                            WESTWOOD ONE, INC.
                         (A Delaware Corporation)
                         As Amended and Restated 

                                 ARTICLE I

          Section 1.01.  REGISTERED OFFICE.  The registered office of
     Westwood One, Inc. (the "Corporation") in the State of Delaware
     shall be located at Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street,
     City of Wilmington, County of New Castle, and the name of the
     registered agent at that address shall be The Corporation Trust

          Section 1.02.  PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICE.  The principal
     executive office of the Corporation shall be located at 9540
     Washington Boulevard, Culver City, California 90232.  The Board of
     Directors of the Corporation (the "Board of Directors") may change
     the location of said principal executive office.

          Section 1.03.  OTHER OFFICES.  The Corporation may also have
     an officer or offices at such other place or places, either within
     or without the State of Delaware, as the Board of Directors may
     from time to time determine or as the business of the Corporation
     may require.

                                ARTICLE II
                         MEETINGS OF STOCKHOLDERS

          Section 2.01.  ANNUAL MEETINGS.  The annual meeting of
     stockholders of the Corporation shall be held between May 1 and
     August 30 of each year on such date at such time as the Board of
     Directors shall determine.  At each annual meeting of
     stockholders, directors shall be elected in accordance with the
     provisions of Section 3.04 hereof and any other proper business
     may be transacted.

          Section 2.02.  SPECIAL MEETINGS.  Special meetings of
     stockholders for any purpose or purposes may be called at any time
     by a majority of the Board of Directors or by the Chairman of the
     Board.  Special meetings may not be called by any other person or
     persons.  Each special meeting shall be held at such date and time
     as is requested by the person or persons calling the meeting, with
     the limits fixed by law.



          Section 2.03.  PLACE OF MEETINGS.  Each annual or special
     meeting of stockholders shall be held at such location as may be
     determined by the Board of Directors or, if no such determination
     is made, at such place as may be determined by the Chairman of the
     Board.  If no location is so determined, any annual or special
     meeting shall be held at the principal executive office of the

          Section 2.04.  NOTICE OF MEETINGS.  Written notice of each
     annual or special meeting of stockholders stating the date and
     time when, and the place where, it is to be held shall be
     delivered either personally or by mail to stockholders entitled to
     vote at such meeting not less than ten (10) nor more than sixty
     (60) days before the date of the meeting.  The purpose or purposes
     for which the meeting is called may, in the case of an annual
     meeting, and shall, in the case of a special meeting, also be
     stated.  If mailed, such notice shall be directed to a stockholder
     at his address as it shall appear on the stock books of the
     Corporation, unless he shall have filed with the Secretary of the
     Corporation a written request that notices intended for him be
     mailed to some other address, in which case such notice shall be
     mailed to the address designated in such request.  When a meeting
     is adjourned to another time or place, notice need not be given of
     the adjourned meeting if the time and place thereof are announced
     at the meeting at which the adjournment is taken.  At the
     adjourned meeting the Corporation may transact any business which
     might have been transacted at the original meeting.  If the
     adjournment is for more than thirty days, or if after the
     adjournment a new record date is fixed for the adjourned meeting,
     a notice of the adjourned meeting shall be given to each
     stockholder of record entitled to vote at the meeting.

          Section 2.05. CONDUCT OF MEETINGS.  All annual and special
     meetings of stockholders shall be conducted in accordance with
     such rules and procedures as the Board of Directors may determine
     subject to the requirements of applicable law, and as to matters
     not governed by such rules and procedures, as the chairman of such
     meetings shall determine.  The chairman of any annual or special
     meetings of stockholders shall be the Chairman of the Board.  The
     Secretary, or in the absence of the Secretary, a person designated
     by the Chairman of the Board, shall act as secretary of the

          Section 2.06.  QUORUM.  At any meeting of stockholders, the
     presence, in person or by proxy, of the holders of record of
     shares then issued and outstanding and entitled to vote
     representing a majority of the votes eligible to be cast at the
     meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business;
     provided, however, that this Section 2.06 shall not affect any
     different requirement which may exist under statute, pursuant to



     the rights of any authorized class or series of stock, or under
     the Certificate of Incorporation of the Corporation (the
     "Certificate") for the vote necessary for the adoption of any
     measure governed thereby.  In the absence of a quorum, the
     stockholders present in person or by proxy, by majority vote and
     without further notice, may adjourn the meeting from time to time
     until a quorum is attained.  At any reconvened meeting following
     such an adjournment at which a quorum shall be present, any
     business may be transacted which might have been transacted at the
     meeting as originally notified.

