Exhibit 8

                           ENGAGEMENT AGREEMENT
                             INVESTMENT BANKER    
                          PRUDENTIAL REALTY TRUST
     This Agreement made March 16, 1995 by and between J.P. MORGAN
SECURITIES INC., (hereinafter referred to as "Agent") and
PRUDENTIAL REALTY TRUST, (hereinafter referred to as the "Trust"). 

     IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual agreements contained
hereinafter the Trust has engaged Agent to act as the Trust's
investment banker and exclusive financial advisor with respect to
the sale, merger, consolidation, or any other business combination,
in one or a series of transactions, involving all or a substantial
amount of the stock, assets, properties, or business of the Trust,
or any other extraordinary dividend of cash, securities or other
assets to its stockholders (the "Transaction").

The assets of the Trust consist principally of certain real
property located variously in Indianapolis, Indiana (all of Park
100 except buildings 10 & 12), Melville, Long Island (Huntington
Business Campus), and Parsippany, New Jersey (Maple Plaza),
collectively referred to as the "Properties" and individually
referred to as a "Property" or by such property's common name. 
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Trust may elect to add Buildings
10 and 12 at the Park 100 complex to this Agreement pursuant to the
terms of paragraph 19 hereof.


     (1)  Term of Agreement.  This Agreement shall commence as of
the date hereof and shall expire on December 15, 1995 unless sooner
terminated pursuant to the terms hereof.

     (2)  Scope of Services.  During the term of this Agreement,
Agent shall diligently undertake certain services on the Trust's
behalf including, to the extent requested: (i) assisting the Trust
in preparing an offering memorandum (to be approved by the Trust)
describing the Trust, its operations, properties historical
performance, and future prospects, (ii) identifying and contracting
selected qualified acquirors acceptable to the Trust, (iii)
arranging for potential acquirors to conduct business
investigations, (iv) conducting an auction of the Trust and/or the
Properties, (v) assisting the Trust in negotiating the financial
aspects of any proposed Transaction, (vi) delivering an opinion to
the Board of Trustees, as to the fairness to the Trust's
stockholders from a financial point of view of the consideration to
be received by the Trust in any proposed Transaction (a "Fairness
Opinion"), (vii) assist in the closing of any Transaction, and
(viii) such other related or ancillary services as the Trust shall
reasonably request.  Any financial advice rendered by Agent
pursuant to this Agreement may not be disclosed publicly in any
manner without Agent's prior written approval and will be treated
by the Trust as confidential; provided, Agent agrees that its
Fairness Opinion may be reproduced in full in any proxy or
information statement mailed to stockholders of the Trust and
agrees to provide its written approval for such use.  In the
performance of such services, Agent shall devote to the execution
of the Agreement individuals with substantial and successful
experience in completing transactions of similar size and
complexity.  Owner expects to receive the services of Jon Zehner,
David Gilbert, and Bob Sroka who shall assume primary
responsibility for provision of such services.   Agent shall have
the right to substitute the services of another individual for any
one of those named above provided that such individual has at least
the same level of experience and qualifications as the individual
being replaced and Agent gives Trust written notice of such
substitution.  The full resources of Agent's firm shall be made
available to ensure the successful completion of the Transaction.

     (3)  Compensation.  If the Trust or its Properties are sold or
otherwise disposed of in a Transaction by Agent, by the Trust, or
by or through any other person during the term hereof, the Trust
shall pay to Agent, and Agent agrees to accept same as full
compensation for its services in connection with this engagement,
a contingent success fee ("Success Fee") equal to the specified
percentage rate set forth below multiplied by the "Transaction
Value" for Transactions which are "consummated"  during the term
hereof or, if applicable, during the "Hold Over Period" (all terms
in quotes are defined, below).   The applicable percentage rate
shall be one and one half percent (1.5%) of the Transaction Value
for Park One Hundred and Maple Plaza, and three quarters of one
percent (0.75%) of the Transaction Value for Huntington Business
Campus.   In the event the disposition of Huntington Business
Campus is combined with one or more of the other properties, the
Transaction Value attributable to Huntington shall be deemed to be
a proportional amount of the total consideration, computed as the
ratio of the 1994 appraisal for Huntington as compared to the
     aggregate 1994 appraised value for all of the Properties.  
