Washington, D.C. 20549

                                   FORM 10-Q

   (Mark One)

             QUARTERLY  REPORT  PURSUANT  TO  SECTION  13  OR  15(d)  OF   THEx

   For the quarterly period ended    June 30, 1996



   For the transition period from                          to                 

                 Commission file number          0-11987        

                       Krupp Realty Limited Partnership-IV                    

               Massachusetts                                  04-2772783
   (State or other jurisdiction of                         (IRS employer
   incorporation or organization)                           identification

      470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts                    02210     

     (Address of principal executive offices)                  (Zip Code)

                                  (617) 423-2233

               (Registrant's telephone number, including area code)

   Indicate by check  mark whether the  registrant (1) has  filed all  reports
   required to be filed  by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
   of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the
   registrant was  required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to
   such filing requirements for the past 90 days.  Yes   X    No      

                          PART I.  FINANCIAL INFORMATION


   This Form  10-Q contains forward-looking  statements within the  meaning of
   Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities
   Exchange Act of  1934.  Actual results  could differ materially  from those
   projected in  the forward-looking  statements as  a result  of a  number of
   factors, including those identified herein.


                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                              June 30,     December 31,
                                                                1996           1995    

            Multi-family apartment complexes, 
               net of accumulated depreciation of 
               $23,698,185 and $22,689,200, respectively    $16,291,034     $17,088,634
            Cash and cash equivalents                         1,297,997       2,802,694
            Cash restricted for capital improvements             17,055          19,066
            Prepaid expenses and other assets                   552,389         653,387
            Deferred expenses, net of accumulated
               amortization of $130,084 and $103,355,
               respectively                                     268,574         295,303

                  Total assets                              $18,427,049     $20,859,084    

                                   LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' DEFICIT

            Mortgage notes payable                          $20,567,359     $20,938,160
            Accounts payable                                     16,754          61,162
            Due to affiliates (Note 3)                           18,145          97,840
            Other liabilities                                   851,669         954,992

                  Total liabilities                          21,453,927      22,052,154

            Partners' equity (deficit) (Note 2):

               Investor Limited Partners 
                 (30,000 Units outstanding)                  (1,472,109)        322,527
               Original Limited Partner                      (1,265,952)     (1,245,119)
               General Partners                                (288,817)       (270,478)

                  Total Partners' deficit                    (3,026,878)     (1,193,070)

                  Total liabilities and Partners' 
                   deficit                                  $18,427,049     $20,859,084

                      The accompanying notes are an integral
                  part of the consolidated financial statements.


                                             For the Three Months     For the Six Months
                                                 Ended June 30,         Ended June 30,    
                                               1996        1995        1996        1995   
               Rental                       $1,808,922  $1,744,810  $3,611,131  $3,446,622
               Other income                     36,931      43,008      78,872      79,919

                  Total revenue              1,845,853   1,787,818   3,690,003   3,526,541

               Operating (Note 3)              534,235     439,133   1,100,856     884,850
               Maintenance                     186,050     152,110     317,027     275,400
               Real estate taxes               164,686     146,869     333,399     298,806
               General and administrative
                  (Note 3)                      19,603      34,070      42,637      52,792

               Management fees (Note 3)         71,353      70,335     139,989     140,099
               Depreciation and
                  amortization                 521,716     523,550   1,035,714   1,039,454
               Interest                        324,127     328,301     649,334     657,585
                  Total expenses             1,821,770   1,694,368   3,618,956   3,348,986

            Income before minority
               interest                         24,083      93,450      71,047     177,555
            Minority interest                   (1,084)     (1,040)     (2,399)     (1,498)

            Net income                      $   22,999  $   92,410  $   68,648  $  176,057

            Allocation of net income (Note 2):

               Investor Limited Partners
                  (30,000 Units 
                   outstanding)             $   21,849  $   87,790  $   65,216  $  167,254

               Per Unit of Investor
                  Limited Partner Interest  $      .72  $     2.93  $     2.17  $     5.58

               Original Limited Partner     $      920  $    3,696  $    2,746  $    7,042

               General Partners             $      230  $      924  $      686  $    1,761

                      The accompanying notes are an integral
                  part of the consolidated financial statements.