          Section 2.07.  VOTES REQUIRED.  A majority of the votes cast
     at a duly called meeting of stockholders, at which a quorum is
     present, shall be sufficient to take or authorize action upon any
     matter which may properly come before the meeting, unless the vote
     of greater or different number thereof is required by statue, by
     the rights of any authorized class of stock or by the Certificate. 
     Unless the Certificate or the resolution of the Board of Directors
     adopted in connection with the issuance of shares of any class or
     series of stock provides for a greater or lesser number of votes
     per share, or limits or denies voting rights, each outstanding
     share of stock, regardless of class, shall be entitled to one vote
     on each matter submitted to a vote of meeting of stockholders.

          Section 2.08.  CUMULATIVE VOTING.  Except as otherwise
     provided by applicable law, there shall be no cumulative voting
     permitted in the election of Directors, or any other matter
     brought before the stockholders.

          Section 2.09.  PROXIES.  A stockholder may vote the shares
     owned of record by him either in person or by proxy executed in
     writing (which shall include writings sent by telex, telegraph,
     cable or facsimile transmission) by the stockholder himself or by
     his duly authorized attorney-in-fact.  No proxy shall be valid
     after three (3) years from its date, unless the proxy provides for
     a longer period.  Each proxy shall be in writing, subscribed by
     the stockholder or his duly authorized attorney-in-fact, and
     dated, but it need not be sealed, witnessed or acknowledged.

          Section 2.10.  STOCKHOLDER ACTION.  Any action required or
     permitted to be taken by the stockholders of the Corporation must
     be effected at a duly called annual meeting or special meeting of
     stockholders of the Corporation, unless such action requiring or
     permitting stockholder approval is approved by a majority of the
     Continuing Directors (as defined in the Certificate), in which
     case such action may be authorized or taken by the holders of
     outstanding shares of stock having not less than the minimum
     voting power that would be necessary to authorize or take such
     action at a meeting of stockholders at which all shares entitled



     to vote thereon were present and voted, provided all other
     requirements of applicable law and the Certificate have been

          Section 2.11.  LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS.  The Secretary of the
     Corporation shall prepare and make (or cause to be prepared and
     made), at least ten (10) days before every meeting of
     stockholders, a complete list of the stockholders entitled to vote
     at the meeting, arranged in alphabetical order and showing the
     address of, and the number of shares registered in the name of,
     each stockholder.  Such list shall be open to the examination of
     any stockholder, for any purpose germane to the meeting, during
     ordinary business hours, for a period of at least ten (10) days
     prior to the meeting, either at a place within the city where the
     meeting is to be held, which place shall be specified in the
     notice of the meeting, or, if not so specified, at the place where
     the meeting is to be held.  The list shall also be produced and
     kept at the time and place of the meeting during the duration
     thereof, and may be inspected by any stockholder who is present.

          Section 2.12.  INSPECTORS OF ELECTION.  In advance of any
     meeting of stockholders, the Board of Directors may appoint
     Inspectors of Election to act at such meeting or at any
     adjournment or adjournments thereof.  If such Inspectors are not
     so appointed or fail or refuse to act, the chairman of any such
     meeting may (and, upon the demand of any stockholder or
     stockholder's proxy, shall) make such an appointment.

          The number of Inspectors of Election shall be one (1) or
     three (3) as directed by the Chairman of the Board from time to
     time.  If there are three (3) Inspectors of Election, the
     decision, act or certificate of a majority shall be effective and
     shall represent the decision, act or certificate of all.  No such
     Inspector need be a stockholder of the Corporation.

          The Inspectors of Election shall determine the number of
     shares outstanding, the voting power of each, the shares
     represented at the meeting, the existence of a quorum and the
     authenticity, validity and effect of proxies; they shall receive
     votes, ballots, or consents, hear and determine all challenges and
     questions in any way arising in connection with the right to vote,
     count and tabulate all votes or consents, determine when the polls
     shall close and determine the result; and finally, they shall do
     such acts as may be proper to conduct the election or vote with
     fairness to all stockholders.  On request, the Inspectors shall
     make a report in writing to the secretary of the meeting
     concerning any challenge, question or other matter as may have
     been determined by them and shall execute and deliver to such
     secretary a certificate of any fact found by them.



                                ARTICLE III

          Section 3.01.  POWERS.  The business and affairs of the
     Corporation shall be managed by and be under the direction of the
     Board of Directors.  The Board of Directors shall exercise all the
     power of the Corporation, except those that are conferred upon or
     reserved to the stockholders by statute, the Certificate or these

          Section 3.02.  NUMBER.  Except as otherwise fixed pursuant
     to the provisions of Section 4 of Article Fourth of the
     Certificate in connection with rights to elect additional
     directors under specified circumstances which may be granted to
     the holders of any class or series of Preferred Stock, par value
     One Cent ($0.01) per share of the Corporation ("Preferred Stock"),
     the number of directors shall be fixed from time to time by
     resolution of the Board of Directors but shall not be less than
     three (3).  The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9)
     directors until changed as herein provided.

