A G R E E M E N T

         THIS  AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 25th day of April,  1997,
by and among Reliv'  International,  Inc. ("Reliv"),  Avogen,  Inc.  ("Avogen"),
Conkle & Olesten PLC ("Conkle") and Richard Huber ("Huber").

         WHEREAS, Reliv and Avogen entered into an agreement dated July 1, 1995,
whereby Avogen  granted Reliv a certain  license for the marketing and sale of a
skin care line of products utilizing technology developed by Avogen (the "Avogen

         WHEREAS,  Reliv, Avogen and Conkle entered into an agreement dated July
1, 1995,  whereby Conkle  assigned its rights in such  technology to Avogen,  in
order to allow Avogen to enter into the Avogen Agreement with Reliv (the "Conkle

         WHEREAS,  Reliv and Huber entered into an agreement dated July 1, 1995,
whereby Huber was to provide  certain  consulting  services to Reliv (the "Huber
Consulting Agreement");

         WHEREAS,  certain  disputes have arisen between the parties relating to
such agreements resulting in a mediation proceeding before Judge Eli Chernow, as
mediator (the "Mediation");

         WHEREAS, the parties have reached a settlement of their disputes;

         NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of the  premises and of the terms,
covenants and  conditions  hereinafter  contained,  the parties  hereto agree as

         1. Amendment to Avogen Agreement. The Avogen Agreement shall be amended
by  including  the  following  provisions  effective  as of  the  date  of  this

                  1.1 Transfer of Technology.  Upon payment of the sum specified
         in  paragraph  1.2  below,  Avogen  and  Huber  transfer  to Reliv  the
         Technology  and agree to transfer all technical  information  regarding
         the production of MW302 to Reliv and will cooperate fully with Reliv to
         effect such  transfer.  Reliv hereby  designates  David  Huesgen as the
         individual to receive such  information and promptly upon the execution
         of this  Agreement,  Huber shall meet with such  individual to transfer
         such  information.  The transfer of information shall include an actual
         demonstration  of the process now in use for the production of MW302 as
         well as all ingredients, methods of production and manufacture, sources
         of supply,  and other  information  necessary for  production of MW302.
         Such  individual  shall execute a  confidentiality  agreement and shall
         agree not to use or disclose  such  information  except as set forth in
         this Agreement.  Reliv agrees that it shall not disclose such technical
         information  nor shall  Reliv use such  information,  unless  and until
         Avogen and Huber  shall (i) fail to provide  MW302 to Reliv as required
         by Reliv from time to time  and/or  (ii) Reliv and Avogen  shall  enter
         into a separate agreement  regarding the royalties payable with respect
         to the production and sale of MW302.


                  1.2 Payment.  Upon the transfer of the  Technology as provided
         in  paragraph  1.1 above,  Reliv shall pay the amount of $60,000.  Such
         amount shall constitute an advance payment of royalties and Reliv shall
         be  deemed  to have  paid all  minimum  royalties  as  provided  for in
         paragraph  5.3 and the Minimum  Amount as provided for in paragraph 3.5
         in full through June of 1997. In the event Reliv  purchases any product
         during  such  period it may apply  such  advance  payment  against  any
         royalties due and owing on such  purchases.  All of the funds  provided
         under  this  paragraph  1.2  shall  be used by  Avogen  solely  for the
         purposes of developing a system for the commercial production of MW302.
         The funds  shall be paid to and held by Conkle and shall be released by
         Conkle to Avogen only upon receipt of written  verification from Avogen
         that such funds will be used for the purposes as set forth above.  Such
         verification  shall be signed by an  executive  officer  of Avogen  and
         shall set forth in  reasonable  detail  the use of such  funds.  Avogen
         shall  provide Reliv a monthly  detailed  accounting of the use of such
         funds,  in such form as Reliv shall  prescribe,  until such time as all
         the funds have been applied.

                  1.3 Defective  Pathway/ Past Due Minimum Royalty.  The parties
         agree that  Avogen's  liability to Reliv for the  defective  batches of
         Pathway  product  delivered to Reliv shall be settled for the amount of
         $30,000.  The parties further agree that the total amount due and owing
         Avogen by Reliv for minimum  royalties  under paragraph 5.3 to the date
         of this  Agreement  is $30,000.  The parties  agree to apply and offset
         such obligations against each other.

                  1.4 Supply of MW302.  Avogen  and Huber  agree that they shall
         use their best  efforts to supply  Reliv's  requirements  of MW302,  as
         ordered by Reliv. The MW302 shall be supplied to Reliv at Avogen's cost
         of  production  for such  product and all  royalties  thereon  shall be
         deemed  paid  through  June of 1997.  Avogen and Huber  agree that they
         shall provide Reliv with the best and most favored client  status,  and
         shall not  produce or sell,  or have  produced  or sold,  MW302 for any
         person other than Reliv if, at the time, there shall be any outstanding
         unfilled orders from Reliv therefor.