                                                                    For the Six Months
                                                                       Ended June 30,   
                                                                     1996         1995  
            Operating activities:
               Net income                                        $    68,648  $  176,057
               Adjustment to reconcile net income to net           
                  cash provided by operating activities:           
                  Depreciation and amortization                    1,035,714   1,039,454
                  Decrease in prepaid expenses
                    and other assets                                 100,998     227,079
                  Decrease in other liabilities                     (103,323)   (150,169)
                  Increase (decrease) in accounts payable            (49,554)     17,596
                  Increase (decrease) in due to affiliates           (79,695)      5,323

                        Net cash provided by operating
                           activities                                972,788   1,315,340

            Investing activities:
               Decrease in cash restricted for capital 
                  improvements                                         2,011      14,341
               Increase in other investments                           -        (486,995)
               Increase in accounts payable for fixed asset
                  additions                                            5,146        - 
               Additions to fixed assets                            (211,385)   (204,034)

                        Net cash used in investing activities       (204,228)   (676,688)

            Financing activities:

               Principal payments on mortgage notes payable         (370,801)   (362,550)
               Distributions                                      (1,902,456)   (441,958)
               Increase in deferred expenses                           -          (1,941)

                        Net cash used in financing
                           activities                             (2,273,257)   (806,449)

            Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents             (1,504,697)   (167,797)

            Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period         2,802,694   2,500,074

            Cash and cash equivalents, end of period             $ 1,297,997  $2,332,277

                      The accompanying notes are an integral
                  part of the consolidated financial statements.



   (1)        Accounting Policies

      Certain  information  and  footnote  disclosures  normally  included  in
      financial  statements  prepared in  accordance  with  generally accepted
      accounting principles have been  condensed or omitted in this  report on
      Form 10-Q pursuant  to the Rules and  Regulations of the Securities  and
      Exchange Commission.   In the  opinion of the General  Partners of Krupp
      Realty Limited Partnership-IV and Subsidiaries (the "Partnership"),  the
      disclosures  contained  in   this  report  are  adequate  to   make  the
      information  presented  not  misleading.    See  Notes  to  Consolidated
      Financial Statements included in the Partnership's Annual Report on Form
      10-K for the  year ended  December 31, 1995  for additional  information
      relevant to significant accounting policies followed by the Partnership.

      The  consolidated  financial  statements  present  consolidated  assets,
      liabilities and  operations  of  Pavillion  Partners,  Ltd.,  Westbridge
      Partners,  Ltd.,  and  Krupp  Realty Limited  Partnership-IV.    Westcop
      Corporation  has a 1% interest in the operations of Westbridge Partners,
      Ltd. and Pavillion Partners, Ltd.   At June 30, 1996,  minority interest
      of $26,395 is included in other liabilities.

      In  the  opinion  of  the  General  Partners  of  the  Partnership,  the
      accompanying unaudited  consolidated  financial statements  reflect  all
      adjustments (consisting of only  normal recurring accruals) necessary to
      present fairly  the Partnership's consolidated financial  position as of
      June 30,  1996, its results of  operations for the three  and six months
      ended June  30, 1996   and 1995 and  its cash flows  for the  six months
      ended June  30, 1996 and  1995.  Certain  prior year balances  have been
      reclassified  to  conform  with   current  year  consolidated  financial
      statement presentation.
      The results  of operations for the  three and six months  ended June 30,
      1996 are not necessarily indicative of the results which may be expected
      for  the full  year.    See  Management's  Discussion  and  Analysis  of
      Financial Condition and Results of Operations included in this report.