          Section 3.03.  INDEPENDENT OUTSIDE DIRECTORS.  At least
     thirty three and one-third percent (33 1/3%) of the members of the
     Board of Directors of the Corporation shall at all times be
     "Independent Outside Directors," which term is hereby defined to
     mean any director who: has not been an officer or employee of the
     Corporation or Infinity Broadcasting Corporation or any of their
     respective subsidiaries, or any other person having a relationship
     which, in the opinion of the Board of Directors or a committee
     thereof, would interfere with the exercise of independent
     judgement in carrying out the responsibilities of a director.

          Section 3.04.  ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICE.  Except as
     provided in Section 3.07 hereof and subject to the right to elect
     additional directors under specified circumstances which may be
     granted, pursuant to the provisions of Section 4 of Article Fourth
     of the Certificate, to the holders of any class or series of
     Preferred Stock, directors shall be elected by the stockholders of
     the Corporation.  The Board of Directors shall be and is divided
     into three classes:  Class I, Class II and Class III.  The number
     of directors in each class shall be the whole number contained in
     the quotient obtained by dividing the authorized number of
     directors (fixed pursuant to Section 3.02 hereof) by three.  If a
     fraction is also contained in such quotient, then additional
     directors shall be apportioned as follows:  if such fraction is
     one-third, the additional director shall be a member of Class I;
     and if such fraction is two-thirds, one of the additional
     directors shall be a member of Class I and the other shall be a
     member of Class II.  Except as otherwise required by applicable
     law, each director shall serve for a term ending on the date of



     the third annual meeting of stockholders of the Corporation
     following the annual meeting at which such director was elected.

          Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section
     3.04:  each director shall serve until his successor is elected
     and qualified or until his death, resignation or removal; no
     decrease in the authorized number of directors shall shorten the
     term of any incumbent director; and additional directors, elected
     pursuant to Section 4 of Article Fourth of the Certificate in
     connection with rights to elect such additional directors under
     specified circumstances which may be granted to the holders of any
     class or series of Preferred Stock, shall not be included in any
     class, but shall serve for such term or terms and pursuant to such
     other provisions as are specified in the resolution of the Board
     of Directors establishing such class or series.

          Section 3.05.  ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD.  At the
     organizational meeting immediately following the annual meeting of
     stockholders, the directors shall elect a Chairman of the Board
     from among the directors, who shall hold office until the
     corresponding meeting of the Board of Directors in the next year
     and until his successor shall have been elected or until his
     earlier resignation or removal.  Any vacancy in such office may be
     filled for the unexpired portion of the term in the same manner by
     the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting.

          Section 3.06.  REMOVAL.  Subject to the right to elect
     directors under specified circumstances which may be granted
     pursuant to Section 4 of Article Fourth of the Certificate to the
     holders of any class or series of Preferred Stock, any director
     may be removed from office only as provided in Article Tenth of
     the Certificate.

     Except as otherwise provided pursuant to Section 4 of Article
     Fourth of the Certificate in connection with rights to elect
     additional directors under specified circumstances which may be
     granted to the holders of any class or series of Preferred Stock,
     newly created directorships resulting from any increase in the
     number of directors and any vacancies on the Board of Directors
     resulting from death, resignation, disqualification, removal or
     other cause shall be filled solely by the affirmative vote of a
     majority of the remaining directors then in office, regardless of
     their class, even though less than a quorum of the Board of
     Directors.  Any director elected in accordance with the preceding
     sentence shall hold office for the remainder of the full term of
     the class of directors in which the new directorship was created
     or the vacancy occurred and until such director's successor shall
     have been elected and qualified or until such director's death,
     resignation or removal, whichever first occurs.  No decrease in



     the number of directors constituting the Board of Directors shall
     shorten the term of any incumbent director.

          Section 3.08.  REGULAR AND SPECIAL MEETINGS.  Regular
     meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held immediately
     following the annual meeting of the stockholders, and at such
     other times as shall be from time to time set by the Board of
     Directors, unless a regular meeting is otherwise called by the
     Chairman of the Board in accordance with applicable law.

          Special meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held
     upon call by or at the direction of the Chairman of the Board, the
     Chief Executive Officer, the Executive Vice President, or any two
     directors, except that when the Board of Directors consists of one
     director, then the one director may call a special meeting. 
     Except as otherwise required by law, notice of each special
     meeting shall be mailed to each director, addressed to him at his
     residence or usual place of business, at least two days before the
     day on which the meeting is to be held, or shall be sent to him at
     such place by telex, telegram, cable, facsimile transmission or
     telephoned or delivered to him personally, not later than the day
     before the day on which the meeting is to be held.  Such notice
     shall state the time and place of such meeting, but need not state
     the purpose or purposes thereof, unless otherwise required by law,
     the Certificate or these Bylaws.

