WASHINGTON, DC  20549
                                    FORM 10-Q
(Mark One)
   ACT OF 1934
For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1995.
   ACT OF 1934
For the transition period from  . . . . . .  to  . . . . . .

Commission file number  1-8957

                             ALASKA AIR GROUP, INC.
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
           Delaware                               91-1292054
(State or other jurisdiction of               (I.R.S. Employer
incorporation or organization)               Identification No.)

             19300 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington 98188
                    (Address of principal executive offices)
       Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (206) 431-7040

  Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such
filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes  X  No ___

                        DURING THE PRECEDING FIVE YEARS:

  Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed all documents and
reports required to be filed by Sections 12, 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of securities under a plan
confirmed by a court.  Yes_ No_
  Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

   The registrant has 13,402,186 common shares, par value $1.00, outstanding  at
March 31, 1995.

ITEM 1.  Financial Statements
Attached are the following Alaska Air Group, Inc. (the Company or Air Group)
unaudited financial statements: (i) consolidated balance sheet as of March 31,
1995 and December 31, 1994; (ii) consolidated statements of income for the
quarters ended March 31, 1995 and 1994; (iii) consolidated statement of
shareholders' equity for the three months ended March 31, 1995; and, (iv)
consolidated statements of cash flows for the three months ended March 31, 1995
and 1994.  Also attached are the accompanying notes to the Company's
consolidated financial statements that have changed significantly during the
three months ended March 31, 1995.  These statements include all adjustments
which are, in the opinion of management, necessary for a fair presentation of
the results for the interim periods.  The adjustments made were of a normal
recurring nature.

Air Group is a holding company incorporated in Delaware in 1985.  Its principal
subsidiaries are Alaska Airlines, Inc. (Alaska) and Horizon Air Industries, Inc.


Results of Operations
First Quarter 1995 Compared with First Quarter 1994  The consolidated net loss
for the first quarter of 1995 was $16.3 million, or $1.22 per share compared
with a net loss of $6.3 million, or $.47 per share, in 1994.  The operating loss
for the first quarter of 1995 was $18.3 million compared to an operating loss of
$2.9 million for 1994.  The larger loss reflects lower average fares and load
factors at both Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air.  A discussion of operating
revenues and expenses for the two airlines follows.

Alaska Airlines  Operating revenues increased 2.4% to $232.7 million.  Passenger
revenues, which accounted for 86% of total operating revenues, increased 1.5% on
a 17% rise in passenger traffic.  Capacity increased 25%, primarily due to
increases in the Pacific Northwest to California markets.  The load factor
dropped from 60.2% in 1994 to 56.4% in 1995.  Passenger yields declined 13% to
11.2 cents in 1995, reflecting increased competition on the West Coast.  During
the fourth quarter of 1994 and the first quarter of 1995, Alaska experienced
yield declines resulting from low fare offerings across its system. Although 
several fare increases have occurred since early February, the lingering effect
of these low fare offerings will have an impact on second quarter results.  In
addition, for the past several months, capacity increases have exceeded traffic
increases resulting in lower load factors.

MarkAir, a significant competitor in the Alaska marketplace since 1992, filed
for Chapter 11 bankruptcy for the second time on April 14, 1995.  Since then,
it has withdrawn from all Alaska markets.

Freight and mail revenues increased 2.5% as higher freight volumes were
partially offset by lower mail volumes.  The lower mail volumes resulted from
Alaska's decision, effective in March 1994, to not bid on certain U.S. mail
contracts so that capacity could be made available for higher yielding freight.
Other-net revenues rose 17% due to increased revenues from travel partners in
Alaska's frequent flyer program.

The table below shows the major operating expense elements on a unit-cost basis,
based on available seat miles (ASM), for Alaska in 1995 and 1994.

