same considerations apply to all year-to-
year comparisons.

Facility Operations:

During 1997, the Company purchased 90 - 100 percent ownership interests in seven
medical  office  buildings ("MOBs") which are operated by  independent  property
management  companies  on  behalf of the Company.   These  MOBs  are  leased  to
multiple  tenants under gross or triple net leases.  Any income attributable  to
these  properties,  other  than  Base Rental Income,  is  recorded  as  facility
operating revenue and is included in Interest and Other Income. Expenses related
to the operation of these MOBs are recorded as Facility Operating Expenses.


Reclassifications  have been made, where applicable, for  comparative  financial
statement presentations.


Listed  below are the Company's major operators and the percentage of annualized
revenue from these operators and their subsidiaries. Each of these operators  is
subject to the informational filing requirements of the Securities Exchange  Act
of  1934, as amended, and accordingly file periodic financial statements on Form
10-K  and 10-Q with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  Except as otherwise
indicated,  all  of  the financial and other information presented  herein  with
respect to such companies was obtained from such public reports.

                                                               of Annualized
Operators                                        Revenue       Total Revenue
- - ------------                                   -------------  -----------------
                                              (in thousands)
Vencor, Inc. (" New Vencor")                        $ 19,398          12%
HealthSouth Corporation                               12,253           7
Emeritus Corporation                                  11,094           7
Centennial Healthcare Corporation                      9,281           6
Tenet Healthcare Corporation ("Tenet")                 8,933           5
Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corp.                          8,116           5

On May 1, 1998, Vencor, Inc. ("Old Vencor") completed a spinoff transaction 
pursuant to which it became two publicly held entities - Ventas, Inc. 
("Ventas"),  a real estate company which  intends to qualify as a REIT, and 
New Vencor, a healthcare  company which  at  June 30, 1998 leased 42 of the 
Company's properties.  As of June 30, 1998, 36% of  annualized  revenue on 
facilities leased  to New Vencor  relates to facilities  sub-leased and operated
by other providers. Both Ventas and New Vencor are responsible for payments due 
under the New Vencor leases and substantially all are guaranteed by Tenet.

Based upon public reports, Old Vencor's pre spin-off revenue and net income
for the three months ended March 31, 1998 were approximately $823.3 million and 
$18.9 million, respectively; Old Vencor's total assets and stockholders'
equity as of March 31, 1998 were approximately $3.4 billion and $930.8 million, 
respectively. Based upon public reports, Old Vencor's revenue and net income 
for the  year  ended December 31,  1997  were  approximately  $3.1  billion and
$130.9  million, respectively; Old Vencor's total assets and stockholders' 
equity as of December 31, 1997 were approximately $3.3 billion and $905.4 
million, respectively.

Based upon a recent press release, New Vencor's revenue, loss excluding non-
recurring transactions and net loss for the three months ended  June  30, 1998 
(which includes the combined results of the predecessor company for all periods 
prior to May  1, 1998) were approximately $778.7 million, $4.7 million and 
$101.4 million, respectively.

Based  upon a recent press release, Ventas' revenue, income from operations and
net  income  for  the two months ended June 30, 1998 since commencing operations
were  approximately  $37.4  million,  $8.2 million  and  $228,000, respectively.
Ventas'  total  assets and stockholders' deficit as of June 30, 1998 was $961.2
million and $39.4 million, respectively.

Tenet  leases and those guaranteed by Tenet represented approximately 17% of the
Company's  total annualized revenue as of June 30, 1998. During 1998, 14  of the
New Vencor  leases  expire.  As of June 30, 1998, 12 of these leases have been 
re-leased or have agreements to re-lease in place with other operators.


During June 1998, the Company issued $200,000,000 of senior unsecured debt in 
the form of 6.875% MandatOry Par Put Remarketed Securities ("MOPPRS") due  June
8, 2015 which are subject to mandatory tender on June 8, 2005.  The Company 
received total  proceeds of approximately $203,000,000 including the present 
value of  the put option at June 8, 2005 associated with the debt instrument.   
The option  is being  amortized to interest expense over 17 years. The weighted 
average cost  of the debt including the amortization of the option and offering 
expenses is 6.77%. The  proceeds  were  used  to repay outstanding borrowings  
under  the  Company's revolving lines of credit.


