Exhibit 99.1

Contacts:  Jeff Tolvin
           AXA Financial
           (212) 314-2811

For immediate release:

                            MANAGED BY GOLDMAN SACHS

     New York, N.Y., December 2, 2003 - AXA Financial, Inc. today announced the
acquisition of warrants to purchase newly issued common stock of The MONY Group
Inc. (NYSE: MNY) equivalent to approximately 4.6% of MONY's currently
outstanding common stock, for a cash purchase price equal to $30.80 per share
less the warrant strike price of $23.50 per share. The warrants, with an
expiration date in December 2008, were acquired by AXA Financial in a private
transaction from GS Mezzanine Partners, L.P. and affiliated investment funds
managed by Goldman Sachs & Co.

     GS Mezzanine Partners and its affiliated investment funds have held the
warrants since their investment in MONY in December 1997, prior to MONY's 1998
demutualization and initial public offering. Prior to the transaction with AXA
Financial, GS Mezzanine Partners and these funds collectively held warrants to
purchase approximately 7% of MONY's fully diluted outstanding common stock
which, if exercised, would have made Goldman MONY's largest shareholder.


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     "This acquisition reinforces AXA Financial's strong commitment to our
proposed merger with MONY," said Christopher M. "Kip" Condron, President and
Chief Executive Officer of AXA Financial.

     AXA Financial intends to exercise the warrants to purchase MONY common
stock prior to the record date for MONY's special shareholders meeting to
consider the proposed merger between MONY and AXA Financial and intends to vote
the shares in favor of the transaction.

     The completion of AXA Financial's proposed merger with MONY is subject to
various closing conditions including receipt of MONY shareholder approval and
various regulatory approvals.

About AXA Financial

     AXA Financial, Inc., with approximately $472.2 billion in assets under
management as of September 30, 2003, is one of the world's premier financial
services organizations through its strong brands: The Equitable Life Assurance
Society of the U.S., AXA Advisors, LLC, Alliance Capital Management, L.P.,
Sanford C. Bernstein & Co., and its premier wholesale distribution company, AXA
Distributors, LLC. AXA Financial is a member of the global AXA Group, a
worldwide leader in financial protection and wealth management.