         (a)  Credits.  The Success Fee otherwise due Agent hereunder
              shall be reduced: (i) by one half (50%) of the amount of any
              expenses reimbursable to Agent pursuant to paragraph (4)
              hereof, and (ii) in the amount of Fifty Thousand Dollars
              ($50,000) representing a credit for the fee previously paid to
              Agent for its Phase I services.  No additional compensation
              shall be due or payable to Agent in connection with any
              Fairness Opinions issued in connection with any Transaction. 
         (b)  Transaction Value.  For the purposes of this Agreement,
              "Transaction Value" means the aggregate amount of
              consideration received by the Trust and/or its stockholders
              (treating any shares issuable upon exercise of options,
              warrants, or other rights of conversion as outstanding) in
              any Transaction, plus the amount of any debt securities or
              other liabilities assumed, redeemed, or remaining
              outstanding or equity securities redeemed or remaining
              outstanding in connection with any Transaction.  In no
              event, however, shall the Transaction Value include the
              aggregate amount of the following items which Trust may
              agree to pay or which are otherwise credited to the
              acquiror:  all income supports, income guarantees or master
              lease payments; amounts for tenant improvements and other
              leasing costs; extraordinary governmental impositions (such
              as, but not limited to, impact or permit fees); amounts for
              capital expenditures; amounts for hazardous waste removal or
              correction and all other items of a similar nature. 
              Provided, however, credits to the acquiror arising from
              proration of ordinary operating income and expense items and
              ad valorem property taxes shall not be excluded from the
              Transaction Value.  
         (c)  When Consideration is Stock.  If the consideration or
              other value received in any Transaction is paid in whole or
              in part in the form of securities, the value of such
              securities, for purposes of calculating the Success Fee,
              shall be the fair market value thereof, as the parties
              hereto shall mutually agree, on the day prior to the
              consummation of the Transaction; provided, however, that if
              such securities consist of securities with an existing
              public trading market, the value thereof shall be determined
              by the last sales price for such securities on the last
              trading day thereof prior to such consummation.  If all or a
              portion of the consideration is related to or contingent
              upon the future earnings or operations of the Trust, the
              portion of Agent's compensation relating thereto shall be
              calculated and shall be paid at the time the Transaction is
              consummated based upon the estimated net present value
         (d)  Multiple Transactions.  If more than one Transaction is
              consummated, a Success Fee shall be payable with respect to
              each such Transaction in cash upon "consummation" (as
              defined below) thereof and the amount of the Success Fee
              payable in respect of each Transaction after the first shall
              be equal to the Success Fee that would have been payable for
              a Transaction having a Transaction Value equal to the
              aggregate Transaction Value of such Transaction plus all
              Transactions previously consummated, less the aggregate
              amount of all Success Fees previously paid.  
         (e)  Consummation Deemed When.  For purposes of this
              Agreement, a Transaction shall be deemed to have been
              "consummated" upon the earliest of any of the following
              events to occur: (i) the acquisition by another person or
              entity of at least 75% of each of the outstanding classes of
              stock of the Trust; (ii) a merger or consolidation of the
              Trust with another person or entity; (iii) closing (deemed
              to be irrevocable delivery of a deed and payment of the
              consideration) of the acquisition of title to one or more of
              the Trust Properties; (iv) the receipt by stockholders or
              the Trust of any cash, securities, or other assets of any
              person or entity as payment for the Capital and/or Income
              shares in the Trust as the case may be, or for the
              acquisition of one or more of the Trust Properties; or (v)
              at the next annual meeting of the Trust's shareholders, the
              election of three independent Trustees who are: (x)
              different from the current Trustees, and (y) not endorsed
              by the current Advisor to the Trust.  
         (f)  Trust's Right to Reject Offers.  Agent's Success Fee
              shall be deemed earned and payable only upon consummation of
              a Transaction as defined above during the basic term hereof,
              or, if the provisions are applicable, during the Hold Over
              Term.  Agent shall not be entitled to any compensation
              whatsoever for offers which shall for any reason be rejected
              by the Trust.  