The  following  tabulation is a summary of the activity  for  the  Stockholders'
Equity account for the six months ended June 30, 1998 (amounts in thousands):

                                  Preferred Stock                Common Stock
                                  -----------------     ---------------------------------
                                                                      Par     Additional                      Total
                                 Number of             Number of     Value      Paid-In     Cumulative     Stockholders'
                                   Shares    Amount     Shares       Amount     Capital     Net Income       Dividends      Equity
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    December 31, 1997              2,400    $57,810      30,216     $30,216    $408,924      $444,759      $(499,440)     $442,269
Issuance of Common Stock, Net                               747         747      23,874                                     24,621
Net Income                                                                                     35,205                       35,205
Dividends Paid - Preferred Shares                                                                             (2,362)       (2,362)
Dividends Paid - Common Shares                                                                               (39,482)      (39,482)
- - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   June 30, 1998                   2,400    $57,810      30,963     $30,963    $432,798      $479,964      $(541,284)      $460,251

During  April 1998, the Company sold 698,752 shares of common stock at  $33.2217
per  share.  The net proceeds of approximately $23,000,000 were used to pay down
short-term borrowings under the Company's revolving lines of credit.


In  1997,  the  Company adopted Statement of Financial Accountings Standards No.
128,  Earnings Per Share, effective December 15, 1997.  As a result, both basic
and diluted earnings per common share are presented for each of the quarters and
six months ended June 30, 1998 and 1997. In prior years, only basic earnings per
common share data was disclosed.  Basic earnings per common share is computed by
dividing net income applicable to common shares by the weighted average number 
of shares of common stock outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings per 
common share is calculated using only dilutive securities.  The convertible 
debt  and options to purchase shares of common stock which have an exercise 
price in excess of the average market price during the periods presented are 
not included because they are not dilutive.

(Amounts in thousands except per share amounts)

                                                   For the Three Months Ended                For the Six Months Ended
                                                  ----------------------------            ------------------------------
                                                                      Per Share                                Per Share
June 30, 1998                                     Income    Shares     Amount             Income    Shares      Amount
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Basic Earnings Per Common Share:
Net Income Applicable to Common Shares          $16,546    30,789       $ 0.54          $32,843    30,740       $ 1.07
                                                                        ======                                  ======
Dilutive Options                                    ---       173                           ---       191
Non Managing Member Units                            76       117                           153       119
                                                -------   -------                       -------   -------

Diluted Earnings Per Common Share:
Net Income Applicable to Common
  Shares Plus Assumed Conversions               $16,622    31,079       $ 0.53          $32,996    31,050       $ 1.06
                                                                        ======                                  ======

June 30, 1997
- - ---------------------------------------

Basic Earnings Per Common Share:
Net Income Applicable to Common Shares         $ 15,394    28,712       $ 0.54         $ 32,513    28,707       $ 1.13
                                                                        ======                                  ======
Dilutive Options                                    ---       148                           ---       151
                                                -------   -------                       -------   -------

Diluted Earnings Per Common Share:
Net Income Applicable to Common
  Shares Plus Assumed Conversions              $ 15,394    28,860       $ 0.53          $32,513    28,858       $ 1.13
                                                                        ======                                  ======


Under  Statement  of Financial Accounting Standards No. 131,  Disclosures  about
Segments  of an Enterprise, effective beginning in 1998, the Company is required
to  report information about its operations on the basis that the information is
used internally for evaluating the Company's performance.

The  Company  believes  that  Funds  From Operations  ("FFO")  is  an  important
supplemental  measure of operating performance.  Historical cost accounting  for
real  estate  assets  implicitly assumes that the value of  real  estate  assets
diminishes  predictably  over  time.  Since  real  estate  values  instead  have
historically risen and fallen with market conditions, presentations of operating
results  for a real estate investment trust that uses historical cost accounting
for  depreciation could be uninformative.  The term FFO was designed by the real
estate investment trust industry to address this problem.

The Company adopted the definition of FFO prescribed by the National Association
of  Real  Estate  Investment Trusts ("NAREIT").  FFO is defined  as  net  income
applicable  to  common  shares (computed in accordance with  generally  accepted
accounting principles), excluding gains (or losses) from debt restructuring  and
sales  of  property,  plus  real estate depreciation  and  real  estate  related
amortization,  and after adjustments for unconsolidated partnerships  and  joint
ventures.   Adjustments for unconsolidated partnerships and joint  ventures  are
calculated to reflect FFO on the same basis.