          Notice of any meeting need not be given to any director who
     shall attend such meeting in person or who shall waive notice
     thereof, before or after such meeting, in a signed writing.

          Section 3.09.  QUORUM.  At all meetings of the Board of
     Directors, a majority of the fixed number of directors shall
     constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, except that
     when the Board of Directors consists of one director, then the one
     director shall constitute a quorum.  In the absence of a quorum,
     the directors present, by majority vote and without notice other
     than by announcement, may adjourn the meeting from time to time
     until a quorum shall be present.  At any reconvened meeting
     following such an adjournment at which a quorum shall be present,
     any business may be transacted which might have been transacted at
     the meeting as originally notified.

          Section 3.10.  VOTES REQUIRED.  Except as otherwise provided
     by applicable law or by the Certificate, the vote of a majority of
     the directors present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is
     present shall be sufficient to pass any measure.

          Section 3.11.  PLACE AND CONDUCT OF MEETINGS.  Each regular
     meeting and special meeting of the Board of Directors shall be
     held at a location determined as follows:  The Board of Directors



     may designate any place, within or without the State of Delaware,
     for the holding of any meeting.  If no such designation is made: 
     (i) any meeting called by a majority of the directors shall be
     held at such location, within the county of the Corporation's
     principal executive office, as the directors calling the meeting
     shall designate; and (ii) any other meeting shall be held at such
     location, within the county of the Corporation's principal
     executive office, as the Chairman of the Board may designate or,
     in the absence of such designation, at the Corporation's principal
     executive office.  Subject to the requirements of applicable law,
     all regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors shall
     be conducted in accordance with such rules and procedures as the
     Board of Directors may approve and, as to matters not governed by
     such rules and procedures, as the chairman of such meeting shall
     determine.  The chairman of any regular or special meeting shall
     be the Chairman of the Board, or in his absence a person
     designated by the Board of Directors.  The Secretary, or in the
     absence of the Secretary a person designated by the chairman of
     the meeting, shall act as secretary of the meeting.  Meetings of
     the Board of Directors may be held through use of conference
     telephone or similar communications equipment so long as all
     members participating in such meeting can hear one another at the
     time of such meeting.  Participation in such a meeting constitutes
     presence in person at such meeting.

          Section 3.12.  ACTION BY UNANIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT.  Any
     action required or permitted to be taken by the Board may be taken
     without a meeting, if all members of the Board shall individually
     or collectively consent in writing to such action.  Such written
     consent or consents shall be filed with the minutes of the
     proceedings of the Board.  Such action by written consent shall
     have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of such

          Section 3.13.  FEES AND COMPENSATION.  Directors shall be
     paid such compensation as may be fixed from time to time by
     resolutions of the Board of Directors (a) for their usual and
     contemplated services as directors, (b) for their services as
     members of committees appointed by the Board of Directors,
     including attendance at committee meetings as well as services
     which may be required when committee members must consult with
     management staff, and (c) for extraordinary services as directors
     or as members of committees appointed by the Board of Directors,
     over and above those services for which compensation is fixed
     pursuant to items (a) and (b) in this Section 3.13.  Compensation
     may be in the form of an annual retainer fee or a fee for
     attendance at meetings, or both, or in such other form or on such
     basis as the resolutions of the Board of Directors shall fix. 
     Directors shall be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred
     by them in attending meetings of the Board of Directors and



     committees appointed by the Board of Directors and in performing
     compensable extraordinary services.  Nothing contained herein
     shall be construed to preclude any director from serving the
     Corporation in any other capacity, such as an officer, agent,
     employee, consultant or otherwise, and receiving compensation

     Subject to the requirements of applicable law, the Board of
     Directors may from time to time establish committees, including
     standing or special committees, which shall have such duties and
     powers as are authorized by these Bylaws or by the Board of
     Directors.  Committee members, and the chairman of each committee,
     shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.  The Chairman of the
     Board, in conjunction with the several committee chairmen, shall
     make recommendations to the Board of Directors for its final
     action concerning members to be appointed to the several
     committees of the Board of Directors.  Any member of any committee
     may be removed at any time with or without cause by the Board of
     Directors.  Vacancies which occur on any committee shall be filled
     by a resolution of the Board of Directors.  If any vacancy shall
     occur in any committee by reason of death, resignation,
     disqualification, removal or otherwise, the remaining members of
     such committee, so long as a quorum is present, may continue to
     act until such vacancy is filled by the Board of Directors.  The
     Board of Directors may, by resolution, at any time deemed
     desirable, discontinue any standing or special committee.  Members
     of standing committees, and their chairmen, shall be elected
     yearly at the organizational meeting of the Board of Directors
     which is held immediately following the annual meeting of