Alaska Airlines                   Operating Expenses Per ASM (In Cents)
                                1995      1994         Change    Change
Wages and benefits                2.48      2.96         (.48)     (16)
Aircraft fuel                     1.04      1.12         (.08)      (7)
Aircraft maintenance               .37       .34          .03        9
Aircraft rent                     1.05      1.27         (.22)     (17)
Commissions                        .50       .63         (.13)     (21)
Depreciation & amortization        .46       .42          .04       10
Other                             1.86      2.21         (.35)     (16)
Alaska Airlines Total             7.76      8.95        (1.19)     (13)

Alaska's lower unit costs were due to continuing cost reduction efforts and
better utilization of aircraft.  Average daily aircraft utilization increased 7%
from 9.7 block hours to 10.4 block hours.  Wages and benefits per ASM decreased
16% primarily due to improved productivity.  The number of equivalent employees
increased 10% while capacity increased 25% and traffic increased 17%.  Fuel
expense per ASM decreased 7%, in spite of a 1% increase in the price of fuel,
due to the continued transition to more fuel-efficient aircraft and an increase
in the average number of seats per aircraft.

Aircraft maintenance per ASM increased 9% due to more engine repair work.
Aircraft rent per ASM decreased 17% due to an increase in aircraft utilization,
and a restructuring of B737-400 aircraft leases that resulted in lower rents.

Commission expense per ASM decreased 21% because passenger revenues, upon which
commissions are paid, did not keep pace with ASM growth.

Depreciation and amortization expense per ASM increased 10% primarily due to 
the purchase of four MD-83 aircraft in the second quarter of 1994, and the
reduction in estimated salvage value from 20% to 5% (effective January 1, 1995)
for all MD80 aircraft.  Other expense per ASM decreased 16% due to lower unit
costs for advertising, building rentals, food, landing fees and outside
services expenses.

Horizon Air  Operating revenues increased 17% to $62.8 million.  Passenger
revenues, which accounted for 95% of total operating revenues, increased 16% on
a 30% rise in passenger traffic.  Capacity increased 34% due to the addition of
larger capacity Fokker F-28 jet and Dornier 328 turboprop aircraft.  The load
factor dropped from 59.4% in 1994 to 57.7% in 1995.  Passenger yields declined
11% to 31.9 cents in 1995, reflecting increased competition and longer passenger

Freight, mail and other revenues increased 33% due to increased freight and mail
volumes as well as increased revenues from providing services to other airlines.

The table below shows the major operating expense elements on a unit-cost basis,
based on available seat miles, for Horizon for 1995 and 1994.

Horizon Air                       Operating Expenses Per ASM (In Cents)
                                1995      1994         Change    Change
Wages and benefits                6.42      7.18         (.76)     (11)
Aircraft fuel                     1.88      1.84          .04        2
Aircraft maintenance              2.71      3.32         (.61)     (18)
Aircraft rent                     2.61      2.85         (.24)      (8)
Commissions                       1.40      1.58         (.18)     (11)
Depreciation & amortization        .68       .91         (.23)     (25)
Other                             4.90      5.22         (.32)      (6)
Horizon Air Total                20.60     22.90        (2.30)     (10)

Horizon's cost per ASM declined 10% to 20.60 cents due to the acquisition of
higher capacity aircraft and cost reduction efforts.

Other Income (Expense)  Other Income (Expense) increased $3.6 million to $11.6
million expense primarily due to higher interest rates on variable debt and
higher average debt balances.

Income Tax Credit  Accounting standards require the Company to provide for
income taxes each quarter based on its estimate of the effective tax rate for
the full year.  Volatility of air fares and the seasonality of the Company's
business make it very difficult to estimate full-year pretax results.  In
addition, a relatively small change in pretax results can cause a significant
change in the effective tax rate due to the magnitude of nondeductible expenses,
such as goodwill amortization and employee per diem costs.  In estimating the
45.4% tax rate for the first quarter of 1995, the Company considered a variety
of factors, including the 45.0% tax rate used for full year 1994.  This rate is
evaluated each quarter and adjustments are made if necessary.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
The table below presents the major indicators of financial condition and

                      March 31, 1995     December 31, 1994       Change
(In millions, except debt-to-equity and per share amounts)

Cash and marketable securities $ 65.5             $  104.9       $ (39.4)
Working capital (deficit)      (188.1)              (147.1)        (41.0)
Long-term debt                  579.2                589.9         (10.7)
Shareholders' equity            175.3                191.3         (16.0)

Book value per common share    $13.08              $ 14.27       $ (1.19)

Debt-to-equity                77%:23%              76%:24%           NA

The Company's cash and marketable securities portfolio decreased by $39 million
during the first three months of 1995.  Operating activities provided $16
million of cash during this period.  Cash was used for airframe and engine
overhauls and other capital expenditures ($21 million), the repayment of debt
($13 million), and the net repayment of short-term borrowings ($21 million).