FFO  does  not represent cash generated from operating activities in  accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles, is not necessarily indicative  of
cash available to fund cash needs and should not be considered as an alternative
to  net  income.   FFO,  as defined by the Company, may  not  be  comparable  to
similarly entitled items reported by other real estate investment trusts that do
not define it exactly as the NAREIT definition.

Below  are summaries of the calculation of FFO and FFO per share of common stock
(all amounts in thousands except per share amounts):

                                               Three Months                       Six Months
                                              Ended June 30,                     Ended June 30,
                                        ---------------------------       ---------------------------
                                            1998           1997                1998           1997
                                        ------------    -----------        ------------    -----------
Net Income Applicable to Common Shares     $16,546         $15,394             $32,843        $32,513
Real Estate Depreciation and Amortization    7,246           5,490              13,891         10,972
Joint Venture Adjustments                      272            (192)                 44           (384)
Gain on Sale of Real Estate Properties        (512)            ---                (512)        (2,047)
                                         ---------       ---------           ---------      ---------
Funds From Operations                      $23,552         $20,692             $46,266        $41,054
                                         =========       =========           =========      =========

                                                  For the Three Months Ended                 For the Six Months Ended
                                                  ----------------------------            ------------------------------
                                                                      Per Share                                Per Share
June 30, 1998                                     FFO       Shares     Amount             FFO       Shares      Amount
- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Basic Funds From Operations per Share:         $ 23,552    30,789       $ 0.76         $ 46,266    30,740       $ 1.51
                                                                        ======                                  ======

Interest and Amortization applicable to
    Convertible Debt                              1,599     2,645                         3,199     2,645
Dilutive Options                                    ---       173                           ---       191
Non Managing Member Units                            76       117                           153       119
                                                -------   -------                       -------   -------

Diluted Funds From Operations per
    Share:                                     $ 25,227    33,724       $ 0.75         $ 49,618    33,695       $ 1.47
                                                                        ======                                  ======

June 30, 1997
- - -----------------------------------------

Basic Funds From Operations per Share:         $ 20,692    28,712       $ 0.72         $ 41,054    28,707       $ 1.43
                                                                        ======                                  ======
Interest and Amortization applicable to
    Convertible Debt                              1,599     2,645                         3,199     2,645
Dilutive Options                                    ---       148                           ---       151
                                                -------   -------                       -------   -------

Diluted Funds From Operations per
    Share:                                     $ 22,291    31,505       $ 0.71         $ 44,253    31,503       $ 1.40
                                                                        ======                                  ======


As  of August 7, 1998, the Company has outstanding commitments on closed and to-
be-closed development transactions of approximately $68,000,000 and $97,000,000,
respectively.    The   Company  is  also  committed  to  acquire   approximately
$78,000,000  of  existing health care real estate. The Company  expects  that  a
significant  portion  of these commitments will be funded;  however,  experience
suggests  that some committed transactions will not close. Transactions  do  not
close   for   various  reasons  including  unsatisfied  pre-closing  conditions,
competitive financing sources, final negotiation differences and the  operator's
inability to obtain required internal or governmental approvals.


In  June  1998,  the  Financial Accounting Standards Board issued  Statement  of
Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 133, Accounting for Derivative  Instruments
and  Hedging  Activities.  The Statement establishes  accounting  and  reporting
standards   requiring  that  every  derivative  instrument  (including   certain
derivative  instruments embedded in other contracts) be recorded in the  balance
sheet  as either an asset or liability measured at its fair value. The Statement
requires that changes in the derivative's fair value be recognized currently  in
earnings  unless specific hedge accounting criteria are met. Special  accounting
for  qualifying hedges allows a derivative's gains and losses to offset  related
results  on the hedged item in the income statement, and requires that a company
must  formally document, designate, and assess the effectiveness of transactions
that receive hedge accounting.

