424(b)(3) 333-132810 SUPPLEMENT DATED AUGUST 1, 2007 TO THE PROSPECTUS AND PROSPECTUS SUPPLEMENT DATED MAY 1, 2007 FOR MONY Custom Master The MONYMaster (Florida Only) Issued By: MONY Life Insurance Company of America This Supplement modifies certain information in each above-referenced Prospectus, Supplements to the Prospectus and Statement of Additional Information, dated May 1, 2007, as previously supplemented (the "Prospectuses"). You should read this Supplement in conjunction with the Prospectuses and retain it for future reference. Unless otherwise indicated, all other information included in the Prospectuses remains unchanged. The terms and section headings we use in this Supplement have the same meaning as in the Prospectuses. We will send you another copy of any prospectus or supplement without charge upon request. Please contact the customer service group referenced in your prospectus. The purpose of this supplement is to provide you with information regarding certain Portfolio substitutions, name changes and sub-adviser changes. As applicable to your contract, please note the changes described below. Please note that all of the changes discussed in the supplement dated May 1, 2007, as modified by this supplement, apply to your contract. POSTPONEMENT OF PORTFOLIO SUBSTITUTIONS The July 9, 2007 and August 20, 2007 substitutions of interests in the variable investment options listed below and described in the May 1, 2007 supplement to your prospectus have been temporarily postponed. The substitution transactions are now expected to occur on or about August 20, 2007 and November 19, 2007, respectively. For more information about the substitutions, please refer to your May 1, 2007 prospectus and prospectus supplement. The substitutions of the Fidelity VIP Growth and UIF U.S. Real Estate Portfolios will occur on or about August 20, 2007. The substitutions of the AIM V.I. Basic Value Fund, AIM V.I. Mid Cap Core Equity Fund, Alger American MidCap Growth, Fidelity VIP Growth Opportunities, and Oppenheimer Main Street Fund/VA will occur on or about November 19, 2007. The following is added under "The Funds" for the Surviving/New Portfolios, replacing information shown in the Prospectus for the Replaced (current) Portfolios listed below: - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trust Trust/Share Class Investment Manager (or Replaced (Current) Portfolio Surviving/New Portfolio Objective Sub-Adviser(s), as applicable) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EQ Advisors Trust -- Class 1A Shares - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AIM V.I. MID CAP CORE EQUITY EQ/FI MID CAP Seeks long-term growth of capital. o Fidelity Management & Research FUND (SERIES I) Company - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALGER AMERICAN MIDCAP EQ/VAN KAMPEN MID CAP Capital growth. o Morgan Stanley Investment GROWTH (CLASS O SHARES) GROWTH Management, Inc. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIDELITY VIP GROWTH EQ/CAPITAL GUARDIAN Seeks to achieve long-term growth o Capital Guardian Trust Company OPPORTUNITIES PORTFOLIO RESEARCH of capital. (INITIAL AND SERVICE SHARES) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OPPENHEIMER MAIN STREET EQ/CAPITAL GUARDIAN Seeks to achieve long-term growth o Capital Guardian Trust Company FUND/VA (SERVICE CLASS) RESEARCH of capital. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UIF U.S. REAL ESTATE (SHARE EQ/VAN KAMPEN REAL ESTATE Seeks to provide above average o Morgan Stanley Investment CLASS I) current income and long-term Management, Inc. capital appreciation. - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EQ Advisors Trust -- Class 1B Shares - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AIM V.I. BASIC VALUE FUND EQ/BLACKROCK BASIC VALUE Seeks capital appreciation and o BlackRock Investment (SERIES I) EQUITY secondarily, income. Management, LLC - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MNY Supp 7.07A Custom Master FL Supp x01716 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trust Trust/Share Class Investment Manager (or Replaced (Current) Portfolio Surviving/New Portfolio Objective Sub-Adviser(s), as applicable) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fidelity Variable Insurance Products (VIP) -- Service Shares - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FIDELITY VIP GROWTH PORTFOLIO FIDELITY VIP CONTRAFUND Seeks long-term capital o Fidelity Management Research (SERVICE SHARES) appreciation. Company (subadvised by FMR Co., Inc., Fidelity Management & Research (U.K.), Inc., Fidelity Investments Japan Limited and Fidelity Management & Research Far East Inc.) - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MONY Life Insurance Company of America 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104 1-800-487-6669 2