The working capital deficit increased by $41 million due to the net loss,
payments for capital expenditures and debt repayments.

ITEM 5.  Other Information
In May 1995, Alaska's clerical, office and passenger service employees approved
an amended four-year contract between the International Association of
Machinists (IAM) and Alaska.

In April 1995, Horizon's mechanics and related classifications of the Transport
Workers Union of America ratified a new three-year contract.

ITEM 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
(a)Exhibit 11 - Statement regarding computation of per-share earnings.
   Exhibit 27 - Financial data schedule.
(b)No reports on Form 8-K were filed during the first quarter of 1995.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1934, the registrant has
duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto
duly authorized.


Date:  May 11, 1995

/s/ John F. Kelly
John F. Kelly
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

/s/ Harry G. Lehr
Harry G. Lehr
Senior Vice President/Planning and Finance
(Principal Financial Officer)

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
Alaska Air Group, Inc.                                                          
                                                     March 31,         Dec 31,  
(In Thousands)                                            1995            1994  
Current Assets                                                                  
Cash and cash equivalents                               $4,191         $11,605  
Marketable securities                                   61,299          93,337  
Receivables - net                                       77,381          70,055  
Inventories and supplies                                41,106          40,250  
Prepaid expenses and other assets                       54,094          57,396  
Total Current Assets                                   238,071         272,643  
Property and Equipment                                                          
Flight equipment                                       789,384         776,551  
Other property and equipment                           213,849         208,502  
Deposits for future flight equipment                    52,885          52,885  
                                                     1,056,118       1,037,938  
Less accum. depreciation and amort.                    273,489         260,001  
                                                       782,629         777,937  
Capital leases                                                                  
Flight and other equipment                             103,076         103,076  
Less accumulated amortization                           22,789          21,676  
                                                        80,287          81,400  
Total Property and Equipment - Net                     862,916         859,337  
Intangible Assets - Subsidiaries                        65,161          65,671  
Other Assets                                           121,685         118,120  
Total Assets                                        $1,287,833      $1,315,771  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET                                                      
Alaska Air Group, Inc.                                                          
LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY                                            
                                                     March 31,         Dec 31,  
(In Thousands)                                            1995            1994  
Current Liabilities                                                             
Accounts payable                                       $55,878         $48,592  
Accrued aircraft rent                                   37,869          43,762  
Other accrued liabilities                               66,690          59,591  
Accrued wages and related                               41,989          47,364  
Short-term borrowings                                    4,000          25,000  
Air traffic liability                                  147,699         123,433  
Current portion of long-term debt and                                           
  capital lease obligations                             72,080          72,005  
Total Current Liabilities                              426,205         419,747  
Long-Term Debt and Capital Lease                                                
 Obligations                                           579,236         589,904  
Other Liabilities and Credits                                                   
Deferred income taxes                                   16,957          28,585  
Deferred income                                         23,021          23,018  
Other liabilities                                       67,101          63,239  
                                                       107,079         114,842  
Shareholders' Equity                                                            
Common stock, $1 par value                                                      
  Authorized:     30,000,000 shares                                             
  Issued: 1995 -  16,555,779 shares                                             
         1994 -  16,553,679 shares                      16,556          16,554  
  Capital in excess of par value                       152,785         152,756  
  Treasury stock, at cost:                                                      
  1995-3,153,593 sh; 1994-3,153,589 sh                 (71,807)        (71,807) 
Deferred compensation                                   (4,353)         (4,697) 
Retained earnings                                       82,132          98,472  
                                                       175,313         191,278  
Total Liabilities and                                                           
  Shareholders' Equity                              $1,287,833      $1,315,771  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.


CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF INCOME                                                
Alaska Air Group, Inc.                                                          
Three Months Ended March 31                                                     
(In Thousands except Per share Amounts)                   1995            1994  
Operating Revenues                                                              
Passenger                                             $259,382        $248,221  
Freight and mail                                        21,098          20,236  
Other - net                                             14,093          11,925  
Total Operating Revenues                               294,573         280,382  
Operating Expenses                                                              
Wages and benefits                                      99,811          92,795  
Aircraft fuel                                           39,218          32,927  
Aircraft maintenance                                    20,639          16,801  
Aircraft rent                                           41,696          39,408  
Commissions                                             20,287          19,997  
Depreciation and amortization                           16,938          12,927  
Other                                                   74,285          68,455  
Total Operating Expenses                               312,874         283,310  
Operating Loss                                         (18,301)         (2,928) 
Other Income (Expense)                                                          
Interest income                                          1,361           1,424  
Interest expense                                       (13,329)         (9,877) 
Interest capitalized                                         -             103  
Loss on sale of assets                                     (13)           (175) 
Other - net                                                345             441  
                                                       (11,636)         (8,084) 
Loss before income tax credit                          (29,937)        (11,012) 
Income tax credit                                      (13,597)         (4,699) 
Net Loss                                              $(16,340)        $(6,313) 
Loss Per Share                                          $(1.22)         $(0.47) 
Shares used for computation                             13,400          13,349  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Alaska Air Group, Inc.                                                                                    
                                               Common Stock                                               
                                                 Capital in   Treasury   Deferred                         
                                       $1 Par     Excess of      Stock    Compen-   Retained              
(In Thousands)                          Value     Par Value    at Cost     sation   Earnings        Total 
Balances at December 31, 1994         $16,554      $152,756   $(71,807)   $(4,697)   $98,472    $191,278  
Net loss for the three months                                                                             
  ended March 31, 1995                                                               (16,340)    (16,340) 
Stock issued under stock plans              2            29                                           31  
Employee Stock Ownership Plan                                                                             
  shares allocated                                                            344                    344  
Balances at March 31, 1995            $16,556      $152,785   $(71,807)   $(4,353)   $82,132    $175,313  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS                                            
Alaska Air Group, Inc.                                                          
Three Months Ended March 31  (In Thousands)                   1995        1994  
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period           $11,605     $27,179  
Cash flows from operating activities:                                           
Net loss                                                   (16,340)     (6,313) 
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to cash:                                      
Depreciation and amortization                               16,938      12,927  
Amortization of airframe and engine ovhls                    5,538       4,976  
Loss on disposition of assets                                   13         175  
Deferred income taxes                                      (11,628)     (5,172) 
Increase in accounts receivable                             (7,326)     (2,063) 
Decrease in other current assets                             2,446      16,272  
Increase in air traffic liability                           24,266      26,071  
Increase (decrease) in other current liab.                   3,117      (5,496) 
Interest on zero coupon notes                                2,233       2,522  
Leased aircraft return payments and other-net               (2,865)     (7,904) 
Net cash provided by operating activities                   16,392      35,995  
Cash flows from investing activities:                                           
Proceeds from disposition of assets                             99       1,727  
Purchases of marketable securities                            (841)    (18,568) 
Sales and maturities of mkt. securities                     32,879      22,932  
Restricted deposits                                           (737)     (2,674) 
Flight equipment deposits returned                               -         610  
Additions to flight equipment deposits                           -        (672) 
Additions to property and equipment                        (21,411)    (88,902) 
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities          9,989     (85,547) 
Cash flows from financing activities:                                           
Proceeds from short-term borrowings                          4,000           -  
Repayment of short-term borrowings                         (25,000)    (20,000) 
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                         -      78,000  
Long-term debt and capital lease payments                  (12,826)     (8,213) 
Proceeds from issuance of common stock                          31         141  
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities        (33,795)     49,928  
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents        (7,414)        376  
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                  $4,191     $27,555  
Supplemental disclosure of cash paid (received) during the period for:
  Interest (net of amount capitalized)                     $10,659      $7,122  
  Income taxes (refunds)                                    (1,969)     (6,715) 
Noncash investing and financing activities                    None        None  
See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Alaska Air Group, Inc.

Note 1. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (See Note 1 to
        Consolidated Financial Statements at December 31, 1994)

Property, Equipment and Depreciation
Effective January 1, 1995, the estimated salvage value of MD-80 flight
equipment was changed to 5% from 20%.  The new estimate was adopted to
recognize the lower expected salvage values for this aircraft type.  The
effect of the change on the three months ending March 31, 1995 was to
increase depreciation expense $1.2 million and decrease net income
$757,000 ($.06 per share).