Statement  133 is effective for fiscal years beginning after June  15,  1999.  A
company  may  also  implement the Statement as of the beginning  of  any  fiscal
quarter  after issuance (that is, fiscal quarters beginning June  16,  1998  and
thereafter). Statement 133 cannot be applied retroactively. Statement  133  must
be  applied to (a) derivative instruments and (b) certain derivative instruments
embedded  in  hybrid  contracts  that were issued,  acquired,  or  substantively
modified after December 31, 1997 (and, at the company's election, before January
1, 1998).

We  have  not  yet  quantified  the impacts of adopting  Statement  133  on  our
financial  statements and have not determined the timing of  or  method  of  our
adoption of Statement 133. However, the effect is not expected to be material.


On  July 16, 1998 the Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend of  $0.66
per  common share payable on August 20, 1998, to shareholders of record  on  the
close of business on August 3, 1998.

The  Board of Directors also declared a cash dividend of $0.492188 per share  on
its  Series  A  cumulative  preferred stock.  This  dividend  will  be  paid  on
September  30,  1998 to shareholders of record as of the close  of  business  on
September 15, 1998.

                            AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS


The Company is in the business of acquiring health care facilities that it 
leases on a long-term basis to health care providers. On a more limited basis,
the Company has provided mortgage financing on health care facilities. As of 
June 30, 1998,  the  Company's  portfolio  of properties,  including  equity  
investments, consisted of 292 facilities located in 41 states. These facilities
are comprised of  143  long-term  care  facilities,  79 congregate  care  and  
assisted  living facilities,  20  medical  office  buildings,  eight  acute 
care  hospitals,  six freestanding rehabilitation facilities, 35 physician 
group practice  clinics  and one  psychiatric  care facility. The gross 
acquisition price of  the  properties, which  includes  joint venture 
acquisitions, was approximately $1,293,000,000  at June 30, 1998.

The  Company  had  commitments to purchase and construct health care  facilities
totaling  approximately  $243,000,000 for funding during  1998  and  1999.   The
Company  expects that a significant portion of these commitments will be  funded
but  that  a  portion  may  not be funded  (see Note  (7)  to  the  Condensed
Consolidated Financial Statements).


Net Income applicable to common shares for the three and six months ended June
30, 1998 totaled $16,546,000 and $32,843,000 or $0.54 and $1.07 of basic 
earnings per share on revenue of $37,948,000 and $74,282,000, respectively.  
This compares to  $15,394,000 and $32,513,000 or $.54 and $1.13 of basic 
earnings per share  on revenue of $31,751,000 and $62,618,000 for the same 
periods in 1997.  Net  Income applicable  to  common shares for the three and 
six months ended  June  30,  1998 included  a  $512,000  or  $0.02  per share
gain  on  the  sale  of  real  estate properties.  Net Income applicable to 
common shares for the six months ended June 30, 1997 included a $2,047,000 or 
$0.07 per share gain on the sale of real estate properties.

Base  Rental  Income for the three and six months ended June 30, 1998 increased
$4,635,000  and  $8,802,000  to  $27,494,000 and  $53,572,000, respectively, as
compared to the same period in the prior year.  The majority of the increase in
Base Rental Income was generated by new investments of approximately 
$178,000,000 and $262,000,000 made during 1998 and 1997.  Interest and Other 
Income  for  the three  and six months ended June 30, 1998 increased $1,417,000 
and $2,619,000  to $5,009,000  and  $9,854,000, respectively, primarily from 
growth in  the  lending portfolio  and  from an increase in income from the
operations of  seven  medical office  buildings  purchased during 1997 and one 
clinic  purchased  during  1998. There  were $948,000 and $1,745,000 in related 
Facility Operating Expenses during the three and six months ended June 30, 1998.

Interest  Expense  for  the three and six months ended June  30,  1998 increased
$1,621,000 and $2,476,000, respectively. The increase is primarily the result of
an  increase  in short-term borrowings used to fund the acquisitions made during
the fourth quarter of 1997 and the first half of 1998 and interest related to 
the MOPPRS senior  debt issuance during June 1998 (see Note (3) to the Condensed
Consolidated Financial  Statements).  The increase in Depreciation/Non Cash  
Charges  for  the three  and  six  months  ended  June 30, 1998 of  $1,661,000
and  $2,849,000  to $7,962,000  and  $15,384,000,  respectively, is the  direct
result  of  the  new investments made during 1998 and 1997.