          Section 3.15.  MEETINGS OF COMMITTEES.  Each committee of
     the Board of Directors shall fix its own rules of procedure
     consistent with the provisions of applicable law and of any
     resolutions of the Board of Directors governing such committee. 
     Each committee shall meet as provided by such rules or such
     resolution of the Board of Directors, and shall also meet at the
     call of its chairmen or any two (2) members of such committee. 
     Unless otherwise provided by such rules or by such resolution, the
     provisions of these Bylaws under Article III entitled "Directors"
     relating to the place of holding meetings and the notice required
     for meetings of the Board of Directors shall govern the place of
     meetings and notice of meetings for committees of the Board of
     Directors.  A majority of the members of each committee shall
     constitute a quorum thereof, except that when a committee consists
     of one (1) member, then the one (1) member shall constitute a
     quorum.  In the absence of a quorum, a majority of the members
     present at the time and place of any meeting may adjourn the
     meeting from time to time until a quorum shall be present and the
     meeting may be held as adjourned without further notice or waiver. 
     Except in cases where it is otherwise provided by the rules of
     such committee or by a resolution of the Board of Directors, the
     vote of a majority of the members present at a duly constituted
     meeting at which a quorum is present shall be sufficient to pass
     any measure by the committee.

                                ARTICLE IV

     The Corporation shall have a Chairman of the Board or a Chief
     Executive Officer or both, such Vice Presidents as the Board of
     Directors deems appropriate, a Secretary and a Chief Financial
     Officer.  These officers shall be elected annually by the Board of
     Directors at the organizational meeting immediately following the
     annual meeting of stockholders, and each such officer shall hold
     office until the corresponding meeting of the Board of Directors
     in the next year and until his successor shall have been elected
     and qualified or until his earlier resignation, death or removal. 
     Any vacancy in any of the above offices may be filled for the
     unexpired portion of the term by the Board of Directors at any
     regular or special meeting.

          Section 4.02.  CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD.  The Chairman of the
     Board shall be the Chairman of the Board of Directors and shall,
     subject to the power and authority of the Board of Directors, have
     general supervision, direction and control of the business and
     affairs of the Corporation.  In addition to the above duties, he
     shall have such other duties as may from time to time be assigned
     to him by the Board of Directors.



          Section 4.03.  CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER.  The Chief Executive
     Officer shall be the general manager of the Corporation, subject
     to the power of, and accountable to, the Board of Directors.  He
     shall have general charge and supervision of the operating
     elements of the Corporation and shall perform such other duties as
     may be assigned to him from time to time by the Board of

          Section 4.04.  CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER.  The Chief Financial
     Officer shall be the financial officer of the Corporation.  He
     shall be responsible to the Chief Executive Officer and the Board
     of Directors for the management and supervision of all financial
     matters and to provide for the financial growth and stability of
     the Corporation.  He shall attend all regular meetings of the
     Board of Directors and keep the Directors currently informed
     concerning all significant financial matters that could impact
     upon the business or affairs of the Corporation.  He shall also
     perform such additional duties as may be assigned to him from time
     to time by the Board of Directors or the Chief Executive Officer.

          Section 4.05.  VICE PRESIDENTS.  Vice Presidents of the
     Corporation that are elected by the Board of Directors shall
     perform such duties as may be assigned to them from time to time
     by the Chief Executive Officer.

          Section 4.06.  SECRETARY.  The Secretary shall keep the
     minutes of the meetings of the stockholders, the Board of
     Directors and all committee meetings.  He shall be the custodian
     of the corporate seal and shall affix it to all documents which he
     is authorized by law or the Board of Directors to sign and seal. 
     He also shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him
     from time to time by the Board of Directors or the Chief Executive

          Section 4.07.  ASSISTANT OFFICERS.  The Chief Executive
     Officer may appoint one or more assistant secretaries, and such
     other assistant officers as the business of the Corporation may
     require, each of whom shall hold office for such period, have such
     authority and perform such duties as may be specified from time to
     time by the Chief Executive Officer.

     In the case of the absence or disability of an officer of the
     Corporation or for any other reason that may seem sufficient to
     the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors, or any officer
     designated by it, or the Chief Executive Officer, may, for the
     time of the absence or disability, delegate such officer's duties
     and powers to any other officer of the Corporation.

