For Immediate Release

                        PRESS RELEASE

                                      For more information contact:
                                      Erin Ibele    (419) 247-2800
                                      Robert Pruger (419) 247-2800


          Toledo, Ohio - July 21, 1994..... Health Care REIT, Inc.
today announced that its Board of Directors adopted a Preferred
Share Purchase Rights Plan and declared a dividend distribution to
be made to stockholders of record on August 5, 1994, of one
Preferred Share Purchase Right on each outstanding share of the
Company's common stock.  Each Right will entitle stockholders to
buy one one-thousandth of a share of a new series of junior
participating preferred stock for an exercise price of $48.00.

          The Rights will be exercisable only if a person or group
acquires or announces a tender offer for 15% or more of the
Company's common stock.  The Company may exchange the Rights
(except for those held by an acquirer, which would be void) for the
Company's common stock on a one-for-one basis at any time after a
person or group has acquired 15% or more of the outstanding common
stock.  The Company will be entitled to redeem the Rights at $.01
per Right at any time before public disclosure that a 15% position
has been acquired.  The Rights will expire on August 5, 2004,
unless previously redeemed, exchanged or exercised.  The distribu-
tion of the Rights is not a taxable event to stockholders.

          Additional details of the Rights distribution are
available from the Company upon request.

          Health Care REIT, Inc. is a real estate investment trust
which invests in health care facilities, primarily nursing homes. 
The Company also invests in assisted living and retirement
facilities, rehabilitation centers, primary care facilities and
behavioral care facilities.