The  Company  believes  that  Funds  From Operations  ("FFO")  is  an  important
supplemental  measure  of  operating  performance.   (See  Note   (6)   to   the
Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.)

FFO  for  the  three  months  ended  June  30,  1998  increased  $2,860,000   to
$23,552,000.   The increase is attributable to increases in Base  Rental  Income
and  Interest and Other Income, as offset by increases in Interest  Expense  and
Facility Operating Expenses, which are discussed above.

FFO  does  not represent cash generated from operating activities in  accordance
with generally accepted accounting principles, is not necessarily indicative  of
cash available to fund cash needs and should not be considered as an alternative
to  net  income.   FFO,  as defined by the Company, may  not  be  comparable  to
similarly entitled items reported by other real estate investment trusts that do
not define it exactly as the NAREIT definition.


The  Company has financed acquisitions through the sale of common and  preferred
stock,  issuance of long-term debt, assumption of mortgage debt, use  of  short-
term  bank lines and through internally generated cash flows.  Facilities  under
construction  are  generally financed by means of cash  on  hand  or  short-term
borrowings  under  the  Company's existing bank  lines.  At  the  completion  of
construction and commencement of the lease, short-term borrowings  used  in  the
construction  phase are generally refinanced with new long-term debt,  including
Medium Term Notes ("MTNs"), or with equity offerings.
The  following  table summarizes the MTN financing activities  during  1997  and

    Date            Maturity      Coupon Rate          Issued/(Redeemed)
    March 1997      10 years      7.30%                $  10,000,000
    April 1997      10 years      7.62%                   10,000,000
    June 1997       ---           10.20% - 10.30%        (12,500,000)
    February 1998   ---           9.88%                  (10,000,000)
    March 1998      5 years       6.66%                   20,000,000
    April 1998      ---           9.48%                   (1,000,000)
    May 1998        ---           9.44%- 9.62%            (6,500,000)

During  June 1998, the Company issued $200 million of 6.875% MandatOry  Par  Put
Remarketed Securities ("MOPPRS") due June 8, 2015 which are subject to mandatory
tender  on  June 8, 2005.  The Company received total proceeds of  approximately
$203,000,000 (including the present value of the put option associated with  the
debt) which was used to repay borrowings under the Company's revolving lines  of
credit.    The  weighted average cost of the debt including the amortization  of
the  option  and  offering expenses is 6.77%.  The MOPPRS are senior,  unsecured
obligations of the Company.

During  the  past  year, the Company has completed three equity  offerings.   On
September  26, 1997, the Company issued $60,000,000, 7-7/8% Series A  Cumulative
Redeemable   Preferred  Stock.   During  December  1997,  the   Company   raised
$55,000,000 of equity in a common stock offering of 1,437,500 shares at $38.3125
per  share.  During April 1998, the Company sold 698,752 shares of common  stock
in  a  common  stock  offering  at $33.2217 per  share.   The  net  proceeds  of
$57,810,000,  $51,935,000 and $23,000,000 from the preferred  and  common  stock
offerings,  respectively, were utilized to pay down short-term borrowings  under
the Company's revolving lines of credit.

At  June 30, 1998, stockholders' equity in the Company totaled $460,251,000  and
the debt to equity ratio was 1.30 to 1.  For the six months ended June 30, 1998,
FFO (before interest expense) covered Interest Expense 3.81 to 1.

During  June  1998, the Company registered $600,000,000 of  debt  and  equity
securities under a shelf registration statement filed with the  Securities and
Exchange Commission. The Company also had approximately $52,900,000 available
under its Series B and C MTN programs, for a total of $652,900,000 available as
of June  30, 1998. These amounts may be issued from time to time in  the  future
based on Company needs and then existing market conditions. On October 22, 1997,
the Company  renegotiated its line of credit with a group of seven  banks.  The
Company  now has two revolving lines of credit, one for $100,000,000 that 
expires on  October 22, 2002 and one for $50,000,000 that expires on October 22,
1998. As of June 30, 1998, the Company also had $141,000,000 available on its 
$150,000,000 revolving   lines  of  credit.   The  Company's  Senior  Notes  and
Convertible Subordinated Notes have been rated investment grade by debt rating 
agencies since 1986.  Current ratings are as follows:

                    Moody's     Standard & Poor's     Duff & Phelps
Senior Notes             Baa1            BBB+               A-
  Subordinated Notes     Baa2            BBB               BBB+

Since inception in May 1985, the Company has recorded approximately $640,479,000
in cumulative FFO. Of this amount, a total of $537,675,000 has been distributed
to stockholders  as dividends on common stock.  The balance of $102,804,000 has
been retained, and has been an additional source of capital for the Company.