          Section 4.09.  OFFICERS HOLDING TWO OR MORE OFFICES.  The



     same person may hold any two or more of the above-mentioned
     offices.  However, no officer shall execute, acknowledge or verify
     any instrument in more than one capacity, if such instrument is
     required by law, by the Certificate or by these Bylaws, to be
     executed, acknowledged or verified by any two or more officers.

          Section 4.10.  COMPENSATION.  The Board of Directors shall
     have the power to fix the compensation of all officers and
     employees of the Corporation.

          Section 4.11.  RESIGNATIONS.  Any officer may resign at any
     time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors, to the
     Chairman of the Board, to the Chief Executive Officer, or to the
     Secretary of the Corporation.  Any such resignation shall take
     effect at the time specified therein unless otherwise determined
     by the Board of Directors.  The acceptance of a resignation by the
     Corporation shall not be necessary to make it effective.

          Section 4.12.  REMOVAL.  Any officer of the Corporation may
     be removed, with or without cause, by the affirmative vote of a
     majority of the entire Board of Directors.  Any assistant officer
     of the Corporation may be removed, with or without cause, by the
     Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or by the Board
     of Directors.

                                 ARTICLE V
                        AND OTHER CORPORATE AGENTS

          To the fullest extent authorized by the Delaware General
     Corporation Law, as the same exists or may hereafter be amended
     (but, in the case of any such amendment, only to the extent that
     such amendment permits the Corporation to provide broader
     indemnification rights than said law permitted the Corporation to
     provide prior to such amendment), the Corporation shall indemnify
     and hold harmless against all expenses, liability and loss
     (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees, judgments, fines,
     ERISA excise taxes or penalties and amounts paid or to be paid in
     settlement) reasonably incurred or suffered by each person who was
     or is a party to, or is threatened to be made a party to, any
     threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding,
     whether or not by or in the right of the Corporation, and whether
     civil, criminal, administrative, investigative or otherwise (any
     such action, suit or proceeding being hereinafter in this Article
     referred to as a "proceeding"), by reason of the fact that such
     person is or was a director, officer, employee or agent of the
     Corporation, is or was serving at the request of the Corporation
     as a director, officer, employee or agent of another corporation,
     partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, including
     service with respect to employee benefit plans, or was a director,



     officer, employee or agent of a foreign or domestic corporation
     which was a predecessor corporation of the Corporation or of
     another enterprise at the request of such predecessor corporation
     (any such person being hereafter in this Article referred to as an
     "indemnifiable party").  The right to indemnification conferred by
     this Article shall be a contract right.  Where required by law,
     the indemnification provided for in this Article shall be made
     only as authorized in the specific case upon a determination, in
     the manner provided by law, that the indemnification of the
     indemnifiable party is proper in the circumstances.  The
     Corporation shall advance to indemnifiable parties expenses
     incurred in defending any proceeding prior to the final
     disposition thereof subject to the receipt of such undertakings
     from such indemnifiable party as shall be required by the
     applicable law.  This Article shall create a right of
     indemnification for each such indemnifiable party whether or not
     the proceeding to which the indemnification relates arose in whole
     or in part prior to adoption of this Article (or the adoption of
     the comparable provisions of the Bylaws of the Corporation's
     predecessor corporation) and, in the event of the death of an
     indemnifiable party, such right shall extend to such indemnifiable
     party's heirs and legal representatives.

          If a claim under this Article is not paid in full by the
     Corporation within thirty days after a written claim has been
     received by the Corporation, the indemnifiable party may at any
     time thereafter bring suit against the Corporation to recover the
     unpaid amount of the claim and, if successful in whole or in part,
     the indemnifiable party shall be entitled to be paid also the
     expense of prosecuting such claim.  It shall be a defense to any
     such action (other than an action brought to enforce a claim for
     expenses incurred in defending any proceeding in advance of its
     final disposition where the required undertaking, if any is
     required, has been tendered to the Corporation) that the
     indemnifiable party has not met the standards of conduct which
     make it permissible under the Delaware General Corporation Law for
     the Corporation to indemnify the claimant for the amount claimed,
     but the burden of proving such defense shall be on the
     Corporation.  Neither the failure of the Corporation (including
     its Board of Directors, independent legal counsel, or its
     stockholders) to have made a determination prior to the
     commencement of such action that indemnification of the claimant
     is proper in the circumstances because he or she met the
     applicable standard of conduct set forth in the Delaware General
     Corporation Law, nor an actual determination by the Corporation
     (including its Board of Directors, independent legal counsel, or
     its stockholders) that the claimant has not met such applicable
     standard or conduct, shall be a defense to the action or create a
     presumption that the claimant has not met the applicable standard



     of conduct.

          The right of indemnification hereby given shall not be
     exclusive of any right such indemnifiable party may have, whether
     by law or under any agreement, insurance policy, vote of the Board
     of Directors or stockholders, or otherwise.

