(Mark One)
For the quarterly period ended March 31, 1997.
For the transition period from  . . . . . .  to  . . . . . .

Commission file number  1-8957

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

           Delaware	91-1292054
(State or other jurisdiction of	(I.R.S. Employer 
incorporation or organization)	Identification No.)

19300 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington 98188
(Address of principal executive offices)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code: (206) 431-7040

	Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports 
required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act 
of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the 
registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to 
such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes  X  No ___


	Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed all documents 
and reports required to be filed by Sections 12, 13 or 15(d) of the 
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 subsequent to the distribution of 
securities under a plan confirmed by a court.  Yes. No.


	Indicate the number of shares outstanding of each of the issuer's 
classes of common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

	The registrant has 14,558,779 common shares, par value $1.00, 
outstanding at March 31, 1997.

ITEM 1.  Financial Statements
Attached are the following Alaska Air Group, Inc. (the Company or Air 
Group) unaudited financial statements: (i) consolidated balance sheets as 
of March 31, 1997 and December 31, 1996; (ii) consolidated statements of 
income for the three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996; (iii) 
consolidated statement of shareholders' equity for the three months ended 
March 31, 1997; and, (iv) consolidated statements of cash flows for the 
three months ended March 31, 1997 and 1996.  Also attached are the 
accompanying notes to the Company's consolidated financial statements that 
have changed significantly during the three months ended March 31, 1997.  
These statements, which should be read in conjunction with the financial 
statements in the Company's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended 
December 31, 1996, include all adjustments that are, in the opinion of 
management, necessary for a fair presentation of the results for the 
interim periods.  The adjustments made were of a normal recurring nature.

Air Group is a holding company incorporated in Delaware in 1985.  Its 
principal subsidiaries are Alaska Airlines, Inc. (Alaska) and Horizon Air 
Industries, Inc. (Horizon).


Results of Operations
First Quarter 1997 Compared with First Quarter 1996
The consolidated net loss for the first quarter of 1997 was $5.7 million, 
or $0.39 per share, compared with a net loss of $7.2 million, or $0.52 per 
share, in 1996.  The operating loss for the first quarter of 1997 was $5.4 
million compared to an operating loss of $5.2 million for 1996.  Alaska's 
operating loss narrowed to $1.5 million from $3.4 million loss for 1996, 
while Horizon's operating loss widened to $3.7 million from $1.5 million 
loss for 1996.  Airline financial and statistical data is shown following 
the Air Group financial statements.  A discussion of this data follows.

Alaska Airlines  The operating loss decreased to $1.5 million, resulting in 
a negative 0.5% operating margin as compared to a negative 1.2% margin in 
1996.  Operating revenue per available seat mile (ASM) increased 8.6% to 
8.70 cents while operating expenses per ASM increased 7.8% to 8.74 cents.

The increase in revenue per ASM was primarily due to a 4.7 point 
improvement in system passenger load factor.  Essentially all markets 
experienced increases in load factors.  The Seattle-Anchorage market 
experienced a 13.2 point increase in load factor.  The increase in revenue 
per ASM was also favorably impacted by a 2.8% increase in system passenger 
yield.  Increased yields in the Pacific Northwest to the Bay Area and to 
Southern California markets were partially offset by lower yields in the 
Seattle-Anchorage market.

Freight and mail revenues decreased 7% due to a reduction in military 
charter work in Alaska and lower mail volumes.  Other-net revenues 
increased 1.2% due to increased revenues from travel partners in Alaska's 
frequent flyer program, offset by lower maintenance service revenue.

The table below shows the major operating expense elements on a cost per 
ASM basis for Alaska for the first quarters of 1996 and 1997.

Alaska Airlines	Operating Expenses Per ASM (In Cents)
                              		1996   	1997 	Change  	% Change
Wages and benefits             	2.61   	2.77    	.16    	6
Aircraft fuel	                  1.22   	1.50    	.28   	23
Aircraft maintenance            	.39    	.41    	.02    	5
Aircraft rent                  	1.02    1.02      	-     -	
Commissions	                     .56    	.63    	.07   	13
Depreciation & amortization	     .41    	.38   	(.03)  	(7)
Landing fees and other rentals  	.34  	  .36  	  .02    	6
Other                          	1.56 	  1.67    	.11    	7
Alaska Airlines Total          	8.11   	8.74    	.63   	 8

Alaska's higher unit costs were primarily due to higher fuel prices and 
costs associated with higher load factors.  Significant unit cost changes 
are discussed below.