         (g)  Hold Over Period.  Subject to the other provisions of
              this Agreement, Agent shall be entitled to the payment of
              its Success Fee on any Transaction which is consummated
              after the expiration of the base term hereof (the "Hold Over
              Period") provided each of the following conditions are
              satisfied: (i) the acquiror of the stock, assets or Property
              has been registered with the Trust as a prospect in
              accordance with the procedures set forth below, (ii) a
              binding acquisition agreement with such prospect has been
              entered into not later than 120 days following the
              expiration of the base term of this Agreement , and (iii)
              consummation of a Transaction with such prospect has
              occurred not later than 180 days following the expiration of
              the base term hereof.  
              Agent shall submit to the Trust within thirty (30) days
              after the expiration or termination of this Agreement a list
              agreed to by the Trust and Agent containing the names of
              those specific prospective acquirors who have met with and
              received offering materials from Agent, who have physically
              inspected one or more of the Properties and documents
              related thereto, and from whom Agent or the Trust has
              received a written proposal (binding or non-binding) to
              enter into a Transaction.  Failure to submit such a list
              shall relieve the Trust of any and all obligations to Agent,
              including without limitation the obligation to pay any
              compensation with respect to a Transaction consummated after
              the expiration or termination of this Agreement.  
              For any completed Transaction occurring after the expiration
              of the basic term hereof, if one or more of the above
              conditions are not satisfied, then the Trust shall be
              relieved of any obligation to pay compensation to Agent and,
              thereafter, the Trust shall be free to negotiate with any
              such prospect on its own behalf or through another
              investment banker, agent or broker.  
         (4)  Agent's Expenses.   Subject to a maximum cap of Seventy
     Five Thousand Dollars ($75,000), the Trust agrees to reimburse
     Agent promptly upon request from time to time for its reasonable,
     documented, out-of-pocket expenses (including, without
     limitation, travel, communication, and document production
     expenses, and the reasonable fees and disbursements of counsel)
     incurred by Agent in performing its engagement hereunder, whether
     or not a Transaction is consummated; provided that for any
     individual item in excess of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000),
     Agent must receive the prior written approval of the Trust. 
     Notwithstanding the foregoing, except for Agent's right to engage
     counsel pursuant to the indemnification provisions of Schedule 1
     hereof, Agent shall not engage independent counsel without the
     prior written approval of the Trust.  This expense reimbursement
     obligation shall survive any termination or expiration of this
         (5)  Agent's Authority.  Agent acknowledges that it has no
     authority to make any representation of any kind whatsoever
     concerning the Trust or its Properties or to enter into any
     agreements with a prospective acquiror that would bind the Trust
     or subject it to any obligations or liabilities.  Agent shall not
     represent that it has any such authority and shall not enter into
     any agreement with a prospective acquiror that would bind the
     Trust or subject it to any obligations or liabilities.  No
     agreement or terms negotiated by Agent shall be binding upon the
     Trust unless and until incorporated into a definitive contract,
     which has been approved by the Board of Trustees, executed by the
     acquiror and the Trust and unconditionally delivered by Trust to
     the acquiror, its counsel or agent.  
         (6)  Rights Reserved By Trust.  The Trust reserves the right
     to conduct all negotiations with prospective acquirors.  Further,
     all matters regarding pricing, marketing strategies and terms of
     sale shall be subject to the prior approval of the Trust in its
     sole and unfettered discretion.  Agent shall assume all risks
     attendant to the Trust's policies and procedures, including the
     Trust's making decisions relative to pricing, marketing
     strategies and terms of a Transaction with which Agent does not
     agree.  The Trust may adjust the offering price for the
     Properties upward or downward at any time during the term of this
     Agreement and shall inform Agent of such adjustments. The Trust,
     acting in good faith, may reject any proposed acquiror, sale
     agreement, or Transaction even if such offer shall be at the
     offering price previously approved by the Trust.