   (2)           Changes in Partners' Deficit

      A summary  of changes in  Partners' equity (deficit) for  the six months
      ended June 30, 1996 is as follows:

                                          Investor        Original                Total
                                          Limited         Limited     General     Partners'
                                          Partners        Partner     Partners    Deficit   

                 Balance at
                   December 31, 1995     $   322,527    $(1,245,119) $(270,478)  $(1,193,070)

                 Net income                   65,216          2,746        686        68,648

                   Operations               (559,951)       (23,579)    (5,895)     (589,425)
                   Capital transaction    (1,299,901)          -       (13,130)   (1,313,031)

                 Balance at
                   June 30, 1996         $(1,472,109)   $(1,265,952) $(288,817)  $(3,026,878)

   (3)        Related Party Transactions

              Commencing  with the  date of  acquisition of  the Partnership's
              properties, the Partnership entered  into agreements under which
              property management fees are paid to an affiliate of the General
              Partners for  services as  management  agent.   Such  agreements
              provide  for management fees payable monthly  at a rate of 5% of
              the gross receipts  from the properties  under management.   The
              Partnership also  reimburses affiliates of the  General Partners
              for certain  expenses incurred in connection  with the operation
              of  the Partnership  and its   properties  including accounting,
              computer,  insurance, travel,  legal and  payroll; and  with the
              preparation and  mailing of reports and  other communications to
              the Limited Partners.

              Amounts  accrued  or  paid  to the  General  Partners  or  their
              affiliates are as follows:

                                            For the Three Months     For the Six Months
                                               Ended June 30,           Ended June 30,   
                                              1996         1995        1996       1995   

                   Property management
                     fees                    $ 71,353    $ 70,335   $139,989    $140,099

                   Expense reimbursements      62,466      43,639    125,702      55,989

                   Charged to operations     $133,819    $113,974   $265,691    $196,088

                 Due to affiliates consists of the following:

                                                                   June 30,  December 31,
                                                                     1996       1995    

                    Expense reimbursements                         $ 18,145  $    97,840




   This  Management s  Discussion  and  Analysis of  Financial  Condition  and
   Results of  Operations contains forward-looking statements  including those
   concerning  Management s  expectations   regarding  the  future   financial
   performance and  future events.   These forward-looking  statements involve
   significant  risk  and  uncertainties,  including  those described  herein.
   Actual  results may  differ  materially  from  those  anticipated  by  such
   forward-looking statements.

   Liquidity and Capital Resources

   The Partnership's ability  to generate cash adequate  to meet its  needs is
   dependent  primarily  on  the  operations  of  its  remaining  real  estate
   investments.    Such  ability   would  also  be  impacted  by   the  future
   availability  of bank borrowings, and  upon future refinancing  and sale of
   the  Partnership's real  estate  investments  and  the  collection  of  any
   mortgage receivables  which may result from  such sales.   These sources of
   liquidity  will be used by the Partnership  for payment of expenses related
   to real estate operations, capital improvements, refinancing and  expenses.
   Cash  Flow, if any,  as calculated under Section  8.2(a) of the Partnership
   Agreement, will then be available for distribution to the Partners.  Due to
   improvements  in the operations of the properties and reduced debt service,
   the Partnership has been able to increase semi-annual distributions from an
   annual rate of $28.00 per Unit in 1995, to approximately $37.33 per Unit in
   1996.   In  addition,  the  Partnership  made  a  special  distribution  of
   $1,313,031  during  the second  quarter  of  1996, representing  a  capital
   distribution, based on  the remaining  proceeds from the  sale of  Lakeview
   Tower  in 1992.   In  accordance with  Section 8.3  (a) of  the Partnership
   Agreement, the  distribution  was allocated  99%  to the  Investor  Limited
   Partners and 1% to the General Partners.

   In  the  second  quarter  of   1996,  the  Partnership  continued   capital
   improvements at its properties and anticipates that these improvements will
   continue  throughout the  year.   These  improvements  consist of  interior
   enhancements which  include replacement of appliances,  carpeting and vinyl
   flooring  as  well as  exterior improvements  consisting of  painting, roof
   repair and  the building of  perimeter walls and  fences.   The Partnership
   believes  that these  improvements are  necessary  to compete  with current
   market conditions, produce  quality rental units  and absorb excess  market
   supply at the properties' respective locations.