Higher load factors resulted in revenue passengers increasing by 7.5% while 
ASMs grew only 2.3%.  Employees increased 8.6% (primarily in reservation 
and customer service positions) to service the added workload.  The net 
effect was that wages and benefits expense increased more than the ASM 
growth, resulting in a 6% increase in cost per ASM.

Fuel expense per ASM increased 23%, due to a 21% increase in the price of 
fuel and lower fuel efficiency due to heavier passenger loads and shorter 
average aircraft stage length.

Maintenance expense per ASM increased 5% because Alaska performed more 
repair work that is expensed currently and less major airframe and engine 
overhaul work which is capitalized.

Commission expense per ASM increased 13%, in line with the 13% increase in 
passenger revenues.

Depreciation and amortization expense per ASM decreased 7% primarily due to 
the sale (and leaseback) of two aircraft in late March 1996 and a 2% 
increase in aircraft utilization.

Other expense per ASM increased 7% primarily due to higher costs related to 
higher loads, such as booking fees, communications charges, credit card 
commissions and food expense.

Horizon Air  The operating loss increased to $3.7 million, resulting in a 
negative 5.2% operating margin as compared to a negative 2.1% margin in 
1996.  Operating revenue per ASM increased 0.6% to 20.60 cents while 
operating expenses per ASM increased 3.7% to 21.66 cents.

The increase in revenue per ASM was due to a small increase in passenger 
yield while the system passenger load factor remained constant.

Freight and mail revenues decreased 4% due to decreased capacity.

The table below shows the major operating expense elements on a cost per 
ASM basis for Horizon for the first quarters of 1996 and 1997.

Horizon Air	Operating Expenses Per ASM (In Cents)
                                		1996   	1997 	Change  	% Change
Wages and benefits               	6.42   	6.76    	.34      	5
Aircraft fuel                    	2.16   	2.62    	.46     	21
Aircraft maintenance             	2.81   	3.00    	.19      	7
Aircraft rent                    	2.43   	2.48    	.05      	2
Commissions                      	1.37   	1.30   	(.07)    	(5)
Depreciation & amortization        .80    	.85    	.05      	6
Loss (gain) on sale of assets     	.17   	(.20)  	(.37)    	NM
Landing fees and other rentals    	.87    	.94    	.07      	8
Other                            	3.86	   3.91    	.05      	1
Horizon Air Total               	20.89  	21.66    	.77      	4
NM = Not Meaningful
Horizon's unit costs increased 4% primarily due to: (a) higher wage rates 
and fringe benefits costs; (b) 19% higher fuel prices; (c) higher 
maintenance expense on leased aircraft that will be returned to lessors 
earlier than originally planned; and (d) one-time costs to prepare F-28-
4000 aircraft for service to replace F-28-1000 aircraft.

Consolidated Other Income (Expense)  Non-operating expense decreased $3.6 
million to $4.7 million primarily due to smaller average debt balances and 
lower interest rates on variable debt.

Income Tax Credit  Accounting standards require the Company to provide for 
income taxes each quarter based on its estimate of the effective tax rate 
for the full year.  The volatility of air fares and the seasonality of the 
Company's business make it difficult to accurately forecast full-year 
pretax results.  In addition, a relatively small change in pretax results 
can cause a significant change in the effective tax rate due to the 
magnitude of nondeductible expenses, such as goodwill amortization and 
employee per diem costs.  In estimating the 43.6% tax rate for the first 
quarter of 1997, the Company considered a variety of factors, including the 
U.S. federal rate of 35%, estimates of nondeductible expenses and state 
income taxes, and the 40.9% tax rate used for full year 1996.  This rate is 
evaluated each quarter and adjustments are made if necessary.