          The Corporation shall have power to purchase and maintain
     insurance on behalf of any indemnifiable party against any
     liability asserted against or incurred by the indemnifiable party
     in such capacity or arising out of the indemnifiable party's
     status as such whether or not the Corporation would have the power
     to indemnify the indemnifiable party against such liability.

                                ARTICLE VI

          Section 6.01.  CERTIFICATES.  Except as otherwise provided
     by law, each stockholder shall be entitled to a certificate or
     certificates which shall represent and certify the number and
     class (and series, if appropriate) of shares of stock owned by him
     in the Corporation.  Each certificate shall be signed in the name
     of the Corporation by the Chairman of the Board or the Chief
     Executive Officer or a Vice President together with the Secretary,
     or an Assistant Secretary, or the Chief Financial Officer.  Any or
     all of the signatures on any certificate may be facsimile.  In
     case any officer, transfer agent or registrar who has signed or
     whose facsimile signature has been placed upon a certificate shall
     have ceased to be such officer, transfer agent or registrar before
     such certificate is issued, it may be issued by the Corporation
     with the same effect as if such person were an officer, transfer
     agent or registrar at the date of issue.

          Section 6.02.  TRANSFER OF SHARES.  Shares of stock shall be
     transferable on the books of the Corporation only by the holder
     thereof, in person or by his duly authorized attorney, upon the
     surrender of the certificate representing the shares to be
     transferred, properly endorsed, to the Corporation's registrar if
     the Corporation has a registrar.  The Board of Directors shall
     have power and authority to make such other rules and regulations
     concerning the issue, transfer and registration of certificates of
     the Corporation's stock as it may deem expedient.

          Section 6.03.  TRANSFER AGENTS AND REGISTRARS.  The
     Corporation may have one or more transfer agents and one or more
     registrars of its stock whose respective duties the Board of
     Directors or the Secretary may, from time to time, define.  No
     certificate of stock shall be valid until countersigned by a
     transfer agent, if the Corporation has a transfer agent, or until
     registered by a registrar, if the Corporation has a registrar. 



     The duties of transfer agent and registrar may be combined.

          Section 6.04.  STOCK LEDGERS.  Original or duplicate stock
     ledgers, containing the names and addresses of the record
     stockholders of the Corporation, and the number of shares of each
     class of stock held by them, shall be kept at the principal
     executive office of the Corporation or at the office of its
     transfer agent or registrar.  The Secretary or his designee shall
     prepare and make, at least ten (10) days before every meeting of
     stockholders, a complete list of the stockholders entitled to vote
     at the meeting, arranged in alphabetical order, and showing the
     address of each stockholder and the number of shares registered in
     the name of each stockholder.  Such list shall be open to the
     examination of any stockholder, for any purpose germane to the
     meeting, during ordinary business hours, for a period of at least
     ten days prior to the meeting, either at a place within the city
     where the meeting is to be held, which place shall be specified in
     the notice of the meeting, or, if not so specified, at the place
     where the meeting is to be held.  The list shall also be produced
     and kept at the time and place of the meeting during the whole
     time thereof, and may be inspected by any stockholder who is

          Section 6.05.  RECORD DATES.  The Board of Directors shall
     fix, in advance, a date as the record date for the purpose of
     determining stockholders entitled to notice of, or to vote at, any
     meeting of stockholders or any adjournment thereof, or
     stockholders entitled to receive payment of any dividend or other
     distribution or allotment of any rights, or entitled to exercise
     any rights in respect of any change, conversion or exchange of
     stock, or in order to make a determination of stockholders for any
     other proper purpose.  Such date in any case shall be not more
     than sixty (60) days, and in case of a meeting of stockholders,
     not less than ten (10) days, prior to the date on which the
     particular action, requiring such determination of stockholders,
     is to be taken.  Only those stockholders of record on the date so
     fixed shall be entitled to any of the foregoing rights,
     notwithstanding the transfer of any such stock on the books of the
     Corporation after any such record date fixed by the Board of

          Section 6.06.  NEW CERTIFICATES.  In case any certificate of
     stock is lost, stolen, mutilated or destroyed, the Board of
     Directors may authorize the issuance of a new certificate in place
     thereof upon such terms and conditions as it may deem advisable;
     or the Board of Directors may delegate such power to any officer
     or officers or agents of the Corporation; but the Board of
     Directors or such officer or officers or agents, in their
     discretion, may refuse to issue such a new certificate unless the
     Corporation is ordered to do so by a court of competent



     jurisdiction.  Furthermore, the Corporation, or its officers or
     agents, may require the owner of a lost, stolen, mutilated or
     destroyed certificate, or his legal representative, to give the
     Corporation a bond (or other security) sufficient to indemnify it
     against any claim that may be made on account of the alleged loss,
     theft, mutilation or destruction of any such certificate or the
     issuance of new certificates or uncertified shares.