                  1.5  Non-Exclusive  License.  Commencing on July 1, 1997,  the
         license  granted to Reliv shall be  non-exclusive  and Avogen  shall be
         entitled  to make,  use,  sell and grant  licenses  to make and use the
         Rights,  except that Reliv shall retain the exclusive worldwide license
         to practice and use the Rights with respect to the manufacture, sale or
         other  disposition  of Reliv's  current  line of  Commercial  Products.
         Reliv's  exclusive license shall not extend to any product which is not
         one of Reliv's then Commercial  Products.  Avogen will grant no license
         or right that would limit or restrict the  non-exclusive  and exclusive
         rights  granted to Reliv  hereunder.  However,  the  license  shall not
         preclude Avogen from practicing, using, selling or licensing the Rights
         in a manner  that would not limit or  restrict  the  non-exclusive  and
         exclusive rights granted to Reliv hereunder.  For example, Avogen could
         license  use  of  MW302  in  Asia,  in a  product  not  constituting  a
         Commercial  Product.  In the  event  Reliv  and  Avogen  enter  into an
         agreement  to  license  additional   products  or  product  lines  that
         constitute a line extension(s) for Reliv,  Avogen will not subsequently
         grant any further license or right that would limit or restrict Reliv's
         rights  to  such  products  or  product  lines  as set  forth  in  such
         agreement. Effective July 1, 1997, the provisions of


         Sections 3.5 and 5.3 of this Agreement  regarding Minimum Royalties and
         Minimum  Royalty  Payments  shall  be void and of no  further  force or

                  1.6  Royalty.   The  royalty   payable  with  respect  to  the
         manufacture  and sale of  MW302  shall be as set  forth  on  Exhibit  A
         attached hereto.

                  1.7 Certain Covenants.  As the license granted to Reliv' shall
         be non-exclusive after July 1, 1997 (except with respect to its current
         Commercial Products for which the license shall remain exclusive),  the
         provisions  of  paragraph   15.1.4(a)   containing   covenants  against
         providing  products  utilizing  the  Technology  in the  Field to other
         parties,  shall  not  apply  to  products  other  than  the  Commercial
         Products.  The other  provisions  of  15.1.4(a)  relating  to owning or
         operating a Conflicting Organization, the other provisions of paragraph
         15, and paragraph 7 relating to Confidential  Information  shall remain
         in full force and effect.  The principal  officers and  shareholders of
         Avogen have executed  agreements  consistent  with  paragraphs 7 and 15
         and, to the extent that this  Agreement  is amended and  modified  with
         respect to Avogen,  those agreements shall also be modified to the same
         extent with respect to such principals.

         2. Amendment to Conkle Agreement. The Conkle Agreement shall be amended
by including the following provision:

                  2.1 Waiver.  Conkle has entered into an agreement  with Avogen
         whereby it shall  receive a portion of the  payments  made by Reliv' to
         Avogen  pursuant to the terms of the Avogen  Agreement.  Conkle  agrees
         that for as long as the Avogen  Agreement is in effect and has not been
         terminated,  and for long as Conkle shall have  received its portion of
         payments  made by Reliv'  to  Avogen  pursuant  to its  agreement  with
         Avogen, it will not assert any claim against Reliv' with respect to the
         License or Rights  which are the subject of the Avogen  Agreement,  and
         will not take any  actions,  as  assignee  of such  rights,  which will
         affect Reliv's  rights under the Avogen  Agreement  including,  without
         limitation, terminating this Agreement (Conkle agreement). In the event
         Avogen fails to remit to Conkle a portion of the  payments  received by
         Reliv' as agreed between Conkle and Avogen,  Conkle shall notify Reliv'
         and  Reliv'  shall have the right,  but not the  obligation,  to make a
         payment  directly to Conkle equal to the amount Conkle is due under its
         agreement  with  Avogen.  The amount due to Avogen from Reliv' shall be
         reduced by the amount of such  payment to Conkle and Avogen  agrees and
         consents to such direct payment.

         3. Mutual  Release.  Effective from and after the date hereof,  Avogen,
Huber  and  Conkle,  on the one  hand,  and  Reliv,  on the  other,  acting  for
themselves and for any and all of their respective employees, agents, attorneys,
predecessors, successors and all other lawful representatives, do hereby forever
release,  acquit,  forgive  and  fully  discharge  each  other  and the  other's
employees,  agents,  attorneys,  predecessors,  successors  and all other lawful
representatives,  from any and all  past,  present  or  future  claims,  losses,
actions, causes of actions,  demands, rights, damages,  injuries, costs, loss of
services,  expenses and  compensation,  whether  known or unknown,  disclosed or
undisclosed,  legal or equitable, foreseen or unforseen, fixed or contingent, by
statute,  in  contract  or in  tort  or  otherwise,  together  with  any and all
consequential, special or other damages


relating  thereto  (collectively  the "Claims")  which each may have or ever may
have had, or which may hereafter  accrue on account of or in any way arising out
of or  attributable  to (i) the matters  set forth or averred in the  Mediation,
(ii) any matters  resulting out of the operation or  performance  of the License
Agreement,  Conkle Agreement or Huber Consulting Agreement and (iii) all actions
or inactions done by any of the other party prior to the date hereof;  excepting
only those  Claims  arising out of the failure to perform the terms,  conditions
and obligations,  or breach of any representation,  warranty or covenant of this
Agreement and all continuing and future  obligations under the Avogen Agreement,
Conkle Agreement and Huber Consulting  Agreement.  There are no releases between
Avogen, Huber and Conkle.

         4. Remaining Terms.  Except as amended hereby,  the terms of the Avogen
Agreement and Conkle Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

         5.  Non-Disclosure.  Neither  party to this  Agreement  shall  disclose
either the existence or the contents of this Agreement to any persons except its
own authorized management personnel.

                                                RELIV' INTERNATIONAL, INC.

                                       By:       /s/ Robert L. Montgomery
                                                Authorized Officer

                                                AVOGEN, INC.

                                       By:       /s/ Richard Huber
                                                Authorized Officer

                                                CONKLE & OLESTEN PLC

                                       By:       /s/ Christina Olesten
                                                Authorized Officer

                                                 /s/ Richard Huber
                                                RICHARD HUBER