New Accounting Standards  During March 1997, the Financial Accounting 
Standards Board issued FAS 128, Earnings Per Share (EPS).  The new standard 
replaces "primary" and "fully diluted" EPS amounts with "basic" and 
"diluted" EPS amounts, respectively.  The purpose of the change is to 
simplify the EPS calculations and provide consistency with international 
accounting standards.  Had FAS 128 been in effect during 1996, the 
Company's basic EPS would have been $2.67 (versus $2.65 primary EPS) and 
diluted EPS would have been $2.05 (the same as fully diluted EPS).  FAS 128 
is effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 1997 and requires 
restatement of prior years' earnings per share.  Early adoption is not 

Liquidity and Capital Resources
The table below presents the major indicators of financial condition and 

                        	    Dec. 31, 1996  	March 31, 1997       	Change
	(In millions, except debt-to-equity and per share amounts)
Cash and marketable securities	    $	101.8          	$	78.2	      $	(23.6)
Working capital (deficit)		         (185.6)        		(218.5)      		(32.9)
Long-term debt
 and capital lease obligations     		404.1          		397.3	        	(6.8)
Shareholders' equity		               272.5          		268.9	        	(3.6)
Book value per common share       	$	18.83         	$	18.47      	$	(0.36)
Debt-to-equity                    	60%:40%          	60%:40%          	NA

The Company's cash and marketable securities portfolio decreased by $24 
million during the first three months of 1997.  Operating activities 
provided $37 million of cash during this period.  Cash was used for $39 
million of capital expenditures including the purchase of a previously 
leased B737-200C aircraft, a new Dash 8-200 aircraft, flight equipment 
deposits and airframe and engine overhauls, net repayment of short-term 
borrowings ($19 million) and the repayment of debt ($6 million).

The working capital deficit increased by $33 million primarily due to the 
purchase of property and equipment.

Shareholders' equity decreased only $4 million in spite of a $6 million net 
loss due to the issuance of $2 million of common stock under stock plans.

ITEM 5.  Other Information
The U.S. 10% passenger ticket tax, the 6.25% cargo waybill tax and the $6 
per passenger international departure tax expired on December 31, 1996, and 
were all reinstated effective March 7, 1997.  These taxes are due to expire 
on September 30, 1997.

ITEM 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
(a)	Exhibit 11 - Statement regarding computation of per-share earnings.
	Exhibit 27 - Financial data schedule.
(b)	A report on Form 8-K describing changes in the employee profit sharing 
programs was filed on February 20, 1997.

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Act of 1934, the registrant 
has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned 
thereunto duly authorized.


Date:  May 2, 1997	

/s/ John F. Kelly	
John F. Kelly
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

/s/ Harry G. Lehr	
Harry G. Lehr
Senior Vice President/Finance
(Principal Financial Officer)

Alaska Air Group, Inc.

                                                    December 31,     March 31,
(In Millions)                                                1996          1997
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents                                   $49.4         $18.3
Marketable securities                                        52.4          59.9
Receivables - net                                            69.7          82.7
Inventories and supplies                                     47.8          48.3
Prepaid expenses and other assets                            80.9          69.4
Total Current Assets                                        300.2         278.6

Property and Equipment
Flight equipment                                            815.9         830.8
Other property and equipment                                270.4         277.7
Deposits for future flight equipment                         84.5          91.1
                                                          1,170.8       1,199.6
Less accumulated depreciation and amortization              326.3         339.2
                                                            844.5         860.4
Capital leases
Flight and other equipment                                   44.4          44.4
Less accumulated amortization                                25.5          25.9
                                                             18.9          18.5
Total Property and Equipment - Net                          863.4         878.9

Intangible Assets - Subsidiaries                             61.6          61.1

Other Assets                                                 86.2          90.1

Total Assets                                             $1,311.4      $1,308.7

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Alaska Air Group, Inc.