At June 30, 1998, the Company held approximately $40,000,000  in  irrevocable
letters  of  credit  from  commercial banks to secure the  obligations of many
lessees' lease and borrowers' loan obligations. The Company may draw  upon the
letters  of  credit  if  there are any defaults under the  leases  and/or loans.
Amounts  available  under letters of credit change based upon facility operating
conditions and other factors and such changes may be material.

The second quarter 1998 dividend of $0.65 per common share or $20,124,000 in the
aggregate was paid on May 20, 1998.  Total dividends paid during the six  months
ended June 30, 1998 as a percentage of FFO for the corresponding period was 85%.
The   Company  declared  a  third  quarter dividend of $0.66 per common share   
or approximately $20,436,000 in the aggregate, to be paid on August 20, 1998.

The   Company   has  concluded  a  significant  number  of  "facility  rollover"
transactions in 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998 on properties that have been under 
long-term  leases and mortgages. "Facility rollover" transactions principally  
include lease  renewals  and renegotiations, exchanges, sales of properties,  
and,  to  a lesser extent, payoffs on mortgage receivables.

Year                                                               In FFO
- - -----                                                       -------------------
1995   Completed 20 facility rollovers including the sale
       of ten facilities with concurrent "seller financing"
       for a gain of $23,550,000.                                   $  900,000

1996   Completed 20 facility rollovers including the sale
       of nine facilities in Missouri and the exchange of
       the Dallas Rehabilitation Institute for the HealthSouth
       Sunrise Rehabilitation Hospital in Fort Lauderdale,
       Florida.                                                     (1,200,000)

1997   Completed 12 facility rollovers.                             (1,600,000)

1998   Completed or agreed to complete 28 facility rollovers.       (1,600,000)

Through December 31, 2000, the Company has 39 more facilities that are subject 
to lease  expiration,  mortgage maturities or purchase options (which manage-
ment believes may be exercised) representing approximately 18% of annualized 
revenues. During 1997, the Company concluded agreements with Tenet and Beverly 
Enterprises, Inc.  ("Beverly") that resulted in their forbearance or waiver of 
certain renewal and  purchase options and related rights of first refusal on up
to 57  facilities leased to New Vencor and Beverly, of which 27 facilities 
had leases expiring through December 31, 2000.  As part of these agreements,
continued ownership of  most  of the  facilities will remain with the Company.  
As a result of the forbearance  or waiver  of  these options, the Company 
believes that, based upon recent operating results,  it  has increased or may be
able to increase rents on approximately  12 facilities whose lease terms 
expire between 1998 and 2001; however, there can  be no  assurance that the 
Company will be able to realize any increased  rents.  The Company has completed
certain facility rollovers earlier than the scheduled lease expirations or 
mortgage maturities and will continue to pursue such opportunities where it
is advantageous to do so.
Management  believes  that the Company's liquidity and  sources of capital are
adequate  to  finance  its  operations as  well as its future investments  in
additional facilities.


Management  believes  it does not have any significant  exposure  to  Year  2000
issues  with  respect  to  its own accounting and information  systems  and  has
reasonable assurance that its own systems are compliant with Year 2000.   During
the  second  quarter of 1998, the Company commenced a survey of  its  investment
banks,  commercial banks, primary lessees and major vendors in order  to  assess
what  preparations each has made to deal with the issue.  Through  this  process
the  Company hopes to find out what potentially detrimental exposures that these
third parties, and therefore the Company, need to be prepared for before the end
of  1999. The Company, therefore, is not able to determine whether the Year 2000
issue  will  have  a  material  adverse effect on  the  Company  or  its  future


