"Agreement") is made and entered into on the date hereinafter set
forth  by  and  between  GEODYNAMICS  CORPORATION,  a  California
corporation ("Geodynamics") and BRUCE J. GORDON ("Gordon").


      A.   Geodynamics and Gordon have entered into an Employment
Agreement (the "Employment Agreement") which, among other things,
provides  that  Gordon  will be granted an Unfunded  Supplemental
Employee  Retirement Plan ("SERP") as a consideration  to  induce
Gordon  to  accept  the  role of President  and  Chief  Executive
Officer of Geodynamics; and

      B.    The parties hereto wish to set forth the terms of the
SERP in this Agreement.

      NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  premises  and
promises, warranties and representations herein contained, it  is
agreed as follows:

           1.   Unfunded Deferred Compensation.  In consideration
of   Gordon's   acceptance   of  employment   with   Geodynamics,
Geodynamics  hereby agrees that Gordon shall receive  up  to  ONE
HUNDRED  THOUSAND  DOLLARS ($100,000) in  deferred  compensation,
payable  at the rate of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,000) per  month,
payable on the first day of each month commencing on the later of
(i) April 1, 1996 or (ii) one month following the termination  of
the Employment Agreement, but no earlier than April 1, 1996, with
the final payment due in June, 2000.

           2.    Effect of a Termination on Compensation.  Unless
Gordon  voluntarily terminates his employment in accordance  with
Section  7.1.3 of the Employment Agreement, or his employment  is
terminated  for  cause in accordance with Section  7.1.6  of  the
Employment Agreement, all compensation provided hereunder will be
payable  to his successor in interest, Bruce J. Gordon and  Janet
M.  Gordon,  Trustees U/A the Gordon Family Trust dated  12-12-89
(the "Trust").

     3.   Miscellaneous.

          3.1  Notices.  Any notice required to be given pursuant
to  this  Agreement  shall be effective only if  in  writing  and
delivered  personally or by mail.  If given by mail, such  notice
must  be  sent by registered or certified mail, postage  prepaid,
mailed to the parties at the addresses set forth on the signature
page  hereof,  or  at  such other addresses as  the  parties  may
designate  from  time to time by written notice.  Mailed  notices
shall be deemed received two (2) business days after the date  of
deposit in the mail.

           3.2  Partial Invalidity.  If any term or provision  of
this  Agreement  or  the application thereof  to  any  person  or
circumstance shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable to  any
extent,  the remainder of this Agreement or application  of  such
term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those to
which  it  is held invalid or unenforceable shall not be affected
thereby  and each term and provision of this Agreement  shall  be
valid and be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.

          3.3  Waiver.  No waiver of any right hereunder shall be
effective for any purpose, unless in writing, signed by the party
hereto  possessing  said  right, nor shall  any  such  waiver  be
construed  to  be  a  waiver  of any subsequent  right,  term  or
provision of this Agreement.

           3.4   Assignment; Effect on Agreement.  It  is  hereby
acknowledged  and  agreed that Gordon's  rights  and  obligations
under  this  Agreement are personal in nature and  shall  not  be
assigned  or delegated.  This Agreement shall be binding  on  and
inure  to  the  benefit  of the heirs, personal  representatives,
successors  and assigns of the parties subject, however,  to  the
restrictions on assignment and delegation contained herein.

            3.5    Arbitration.   All  disputes   regarding   the
interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement shall be  subject
to  arbitration in Torrance, California before one (1) arbitrator
selected in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration

           3.6   Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed
by  and  construed in accordance with the laws of  the  State  of
California and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the  State
Courts  located in Los Angeles, California or the  Federal  Court
for the Central District of California.

           3.7   Entire  Agreement.  This Agreement contains  the
entire  agreement  and  understanding  between  the  parties  and
supersedes  all  prior  agreements and  understandings,  oral  or
written.  No modification, termination or attempted waiver  shall
be  valid,  unless in writing and signed by both parties.   There
are no other inducements to Gordon entering into this Agreement.

            3.8    Counsel.   This  Agreement  was  prepared   by
Geodynamics' counsel, and Gordon acknowledges that he was advised
to seek independent counsel prior to executing this Agreement.

                   (Signatures on next page)
      IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed  this
Agreement as of the 14th day of June, 1995.


                              GEODYNAMICS CORPORATION,
                              a California corporation



                              21171 Western Avenue, Suite 110
                              Torrance, CA  90501


                               /s/ Bruce J. Gordon
                              BRUCE J. GORDON
                              P.O. Box 3644
                              Rancho Santa Fe, CA  92067