                                                    December 31,     March 31,
(In Millions)                                                1996          1997
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable                                            $65.4         $72.2
Accrued aircraft rent                                        52.8          51.9
Accrued wages, vacation and payroll taxes                    51.5          46.2
Other accrued liabilities                                    82.0          64.8
Short-term borrowings
(Interest rate: 1996 - 5.6%; 1997 - 5.9%)                    47.0          28.0
Air traffic liability                                       163.0         209.4
Current portion of long-term debt and
  capital lease obligations                                  24.1          24.6
Total Current Liabilities                                   485.8         497.1

Long-Term Debt and Capital Lease Obligations                404.1         397.3
Other Liabilities and Credits
Deferred income taxes                                        49.5          44.7
Deferred income                                              18.1          16.8
Other liabilities                                            81.4          83.9
                                                            149.0         145.4
Shareholders' Equity
Common stock, $1 par value
  Authorized:      50,000,000 shares
  Issued: 1996 -  17,223,281 shares
          1997 -  17,307,356 shares                          17.2          17.3
  Capital in excess of par value                            166.8         168.4
  Treasury stock, at cost: 1996 - 2,748,550 shares
   1997 - 2,748,577 shares                                  (62.6)        (62.6)
Deferred compensation                                        (2.8)         (2.3)
Retained earnings                                           153.9         148.1
                                                            272.5         268.9
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity               $1,311.4      $1,308.7

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Alaska Air Group, Inc.

Three Months Ended March 31
(In Millions except Per share Amounts)                    1996          1997
Operating Revenues
Passenger                                                $312.6        $342.9
Freight and mail                                           21.4          20.0
Other - net                                                17.4          17.5
Total Operating Revenues                                  351.4         380.4
Operating Expenses
Wages and benefits                                        114.3         122.5
Aircraft fuel                                              50.5          62.7
Aircraft maintenance                                       23.5          25.2
Aircraft rent                                              44.1          44.9
Commissions                                                23.0          24.8
Depreciation and amortization                              17.1          16.7
Loss (gain) on sale of assets                               0.7          (0.7)
Landing fees and other rentals                             15.0          15.9
Other                                                      68.4          73.8
Total Operating Expenses                                  356.6         385.8
Operating Loss                                             (5.2)         (5.4)
Other Income (Expense)
Interest income                                             2.6           1.9
Interest expense                                          (11.1)         (8.4)
Interest capitalized                                        0.0           1.0
Other - net                                                 0.2           0.8
                                                           (8.3)         (4.7)
Loss before income tax                                    (13.5)        (10.1)
Income tax credit                                           6.3           4.4
Net Loss                                                  $(7.2)        $(5.7)

Loss Per Share                                           $(0.52)       $(0.39)

Shares used for computation                                13.7          14.5

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Alaska Air Group, Inc.

                                                   Capital in     Treasury   Deferred
                                         Common     Excess of        Stock    Compen-    Retained
(In Millions)                             Stock     Par Value      at Cost     sation    Earnings      Total
Balances at December 31, 1996             $17.2         $166.8       $(62.6)     $(2.7)     $153.8     $272.5
Net loss for the three months
  ended March 31, 1997                                                                        (5.7)      (5.7)
Stock issued under stock plans              0.1            1.6                                            1.7
Employee Stock Ownership Plan
  shares allocated                                                                 0.4                    0.4

Balances at March 31, 1997                $17.3         $168.4       $(62.6)     $(2.3)     $148.1     $268.9

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Alaska Air Group, Inc.

Three Months Ended March 31  (In Millions)                    1996        1997
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net loss                                                      $(7.2)      $(5.7)
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to cash:
   Depreciation and amortization                               17.1        16.7
   Amortization of airframe and engine overhauls                7.6         8.4
   Loss (gain) on disposition of assets                         0.7        (0.7)
   Deferred income taxes                                       (6.7)       (4.8)
   Increase in accounts receivable                            (26.6)      (13.0)
   Decrease in other current assets                            14.1        11.0
   Increase in air traffic liability                           45.5        46.5
   Decrease in other current liabilities                       (4.9)      (16.6)
   Other-net                                                    4.5        (5.1)
Net cash provided by operating activities                      44.1        36.7
Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from disposition of assets                             1.0         2.9
Purchases of marketable securities                            (13.4)      (14.6)
Sales and maturities of marketable securities                  48.4         7.0
Restricted deposits                                             2.5        (0.6)
Additions to flight equipment deposits                          -          (6.7)
Additions to property and equipment                           (20.5)      (32.1)
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities            18.0       (44.1)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Proceeds from short-term borrowings                             -          28.0
Repayment of short-term borrowings                            (65.9)      (47.0)
Proceeds from sale and leaseback transactions                  57.4         -
Long-term debt and capital lease payments                     (19.7)       (6.4)
Proceeds from issuance of common stock                          4.9         1.7
Net cash used in financing activities                         (23.3)      (23.7)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents           38.8       (31.1)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                 25.8        49.4
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                      $64.6       $18.3
Supplemental disclosure of cash paid (received) during the period for:
  Interest (net of amount capitalized)                         $9.0        $4.7
  Income taxes (refunds)                                       (0.8)       (4.5)
Noncash investing and financing activities                    None        None

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

Alaska Air Group, Inc.