          1.   The Corporation may adopt and carry out a stock
     purchase plan or agreement or stock option plan or agreement
     providing for the issue and sale, for such consideration as may be
     fixed, of its unissued shares, or of issued shares acquired or to
     be acquired, to one or more of the employees or directors of the
     Corporation or of a subsidiary or to a trustee on their behalf and
     for the payment for such shares in installments or at one time,
     and may provide for aiding any such persons in paying for such
     shares by compensation for services rendered, promissory notes or

          2.   A stock purchase plan or agreement or stock option
     plan or agreement may include, among other features, the fixing of
     eligibility for participation therein, the class and price of
     shares to be issued or sold under the plan or agreement, the
     number of shares which may be subscribed for, the method of
     payment therefor, the reservation of title until full payment
     therefor, the effect of the termination of employment, an option
     or obligation on the part of the Corporation to repurchase the
     shares upon termination of employment, subject to applicable law,
     restrictions upon transfer of the shares and the time limits of
     and termination of the plan.

                                ARTICLE VII
                             CORPORATE RECORDS

          Section 7.01.  TYPES OF RECORDS.  The Corporation shall keep
     adequate and correct books and records of account, shall keep
     minutes of the proceedings of the stockholders, Board of Directors
     and committees of the Board of Directors and shall keep at its
     principal executive office, or at the office of its transfer agent
     or registrar, a record of its stockholders, giving the names and
     addresses of all stockholders and the number and class of shares
     held by each.  Such minutes shall be kept in written form.  Such
     other books and records shall be kept either in written form or in
     any other form capable of being converted into clearly legible
     written form within a reasonable time.



          Section 7.02.  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS.  To the
     extent applicable, the Corporation will file with the Securities
     and Exchange Commission ("S.E.C.") all quarterly, other interim,
     and annual financial reports required by the Securities and
     Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act").  Further, so long as
     the Corporation is subject to the reporting requirements of
     Section 12 of the Exchange Act, it shall prepare and submit to
     stockholders an annual report in accordance with Rule 14a-3 of the
     S.E.C.  A copy of the foregoing reports shall be maintained in the
     principal executive office of the Corporation and such reports
     shall be exhibited at all reasonable times to any stockholder
     requesting an examination of them.

          The financial statements referred to in this section shall
     be accompanied by the report thereon, if any, of any independent
     accountants engaged by the Corporation or the certificate of an
     authorized officer of the Corporation that such financial
     statements were prepared without audit from the books and records
     of the Corporation.

          Section 7.03.  STOCKHOLDERS' RIGHT OF INSPECTION.  The books
     and records and minutes of proceedings of the stockholders and the
     Board of Directors and committees of the Board of Directors shall
     be open to inspection, upon the written demand under oath stating
     the purpose thereof, by any stockholder or holder of a voting
     trust certificate at any reasonable time during usual business
     hours, for any proper purpose.  This right of inspection shall
     extend to the records of the subsidiaries, if any, of the
     Corporation.  Such inspection may be made in person, or by agent
     or attorney, and the right of inspection includes the right to
     copy and make extracts.

          Section 7.04.  DIRECTORS' RIGHT OF INSPECTION.  Every
     director shall have the right at any reasonable time to inspect
     and copy all books, records and documents of every kind and to
     inspect the physical properties of the Corporation and/or its
     subsidiary corporations for a purpose reasonably related to his
     position as a director.  Such inspection may be made in person or
     by agent or attorney and the right of inspection includes the
     right to copy and make extracts.

                               ARTICLE VIII
                             SUNDRY PROVISIONS

          Section 8.01.  FISCAL YEAR.  The fiscal year of the
     corporation shall end on the 31st day of December of each year.

          Section 8.02.  SEAL.  The seal of the Corporation shall bear
     the name of the Corporation, the date of its incorporation, and
     the word "Delaware."



          Section 8.03.  VOTING OF STOCK IN OTHER CORPORATIONS.  Any
     shares of stock in other corporations or associations, which may
     from time to time be held by the Corporation, may be represented
     and voted at any of the stockholders' meetings thereof by the
     Chairman of the Board or his designee.  The Board of Directors,
     however, may by resolution appoint some other person or persons to
     vote such shares, in which case such person shall be entitled to
     vote such shares upon the production of a certified copy of such

          Section 8.04.  AMENDMENTS.  These Bylaws may be adopted,
     repealed, rescinded, altered or amended only as provided in
     Articles Fifth and Sixth of the Certificate.