         (7)  Cooperation by Trust.  The Trust agrees to provide
     Agent all financial and other information requested by it for the
     purpose of its assignment hereunder. In performing its services
     hereunder, Agent shall be entitled to rely upon and assume,
     without independent verification, the accuracy and completeness
     of all information that is publicly available and of all
     information that has been furnished to it by the Trust or
     otherwise reviewed by the Trust, and Agent shall not assume any
     responsibility nor have any liability therefore.  Agent shall
     have no obligation to conduct any valuation or appraisal of any
     assets or liabilities. In order to coordinate efforts with
     respect to possible Transactions, during the period of Agent's
     engagement hereunder neither the Trust nor any representative
     thereof (other than Agent) will initiate discussions regarding a
     Transaction except through Agent. If the Trust or its management
     receives an inquiry regarding a Transaction, it will promptly
     advise Agent of such inquiry in order that Agent can evaluate the
     person making such inquiry and its interest and assist the Trust
     in any resulting negotiations.
         (8)  Marketing Strategies.  Upon execution hereof, Agent
     shall: (i) review with the Trust and obtain its approval of a
     list of potential acquirors, including those with whom the Trust
     may have already had discussions; and (ii) recommend to the Trust
     a suitable offering price and structure for sale. Agent shall
     obtain the Trust's written approval of the offering materials and
     offering price and structure prior to circulation or discussion
     with any party of the same.  
         (9)  Communication With the Trust.  During the term of this
     Agreement, Agent shall promptly inform the Trust of all offers
     for the Trust or its Properties.  Upon initial circulation of the
     offering materials, Agent shall submit a written report to the
     Trust not less than twice monthly advising the Trust of the
     status of its efforts to solicit bids for the Trust including at
     list of prospective acquirors who have been contacted, a list of
     those who have received offering materials, and a list of those
     who have made visits to the Properties, and including, an updated
     list of all prospective acquirors and all inquiries with the
     name, address and phone number of the prospective acquiror's or
     inquirer's  representative and the status of their interest in
     the Trust or its Properties.  
         (10) Books and Records.  Agent shall keep adequate books and
     records in connection with all matters contemplated by this
     Agreement and shall allow the Trust, at any time during business
     hours during the term hereof and for a period of one year after
     expiration or termination of this Agreement, to examine the same
     or any correspondence pertaining to transactions arising out of
     this Agreement.  During such period, Agent shall make available
     to the Trust all such records or correspondence relative to
     specific prospective acquirors as may be necessary or helpful in
     enabling the Trust to carry to completion any Transaction which
     may have been partially negotiated under the terms of this
         (11) Cooperation - Other Brokers or Investment Bankers. 
     Agent agrees to cooperate with all investment bankers or licensed
     real estate brokers who give evidence that they have procured and
     are authorized to represent a prospective acquiror of the Trust
     or one or more of its Properties. Further, Agent has been advised
     that a local real estate brokerage firm will be engaged by the
     Trust to assist in the marketing and sale of Huntington Business
     Campus. The respective roles of Agent and such broker shall be as
     set forth in the letter dated January 20, 1995 from David Gilbert
     to Joseph Selzer a copy of which is attached hereto as Schedule 2
     and incorporated by this reference, or as otherwise determined by
     the Trust. Agent acknowledges that the engagement of such local
     broker shall not infringe any grant of exclusivity otherwise
     granted to Agent by this Agreement, and agrees to cooperate to
     the fullest extent with such broker; provided Agent shall have
     the right to approve in advance all materials which are
     disseminated by such broker.  Upon execution of a listing
     agreement with such local broker, the parties agree to append a
     copy of such agreement hereto as Schedule 3.
         (12) Indemnification.  The parties hereto acknowledge that
     the only real estate broker which has presently been engaged to
     be involved in any Transaction is the firm of Sutton & Edwards;
     that such broker has been so involved pursuant to an arrangement
     made by the Trust, and that the Trust is obligated to pay such
     broker's commission. Except for Sutton & Edwards, each party
     hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other
     party from and against any liability, cost or expense, including
     reasonable attorneys' fees, as a result of any claim for a
     commission, fee or other compensation made by any real estate
     broker, finder or other person and asserted against the other
     party by reason of an arrangement made or alleged to have been
     made by the indemnifying party. Agent agrees to indemnify and
     hold harmless the Trust (including its affiliates and agents) and
     any of their officers, directors or employees from and against
     any suits, losses, claims, demands, damages, judgements or
     liabilities of any kind whatsoever arising out of or relating to
     the inaccuracy or breach of any representation or obligation of
     Agent's contained in Section 16 hereof. The Trust agrees to
     indemnify Agent in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 1,
     attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. The
     indemnities in this Section shall survive consummation of any
     Transaction or the termination of this Agreement.