Note 1.	Summary of Significant Policies (See Note 1 to Consolidated 
Financial Statements at December 31, 1996)
Property, Equipment and Depreciation
Effective January 1, 1997, the estimated salvage value of B737-400 
flight equipment was changed to 10% from 20%.  The new estimate was 
adopted to recognize the lower expected salvage values for this aircraft 
type.  The annual effect of the change will be to increase depreciation 
expense $0.5 million and decrease net income $0.3 million ($.02 per 

                                                Airline Financial and Statistical Data
Quarter Ended March 31

                                                Alaska Airlines             Horizon Air
                                                               %                            %
Financial Data (in millions):             1996      1997   Change     1996      1997    Change
Operating Revenues:
Passenger                                $245.1   $277.4     13.2     $69.0    $67.8      (1.7)
Freight and mail                           18.7     17.4     (7.0)      2.7      2.6      (3.7)
Other - net                                16.6     16.8      1.2       0.8      0.6     (25.0)

Total Operating Revenues                  280.4    311.6     11.1      72.5     71.0      (2.1)

Operating Expenses:
Wages and benefits                         91.5     99.2      8.4      22.7     23.3       2.6
Aircraft fuel                              42.8     53.7     25.5       7.6      9.0      18.4
Aircraft maintenance                       13.6     14.8      8.8       9.9     10.4       5.1
Aircraft rent                              35.6     36.4      2.2       8.6      8.5      (1.2)
Commissions                                19.6     22.6     15.3       4.9      4.5      (8.2)
Depreciation and amortization              14.2     13.7     (3.5)      2.8      2.9       3.6
Loss (gain) on sale of assets               0.1      0.0       NM       0.6     (0.7)       NM
Landing fees and other rentals             11.9     12.7      6.7       3.1      3.2       3.2
Other                                      54.5     60.0     10.1      13.8     13.6      (1.4)

Total Operating Expenses                  283.8    313.1     10.3      74.0     74.7       0.9

Operating Loss                             (3.4)    (1.5)              (1.5)    (3.7)

Interest income                             2.6      2.4                0.0      0.0
Interest expense                           (8.9)    (6.2)              (0.1)    (0.5)
Interest capitalized                        0.0      0.7                0.0      0.3
Other - net                                 0.4      0.8               (0.0)     0.1
                                           (5.9)    (2.3)              (0.1)    (0.1)

Loss before income tax credit             $(9.3)   $(3.8)             $(1.6)   $(3.8)

Operating Statistics:
Revenue passengers (000)                   2,576    2,770     7.5        907      856     (5.6)
RPMs (000,000)                             2,126    2,342    10.2        209      204     (2.6)
ASMs (000,000)                             3,500    3,582     2.3        354      345     (2.6)
Passenger load factor                      60.7%    65.4%  4.7 pts     59.1%    59.1%   0.0 pts
Breakeven load factor                      64.2%    67.1%  2.9 pts     60.0%    63.4%   3.4 pts
Yield per passenger mile                  11.53c   11.84c     2.8     33.02c   33.30c      0.8
Operating revenues per ASM                 8.01c    8.70c     8.6     20.48c   20.60c      0.6
Operating expenses per ASM                 8.11c    8.74c     7.8     20.89c   21.66c      3.7
Fuel cost per gallon                       68.5c    83.2c    21.3      73.6c    87.9c     19.4
Fuel gallons (000,000)                     62.5     64.6      3.4      10.4     10.3      (1.0)
Average number of employees                7,297    7,921     8.6      2,840    2,812     (1.0)
Aircraft utilization (block hours)         10.9     11.2      2.3       7.6      7.0      (7.8)
Operating fleet at period-end                 74       75     1.4         62       59     (4.8)
NM = Not Meaningful
c = cents