   Cash Flow

   Shown below is the calculation of Cash Flow as defined by Section 8.2(a) of
   the  Partnership Agreement  for the six  months ended  June 30,  1996.  The
   General  Partners  provide  certain  of  the  information  below   to  meet
   requirements  of the Partnership Agreement and because they believe that it
   is an appropriate  supplemental measure of operating performance.  However,
   Cash Flow should  not be considered  by the reader as  a substitute to  net
   income (loss), as an indicator  of the Partnership's operating  performance
   or to cash flows as a measure of liquidity.
                                                            Rounded to $1,000

      Net loss for tax purposes                                   $(108,000)

      Items not requiring or (requiring) 
       the use of operating funds:
               Tax basis depreciation and amortization              958,000
               Tax basis principal payments on mortgage            (117,000) 
               Expenditures for capital improvements               (211,000)
               Amounts released from working capital reserves        67,000  

      Cash Flow                                                   $ 589,000
   Cash Flow, before additions to  working capital reserves, decreased in  the
   first half of 1996  as compared to the same  period in 1995 as a  result of
   both  increased capital  improvement  expenditures and  a  decrease in  net
   income,  as the  increase  in expenses  more than  offset  the increase  in
   revenue.  Rental  revenue during the  three and six  months ended June  30,
   1996, as compared to the same time period in 1995, increased as a result of
   increased rental rates at the Partnership's properties instituted in 1995.

   For the three and six months ended June 30,  1996 as compared with the same
   period  in  1995,  the  Partnership  experienced  increases  in  operating,
   maintenance  and real estate tax expenses.  Operating expense increased due
   to both  higher insurance expense,  attributable to prior  years' insurance
   refunds  received in 1995, and greater utility rates and consumption levels
   at Pavillion and Fenland Field.  The increase in operating  expense also is
   due to  a rise  in reimbursable  expenses incurred  in connection  with the
   operation of  the  Partnership  and  its  properties,  including  computer,
   accounting, travel,  insurance,  legal  and  payroll  costs.    Maintenance
   expense  increased due to external  wall repairs and  landscaping at Indian
   Run, driveway, siding  and stairway repairs at Walden Pond and snow removal
   expenditures  at Fenland  Field as  a result  of the  harsh winter  weather
   conditions.  Real estate taxes increased due to an increase in the assessed
   value of Walden Pond. 


   In  accordance with Financial Accounting  Standard No. 121, "Accounting for
   the  Impairment  of  Long-Lived Assets  and  for  Long-Lived  Assets to  Be
   Disposed  Of", which is effective for fiscal years beginning after December
   15,  1995, the  Partnership  has  implemented  policies and  practices  for
   assessing impairment of its real estate assets.

   The  investments  in  properties  are  carried  at  cost  less  accumulated
   depreciation unless  the General Partners  believe there  is a  significant
   impairment in value, in which case a provision to write down investments in
   properties to fair value will be charged against income.  At this time, the
   General Partners  do not  believe that  any assets  of the Partnership  are
   significantly impaired.


                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

   Item 1.    Legal Proceedings
                 Response:  None

   Item 2.    Changes in Securities
                 Response:  None

   Item 3.    Defaults upon Senior Securities
                 Response:  None

   Item 4.    Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
                 Response:  None

   Item 5.    Other Information
                 Response:  None

   Item 6.    Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
                 Response:  None

   Pursuant to the requirements  of the Securities Exchange  Act of 1934,  the
   registrant has  duly caused this report to  be signed on its  behalf by the
   undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                    Krupp Realty Limited Partnership-IV

              BY:   /s/Robert A. Barrows                 
                    Robert A. Barrows
                    Treasurer  and  Chief  Accounting  Officer  of  the  Krupp
                    Corporation, a General Partner.

   DATE:  July   , 1996