         (13) Advertising.  Agent shall not issue advertising, press
     releases, or information regarding the purchase price or terms of
     the Transaction, without first obtaining the prior written
     approval of the Trust.    
         (14) Notice.  Notice to either party shall be made in
     writing, an shall be served by registered, certified, or
     overnight mail, return receipt requested, and if sent to the
     Trust, to:
              c/o Prudential Realty Advisors
              751 Broad Street 
              4th Floor
              Newark, New Jersey 07102-3777
              Attention:  Joseph Selzer
     and if sent to Agent, to:
              J.P. Morgan Securities Inc.
              60 Wall Street
              New York, NY  10260-0060
              Attention: David Gilbert
     Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given when mailed.
         (15) Termination and Payment of Litigation Expenses.  Either
     party hereto may terminate this Agreement at any time by written
     notice to the other.  Termination shall be effective not less
     than five (5) days after such notice nor more than thirty (30)
     days after the date of such notice at the discretion of the party
     giving such notice.  Except as specifically provided below, no
     such termination will affect any confidentiality obligations
     hereunder or Agent's rights to receive reimbursement of expenses
     to the date of termination or its Success Fees for any
     Transactions consummated prior to the expiration of the Hold Over
     Period; provided if Agent shall terminate this Agreement for any
     reason, or if Trust shall terminate this Agreement due to the
     material breach by Agent of an essential term hereof, then Agent
     shall not be entitled to any Success Fee whatsoever and there
     shall be no Hold Over Period during which Agent would be entitled
     to receive a Success Fee from previous negotiations.
         In the event of litigation between the parties with respect
     to Agent's termination or entitlement to its Success Fee, the
     losing party shall pay all costs and expenses incurred by the
     prevailing party in connection with such litigation, including
     reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.
         (16) Consents, Etc.  The Agent represents and warrants that
     it has all necessary franchises, licenses, permits, certificates,
     and other authorizations from the federal, state, and local
     government or governmental agencies, departments, or bodies that
     are required for the due execution, delivery and performance by
     the Agent of this Agreement.
         (17) Waiver of Default.  The failure of either party to
     insist in any one or more instances upon the strict performance
     of any one or more of the obligations of this Agreement, or to
     exercise any right herein contained, shall not be construed as a
     waiver or relinquishment for the future of the performance of
     such one or more obligations of this Agreement or of the right to
     exercise such right, but the same shall continue and remain in
     full force and effect with respect to any subsequent breach, act
     or omission.
         (18) Governing Law.  This Agreement shall be governed and
     construed by the laws of the State of New York. 
         (19) Addition of Certain Assets.  Notwithstanding anything
     contained herein to the contrary, upon written notice from the
     Trust to Agent, the Park 100 properties known as Buildings 10 and
      12, may be added to this Agreement and Agent shall offer such
     buildings together with the rest of the Park 100 properties.
         (20) Entire Agreement.  Except for the Fifty Thousand Dollar
     ($50,000) credit from the prior consulting agreement which the
     Trust is entitled to apply against Agent's Success Fee hereunder, 
     this Agreement supersedes and takes the place of any and all
     previous agreements, if any, between the parties concerning
     disposition of the Trust or its Properties, and each respectively
     acknowledges there are no covenants, promises, agreements,
     representations, inducements, conditions or understandings,
     either oral or written, between the Trust and Agent, other than
     are set forth herein.
         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set forth
     their hands as of the date above first written.
                   Prudential Realty Trust                     
                   By: The Prudential Realty Advisors, Agent
                   By:/s/ Joseph M. Selzer                
                          Vice President               
                   J.P. Morgan Securities Inc.        
                   By:/s/ David Gilbert                   
                          Vice President                    
                               SCHEDULE I
     1.  Basic Terms of Indemnification.   Prudential Realty Trust
     (the "Company"), the client referred to in the attached agreement
     (the "Agreement"), agrees to indemnify and hold harmless J.P.
     Morgan Securities Inc. ("J.P. Morgan") and its affiliates, and
     the respective directors, officers, agents, and employees of J.P.