Statements in this Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q that are not historical factual
statements  are "forward looking statements" within the meaning of  the  Private
Securities  Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  The statements include, among  other
things,  statements regarding the intent, belief or expectations of the  Company
and  its officers and can be identified by the use of terminology such as "may",
"will",  "expect", "believe", "intend", "plan", "estimate", "should"  and  other
comparable terms or the negative thereof.  In addition, the Company, through its
senior  management,  from time to time makes forward looking  oral  and  written
public statements concerning the Company's expected future operations and  other
developments.   Shareholders  and investors are cautioned  that,  while  forward
looking  statements reflect the Company's good faith beliefs and  best  judgment
based  upon  current information, they are not guarantees of future  performance
and  are  subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties.  Actual  results
may  differ  materially from the expectations contained in the  forward  looking
statements   as  a  result  of  various  factors.   Such  factors  include   (i)
legislative,  regulatory,  or other changes in the healthcare  industry  at  the
local,  state  or federal level which increase the costs of or otherwise  affect
the  operations  of  the Company's lessees; (ii) changes  in  the  reimbursement
available  to  the Company's lessees and mortgagors by governmental  or  private
payors,  including  changes  in Medicare and Medicaid  payment  levels  and  the
availability  and cost of third party insurance coverage; (iii) competition  for
lessees  and mortgagors, including with respect to new leases and mortgages  and
the   renewal  or  roll-over  of  existing  leases;  (iv)  competition  for  the
acquisition  and  financing of health care facilities; (v) the  ability  of  the
Company's lessees and mortgagors to operate the Company's properties in a manner
sufficient to maintain or increase revenues and to generate sufficient income to
make  rent and loan payments; and, (vi) changes in national or regional economic
conditions, including changes in interest rates and the availability and cost of
capital to the Company.


                          PART II.   OTHER INFORMATION
Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

          The Company held its annual stockholders meeting on May 12, 1998.
          The following matters were voted upon at the meeting:

       1. Election of Directors
                                        Votes Cast
                                                            Against or
          Name of Director Elected            For           Withheld
          ------------------------      ---------------     ----------

          Paul V. Colony                  27,387,706          291,397
          Peter L. Rhein                  27,387,800          291,303

          Name of Each Other Director
          Whose Term of Office as Director
          Continued After the Meeting

          Robert R. Fanning, Jr.
          Michael D. McKee
          Orville E. Melby
          Harold M. Messmer, Jr.
          Kenneth B. Roath

       2. Ratification of Arthur Andersen LLP
          As the Company's Independent
          Accountants for the Fiscal Year
          Ending December 31,1998
          For       Against   Abstain
          27,212,446 344,437  122,220

Item 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

         a)    Exhibits:

               27   Financial Data Schedule

         b)    Reports on Form 8-K:

        On  April  16,  1998, the Company filed a Report on Form  8-K  with  the
        Securities  and Exchange Commission ("SEC") regarding the press  release
        announcing  the Company's operating results for the quarter ended  March
        31, 1998.

        On  April 23, 1998, the Company filed a Report on Form 8-K with the  SEC
        regarding  the  Purchase Agreement with Merrill  Lynch  &  Co.,  Merrill
        Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner  &  Smith Incorporated  pursuant  to  which  the
        Company  agreed to issue and sell up to 698,752 shares of the  Company's
        common stock.
        On  June  3, 1998, the Company filed a Report on Form 8-K with  the  SEC
        regarding  the  Purchase Agreement with Merrill  Lynch  &  Co.,  Merrill
        Lynch,  Pierce,  Fenner  &  Smith Incorporated,  Nationsbanc  Montgomery
        Securities LLC and Salomon Brothers Inc., pursuant to which the  Company
        agreed  to issue and sell up to $200,000,000  aggregate principal amount
        of  the  Company's  6.875% MandatOry Par Put Remarketed  Securities  due
        June 8, 2015 (the "MOPPRS").
        On  June  17, 1998, the Company filed a Report on Form 8-K with the  SEC
        regarding  the  acquisition on nine long-term  care  facilities  and  33
        clinics  in 11 separate transactions at an aggregate purchase  price  of
        approximately $99,800,000.


Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934,  the
Registrant  has  duly  caused this report to be signed  on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.


                         /s/  James G. Reynolds
                         James G. Reynolds
                         Executive Vice President
                         and Chief Financial Officer
                         (Principal Financial Officer)

                         /s/  Devasis Ghose
                         Devasis Ghose
                         Senior Vice President-Finance
                         and Treasurer
                         (Principal Accounting Officer)