     Morgan and its affiliates and each other entity or person, if
     any, controlling J.P. Morgan or any of its affiliates (J.P.
     Morgan and each such entity or person being referred to as an
     "Indemnified Person") from and against any losses, claims,
     demands, damages, judgements or liabilities (or actions or
     proceedings in respect thereof) of any kind relating to or
     arising out of activities performed or services furnished pursu-
     ant to the Agreement, the transactions contemplated thereby or
     J.P. Morgan's role in connection therewith. The Company will not,
     however, be responsible for any such losses, claims, demands,
     damages, liabilities, or expenses of any Indemnified Person that
     are determined by final and nonappealable judgment of a court of
     competent jurisdiction to have resulted primarily from actions
     taken or omitted to be taken by such Indemnified Person in bad
     faith or from such Indemnified Person's negligence or willful
     misconduct.  The Company also agrees that no Indemnified Person
     shall have any liability (whether direct or indirect, in
     contract, tort or otherwise) to the Company or any of its
     security holders for or in connection with the Agreement, any
     transactions contemplated thereby or J.P. Morgan's role in
     connection therewith, except for any such liability for losses,
     claims, demands, damages, liabilities or expenses incurred by the
     Company that are determined by final and nonappealable judgment
     of a court of competent jurisdiction to have resulted primarily
     from actions taken or omitted to be taken by such Indemnified
     Person in bad faith or from such Indemnified Person's negligence
     or willful misconduct.
     2.  Prompt Notice of Claims.   Upon receipt by an Indemnified
     Person of written notice of a claim, action or proceeding against
     such Indemnified Person in respect of which indemnity may be
     sought hereunder, such Indemnified Person shall promptly notify
     the Company with respect thereto.  In addition, an Indemnified
     Person shall promptly notify the Company after any action is
     commenced (by way of service with a summons or other legal
     process giving information as to the nature and basis of the
     claim) against such Indemnified Person.  The failure to notify
     the Company shall not relieve the Company from any liability
     which the Company may have on account of this indemnity or
     otherwise, except to the extent the Company shall have been
     adversely affected or prejudiced by such failure.  
     3.  Conduct of the Defense.   Upon notification of a claim
     covered by this indemnity, the Company will assume the defense of
     any litigation or proceeding using counsel and other resources
     reasonably satisfactory to J.P. Morgan.  In any such litigation
     or proceeding the defense of which the Company shall have so
     assumed, any Indemnified Person shall, subject to the control and
     direction of the counsel selected by Company, have the right to
     participate.   Should an Indemnified Person elect to retain
     independent counsel, such person and its counsel shall enter into
     a Joint Defense Agreement with the Company and its counsel on
     customary terms and conditions.  The fees and expenses of such
     independent counsel shall be solely at the expense of such
     Indemnified Person unless (i) the Company and such Indemnified
     Person shall have mutually agreed in writing to the retention of
     such counsel, or (ii) there is a reasonable basis to believe that
     the claim may ultimately not be covered by the indemnity and
     counsel selected by the Indemnified Person but otherwise
     reasonably acceptable to the Company has issued an opinion that
     representation of both parties by the same counsel would be
     inappropriate due to actual or potential conflicts of interest
     between the Company and such Indemnified Person.  
     4.  Settlements and Similar Decisions.   The Company shall have
     primary responsibility for all settlement discussions and
     negotiations, and shall not be liable for any settlement of any
     litigation or proceeding effected without its written consent.
     However, the Company will not settle any claim, action or
     proceeding in respect of which indemnity may be sought hereunder,
     whether or not any Indemnified Person is an actual or potential
     party to such claim, action or proceeding unless (i) the
     settlement includes an unconditional release of all Indemnified
     Persons, or (ii) J.P. Morgan has given it written consent to the
     settlement, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or
     5.  Survival of Indemnity and Miscellaneous Provisions.   The
     provisions contained in this Schedule I shall be in addition to
     any liability which the Company may otherwise have to J.P.
     Morgan, shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York,
     and shall remain operative and in full force and effect
     regardless of the expiration or any termination of the Agreement
     or of J.P. Morgan's engagement thereunder.                  